#while quietly playing my 'august and everything after' cd
whataboutyouisamascot · 7 months
Hello my local library
My local library, I love you
I love you, hello my local library
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just-jordie-things · 3 years
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word count: 11,648 warnings: swearing, mentions of death, reader is an orphan,  summary: John B was the closest thing to family that (y/n) had left, and now he’s gone and disappeared.  Fortunately JJ’s there to help her feel whole again. based on this song ___
[ yelling at the sky, screaming at the world // baby why’d you go away?... heaven only knows where you are now ]
August 10th, 9:30 p.m (The Night Of The Disappearance of John B Routledge and Sarah Cameron)
“Unfortunately… we lost them” Officer Thomas said, hanging his head shamefully.
Pope broke down right away, Kiara at his side, comforting him with a hug and soft words.
“What do you mean you lost them?” JJ asked, jumping straight to anger.  “They’re just gone? They’re dead!?”
(y/n) stood back, glancing down at her cold hands, finding that they’ve begun to shake with the new information.  She didn’t know how to process what she was hearing.
“We don’t know for certain-” Thomas tried to explain, but JJ wasn’t having it, he lashed out completely.
“You drove them right into the storm!” He yelled, lunging for the cop, grabbing him by his shirt and shaking him violently.  “You killed them-!”
“JJ..” Kiara cried out, clutching tighter to Pope’s side as she began to quietly sob.
He released the cop with a shove, turning back to his remaining friends.  Pope pulled Kiara into his arms, crying into her hair silently.
But (y/n) was frozen in place, her expression hadn’t changed since Thomas had told them what happened.  Tears were streaming down her cheeks quickly, more and more spilling over with each passing second.  Her whole body shook, and she wrapped her arms around herself.  She wasn’t sure if it was the grief or the cold, but either way, her own embrace provided no comfort.
“(y/n/n)- sweetheart…” JJ stepped towards her, his hands outstretched for her to take if she needed, but she didn’t move.  Her eyes didn’t even meet his.
“John B…” She whimpered, her lip quivering as she sniffled.  “Sarah…”
When a sob escaped her, JJ was there in a second, grabbing onto her and holding her as tightly as he could in his arms.  She continued to sob, screaming and crying as her body finally reacted.
She thrashed in his hold, squirming and pushing at him, hands smacking at his arms and chest, trying to pry him off of her, even though deep down all she craved was to be held, comforted.
“It’s not fair! It’s not fair,” She was screaming, drawing the attention of the surrounding officers, as well as the Carreras and the Heywards who had shown up to comfort their children.
But (y/n) had no one to show up for her, they were all dead.
“It’s not fair- It's not fair it’s not fair” She continued to cry against JJ, until her knees gave out and she crumpled to the ground.  
The blonde boy followed with her, gathering her back in his arms no matter how much she fought and pushed him away.
But eventually her body tired out, and she gave in.  He could feel her slump into his shoulder as she rested all of her weight on him.  His own tears soaked into her hair and tee shirt as he dropped his face to her own shoulder.
“Not fair” She mumbled, on repeat, until her crying made her too incoherent to understand.  
He didn’t know what to say, he didn’t know what to do, he’d never seen (y/n) like this before, much less how you were supposed to react when your best friend, and your kinda new friend, were lost at sea.
“I’ve got you,” He said instead, knowing that there were no magic words to heal her.  ���I’m here, I’ve got you”
They didn’t fix everything, but they seemed to do the trick, because she finally wrapped her arms around his shoulders, her hands fisting into the material of his shirt as she clutched onto him with the same intensity that he held her with.
They spent hours in that tent, long after Pope and Kiara’s parents took them home, they were still there.  Technically they were supposed to wait for a parent or guardian to pick them up.  But JJ’s father was a coked up piece of shit, and (y/n’s) parents were six feet underground.
She didn’t push him away again.  She spent the whole night in his arms, clinging onto him with an iron grip.  And ever since that night, she hasn’t really let go of him. ___
[ how do i love? how do i trust again? ]
September 10th, 3:00 a.m (One Month After The Disappearance of John B Routledge and Sarah Cameron)
“Wake up, (y/n/n), wake up”
The girl gasped for air as her eyes flew open, and as quickly as she’d woken up, she settled back into her pillow, eyes falling shut again as she let out a sign.
“I was doing it again, wasn’t I?” She muttered, squeezing her eyes shut tight as she tried not to cry, and tried not to remember the vivid details of her nightmare.
Which was more of a traumatic memory than a nightmare, really.
JJ, who was lying next to her, was quiet as he gazed down at her, watching her calm herself down as best she could.  He always gave her the space to relax on her own before stepping in.  He wanted her to know that she was capable of recovering on her own, but that he would still be there for her as soon as she needed him.
After a few deep breaths, the girl rolled onto her side, her face colliding with his chest as she continued her steady breathing.
“Will you hold my hand?” She mumbled, and he simply nodded, reaching for her trembling fingers, and gently slotting his fingers through hers.  She continued to tap her index finger over the back of his hand at a rapid pace.
She did this for a minute or two before speaking again.
“I’m sorry”
“Don’t be sorry, baby, it’s alright,” He murmured to her softly, followed by a kiss to her forehead.  “I’ve got you”
A small choked sound came from her as tears threatened to well up in her eyes again.
She’d spent the last month in bed with him like this.  No matter how much time passed, and no matter how much her grief started to melt away and she began her coping process, she’d still wake up in the middle of the night from awful nightmares.
She hadn’t planned on being a regular guest in JJ’s bed at the Chateau, but she also didn’t have anywhere else to go.  She didn’t have a place of her own, she’d lived at the Chateau since she was six and John Routledge had taken her in.
She was just a child when her parents got into a freak boating accident and died at sea.  She hadn’t understood why she was put in the system, or why she couldn’t go home to her mom and dad.  But for some reason, her friend John B had gotten his dad to take her in, and after a day or two of moving in, she’d understood.
John and John B were her family now.
But then a year ago, John Routledge was declared lost at sea, and it was just her and John B.  It was hard, since he was pretty much the only father she’d ever known, and since he was announced dead, in the same way her parents had been.  At least she still had John B, who was a brother to her.
Fate had a sick sense of humor though, sending him off into a storm, likely killing him.
And she ended up losing him, too.
JJ’s free hand smoothed over her back, caressing her hair, and then rubbing circles over her back again.  He always did his best to comfort her in any way she needed.  And it had been a month of waking up with her to her nightmares, so he always knew just what to do.
“Can we go stay in his room?” She asked quietly.
That was a new request that JJ hadn’t been expecting, but nonetheless, he nodded, and helped her to sit up.  He reached his hands out for her, offering to help her get out of bed, but she limply hung her arms in the air, silently asking him to carry her.
“Alright, you big baby,” He teased in a tired murmur, and leaned over to wrap his arms around her torso, picking her up and pulling her into his chest.
Her legs instinctively wrapped around his hips, and her head laid down on his shoulder.  Had she not been so shaken up, she could have fallen right back asleep.
“But I’m only doing this cause you’re so damn cute” He told her as his hands shifted to hold her from under her legs, and he carefully made his way through the dark to get to John B’s room.
The flirty comment provoked a small and sleepy laugh from the girl.  It wasn’t much, but it was something, and it provided a certain comfort to JJ.  it had been a while since she truly laughed.  He missed the sound dearly.
(y/n) had spent some time in John B’s room during the long summer days.  But she’d never spent the night in it.
JJ would often find her in there, cleaning up, reorganizing his book shelf, playing his CD’s, feeding the fish he’d won at a carnival a year ago that was miraculously still alive- she’d do anything and everything to spend time in there.  To her, it was all that was left of him.
JJ had even caught her putting on his clothes, worn tee shirts, strangely-patterned button downs, sweaters that were too big for her- but she always took them off before anyone could see.  JJ pretended not to notice, and never said anything.  Both because he didn’t want her to feel embarrassed, but also because sometimes when she spent all of her time in that room, he’d feel just the tiniest amount of jealousy, and it made him feel ashamed.
[ i stay up all night, tell myself i’m alright // baby you’re just harder to see than most ]
“Alright, here we go, baby,” He said as he delicately set her down on the mattress.
(y/n) visibly deflated as she melted into the cool sheets.  Her limbs were still wrapped around JJ’s figure, so she pulled him down with her as she got situated, but he didn’t mind.
With great caution, he slipped out of her hold just enough to lay at her side, so that he wouldn’t pass out on top of her.
He watched as she seemingly relaxed for the night, finally.  She pressed her face deep into the pillow her head was under, taking in a deep breath, the lingering smell of cologne and the beach and something that was distinctly John B flooding her senses.
“It still smells like him” She murmured.  She doesn’t sound like she’s going to cry again, but JJ keeps a watchful eye on her, just in case.
When she exhaled, she opened her eyes, meeting his gaze.  He gave her a small smile, which she faintly returned before moving in closer to him.
“Thank you” She whispered as her forehead touched his gently.
His arms wrapped around the small of her back, pulling her into him completely.  And then he kissed her forehead again, and then her nose, before tucking her head against his chest, just under his chin.
She tended to lean her ear against his chest, using the steady beat of his heart to lure her to sleep.
“You don’t have to thank me, sweetheart” He told her, like he had a million times before.
“I know, you always say that,” (y/n) murmured, lips brushing over his neck as she spoke.  “But I mean it anyways.  Thank you, Jay”
Her hand finds a comfortable place to rest just over his heart, and soon she’s drifting back to a seemingly peaceful sleep.  JJ just hopes she makes it through the night.
He lets his hand brush through her hair, untangling the locks until his fingers can run perfectly smooth through it.  He does this until he falls asleep. ___
[ i put the record on, wait till i hear our song // every night i’m dancing with your ghost ]
July 4th, 10:00 p.m (A Month Before The Disappearance of John B Routledge and Sarah Cameron)
Neither of them had made a move yet, but they both knew all too well that there was something between them.  Something fiery and exciting, something soft and intimate.
JJ always flirted with (y/n), long before he realized he actually had feelings for one of his closest Pogue friends.  They’d been friends since they were kids, and they’d technically been living together for the past few months, but only recently had it dawned on him that he was falling in love with her, and it was happening fast.
“As flattering as I find your staring, you look very zoned out,” Her voice drew him from his thoughts, and he found himself grinning as (y/n) walked up to him, beer in hand.
John B and Pope had thrown a Fourth of July kegger, and it was probably the craziest party they’d had in years.  Tourons and Kooks had shown up from all over the island, and every kid on The Cut made an appearance that night.
A couple of Kooks had even brought in their own kegs to help supply the party with enough beer.
But despite all the people here, all the hot Tourons to be exact, JJ had been content that (y/n) had approached him, with her sweet smile and revealing bikini.
“What’s goin’ through that pretty head of yours, hm?” She asked, only half teasing.
All summed had been like this.  The flirting intensified, and they both stopped pursuing one night stands with the Tourons that came to these things.
“Absolutely nothing,” JJ grinned back at her, and she laughed, believing him.  “Where you been all night? Fighting off all these guys I hope?” He asked, half joking.
Coincidentally, a group of basic white tourist boys walked past, one of them letting out a low whistle as their eyes wandered over (y/n’s) figure.
JJ scowled at him, stepping forward threateningly, one of his arms instinctively wrapping around the girl’s waist as he glared down the Touron until he cowered away.
