#which youd think wouldnt be asking for much and yet ive had two doctors refuse so far
happywitch416 ยท 10 months
Today is the day for the appointment with the new doctor. As I sit here, forcing myself to choke down a protein bar because otherwise I will eat nothing, I can't help but wish I could record this moment, the thoughts in my head with a counter of how many times I do this in say a month.
But by all means, please continue telling me I eat my emotions and eat too much.
And don't move enough. As if I can't and haven't been deadlifting furniture for the past week and will be for the rest of this week without breaking a sweat. Or the fact the only way I can keep my knee flexible and functioning is by keeping it moving.
But perhaps we will do my favorite thing where someone who doesn't know me tells me how I feel.
Bitch I live with these moods, if something gets fucky I will know about it even when I'd rather fuckin not.
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