#while Audrey's having an even worse time somehow but handling it better
choppedupnotkilled · 1 month
Audrey has so much character potential in a way that would never have been able to be utilized in the play/1986 movie.
She romanticizes this unbeknownst to her fucked up social role/lifestyle (being a 50s housewife) (obligatory disclaimer that it's totally understandable that this would happen and it doesn't make her any less intelligent) and uses her fantasies of it as a coping mechanism to make it through the day, which is a compelling aspect of her character that could be made even more compelling and be used extremely effectively by forcing her to contend with the fact that it is in fact fucked up. At least to me the obvious thing to do with a character that romanticizes something that's awful in reality and uses it to cope with their harsh reality is to explore their reaction to actually getting that thing and seeing behind the curtains, or in this case the veneer that was sold to her by those magazines and society in general.
Obviously an Audrey Disillusionment Arc would be beyond the scope of the play/1986 movie and I'm not suggesting that this should have happened there, but it would be perfect for a sequel to the latter's theatrical cut. Especially with the inherent parallelism with the director's cut ending, where by literally becoming a part of her partner's career and her relationship with him she achieves and embodies those 50s housewife aspirations she's always had far more completely than she ever could have as a living breathing flawed human.
This is a big aspect of my rewrite that I haven't released online, and it's set up through my character concept/interpretation of Seymour being kind of like Othello in that he's so used to bad times (war in Othello's case and Skid Row/social isolation in Seymour's) that good times freak him out and he can't handle them. And thus his mental health goes even further off the rails in Somewhere That's Green. There's a lot of other stuff going on there too it's a whole thing. It's almost more of a remake of Othello than Little Shop actually.
Anyway my ideal Little Shop sequel would involve the plant in the garden being taken care of in the first five minutes and then just tons of Audrey character exploration and development and a nice complex disillusionment arc for her. She deserves nice things like that. Even if giving them to her in this way obviously involves her suffering a lot. Audrey my beloved <3
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marvelslut16 · 5 years
The Pirate’s Princess
Pairing: Harry Hook x reader part 1
Soulmate AU
Synopsis: Everyone in Auradon had soulmates, (Y/N)’s twin Ben found his when he brought kids over from the Isle. (Y/N)’s compass pointed at the Isle as well. So what happens when she goes over there to bring Mal back and she finds the one she’s destined to be with? Will the pirate and the princess find a happy ending, or will they be ripped apart?
Word count: 3021
Warnings: One or two swear words I guess.
Soulmate Au
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Everyone in Auradon has a soulmate, the problem is that not all of them meet. A compass appears on one's arm on their fifteenth birthday. The arrow will point in the direction of the person’s soulmate without fail, even if it’s always pointing at the Isle of the Lost. like mine always has. 
When Ben first decided to bring kids over from the Isle, I was in full support. I gave him the idea when we were kids. So, naturally I defended his plan to our parents, which ultimately convinced them that it was an alright plan. I was always the strategic twin, the one that thought everything through and had about five backup plans for everything. I even plan out how conversations will go before they happen, just so I know how to respond.
 But the problem with Ben’s plan was that he stopped after the first group of kids, he found his soulmate. He found Mal, and he seemed to forget that there were so many other children on the Isle that were suffering and wanted a better life. I’m sure if Ben knew my soulmate was over there still he would have continued to bring more kids over, but he didn’t know. No one knew, I was always so sure that there would be an uproar if both the Prince and Princess had soulmates from the Isle. So I told no one, not Ben and not Audrey, my best friend. 
My infatuation with the Isle always ran deeper than everyone else. Audrey detested everyone that was on it, Ben wanted to save the kids after we turned fifteen, but I was always obsessed with it. Even before my Compass appeared. Maybe I’m too trusting, but I think they’ve been punished enough on the Isle. 
“Ben, you promised you would bring more kids over,” I reminded him as we sat in his study.
“I know, but it’s harder than it looks,” Ben sighs, running a hand through his hair.  
Ben-” I was cut off by a knock on the door. 
“Sorry to interrupt,” Evie smiles apologetically. “But Ben, it’s Mal. She went back to the Isle.”
“It’s all my fault!” my twin exclaims. “I-I blew it. She’d been under so much pressure lately, and instead of being understanding, I just went all Beast on her. I have to go there and apologize. I have to go there and- and beg her to come back.”
“Ben, you’ll never find her,” Evie frowns. “You need to know how the Isle and how it works and...you have to take me with you.”