“Wow,” (y/n) chuckled, one of her hands pressing against JJ’s chest, but she didn’t push him away, so he didn’t move.  “You made your point tough guy, jesus,” She said, raising her brows at him.  “Jealous much?”
“Me? Jealous?” He asked with a scoff, to which (y/n) mimicked the sound.
“That’s real hot coming from the most jealous and pissed off guy in the OBX” She teased with a growing smirk on her lips.
“Well, sure, but I’m not jealous of that guy,” JJ told her, gesturing at the lame Touron who was miserably failing at shotgunning a beer.
But as he watched the idiot with an amused grin, (y/n) just smiled up at the blonde boy, admiring his side profile for a moment.
Unlike most stories of friends who became lovers, where they weren’t sure when their friendship blossomed into something more, (y/n) knew exactly when she fell for JJ.
It had been last summer.  They’d been on the HMS Pogue on a fishing trip, and while she’d never been fishing before, she was eager to let JJ and Pope teach her how.  When she caught her first fish, JJ had cheered, but he could tell that it made her sad to throw it in the cooler.  So he told her it was alright if she wanted to throw it back.  He showed her how to carefully take the fish off the lure so it wouldn’t be as hurt, and let her throw it back in the water.
He must have felt her staring, because suddenly he was turning back to her, his eyes locking on hers instantly.
“Look who’s starin’ now” He teased, his fingers brushing against her hips in an attempt at tickling her.
She giggled and wiggled a bit, but she still didn’t pull away from him.
They were very close, so close that if JJ hadn’t been wearing his hat backwards, then its brim would have been bumping into her forehead.  So close, that she could just faintly feel his warm breath hitting the bridge of her nose.  So close, that it would be so easy to kiss him right now.
Curiously, her eyes wandered down to his lips, pink and inviting, begging to be kissed, she thought.  No wonder girls would throw themselves at him, he had the most perfect looking pair of lips.
Of course, before she could decide if it was worth it to throw reason (and the only Pogue rule) out the window, Rafe and Topper were causing trouble somewhere on the beach, and soon JJ was peeling himself away from her and racing off towards the conflict.
He was always there to end it, never one to shy away from a fight.  (y/n) had come to terms with that a long time ago, knowing it was something she’d never be able to change.
But looking back on it, if he hadn’t left her to get his ass kicked by Rafe Cameron, then they probably would have crossed that line between friendship and something more that very night. ___
[ Never got a chance to say a last goodbye ]
September 15th, 9:45 a.m (Two Months After The Disappearance of John B Routledge and Sarah Cameron)
The sun was unrelenting as it shined in through the window, forcing (y/n) to wake up despite her longing to sleep in bed all day.  It wouldn’t be the first time that she refused to get out of bed.
But she told herself that she should.  The sun was telling her that she should.  Even if she did manage to close her eyes and ignore the brightness streaming into the room, she knew she wouldn’t sleep comfortably.
Today, she was going to get up and make herself breakfast.  That felt like a good start for taking care of herself today.
She rolled over with a groan, in an attempt to reach for JJ to see if he was awake.  Some mornings he would wake up before her and she’d find him laying there on his phone, but sometimes he would just peacefully lay there as he waited for her to wake up.
However, as she lazily slung her hand towards the other side of the bed, she only ended up hitting pillows.  And suddenly the easy morning started to turn upside down.
Don’t freak out, she told herself, even as she scurried out of bed.  
Don’t panic, it’s fine, he’s probably just watching tv in the living room.  
As she was about to run out of the room, she decided at the last second it was probably best to throw on a pair of shorts.  The large tee shirt she well fell just past all of her curves, but it would be embarrassing if she ran through the Chateau in front of Pope and Kiara in a worried panic without pants on.
Or maybe he’s making breakfast, like that one time he brought you breakfast in bed, that was really sweet.
None of the calming ideas that crossed her mind actually calmed her, as she searched through the living room, there was no sign of JJ.  The kitchen was empty, the bathroom door was hung ajar, and also empty.
There was a logical explanation for him not being here, deep down she knew that, but then why didn’t he leave a note? Or wake her to let her know he’d be leaving? Why would he leave without saying anything at all? Didn’t he know that this was her worst fear come to life, again?
Panic took over, and next thing she knew she couldn’t take in enough air as her throat closed up and her legs stopped working.  She stood in the living room for a solid minute, hands glued to her head, fists tugging on her hair tightly in a terrible attempt to ground herself to the moment and not spiral any further.
But her heavy breaths turned to sobs and she didn’t know she was crying until she felt the tears on her cheeks.
There’s a logical explanation, there’s a logical explanation, she repeated in her head like a mantra, hoping to god that she’d start believing it soon.
Slowly, she crouched down on the floor, because sometimes when she had panic attacks she got dizzy so it was better to sit down now.
Or maybe he went boating with Pope, they like to fish early in the morning, she thought.  Maybe they hit something, the marsh is always changing with the weather.  Maybe the boat capsized, maybe they drowned to their deaths-
No! Don’t think that!
The sobbing got worse as she assumed the worst, taking in gasping breaths of air, desperate to fill her lungs that felt like they were about to collapse.
Maybe they went into town to pick up breakfast.  Maye they got stopped by Kooks, or Barry, maybe they were murdered in cold blood-
The girl whimpered, trying to ward off the horrific images rolling through her mind, but as terrible as they were, she reminded herself that these weren’t unrealistic worries, that these things had happened before, and would happen again.
He promised me he wouldn’t get on a fucking boat, he promised me he’d start biking around the island, she told herself.  JJ wouldn’t break a promise to her, especially that one, but the anxiety inside of her was still whispering into her ear, telling her that all of her friends very well could have been gone forever.
Maybe he just left.  Maybe he got sick and tired of waiting around.  Maybe he was just being a nice guy the last two months.  Maybe he didn’t care anymore.  Maybe he didn’t miss John B or Sarah.  Maybe he finally fled for the mainland like he’s been talking about since he was a kid.  Maybe he’s with a girl.  Maybe he didn’t care about you anymore.
Her hands covered her face, wishing that she could just stop and focus on something else, calm her breathing.  She wanted to run out of the Chateau and go looking around the island, but she remained frozen on the floor.
“(y/n)?” A voice called, and she could faintly hear the screen door swinging open and then shut.  “Woah, hey, (y/n/n)”
Through blurry eyes, she could just barely make out Pope’s figure, kneeling in front of her.
Pope, Pope is here, she thought to herself, and it sort of helped relax her.  You’re not alone, Pope is here.
She shakily reached her hands out to him, grabbing onto his forearms and anchoring herself to him.
He’s real, he’s right here.  His hands are holding your elbows, he’s real.
“Breathe, (y/n), deep breaths, you can do it,” His initially stressed voice calmed when he realized that she was having a panic attack.  He’d seen her have them once or twice before, but it was always JJ who rushed in and helped her out of them.  “Copy my breathing, can you do that?” He asked.
She nodded her head, eyes meeting his as he took in a long and deep breath, held it for three seconds, and then slowly let it out.  He kept on repeating that action until her exhales weren’t shaky, and her body relaxed.
“There you go, you’ve got it, you’re alright…” He said smoothly.
His thumbs caressed over her arms gently, reminding her silently that he was there for her, that he cared about her.
“You want to talk about it?” He offered, and (y/n) shut her eyes tightly, willing the rest of her tears to dry up.
“I- I woke up and- and-”
When she began to stutter, Pope hushed her soothingly, and helped her through another breathing exercise.
“Okay, now try again,” He said softly, once her breaths evened out again.  “Slowly”
“I woke up,” She said, slowly, and then exhaled.  “And JJ wasn’t there- and then he wasn’t out here-”
When the rambling began again, she breathed in deeply again.
“It’s alright, he’s right outside,” Pope told her, relieved that the problem had an easy solution..  “You want to go out and see him?”
(y/n) nods back at him, and he helps her stand.
“Kie and I came over this morning, we brought donuts,” He said, hugging her into his side.  “We were just on the porch, Jay said you were asleep”
Pope opened the front door for her, as they went onto the porch, and her entire body relaxed as her eyes landed on JJ.
He was sitting on the beat up sofa that had been out there since forever, while Kiara was leaning against the citing of the house, a blunt between her fingers.
JJ smiled as (y/n) came out with Pope, tucked into his side the way a child clings to their mother at large events.
“Morning baby,” He calls to her, and pats the space next to him on the couch, before resting his arm over the back of the cushions.  
In no time she peels away from Pope and is sliding into the space under his arm, her side and her legs pressed up against him.  It feels like that first sip of coffee in the morning, and she forgets about the anxiety attack she’d had just moments ago.
He eyes the way she’s twirling the ring around her thumb, almost obsessively.  She hasn’t taken it off since he’d given it to her, and he doesn’t think she ever will.
“You hungry? Kie and Pope brought donuts” He offered, gesturing to the box on the decorative table Kiara was standing next to.
“Maybe in a little bit” She mumbled, her head falling against his shoulder as she let herself feel relieved.
Some days it was hard to feel content with being content.  But JJ was a huge help with that.  His presence alone was enough to calm her, that much was obvious.
He’s a little thrown off, but wraps his arm around her nonetheless.  His rings are a chill on her hot skin, but it’s somehow comforting.
Panic attack, Pope mouths when the blonde boy looks to him, silently asking what happened.
JJ nods discreetly, before glancing down at the girl under his arm.
“How are you feeling?” He asked softly.
Kiara and Pope pretended to argue over the last chocolate sprinkled donut, so that they had a little bit of privacy between them.
“Fine, now,” She whispers back.
Her fingers aimlessly play with the chain around his neck.
“I- I had a panic attack” She admits.
“What happened, sweetheart?” He asked as the tips of his fingers grazed up and down her arm.
She lifts her head to look at him properly, her fingers still twirling his necklace around her fingers.
“Um… you just… you weren't inside…”
It felt embarrassing to admit that something as simple as that had set her off.  When she was in the moment it was a lot more terrifying.  But JJ made sure she wasn’t ashamed of that feeling.
“Well, I’m right here,” He told her with a grin.  “You know you can’t get rid of me that easy” He added, hugging her tight against him and kissing the top of her head.
She always went pink when he did that, that’s why he did it more often than he used to.
“I know,” She mumbled back.  “I just… you know…”
She doesn’t know what she wants to say.  That she’s scared to lose him too? That he’s the only anchor she had left? The only remnants of family she had left? That she loved him more than words could describe?
Whatever she had planned on filling the blank with, JJ seemed to understand her perfectly.  He’d gotten really good at understanding what she was trying to say in between the words she was actually saying.
“I know, baby,” He says softly.
Her head falls back onto his shoulder.  Selfishly, she wished that she could sit here with him like this every day.  Maybe then she'll start to really feel better.
Meanwhile there’s a nagging feeling in JJ’s chest.  Worry, fear, something terrible that began to manifest.  An anxiousness that (y/n) won’t emotionally recover from the disappearance of their friends.
He knew grief took time, that learning to cope took time.  But she’d already had to face those things time and time again, what if this was it? What if this was the last straw, and she gave into them?
His arm around her tightened a little, and (y/n) hummed as she nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck.  She placed a little kiss there before sighing.
“Thanks, Jay,” She mumbles.  “You always know just what I need”
He doesn’t say anything, just smiles and rubs her arm comfortingly.
