#which is why my list of ideas is so long tbh lmao. couldnt do this on my own
the-kipsabian · 4 months
You 🤝 me
When I get spoons it's over for you bitches
one day we got this and its gonna be sooo over for everyone else
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mistymark · 5 years
the one with the annotations.
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dong sicheng x reader // 3.7k words // masterlist // send requests here
summary; in which sicheng keeps writing in the books at the library and it should be obvious but that’s,,, not,,, allowed???
warnings: none its just fluff, theres some humour if u like,, squint
requested; yes :D - “Enemies to lovers 👀 with sicheng? Love your writing btw 💕” from anon
notes; based on this prompt: ”You’ve got to stop returning books full of corrections and spiteful comments in red pen bc I can’t stop reading them and my boss gives me disapproving glares when I laugh at the funny ones
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ohhhhh boi
so while you were at uni you had a part time job at the library
because surprise surprise as a lit major you like books
shocker there
you always tried to work the late shifts, closing up and doing the returns
just because it was easy and relaxing organising and restacking the books
but soon you wished you took the earlier shifts
because of dong sicheng
not to be dramatic but
your long rival
he started coming to the library to borrow books
because that’s kind of the point of a library
but he ended up liking the environment for studying
and would stay there for hours just to study
and you’d admire his hardworking nature
if he left on time, that is
you would do the rounds ten minutes before closing
just to tell everyone like
‘hey, we’ll be closing in around ten minutes if you want to begin packing up’
but this bitch
you’d end up standing at his table with your bag and the keys in your hand
tapping on the wood to try and get his attention
and him slowly packing up afterwards
even tho he kNOWS you want to go home
‘you’re just as slow as you were in kindergarten hey?’
and he’d be so furious
‘you know you cheated’
‘I don’t remember any such thing’
and maybe you did maybe you didn’t
you were like four years old
as if you’d remember a race you won when you were that age
he just rolls his eyes and leaves as you lock the doors
you leave in the other direction
happily leaving him behind
but he stops by every Monday Tuesday and Thursday night to study
which are the days you work as well
he acts like it’s just part of his schedule 
but he worked out if he came in on Wednesday’s he didn’t have the opportunity to annoy you
and honestly?
annoying you at the end of your shift and after a long session of studying was the highlight of his night
but he keeps borrowing books
and you’re like
until he borrows this new book you’ve been wanting to read for ages
and you were low-key so bitter
this lil bitch has no way of knowing you wanted that book but somehow he does and that’s the only reason he’s borrowed it
even though,, he literally had no idea lmao
tbh u probably would have wanted to talk to him about the books he reads bc u have very similar taste
okay the same taste
but he’s such an asshole ur like nah fam
anyways he returns it after a week
boy reads fast ok
and when he goes to drop it in the returns box
you just take it from his hand and scan it under your name straight away
and put it under the desk so no one else can borrow it
and when there’s a lull in the work at the library
you reach under the table for the book and rifle through it
and you notice a few pencil marks
and upon further inspection you realise they’re comments referencing certain parts of the book
and you do nOT stand for vandalism
but some of them are fuckin hilarious not gonna lie
on the page you just happened to open
you can see there’s a comment beside a passage of text depicting a fight scene
‘this would kill someone wtf’
and u laugh and wonder who had done this
like the book had only been out for a little while
and u finish it in just less than a week
bc u read a lot during your shifts
probably a lot more than you should tbh
and seriously the comments made the book better
you hadn’t laughed so hard at random commentary so much
like the words were exactly what you were thinking
you couldnt help it
while ur putting some of the books back in the middle of your shift
!!!! you see another book that u might like !!! 
not to judge a book by its cover butttttttt
it looks like ur type oop-
and after flipping through it
to get an idea of font size and chapter length cause ur a whole nerd like that
u see it ALSO has pencil markings
in the borders and underlining sentences
and without even thinking u borrow it
just to read the funny comments again
and ur boss comes up to you during your shift and is like
‘have you seen someone’s been writing in the books? look at this’
and thrusts a book in ur face
and ur like ??????? okay chill I’ll look
and u read the writing she’s pointing at
the familiar loopy handwriting adorning the page
and it says ‘I hope she throws her drink in his face’
when u read the paragraph for context
u realise it’s a confession scene
a few lines down the mystery person has written ‘called it.’
and u can’t help but laugh
like come on that was funny
but ur boss doesn’t agree
she just asks you to find out who’s doing it so they can be suspended from the library
or charged with vandalism
or something
she wants vengeance
u roll ur eyes and go to one of the staff computers
scrolling through the lists of borrowers for that specific book
and it’s a fuckin library that book has been borrowed a loT
2031 times ???????????????
you almost fall of your chair tbh
then someone clears their throat in front of u
and u immediately apologise as u try and get the right tab up to process the borrower’s book
but once u look at the person in front of u
you wish you hadn’t been so nice
sicheng stands in front of you
a grin on his face as he hands you another book
smug bitch is so happy he startled u
‘looking at porn on the library computer, yn?’
u laugh
‘I’m not u in 8th grade’
he glares at you as he takes his book and goes back to his desk to continue studying
u were soooo hoping he’d leave
even tho u kinda enjoyed looking at him
like dude was hot okay
what were u supposed to do????
ur actual job????
so he stays
and when it’s ten minutes til closing
u go and let everyone know
and u stop at sichengs table
and he’s writing out notes or something
idk it’s not like u care anyway lol
but he’s lowkey frustrated bc he keeps messing up this one goddamn formula
so he erases it
and that’s when u catch a glimpse of his handwriting
and bruh am I high or is that the exact same handwriting as in the books
I mean he has borrowed a few of the books
and he’s into that genre
not that you've checked out his borrowed list or anything
basically ur having this whole conversation with yourself in your head
bc ur cool like that
and he’s like ????? why this bitch standing over my shoulder and watching me write out this equation
until he’s like ‘what are u doing’
and ur like !!!!! oh hi !!! sorry I was busy listening to the voices in my head lmao xD
jk jk
‘have u been writing in the books’
and suddenly he’s super shy
and he has this massive grin
and he’s like ‘no’
bitch we know it was u stfu
u roll ur eyes and ur like ‘its not funny my boss wants you to be suspended’
he squints at you
‘how do you even know it was me’
and then:
and u cross your arms
like a badass bitch
and ur like ‘I have plenty of evidence actually’
‘for one, youve borrowed all the books that have been found with writing’
‘and your handwriting matches’
subconsciously he covers his notebook with his arm to hide his handwriting
and he's like ‘why are u telling me this’
you're taken aback by the question tbh
like ?????? to be a good person ??????
idk u fuckwit just wanted to warn you
‘thought you'd want to know’
and he just turns back to his book
and you shrug and walk away like ok get suspended then see if I care
but u do :((
but as you walk away hes like
‘Im gonna be suspended??’
and u nod like ye that's what I just said but ok
‘like I cant borrow or I cant come in at all?’
u don't know tbh
‘both I think?’
and suddenly there's panic in his eyes
another person walks past u and thanks u
and u mindlessly tell them to have a good night as they leave
everyone has left
except sicheng of course
that beautiful son of a-
wait why did u say beautiful
‘what can I do to nOT get suspended??’
and u shrug bc idk dude not my problem
but then u think about it
‘I mean if u get rid of the evidence theres no way u can be suspended, right?’
and he seems so happy at the thought
‘would you help me? please?’
and ur sooooooo skeptical
‘depends. what do u want to me to do?’