“Yes!” Ben exclaims causing me to frown at him. Seeing my look he adds, “Uh are you sure?”
“Yeah. She is my best friend and we'll bring the boys too, because there's safety in numbers, and none of us is really too popular over there right now,” I can hear how nervous she sounds.
“Thank you!” Ben smiles. 
“I’m going too,” I interject.
“No! (Y/N) you are staying right here where it’s safe,” Ben growls.
“I can handle it Ben, I’m better at sword fighting than you. I can take care of myself over there. Plus I’ve always wanted to see it...”
“She already looks the part Ben,” Evie refers to my outfit. I’m wearing a blue leather jacket with a Gold rose on the back. There’s a little golden crown shaped pin on the front. I also have on yellow leather pants with blue zippers on them, and lastly black combat boots. Evie obviously supplied me with the outfit, my style has always been more edgy than regal. 
“Just,” Ben sighs. “Stay behind me and don’t talk to anyone.” 
“I can’t promise either of those things,” I smirk.
“But let's get two things straight,” Evie looks pointedly at Ben. “You have to promise me that I won't get stuck there again. And there's no way you're going looking like that.” I giggle as I follow the two to Evies dorm where Ben can change into more appropriate clothes. 
“How do you do this every day?” Ben asks as he pulls his leather pants to make them looser around his thighs.  
“Beauty is pain,” I laugh at my older, by two minutes, brother. “You get used to it, I promise.” 
Ben, Evie, Jay, Carlos, and I all pile into the limo and head for the Isle. I eagerly stare out the window as we get closer to said Isle, but my excitement soon turns into sadness. The four never wanted to speak of their time on the Isle, and now I really understand why. Everything is dirty, broken, and run down, no wonder the people here are so cruel. I would be too if I was forced to live in these conditions. Dad could have, and should have, done better. These are still his people, evil pasts or not. 
“I’m so sorry we didn’t take better care of you guys or the Isle,” I frown as I look over at Evie. She smiles and wraps her arm around my shoulders, pulling me into her side. 
“You didn’t know (Y/N/N). I know for a fact that if you did, you would have done something to help us.” 
Evie, Carlos, and Jay are telling Ben and I how to act on the Isle. Well, mainly Ben- I’m not clueless. 
“Okay, thanks,” Ben smiles. 
“Don’t say thank you,” I sigh as I bump into him while walking past. “And keep in eye on your wallet.”
 Ben starts checking his pockets and freaking out when he can’t find the wallet. “Guy’s it’s gone,” he freaks out as Jay smirks at me. 
“Missing this?” I smirk, holding his wallet between my first and middle fingers. He tries to snatch it out of my hands, but I move it out of the way. “Seriously Ben, you need to watch yourself.” 
The three villian kids demonstrate what they want Ben to act like on the Isle, and he manages to follow along. He even steals something from each of them, which is totally crazy. Ben struts off in front of us, humming in pride at his success. That is, until he bumps right into someone. And that someone happens to be Gil, Gaston’s youngest son, who recognizes us all. We escape Gil, and finally make it to where Mal is hiding out, Ben goes up to her alone. 
While Evie, Carlos, and Jay go and talk with themselves, I stare down at my compass. A compass that’s moving more than it ever has, and it fills me with hope. I might actually get to catch a glimpse of my soulmate, or maybe even meet them!
“How’d it go?” I ask when Ben comes back down.
“She’s not coming back,” his face falls. I immediately pull him into a hug and hold him tight. 
“I’ll talk to her,” Evie says firmly. 
We all watch Evie intently, so intently that we don’t notice been leaving.
“Where’s Ben?” I ask nervously.  We all start calling for Ben as a figure starts to approach us. 
“Ben, don’t scare us like that,” Evie scolds. 
“That’s not Ben,” I murmur, he isn’t carrying himself the right way. He fits in too much with the Isle to be Ben.
“Don’t scare ye?” the teen asks.”But that’s my specialty.” Jay quickly and discreetly pushes me behind him. 
The three start asking this guy, Harry apparently, where Ben is. But I can’t focus on what they’re saying. I’m too engrossed by Harry, his hook on his hand, his red jacket that fits him surprisingly well, the eyeliner that he can somehow pull off, and his ocean blue eyes. There’s a spark of familiarity that runs through me. I nervously look down at my arm, the arrow is pointing right at Harry. 
“And if you want to see him again,” Harry smirks. “Have Mal come to the Chip Shoppe tonight.
