#while recovering from having my wisdom teeth removed has been fine *knock on wood*
teabiscs · 7 months
since ive been radio silent about the ship poll. here's 1st places wip
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supercalvin · 4 years
Hi! I saw your ficlet that you wrote to cheer up someone who came out and didn't have a good experience with it and I was wondering if you could maybe write another one? My girlfriend and I came out at the same time and no one's taking it too well. We're both big fans of Merlin and especially your ficlets. I was wondering if you can write a nice supportive coming out ficlet to maybe cheer her up?
So I will tell you what I said to @ancient-depressed-druid over on that other ficlet: *Immediately drops all other prompts* LOOK AT ME. I’M THE PARENT NOW.
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1. I hope you don’t mind that I based on a fic idea my friend gave me. It’s really funny, although it’s not necessarily a ‘coming out fic’ I hope its enough to cheer you both up.
2. This turned out wayyy too long again. Whoops.
3. Did I take 20 min to make that image?? YES I DID
Prompts + Ficlets
Balinor arrived at the oral surgeon’s office with a sigh. To say that this was not how Balinor expected to spend his afternoon would be an understatement.
“I’m here to pick up Arthur Pendragon,” He told the receptionist.
There were a lot of things about the last fifteen years of Balinor’s life that he hadn’t expected. For one thing, he hadn’t expected to run into an old flame when he moved to Camelot. He hadn’t expected her to have a little toddler at her ankles who had looked so similar to Balinor it actually knocked the breath out of him the first time he saw Merlin.
He hadn’t expected to fall back in love with Hunith or to suddenly become a full-time Dad as Hunith worked full-time at the local senior home.
He also hadn’t expected when Merlin came out to him, but Hunith had admonished him for not noticing Merlin’s small probing conversation starters before. Balinor had never been very good at social cues. Merlin had gotten all those genes from his mother.
“Da, can Arthur come over after school tomorrow?”
“Who’s Arthur? You’ve not mentioned him before.” Balinor had asked, not looking up from the wood he had been cutting. (Merlin had become an avid reader and needed a new bookshelf in his room. Merlin had said they could just buy one but Balinor had insisted on making one for him.)
“Um…Well… He’s my boyfriend. Maybe.”
Balinor had looked up at that. Merlin had his arms wrapped around himself and he had hovered by the door, as if he was about to run out.
Balinor had nodded, “Fine. But you have to keep your door open when he’s here.”
“Da,” Merlin’s face had been bright red, but he had also looked pleased.
“Get back here,” Balinor had stopped him before Merlin bolted out the door. Balinor had pulled his son into a quick hug and pressed a kiss to his hair. At seventeen years old, Merlin was skinny and soon he would be just as tall as Balinor himself. When that day came, Balinor would miss being able to coddle him so easily.
“Thanks, Da.”
“Don’t be too happy, I haven’t met this Arthur yet.”
On principle, Balinor did not like Arthur. No one would be good enough for Merlin, but especially not some spoiled brat. Hunith liked Arthur, which was the only reason Balinor tolerated Merlin having the kid over as often as he did. It wasn’t that he was mean to Arthur (of course not) it was just that Merlin was the most important thing in Balinor’s life, and there was a high possibility that young love would turn to young heartbreak. Balinor only wished he could spare his son that.
Today, Arthur was getting his wisdom teeth removed and the original plan was for Hunith and Merlin to pick him up. Apparently, Uther was on a business that had been scheduled for the same week as Arthur’s surgery. But then Merlin had had to help his Uncle Gaius at the shop and then there had been an emergency at the senior home and Hunith couldn’t do it.
Which left Balinor.
Balinor was ushered into the back room where Arthur was holding an icepack to his face, eyes glazed over.
“Arthur?” Balinor leant down to catch the boy’s eye.
Arthur blinked a few times and then he seemed to recognize Balinor.
“Mr. Emrysss!” He said with what Balinor assumed was a smile, although his cheeks were so puffed that it was hard to tell. “Ow.”
“Careful of the stitches,” The nurse said. “Maybe get a milkshake, love.”
“Milkshake,” Arthur said with wide eyes, looking up at Balinor.
Which is how Balinor found himself driving down the road trying to remember the closest ice cream shop.
“Sorry you got stuck with me. I know you don’t like me.”