Despite her words, he still worries on the inside. ___
[ i gotta move on, but it hurts to try ]
August 10th, 1:00 a.m (The Night Of The Disappearance of John B Routledge and Sarah Cameron)
(y/n) and JJ had been stuck under police supervision for the last three and a half hours, sitting under the large tents, listening to the heavy rainfall while passing officers would offer their condolences.
It was all bullshit though, and it was starting to piss (y/n) off.
But finally they were allowed to go home, and were escorted to the Chateau.  Which is where they stood now.
(y/n) looked like she was glued to the floorboards of the porch, frozen in place like a statue.  The wind whipped at her hair and the rain still hit them even as they stood under the little roof over them.
“Come on, let’s go inside,” JJ said, reaching out to take her hand, but even as he tugs, she hardly moves.  “(y/n)-”
“I don’t want to,” She mumbles, eyes trained on the front door.
A part of her longed to see John B appear, open the door with a laugh and scold the pair for standing outside in the rain.  The harder she looks, the more she wishes to see him there.
“But I don’t have anywhere else to go” She whimpered, finally tearing her eyes away from the door to look at him.
JJ steps forward, his arm wrapping around her back as he slowly guides her inside.  Her feet shuffle along, but they barely lift off the ground, and she’s barely moving.  He’s just glad to get her inside and out of the rain.
“I just don’t want you to catch a cold, sweetheart” He told her, which was true, but he just needed to say anything to get her to come into the house.  He didn’t know what he’d do if she refused.
“I don’t care” She mumbled, but she was already standing at the inside of the doorway.
“Shoes off,” JJ told her, having already left his shoes at the door and was heading into the house.  “You know how JB feels about shoes in the house”
(y/n) nods, shakily, and starts to kick off her shoes
But now all she can think about is the first time she’d accidentally tracked mud into the house, and how funny it was when John B freaked out.  Thinking about it now, it was just sad.
When JJ came back in the room, she was crying again, silently, she might not have even been aware she was doing it.  She was untying the laces on her boots as tears spilled over her cheeks.
“Come on,” He spoke, and suddenly there was a towel wrapped around her shoulders.  “Let’s go get you cleaned up, okay?”
“No,” She mumbled.  “I just want to lay down”
Her hands gripped onto the fluffy towel almost violently, her knuckles were white, and her hands shook from the force.  JJ noticed.
“And you will, but you’ve got to shower first,” He said.  “Look at you, you’re soaked to the bone from the rain-”
“No arguments, lets go” He replied, quiet and calm as ever.
She gave in, mostly because he didn’t have the energy to argue with him.  And then she was back to shuffling along with him to the bathroom.
She stood uselessly at the door while he turned the shower on for her.
“How hot do you want it?” He asked, one hand on the noz and the other under the stream of water
She shrugged, mumbled incoherently.
“You’ve got to speak up, honey” JJ said.
“I don’t care” She mumbled a little louder, wrapping her arms around herself.
“Yeah you do, I’ll put it on hot” He answered for her, and adjusted the nozzle accordingly.
But as he turned back, about to leave the room, she didn’t bother to move.  Her eyes were downcast, and her hands had released the towel only to wring her hands together.
“Hey, I’ll be in my room, you can-”
She grabbed his wrist before he could leave the room, and her glossy eyes met his, her mouth opened but no words came out, so she closed it again.  He waited until she could find the right words.
“Please- please don’t leave me in here-”
Her breathing grew ragged and the tears started to fall from her eyelashes, and JJ nodded at her, silently confirming he'd stay so she would feel safe.
“Okay, okay, I’ll stay right here,” He told her, both of his hands wrapping around hers.  “I’ll wait right in here for you, alright?”
She nods, still a bit shaky, but she turns towards the shower and slowly works on taking off her clothes, so he thinks he’s doing the right thing.
In all honesty, he had no idea what the right thing to do was.  As he turned his back to her and stressfully ran his hands through her hair, he didn’t know what to say or do, what the right way to comfort someone was.
He knew that Kiara and Pope were at home with their families, probably hugging, telling each other they love each other, the kind of shit you see in movies.
But you didn’t see this part of the movie.  The part where the girl you love is going borderline catanoic as she stands in the shower, limbs heavy and heart shattered.
Was he supposed to talk to her? Offer what few comforting words he knew how to say? Was he supposed to tell her he was there for her, that he loved her and he would never leave her? Was that an overload of information?
“JJ?” (y/n) called from the other side of the shower curtain.
“I’m here” He said, sitting on the toilet seat so he’d be right next to her.
She peeled back the curtain, just enough to peek her head out, and then held her hand out to him.  A slight frown tugged on his lips, but he reached his hand out to hers anyways, softly clasping onto it, as though if he’d put any pressure into holding it, then she’d break like a porcelain doll.
She closed the curtain again and went about her shower.  It wasn’t a bother with only one hand, but JJ could still hear her soft whimpers from inside.
After ten minutes she turned off the water.
“Close your eyes” She directed, her voice was still a mumble, but without the noise of the water running JJ heard her clearly, and followed her order.
Her hand let go of his as she grabbed her towel and wrapped it around herself, but it was only briefly, as she was grabbing onto it again as soon as she was covered up.  She gave it a small squeeze to let him know that she was decent.
When he looked up at her, she was staring down at their hands, focused on the rings on his fingers.
The one on his thumb, she had given to him.  Not for a special occasion, she’d just found it in a shop and thought it would look fitting and cool on him.  
She was right.  
He never took it off.
There was another ring on his middle finger, that one was from John B.  He’d swiped it from a second hand shop because it had a neat but very faint engraving of a snake around it.  He’d originally stolen it for himself, but it hadn’t fit right, so he handed it off to JJ.
(y/n) ran the pad of her thumb over the engraving now.  The snake wasn’t very visible, but she could still feel it.
JJ squeezed her hand, drawing her eyes back to his.
She wasn’t whimpering anymore, but the tears hadn’t stopped.  She had to be exhausted.
“I’ve gotta take a shower baby,” He said softly.  “You want to go to bed?”
She shook her head, looking back at his rings.
“You want to wait in here?” He asked.
With a small nod from her, he stood up, pressing a quick and gentle kiss to the crown of her head before turning the water and going through the same routine again.
It took some time as he showered and (y/n) waited for him on the toilet.  When he’d finished and gotten out to find that she was still wrapped in her towel, he’d convinced her to let him help her change into pajamas.
When she’d finished, she wrapped her arms around his neck, stepping forward and hugging him gently, with little to no force at all.
“Alright, let’s get you to bed” JJ said, lifting her up with ease, one arm hooked under her legs and the other.
“You’ll stay, right?” She asks meekly as he brings her to his room.
“Of course” He hums back.
They get situated under the covers, and finally (y/n’s) tears seem to stop.  JJ doesn’t keep his hopes up, though.
He pulls her head to his chest, one arm wrapping around her back at his other hand takes a hold of hers.  For good measure, she hooks her leg over one of his, just to be sure she won’t roll away from him in her sleep.
“You won’t leave?” She murmurs.
The exhaustion and the misery that her body is facing is clear to him as she tilts her head back to look at him.
He gives her a small smile, before letting go of her hand, so that he can take the ring off of his middle finger.  He takes her hand again, and slides it over her thumb.  It’s a little loose, enough that she can twirl it around with ease.
“Now you can have a little bit of both of us with you,” JJ says to her.  “I’m not goin’ anywhere”
She doesn’t quite smile, but her expression relaxes as she looks at him, and he takes it as a good sign.
“I’ve got you, baby” He tells her softly as she settles against him, sleep finally starting to overcome her.
“I can’t lose you too” She tells him right before her body gives out. ___
[ how do i love? how do i trust again? ]
November 10th, 6:30 p.m (Precisely Three Months After The Disappearance of John B Routledge and Sarah Cameron)
(y/n) had been sitting on the couch all afternoon, replaying the day’s events in her head like a flashback scene in a movie.
She’d woken up with JJ, they made breakfast and went on a walk, avoiding the beach.  They went to visit Kiara at The Wreck with Pope, and then went back to the Chateau to do some chores.
(y/n) liked to keep the place tidy and clean.  It gave her something to do, and deep down, she knew that if John B came home, he’d be happy to see everything was just how he left it.  If not a little more organized thanks to her.
And then they’d gotten the call from the Sheriff’s Department.
JJ came into the room, a glass of water in one hand and a bottle of advil in the other.
“Here” He said, handing them both to her.
“I don’t need it, my head doesn’t hurt” (y/n) replied quietly, barely even looking at him.
“Not now, but from the look on your face I can tell it’s going to soon.  Just take it now, please” JJ said, holding out the cup and bottle towards her again.
(y/n) gave in, knowing he was right, and there was no use in arguing with him because he’d only bother her until she just took the pill.
JJ sat down next to her as she swallowed down the medicine, along with a few more drinks of water.  She hadn’t realized how thirsty she was, and suddenly wondered how long she’d been sitting there.
“Where do you think they are?” JJ asked out of nowhere, and she turned to him.
“What?” She asked, voice barely above a mumble.
“John B and Sarah,” He said their names so easily, so casually her heart clenched.  
She almost never spoke their names.  And when she did, she was usually in a fit of tears.
“Where do you think they are?” JJ repeated his question.
(y/n’s) mouth opened, then closed.  And then open and closed again.  She didn’t understand what he was asking.
JJ could tell, and he sat back to stretch out on the soda, his legs kicking out as his back leaned against the arm rest.  (y/n) turned her body to look at him properly, but didn’t crawl into his arms like he’d expected.  She was too confused trying to comprehend what he was saying.
“I think they’re in Florida,” JJ thought aloud, realizing (y/n) wasn’t going to entertain the question.  “And I think they got married”
“Married?” She mumbled, blinking at him.  “You think they’re... alive?”
“Of course,” JJ said, as sincerely as he could.  “Don’t you?”
She doesn’t answer, but she doesn’t have to.
“There’s no way they aren’t.  John B’s a pretty tough guy, and Sarah’s the most stubborn person I’ve ever met.  More stubborn than you” He spoke with such ease, it threw (y/n) off.  
His knee knocked against her side, and he held his hand out to her, beckoning her to lay with him.
Warily, she leaned forward, crawling into the space between his legs, and then flipping over to rest back against his chest.  JJ’s arms wrapped around her middle naturally, and he continued to let his thoughts roam free.
“Do you think they’ve got some new treasure hunt going down there?” He whispered into her ear.
“Yes” (y/n) replied, finally giving in to the conspiracy.
“Yeah?” JJ asked, glad that was entertained by the idea, and hopefully comforted too.
“Yeah… I’ll bet… I’ll bet they’re tracking more gold… or… or jewels… or something”
JJ smiled at how hard she tried to let herself get used to the idea.  He knew how badly she wanted to move on, and how she felt stuck in the past.  This was a significant step forward, and he was more proud of her than he let on.  He just didn’t want her to think he pitied her.
“They’re probably filthy rich by now,” JJ told her.  “She’s probably turned him full Kook”
“In a good way,” (y/n) spoke, her smile shining through her words.  “He was so…”
“Whipped” JJ muttered.
“In love,” (y/n) corrected with a soft exhale.  “They only had a week together before they… left,” She said carefully.  “And I… I’ve known John B my whole life and he’d never looked at anyone the way he looked at Sarah”
From where her head laid on his chest, JJ couldn’t see well, but he just knew that she was smiling as she spoke, reminiscing in the good memories.
