#which is where i was when i fell off last time. so im scared. 🥺.
nicastamatis · 3 months
emilynica toxic yuri is that anything
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kinnsporsche · 2 years
soo ep4 huh? i’m kinda freaking out about that sex scene. it was hot ngl and the way kinn was trying to control himself but he couldn’t!! I mean same I also wouldn’t be able to control myself around Porsche. it’s not ideal that it happened when p was drugged but it’s still better than the novel I guess. I’m scared how he will react when he wakes up tho. I hope he won’t regret it too much, I don’t want it to feel more r*pey than it already is. 1/2
2/2 and vegas??? man I love a good villain and he’s so good so far!! that last shot of him naked is just insane!! I can’t wait to see more of him. and kim??? I fell in love the moment he came on screen. I loved the change in his personality when he was with porchay and with big. also what is he investigating? did I miss something in the previous episodes? I forgot what else I wanted to talk about but yeah it was a great episode!!
oh boy oh boy i could write a whole meta on the intricacies of that scene and the microexpressions from the both of them. and you're right, it was definitely dubcon because porsche was drugged nobody can doubt that. one of the best and most underappreciated parts of the whole ending scene is porsche literally headbutting vegas when he tries to bite him and leave his mark like a freak. i think it was a good scene to reiterate that porsche still had some agency, he wasn't powerless or passive as some people like to make him out to sound during it
my favourite part of the whole thing is that tiny little smile porsche tries to hide against kinn's shoulder before he gets turned around and pressed up against the window like 🥺🥺 boy is so giddy. and the way they established that kinn doesn't kiss people but cant help himself when he's around porsche. the fact he kissed him properly like four times and then we got so many shots of him kissing his neck and chest and stomach he literally cannot keep his mouth off of him hes so whipped its insane
as far as regretting it goes, i dont think that'll be much of a huge issue personally? i think the issues will stem from kinn feeling guilty and his father pointing out that porsche failed his task and then kinn slept with him. we've seen a few times now just how much influence korn has on kinn. from the way he chastisied him in episode one and made him keep trying to recruit porsche, kinn really looks up to his father despite everything and to have him be so reprimanding like that is gonna mess with is head a bit
yes yes kim!!! i feel like kim has 3 different personalities that he uses as a shield around people. obviously the way he acted around porchay and the other fans was as his stage persona wik (literally kim backwards i hate this whole ass family) where he's more smiley and carefree and kind to people. then there's the way he acts around his bodyguards like big, the way he's so dismissive of them and doesn't seem to care or even want to care about their opinions. like when big told him about his suspicions of porsche and he just shrugged him off and dismissed him like it was nothing. and then there's the more charming persona that we'll probably see next episode. the one he'll start using on porchay so he can learn more about porsche. and tbh, i dont even think he realises which personality feels most like him anymore. he's stuck in a loop of pretending that i really hope porchay helps drag him out of
and im convinced somewhere alon the way we'll end up getting a scene of porchay discovering his kim-spiracy board, probably by accident (bcs seriously who puts their big investigation board behind a massive picture of themselves this family is insane) which will cause a lot of angst and tension in their relationship and like, i wonder if that's the reason we see porchay crying in the trailer? porsche about to beat up his step brother for hurting him deadass
and the investigation board!!! i dont think anything's concrete yet, but im assuming it has something to do with kim trying to figure out who the mole is and like, when you think about it it's kind of heartbreaking. kinn telling porsche in the sauna scene that it feels like he doesn't have a brother anymore because he never sees him, but secretly kim is doing all this work to try and keep kinn and his family safe he just wont admit it to anyone so kinn doesn't know everything he does for him 🥺
i was talking with bianca and asher about this the other day and seeing porsche and porchay's pictures on the board so close to the right side which was all about the murders got me thinking about their parents and how, maybe, one of the families had something to do with their deaths? lowkey it could explain korn's interest in porsche if he either a) feels like he has a debt to them, or b) wants to recruit him to wrap him up in the lifestyle so he literally wont be able to report them for what happened with his parents because he's too wrapped up in it too now
bonus points if, obviously, kinn doesn't know anything about it and it becomes a point of tension between him and his father but, more importantly, a source of angst between him and porsche because porsche is under the impression that kinn knew - how could he not know, he's the son in charge of the theerapanyakul legacy he has to know. it would be such good angst i would eat that shit up with my bare hands bestie
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