#which means Prince Andrew was never born and nothing of value was lost
indelen · 5 months
Since the universe of Lockwood and Co seems to have been extremely similar to our own prior to The Problem, I think its interesting that British government and other institutions, as well as London and it's surrounding areas and landmarks are all reasonably well described but absolutely no mention is ever made of the Royal Family and I think its reasonable to conclude they all got insta-killed by a MASSIVE wave of pissed off Visitors in the 50-60s. Either their own ancestors or those that came out of all the stolen stuff The Empire looted and surrounded it's royalty with on a daily basis. Like something very angry came out of the Koh-i-noor or the Stone of Scone and that was the end of House of Windsor and now Brits being Brits no one talks about it they just keep calm and carry on.
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