#which is just hilarious to me skdjfds
vvettell Β· 2 years
please tell me this means i won’t have to endure helmut marko on sky germany as well πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»
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bebecue Β· 3 years
"What am i...a stray cat" <- god I'm DEAD 😭😭😭 imagining fandoms as collections of feral, sometimes territorial & sometimes just weird (the funny & non funny kind), stray cats and it works better than it should
Also ur so right abt stupid tropes re members. When i first got into mx, i remember seeing the gross "kihyun is mom" posts & it's only gotten more annoying the longer I'm here. Ik kpop fans tend to be younger & dont have filters, but seriously, implying that cooking/cleaning is automatically a thing only women do reinforces unequal standards - not to mention the racialized implications of a pretty asian man being so gleefully embraced as "eomma" :///// also im a sn stan so when i see ppl call him "boring" or ask how is he so funny now...it's like, damn he's been chaotic & funny the whole time, u havent paid attn. Which is fine, everyone has their faves, but there's no need to be rude abt a random person you've never met - esp. when that person is team members with someone u do like πŸ˜’πŸ˜’
how you managed to glean that observation from my tag sdkfjds but true... very true... also like the implication that stray cats will fight other stray cats over territory skdjfds
i think in their early days, it was a trope that sse capitalized on, but as theyve grown as a group, i'm so glad they've moved away from it. you still get those few fans that (cringe) will call him mom, and its no doubt very weird, but i'm glad to see that it isn't as prevalent as it used to be.
and dont even get me started on shownu like.. people called him a robot and emotionless for so long just because he wasn't the type to put any flourishes into his speech or he'd be blunt in saying things. but the dude is hilarious, doubtless. i've said it before and i'll say it again, people who are like "when did shownu get so funny" like the dude was always funny, you were just too busy calling him a robot to see that
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