#which means that i'm bittersweetly fine.
wilddogsdivorce · 1 year
having a 'this one's for the dancer and this one's for the dancer's bouquet' kind of evening.
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reachexceedinggrasp · 3 months
No sorry, I mean the show is making 'the' humanlike Ghoul significant when it is slightly less so in the later games. In the very first game it is significant, the surviving ghouls in particular have become somewhat removed from human culture (like Set) - this is an issue with the later games where things which are very significant end up being downplayed (super mutants, ghouls, Deathclaws) - but I was trying to say that the show gives it more metaphorical Beastlike meaning than just video game monsterliness.
You're right, there are still plenty of bad endings possible, but I'm surprised at how much positive foreshadowing there is for his character. But there was a lot of that for Kylo Ren in TFA.
I'm also a bit baffled with the Fallout show (and Hot D), both recent major productions, because some of the editing and the pacing is just baffling. There are some real plot contrivances that just feel ultimately verryyyyy silly, and I'm not somebody who ever complains about that!!! So my concern now is less whether they stick the landing and more worrying about the current state of editing and whether anybody's getting paid enough
Anyway, sorry to bother you with this topic again, but thank you for entertaining my nonsense
Could you tell me why you think so? I don't know if I'm getting that vibe. They do definitely suggest he's rare in being in nearly perfect shape when he's so old, but it's focussed on his ability to survive such a dangerous and miserable life rather than just the fact of persisting as a ghoul. Older smoothskins aren't in great shape, either. It seems more about his skill and tenacity than an innate quality he has. Characters seem to be mostly questioning his will to go on rather than the how. I don't know that I think he's more human than other ghouls we see. The pale guy Lucy rescued seems very normal and his look is pretty similar.
Totally. Honestly, my only real concern is that he'll die. Either tragically or 'bittersweetly'. I don't think there's a chance worth worrying about of his character arc going in a negative direction in any other way than death being the ending. Either bc they think of him as 'already dead' or bc peaceful death is the happiest they'll allow him to be. I fear both those possibilities. I don't fear for his soul, if you will. He's not going to become a villain.
The pacing did strike me as very strange. I didn't know if I was just grumpy because I've not been feeling well or if it's because it often dips into a horror movie style that maybe I just don't like? but yeah. Because there's the opening prologue scene, which is an absolute fucking 10/10 cinematic masterclass, note perfect in every way, and then the rest of the episode after that felt weird/incredibly slow. I think the structural edit is fine, but something about the shot to shot editing is off. The timing is awkward, particularly when there isn't dialogue. I've felt that way about pretty much all the streaming original movies I've seen to varying degrees, so it's definitely a production process problem.
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