#which theme you wna see. hi
astrxealis · 1 year
uhh 1bitheart nanashi (pink & white) or neo twewy rindo (yellow & orange & green) or ffxiv wol (aka my character, black & red & purple) or fe3h felix (or dima or yuri or anyone really, idk what colors bcs it depends on the chara but blue & black for felix) or gbf sandalphon (valentine art specifically or tbh just any gbf chara maybe esp one of the six dragons or that new gbf chara in the event or seox, red & green & white) theme
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ALKIN: The courtyard... The Headmistress had mentioned that Kriegskald's witches had to relocate here due to the... extreme nature of their performance. The domovoy would not have overlooked that sort of damage after all...
[door opens]
MARCIA: Ya-hoo~ Nice to see you drop by Head Prefect~
ALKIN: Hm. You are the first not to be surprised by my appearance.
MARCIA: That so? Well, truth is we had a little thing built-in when we remodelled the entrance for the show and~
ALKIN: This is... ?
MARCIA: A monitoring device~ It's based on the old ones that were installed into the gargoyles who were said to guard the castles of nobles back in the day, but we adapted it slightly to fit the purpose of our own theme~
ALKIN: ... I see. That is why they are shaped like pumpkins.
MARCIA: Exactly~ Since those are what are traditionally associated with Halloween and all! We thought that even if we should stick to the theme, there ought to be a bit of tinkering involved, ya know?
ALKIN: Mm. Indeed, this is Kriegskald's speciality after all... Then all this-
MARCIA: All smoke and mirrors~ Pretty cool, right?
The stage is made of enchanted cedar that was used back in the day of an illustrious judge who was said to convict witches to death. Funnily enough, he employed an enchanted creature of his own as his servant, which is why the stage was made in such a way that it could withstand high temperatures like that.
ALKIN: Hm. I have indeed heard talk of the persecutions that took place in the Land of Pyroxene long ago...
MARCIA: Super grisly stuff, right? Well, in any case, we decided that we should look into it a little bit more and take some cues from there~
But adapted it a little too, obviously~
ALKIN: Adapt it?
MARCIA: Yup~ When we first set off to do a traditional witch execution we figured out that the burning process would be pretty slow. Turns out that it takes a lot of time for skin to melt, haha!
ALKIN: ...
MARCIA: That would have messed up with the flow of the event and the rhythm so we decided to swap out realism for showmanship~
There's a special type of flame that was said to have belonged to the Ruler of the Underworld, and that when it flared up it would incinerate everything in its wake. I got Dies-senpai to explain it to me a little bit and then simply made the required adjustments, so~
ALKIN: I see... An illusion of a roaring fire.
MARCIA: Huh? No way~ The flames are real, hahahaha!
MARCIA: Part of showmanship is knowing when to use the most appropriate tools at your disposal, after all~ In this context, when everything hinges on the ability to sell this tragic tale, shocking your audience to the core is the most important part! That's why when I go up in flames it has to be jaw-dropping!
ALKIN: ...
MARCIA: I-It's totally safe though, so you don't have to glare at me like that! I promise! I may be the one tied to the pyre but look, not a scratch or burn!
ALKIN: ... That is true.
MARCIA: It's all thanks to my Unique Magic~ You see, [Reforged Titan] allows me to harden my skin to such a point that I am incapable of sustaining any physical injuries so going through this is basically a piece of cake~ Not to mention that it adds to the realism a lot too, since I can recite my lines right from the stage~
Though maybe it's a bit too realistic...
ALKIN: Hm, so I assume there must have been issues?
MARCIA: Issues is a bit...
Well, I wouldn't say it was nothing but maybe a bit too out of the left-field? Ya see, when I heard that we were allowed to bring on anybody to this event, I made sure to be responsible and invite a bunch of rich and famous people~ After all, what's the point of making all this effort if it doesn't get us some recognition?
ALKIN: ...
MARCIA: ... Though maybe it wasn't such a good idea after all, haha. Since in the end the one who came was Neige Revanche...
ALKIN: The child from Royal Sword.
MARCIA: That one~ Well, him and his little dwarf friends that is. Turns out that while Revanche is pretty used to SFX and the like, the same cannot be said for the little ones...