‘I mean I need access to the books so’
‘yeah ill let u in and out’
‘I can't exactly just erase the markings when people could be watching’
and that's exactly how you end up sitting in the library with dong sicheng at 11pm at night rifling through books to find odd pencil markings to erase
it wasnt that hard
u just got his record up
*snorts* ‘you borrowed ‘how to talk to girls’ when we were thirteen’
and he just rolled his eyes and marched to the computer like ‘you can see my record I deserve to see yours’
and ur like NOOOOOO nononononono
but later
‘you've read all the light-fighter novels??’
he looks at you from where hes searching for one of the books on the list, an eyebrow raised
‘yeah why’
‘dude,, I loved those books’
and he smiles a little
‘thats where I started marking the books tbh, every time I read it id add a little cross in the corner of the cover bc I read it so often’
part of u is a little impressed
the other is annoyed at how similar your taste in books is
but the first part keeps asking why u hate him so much
other than the staying late and the snarky comments
which you actually find kinda funny-
once you've gathered up a few of the books
like at least ten each
you sit on the floor of the childrens section
beanbags sprawled out beneath you as u read through some of the books
most of them you've read before
and every time you giggle at something hes written his smile gets a little bigger
but of course youre looking at the book so you dont notice
and he keeps his head down
‘is it bad that im hungry’
you lift your head from the book to look at sicheng
hes not even reading anymore hes just lounging back on the beanbags
and maybe he'd been watching u read
watching as the smile on your face grew wider at his commentary
‘I didnt see you leave tonight. have u eaten?’
you furrow your brows in thought, trying to recall having seen him leave
‘you been watching me, y/n?’
‘have you been eating, sicheng?’
and there's something about the way you say his name that makes his heart jump
his voice is soft as he looks at you in the dark
you focus back on the book in front of you
‘finish whatever book youre on and we’ll call it a night’
‘what, you wanna go eat?’ 
you cant tell if hes just surprised or if hes hopeful
or something else
‘no but I do want to sleep’
you laugh and he forces a laugh too
you dont notice the difference
when you've returned all the books
he meets you at the front door as you grab the book you'd been reading that shift
hes just standing by the door on his phone
and maybe its bc ur tired or maybe its just him
but u cant help thinking
Jesus Christ this boy is attractive
and okay maybe u had a crush on him a few years ago
but hey! you were eleven what could u do
the crush still lasted like two years tho lmao
but u shoulder your bag and open the door for him
making sure to lock it carefully
and he walks with you in the direction of your apartment
and ur like oh u live this way too?
and hes like nah
but what kind of boy would he be if he didnt accompany home
like christ y/n u could be h u r t out here at this time of night
but you just smile at him bc wow thats ??? actually ??? kinda sweet
‘who are u and what have u done with dong sicheng’
and there goes his heart again
he just nudges u with his elbow 
and u laugh at him and continue on ur way
when u get to ur building he thanks u for ur help in the most polite way possible
and u can kind of see that hes actually rlly nice ??? how ???
but hes back at the library the next day
and of course he comes up to the counter as soon as he spots you
sneaking around a few desks so u dont hear him come up behind you to whisper ‘BOO!’ in your ear
you jump like three feet in the air and spin around to tell him to get out from behind the desk
‘I dont see a nametag on u that means u have to be on THAT side of the desk thank u very much’
‘didnt realise your name tag said bitch on it geeeez y/n ://’
and u just fix him with a glare once hes finally on the right side
‘are u borrowing a book or not’
he leans on the desk
his eyes staring straight into yours
‘just wanted to ask if u were able to stay back tonight’
you roll ur eyes
you'd barely gotten any sleep last night
but the look of concern on his face when he realises youre hesitating makes you nod
‘of course,, wouldnt want my least favourite person to get kicked out’
‘I always knew you had a soft spot for me’
you roll ur eyes aGAiN
‘go bother someone else’
‘oh is the hot librarian in?’
you push him away from the desk
but he doesnt miss the faint smile on ur lips
‘sicheng dont make me give you $100 in overdue book fees’
he sticks his hands up at the threat, his eyes wide
‘no. please. ill do anything’
when u raise an eyebrow at him, he just grabs the book you'd been reading (and not yet borrowed) and walks away
and he winks too
u have to stop your heart from beating out of its chest
and later
its 8pm and the library is officially closing
and for the past three hours you'd been walking to sicheng’s desk and subtly been trying to steal your book back
but every single time hes seen you coming
and pulled the book under the desk or into his lap
away from your grabbing hands
every. single. time.
you tap your foot impatiently at him when its time to continue ur undercover project
and he smiles down at his notebook when he hears u huff in annoyance at him
he dramatically looks up at you
‘do you need something?!’
‘do you want to get suspended?!’
he narrows his eyes at you but stands up anyway
he carefully puts his things in his bag and takes the list of books from your hands
a few of them are already crossed out as having been checked and erased
but theres still a lot to go
it takes you almost three weeks to finally get to the last day
and it had been the same thing every time;
sicheng took forever to pack up
you'd eventually find about ten books each
sit in the children’s section
laugh and chat about your lives while you went through the books
tease each other
and when you'd finished,
he'd walk you home
every single time
without fail
it became a habit that on the Tuesdays he'd stop by on his way to his morning class to drop coffee off for you
because he'd kept you up the night before
and it became easy to lose track of time with sicheng
he was just so engaging
there was no part of you that felt bored or uncomfortable with him
yeah he was annoying and infuriating
but his good book taste made up for it
and his annotations in the margins of the books too
‘is this the last of them?’
he squints down at the page again, counting the books on the table again
its the third time hes counted
‘surely ive read more than this’
‘not from this library ://’
you blow your hair out from your face and look down at the pile
‘you know, I think my manager is starting to get really suspicious of me’
‘why’ he looks up briefly from his book to read your face
but you try and remain calm
‘well she only told me about the markings right. and now theyre disappearing’
he looks at you like ?????
