#whirl // ic
frostbittenfemme · 27 days
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As always Lyndaxy did an awesome job! Look at her and her boys 🥺😭🩵
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kaminarikokyu · 9 days
@whirling-fangs said: ❛  why did you leave without saying goodbye?  ❜ (:
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she falters.
zenitsu hardly ever falters. she's taken great strides to make sure that, despite it all, she was balanced. she is meant to be quick on her feet, striking like lightning and leaving behind the rumble of thunder. she does not fall, she wouldn't ever let herself fall. she's not the clumsy teenage girl she was all those years ago. yet, staring into inosuke's eyes, hearing such a hurt tone in his voice -- her cold demeanor melts. only he and tanjiro can do that, even after years of isolating herself from them. suddenly she feels sixteen again, easily drowned in the feelings of her friends.
her hands shake, balling her fists up to hide said quake. she had done so good avoiding all of this. she rarely even saw inosuke nowadays -- now, he was here. he was blocking her way, and it's not like she can just run past him. he was quick, they were on equal footing when it came to speed. she couldn't get away, not unless he let her. and she knows he wouldn't let her.
why did she walk away that day? returning from that mission, being adorned with the title of hashira, then retreating away to solitude. hiding from her grief, her pain, her friends. not wanting them to witness the pathetic creature that survived, the person who didn't deserve the title of rumble hashira. she hid to protect them, she swears.
she swears.
but she couldn't explain that. not to him. she tears her eyes away from him, shutting them tight. she can't do this -- not with her brother. (not again.)
" i won't ... i won't ask again, " breathe deep, steady yourself. " move out of my way, inosuke. i don't ... i don't want to fight you. "
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quiltofstars · 1 year
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The Whirling Dervish Nebula (NGC 3247, center), the Banana Nebula (NGC 3199, top), and IC 2581 (bottom) // Karl-Heinz
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polyhexianchicken · 4 months
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Happy Pridemonth Glitches, from your local murderbird.
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idagiri · 1 month
" you mean to escape , don't you ? " (what if... boar baby finds trapped baby...)
the sound of scratching at the wall leaves her restless,  even with her newly found snake companion coiling around her arm,  like an attempt to soothe her worries.   the sound is new,  and strange,  and she doesn't like it.   she likes it even less when cracks start to show,  and when the cracks give way to the wall crumbling,  pieces of it tumbling into her cage.   rising fear claws at her throat,  leaves her paralyzed in the corner as something scuttles about in the small pieces of rubble,  crawling out from a tunnel she hadn't even known was there.
all she can think to do is shakily cling to the hairpin she'd stolen from her older sister,  like it's some sort of lifeline.   it's not subtle,  the way she watches closely as the… animal?  ( she has to assume,  at least.  it's hard to tell,  she's hardly seen any to begin with ),  takes a keen interest in the food she's refused to eat.   without much of an appetite in the first place,  the pain from the still healing cuts on her face has made her more averse to food than ever.   she'll be more than happy if they take the food,  at least she'd avoid another scolding from her mother,  in that fake sickly sweet voice,  telling her to  just eat,  obanai.
when words pull her from her own spiral of thoughts,  she startles,  like a deer caught in headlights.   for a moment,  she considers if the fear and the stress have made her start hallucinating,  and she rubs at her eyes with her free hand.   one blink,  two,  and they are definitely still there,  and it's hard to tell where he's looking,  but she has the distinct feeling that she's being stared at.
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“ don't say it so loud… ”   her own voice is barely above a whisper,  trembling and weak,   “ no one but kaburamaru is supposed to know.   they don't want me to escape. ”   after all,  the wrath of a demon missing her meal isn't something any human would want to face.   she understands this much,  even if she's unwilling to accept her own life being used as the sacrifice.
the sounds of nightmares \ @whirling-fangs
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sunhated-a · 11 months
Perhaps in some far gone era, Muzan would have played along with his insipid game, back when he found enjoyment in crushing all those who stood against him. But, as with all things, a couple of centuries in and the novelty had worn off.
Still, he would admit that Inosuke was cut from finer cloth than the rest of the rabble Muzan had been forced to contend with that night. They had swarmed at him like flies, and died just as quickly. At least this one had the decency to fear him. Perhaps for that alone, he would make his death quick and relatively painless.
But Muzan's grace was painfully limited, and his patience more so. The Demon King met Inosuke's challenge with an icy cold stare: pupils narrowed into a thin slit. A stare as sharp as a knife and twice as deadly.
"You mean to challenge me to a battle? And what makes you think you are worth my time?"
He starts, with no small amount of contempt slipping through his placid mask.
"You are no one. Nothing."
@whirling-fangs | Moved from here.