ALKIN: So they got tricked.
MARCIA: One of them started crying up a storm~ It was kinda cute but it definitely put a damper on things, haha. Had to get off to show him that I'm fine and all that. Though then there was the other matter since when I take off [Reforged Titan] I have to do it all in one go... and since the fire melted most of the outfit...
ALKIN: [sighs]
MARCIA: Well! School life is meant to be lively after all, right? Bwahahahaha!
ALKIN: Your interpretation of the bride's fate is rooted in the theatrical. That is interesting.
MARCIA: Hm~ I guess ya could say so... Though it's mostly for convenience.
ALKIN: Convenience?
MARCIA: Yup, yup~ After all, executions like this were really out of style by that time, weren't they? At least at such a large scale. So for the bride to have ended up like that wouldn't have made much sense.
ALKIN: Hm, you have a point there. I suppose that by that time people would have come to rely more on mages than before.
MARCIA: Right? So I think that the bride must have simply left town and didn't bother to come back. There's been a lot of stories like that circulating during that time - of people leaving their home in search of better prospects, and for a rich lady like her moving really must have been a breeze. Probably went off to the continent to live that rich city life~
ALKIN: That does seem quite plausible. Then why have you chosen this scenario if it does not fit in with your own vision of the events?
MARCIA: Because then there would be no story to tell~ This is meant to be a fun Halloween where exciting and scary stuff happens, so just having somebody move away is a bit too anti-climatic~
Besides - Kriegskald's speciality is magic constructions so I thought a showy story like this would be our best bet to make a little presentation of just what we are capable of here~ Smart, right?
ALKIN: You are more doting than I imagined you to be. And more grounded.
MARCIA: Oh~? Is that a compliment? Thank you, thank you~ My heart is about to burst with appreciation~
Though it's true that I'm not really into that sort of scary stuff when it comes to Halloween. There's scarier stuff in real life, is there not?
ALKIN: Indeed, here is where the two of us agree.
ALKIN: I wonder...
MARCIA: Oh? What's up? You have such a complicated expression on your face, Head Prefect! If you're not careful, you might stuck with wrinkles~ Bwahahahahaha!
ALKIN: ... You seem to be faring quite well in this arrangement.
MARCIA: Is that so? Well, truth be told I've always been good at going with the flow~ It's easier if you look forward after all instead of getting stuck on the past, don't you think so?
Well, at least that's what my old man always says.
ALKIN: Your old man... Ah, your father. Are you two close?
MARCIA: I guess you could say so- I think it's the same as with any family. Sure, we get along well, but there are sometimes disagreements too. He's the sort of guy who doesn't hold back when he has something to say so I've been raised in the sort of household where we could speak freely to each other.
ALKIN: Hm, that sounds like a good arrangement.
MARCIA: Hm, maybe, though...
MARCIA: Man, my big sis sure knows how to hit low. She's always on my case about not coming home more often even though I'm a student and I should have the holidays off at least.
ALKIN: Now that you mention it... I do remember you being here even during the times you should not be...
MARCIA: Hahahaha, well, since I'm a scholarship student I get some special privileges and all! Like free boarding and food - and since the Isle is always bustling with tourists and such, there are always jobs to be done around here and whatnot~
Time's are tough so gotta make a madol one way or another~
ALKIN: ... Would you rather not spend time with your family?
MARCIA: Hm? Well, yeah, but...
Man, you sound just like my sis, hahahaha! Just today she called asking if I remember how we used to go trick or treating in the neighbourhood. We always had matching outfits too, so we could score more candies since the cuter you were, the luckier you got~
Our best year was when we went as a caterpillar and a mushroom like in that old nursery rhyme~ The adults ate it up and we managed to clear all the houses twice once we switched out our costumes.
ALKIN: Another peculiar tradition... Is dressing up as others such an entertaining activity?
MARCIA: Hey, hey~ Should you really be saying that when you're basically dressing up as a human right now?
ALKIN: ... Hm.
MARCIA: But yeah! In the Rose Kingdom, it's pretty usual to do this sort of thing~ Ah, and there was that other thing-
ALKIN: That other thing?