‘well she knows ive been closing up late... I think she thinks I did it’
he laughs ‘you? has she met you?’
you pout and throw a pillow at him
‘HEY! what's that supposed to mean :((’
‘it means ive never met someone who's so protective over books as you’
you think about it, chewing ur bottom lip
‘lets just finish this’
‘do u want to get food after’
he surprises you with the sudden question
and the slight nervousness thats evident on his face really makes you want to say yes
but you have a class tomorrow
and you always try and finish up here earlier on a Thursday night
‘cant :((’
he nods and goes back to readng
theres silence for a while
but you find it comfortable
sicheng on the other hand, feels as though hes just been shot down
you just turned down his date
you've kinda noticed hes more reserved now
but rlly hes just kind of embarrassed
until u say something that gives him hope
‘I,, uh, I dont have plans tomorrow night’
and ngl boy is stunned
‘just if u wanted to go see a movie or something idk’
now its ur turn to be embarrassed
u hope ur hair is hiding ur face as u look back down at the book in ur lap bc no doubt ur blushing
but sicheng is just staring at you
before even saying anything
he leans over the gap between you
with all the books
and hovers in front of your face
ur so shocked and ur heart is beating way too hard and fast and ur breathing is too quick to be normal are you having an attack I dont know-
and then he leans forward a little bit more
and his lips meet yours
and suddenly its like a fireworks display went off inside you
and then its almost midnight on a Thursday night and ur sitting in the children's section of your workplace in the beanbags with sicheng cupping ur face and kissing you
he just really needed to kiss you
like more than he needed air
and when u finally pull back
he loves how breathless you are
how you have to fight to keep the smile off your face
how you stare at him with wide eyes
‘so its a date then?’
you blush even redder
and nod
‘ye its a date :))’
but for the next fifteen minutes you sit in stunned silence together
small smiles playing on your faces
until u look at your watch and ur like
‘shit sicheng I have to go’
and his eyes widen bc holy crap u were supposed to leave like half an hour ago
so u both sprint around the library trying to put all the books back
and he meets you at the door again after you've grabbed the keys and made sure everything that needed to be locked was,,, u know,, locked
and when ur walkign to the door again
hes on his phone
u cant see but hes texting his friends about what happened lmao what a softie
and when u walk out together
without thinking he grabs your hand
and u walk home
hand in hand
after midnight
he clears his throat
‘so uh,, when actually is our date’
‘my last class ends at 5-’
‘so 5 it is’
‘are u sure??’
he nods happily
and he presses a gentle kiss to ur forehead when u get to ur doorstep
‘ill see u tomorrow’
but the next day
when u come out of your last class
a little giddy
a little too excited
and see him leaning against one of the stone pillars
effortlessly handsome
you feel your heart flip
and maybe ur just tired or maybe its him
but hes really attractive
like really really attractive
its actually just that youre in love with him
he doesnt see you coming
too focused on something on his phone
but he definitely sees you when you push his hand out to the side and step onto ur toes to kiss him
and u can feel him smile a little as he kisses you back
‘ready for that date?’
‘yeah, where are we going’
‘so I was thinking we could go to the libra- HEY! dont hit me I was j o k i n g y/n jesus christ’
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starryseo · 6 years
heart eyes. | seo changbin
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this gif is perfect!!
pairing ↠ changbin x gender neutral!reader
genre ↠ just fluff!!
wc ↠ 1533
summary ↠ chan is a terrible wingman.
warnings ↠ a biiit of swearing. like one word.
hi, i saw that your requests are open and i just found your blog but i love your writing so much already! i was wondering if i could have a scenario with changbin? where you are bff w/ chan and are 4 years older than changbin and also a few inches taller than him but have a crush on him. you don't do anything about your crush but chan knows about it and wants you two to get together. you can decide how you want it to end! thank you!
a/n ↠ thank you so much!!! + im sorry i know you said scenario but this is gonna be a bulleted scenario bc paragraphs take long for me and i dont want you waiting forever for this rip
hope you like it anyways tho!!!!
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okay so!!
you’re a songwriter at jyp and you’ve worked with a lot of different groups in there, getting to know the trainees and debuted groups
when you’re not working with debuted groups, you’re helping out some of the trainees
some of them have told you how much they look up to you since you’re young but you’ve gotten so far in life, writing lyrics and melodies for one of the top 3
and they’re always asking you for tips and ideas and if you can read over some of the lyrics theyve written
and theyre always asking for your opinion on whether the melody goes with the lyrics theyve written
and you love how inspired and determind they are bc it’s hard being a trainee, going to school AND writing lyrics/ composing on the side
mad respect to all those out there
you’ve worked with a lot of trainees, but when jyp himself asked you to work w a kiddo named chan you were really excited!!!
ok hes not really a kiddo, he was a year younger than yourself but!! who cares!!!
you two hit it off really quickly, being vvv good friends in a short amount of time
some other trainees had suggested you listen to some soundcloud group 3racha and you really liked them!!!
and now!! you’re working with one of them!!!
jyp knew that chan was rly good at song writing and composing, and it was getting closer to the survival show time, so he asked you to help chan out
guiding him on how to write a Hit Song
so you worked closely with him before the show had started airing, running through the tips you had learnt through your years of writing
and you ran through different concepts and ideas he wanted to express through his music and songs
after a month of constant-coffee-meet-ups and late night freestyles you two had gotten vv close
practically inseparable, even tho you both were v busy, you w composing and him with his group
there rly was never a dull moment between you two and you rly liked having a proper friend that you could trust and vent to if need be
the day he introduced you to his group was wild!!!
he invited you out to a restaurant after the hellevator mv dropped
when you got there, he was standing at the entrance and he was like “:00 you came!!! took you long enough!!”