“So you think they got married when they got to Florida?” JJ asked, speaking it like it was a truth.
“Yeah, I think they just might have,” (y/n) said.  She thought for a moment, and then let out a small giggle.
He was surprised by the sound, especially when it erupted into more joyous laughter.
“You know,” She ponders aloud, “I think that when they got wherever they were headed, and realized they were safe and alive, he proposed to her right then”
“Yeah?” JJ asked, amused, and revelling in the sound of her laughter.  
He had missed the sound so much, he’d worried he’d never hear it again.  He closed his eyes as he listened to her soft giggles, and melted at the way her back slightly shook against his chest.
“Yeah,” (y/n) confirmed, and one of her hands reached for his that lied on her stomach.  “It probably wasn’t romantic at all.  He probably didn’t even get on one knee”
“You’re so right,” JJ laughed with her.  “He probably was just like ‘we should get married’ and Sarah was like ‘oh John B, i love you!’ And-”
(y/n) burst into laughter at JJ’s high pitched impression of Sarah.  It didn’t sound like her, it didn’t even sound like any girl, but it made her belly laugh, and she sat up slightly so she could turn to look at him.
“Why are you laughing at me? That was a spot on impression” He told her.
“No, it wasn’t,” (y/n) said, shaking her head as she looked down at him.
There were crinkles at her eyes and her lips were pulled into the widest smile he’d seen from her in months.
He had convinced himself that he wasn’t 100% sure what love felt like, but right now it felt like his heart might just burst because of it.
He hadn’t just missed her laugh.  He’d missed her.
“It’s almost like you have no idea what a woman sounds like- but Jay, you’ve been living with one for like three years now- what?” (y/n) had cut herself off from her teasing when she saw the way he was staring at her.
He looked sad, but he was smiling, so she didn’t know what to think.  Usually she could read him pretty well, but she’d never seen this look before.
“What?” She asked again.  “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“No reason, I just…”
JJ sits up, trying to find the right words as he instinctively grabs a hold of her.  She turns to face him again, her legs hooking behind him as she waits for him to continue.
“I’m just thinking” He finishes.
“Well that’s dangerous,” She replies, the banter coming as naturally as it used to.  She lets out a little snort of a laugh as she smiles at him.  “What about?”
JJ’s hands smooth around her hips, the way they did earlier when they’d gotten the call from Officer Thomas himself, but now it wasn’t to comfort, it was simply because he could.
“You ever think about what would have happened if we never went on that treasure hunt?” He asked, quietly, like he was trying not to upset her.
She goes still, but she doesn’t push him away, and she doesn’t choke up.
“All the time” She murmurs back.
Her voice comes out through a quiet exhale, and if he wasn’t so close, he might not have heard it.  But in the last three months his ears had been practically trained to hear her every breath, and catch on to every mumble.
“Really?” He asked, and she nodded, her bottom lip tucking in between her teeth as she looked back at him.
“Of course,” She quietly replied.  “How else do you think I keep sane during all the quiet moments?”
It’s a sweet thing to say, paired with a soft smile that JJ felt relieved to see.
“Well then what do you think we’d be doing right now?”
“Something stupid,” She answered right away, followed by a small laugh.  “Something sketchy.  That’s all we ever did”
“We fished too, fishing’s legal.  And surfing, that’s legal too”
“That’s fair,” (y/n) hummed.  “Kie and Sarah would’ve gotten along better,” She added.  “It would’ve been nice to have a girls day”
“I’ll have a girls day with you” JJ told her, making her laugh again.
“I know you would,” She said, setting her hands on his shoulders.  “But it’s not the same”
JJ shrugged.
“You can braid my hair and put makeup on me, what else do you do on a girls day?” He asked, and again, she giggled.
He hoped he could keep making her laugh.
“What do you think we’d be up to?” She asked once the laughter subsided and she was left staring into those baby blue eyes again.
The laughter bubbled back over, her hands swatting at his shoulders as she threw her head back.
“Well you don’t have to laugh that much,” JJ said, brows furrowed as he pouted.  “It’s true, we would be”
“Maybe,” (y/n) corrected.  “If you’d ever actually made a move, maybe”
“What do you mean ever actually made a move?” He asked, offended.  “I maed plenty of moves! Lots and lots of moves”
“Oh really?” (y/n) asked, quirking an eyebrow.  “I don’t think we’re remembering it the same way, because I only seem to remember you scaring other boys away from me...”
“Well, yeah, among other things,” JJ said, shrugging casually.  “Can’t have a bunch of lame Tourons crowding my girl”
She laughed at his idea of flirting, but she knew fully well that it had always worked.  JJ Maybank was charming in his own unique way, and even now it made her melt in his hands.
“So you’re saying that eventually you would have done something about it?”
“About it?”
“Yeah, you know, whatever was… between us,” (y/n) clarified, her finger twirling around the space between them.  “I have a hard time believing you would have asked me out”
“I would have!” JJ said, pretending to take offense at her accusation.  “Eventually”
“Mhm,” She hummed, and then shook her head.  “Well, we’ll never know now,” She sighed, dropping her hands to her lap as she started to fiddle.  “I think we skipped a couple steps”
“I think we skipped all the steps, sweetheart,” JJ chuckled, taking her hands so she would stop fidgeting.  “But that’s alright, I wouldn’t take it any other way.  You’d be the only one for me no matter what happens,”
Her face turns a rosy shade of pink, which brings JJ to kiss both of her cheeks with a proud grin.
“You wanna talk about it?” He asked.  “Have the what are we conversation”
Surprisingly, (y/n) shrugs and shakes her head.
“I mean, I don’t think we really have to, do you?” She asks softly.  “If there’s no one else for you, and no one else for me…” She trails off, her eyes flickering in between his.  “I think it’s pretty clear to me”
“Yeah,” JJ agrees, nodding his head.  “Pretty clear,” He repeats.  “I just hope you know what you’re getting into” He teases.
She giggles, wrapping her arms around his neck as she leaned in closer.
“I’ve lived with you for quite some time now, I think I know exactly what I’m getting into”
There’s a beat that passes between them, a quiet, contemplative beat.
But then (y/n’s) shaking her head, and she’s smiling at him so brightly that it’s contagious.
And then she leans over just a little bit, just enough to tenderly press her lips against his.
He’s quick to react, his hands reaching up to her face, pulling her impossibly closer to him.
She’s so slow and careful with her movements, and JJ thinks it might have been the softest kiss he’s ever been given.  Her lips are warm, inviting, and he begins to kick himself for not making a proper move on her back when everything wasn’t so heavy.
They pull away, their grins equally wide, and (y/n) leans her forehead into his, her eyes still shut.  JJ stares at her, awestruck, admiring every curve and freckle on her face.
His hands fall to her waist again, and he pulls her down onto the couch with him, allowing her to tuck herself in against his side as they lay comfortably.
They talk for a long time, theorizing on where they’d be now in another life, and what Sarah and John B are up to, wherever they are.  There’s a few tears that JJ has to wipe from the girl’s cheeks, but she’s smiling.
She has hope, for the first time in months, she’s filled with hope and love and deep down she truly believes things will get better.
Even if the day started with the Sheriff’s Department calling to let them know that John B and Sarah Cameron are officially and legally declared dead, since they’d been missing for three months.
It might get worse before it gets better.  But it was bound to get better. ___
[ i stay up all night, tell myself i’m alright // baby you’re just harder to see than most ]
February 19th, 2:45 p.m (Six Months After The Disappearance of John B Routledge and Sarah Cameron)
“I’m not sayin’ that I will key their cars,” JJ argues, “I’m just saying that I would!”
Pope and Kiara burst into fits of laughter, knowing full well that JJ would bust up Kook property at any given chance, even unprovoked.
(y/n) rolled her eyes from next to him, patting his arm gently.
“Sure, Jay, sure” She says, completely unconvinced.
Normally he’d continue to argue that he was just making a joke, but no one would believe him, and truth be told, he wouldn’t even believe himself.
They’d all gotten together today to hang out and eat lunch at The Wreck.  It was one of Kiara’s off days, so for once she actually got to sit at the table with her friends.  It was a nice afternoon, and definitely much needed quality time.
“You want more water?” (y/n) hummed, already picking up her and JJ’s empty glasses.
“Sure, thanks,” He answered with a charming smile while she got up.  “Oh, but wait” He called, reaching out for her arm before she could walk away.
He tugged on her arm so she would bend over and he could swiftly kiss her cheek.  She giggled, swatting gently at his bicep, but nonetheless she blushed as she headed off to the counter.
Kiara and Pope each made their faces at JJ.  Winks, wiggling eyebrows, wide eyes, smirks, they couldn’t help it.
“Shut up, both of you” JJ chuckled before they could even say anything.
“We didn’t say anything” Pope grumbled.
“It’s just about time, that’s all,” Kiara said, putting her hands up in surrender.  “You two have been dancing that dance for years”
JJ didn’t say anything, just smiled as he poked around his plate of fries.
“Look at him, he’s so in love with her” Kiara cooed.
But Pope wasn’t looking at him at all, he’d turned in his seat when he’d caught sight of Rafe Cameron eyeing (y/n).  He’d known it wasn’t a good sign.
“Pope,” Kiara called, trying to get his attention, but realized his gaze was focused elsewhere.  “What are you…” She trailed off, turning to follow his line of sight.
She only groaned at the sight of Rafe, before turning back to their own table.  Kooks came to The Wreck on occasion, but not usually Kooks like Rafe Cameron and Topper Thornton, who were in a booth across the restaurant.
“What’s he doing?” Pope mumbled, now watching Rafe get up from his booth, and make his way to the counter, where (y/n) was chatting with one of the servers.
JJ started to get up, but Pope was quick to put a hand up.
“Wait, doesn’t start anything,” He warned, and for some reason, JJ listened to him.  “(y/n) was friends with Sarah”
“That guy’s a fucking prick- and a murderer-” JJ started to argue, but Pope hushed him, telling him to keep his voice down.
“Just wait a minute before you swoop in there and make a scene,” Pope said.  “He’s Sarah’s brother, Sarah was a good person”
JJ muttered a string of profanities, but sat back down in his seat.  He didn’t take his eyes away from the counter though.
“(y/n) (y/l/n),” Rafe called, letting out a low whistle that made JJ bristle.  “Long time no see”
(y/n) barely looked at him before shooting her gaze down to the cups of water.  JJ can tell that she’s playing with the ring on her thumb.
“Yeah, I haven’t really been… around” She’d answered.
“Why doesn’t he just say his piece and leave” JJ muttered, both of his hands in his lap, curling into tight fists.
“That’s too bad” Rafe responded.
(y/n) wasn’t giving him any of her attention, so JJ knew he shouldn’t be so upset right now.  But he didn’t trust Rafe for as far as he could throw him, and he definitely didn’t trust him around (y/n).
“She can hold her own” Pope reminded him, knowing that JJ was starting to see red.
Yeah, but he’s a creep, he thought to himself.
“I’m sorry about Sarah,”
(y/n) spoke suddenly, soft and sweet, displaying nothing but kindness to a boy she knew wouldn’t know what kindness felt like if someone handed it right to him.
“I didn’t get to know her as well as I would have liked, but… I did like her a lot.  She was definitely a special-”
Rafe cut her off before she could say anything more.
“Well, you move on fast, don’t you?” He snarled.
(y/n) blinked, eyes going wide at the rude comment, even if she didn’t understand it.