MARCIA: Hehe, this was a favourite of mine, but in our family, we traditionally have boiled potatoes, curly kale and raw onions for dinner and part of the fun was to have my dad wrap coins in baking paper and place them inside some of the potatoes. My sis and I would both compete to see who got both coins and my mom would scold us for making such a mess~
Man, now I really got nostalgic...
ALKIN: ... Perhaps a break next semester might not be such a bad idea after all.
MARCIA: Maybe, but then who'd be here to pick up all that work, huh? Bwhahahahaha.
MARCIA: Ah, sorry, Head Prefect but I gotta get back to work, so I'll talk to you later. Thanks for stopping by~
[door closes]
ALKIN: ... The horse that only looks ahead is often worked to exhaustion. Was this sort of daunting responsibility what you felt too, Astra? Or...
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bergarass · 5 years
all the valentine’s day asks!! i genuinely want to know 💌
ily mir
blush: what could someone do this valentine’s to make you feel special?
1) tell me to add more romantic songs to the playlist i made them *pointedly looks at said person* you KNOW who you are; 2) also if they fuckin CONFESSED to how they felt, i’m LOOKING at you, you cancer moon scorpio sun headass lookin boi
love hearts: where were you when you met your crush?
@ home during winter break and i saw him on my friend’s sc and was like, “yo uhhhh who is this his hair’s cute” and my friend saw through my bluff and sent me his sc LOL and we’ve been talking ever since.. jan 4? fun fact we’re both have the red hearts next to each other’s names bc we’ve been sc best friends for more than 2 weeks so !!!!
100th date: would you prefer to stay in or go out this valentine’s?
homeboy is on the other coast so it’s not like i can spend v day with him BUT if money wasn’t an issue,,,, you bet your ass i’m flying to ny to wish him a happy valentine’s day
roses: do you like picnic dates?
it sure would BE NICE!!!!!! *bangs pots and pans outside his dorm window* if soMEONE TOOK ME ON ONE!!!
rest will be under the cut
first kiss: what’s the best way to be kissed?
i would want my face to be cradled and my hip to be grabbed, and if they were to push me gently against the wall and pin me there i wouldn’t mind (^:
first date: describe your ideal first date.
i wear something cute and a lil flirty, a lil sexy for them, we get some boba and popcorn chicken and visit a botanical garden. we end the day with a night walk on the beach and maybe i snuggle up next to them pretending to be cold and we… uhm… k*** 🙈🙈
preference: sexuality? what’s your ‘type’?
bi, and i’m really into the idea of… frat bro types who have hearts of gold, which is very very idealistic but a girl can dream! other than that, i’m drawn to certain things: i like really strong hands on guys, esp if they look like they’ve done some work (does that make sense?), crooked smiles get me FUCKED up, and from a young age i’ve been fascinated by long hair and i rlly like it when ppl swish it around (also,,,,, curvy gals get me sprung). ALSO THEY GAIN HELLA POINTS IF THEIR HUMOR’S A LIL NASTY N RISQUE LIKE MINE
hand holding: do you like pda?
i’ve never been a participant bc i’ve never in a sitch where i can practice it LMAO but i stop at kissing in public. holding hands and being a clingy, cutesy gf is def on my list, but i’m not gna be frenching my boo at the beach u feel
family: how important is your family’s approval of your s.o.?
fairly important, but ultimately i trust my own gut. i generally would hold my friends’ judgement more bc they’d be more in tune to my feelings and know more abt the person if they hung out with them with me
doves: what’s the most romantic thing someone’s done for you?
i’d say my prom date proposing to me with an hp-themed promposal! (he played the hp theme song on the piano + poster that said “i know you’re a ravenclaw but would you want to slytherin to prom with me?”)
candy: favourite thing to eat on a date?
