#whilst i think in reality gale wouldnt stop gushing abt his partner
gale-dekarios · 2 months
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rose dekarios, post-game ^.^
so you're a student wizard and your professor is a bit dry even though you can tell that he's trying.
one day in the middle of one of his lectures your favourite drag performer shows up, hands him off something he forgot at home, kisses him, tells him he'll see him later that night, and leaves.
your class immediately bursts into a flurry of questions, and it turns out that not only is your stuffy illusions professor married to your favourite drag performer, not only did they meet during the ilithid invasion of baldur's gate, not only did they themselves have tadpoles, but they were also the ones that stopped the invasion.
this is wild already. then your professor credits your favourite drag performer as the reason he didn't blow himself up with a netherese orb, which he was ordered to do by the goddess of magic, mystra, who he also used to date.
i have to reiterate that your professor unironically says 'pish posh' and thinks that reading books written three centuries prior is 'thrilling'.
what do you do?
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