Alone. Uma wants a little visit.”
“Or you can give us Ben back now, it could really save your ego. Seeing as how I will take your ass down in a fight,” I smirk. 
“And who are you little lassie?” Harry runs his hook over my jaw. “You almost look like ye fit in here.”
“What’s it to you?” I raise an eyebrow. 
“I like to know the names of people that dare challenge me,” he smiles. 
“A pretty name for a pretty girl. So why’s the Princess slumming it here on the Isle,” Harry asks. 
“I’ve always wanted to see it,” I shrug. 
“So your first stop was to get your hair colored?” he wraps a strand of my hair around his hook. 
“Uh, no. This is my natural hair,” he gives me a disbelieving look. I mean if I were him, I would too. Mom and dad have always made me wear a (Y/H/C) wig to hide my natural golden blonde hair with blue tips. None of the other royals stand out as much as I would if I showed my hair along with my style choices. I’ve heard the rumors at school saying I belong on the Isle, the hair would only make it worse. 
“Well I like it better than the boring color they make you wear over there,” Harry leans in and our noses bump.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” I reply breathily. 
“Get your hands off of her,” Jay growls, finally snapping out of his shock at our interaction.
“I wouldn’t dream of hurtin’ her,” Harry caresses my cheek with his hook one last time. “I’ll be back for ye.”
“I’ll hold you to that,” I smile as he walks away. 
“What just happened?” Evie asks.
“I found him,” I breathe. “My soulmate.” 
The three share a look before dragging me up to see Mal. 
“What’s up with her?” Mal asks after a while of me sitting around and not interacting with the group. 
“She had a surprise encounter with her soulmate,” Evie sighs.
“Well which Prince is he?” Mal smirks. “It’ll take a lot to handle all of her personality.”
“Harry Hook,” Carlos mumbles.
“Wait what?” Mal looks concerned now. 
“He was different with her,” Jay adds. “Genuine.”
Mal met with Uma earlier, and she made a deal with her to give her Fairy Godmother’s wand in order to get Ben back. Carlos and Jay went back to Auradon to 3D print a copy of the wand, and picked up Lonnie along the way. Evie, Mal, and I made smoke bombs at the hair salon to distract the pirates later. Now we’re on the way to actually confront said pirates, I have butterflies in my stomach. I’m worried that Ben will have been injured, and I’m excited to see Harry again. 
We walk up to the ship and confront the pirates, Harry is staring right at me. I give him a little smile as I take my place behind Mal. Mal and Uma start fighting causing me to roll my eyes. 
“Uma, give us Ben back and you can come with us,” I try to convince her.
“You’re brother already tried that Princess,” she laughs, causing all of the pirates but Harry to join in.
“Yeah, well I’ve been the one bugging him for months to bring more of you over. And it was my idea to begin with. Let him go and you and two of your men can join us on the limo back.”
“Nice try sweetheart,” she chuckles again.
“C’mon Harry,” I turn to him with a pleading look. “You can’t tell me you haven’t thought about it. Come back with us, with me.” 
“(Y/N)-” Harry starts.
“Enough!” Uma cuts in. “Give me the wand.”
And Mal does, but Uma quickly figures out that it’s fake and fighting starts. I quickly grab a sword and I defend myself, never attacking any of the pirates. All they want is a better life, and I can’t hold that against them. 
Out of the corner of my eye I can see Jay dropping Harry’s hook into the water. I gasp and push back harder at the pirate I’m fighting, so I can head over to Harry. I’m heading towards him when I watch him pump into the water to save that stupid hook. “Harry!” I shout as I start running towards him.
Harry pops back up and clings onto the side of the deck, I quickly pull him up and into a hug. The action shocks both of us, but he soon reciprocates and holds me close. Something about being in his arms makes me feel safe, it feels like home. 
“I’ll be with ye before ye know it Princess,” Harry promises, pulling back and putting the red scarf from around his waist, around my neck. “Now you need to go.”
“Bye Harry,” I frown and walk towards the tunnel that leads to our limo. I send him one last sad glance as I make my way through, his sad eyes are staring straight into my soul. And with that, I walk away.  
I jump into the limo and seat myself in the corner, a single tear slips from my eye as we drive away from Harry. 
“(Y/N)-” Evie starts. 
“I really don’t want to talk about it E,” she frowns at my response. 
“Talk about what?” Ben looks away from Mal. I ignore him as I stare down at the damn compass on my arm. When I was a kid, I always imagined that it would bring me so much joy, not the worst pain I’ve ever experienced. 
