#while he FUNDS genocide. while he talks peacefully with the man committing genocide
lesbianpegbar · 11 months
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i hope joe biden rots in hell
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bebe-benzenheimer · 8 years
fam whether you chose to see it or not women are oppressed sooooo
Mmm, yes, look at all this oppression:
Feminists skewed the Definition of Domestic Abuse, resulting in only male abusers being arrested and female abusers not.
Feminists’s DV training hurts Police training
The feminist group WAR has petitioned to have the government stop prosecuting women for filing false accusations
Feminist Mary Koss denies male rape victims.
Feminists violently protesting against Warren Farrell at U of Toronto
17,000 feminists at protest attack and sexually molesting a group of Rosary-praying Catholic men who were peacefully protecting the cathedral in the city of San Juan from threats of vandalism.
Feminists shut down forum for battered husbands.
Feminists fought a law for equal custody to be the default if both parents want custody and neither parent is unfit. Multiple times.
Feminists started a campaign against Father’s rights groups
Feminists fought against laws granting men anonymity until charged with the crime of rape—not convicted, just charged.
Feminists fought against a law to end to the justice system favoring women simply because they are women, and giving men harsher sentences simply because they are men.
Feminist fought against men want equal treatment when victims of domestic violence, and to not be arrested for the crime of “being male” under primary aggressor policies.
Feminists in India and Israel fought against female rapists being arrested, charged and convicted of rape.
Feminists fought against a economic stimulus for male-dominated job such as construction, etc.
Feminist fought a law against  Paternity Fraud.
Feminist Harriet Harman has publicly requested employers to hire women in preference to White men if both job candidates are equally
Equality Minister,feminist Patricia Hewitt, was found guilty of breaching the Sex Discrimination Act by “overlooking a strong male candidate for a job in favour of a weaker female applicant”.
Elected in 2009, the lesbian feminist prime minister Johanna Sigurdardottir has vowed to “end of the Age of Testosterone
Feminists want to make peeing while standing illegal
Erin Pizzey had to flee the UK because she and her family received death threats and her dog murdered all because feminists didn’t like that she discovered women were equally as violent as men.
Also Suzanne Steinmetz and her children received death threats and bomb threats she discovered that  the rate at which men were victimized by domestic violence was similar to the rate for women.
Richard Gelles and Murray Straus  have all received death threats from feminists, simply for publishing their findings (that female-to-male family violence was equal to the rate of male-to-female violence).
Feminist attacks male cartoonist and is hailed a hero of feminism.
Try to shut down female prisons.
Feminists prevent a meeting about male suicide.
Jezebel mocks men who are abused.
Create rape laws that exclude female rapists.
Make it impossible to charge women with rape.
Feminists cover up female domestic violence.
Feminists don’t want the gov to help unemployed men.
Feminists say men can’t talk about domestic abuse.
Feminists say Men can’t be raped.
Feminists cover up female domestic abuse stats.
Women receive lighter sentences and a higher chance of acquittal, simply for being women
94% of sexually abused youth in correctional facilities reported being abused by female staff. Only 40% of the staff is female.
Inmates reporting staff sexual misconduct, ~ 65% reported a female aggressor
Study of US college women - 12% of the respondents reported ever using any type of force strategy while 43% reported using a coercion strategy and 92% reported using a seduction strategy to initiate sex.
Mothers kill children at twice the rate of fathers.
For Every 100 girls..
Women actually control 80% of household spending, and 51.3% of private wealth.
Women receive custody in over 90% of divorce proceedings
Women initiating divorce between 66% and 90% of the time.
Women make up the majority of college graduates
School system favors girls starting from Kindergarten
Female felons should serve home sentences.
Told judges to be lenient on women.
Women are perpetrators often as men.
286 sources on assaults on partners by women
Women are more violent
Domestic violence being equally committed by women, only males get arrested
Men are over 40% of domestic abuse victims
Male DV victims are discriminated against
Gay and bisexual men experience abuse in intimate partner relationships at a rate of 2 in 5, which is comparable to the amount of domestic violence experienced by heterosexual women.
About 17-45% of lesbians report having been the victim of a least one act of physical violence perpetrated by a lesbian partner (1,5,6,13).
Women Now a Majority in American Workplaces
Labor force participation rate for men has never been lower.
Women in some cases make more than men.
