#which then derailed into a smash mains discussion
justworthlessreblogs · 7 months
important question for my followers and the precure fandom as a whole: who do you think the kirakira cures (+ rio and bibury) would main in smash bros
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michaelandy101-blog · 3 years
How one can Run Advertising and marketing Group Conferences That Do not Suck
New Post has been published on http://tiptopreview.com/how-to-run-marketing-team-meetings-that-dont-suck/
How one can Run Advertising and marketing Group Conferences That Do not Suck
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Conferences suck. They’re time for folks to keep away from doing precise work, stare blankly at one another, throw in generic feedback to seem like they’re paying consideration, and for those who’re fortunate, perhaps come out with some depraved pocket book doodles.
Is that how folks understand your marketing conferences? I hope not, as a result of they do not truly must be that approach.
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Flip your marketing conferences into one thing helpful by — you guessed it — creating compelling content! (Oh my gosh, inbound marketing ideas work in actual life, too!)
As your workforce grows, it is vital for everybody to get in a room collectively and discuss what they have been engaged on of their nook of the world. So to make sure these marketing conferences aren’t blocks of time your workforce dreads, make notice of the following tips for methods to make marketing workforce conferences really helpful to your staff.
How one can Run an Efficient Assembly
Whereas this put up will primarily give attention to marketing conferences, I wish to deal with a team-agnostic part about efficient conferences as an entire.
As I stated above, conferences could be a grandiose waste of time. It is tempting to run your work by others, collect suggestions or affirmation, or just keep away from the robust stuff by calling conferences.
I am right here to let you know — do not do it. Step one to working efficient conferences is to solely schedule conferences when completely needed.
Quarterly conferences to report on firm progress and vital information? After all. Month-to-month conferences to the touch base on KPIs and recruit assist for tasks? Sounds nice. Weekly conferences to report on present obligations and asks? I am torn on whether or not this one is important, however for big groups or groups with new staff, this might be a great transfer.
Each second in a gathering is time away from heads-down work, the work that arguably strikes your corporation ahead. Are conferences essential to take a break, contact base, and rally along with your workforce? After all.
Secondly, to know the effectiveness and effectivity of a gathering, ask your workforce. Ask, “is [meeting] helpful for you? If so, what are its top two benefits for you?” This will help you perceive what proportion of your groups finds worth in your conferences and what parts or agenda objects might be able to be eliminated to save lots of time.
Talking of agendas, let’s talk about subsequent what your marketing assembly agendas ought to resemble.
Advertising and marketing Assembly Agenda
Whether or not your marketing workforce assembly is weekly month-to-month, this part will clarify the content material it’s best to each single time. We additionally advocate making a slide deck that you simply undertaking to your workforce in every assembly so you’ll be able to all comply with together with every agenda merchandise.
Advertising and marketing Assembly Agenda Instance
For each assembly, it’s best to have a devoted agenda slide that lays out three issues:
What might be mentioned in at this time’s assembly
Who might be main every dialogue
How a lot time is allotted for every dialogue
Check out one in every of our current marketing workforce assembly agenda slides:
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Outlining who’s speaking, what they’re protecting, and the way a lot time they’ve to debate it can assist forestall the assembly from getting derailed. It’ll additionally forestall folks from delving into unproductive conversations which are finest had at one other time and place.
As for what parts needs to be in your marketing assembly agenda, let’s talk about what to cowl throughout your marketing assembly.
Overview Vital Metrics
Do a fast assessment of your most vital marketing metrics. These should not be area of interest metrics, like electronic mail unsubscribe fee, social media attain, or weblog subscriber development; save these to your month-to-month conferences the place you assessment month-over-month progress.
These needs to be the metrics your marketing workforce is measured on. In different phrases, on the finish of the month, what metrics will let you know whether or not the marketing workforce succeeded?
Whereas each enterprise will probably assessment one thing totally different relying on their enterprise mannequin, listed below are some concepts for you:
It is vital to assessment your workforce’s vital metrics as a result of these are the way you’re measured onas an total marketing workforce. And for those who do not all understand how you are faring because the month progresses, particular person contributors cannot do something to step up and assist your workforce’s numbers enhance.