“She had to leave her soulmate on the Isle,” Mal says lowly. 
“Not that it’s surprisingly,” I laugh humorously. “We should have known since we were kids, it explains my personality Ben.”
“I’m sorry,” he frowns. 
“You may be sorry, but we both know you won’t do anything to bring Harry over,” I lash out at him.
“It’s Harry?” he bellows. 
“Yeah dad,” I glare. “It’s Harry Hook, deal with it” 
There’s a knock on my door around thirty minutes after we get back to Auradon. I groan as I reluctantly open the door, where I come face to face with Evie. 
“I made a little change to your dress,” she beams. I raise an eyebrow in confusion. 
“What was wrong with it before?” I ask. 
“This look seems more fitting. I kept the high-low skirt and the corset,” she smiles. “But I changed the rest.”
“Evie did you make a whole new dress?” I frown.
“No, I had a different top option for you, so I switched it out. And Mal helped me change the color a little,” she winks. 
Before I can respond, she pulls the dress off of the rack that’s sitting behind her. My once blue and gold dress is simplistic black and white. The top is a white off the shoulder top, the skirt is high-low with black and white stripes in a diagonal pattern, and the corset is black and laces up in the front. “It looks like a pirate dress from stories I read as a kid,” I breathe as I run my hand over the skirt. 
“Well don’t just stand there! Go try it on!” Evie bounces in excitement. 
I quickly run into the bathroom and put it on, it fits like a glove. “Evie, it’s perfect,” I smile as I walk out of the bathroom.
“We can’t forget the boots,” she smiles holding up authentic pirate boots. “I may or may not have gotten them on the Isle when you weren’t paying attention.”
“You’re the best Evie!” I smile as I pull her into a hug.
“It’s just missing one last touch,” I follow her gaze to where Harry’s scarf was thrown on my bed earlier. I walk over and grab, deciding to copy him, I tie the scarf around my waist.
“Perfect,” Evie grins.  
“What are you wearing?” mom asks through a fake smile as soon as I step onto the deck of the ship. 
“A dress?” I ask sarcastically.  
“You look like a pirate,” dad grimaces.
“Well I like it,” I frown. “And what’s wrong with pirates?”
“Their evil,” mom frowns.
“You can’t possibly know how every last pirate acts,” my frown deepens.
“And why aren’t you wearing your wig?” Dad’s voice raises a tad.
“I’m sick of pretending to be someone that I’m not, this is me. Accept it or don’t,” I walk over to where Jay and Lonnie are standing. 
Like all things recently, the cotillion doesn’t go smoothly. Uma found Mals spellbook and dove out before the barrier closed, and she spelled Ben like Mal did six months ago (when Ben was in slight denial over who his soulmate was). Mal saves him with true love's kiss, blah blah blah. That stupid love shit that they are lucky enough to have. 
Uma runs to the edge of the boat and jumps over. “Uma!” I scream as I frantically search the water for her. I gasp, along with everyone else, when she resurfaces as a sea witch like her mother. 
“I’m digging the new look (Y/N), the scarf looks authentic,” she smirks and winks. “You look more real than we’ve ever seen you over there on the Isle.”
“Thanks Uma,” I smile down at her. “The offer still stands, ya know. You, Gil, and Harry could all have a place here, help us bring more kids over.”
“If you were the Queen then maybe I would, you’re the only genuine royal,” she shoots Ben a look. 
Mal turns into a dragon, did anyone know she could do that? She spits fire at Uma, who backs away laughing. Ben, being the new reckless him, roars and jumps in the water to be between them. He tries to convince her to stay and help, way to steal my idea again bro. Uma gives Ben his ring back, before swimming away. Uma turns around on last time and nods at me before disappearing.  
As the party dances and celebrates, I head to the edge of the boat and look out to the Isle, will I ever see Harry again?
Part 2
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Chapter 22: Pink
this is cross posted on Ao3 (my username is causemufins)
Chloe wakes up in pain and wonders if she's really up to the job.
When Chloé opened her eyes, she felt blinded by the sheer amount of pink that seemed to attack her vision. She wanted to close her eyes again and just sleep because of how much everything hurt when her mind connected the color with what she last remembered.
The blonde jumped up, ignoring her pain even though standing made her almost collapse. She reached for the top on her hip to find it missing. In a moment of panic, Chloé looked around and was surprised to find her not near the school and surrounded by rubble, but the very familiar and pink design of Marinette’s room.