And their husbands dont have a problem with it either.
There is no STEM gender gap in the U.S
Women In Tech Make More Money And Land Better Jobs Than Men
Lesbian on Lesbian Rape
Inflation of anti-human trafficking statistics
Men who are falsely accused of rape can have their names published and their lives ruined even if they are not convicted or charged - their accuser is protected and is likely to face no punishment, or a light one.
Under a recent federal directive, men are convicted of rape in university campuses if the investigating board finds that the chances they committed the rape are at 50.00001% or greater.
The DOE policy in practice: Caleb Warner was accused of rape and expelled from the University of North Dakota, then his accuser was charged with filing a false report. He remains expelled as of June 2011
Woman rapes boy, woman becomes pregnant, boy must paid child support.
40% of rapists are female 1
Definition of rape, erases victims of rape who are forced to penetrate, generally men who are forced to have sex with women.
Men are raped in the military
Men Outnumber Women Among American Rape Victims
Male statutory rape victims forced to pay child support
59% of the rapists had been heterosexually molested.
Female Pedophiles Cause Children More Harm, According to Research by University of Bergen, Norway
males and females carried out sexual violence at strikingly similar rates after the age of 18
Female-on-male sexual assault is under reported
A man is approximately 165% more likely to be convicted than a woman
Men are significantly more likely to be the victims of violent crime
Men and Boys are doing worse in all aspects of the educational system, from kindergarten to university.
Men suffer from Paternity fraud
Female business owners get money from the government for being female. Males?no
Some Airlines, have banned male from sitting next to children because they are men.
Rape of males in Prison and jail
Male circumcision is still legal
Men often coerced into sex: study
Boy victims of sex trafficking ignored
Men are 93 % of work place death/violence.
Eating disorders among men and boys
Demonization of Male Sexuality
Catastrophically high suicide male rate
Literally zero male shelters
75-80% of the Homeless are men
Family courts are bais against men.
Breast Cancer gets more funding/research/drugs than Prostate cancer despite affecting men at a similar rate of women.
Divorced men are 40% more likely to commit suicide
Founder of Canadas only male shelter for abuse forced to close due to lack of funding before committing suicide.
Shame men into going to war.
Feminists attack government office and police who show upFeminist fire bomb 3 adult film storesFeminists assault other feminists and loot stores Feminists attack and molest men who are protecting a churchFeminist rebels wage 20 year long war in MexicoFeminist commits string of arson attacks and tries to break out of prisonLGBT Feminist assaults Swedish Politician Feminist bombs 8 buildingsFeminists mutilate dog and force women to flee countryFeminist attack female modelsFeminists plan to blow up clothing storeFeminist terrorize woman and children and send bomb threats Feminists turn Burkina Faso and into an Orwellian nightmareFeminists send bomb threats over people publishing factsFeminists break into the Egyptian Parliament and start making demandsFeminists send bomb threats to journalism conferenceFeminist attempts to assassinate famous artistFeminists call for the largest string of terrorist attacks in human historyFeminists bomb 2 buildings to celebrate National Women’s Day Feminists vandalize restaurant for having the word male in their nameFeminists assault police officers and try to take over The House of CommonsFeminists murder hundreds across Iran in terrorist attacksFeminists murder 386 people and try to take over IrelandFeminists bomb places, commit arson, attempt murder, destroy historical landmarks, and attempt to assassinate The British Prime MinisterFeminist who lead the group that did the things stated above hailed as heroFeminists bomb 45 buildings in GermanyFeminist destroys priceless work of art, commits arson and bombs train station Feminist leader participates in massacre which leaves 116 deadFeminists vandalize collage campus fraternity buildingFeminists attempt to assassinate The British Prime Minister againFeminist commits arson, attacks police, destroy monument showcase for landmark, destroys cell block, attempt to blow up the home of Scotland’s National Poet and assaults another Prime MinisterFeminist professor physically assaults teenage girl for being pro life Feminist tries to blow up postbox with homemade bombFeminists vandalize signs and sends bomb threats over advertisementFeminists attack the archbishop of BrusselsFeminists attack the archbishop of Brussels againArmed Feminists attack the Irish Capital buildingFeminists call for another bombing of Dresden to push Islamic genocideFeminists storm wax museum to destroy statue of politician  The feminist at the guardian thinks men are going to take away their babies.
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