“Your Pogue boyfriend’s only dead for a few months and you’ve already latched onto another, huh?” He asked, gesturing towards JJ.
(y/n’s) eyes wandered over to her boyfriend, who had just stood up from his seat with such force it fell backwards, and was now making his way over.
Please don’t get in a fight, she begged silently.  Please don’t make a scene, this isn’t worth the attention of the whole restaurant.
“Rafe, you’ve got it all wrong,” She told him quietly, trying to diffuse the situation herself.  “John B wasn’t my boyfriend, we grew up together, he was a brother to me-”
“You’re disgusting,” Rafe spat at her.  “If it wasn’t for your Pogue friends and your Pogue slut self, Sarah wouldn’t be dead right now!”
It felt like (y/n’s) heart stopped at the cruel accusation, and for a moment, she thought she might burst into tears in front of him.
“She’s not dead” She mumbled, her throat going tight.
JJ was at her side in a second, his arm winding around her hips and pulling her into him, about to drag her away without a word to Rafe.  He knew she didn’t want him to act out, and as hard as it was, he didn’t want to let her down.
He prompted her to follow him back to the table, forgetting about the water on the counter, he just wanted to get her out of this restaurant as fast as possible
“She is dead, they’re both dead because of you!” Rafe called after her, desperate to get the last word in.
“Why don’t you shut the fuck up?” JJ hollered back, throwing the Kook a threatening look over his shoulder.
“That’s fine sweetheart!” Rafe shouted, and (y/n) tried her best to block him out.  “Let your shiny new toy fight your fights for you! Just like John B did.  Do all the Pogues you fuck become your guard dog?”
That was it.
Any chance of her crying went out the window and next thing she knew, she was ripping herself out of JJ’s hold and lunging towards Rafe, swinging without any aim, but enough force that when she hit the Kook in the nose, she could feel the crunch of cartilage against her knuckles, and blood splattered onto the counter.
“You bitch-!”
Rafe barely had a chance to fight back before JJ was grabbing (y/n) by the waist, lifting her up and physically carrying her out of The Wreck.  Pope and Kiara hastily followed them out, laughing joyously.
“Are you crazy?” JJ asked, only setting her down once they were down the street, and they were certain that a group of Kooks wouldn’t follow after them to finish what (y/n) had started.
She was still scowling, and rubbing at her jaw where Rafe had just barely nicked her with his knuckles.
“Fuck,” JJ grinned at her, taking her by surprise.  “You are crazy”
“You’re not mad?” She asked, and all three of her friends laughed.
“Mad? Of course not, you just broke Rafe Cameron’s nose, baby!” JJ cheered, cupping her face in his hands and pressing a quick kiss to her lips, and then her nose, and then her cheek.  “That’s my girl!”
The whooping and hollering of her boyfriend, echoed by Pope and Kie, made her blush red and butterflies erupt in her chest.  Breaking a Kook’s nose was a strange thing to feel bashful about, but the attention made her shy.
“Come on, let’s get home and ice that before it bruises” JJ said, nodding to her jaw.
As they made their way to the Chateau, their hands latched and swinging between them, JJ continued to gush over how badass and amazing she was, no matter how much she laughed it off and begged him to stop making her blush. ___
[ every night i’m dancing with your ghost ]
February 19th, 3:15 p.m
“You’re lucky I pulled you outta there before he landed a whole punch,” JJ told (y/n) as he pressed a bag of frozen peas against her jaw.  “This coulda hurt a lot worse, why didn’t you duck babe?”
(y/n) let out a huff, swinging her legs from where she sat on the kitchen counter.  JJ was standing between them, coddling her much more than necessary.
“I dunno, I’m not some pro fighter like you” She retorted, and hissed when he pressed a little too hard against the sensitive skin.
“I know that was supposed to be sarcastic, but I’m gonna take it as a compliment anyways,” JJ retorted, earning a good natured eye roll from the girl.  “You know I’m proud of you, right?”
“I know,” She giggled back.  “You haven’t shut up about it”
“Can’t help it, it was fuckin’ awesome,” JJ gushed again.  “It was so hot, the most perfect punch, I wish I coulda taken a picture of the look on Rafe’s face, priceless.  You’re such a badass, I fucking love you”
He didn’t seem to catch what he’d said, but (y/n) did.  
Her eyes blew wide, and her lips parted momentarily, at a loss for words.  And since she didn’t know what to say, she decided the next best thing was to lean forward and capture his lips in a passionate kiss.
The kiss took JJ by surprise at first, but then the realization of what he’d said hit him, and he pulled away from her abruptly.
“Oh my god, I didn’t mean- well I did, but I-”
“JJ,” (y/n) giggled as he rambled, her hands laying across his cheeks.  “It’s okay, I-”
They were cut off by the phone ringing, which was odd, because it wasn’t their cellphone’s ringtone.  It took a second to even realize that the Chateau had a landline.
“What the fuck?” (y/n) pushed the bag of peas JJ was still holding away from her face, and hopped off the counter.  “Who even has this number? Oh my god, do you think it’s Thomas again?”
(y/n’s) heart began to race as she darted out of the kitchen towards the phone hanging on the wall.
“(y/n/n)- do you want me to take it?” JJ asked, worried that she’d freak herself out too much to actually answer the phone.
But she’d already unhooked the phone from the wall.
“Routledge Residence, (y/n) speaking”
There was a chuckle on the other side of the line, followed by a teasing, “I just knew that you weren’t gonna move out”
JJ couldn’t hear what the caller had said, but from the look on (y/n’s) face, he knew it couldn’t have been a telemarketer.
She dropped to her knees, the cord on the phone uncoiling completely as it stretched all the way down.  A choked sound between a sob and a gasp escaped her, and in a second, JJ was kneeling in front of her, jumping right into panic attack mode.
“(y/n/n), what is it? Who is it?”
“JJ there too? How are you guys-”
“John B?” (y/n) mumbled, voice shaky, scared that this was some practical joke at her expense.
JJ’s eyes went wide, and she finally looked up at him, his jaw slack.
“The one and only,” He laughed again.  “Guess I’m lucky you were at the house, I don’t remember any other phone numbers”
“I can’t believe it- are you okay? Is Sarah okay? Holy shit, John-”
“We’re okay, we’re both okay,” He chuckled, cutting her off.  “You’re not gonna believe this… but… we’ve got it”
“You’ve got it?” She repeated, confused.
“The gold, (y/n), we’ve got the gold”
“No shit-”
“Sarah says hi by the way,” He added.  “We’ll be back as soon as we can with it, okay? I don’t know when, but we’re working on it”
“What’s he saying?” JJ asked, but (y/n’s) brain was in a clusterfuck of information.
“I miss you- well all miss you- we miss you so much” She stammered out.
“We miss you too, (y/n)!” Sarah called, sounding distant through the speaker.
“We miss you a lot,” John B added,  “I’m sorry we didn’t call earlier, we just had to be sure there way it could get tracked-”
“It’s okay, it’s okay, I forgive you,” (y/n) said through a watery laugh.  “Just- just be safe, and get back as soon as you can, okay?”
“We will, promise,” John B replied.  “And I’ll try to call more too, okay? Look we’re… we’re working it all out right now”
“Okay, good,” (y/n) sighed, and wiped her teary cheeks with the back of her hand.  “I can’t wait to see you both”
“And when you do, we’ll be millions of dollars richer,” He told her.  “Look, we have to get going, Sarah has work.  The Kook Princess has a job here!” He told her with a laugh.  “I’ll call you when I can, alright?”
“Alright,” She agreed.  “Okay, call soon”
“Stay safe, (y/n/n), talk to you soon”
“Bye, John B”
He hung up, leaving the phone to ring a low dull sound, and (y/n) and JJ to stare at each other in amazement.
“They have the gold” (y/n) mumbled out.
“For real?”
“For real,” She nods back at him.  “They’re working on a plan to come home-”
Before she can finish, he tackles her to the ground, hugging her tight, and just letting the phone hang by it’s cord.  They’re laughing, she’s crying, and they can’t remember the last time they’ve felt joy like this before.
(y/n) sits up slightly, enough to wrap her arms around him and kiss him chastely.
“They’re in the Bahamas, and Sarah has a job, and- and they’re gonna come home” She rambled on as tears streamed down her face faster than JJ could wipe them away.
He’s grinning at her, kissing her whole face, everywhere he could.
She starts to giggle from the kisses, her shoulders raising from the ticklish feeling.
“JJ- JJ!” She cried out, having to grab him by his shoulders to get him to chill out.  “We have to go tell Pope and Kie!” “Okay, come on, let’s get going, I’ll drive you there now” JJ said, pulling her up to her feet, but before racing for the door, he wrapped his arms around her and spun her around in the air.
“I can’t believe it, I can’t believe it!” (y/n) cried out, giggling when he finally set her back down, and grabbed her hand before dashing for the front door.  “We’re going out tonight, baby!” She was so ecstatic, her body was practically vibrating.
He laughed, grabbing the keys to his dirtbike from the counter.
“Wait wait wait, JJ!” (y/n) called, her grip tightening on his hand as she pulled him back towards her.
“What? What is it?” He asked in a hurry, his eyes wild as he looked back at her.
She just grinned at him, before pulling him in closer, and leaning up on the tips of her toes so she could kiss him.
She could feel his tenseness fade away, and when she smiled it broke their kiss.
“I love you too,” She told him, her smile brightening before she reached up and stole another kiss.  “And I’m glad you’re here with me, always”
“Well, we do live together, sweetheart,” He teased.  “But you know I’d never go anywhere else”
“I know,” She hummed, and leaned in to kiss him one more time.  “You ready to go?”
“Yeah, quit trying to distract me!”
(y/n) laughed as she followed him out the door, an overwhelming amount of delight flooding through her as she got on the back of JJ’s bike, rehearsing in her head what she wanted to say to their friends, and how impatient she was to see John B again.
xoxo ~ jordie
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foliea · 5 years
Rubber Band - Tyler Joseph Imagine
Paring: Friend!Tyler x Fem!Reader
Word count: 1,630
warnings: brief mention of self harm, a bit of angst but mainly sweet
authors note: this has been plaguing my mind for days now. And honestly it’s probably my favorite fic i’ve written ever. I’m super proud of this and I hope you all like this as well. Also I spent like two and a half hours writing this, it’s 4 am I’m tired.
March 17, 2006
as I walked down the halls on my way to the gym, I tugged down the sleeves on my hoodie. Insuring no one would see what tortures I put myself through. 
Just as I rounded the corner into the next corridor I felt someone run right into my chest. “Uh, sorry...” I muttered as I stuck my hand out to help the girl, who had fallen to the floor. “I wasn’t looking where I was going.”
She took my hand and hoisted herself up. “No harm done.” She smiled while dusting off her jeans. She slowly looked me up and down, eyes lingering on my arm. I quickly looked down only to see that my sleeve had been scrunched up near my elbow.
The girl sighed as I yanked the sleeve down. There was a brief slapping noise before she extended her hand out to me. In it was a singular rubber band. “Here take this. And uh when ever you feel the need to...” She trailed off looking to my now covered arm. I nodded understanding what she meant. “Just pull it back and let it go. Keep doing that until the feeling goes away.”
Hesitantly, I took the rubber band from her. “Thank you...” I looked up realizing I had no idea what her name was.
“Y/N.” She smiled.