A Little bit of Training
Advertising and marketing conferences needs to be a wholesome mixture of state-of-the-union content material and academic content material. Every week, have a pair workforce members current briefly about fascinating tasks they have been engaged on. This serves two functions: it lets folks know what their workforce members do all day, they usually get to study one thing new!
Give it some thought … would not it’s fascinating for a blogger to study a little bit bit a few PPC experiment? Or for a social media intern to study in regards to the outcomes of the most recent electronic mail A/B test?
Sharing lessons from projects helps everyone expand their knowledge base, sidestep landmines if a project backfired, and implement effective new techniques that they never knew worked.
Boom — everyone leaves your weekly meeting a smarter, better marketer!
The Nitty Gritty Retrospective
Your meeting should also contain a review of the projects each employee (or if you’re a larger marketing department, each team) worked on last month/quarter/year, plus the results they’ve seen.
This is good for a few reasons. First, it keeps everyone accountable knowing that each meeting they need to stand up in front of their colleagues and explain just what they do all day. Second, everyone gets to learn from what everyone else worked on and become generally better marketers. Third, it helps everyone identify how individual teams are faring, and what projects they’re doing to improve their own metrics.
For example, if you have a social media team, this is their opportunity to report on the success of every single social network they manage. How is their reach faring? How much traffic are those networks sending to your site? How many leads are being generated? Why are some networks more successful than others?
While your weekly meetings (if you have them) may focus on more high-level, team-based metrics, a monthly or quarterly meeting is a good opportunity to do a deep dive into the channels and metrics that enable the entire team to meet its goals.
How You’ll Meet This Month’s Goals
After the retrospective, each employee or team should also present on their individual goals for the month or quarter, and how exactly they will meet those goals. This is not the time to be generic.
Teams should explain, point by point, everything they’ll be doing during the time period to meet the metrics they’re measured by.
For example, let’s say the email marketing team is responsible for driving more reconversions this month. What exactly will they do to, well, do that? Well, that slide might have some initiatives like A/B test email copy with and without a P.S., anoffers analysis to determine which offers convert at the highest rate, list segmentation experiments, tailoring lead generation offers to align more closely with personas to improve CTR … the list could, and should, go on.
This is also a critical time in your meeting for feedback. Build in time during every presentation — at least 5 minutes, more if you find you need it after a few meetings — for each team to solicit feedback on their proposed projects. This will help individual teams from getting derailed on projects that might not help them meet their goals, or perhaps other members of the marketing team have fantastic ideas that the teams hadn’t even thought of yet!
Big Wins
A little bit of recognition is a good thing. Set aside a couple of minutes — come on, you can’t find 5 minutes? — to showcase some of the amazing things your team members or department as a whole have accomplished.
This could be anything from press coverage, speaking engagements, engaging with power players on social media, a smash hit blog post, an email that received unprecedented click-through rates … you get the point. It’s easy to harp on where you’re falling behind, but a little cheerleading can help rally your team and remind them just how successful they can be when they put their mind to it.
Solicit Help
Everyone should have the opportunity to solicit help from team members during your marketing team meetings. The larger your team gets, the easier it is to work in silos — but everyone has their own little super powers that sometimes go unnoticed.
If there is a platform during every meeting for employees to share (if they need it) something they need a little help with, you may find others pipe up with a simple solution or resource that solves the problem.
There should also be a few minutes built into each presentation for a little feedback. If someone is presenting on the progress of an ongoing project, part of “soliciting help” may be getting feedback on what steps to take next. For example:
Is this project still worth pursuing?
How should we measure the success of this project?
Does anyone have a solution to a major roadblock?
So while there should be a few minutes at the end of each meeting dedicated solely to giving employees the floor to solicit help, time for feedback should be built into presentations if the presenter needs it.
6 Tips for a Productive Marketing Meeting
Stay on time.
Don’t allow computers.
Build in time for a break.
End every meeting with action items.
Consider your remote folks.
Review metrics and celebrate wins.
You know what content to include in your marketing team meetings. Now, let’s discuss how to make those meetings run smoothly. These tips, despite helpful content, can make or break the usefulness of any marketing meeting.
1. Stay on time.
Start on time, you end on time, and honor the budgeted time set for individual presentations. I know it’s hard, especially when there’s a good discussion going on, but delegate a timekeeper who lets presenters know when they’re coming up to the end of their allotted time.
