#which isn't much but it's a start. honestly i'm baffled israel hasn't been kicked out already
pharahsgf · 7 months
wait i thought israel was banned from eurovision?? what happened????
kan (israeli broadcaster) and the ebu (eurovision organisers) were previously at a stalemate, with the ebu rejecting the israeli entries for being too political and kan refusing to change them, and insiders considered it a done deal that israel would withdraw. however, herzog has since stepped in and forced kan to change the lyrics anyway, saying that israel's participation is "extremely important". it's now likely that the ebu will approve of the entry and allow israel to compete.
zionists also tampered with the icelandic selection to prevent palestinian artist & public favourite bashar murad from winning and going to esc, so here's to hoping that the ebu grows a spine and sanctions them for once, but i wouldn't hold my breath considering the bs they've let slide.
to quote bds: "Palestinians call on supporters to launch creative, strategic initiatives that can pressure broadcasters to withdraw & appeal to all participants to refuse to be complicit in @/EBU_HQ’s whitewash of apartheid Israel’s genocide against 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza." keep making noise and putting pressure on your broadcasters, and again, do NOT watch this shit or give them any of your money.
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