“Thank you Y/N.” I quickly pulled the rubber band onto my wrists, just as the warning bell rang. 
“I’ll see you around...”
“Tyler.” She repeated with a small nod before walking off.
Over the next few months Y/N and I swapped numbers to keep in touch over summer.
July 6, 2011
As I walked into the small coffee shop, a bell signified my entry. Despite living in Columbus my whole life, I had still yet to come here. “I’ll be right with you!” A small yelp was left out slightly after.
I walked up to the counter and stood there awkwardly waiting for the girl to appear from the back of the shop. As I stood I inspected the store. There were two other people there, an elderly couple, sitting by the window.
“Okay sorry about that.” The girl appeared behind the counter with a grin on her face. She seemed familiar. “What can I getcha?” 
I froze realizing I had no clue what I wanted. Hesitantly I looked up to the chalk board behind the girl. As I searched for something that I knew would please me I fiddled with the rubber band on my wrist.
“Ya know I gave you a rubber band in our sophomore year of high school not thinking too much about it.” Suddenly it hit me.
“That’s my name don’t wear it out.” She let out a light chuckle at her own joke. “How are you these days, Tyler?”
“Honestly? Pretty good. My band has our CD Release party in a couple days. Well I say band... It’s really just me and my friend Josh on stage singing and playing drums...”
“Sounds like a wonderful time. Maybe I’ll show up.”
“Really?” she nodded with a toothy smile on her face. 
“Now, have you decided on what you want?” 
I quickly ordered my drink and handed her the money, making sure to leave a little extra in the tip jar.
Maybe I’ll have to come back to this cafe more often.
July 8, 2014
I nervously stood in front of the mirror when there was a knock at the door. “Come in!” 
“Hey, Ty.” Y/N smiled. “Ready for your big day?”
Although on the inside I was screaming yes. I still shook my head. “No... What if she walks out on me?”
“Tyler there is no way in hell that Jenna is going to walk out on you. You two are so in love its disgusting.” We both chuckled.
There was another knock at the door. “Tyler, Y/N c’mon we gotta go.” Quietly, we both stood up. She patted my shoulder giving me one last reassuring smile before running off to find Josh.
Ever since I had introduced the two, Jenna and Y/N became inseparable. Meaning that when it came time for Jenna to pick her bridesmaids, Y/N had to be on the list. And of course Josh would be one of my groomsmen.
“And yeah I know I probably should have ‘practiced’ my speech but I felt like wigging it would be better...” as josh when off on a tangent about how he didn’t practice his speech and everyone was listening intently, my mind wandered to how incredibly lucky I am. I just married my best friend and along with her, I have two of the greatest other best friends.
“Okay it looks like it’s my turn to talk.” Y/N let out a dry chuckle as as stood up. “The first time I ever met Tyler, I was on my way to chem, totally dreading it cause I had a test, when all of a sudden I run right into someone’s chest.” As she retold the story her face would falter only to perk of at certain points. “... It’s crazy to think that I made three life long best friends because of a stupid rubber band...”
She passed the mic onto one of Jenna’s other bridesmaids as she sat down, hands fiddling with something in her lap. From the distance I was at I couldn’t see but the look Josh had given me said it was something familiar. 
August 25, 2016
Josh and I quickly ran off stage only to be greeted by the open arms of Y/N. “You boys did amazing.” We smiled pulling her into another hug.
“Couldn’t do it without our number one fan cheering us on!” Josh laughed poking her stomach
“Cheering? No. Taking the best concert pics you’ll see in your life? Yes.” All three of us laughed again walking back to our dressing room to gather out belongings.
As we packed I could see Y/N’s smile falter while she quietly pulled at something on her wrist. “You boys... and girl... ready to hit the road?” Our tour manager asked, peaking his head through the door slightly.
“Yep!” Y/N jumped up off the couch quickly, turning to us. “I’m gonna head out to the bus to get ahead on editing these photos.” and with that she walked out.
December 28, 2018
“I remember the day pretty well for it being twelve years ago.” Slowly I told the story of how Y/N and I met, how I invited her to our CD Release, how she comforted me when I got nervous before my wedding, how she would take photos for us on tour. 
I could see her family crying in the front row, Josh quietly wiping his tears away as he held onto her little sister. Jenna was staring at me, silently encouraging me to finish. 
“But most importantly I remember the last time I saw her. There was something broken behind her E/C eyes. Something that I knew was too late to fix.” I sighed. “I didn’t think too much of it at the time though, I thought maybe she had spilled coffee on herself this morning, or maybe she was stood up on a date. I just wished I would have noticed that she was grabbing the rubber band on her wrist just a bit more than usual.” 
I rubbed my hand over my face, messing with my own rubber band. “I’m sorry.” I swiftly put down the microphone and ran off the to bathroom.
September 30, 2019
“Hey Y/N. Sorry I haven’t talked to you in a while. Tour, you know how it is. Anyways I thought I should say hi since it is you’re birthday and everything. Life’s been hectic recently. Josh and I just finished the final leg of the Bandito tour. The fans love it, they miss your photos by the way. Like a crazy ton. We’ve already started working on our next album. It’s gonna be better than any of our others. Okay maybe not Regional since that’s always been you’re favorite- actually scratch that, it will definitely be better than Regional. Everyone misses having you around. Especially Josh, but he’s been doing better recently. Jenna misses having another girl on tour with her. Oh that reminds me, Jenna designed our newest tour bus. Its awesome. Or I guess in Twenty One Pilots fashion, sick as frick. My mom misses you as well. She says I need someone around to convince me not to get anymore tattoos. I still have that uke you made me. The one with the art from each album. Don’t get mad at me but I added yellow tape so that Trench fits into it as well. Wait I almost forgot, Jenna and I have a kid coming soon, we don’t know if they’ll be a boy or girl but we decided that if it is a girl we’ll name her after you since you mean so much to us. I still have all the Polaroids you would take of me, you, and Josh. It’s crazy to think of how long it’s been since those were taken. It’s getting pretty late so I think I should go... Bye Y/N.” I slowly stood up brushing the dirt off my pants. I started to walk away before stopping in my tracks and turning around. “Wait I was going to sing for you... one sec.”
I sat down again pulling my ukulele out of my bag before starting to play Truce. “Take pride in what is sure to die.” I sang as I strummed the last cord. Silently I removed the rubber band from my wrist and gently placed it on the ground. “I’m sorry friend.” I said turning away from the grave.
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lolainblue · 6 years
Jane’s Journal -- Day 127
A/N :  This is the final Journal entry. The second book in the series will be starting next. 
T/W: Angst. Mentions of past drug use and mental health issues
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December 24, 2003   Day 127
   I wish I could say that I took Aunt Carys's advice to heart, lept up and called Roger, but a large feature of that Hughes tenacity lies in a sort of stubbornness and bloody-mindedness that makes it hard to change tracks. I started wallowing a little less as I stepped outside myself and saw the bigger picture, but the riff between Roger and myself had grown an into an ocean and I wasn't sure how to bridge it anymore. Somewhere along the line, my anger with him had morphed into shame at the way I had behaved.  I missed him with everything that was in me but I was too much of a coward to pick up the phone.
   His show would be wrapping up with a Christmas Eve matinee and then, according to Mom, he was going to catch an evening flight home so he could be here for Christmas. He had asked her repeatedly if I would be in attendance. I wouldn't let her say. I wouldn't give her a definitive answer. She had finally lost her temper with me and pointed out that just because I was the one that brought Roger into our family it didn't give me the right to single-handedly toss him out. He'd already had enough of that in his life. It was time for me to grow up and stop behaving as if this were some middle school spat. Roger was family. We had all agreed on that a long time ago, and in our family, we didn't throw people away when they upset us.
   Properly cowed, I came up with a plan and booked a flight to New York. I figured I need to settle things at the apartment at the very least and I thought maybe Roger and I could share the flight back and have a long overdue talk. When I showed up at the apartment on the 23rd however, there was no sign of Roger at our place, and judging by the refrigerator contents he hadn't been staying there recently. My plan had hit a snag.
   I was left alone to drift aimlessly through the now alien space. When I walked into my bedroom my heart nearly stopped. I realized the last time I had set foot in the place was before flying out to see Shannon back in August. The room was still a mess from packing, with rejected clothing piled on the bed. I spotted his old Def Leppard t-shirt that I had often slept in when he was gone, and several 30 Seconds to Mars t-shirts I had considered taking with me but ultimately left behind. My stomach turned as I picked the first one up, and I had brought it to my nose to see if there was a trace of his scent left behind before I even realized what I was doing. Angry with myself, I tossed it onto the center of the bed before grabbing the wastebasket from under my desk. I started throwing in everything that reminded me of Shannon or Jared, walking through the house to gather CD's and postcards, notes, pictures, stuffed animals from the midway, even the boots I had bought to wear to the first concert of theirs I had gone to. I was surprised how much of it there was. I tossed the bag into the hall closet in case Roger wanted any of it and went back to packing up my room.
   I spent that night in the apartment by myself. I had hoped Roger might come home despite indications that he wasn't living there anymore but he never appeared. I spent the next morning finishing my packing, my belongings all sorted into neatly labeled boxes in the center of my bedroom that I could easily have a service come and pick up later. Then I ordered lunch, showered and dressed for the theater.
   The performance was sold out so I was reduced to taking my chances with whatever scalpers would be on hand. I knew it was risky, but “Fortuna favet fatius.', fortune favors fools and soon I found myself with a rather choice seat, nervously thumbing the glossy program and waiting for the show to start.
   Our junior year the drama department had put on an adaptation of Anne of Green Gables. Roger had done amazingly well at the audition and had landed the part of Gilbert Blythe. I was overjoyed. Anne of Green Gables was one of my favorite books and I was so proud of Roger. He'd done a few shows before and had been okay, and he'd worked very hard rehearsing for the part but when it came time for the actual performance he had bombed. It wasn't just simple stage fright, he had suddenly become that weird kid in the fourth-grade play that said all his lines in a strange falsetto while he grinned at the audience and did incongruous things with his hands. He refused to go on after the first night and the understudy had to finish the run. He had been heartbroken. He'd already made big plans to become a famous actor, it was part of our “Roger and Janey Take Over the World” scheme, and having his hopes dashed just crushed him. It had taken months of Daphne nagging him to get him to start taking acting classes. I wasn't sure how we had gotten from there to here, him starring as Bob Cratchett in NYC in a not exactly Broadway but not exactly a dive theater either production of A Christmas Carol. I hoped that we would be able to iron things out so he could share that journey with me.
   To say I was terrified when he made that first appearance on stage would be putting it mildly. But to be honest, if I hadn't known it was Roger in the role I might have not even realized. He had transformed himself completely, And where the hell had that British accent come from? I know being American I probably wasn't the best judge but he sounded spot on to my ears. I was completely blown away by his performance, and judging by the people sitting around me, so was the rest of the audience. I was bursting with pride by the time the curtain fell.
   I am going to tell you right now that whoever says beauty is overrated is lying to you. I have lived on both sides of that road. Plain Jane would have been ushered back out into the street with the rest of the crowd. I knew I was going to need Hot Jane today so I had come prepared, dressed to the teeth, carefully coiffed and wearing what felt like half the Barney's cosmetic counter on my face. It took a total of eight minutes to charm my way backstage to the dressing rooms.