“i wasnt gonna miss out on free food now was i??”
he took you inside, saying he’d already gotten the table
and when you got there youre like
“,,,, why are there a bunch of boys at our table ://”
“theyre my group members!!!!”
they were quiet at first but when chan introduced you they all burst into cheers
it was just chaos like “hi!!!!!!!” / “hellooooooo!!!” / “omg!!!!!” / “thank you for helping w the mv!!!!” / “wow we finally get to see yn!!!!!!”
and youre just like ,,,,, what do i even reply to,,
so you say hi etc, introduce yourself and then take a seat next to chan
even tho you had known chan for a long time, you rly had only worked w him
like, he would always come to your office to work on stuff or you’d meet in public places, but it was only ever the two of you
so you were happy you finally got to meet the others!!
it was rly fun meeting all of them, they were so lively!!!
they were asking all sorts of questions abt you, your job, interests etc and they were rly thankful that you helped chan bc he imparted his knowledge + help onto them
and chan was like “yeah thanks for all your help!! this is all stressful so it was vv helpful that you guided me on how to do this stuff!!”
but as soon as the food came? they were silent
like seriously, there was barely any chatter
only small grumbles from jisung when seungmin stole his food
you had spoken to changbin a lot throughout the night
he was sitting next to you and you were internally Combusting bc
oh man you were sitting in between 2/3 of 3racha and you had to admit
changbin was probs your fave outta the 3 of them
man,, you really loved his tone of voice and how he could change it so easily within a song, and it would still flow so!! well!!!
you loved listening to him rapping sm and chan most definitely knew abt that
whenever he brought over lines/ ideas that he and the guys had written, you’d be like Wow i really love this part, it flows rly well w the melody
chan: “ah really? guess who wrote that!”
“,?? you?”
“changbin ;))))”
“whats with that face :/”
“ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) what ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  face”
“t h a t  f a c e”
“youre the one that goes all Heart Eyes when i mention changbin n yet im making a weird face??? k then”
“PPPPFT shut up lets work idk what youre talking abt”
and he dropped the subject but that stupid smirk never left his face :(((
when you finished your food, chan who obvs had already inhaled his food just started nudging you like
“( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) nows ur chance”
“i can finally kill u?? :D”
“:( no wtf why would u wanna do that?”
“wait i have a list-”
“BRO </3 i meant nows ur chance to woo changbin ;^))))”
“to do what now”
“to KiSs KiSs FaLl In LoVe with bInNiE!!”
“omg youre embarassing how are You the leader??”
and he just kept that up the Whole Night
honestly youre surprised none of the other guys realised what he was doing bc he just kept smirking and nudging you whenever changbin so much as sipped his water and you would straight up Elbow Him
but then he was like “hey changbin :)”
and internally you were just like Oh Great here comes the Fuckening
and the dude literally Exposed you there
and you were just like ?? i just mET youre group and youre already telling them my life story???
Chan basically told changbin abt how much you rly liked his lyrics and you were just like
:))) I :)) Hate :))))) You :)))) ByungChan
and like there was no way for you to even defend yourself bc chan was making you out to be some crazy fan like “oh man yn wouldnt sTOP talking abt this one line you wrote in IF and it was like 4am like bro i already dont sleep and they kept me up”
minho the Jerk was like !!! theyre blushing aww!!!
Cue you going even more red like Bang Chan youre a dead man :)
And changbin was just rly ? bashful ? he was surprisingly mature abt this and he just kept his reply rly simple like “ah really? thanks, that means a lot, esp coming from such an amazing writer like yourself!”
and you felt like Dying bc
were you that weird in his eyes that he couldnt even joke abt this now?? like did he just find you Super Creepy he just went all Awkward + Formal on you???
nAH HE WAS INTERNALLY SCREAMING BUt unfortunately you didnt know that bc he was holding it in so. well.
the major TBH is that chan was so trying to set you up
like,,, look at the seating arrangement man, he HAD to put you two together bc
you wouldnt stop talking abt how much you loved changbin’s skills
and omg changbin was even worse
as soon as he found out chan was working with you he was Begging to join too!!
he was like!!!! i need help!! so much help pLS LET ME WORK WITH THEM P L S
and chan just to tease the both of you prolonged this out for so. long. bc Hes the Devil
honestly he was so close to bursting into laughter when changbin gave you such a formal reply bc hE KNEW he was going crazy inside like
he always talked abt how cool you were with all the songs you wrote, he loved how you were so emotive and creative with your words, you really inspired him
and his bEST FRIEND was woRKING WITH YOU and NOT giving him your phONE NUMBER chan is the ult snake
chan basically confirmed everything when he asked you who your fave in 3racha was and you said that chan was
bc like lmfao s u r e it was
and then when chan told changbin your fave was jisung he looked the tiniest bit Sad which basically just confirmed everything in chan’s mind
and he felT BAD THAT he straight up lied to changbin bUT
he did that like the day before he was gonna introduce you two
so he had already planned to expose you and see changbin blush like Crazy
Unfortunately only you were blushing but,,, he Knew
and when he saw you and changbin trailing behind the group after dessert, phones out to exchange details, he Knew ;^))) 
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i rly didnt know where i was going with this and then i just button smashed this lmfao also sorry i didnt mention the height thing?? i didnt know if you wanted that to be an important plot point but i like the openness of this lmao sorry i’ll make up for it one day hopefully. i hope u like it anyway ++ im so so sry its so late!!!
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hotgirlmoment · 7 years
tagged by @sunpetals and my dash is dead rn and im trying to ignore sth so might as well overshare again smh....
1. drink - coffee
2. phone call - my mum
3. text message - telling my friend that were gonna work it out somehow even though her decision to change universities really fucked me up and im still not ready to think about it (well that “Ignoring sth” thing really isnt working out for me)
4. song you listened to - sonando de ti (thank you @luthoring lmao)
5. time you cried - today haha see last text message
6. dated someone twice?- haha no
7. kissed someone and regretted it - yeah
8. been cheated on - no
9. lost someone special - luckily no
10. been depressed - ??? honestly who knows
11. gotten drunk and thrown up - uhm YA!
fave colours
12. red!
13. dark green
14. softish light turquoise
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends - yeah!
16. fallen out of love - no
17. laughed until you cried - yeah!
18. found out someone was talking about you - hm yeah but i dont really remember what it was about, luckily I pretty easily forget upsetting but irrelevant stuff like that
19. met someone who changed you - no i dont think so
20. found out who your friends are - i already knew!
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - yeah!
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - all except 1 or 2
23. do you have any pets - yeah a cat !!! see here (but she lives at home with mum)
24. do you want to change your name - nope i actually love my name a lot
25. what did you do for your last birthday - saw star wars with my friends
26. what time did you wake up today - 8am WAY Earlier than the last days where I spent all of it in bed lmao
27. what were you doing at midnight last night - on my phone
28. what is something you can’t wait for - eh finally getting my shit together to write applications for an internship and getting one! I hate having open deadlines like that
30. what are you listening to right now - nothing
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - yeah
32. something that’s getting on your nerves - a lot about how uni works in general
33. most visited website - atm tumblr
34. hair colour - darkish blonde
35. long or short hair - asuhfaisugh the worst question! love my long hair but been meaning to cut it REAL short for like 2 years now. i just cant decide so i do nothing
36. do you have a crush on someone - what are crushes haha :(
37. what do you like about yourself - i guess mostly everything #positivity
38. want any piercings? - maybe!
