#which you cant tell from the sheer amount of run-on sentences i use X)
time-slink · 2 years
completely unrelated to like, anything going on right not at all lol, but ive been thinking about the way ppl talk about art on the internet and its super interesting to me like
ive noticed 'i like your style' being used as a way of saying 'this looks nice' which IS LIKE TOTALLY FINE DONT GET ME WRONG but i find it fascinating that i get this compliment a lot when even the way i draw the same characters fluctuates wildly between art— i dont think i, specifically, really have A style, and i certainly don't aspire to have one?
i take it as a 'i like this art,' which it's definitely implying, but i kind of wonder where the terminology came from? is it something about how much art there is on the internet, that being distinctive is held as more important? and then somewhere along the line it just became synonymous with 'good'? am i reading it wrong and its more like a 'there are aspects of the way you draw certain things that i admire'? even if so, its interesting that people usually say 'i like your style' instead of 'i like this style', is it something about branding? no clue and honestly thats the fun part
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