#while i was on wikipedia i also found out that his city's called st. canard cause canard is duck in french
radioromantic-moved · 4 years
Asks 10-20 with Darkwing?~
ty again!! you didn’t need to send so many but also i’m happy you did thank you
10. When is your F/O’s birthday? wikipedia says the first darkwing duck episode aired september 6 so i’m gonna go with that. (hey that’s soon...i should celebrate somehow.) 
11. Does your F/O know how to cook? If so are they good at it? drake is a Confirmed Good Cook by word of god (which is good because i am Not That. he keeps me from living off takeout and microwaveable meals.) 
12. What is your F/O’s favorite flavor? i don’t have a reason for this per se but i feel like og drake would like savory things! dt17 drake might like sweet things though (because he is sweet). 
13. If your F/O could be a fan of any video game what do you think it would be? he is an old school gamer through and through. which is to say he’d probably like mario and sonic but the originals. still can’t get the hang of the new stuff.
14. What type of aesthetic does your F/O have? i made a moodboard for him a while back that i feel like describes his aesthetic (or at least the way i see it) pretty well...city at night but also there’s cartoon physics to obey
15. What color are your F/O’s eyes? because of the way the show’s animated they’re drawn black but i like to think they’re kind of a periwinkle color...blueish purple. an unrealistic eye color but a pretty one.
16. Does your F/O have any tattoos? If not, do they like or hate the concept of tattoos? one side of my brain says “he’s a suburban dad, he wouldn’t have tattoos.” another side of my brain says “he’s a night-faring crime fighter, he’d totally have or want tattoos.” yet another side of my brain asks, “how would you tattoo feathers anyway?”
17. If you could have matching tattoos what would it be? he and i and launchpad each get one word of “let’s get dangerous” but then we fight over who gets “dangerous” because the other two make no sense on their own /j. honestly maybe like. a light side and dark side of the moon or something? cause good vs evil but we’re both goth 
18. Does your F/O have any piercings? human drake should TOTALLY have pierced ears oh my god now i’m just gonna be thinking about that forever
19. Is your F/O a cake or pie person? gonna hazard a guess and say cake because it isn’t quite as funny when someone throws it in your face. 
20. Is your F/O a morning or night person? 🎵swoops out of the shadows, darkwing of the night🎵
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