If you’re vigilant about this, people will start to self-edit their presentation, and meeting-goers will self-censor their comments, only contributing what truly needs to be said.
2. Don’t allow computers …
… said the internet marketing company. Seriously though, only the meeting coordinator should have a computer to pull up the agenda and presentations.
If others bring their laptops, you’ll find people can’t help but check their emails, get little bits of work done, and chat online, no matter how riveting the presentations are.
3. Build in time for a break.
Your weekly meeting may only be 30 or 60 minutes, but your monthly meeting could take a lot longer. In that case, build in time for people to get up, stretch their legs, go to the bathroom, get coffee, whatever.
You’ll start losing people’s attention otherwise.
4. End every meeting with action items.
Whatever you talked about during your meeting should be revisited briefly at the end of the meeting, preferably by the meeting coordinator. If you spend 20 minutes talking about how to solve your lead shortage problem at the beginning of your 90-minute meeting, there’s a good chance some of the to-dos and initiatives trickled out of people’s minds.
Make sure there’s someone taking notes throughout the meeting, and allot five minutes at the end of every meeting to review what people should start doing once they walk out of that meeting room.
5. Consider your remote folks.
Whether your entire team or just a few members are remote, it’s important to consider the remote meeting experience. As a remote worker myself, dialing into meetings as one of the few remote attendees takes a bit to get used to.
Research helpful technology to mitigate the gap between in-office and remote workers. Zoom is clearly an ideal selection, however different know-how like The Meeting Owl by Owl Labs could also be a great match to your workforce. At the beginning of every assembly, take a look at your connectivity and stroll by your slides to make certain the message is evident for people at dwelling.
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Supply: Getty Pictures
Most significantly, collect separate suggestions out of your distant workforce members to know their struggles and accommodate their requests.
6. Overview metrics and rejoice wins.
You already know these marketing metrics you determined to measure and assessment within the first part? Those that famous your workforce’s progress all through the month?
Now’s the time to see whether or not you hit your targets or not! When you hit your targets, do two issues: rejoice, and clarify precisely why you hit these targets. That second one is crucial. Somebody ought to clarify what marketing actions strongly contributed to you hitting, say, your leads aim. That approach you’ll be able to repeat these actions this month!
Conferences Do not Must Suck
Conferences are a needed a part of work. They seem to be a time to rejoice wins, ask for suggestions or assist, and get aligned along with your workforce and firm.
Sit down along with your colleagues to audit your assembly schedule and see the place you’ll be able to trim time or minimize conferences altogether. Efficient and environment friendly conferences are way more vital than conferences for the sake of it. Your workforce will thanks.
Editor’s notice: This put up was initially revealed in July 2012 and has been up to date for comprehensiveness.
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Initially revealed Jan 14, 2021 eight:30:00 AM, up to date January 14 2021
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ramajmedia · 5 years
The 10 Worst Episodes Of Mad Men, According To IMDb | ScreenRant
As the so-called "Peak TV" era began to take off, Mad Men came along and became one of the most acclaimed shows on television. The period drama followed the advertising business in 1960s New York, with the mysterious and troubled Don Draper at its center.
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The show was acclaimed for its period accuracy, its stellar performances, and its insightful writing, winning countless awards. But like every show, Mad Men had its low points. Though the series was rarely uninteresting, some episodes in its seven-season run were more successful than others. Here are the worst episodes of Mad Men according to IMDb.
10 "New Amsterdam" (8.0)
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Sometimes a perfectly good episode can be derailed by one bad storyline. That seems to be the cause of this early episode's low rating, as it has a lot of good stuff. The competition between Don and Pete is genuinely thrilling, leading to a great confrontation at the end.
But it's hard to ignore the storyline involving Betty babysitting Glen the neighbor child, who has a fascination with her. It is a weird and unsettling storyline that is revisited in several episodes and never gets any more interesting.
9 "Collaborators" (7.9)
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Mad Men is filled with people who are very comfortable being two-faced. Affairs are commonplace in this world, with Don being the main offender. This episode deals with those lines that are crossed in a relationship in various ways.
