#which makes Simon say: ok I def like girls too and Baz pouts until Simon reassured him
facewithoutheart · 3 years
Since I’ve already written a Harry Potter/Carry On crossover, now I need a fix-it fic where the CO Scooby gang go back in time to help defeat Voldemort.
My guess: they prevent the war in book 3 when Baz drains Scabbers. Just…. the sheer comedic joy of Ron’s “😱 Scabbers!” while Baz is just, wearing his rat-knifing gloves, casually draining Ron’s family pet, while Simon wing-blocks Ron’s retribution, saying, “Trust me you’ll thank him later!”
Meanwhile, Penny’s possessed Crookshanks to freak out Hermione, Shepard grills Remus over being a werewolf, Niamh and Snape are having a nose-off, and Agatha is having a sexuality crisis over Sirius’s hair.
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