39. blood type - i have no idea 
40. nicknames - loads of embarassing german ones from my mum! apart from that not really
41. relationship status - single
42. zodiac - sagittarius
43. pronouns - she/her
44. fave tv shows - ohhh so many! just look at what i reblog tbh
45. tattoos - none yet
46. right or left handed - right
47. ever had surgery - yeah on my chin but i was awake so does that count?
48. piercings - nah only my ears
49. sports - uhm i used to do horseback riding! I love all kinds of action sports and cant really be bothered with “boring” stuff sadly 
50. vacation - dream vacatioN? anywhere i guess! 
51. trainers - LOVE sneakers but i dont train in them haha (got the usual converse, nikes...)
more general
52. eating - had a vanilla donut earlier
53. drinking - a lot
54. i’m about to watch - depends on what my mum and i can settle on
55. waiting for - april 7th!! Basquiat exhibition at fancy museum feat. art party afterwards (new wave dress code, 70s/80s vibe ALL OF THAT its gonna be lit)
56. want - gf!!!!!
57. get married - YEAH!
58. career - scientist!
which is better
59. hugs or kisses - kisses i guess! im not thaaat big on casual intimacy like hugs sadly (trying to get better though) 
60. lips or eyes - oh both!
61. shorter or taller - i really dont care
62. older or younger - idc but since im usually the youngest person around everywhere i go anyway i guess older
63. nice arms or stomach - idc
64. hookup or relationship - relationship!
65. troublemaker or hesitant - REALLY depends on my mood! usually id say hesitant but the sun sag tends to really come through sometimes
have you ever
66. kissed a stranger - yeah
67. drank hard liquor - too often
68. lost glasses - 20/20 bitch
69. turned someone down - if we talking randos @ the club then yes!
70. sex on first date - no
71. broken someones heart - i wouldnt know
72. had your heart broken - nah
73. been arrested - no
74. cried when someone died - at funerals yes
75. fallen for a friend - nah
do you believe in
76. yourself - yeah!
77. miracles - YEAH
78. love at first sight - attraction but not love
79. santa claus - nah
80. kiss on a first date - yeah why not
81. angels - hm hard question
82. best friend’s name - several i couldnt pick!
83. eye colour - blueish grey
84. fave movie - thats a loaded question!
85. fave actor - I could never pick! 
tagging uhhh @mistaekn and anyone who sees this and is bored and wants to overshare or distract themselves!!
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franeridart · 7 years
Well, only the first episode for now but yeah!!! I can’t wait for my favs to show up aaahhhhhh!!!!!! 
Anon said:Omg, Kirishima, please teach me how to put on eyeliner, your eyeliner game is on point! (Seriously, tho, I love how you draw their eyes and how you draw Kiri in general. He seems so soft. Damn, Bakugou, I'm jealous that you can cuddle him)
THANK YOU!!!! And Kiri has really really pretty lashes in the manga too, doesn’t he? Bakugou too! They have seriously pretty eyes I spend a lot of time trying to get that right when drawing haha still not as good at Horikoshi tho after all, but what can we do~
Anon said:Every time I get a notification you posted something I get extremely happy! That's what your drawings did to me. How can one be so talented.
SOB thank you so much!! You being happy makes me happy so it’s happiness all around!!! What a good!!!
Anon said:Heey!! So I've been wondering... if Aizawa used his quirk on Hagakure would she become visible?? (Btw love your art)
Oh my what a question, I was actually talking about this not too long ago with a friend! And the conclusion ended up being that if her invisibility is a permanent mutation he can’t, but if she can turn it off at will then probably he can too! Right now we still don’t know how exactly Tooru’s quirk tho, so we can’t be sure which is the truth! (I like to think she can turn visible if she wants, but that’s just an headcanon with very little basis haha)
Anon said:Your erasermic art has blessed me 4ever thank u
NAH thank you for liking it and letting me know, man!!!
Anon said:I DIDNT KNOW YOU SHIP ERASERMIC OH MY GOD but seriously you're one of my favourite artists and the fact you like pretty much all the same things as I do is so amazing to me and it makes me so happy because I know that you may draw more of it in the future and I'll get to see more beautiful art if that makes sense lmao thanks for creating stuff 👌👌
Hahahaha yeah it’s one of my top ships in the fandom! Also the only one I read fics for aside from krbk I love them A LOT (and it’s all thanks to my sister who directed my attention towards them a long time ago now, thank you sis) so yeah I’ll definitely draw more of them in the future!!!! And thank you so much for liking my stuff!!!!!
Anon said:Hi! I just want to say I love your headcanon of Aizawa becoming a mentor/role model to Bakugou! Thank you for introducing me to that idea!
YOU’RE MOST WELCOME I’m just a huge huge huge fan of the Aizawa&Bakugou interactions and how much Aizawa cares for him and how much Bakugou respects and trusts him in return, so!!! I’m mostly just pushing on that canon stuff hahaha
Anon said:i came to love erasermic thru kiribaku tbh. like i saw erasermic fic in the kiribaku tag on ao3 and i read it for the bg kiribaku (kirishima was such a good boi in that fic ngl) and i was like hey erasermic isnt bad. then i saw your art of them comparing them and i was like hey this is good shit 😁👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌 keep it up pal
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ll t r y !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :O
Anon said:Do you think Kyoka and Katsuki could get along? Over their like for punkrock maybe, and their gayness. Kinda like Todoroki and Momo's talks about their tiny crushes.
WHY YES ANON I think they could be the bestest of pals, I’ve actually drawn them together now and again cause I like the idea of them being friends so much - a list of some of the things Bakugou and Jirou do together:
make fun of Kaminari (Kaminari feels attacked and liked it better when Jirou was convinced she didn’t like Bakugou)
share music recs and go to concerts together (when it’s big ones they particularly care for they stand in line The Whole Day and at first it used to be sorta awkward but now being together makes the hours fly)
mutter sass and snark under their breaths to themselves in class and without meaning make the other snort or have to hide an actual laugh (they sit next to each other in class did you know that that’s my fav thing tbh)
say “god, I’m so fucking gay” and answer “mood” whenever Kirishima and Momo, like, exist or do anything equally outrageous
sit next to each other with their phones in hand in silence and at the same time look up with an intense/bored/obviously-judging-sero-come-on-look-at-them expression whenever anyone walks past them (they’re actually playing bullshit app games)
play bullshit app games in co-op or having each other as friends to earn more rewards cause they have a No-Judging policy going on between them that makes sharing this sort of otherwise embarrassing stuff with each other okay
Anon said:Hi!!! I love your art and I just wanted to ask....what band were you referring to when you said Mic named him after the band "eraserhead"? Could you possibly be talking about the filipino band "Eraserheads"?