   Roger had just sat down to start removing his makeup and there was a girl seated on the table in front of him, giggling and tossing her hair while she crossed and uncrossed her obscenely long legs. Roger looked about as interested as a lion who'd been offered a broccoli sandwich. I giggled at the sight and Roger dropped the sponge he had been holding before rapidly turning my way.
   “Hey, Rog.” My mouth was suddenly dry but my eyes weren't. It felt like we were seeing each other after being separated by war, tired and battered bystanders who had found each other again at a refugee camp. I had worried that he would be angry with me, that I had been so steadfastly cold with him that he would never be more than an acquaintance again. Instead, he lept to his feet, nearly knocking his hapless admirer off her perch and rushed toward me, sweeping me up in his arms and swinging me around so enthusiastically that one of my wildly impractical heels went flying off my foot. I remembered again he was too good for me.
   “I'm so sorry, Roger,” I tried to explain. “I should have come to you and tried to work things out months ago....”
   “Hush,” he told me as he sat me back down and scrambled after the shoe I had lost. “I was terrible to you when you needed me. You don't have anything to apologize for.”
   “But I do....” I protested.
   “Let me get cleaned up and changed and then we can argue about it all you want,” he said. The girl who had been flirting with him gave me a haughty look and then flounced off, probably wrongly assuming I was her competition. “Oh shit, I've got a flight back home tonight! Aren't you going home for Christmas?”
   I nodded. “Mom gave me your flight info. I came into town to see you last night but you weren't home. I packed up my things at the apartment but I'm on the flight home with you.”
   Roger frowned and sat down in his chair again with a heavy thud. “I don't understand. What did you pack? Why?”
   “I'm going to Tanzania with a volunteer group. I don't know when I'll be back in the States. It could be months or it literally be years. I don't need anything that's there, and I figure if you wanted to sell the place or move if everything was already packed up all you'd have to do is call a service to come collect it. I can just pay for a storage until I suss out what to do next.”
   “Janey...” The smile that been on Roger's face when he embraced me was gone and I felt terrible. “I thought that...” He swallowed hard and picked up the makeup removal pad again and started dabbing harshly at his face. “So you are still mad, at me.”
   “Then why are you leaving me again?”
   “I'm not leaving you, Roger. I'm trying to fix myself.”
   “You're not broken.”
   “Actually, yeah, I really am. But I'm working on it.”
   He didn't say anything else as he continued washing away the stage makeup. When he had finished he looked back at me and I swear his face looked years older, deeply tired in a way I had never seen on him before. I wondered what had happened to him during the last 127 days. A bad feeling began to take root in my gut.
   “You were brilliant out there, Roger. I'm so proud of you,” I offered.
   He nodded. “Can we go home now?”
   “Sure,” I said, spotting his coat hanging on the wall and handing it to him. “Anything you want.”
   Roger already had an overnight bag ready for his trip to the airport but I needed to swing back by our place so we hopped on the C-Line for a last trip home together. He was quiet the entire way, and although I tried to fill the awkward silence with tales of my travels, Roger never engaged, just quietly nodded and folded his hands over and over themselves. I didn't want to cause a scene in public so I let it go and just kept on with the nervous chatter but I was so relieved to finally reach our stop I practically jumped off the train and power walked until we were inside our building and through the front door.
   “When is the last time you were even home?” I asked him as we shed our coats in the foyer.
   “A couple of days ago, actually. We had a cast thing last night. That's why I wasn't here,” he explained.
   “Oh.” I had kind of hoped he'd been staying with someone else maybe, or just leading too fabulous a life to be bothered to come back to an empty apartment. I looked at the keychain in my hands, the door key still separated from the rest. “Do you want me to leave my key?” I asked. “It doesn't seem right for me to just come and go when I'm not really living here anymore.”
   “I thought you were back. When you showed up at the theater, here, in New York and all... well I just thought you were back.”
   I shifted awkwardly from one foot to the other, not meeting his eyes. “I already committed to this volunteer thing, Roger. And I think it's going to be good for me. I'm getting back out in the world again, for real, not just a spoiled little party girl.”
   “You aren't a spoiled little party girl, Jane.” Roger's voice was quiet and uneven and I didn't know where this was going but I could feel my own lips starting to tremble.
   “I was so spoiled and helpless and blind....” I managed to mutter before he cut me off.
   “It wasn't your fault Jane. You don't have to do penance.”
   “I knew better. Or at least I should have. You told me how Shannon was, I saw it myself before I even let him back in...”
   “I don't mean Shannon.” Roger avoiding looking at me when he said it, but the lump in my throat was there just the same.
   “Roger. Please don't....”
   “Someone has to say it, Jane.”
   “No, they don't. It's not like I don't know.”
   “I think it is. Do you want to know what I've done for the last five months? I've worked and seen a therapist. Because as broken as you think you are I'm a hundred times worse.” Roger sat down in the middle of the floor, crossing his long legs one over the other. “I could never help him, Jane. I couldn't reach him, I couldn't stop him, and couldn't stop  you or me...”
   I sat down on the floor across from Roger, pulling his hands into my lap. “Roger, it wasn't like that.”
   “I was so fucking scared, Jane. Jared said you had seemed so hurt, you were completely lost, and you weren't talking to anyone...”
   I hadn't thought of things that way. I really hadn't thought much of anything through at that point, I was a whirlwind of my own grief and anger. “I'm sorry, Roger. I would never leave you like that. I would never....” A chill like ice water in my veins passed over me. “Roger, what do you mean you couldn't stop you?”
   “Not like that,” he said a little too quickly, pulling his hands back from me. “I just … dammit, Jane. Everyone keeps leaving, like I'm nothing. Jefferson didn't even... “ Roger's breathing had become shallow and I could see the distress in his eyes. “The only woman I've ever dated longer than a week dumped me while pretty much saying she could do better. My mother died and my entire family apparently voted to keep me away from the funeral. I pushed my best friend away. I pushed all my friends away, all the good ones that is. The only ones that would even put up with my shit...”
   Roger let himself fall forward, his head nestling in my lap. I wrapped my arms around him as best I could. “I'm so sorry, Roger. I knew you were in trouble. I tried to help...”
   “I know,” he sniffled. “I was so angry with you for running off with Shannon but I never told you how bad things were for me. I tried to numb it. It didn't help.”
   Boy that was one area I did know about. “No, it never does,” I observed.
   “Promise you won't  hate me, Jane.”
   “What? I would never hate you, Roger. I think I've been as angry with you as I ever have the capacity to be. Like I'm done now. I've used it all up, forever, for the rest of our lives. There is nothing that could make me hate you.”
   Roger began to sob and I started to cry with him. If I had thought, even for a second, that things were this bad with him I'd have chucked my whole temper tantrum walkabout right then and there and gone to him. I felt terrible. And I didn't even begin to know how to make it up to him.
   “Do you remember that night that Shannon was here, and I was so grouchy, and I disappeared all night?”
   “Jesus, how could I fucking forget, Rog. You were a mess when you came home. Like you'd been dragged through every gutter in Manhattan.” Roger may have been scared when I had my meltdown but he had scared the daylights out of me weeks before that.
   “I did something...” he sniffled wetly and I leaned back just enough to reach the box of tissues on the console table behind us.
   “Have you talked to your therapist about this?” I asked him as handed him the tissue.
   Roger blew his nose and nodded. “I should have talked to you though. That day. Before I did it. But I got it in my head that you didn't count, that you were just stuck with me somehow....” he trailed off again. “I was so fucking stupid, Janey, and I'm sorry, and if I could take it back....”
   I wrapped myself around him, the way I had in the shower that afternoon, and held him as tightly as I could get my arms to latch onto him. “it's okay. Whatever happened, it's over now.”
   Roger stopped crying and he gripped my arm tightly. When he spoke again his voice was even softer than before, and flat, as if he were trying to keep as much distance as possible between himself and what he was telling me. “I sold myself that night. For drugs," he confessed.
   “What?” I heard the words but I couldn't get them to make any kind of sense. “Why would you do something like that? You didn't need the money, I know you didn't. And I didn't think you were using that much....”
   “it wasn't for the drugs or the money,” Roger confessed weakly. “I just wanted to have value. I wanted to be worth something. Turns out I'm worth quite a bit in ketamine and coke.”
   “Oh Jesus," was the only thing I could manage to choke out.
   “Yeah, he and I aren't on speaking terms,” Roger joked weakly.
   I thought back again to that day, to stripping off Roger's stained and soiled clothing, the marks on his skin, and I wanted to throw up. I could actually feel my stomach turning and I looked around for something to vomit into. I told myself I couldn't though. I couldn't let Roger think that I found him sickening. I didn't want him to take it as a rejection. I gulped in air and closed my eyes and tried to get my heart under control. How the fuck had we come to this? “Roger you need to see someone.” I protested.
   “I am,” he reminded me.
   “Well, I don't think it's doing you much good. Look at you.”
   “Jane, this happened back in July. I am able to tell you about it now because I've been seeing someone. I have a long way to go but I”m working on getting better too. I was just hoping we could do it together.”
   I  grabbed him even more tightly, even though it was too late to protect him now. Of course, we could do it together. Nothing else mattered to me anymore except keeping Roger safe. “Okay, okay, sure.” I couldn't stop myself from sobbing and Roger began rocking us both back and forth. “I'll do anything it takes. Just please don't... please don't....”
   “Same for you,” he sobbed back at me.
   “I love you, Roger. I don't need anyone else.” I told him. “I won't ever leave you again.”
   “I love you too, Janey. And you will. But it will be on our terms next time and we'll be ready.”
   We cried on that floor together for the better part of an hour before we had to clean ourselves up and head to the airport. By the time we got back to my parent's house we had pasted our smiles back in place and for the all the world we looked just like we always had, two best friends, out to take on the world together. But we had torn the lid off and looked inside and we had seen how deep the cracks in our souls went. I didn't know how we were going to do it, but we were determined not lose each other to the darkness inside them. Nothing was going to drive us apart again.
@thepromiseofanend  @msroxyblog@nikkitasevoli@maliciousalishious@llfd1977 @mustlove6277@fyeahproudglambert @little-poptart @snewsome756@guccilowell
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bodyglitter · 7 years
Part One
August 15, 2012. I remember this day very well. Actually, the only thing I remembered. The day my world turned upside down. The day I lost my memory.
Do you get that feeling that everyone hates you? Well, I know everyone hates me, for one reason. I’m Niall Horan’s girlfriend. Every time I login to my Twitter account, my mentions are full of hate. Why don’t I just deactivate?
The digital clock in my bedroom ticked from 9:59 to 10:00. I was sprawled carelessly across my bed, scrolling through my Twitter, teardrops falling down my face and splattering onto my phone. Why do I even bother? I silently cried, trying not to wake Niall, as I hugged my giant Pink pillow to my chest. I heard my door creak. Niall was peering in through the crack. I quickly hid my phone under my pillow and pretend nothing had just happened. He opened the door all the way, and came in, not shutting the door.
“Babe, what’s going on?” Niall asked, concerned.
“Nothing, what makes you think there’s something wrong? There’s nothing,” I say, sniffling. I clearly wasn’t a great actress. I know he had seen everything that just happened.
“Yes there is. I just saw what happened, don’t deny it.” He said, wiping my tears from my face, sitting down on my bed.
“But they all hate me. I don’t deserve to be your girlfriend, I don’t deserve to live.” I whispered.