…my crush’s cooking since he is going to culinary school LOL (so like a home date ehe), but in general, ummm probs food that’s fun and fresh, like dessert or light dishes (or ??  dim sum bc that shit SMACKS)
giggle: what’s more important in an s.o.: intelligence or humour?
these q’s jshfjkdhsf ofc both are important, but i love laughing, so having a sense of humor is a plus, but i also love it when ppl i love wax rhapsodic abt things that they love and r knowledgable abt!!! ultimately, a balance of both
lace: who looks best in your favourite colour?
like in general? lupita nyong’o looks bangin in orange
cupid: have you ever been set up? have you ever set anyone else up? how did it go?
nope! and nope! i feel scared trying to set ppl up, esp if someone wants me to hook them up with one of my friends and ik it might not even work
lovebirds: at what point in a relationship would you make it ‘public’?
i think it’s sth that you feel, like, you know that things are serious when you and the person are like.. possessive? that’s not the right term, but what i mean is when you feel like this is the person you want to commit to and the feeling’s mutual enough that you both are comfortable to announce it, after you know that the relationship is a stable one
love knots: would you like to forget the person you shared your first kiss with?
TECHNICALLY i’ve already had my first kiss, but i don’t rlly count it since i was like 4 LOL. but i don’t wna forget luke, i think it was just a sweet thing that happened when you’re both youngins and innocent, ykno?
promise ring: who do you see yourself being with in two years?
….. jl. in 2 yrs if i actually am not with him i’d be pretty surprised 
aphrodite: how important are looks?
it definitely plays a role, but it’s not everything. all i care is that they’re beautiful to ME
angel: do you like ‘bad boys’ or sweethearts more?
can i cheat and say both, bc j looked like a fuckboi the first time i saw him on my friend’s sc, but after talking to him for so long, my friend was right in insisting that j’s inherently a sweet, caring, and protective guy albeit being a lil headass
so he fits my type almost to a tee: bro-ey at times, but is loving and sweet
harp: have you ever written a poem for a crush?
YEP!! never delivered it though bc i wasn’t trying to die
red: where will you be spending february 14th?
probs in my bed with my other roomies as we fuckin simp our hearts out
love notes: who was your last valentine? where are they now?
never had one!
flowers: what’s the best romantic gift to give someone?
something home- or hand-made, just something from the heart; something as simple as an earnest letter means so much to me
but tbh i would just MELT if they got me lingerie, like a REALLY good set that i’ve been pining over for months and then one day... boom on the bed in a cute box all tied up omfg i’d just weep
st. valentine: what are your hopes for love this year?
romantic: i’m not quite looking for a relationship, but i think what i’m trying to get at is a sense of commitment. trust and security is what i’m hoping to gain from interacting more with j
platonic: that i love and am open to giving and receiving more love from my friends
familial: same; i want to reassure my mom and brother of how much i love and cherish them
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softboylu · 6 years
hi love ! hmm i always in search of music so i wna know what your fav songs are atm? ouu i also ship you with luke! yOU GUYS WOULD BE SO CUTE SJSNJZJS i can picture u guys having lazy days and just chilling inside. you guys would cuddle together, watch netflix, and just be goofy around each other 24/7 !! i have an about me link in my bio :)
jkfkdsjhfk I LOVE SOFT LUKE and i would be so???????? in love with him???? im screaming, its cool. also why weren’t we mutuals before??? pls be my friend i wanna yell about things with u. my fav songs at the moment are: god is a woman by ariana grande, in my blood by shawn mendes, leading man by will jay, & surrender by walk the moon!! 
do i follow?nope | i do now! | why wasn’t i before? | yes! | ALWAYS AND FOREVERcontentnot my thing | seems interesting | nice! | yaaas honey! | one after my own heart theme not my thing | seems interesting | nice! | yaaas honey! | one after my own heart
a playlist (3 songs shuffled on my spotify) -ghost of you by 5 seconds of summer-i miss the old u by blackbear -drive by oh wonder
ship: calum | michael | ashton | lukereason why: i totally see calum having a secret love for blues and jazz, even playing riffs on his bass in spare time, which immediately caught your attention. you two bonded over the greats, and eventually became close and then… closer ;))) what i see you two doing together: hockey, honey!!! fuck yes you’d score some tickets for a match and calum would be so psyched to see your favorite team and even buy you two matching jerseys!! he’d show up to pick you up with facepaint on, completely serious, before you’d laugh and he’d be all “what? i thought we were going to see a hockey team” like it was the most normal thing in the world i can’t dkfjkdjfyour favorite movie to binge: she’s the manand finally, your song as a couple: ILYSB by lany
come get one!!
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