#which is sort of par for the course i think. ah well! wasnt a bad time
isaacathom ยท 2 years
its ds9 time once again, because like every two weeks i remember im meant to be watching it. s2e11
fun opening, unclear on the vibe but it is fun i guess. lot of essentialism going on-
hello obrien? hi. oh keikos in this episode. hopefully for good reasons. okay so we're playing downball with rackets. squash? is this space squash? space squash. i understand now.
i do like that the squad has a range of relations to each other, namely that noone actually seems to like bashir except for like, i wanna say dax, and im not sure thats genuine friendship as much as it was pity. i just think its fun. only person on this station who genuinely likes the guy is garrick, i think. and crucially that bashir is completely unaware that people don't like him that much. cause it lets him just keep going :) hello! and obriens over here like 'jesus christ this fucking guy'
i dont know what the plot of this episode is, but i do think this unwell alien immediately divulging his life story to this guy is incredibly funny
both of these actors feel very familiar in a way i cannot place. who are you fuckers. PRINCE HUMPER- wait no while thats a fascinating role i wouldnt know the fucker off that. no way i wouldve recognised him from that. i think maybe he just has one of those faces. ditto the dead guy. wild shit.
obriens impersonation of bashir was fucking hilarious.
while checking out humperdincks wikipedia i have been reminded of the actual plot of the episode, because netflix's summaries are honestly kind of rubbish half the time, and i see it is beginning. though i guess obriens sole opponent for space squash being the sector champion is the first point of bonkers luck, and 'no fucking salt' is the second. or sauce.
okay so the way the orb works is that if you win, it gives you good luck at someone elses expense. martus gets out of prison while bashir struggles to find a sauce dispenser. obriens gonna have a fucking heart attack while he gets rich, things of this nature.
martus, very charismatic fellow.
obrien mate surely theres a treadmill somewhere you dont gotta jog in the prom- hang on hasnt odo yelled at people for running in the promenade? obrien man being on the fucking executive committee doesnt get you exemptions. okay maybe it does but still come on. (bridge crew was the word i was looking for, "executive committee" isaac)
this woman is ALSO really familiar. who are you. noone! just another of those faces! jesus im being played for a chump. have i been struck by the bad luck orb????
so bashir isnt naive, per se, but he is focusing on one specific thing - obriens ego - and not on the fact obrien just doesnt like him lmao. incredible work. love you
hi sisko, been a hot minute.
"you begged me to stay" "i didnt beg i blackmailed you" sisko man youre the best
genuinely though like, the dead alien man that was probably less that he looked familiar and more a vague impression from the makeup, but martus and roana seem SO familiar, roana just has a vibe, its bizarre.
stepped on a ball midflight, exceptional.
i do enjoy that obrien just stomps around casually.
oh its just straight racquetball? oh so when i said it was squash i wasnt that fair off. ill be fucking damned. still space racquetball mind, also space something.
bashir looks so pissed to be swindled into this fight, like hhhhh i hate having a moral compass. i love that for him.
the running joke of people telling martus their whole life stories is genuinely quite funny.
head immediately into a tit, incredible work martus, and the wife arrives, the luck of the galaxy baby
WHO DOES ROANA REMIND ME OF. my god! fuck! like shes just so FAMILIAR. its gonna drive me nuts i have absolutely no way of figuring it out because shes predominantly a tv actress, and further that im not sure ive seen the person im thinking of in a movie or anything, just a gifset???? god. fuck man.
frame the fucking obrien/keiko scene, excellent stuff, genuinely love it, really sweet just MWAH. very nice.
bashir going ... okay so you tried to drug me, first of all, and NOW youre trying to guilt me into either doing it myself or playing like shit to fix the match. oh yea bashir. just going :) you guilted me once, quark, not a second time, that shits hot.
yeah the ep kinda bites. ohhh alsia. oh lmao.
yeah that episode wasnt good but bits were funny. shrug
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