#which means my HOH ass has to sit in the office and just say yes and giggle like 100 times and hope to god i answered their question correc
strawberrybabydog · 2 years
how to get adhd medication when u got diagnosed 10 years ago so ur doctor uses it as an excuse to delegitimize ur diagnosis even though adhd's brain rot is forever and he should know that
how to get adhd medication when ur not a hyperactive 10 year old white boy
how to get adhd medication when you mentioned having rejection sensitive dysphoria because nobody told you its not a real thing so now ur doctor is acting like u forged ur diagnosis
how to get adhd medication when i dont want to beg and convince my doctor that being fat isnt distracting me and losing weight will definitely not help this
how to get adhd medication when ur doctor says "well if this was a real issue you would have talked to me about it sooner" but you didnt because you didnt want to be mansplained or face medical fatphobia or have ur diagnosis questioned or be drilled for answers u cant remember because u have adhd and it impacts ur memory
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