The realization that the battle was over caused the rush of adrenaline to leave her and Chloé collapsed to the ground, watching the pinks of the room blur as they spun. She closed her eyes and tried to focus on how the ground felt. Her fingers found the seam of some of the wood planks that made up the floor. It felt cold to the touch and she moved her hand against the wood, the coolness feeling soothing.
Just as she was starting to feel a little better, there was a small slam. Chloé’s eyes shot open and she saw the hatch leading into Marinette’s room was now open and Marinette was halfway out of it.
“Oh Tikki! She’s awake! We were gone too long!” The amount of concern in Marinette’s voice was strong enough that it made Chloé’s head hurt more making her groan. “Oh, I’m sorry! Maybe I was too loud and-”
Another voice cut Marinette off, one Chloé didn’t recognize. “Nah, she woke up like two minutes ago. I heard her fall to the ground.”
“Then why are you over there?!” The angry voice of Tikki spoke up. “She could have hurt herself more if she fell!”
“Because Pollen is doing worse.”
Neither Tikki or Marinette replied to the other voice, but the comment about Pollen caught Chloé’s attention. “P-Pollen?” She spoke up, attempting to stand up, a pain shooting through her chest. “Where is s-she?”
“Chloé, you’re not in any shape to be moving around.” Tikki spoke and the blonde felt the small nubs of a kwami’s hands on her arm. “Now that Marinette and I are back, I’ll be able to help with healing for you both.”
“Which is good since I need to get back to-” the unfamiliar voice was cut off as he let out a small belch which made Chloé cover her nose.
“Of course.” Marinette replied. “Please send my well wishes to Chat and be safe returning to him.”
Was she talking to Chat? No that wouldn’t make sense if Marinette gave a message for Chat. The temporary replacement? No, Chloé would have recognized the voice. Then she made the connection. It had to be his kwami. Speaking of kwami, where was Pollen? They didn’t answer her when she asked, only having told her Pollen was hurt or sick or something. Could kwami even get sick?
Chloé tried getting up again, pushing through the dizziness and pain. She could tell that Marinette and Tikki were trying to tell her something, but the words weren’t processing in her brain. She started looking around the room. Everything was fuzzy from the pain and her headache, but that should actually help. Everything, okay nearly everything, was some variant of pink. It shouldn’t be that hard to see something bright yellow in the sea of pink.
The room started to tilt again and Chloé couldn’t help but let out a curse. But instead of hitting the ground, she could feel someone grab her and keep her up. Because of that, she no longer needed to focus on standing and looked around the room more. Finally she saw a bright yellow spot.
Whoever was holding Chloé didn’t expect her to move, so both of them stumbled when the blonde started to walk. Once things were stable again, Chloé took another step, the person holding her up being prepared this time. Slowly, the two of them walked over to where Pollen was.
Chloé tried to reach out to Pollen, but her hand was stopped before it could get too close. She tried again, but this time she was slowly lowered to lie down on the floor. The moment she could no longer see Pollen, she started to throw a small fit that she would otherwise be embarrassed to be seen doing. But whoever was helping her seemed to respond well and helped prop her up with some pillows or something similar
It wasn’t the best or most comfortable place to be, but Chloé put up with it because for one, she didn’t need to stand, but also because she could see Pollen, and right now, that’s all that mattered to her. Chloé continued to watch the form of her kwami until her eyes became heavy and she fell asleep again.
The next time she woke up, Chloé didn’t feel as sore and her vision wasn’t swimming as much. She tried to remember what was going on, and the first thing to pop into her head was Pollen. Her head swiveled around before she looked at where Pollen still lay. She tried to sit up, though winced as everything ached and felt stiff. She paused to stretch, which did help with the stiffness, but also made her feel more sore than before. But with that she was able to sit up and get a better look at Pollen.
At a glance the kwami seemed to just be sleeping, but Chloé had seen Pollen sleeping normally before. Obviously not all was well with the kwami. Carefully Chloé picked her up. She could see the kwami flinch at the touch, but Chloé tried to be as gentle as possible. She reached into one of her pockets, sad to find no jelly beans. They were obviously in her purse, but she was nowhere near it and she didn’t want to move to try and find it. 
With nothing else to do, Chloé just cradled the kwami in her hands and started to cry. She had done this. She screwed up again and hurt Pollen. When she had first found the miraculous and opened the box, she was terrified when Pollen showed up and nearly called an exterminator. But the kwami had quickly calmed her down. And for the first time in a while, Chloé had someone to talk to and be really open to. 