Yeah!!!!! Tho I’m sorry to let you down anon, but I haven’t actually ever heard much from them (justttt one song two days ago cause I got curious) - I found out about them while looking up the movie!
Anon said:I love how you draw mic with his hair in a bun. It's super cute
THANK YOU!!!! But I can’t really take the merit for that, since that’s how he actually wears his hair (more or less) when he doesn’t gel it up for his hero costume!
Anon said:What is your favorite kiribaku au? :D
Oh boy, I sort of love everything and anything I’ve ever seen/read tbh, I’m a HUGE AU lover!! At the moment to anything with the fantasy AU (and dragon!Kiri is always a super welcome plus) is gonna make me go :O !!!!!!!! hahaha so maybe that, who knows! It’s for sure the one I think about the most!
Anon said:Hellooooo i love your art so much? Especially the bakushimas oh my god (also do you plan on drawing more soul eater *coughs*-deathstar-*coughs* in the future?) Have a good day!!
THANK YOU! And I dunno, maybe! If inspiration strikes, why not!
Anon said:hey guess what i just did... went through your ENTIRE art tag (all the way back to the knb and one piece), i found it really cool to see how your art has developed and see what your fav ship is at a certain time (and how you always come back to bokuroo)
Ah man thank you for spending all that time on my blog hahaha I wouldn’t say I always go back to bokuro though? It’s more like... whenever the manga brings the bokuros back I’m ready to start hyping all over them again hahaha my bokuro periods always happened while they were doing things in the manga, after all~
Anon said:u said u couldnt draw iida, lie of the century. i lvoe u
AHHHHH I’m glad you liked him!!!! I spent lotsa time on him in the past month or so trying to get a grasp on him, so I’m really seriously happy it seems to have paid off!! to quote Todoroki
Tumblr media
Anon said:where’s ur faq i’m on mobile
SORRY maybe you already noticed but I added the link in the description! 
Anon said:have you ever thought about if eri-chan can... erase her own quirk?? and would how they might handle it
Actually that’s the first thing I thought when Mirio got his own erased... well, it still depends on what exactly Eri’s quirk does? We sorta assumed she had the same quirk as Chisaki, but they aren’t actually related so who knows? I sure hope she can fix the damage done on Mirio, tho!
Anon said:Usjeiwiwj oh man, i love cats, my cat relates to urs big time ajsjehej
Cats are such a mess and I love them with all of my heart to be honest hahaha
Anon said:Do u have any, idk idea about traitor!Kaminari? I just imagine how would others react? I think it's hella sad, and still Denki never wanted this, something just go wrong in his life and it's breakin my heart... ARGH, sorry for interrupt you with something like that...
It’s okay, don’t worry about that haha but I can’t say I find the theory possible in the least, so I haven’t really spent time thinking about it at all? I mean, I can imagine it would be full of angst and regrets and a lot of tears and anger mostly from his close friends, but since I just can’t believe this theory I can’t say I have anything specific I can give you on this orz sorry!
Anon said:Who's get jealous and possessive between bakugou and kirishima?
Actually I dunno man, are they possessive and jealous? I feel like they both would like it when the other told them stuff like “I’m yours” or “you’re mine”, but being there complete and utter trust between them they wouldn’t actually be jealous or act in a possessive way... does that make sense? At most I think they’d be insecure in the beginning of their relationship, but once they managed to make it clear that yes, you’re the one I want, no one else, just you then they would have little to no problems in that sense haha
Anon said:So many people seem to misunderstand bakugou and I just really like how you portray him. Good characterization and good art! 💖✨
SOB THANK YOU !!!!! this means the universe to me oh g o d s!!!!
Anon said:Wait!! This isn't your main blog? Omg how did I not know this. What is your main blog (if you're willing to let people from this blog follow it haha)?
AHHHH yeah I have a main one this one is just for my doods!!! the main is @franeridan, if you wanna follow it! I’m mostly just crying over bakugou and kirishima and complaining a whole damn lot about... everything, tho hahaha
Anon said:I'm not the anon but u know the concept that kiri n Baku would meet when they were younger and when Baku was more... violent? (i know that's not the right word, I'm not a native speaker sorry!) Like I think kiri could actually make Baku less of a bully? Considering how much positive impact he had on his personality AFTER it already developed (like idk if this ask makes sense? What do u think?) ◇ (btw putting smth like ◇ was a genious idea ty, idk if u remember that ask tho?)