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As Don struggles to keep his affair with a neighbor hidden, Pete goes too far in his own extramarital activities. The awkwardness of the episode might have turned some viewers off, or perhaps seeing Don sabotage the Mustang ad was too frustrating to watch.
8 "Tea Leaves" (7.9)
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This Season 5 episode centers mostly on Betty and her struggles with her weight. After gaining unwanted pounds, she visits a doctor and discovers she might have a tumor. Elsewhere, the firm tries to win back Mohawk Airlines, Don goes to a Rolling Stones concert and Peggy hires Michael Ginsberg.
"Tea Leaves" marks the first time Jon Hamm directed an episode of the series. While there is nothing wrong with his directing, the episode itself is rather bland. Betty's health scare is the most interesting aspect, and that comes and goes rather quickly.
7 "Love Among the Ruins" (7.9)
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Mad Men seems to be most exciting when there is a crisis afoot. We like to see Don and the team with their backs against the wall and having to finesse their way out of a bad situation. But not every episode can be like that, and therefore, some episodes like this one might feel a bit slow-paced.
The episode finds Betty's family visiting with more trouble involving her ailing father. This is clearly a storyline that fans don't love and the discussion of what to do with him comes to a conclusion which probably frustrated a lot of viewers.
6 "The Benefactor" (7.9)
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The more straight-forward episodes of Mad Men tend to make up the majority of this list. While there might not be anything glaringly wrong with them, they don't have the excitement of some of the other episodes in the series.
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The main conflict of the episode has Don dealing with an unruly star on the set of a commercial and the star's manager who takes a liking to Don. The story is fine, but it is unpleasant seeing a more violent and nasty side of Don. The lack of subplots also makes it a more forgettable entry.
5 "The Doorway, Part 2" (7.8)
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"The Doorway, Part 2" concludes the story started in the Season 6 premiere. While it was a slightly better received than its predecessor, it continues to be a rather uninteresting story to follow.
Don has a lingering obsession with death that he doesn't even seem to notice himself. While that makes for some interesting moments, the subplot of Betty searching for Sally's friend in the rough part of town is a misfire. The show has explored class differences effectively before, but here it is done in a clumsy manner.
4 "For Those Who Think Young" (7.8)
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For Mad Men, the Valentine's Day episode is just a way to explore how imperfect everyone's relationships are. The Season 2 premiere found the office excited over some cutting-edge equipment, Pete and his wife struggling to conceive and the continued distance between Don and Betty.
The first episode of the season often has the task of laying the necessary groundwork which can lead to some dull episodes. What is most frustrating about this particular episode is how it doesn't answer the burning questions we all had from the end of Season 1.
3 "The Doorway, Part 1" (7.7)
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The first episode of the penultimate season opened with a bit of a bore. This unspectacular two-part story finds Don and Megan enjoying a Hawaiian vacation, which seems to change Don in some profound way. Meanwhile, Betty tries to advise one of Sally's friends and Peggy deals with a troubled Super Bowl ad.
RELATED: Mad Men: 5 Best (& 5 Worst) Relationships
Mad Men enjoys exploring heavy themes through its characters. The show is usually so good at dissecting human crisis, but when it misfires, it can be a real slog.
2 "Marriage of Figaro" (7.7)
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Despite the engaging first episode and the brilliance that eventually followed, the first few episodes of Mad Men were not smash-hits with fans. In this third episode, the Drapers celebrate Sally's birthday with some of the neighbors, which further explores Don's discomfort with a normal life.
Perhaps because we have yet to get a firm grasp on the character of Don Draper, he comes off as a frustratingly selfish and petty man who might not be very fun to follow as the main character. The depiction of the façade of suburban life is interesting but nothing new.
1 "Ladies Room"(7.6)
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It seems like Mad Men was eager to get its worst episode out of the way early. With the second episode of the series, the show hit its lowest point, according to IMDb users. However, that's not to say that the episode is a total waste.
"Ladies Room" gives a hint of the show's depiction of women in this era. We see Betty going to see a therapist and Don's control over that very personal situation. We also see Peggy dealing with the constant harassment from the men in the office. Perhaps shifting focus from the ad world turned some viewers off.
NEXT: Mad Men: 10 Storylines That Were Never Resolved
source https://screenrant.com/mad-men-worst-episodes-imdb/
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