“Brooke. Look at me. You are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. I chose you out of a million fans. Are you really going to let a bunch of people sitting behind a computer screen get to you?” Niall said, as I looked into his ocean blue eyes.
“I guess not.” I said, wiping away the remainder of my tears. I could always count on Niall to make me feel better, no matter what mood I was in.
He leaned in for a kiss, the smell of peppermint lingering on his breath. We kissed passionately, staying in that position for a couple moments.
“Let’s go somewhere.” he said
“That’s not a good idea. There’s-” he held up his slender finger up to my pursed lips.
“Paparazzi won’t be out this late. Besides, who cares if they’re there? I love being seen in public with you” he said, knowing what I was going to say.
“Well okay.” I said, as a smile crept up on my face. “Let me get dressed.”
He stayed there looking at me.
“Um Niall? Can I change?” I ask.
“Why can’t you change in front of me?” he asks seductively.
“Get out Niall!” I tease, throwing my pillow at him
“Okay okay!” he said, smiling, as he walked out of my room, closing the door quietly. Thank God.
I opened up the Twitter app and saw a tweet from Niall in my mentions.
“@NiallOfficial: Guys leave @brookiecookiee alone. Hating her won’t make me like you. Love you babe xx” Awh, what a sweetie, I thought. I laid my phone on top of my pink dresser.
I surveyed my walk-in closet for something to wear.
“Ugh I have nothing to wear.” I shouted at my overflowing wardrobe. 
Finally, after five minutes, I put on my favorite plain white sleeveless blouse and bleached high waisted jeans shorts both from Urban Outfitters, my favorite place to shop besides Top Shop. I bent down to pick up my wedges, when I felt a pair of hands on my waist.
“Niall, not now! When we get home!” I said, winking and biting my lip.
“I love it when you play hard to get.” he said seductively.
I reached on the top shelf for my makeup bag, and Niall slapped my hand.
“Niall, what was that for?” I asked annoyed.
“You don’t need makeup. You’re prettier without it.” he said, kissing the tip of my nose.
I smiled. He clutched my hand, and we walked down the stairs together. Niall grabbed his Ramones jacket off the counter and grabbed his keys. He had just passed his driving test a few days ago.
“Ready babe?” he asked while slipping into his jacket.
“Yeah.” I mumbled, fumbling with the zipper on my leather jacket.
We both headed for the front door, Niall in front. He grabbed his set of keys as we approached the door. He slowly opened the door, scanning the area for any signs of paparazzi.
“Coast is clear.” he uttered to himself. “After you, my lady.” He said to me, making a gesture to the door.
“Thanks.” I said, smiling, walking to his shining black Range Rover in the black night.
We hopped in the car. He shut his door and jammed his key into the engine.
“What do you want to listen to?” he asked
I fished around for a CD in my messy purple Gucci purse. I was debating whether i should choose Up All Night or Take Me Home. I decided Up All Night, because of all the good memories. I was just a fan back then.
I slipped the CD in the CD player. Niall had no idea what CD I put in there. “Everything About You” starts blaring through the stereo.
Although Niall’s eyes were fixed on the road, I could see a smile plastered on his face. He starts singing along to the track.
“So… where are go-” Niall held up a finger to my lips, shushing me, one hand on the steering wheel. All while he was completely focused on the road. Wow, I thought. His driving teacher must’ve thought him well.
“Shhh…. It’s a surprise!” he said as we came to a stop sign. In my side mirror, black vans started to appear. 
“Niall!” I whined. “You said there wouldn’t be any paps!“ 
“Princess, I’m sorry, I had no clue.” He said with true sympathy. 
He started to speed up to get away from the paparazzi, the numbers on the speedometer going higher and higher by the second. 
“Niall watch out!” I shrieked, as we neared a large tree. He noticed at the last second, and the Range Rover hit the tree.
Everything went blank. 
Part Two
Niall’s P.O.V.
“Niall watch out!” Brooke screeched as my car ran straight into the tree ahead of us, paparazzi still behind us.
“FUCK OFF!” I yell at them, flicking them off, causing them to scurry. Ugh, I thought, what will the tabloids make out of this? Whatever, I thought, pushing away the thought from my dark clouded mind, trying to focus on what was important.
I looked back at the passenger seat. Brooke was unconscious, seatbelt nearly choking her. The car was smashed, the windshield, everything. It was a miracle we were both still alive. Well, I don’t know if Brooke is, I thought, tears streaming down my face, forming a puddle on my jeans. There was no way I could drive this wrecked car. I unbuckled both our seatbelts, and opened my door. It fell to the ground, shattering. I picked Brooke up bridal style and patted my jeans down to make an attempt to find my phone. Of course, when I actually needed it, I didn’t have it. Fuck it, I thought. I started running, Brooke in my arms. I had no idea where I was going, but she needed to get to a hospital immediately. As I ran, it started to drizzle, then it started pouring rain. Brooke’s white top was becoming see-through, so I took off my jacket and wrapped it around her. She looked like an angel, even while unconscious. (ya girl dyin and you care that her top becomin see through? im..)
When I finally reached the hospital, I dashed through the doors, almost slipping on wet tile. 
“WE NEED DOCTORS NOW, IT’S AN EMERGENCY!” I half yelled, half panted.
What seemed like a million doctors came out of the ICU and took Brooke out of my hands, rolling her onto a stretcher, wheeling her faster than the speed of lightning. 
After five hours, a nurse comes out, heading in my direction. 
“Mr. Hor-”
“IS SHE OKAY?! IS SHE ALIVE?!” I screamed, shaking the nurse. People were staring, so what? I care about Brooke, I really do. That’s what I was going to tell her in the car. Maybe right now, I won’t even be able to ever tell her. 
“Mr. Horan, please calm down. She’s sleeping on pills but I’m afraid she’s lost her memory." 
Part Three
Niall’s P.O.V.
I could feel something warm running down my cheek, a tear. I push hastily past the nurse, running to Brooke’s room. She wouldn’t remember me?! I thought, angry welling in my cheeks. She wouldn’t remember the memories we shared, the short films we made, the little kisses we shared. Wait, the short films we made. That gave me an idea.
I ran down the narrow hallway, faster and faster, praying I would find her room. I slowed my pace, becoming out of breath. I looked in every room, and finally stood before the one she was resting in. I sprinted into her room, and examined her for a few seconds. I broke down in tears. I couldn’t look at her. This is all my fault, why couldn’t I just listen to her?
I kneeled down beside her hospital bed and took her hand in mine, tightly, and looked at her angelic figure. Not even a scratch.
"Brooke,” I said, lips trembling. “I know you can’t hear me, but I love you.” I took out a locket from my pocket and placed it around her neck. I kissed her forehead, shortly before the same nurse came bursting into the room.
“Mr. Horan, please listens to me. It’s just a temporary thing, it’ll come back in a few hours,because the crash wasn’t that bad. You’re very lucky this time.” the stout nurse said.
“Oh thank you!” I sigh in relief and hugged her tightly.“She may be discharged right now if you like, I can see she’s about to wake up.” the nurse says, striding out if the door.
I heard mumbling, so I looked back. Brooke was getting out of the hospital bed, hospital gown and everything on. 
“Brooke!” I ran up to her and hugged her. “How are you feeling?”“Who’s that? Who are you?” she questioned.“Your name is Brooke. Brooke D'arcangelo. I’m Niall Horan, I’m in One Direction, the worlds most famous boyband, and I’m also your boyfriend.”
“Boyfriend, huh? Prove it.” she said.
“There’s no time for that here. I’ll prove it when we get home.” I said. She shrugged. 
I helped her out of her hospital gown, and into her normal clothes.
We walked outside in the damp, humid weather. I used the hospital payphone to call a taxi. Within a few moments the taxi arrived. 
I helped her get into the taxi, climbing in after her, buckling my seatbelt. I realized I was sitting on a newspaper, so I picked it up and started reading. A certain words and a picture caught my eye.
“Niall Horan & Girlfriend Car Fiasco” It was a whole article about the crash, with the picture of the horribly damaged car, and of course, the picture of me flicking off the paparazzi. Great, I thought. Just what I needed to lift the spirit.
We arrived home, and I tipped the taxi driver, helping Brooke, cautiously, out of the car. We walked hand-in-hand up to the porch. I grabbed my set of keys out of my jeans pocket and unlocked the front door. 
I watched her walk into the house, looking puzzled.
“This is a beautiful house.” She breathed in wonder.
“Because you live here.” I say, with a smile on my face. I run upstairs to retrieve the box of home videos we made together. Brooke had always wanted to be a filmmaker. Hopefully this will jog back her memory, I thought.
I ran downstairs with the heavy box. I walk into the screening room and set the box full to the brim of DVDs in front of the big screen. I call for Brooke. She rushes in.
“Listen Brooke, I don’t know if you know this, but you lost your memory, and I’m going to try to make an attempt to get your memory back with these home videos.” She nods and sits down. I slip one of the movies in and sit next to her.
A video appeared on the screen of us baking chocolate chip cookies together for the boys. I’d never forget this memory.
Brooke was mixing the ingredients together, as I licked the leftover cookie dough from the package. 
“Are you going to help?” Brooke asks.
“Um… well you see-" 
"Fine, have it your way. You won’t be able to eat any of the cookies then.” Brooke teases.
“Okay, two can play at this game.” I say mischievously.
“Let’s go then.” Brooke says, ‘accidentally’ flicking a spoonful of dough at me.
“Oh, you like to play, don’t you?” I say, grabbing a handful of cookie dough from the bowl and throwing it at her. By the end of the video, we both looked like abdominal snowmen, but most of our fast wasn’t plastered. (’abdominal’…snowmen..)
“Maybe we should just buy cookies from the store?” she asks. I nod.
“You’ve got something on your nose.” I say, kissing the tip of it.
“You’ve got something on your lips.” she says, kissing me on the lips, even though there was no dough on my lips.
“I wonder how I’m going to get this dough of off me….” she says.
“Why can’t I just lick you clean?” I ask. She giggles.
We both look at each other, for what seemed like a thousand years, then to the camera. I leaned in for a kiss, and Brooke covers the camera with her hand.
I get up and slip in another DVD. I remember this one very well. I secretly videotaped the time me and Brooke were dancing before the charity event me, the boys, and their girlfriends were attending. I had to admit, we were both shit dancers. But that didn’t stop me. This video was probably the cutest one. 
“Niall, no! Right foot, then left foot, follow my lead.” she said, as I accidentally stepped on her shoes. The video went on for about five more minutes.
The whole day we watched the box of home videos. It was no use. I walked up to my bedroom. I sat on my bed, getting lost in my thoughts, until someone opened the door and then slammed it shut. It was just Brooke. She was walking towards me, her face twisted with anger. 
“Woah, Brooke. What’s wrong?” I asked, concerned.
“I got my memory back. I’m beyond furious. You see what happens when you don’t listen to me? Look at the shit you got us into. Look at what you caused.” she yells.
“What the fuck? Are you blaming me for this?” I yell back, standing up, clenching my fists.
“No, I promise there won’t be any paparazzi, my ass. Yes, I’m blaming you, this is all your fault!” she yells. This is the first time I’ve ever seen her like this.
“You were the one that agreed!” I screamed.
“I didn’t want to, but you FORCED me!” she yelled, eyes blazed with fury.
“You know what, fine. If all you want to do is talk shit, pack your bags and get the fuck out of my house. We’re done. It’s done.”
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