Sure, she had her bear, but he couldn’t talk back, and she didn’t want to seem vulnerable to Sabrina. Pollen didn’t say anything specifically about keeping her identity secret at the time, and when her mom supported Marinette instead of her own daughter, Chloé lost it. Marinette already had a wonderful life which was already being shoved in her face with the fashion show. Even Adrien’s usually absent father had been attentive to him that day. Then Audrey showed up, forgot her name again and treated Marinette like the best thing in the world. 
Even after she turned into Queen Bee the first time, her mom paid no mind to her. Obviously it was because she was just playing dress up and not a hero yet. So Chloé took to the streets. She hoped for an akuma, she was a new hero that showed her identity on live television, of course Hawkmoth would see. But somehow he hadn’t. And there wasn’t even any petty crime. 
She wished she had never seen the subway entrance, but in wanting to impress her mother, all she could think about was what her mother had said. You sometimes have to do it yourself. And Chloé has seen that Ladybug and Chat Noir were strong heroes. There obviously wasn’t anyone that strong in real life, so Chloé knew that she would be strong too. She was just going to make the train go a little faster and then stop it herself. No one would have to know it was her fault. But when she pushed against it, nothing happened. And it didn’t help that her paralyzing the conductor had led to him turning the speed up himself with no way to move the handle back. 
Even from the loud rushing of the train and the windows muffling their voices, the enhancements that came from being Queen Bee let her hear Marinette’s parents trying to stop the train. Before it was just random people, but no matter how much Chloé hated Marinette, she still knew the people on the train. And that suddenly made it real. And this wasn’t an akuma, so even if Ladybug showed up, what if her cure couldn’t fix anything?
She heard Chat Noir and looked up. Instead of immediately jumping to help, he just made a joke about her situation, making it weigh even heavier on her conscience. Ladybug spoke up next, she didn’t even realize the heroine was there as well. 
When the train stopped, Chat Noir jumped down and started to help the passengers. Chloé felt guilty, but when he started comforting them, she joined in on the evacuation. He complimented her on getting there so fast and for a few moments it was perfect. She was a hero. The fact that she caused it managed to slip her mind until Ladybug returned. The praise she had gotten was replaced as the passengers chided her and then suddenly her mom’s face was on a screen in front of her. 
She was called irresponsible and then asked for the miraculous back. In anger she said Ladybug was just as bad since it had been abandoned. When Chat and Ladybug started to argue, she started to run away. She would just get home, try to figure things out this time, talk with Pollen. She tried to keep herself from crying. In trying to earn love from her mom, now she was the most hated person in Paris, maybe even more than Hawkmoth. 
Suddenly her sadness turned to anger and then everything went dark. The next thing she knew, she was underwater. She looked at herself, costume gone. That meant the miraculous was- and then she saw the rusted pieces of the comb that housed Pollen. The kwami was nowhere in sight. But it was just sitting there, maybe she had to be holding it? But even when Chloé held the pieces, Pollen didn’t reappear.
When she was out of the water and the miraculous was fixed, she looked down at it. Still, there was no kwami. She held it closer, willing for Pollen to appear. Ladybug had caught an akuma. And that meant it had to be her akuma. She had been akumatized and the miraculous had held the butterfly. She had gotten so upset it ended up hurting Pollen.
She begged for a second chance, but again, her mother made things worse. If she hadn’t just been an akuma, Chloé was sure she would be akumatized again, but then the heroes spoke to her. They weren’t angry this time. They were understanding. And when Ladybug asked for the miraculous, this time Chloé obliged. She had had the miraculous for a day and had ruined everything. Ladybug had hers for months, and possibly that would let her help Pollen.
When Marinette showed up at the hotel, Chloé expected things to get worse. But instead she gave an opening for Chloé’s mom to actually warm up to her. Finally her mom was going to give her love, or was she? Even as Audrey proclaimed she would stay in Paris, even as she hugged her daughter, Chloé didn’t feel sure.
Weeks later, on heroes day, Chloé turned her signal on. She had made it hoping that she could get the miraculous again. And when Chat Noir came with the miraculous and the light of a kwami started to appear, she nearly cried. And then Pollen greeted her.
But she had gotten akumatized again. She hurt Pollen again. When Chat Noir asked for the miraculous back, she didn’t hesitate.
