#which is practically canon anyways (takumi says he listens to old korean techno/disco)
dolotonglo · 2 months
okay do you guys think edgeworth would listen to fnaf music. because i think he would listen to fnaf music.
it probably wouldn't be intentional though. like he's shuffling a house music playlist and spotify reccommends him you can't hide or something and he's like "hmmm. this artist is particularly intruiging let me check out their discography" and then he goes down a rabbit hole and suddenly he has a playlist full of fnaf music and he doesn't even know what fnaf IS.
and one day he's hanging out with maya he puts on the playlist and she goes "oh! i didn't know you liked fnaf edgeworth!" and he says "what is this fnaf you speak of" and shes just like "😶😶‍🌫️. WHAT" and then she gives him a two hour presentation on fnaf lore and makes him play the games etc etc thank you for coming to my ted talk 👍
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