Yeah yeah yeah yeah!!!!! Actually I’ve been thinking about this A LOT in the past couple of days and my conclusion ended up being that the key would be either for Kirishima to know Bakugou since they were really young OR for him to not attend Bakugou’s same middle school? Like, if they developed their personalities together, having someone like Kirishima around since they were kids could have made Bakugou develop differently, but if we go with the “they met in middle school” scenario then I think Kirishima would have had the same sort of...soothing? Effect on Bakugou only if Bakugou didn’t see him as a threat to his dream of being the only kid from that middle school to enter UA. Well, a scenario in which they had known each other since they were small young babies and Bakugou reached middle school going “the only one from this middle school to enter UA is gonna be me and Eijirou”, that would have been hella cute wouldn’t it hahaha growing up with a notion of us instead of just me would have changed Bakugou a lot, I’m pretty sure :D
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kxtyura · 7 years
Tagged by @rainbowpaladins​ bc she a big ho Rules: answer these 85 statements & tag 20 people
the last: 1. drink: Water 2. phone call: uhhh my mom 3. text message: ... also my mom. i tired to ask her what something was and she told me the price of it. 4. song: something by ryuseitai but i dont remember what lol 5. time you cried: like four hours ago lol have you ever: 6. dated someone twice: nope 7. kissed someone and regretted it: nope 8. been cheated on: no 9. lost someone special: not that i know of?? 10. been depressed: probably 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: na favourite colors: 12. red 13. milennial pink ™ 14. uhhh blue 15: i dont like anymore colors 16: im an artist and honestly i couldnt tell you the shades of any blues or reds i like in the last year have you: 17. laughed until you cried: yes 18. found out someone was talking about you: uuh ye 19. met someone who changed you: mmm ye 20. found out who your friends are: idk yea? 21. kissed someone on your facebook list: na 22. made friends: i hope!! 23. fallen out of love: na general: 25. what did you do for your last birthday: went and got japanese with daisy lmao. i feel like we did something else too but i dont remember what. did u sleep over?? 26. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life :i.. dont have facebook. im not a wine mom. 27. do you have any pets: a dog!! his name is banjo!! also two birds!! lucky and... aussie wtf. And a cat!! his name is charlie and i l o v e him 28. what time did you wake up: this post is scheduled lol but my alarm goes off at 7 on monday so probably 7 29. what were you doing at midnight last night: once again scheduled, but last night i was asleep at 12. tonight.... ill be posting this lol 30. name something you can’t wait for: uhhh i dunno to meet my friends n stuff. 31: what are you listening to right now: tryna find a cool yakuza documentary to watch tbh 32: have you ever talked to a person named tom: yea he catches my bus and hes tall as FUCK 33: something that’s getting on your nerves: my anxiety idk 34. do you want to change your name: uhhh im trans yes please change my name 35. hair color: brown 36. long or short hair: short 37. piercings: i have my ears pierced and thats all lol 38. tattoos: the permanent marks of marker on my left hand clearly 39. blood type: im four i dont know my blood type 40. nicknames: jay kitten wife son idk 41. relationship status: gay 42. zodiac: aries 43. pronouns: he/they 44. most visited website: chrome tells me its tumblr so thanks for being my most visited hellsite tumblr. 45. right or left handed: ambidextrous but predominately right handed 46. surgeries: once my eye almost popped out of my head because im allergic to mozie bites so i had to uhhh get my eye not popped out. probably others when i was a baby but idk 47. sports: i...... do ice skating. 48. favorite tv show: at the moment boku no hero academia im so pumped 49. vacations: my parents went to china without me and my dad and brother are going to america without me so. not goin anywhere this year. might go to europe next year. 50. sneakers: i bought a new pair yesterday! theyre blue and grey more general: 52. eating: its 11:55 pm im not eating my dude 53. fave drink: uhh i like melon soda but idk if its my favorite. strawberry milk tea maybe. 54. what you’re up to: im chillin in bed after finishing my essay. gotta start my prsentation, but... no. might draw some ocs. yakuza yuuri. 55. waiting for: the sweet release of death 56. want: to never do school again 57. get married: sorry im married to my ego bye bitch which is better: 60. hugs or kisses: kisses are weird and hugs are... also weird i guess but theyre better lol 61. lips or eyes: fucked if i know i dont care 62. shorter or taller: ive never liked a person Ever. i dont care. im basically always in the aromantic area my dude. 63. older or younger: eh idc.  64. nice arms or stomach: stop asking me relationship questions im a fetus 65. hook up or relationship: neither i just said im aro ace 66. troublemaker or hesitant:is this a question about me or more questions about people. i have no idea. have you ever: 67. kissed a stranger: no 68. drank hard liquor: no 69. lost glasses/contacts: i lost my glasses for a week turns out they were on my bedside table 70. turned someone down: i think so but it was like three years ago lol 71. sex on the first date: sex... never. 72. broken someone’s heart: there was this kid who had a crush on me and he was nice at first then he started getting creepy so i basically just stopped talking to him so probably lol 73. had your heart broken: nah 74. been arrested: no 75. cried when someone died: id cry if i stepped on an ant 76. fallen for a friend: hah yeah that happened literally when i was like 11. she was cute i guess idk. we went to a convention together. do you believe in: 77. yourself: depends on the day lol 78. miracles: eeehh 79. love at first sight: not really but idk 80. santa claus: santa claus is dead my dudes 81. kiss on the first date: do what u want. live ur life. idc. 82. angels: why not lol other: 83. current best friend’s name(s): rachel n rosa and daisy i love u all boos 84. eye colour: my eyes are hazel but more on the green side. trendy. 85. favourite movie: i dont really have favorites but i watched the wind rises recently for an au with rachel so... u kno
Tagging: @snxgsobaka @lady-stroopwafel and idk maybe @aisudream if u wanna idk yall are like the only people ive ever talked to on here
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i-amusemyself · 7 years
All Emoji Asks.
🐰 what is one secret youve never told anyone?I don't really have that many secrets. I guess theres a side of my personality that I spend a lot of energy supressing like hell that I hate with a passion.💗 if you could hug anyone, who would it be?Right now? My best friend right next to me or my friend back home.🐹 what are some of your favourite pokemons and why?I mean, I only ever played pokemon go, but from that I loved the squirtles and the evees just bc theyre cute af🌠 if you were in charge of the world what would it be like?A lot more chilled out. Chill pills would be mandatory.👀 what was the most recent vivid dream you had?Okay I had two freaking weird ones the other night?In one I was a 10 y/o muslim girl going to a new primary school and while I was there I started raising money for a cancer charity.In the other I was taking a really hard A level maths exam and getting stressed and mad bc everyone kept talking and I couldnt finish it in time.☀ what do you like most about your best friend?EVERYTHING?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Idk, I guess how forgiving and layed back she is. She always tries to understand and see things from your point of view.😘 talk about your crush or partnerLmao I'm alone 😂 I do have a crush but its a million miles from mutual so like, shes amazing but boi it hurts 😂💁 if someone was rude to you would you be rude back?Depends on how well I know them and what they're like tbh. I'll banter, but I avoid confrontation.