And now, even as she had proven herself as a real hero. Even with her second, no, her third chance, she had gotten Pollen hurt. Everyone may think that she was perfect for the bee miraculous, but she wasn’t.
Chloé winced and she shifted Pollen into one hand and then lifted her arm up. Finding the comb, she pulled it out of her hair. She placed the miraculous down on the desk and then put Pollen next to it. Whatever happened next, she wouldn’t be Abelle, for Pollen’s sake.
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peaks-fever-dream · 7 years
Twin Peaks: The Return, Part 7
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Air Date: 6/18/17
Warning: Contains Spoilers
     Twin Peaks, Washington
     Buckhorn, South Dakota
     Arlington, Virginia
     Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
     Sioux City, South Dakota
     Las Vegas, Nevada
Jerry is wearing the same clothes as he was when he was in the woods listening to Dr. Amp. Does this mean that he has been lost in the woods this whole time?  People have been known to disappear for a day or two in those woods without knowing how much time has passed. Has Jerry had one of those experiences? We shall have to see if any strange markings have appeared on him, as with the Log Lady and Major Briggs.
Hawk says that the 3 pages are definitively from the Secret Diary of Laura Palmer that Harold Smith had. He also suggests that it was Leland who had stashed them in the door of the men’s room stall, perhaps when they had brought him in for Jacque Renault’s death. Here is the problem: In Fire Walk with Me, we do see Leland/Bob tear some pages out of Laura’s diary. We previously assumed that these were the four pages that were missing. When Laura discovers these pages have been torn out, she takes the diary to Harold for safe keeping. Later, after she has taken the diary to Harold, she has the dream about Annie that is described on these pages that Hawk has found. This means that the pages we saw Leland/Bob tear out of the diary earlier can not be the ones that discuss the dream about Annie. That dream came later. Right away here, this makes a second problem. It means that if these pages were missing as well, then there are more than a total of four pages altogether torn out and missing from Laura’s diary. Even if Leland/Bob had somehow gone to Harold’s and torn out those pages later, there would be more than four pages missing. From Leland’s look when he was told about the Secret Diary at Harold’s in the original series, however, it was pretty obvious that he had known nothing about this “second” diary. The pages he had torn out earlier in Fire Walk with Me were the ones he showed Laura in the train car and said that he thought she had already known. Now it is possible that Laura had written about the dream of Annie in her other, non-secret, diary and that Leland had torn out those pages and stashed them. Hawk is pretty adamant that these pages came from the Secret Diary at Harold’s, however. This is also information that she would not likely write in the non-private diary, as these pages also contained the fact that she now knew who Bob really was and she would not want Leland/Bob to find that information.
So now we have two problems. The first is that, with these found pages along with the ones Leland/Bob had already ripped out, there should be more than four pages missing from the diary. On a side note, Hawk says here that there were four pages that were ripped out of Laura’s diary and the fourth one is still missing. Well we know from the original series that Harold had ripped out a page and left it for Donna. So would this not be the so called “fourth” page that had been ripped out? Cooper had been with Donna when she received it, so why would it be still considered missing? Did Cooper not tell anyone about this page? Or, again, are there actually more than four pages missing? The second problem is that Leland/Bob could not have been the one to stash them if he did not know about the diary being at Harold’s and therefore could not have them to begin with.
Now it could be argued that the Annie scene in Fire Walk with Me was shown out of sequence and that it had actually happened before we saw Leland/Bob rip the pages out of the book. I will have to go back and re-watch the movie to see if there are any other problems with that interpretation. Now if that scene was shot in this third season, I could see a precedent for that argument as we have already had a number of scenes shown out of sequence during this season. From everything we know, however, every other scene in that film was shown in sequence. It just makes no sense from that perspective that Lynch would have chosen to show this one scene out of sequence. It would also serve no purpose to the telling of the story.
The Giant had mentioned four-three zero to Dale in Part one. The farmer and Andy arrange to meet at 4:30. Right now, this does not appear to be related at all. There is a question, however, of what happened to the Farmer. Could something significant have happened at 4:30 that we are just not aware of yet?
I know that Lynch and Frost had wanted to show Warren Frost on screen. It is even more significant as this Part was shown on Father’s day and Warren Frost was Mark Frost’s father. This is probably why the first four episodes were released in twos. But they really could have found a way to make it serve the story. Now don’t get me wrong here, I loved seeing Doc Hayward, but there was no reason for Frank to talk to him on Skype when he already had him on the phone. It was not like Frank had something that he wanted to show the Doc. Everything that they discussed could have been done right there over the phone. This scene did disappoint me a little as a result.