Balinor was surprised that despite the slow and slurred speech Arthur seemed aware enough to say this.
“I don’t dislike you. You’re dating my son. I’m just watching out for Merlin.”
“’das fair.” Arthur said and then poked his own cheek a few times.
“Stop that. You’ll pull the stitches.” Balinor pulled his hands away from his face.
Arthur sat on his hands, looking like a scolded five-year-old instead of a bratty teenager.
Arthur still seemed very out of it and didn’t say much for another few minutes. He might have dozed off, but he woke up again when Balinor handed him a vanilla milkshake.
With a bit of sugar into him, Arthur became decidedly more chatty.
“You know, I really do like Merlin.”
“I would hope so,” Balinor said as he drove.
“I love him, actually. Haven’t told him yet. Scarred.”
Balinor’s heart tugged a bit. He wasn’t heartless. He just worried over Merlin. But he could also recognize that Arthur was also a young boy in the throes of first love too.
“Don’t be scarred of your own feelings, Arthur.” Balinor said, a phrase that he had told Merlin many times before.
“Not what my Dad says. Always tells me to get over it.”
Balinor had only ever met Uther once, but he was starting to really not like the man. Really, what kind of man had a business trip on the same week as his son’s surgery?
“You know, I really respect you.” Arthur said, “You’re always so good to Merlin. And saying things like that about feelings. Even if you’re all stoic. I like that. Wish my Dad was like that instead of just being an asshole. Shit, sorry for cursing.”
Balinor had to hold in a laugh, although it was hard. The poor kid was out of his mind on pain meds.
“You know, when Merlin invites me over on Sundays, and Ms. E makes dinner and we watch a film, it’s like the best thing that happens to me all week.”
At a stop sign, Balinor looked over at Arthur who was cradling his milkshake with reverent hands. He also was looking out the window, not really aware of Balinor. As if he was just saying his internal monologue out loud.
“Sometimes I don’t see my Dad all week and I’m alone in a big house for days in a row.” Arthur said, his voice sounding distant, “Dad doesn’t have a clue about Merlin. He barely knows I’m alive, let alone gay. So I’m glad Merlin has you,” Arthur looked back over at Balinor, suddenly pinning him in his seat with round dilated eyes. “You’re a good Dad. Maybe you don’t like me, but it’s because you want Merlin to have the best. That’s alright by me. I don’t think I’m good enough for Merlin either. But I’ll stick around because he wants me to.”
Balinor cleared his throat and turned back to the road after realizing he had been stopped at a stop sign for over a minute.
A week later, Arthur was fully recovering from the surgery and he had no recollection of anything he said to Balinor. As far as he was aware, he got a milkshake, took a nap, and woke up groggy on the Emrys’ front room sofa.
The following Sunday, Arthur was invited to their family dinner. Afterwards, when Arthur offered to do the dishes, Balinor quietly started drying, telling Hunith and Merlin to go pick a film.
There was tension pouring off Arthur in waves.
“We’re going on a family trip to Ireland in the summer,” Balinor said, wiping down a pan.
“Yeah, Merlin told me. Sounds nice,” Arthur said awkwardly.
“You’re invited.”
“What?” Arthur dropped the bowl back into the soapy water with a loud ‘plop.’
Balinor made eye contact with Arthur, who looked utterly baffled. “Do you want to go?”
“I mean…uh,” Arthur blinked.
“It’d be nice for you to come,” Balinor said. “Merlin would be ecstatic. You two could go off sightseeing while Hunith and I visit old friends.”
“You wouldn’t mind?”
“Arthur,” Balinor said, trying to make himself clear. “Merlin didn’t ask me. He doesn’t even know I’m asking you. I’m asking because I want you to come along.”
Arthur nodded. His mouth was still half open in surprise. “Yeah. Um. I’d like that. Thanks.”
“Good,” Balinor dried off another plate and ruffled Arthur’s hair. “Finish up here. Those two are likely picking some horrible film. I need your vote against another historical drama.”
Arthur looked baffled, but he also looked pleased.
Good, Balinor thought. Maybe it wasn’t too bad having another son around the house.
Prompts + Ficlets
Balinor said, “Is anyone gonna adopt this kid?” and then didn’t wait for an answer.
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