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dnangelic · 8 months
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through the village , through the woods !
he can't let anyone know , can't let anyone see , even if the world was different and unfamiliar to dark's timeless name or wretched face . wings clumsily buffet and flutter , heavy and enormous on the niwa's transformed back .
he's running himself both blindly and ragged as far as he can away from the center and source of everything that's made his heart beat . even a little wonder could be too much for him .
and yet it isn't long until he suddenly collides into something . a heavy slam accompanies his shout and stagger . had he somehow ran into a tree or a wall while he wasn't looking ? steadying himself on lithe legs , quick to recognize just what he had crashed into ---
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' b ... b --- ! ' bu-san ?! ( crap --- ) oh no ! lips pull into a grimace ; flash the razor tips of sharp teeth , and no matter his shock , the fine , serpentine little slits of his monstrous eyes are still all too obvious . feathers spill about them in a quiet puff-and-landing , and though he wants to , he can't bring himself to bow and properly apologize before the other .
... instead , a freezing , marble-esque hand gives the other's bare skin a hard , frantic push , and once more , he tries to start running . ' s-sorry ! sorry --- ! ' crap , crap ! of all the people to meet out here ! had the other somehow sensed him and closed the distance ?! all he knew was that --- at this rate he really would die !! // @whirling-fangs
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eternalwished · 5 days
     @whirrlwind ♡ 'ed for a one-liner ! 
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      " These ... chao ,  what's so special about them ? " 
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shibemuses · 11 months
@whirling-fangs - totoro + inosuke
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His little Totoro's had told him of the strange human boy that wandered the woods. It seemed that the river kami had witnessed his fall from the mountains above, and had granted him a chance to live. A chance to become someone strong, someone his mother would be proud of.
Years had passed since that day. Totoro watched from his great tree, only leaving at night to perform rituals to allow saplings to grow.
It seemed the little human boy had found his way into the tree, because deep inside, the grand kami of the forest barely stirred. He merely snoozed on in his little alcove, snoring loudly and twitching his whiskers now and again.
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xwildwhirlx · 1 year
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my brother insisted I draw this
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starshinc · 1 year
@whirling-fangs - ⭐️
Inosuke was right - whatever Tanjiro heard, it definitely wasn’t a demon, there was no lingering scent of demon in the air, either…! But the tone of Inosuke’s voice made him pause, evidently whatever awaited them was serious.
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“A bear?!” Tanjiro looked around, attempting to pinpoint the location - ah, there was a faint scent, but was it the babies or the mother he was smelling…? There wasn’t any time to pinpoint! “Charge? I…I don’t know if we should spilt up! But- Inosuke, what do we do?” He absolutely trusted the other with the best course of action for this. “Is it safer to get into the trees, or spilt up and put as much distance between us and her babies as possible?”
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kaminarikokyu · 24 days
@whirling-fangs / a storm approaches.
" if you're a king, where is your crown? " she asks, perched on the tree above him. she tilts her head at him, watching him train with his swords. zenitsu had found enjoyment in coming to visit him, finding this boy in the woods ... entertaining, maybe even something of a friend (like she'd know what having a friend would be like.)
she hops from her perch, landing on the ground with a small ' oomf .'
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" i have a crown, " she continues, sitting down on the ground as she continues to watch him. " a big one! it matches my lords. " a brag, not that inosuke seems to care about her brags. with a huff, she stands, stomping her foot. " no more training! i wanna play! "
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frostbittenfemme · 1 year
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Wild and her trio of copters.
Muses belong to the wonderful @polyhexianchicken @photobombingcryptid and @helicrazy
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polyhexianchicken · 4 months
Blasting Misery while he's sideways on the floor in his hab.
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idagiri · 1 month
" no , wait ... where are you going ? "
stanley parable starters \ @whirling-fangs
" to go get kocho. "   obanai has confidently decided that this one just isn't normal.   sure,  he's seen plenty of different fighting styles in his time with the corps,  but dislocating your own joints?   he glances back,  watching in something between shock and horror as hashibira starts effectively snapping them back into place,  as if they hadn't even dislocated them in the first place.   he still has half a mind to send his crow out to go fetch the insect pillar,  still staring at them.   " … are you in any pain? "
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sunbreathr · 6 months
@whirling-fangs ; "That's the thing about war. People die." (to tanjiro!!)
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There was a time when even the thought of a war ( let alone one against demons ) was deemed near impossible. At least for Tanjiro. And now he was hearing it spoken so .... so casually.
Well. It was a testament to how much his life had changed. The unimaginable had become normal – a routine. Mission after mission, death after death with seemingly no end. Yet, the flame inside of him that urged Tanjiro to fight never diminished. Somehow.
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❝ That .... that doesn't make it feel any better, ❞ Tanjiro admits, hand rubbing against the back of his neck. Attempting a smile, even as it falls flat.
❝ I know it seems childish, but I wish there was a way to save everyone. All this death and destruction .... there must be a better way, right? ❞ His gaze lifts, settling upon Inosuke. ❝ Maybe not. Sorry, ignore me. ❞ he offers a nervous laugh, gaze averting once more.
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