🌟 what do you like about yourself? (3 things)😂😂😂 wow erm...1. I always try and put in all the energy I have if someone/something needs it2. I make loads of terrible puns its gr93. I really dont have any other qualities idk🐾 what are you scared of most? How will you overcome it?👏 I'm terrified of abandonment 👏 aaaand as of yet I have no idea how to deal with it ngl🎁 what never fails to make you happy?Really good stand up commedy or my favourite music💙 what annoys you about some people?Their complete lack of self-awareness. Idk, maybe I'm low key jealous too but srsly some people????😤 do you get angry easily?Yeah. I keep pretty good tabs on it so you probs wouldnt know it, but if something upsets me, chances are I'm hella pissed too.🐇 what do you always daydream about?Dramatic and upsetting situations or drunk situations 😂🌻 if you could change 3 things about the world what would you change?1. Sort out equality and all that jazz2. Divide up the land more equally, bc it pisses me off that some people are living in tiny cramped shacks and others have 100 mile square farms.3. End capitalism and with that make all necessary services free.🍓 send me 4 names: kiss, befriend, kill or marry?Anon?✈ what is your dream city and why?I mean Ive always wanted to go to copenhagen but theres no guarantee its gonna be my fave. My fave so far is Amsterdam bc its so peaceful and the architecture is to die for.☕ talk about your ideal day?Spend it with my best friend/crush. Lay in bed late and be lazy and watch good TV/movies. Maybe go out in the afternoon to not go stir crazy and entertain ourselves. Stay up kinda late talking about deep shit, lying underneath the stars.🌸 are you an introvert, ambivert or extrovert?Ambivert!💧 when was the last time you cried?Yesterday lmao 😂 i havent gone more than 2 days without crying in the past week 😧 I just got myself into a nice Depression Episode.🎵 name 5 songs you like atm?Argh I havent listened to music in so long (7 days...) umm so things i wanna listen to- youth by daughter- voices by Motionless in white- living dead girl by rob zombie- corpse roads by keaton hensen- lost boy by troye sivan⚡ if you had any superpower what would it be and why?Mind reading bc my anxiety would be halved.💛 if you could talk to your younger self, what would you say?I'd tell myself to stop trying to fit in and be like everybody else because the people I know are just a tiny portion of the population and really aren't much to aspire to. I'd tell myself to drop all my shitty friends because it would stop me from dealing with a lot of crap later on. I'd point myself in the right direction of the better people 😂I'd teach myself how to stand up for myself and how to not take any crap.And I'd give myself a hug and tell myself it's okay not to be cishet, because maybe if I could turn back time and start to deal with it earlier I'd be okay with it now.💚 who are you jealous of and why?A lot of people really, with qualities I don't have.I suppose one kid in particular is like, everything i want to be. Kind, hillarious, confident, close to people I love. 💎 what would you rather have more of: intelligence, beauty, kindness, wealth or bravery? Why?Bravery or kindness?? Its hard to have one without the other. Also beauty ngl bc im fugly.🙊 what are you ashamed of?My gender and sexuality 👏🌺 which languages do you know? Which do you want to learn?I know english and spanish and I'm learning Danish. Hopefully once I'm okay at danish I can learn arabic. Ill be satisfied after that 😂☘ if you could be any fictional characters friend/lover who would it be and why?I mean, theres plenty of fictional lesbians where im like 😏👀 but honestly if I had to pick only one person I'd choose Kieren Walker from in the flesh bc he needs a friend and I relate to him so strongly.☁ talk about your dream universe.Mental and physical illness doesnt exist. People arent dicks. Everything is free. No one feels unloveable.💜 which acts of kindness are you going to do today?Idk I'm p much done for the day 😂 I've been helping out around the house all day tho🐬 if you could transform into any animal what would it be and why?I mean i might be biased but either a dog or a sloth bc they get to sleep all the time 😂🍄 talk about someone/something you really dislike.Someone I was best friends with for 4 years suddenly turned around and stabbed me in the back, made up shit about me, arranged that all my friends not talk to me for a fortnight, sent group emails stuffed with emotional manipulation and blamed me for her suicidal thoughts. I nearly ended it. Now I get to watch my friends still loving her like she isn't the world's most heartless person. It makes my blood boil.😣 talk about something that has been making you depressed/angry/anxious.I'm staying with my best friend rn and I can't stand the thought of going home.🍪 what did you want to be as a kid and what do you want to be now?I wanted to be a nurse and now I wanna be a doctor 👏 variety 👏🍰 what are some of your favourite sugary foods?I cant really eat sugar 😂 so fuck knows? Chocolate?🍑 what are you obsessed with?Brains, thought processes, psychopaths, graveyards and more 😂💘 what happens to you when youre stressed?I just get really emotional and start agressively making lists everywhere in an attempt to sort my life out.😪 what are you sick of?Humanity.🙀 are you an adrenaline seeker?Yeah its terrible 😂 i hate anxiety but I also kinda love it when my heart races.💥 what are some unpopular opinions you have?I....dont? I cba with discourse lifes too short.☔ would you consider yourself a good person?I think anyone with good intentions is usually a good person so yeah😊 what do you do as hobbies?Sleep, binge watch netflix and blog 😂🎤 whats the last song you hummed or sang by yourself?👏👏👏 Mr Brightside 👏👏👏 what a jam 👏👏👏🐝 whats your worst trait?Being waaayyy too clingy.🌷 whats your mbti personality type and why do you think it suits you?ISFJ and yeah defo, its the defender and I feel that tbh🐶 send me 3 fictional people and ill choose my favourite.Anon?👑 who are your favourite celebrities and why?Kaitlyn Alexander is my bae.Besides that I dont really....obsess over any celebrities? Eliza taylor is doing p good 😂 ummm also some youtubers? Do they count?🐴 opinion on __?Its a great bit of punctuation.🍋 do you consider yourself to be an emotional person?Lmfaoooooo YES📚 share 3 books you love and your favourite quotes from them.M8. Thats not gonna happen 😂 I love any book that makes me cry but I cannot quote a single word.😔 what do you always do when you feel sad? Does it work?Find a quiet corner, shut my eyes and listen to my Depression Playlist. It doesn't always make me feel better but it helps me ride it out.🙂 what thoughts keep you going when you're sad?The thoughts of uni and that I'll hopefully meet some great new people. Also my best friend. Just in general 😂🌎 which country do you live in?England.🐧 describe yourself in 3 words?Awkward, tall and shy.🙉 what quotes changed you?"Pick your fights" bc as much as its a meme it helps me chill outAlso "everything is temporary" and "the sun will rise and we will try again".💭 do you keep a diary?I have a personal blog which acts as a diary yeah💫 who inspires you?Kaitlyn Alexander!! (Listen theyre like the first nb representation I ever knew and I relate so much to everything they say and theyre so cute and talented)👻 do you believe in ghosts and why?I mean, my initial response is no. Because we're just bags of flesh made up of cells and when we die those cells die so theres nothing to live on.But tbh we know so little about the universe I'm open to the possibility of anything at this point.🎀 whats your fashion sense like?Dior. I know what clothes I like and think look good but I never like them on me.🎬 what are some of your favourite films?Deadpool, My sisters keeper, pitch perfect 2 ermm🍦 what is one treasured childhood memory?UmmmmmmmmmmmmWhen I first got my bunny, that was an amazing day!!🐼 if you could meet anyone, who would it be and why?Um my soulmate? Where are they at?
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