Absolutely loved the wood paneled computer screen in Frank’s desk, though.
Evil Cooper could have been visiting Annie (I don’t know if she would have been in the ICU, though), or even retrieving the ring from the nurse that had stolen it from Annie (according to the Missing Pieces). The fact that Doc Hayward specifically mentions Audrey in her Coma, however, suggests the one thing that I did not want to think about. I had previously heard the theories that Richard was the product of a sexual relationship between Audrey and Evil Coop, and I had previously said that the only way that could have happened was if Evil Coop had taken advantage of her when she was in the hospital. That she was in a coma somehow makes this even worse to me, though it could be argued that at least she did not have to be awake for it. We do not know how long she was in the coma for. Perhaps she had the child while she was still in the coma and it had been given away to be raised. Who knows? From her point of view, however, she would have to think that the child was actually John Justice Wheeler’s.
What I would love to see, if Richard really is Audrey’s son, is for Audrey to just rip into him and chew him out for his behavior.
Because the body was around 40 years old and had only died five or six days ago, there are only two possibilities that I can come up with. First of all we know that Briggs could not just have been in the Lodge for all this time as we see that others, such as Cooper, do still age in the Lodge.
1) There is time-travel involved. Now we already know that real time travel does exist in this universe as Cooper had traveled through time when he went into the glass box (see my previous notes for further discussion of this). We also remember that in the original series Major Briggs had shown up in an old war-time flight outfit, which suggests that he may have gone back in time.
2) This body is not that of the original Major Briggs, but was manufactured. This gives further credence to the theory that Evil Coop had stolen the body’s little gold ball and replaced it with the original Dougie’s gold wedding ring so that he could manufacture the new Dougie.
Hmmm . . . the Woodsman shows up again, but we do not learn anything more about him.
I’m glad that they explained the reversed lettering along with the reversed fingerprints.
It was also nice for Cole to reference the backwards word spoken by Evil Coop, and tied in to the finger, which he had hinted about when he had told Albert that Cooper had not greeted him correctly.
HA! The girl from Ipanema. I wonder if Albert took her dancing.
So it seems that Evil Coop may have had his way with Diane as well as Audrey. Did Diane have a child as well? Is Linda her child? Two birds with one stone.
So now we have a Joe McClusky to go along with Mr. Strawberry. Unfortunately it appears that no one will hear about Joe McClusky or the late Mr. Strawberry again.
A part of me had wanted to see Cooper’s instinct kick in when Ike came after him, and I’m glad to have seen it, but a part of me also wanted to see Battleing Bud punch Ike out when he came after Cooper. Ike is still out there, though, so it could still happen.
Why does the arm show up here and tell Cooper to squeeze Ike’s hand off? Very strange for the arm to show up outside the Lodge.
Odd that we had the little circle of light area around the piece of flesh being taken off the handle of the gun. It was almost as if it were being shot by one of the news crew, though it really did not feel like it.
My first thought is that the sound was coming from the hidden passageway behind the walls. Because the sound seems to move, however, I’m wondering if it isn’t Josie still trapped in the wood of The Great Northern.
The key to room 315 returning to The Great Northern Hotel through the mail is in fact the final Key, the Lynch Pin if you will, in the puzzle that links all of the story lines to the same time period. There are still individual scenes that are shown out of order, but all of the events of the story now appear indeed to be happening in the same year.
We saw Ben trying to turn over a new leaf in the second season of the original series and it seems that he is still trying to fight his urges and to be a good man. He obviously senses Beverly’s attraction, but does not give in to the temptation. Good for him. We’ll just see if it lasts.
Yes, Lynch is known for his long, drawn out scenes. The sweeping scene in the Roadhouse, however, seems to go on for so long that it really feels as if they are stalling for time because they do not want to get into other information that fits better in the next Part. This is the first time that I have actually skipped ahead on re-watch. He did, however, have the presence of mind to film all of that in the first place.
Speaking of the Roadhouse, it is nice to finally have someone refer to it by name in this season and officially put an end to the idea that it is called the Bang Bang Bar.
We must remember that Ray is still under orders to kill Evil Coop, and that Evil Coop knows this.
Additional: I had not caught this one myself, but some of the customers at the counter of the RR actually change between the time when Bing pokes his head in through the door and he asks if anyone has seen Billy. Shelly actually shakes her head as if she senses that something is off, although she may just supposed to be reacting to Bing.
0 notes