astrxthesiai · 5 months
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(@whiskeysmulti )
"Can't be responsible when you say incredibly asinine shit in front of me. Especially, when you know full well that I'm at least attacked by tentacles once a week."
At least she is self-aware.
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astrcthesiai-archived · 11 months
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She's just gonna throw a pineapple at Gokudera for that one commentary.
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queenharumiura · 5 months
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"Ah... I can explain, this... was for science. Your shirt is too big on me, so I can't wear it outside."
Narrator voice: She had no intentions of wearing it for outside use.
This is a piece I received by winning a raffle. Do not steal, do not edit, do not use, and do not repost. I was given permission to post this onto my blog. Okay to reblog.
Haru Miura © Akira Amano
Pose reference by Disgustingcake on dA
Artist is Fluffypepole from dA
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fightingthetides · 8 months
@whiskeysmulti { ☁️ }
《𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓔𝓵𝓾𝓼𝓲𝓿𝓮 𝓒𝓵𝓸𝓾𝓭》
The Cloud Guardian rolls his eyes, not intending to spare Gokudera any of his feelings should he feel offended by the act. The aloof Cloud was hardly the one to be considerate of anyone else’s feelings- much less if they were in the perceived wrong.
As the saying goes, ‘old habits die hard,’ and this one had one hell of a habit. Having taken in the yellow avians under his wing, they’d been repurposed to patrolling the streets of Namimori, serving as Hibari’s eyes and ears. An hour prior, he’d been alerted to a certain resident bomber getting involved in an altercation of sorts and would be in need of assistance.
With the intricate network of yellow avians answering to Hibari’s beck and call, the effort exerted in locating the bomber who had since relocated himself from the initial site of the alert being made was minimal. The coast was clear and Hibari looked down at the injured right hand of the pesky Sawada Tsunayoshi.
Loathe as he may be to associate himself with the lot, the fact remained thus: He was one of them. Whatever reason Gokudera had for getting into a fight was of little concern to the man at current. The truth would come to light in due time as a yellow bird had been tailing some of the runaway assailants who managed to run away. The others who had fell to Gokudera’s attacks were whisked away by Kusakabe.
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【Best find the answer soon.】
Taking hold of Gokudera’s arm, he hoists the injured guardian to his feet. Albeit a bit rough, Hibari wasn’t one to be overly accommodating. From his initial visual assessment, Gokudera would be fine. A bit battered, but that was nothing the silverette couldn’t handle.
【Every injury you sustain, remember who would be concerned.】
Everyone within the Vongola would be concerned to know that Gokudera had been injured in battle. Though the reasonings may vary somewhat from person to person, the fact remained that his pain would be a cause of worry for the Vongola 10th generation. One could only imagine how the usually tame and complacent ‘herbivore’ would bare his fangs upon receiving the report.
An aggravated sigh.
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【Be considerate of those who must console your girlfriend should the worst happen to you.】
Another jerk of the arm as Hibari starts escorting Gokudera to seek medical attention. Admittedly, he may be treating Gokudera rougher than necessary as he’s irritated. No one enjoyed to see their friends hurt, and in his eyes, Gokudera was doing just that each time he was reckless and Hibari was often the one tasked with breaking the news to her. He was normally the one who had to face the brunt of her panic and hurt.
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lovelyextreme · 27 days
"Oi, moss head! Here." Gokudera handed over a present wrapped in gold paper, inside was a book on the history of boxing. "Happy birthday."
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"A gift from you?!" Not to sound rude just not expecting. "Thanks Octopus head! I respect and accept this~." Paused as he opened it. A book? This feels like a very Gokudera present. It was boxing though and he was interested still.
Ruffles that octo mop before resting his thick arm around the shoulders. "I'll just eat those sun cookies I got with this~."
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voraxiia · 2 months
❛ how did you get this scar? ❜ (for Luca from Gokudera)
ㅤㅤㅤ❝ㅤhm ?ㅤ❞ㅤcurious eyes follow the silver-haired’s gaze , lifting his arm up to better see the jagged scar on his side . still , brows furrowed , mouth pinched in an effort to recall where and when this particular one happened among all the other ones ...
ㅤㅤㅤ❝ㅤ... aah —— i think this was an axe . ... or was it that really big funny-looking sword ...ㅤ❞ㅤor was it yet another utter mess of a fight he threw himself into , wild and reckless , as long as he got the job done ? see how easily he’s giving up now , throwing his hands up in a shrug , ㅤ❝ㅤcan’t remember . i totally beat the shit out of the other guy , though ! ㅤ❞ㅤthat's the important part , of course .ㅤㅤㅤ// ﹙ 𖹭 ﹚
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ukigumos · 5 months
✂ - point sternly at a chair and tell my muse to sit down (from the manhandling starter meme, from Gokudera from my inbox call!)
UKIGUMOS - »❝浮雲❞« Manhandling Symbol Starters. // @whiskeysmulti
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Kyouya had been patrolling the halls and checking the classrooms for any damages. It was irritating how often the property got destroyed. And by the same troublemakers, too. He stepped into a classroom soundlessly, pausing when he spotted a pointed finger.
Hm. It's the pathetic lapdog of the cowering one. He was arguably the most destructive towards the school property.
Kyouya's eyes travelled from the finger to the chair then to the lapdog's face. His face darkened, fringe casting a menacing shadow over his sharp gaze.
"What are you trying to pull off?"
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thehandworld · 17 days
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That was bad... Shit. The Rain guardian was in his office, so he wasn't expecting anyone to go inside there without knocking, mostly if not everyone would knock before getting, oh well at least it was Hayato. Hey Gokudera. Takeshi didn't have any trouble if it was a guardian to figure out that he used glasses/contact lenses. But he really wanted to keep that as secret as possible, so as not to worry people. Well, that was a fail with the Storm. So... Can I help?
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astrxthesiai · 24 days
"Oi, Chrome! How do you create your illusions anyway?" Gokudera was curious for a while, since he never really harmonized with Mist flame, how was Chrome so good at it? (from my inbox call)
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Chrome blinked as she was called out of her reverie.  She was looking at the white puffy clouds and listening to the breeze.  It has been long since she first cast her illusions.
She looked down at her ring and closed her eyes.  “The Mist is a flame of creation.  Not of destruction.  It is the opposite of the Storm flame.  It needs a passive approach rather than an assertive approach.”  She opened her eyes as a small flame appeared dancing around the seal of the ring.  “Once you coax the flame to life, you should nurture or make it get bigger.  This will be the fuel for the illusions.  You need to trick the enemy’s senses, not just visualize the object in your mind.”
“Hm… a small pipe should work when creating an illusion of one of your dynamites,” Chrome explained.  She formed the flame into one of Gokudera’s dynamites after picking up a rock.  “We’ll start with the dynamite.  You know the shape, the width, the length, and the height when it is standing up.  You know the scent, the feel, the texture, and the color.  You know the amount of explosive substance inside and what wick you used to make it.  All of that is used in an artist’s mind when they sculpt something.  It will just be lighter or heavier depending on the object used.”
She handed the illusion of dynamite to Gokudera for further study.  “You also know how big the explosion is and its effect.  But that’s for after you form one of your own.”
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astrcthesiai-archived · 9 months
"Are you alright?" Gokudera @ Chrome from my inbox call!
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"I'm... not sure," Chrome admits, honestly. She ensured her illusory organs were complete before she extended the staff of her spear. She made a perch for a small butterfly to land on the back of her hand. She strengthened the young butterfly with her flames before it fluttered off.
"We should return to the others, though," she spoke up. It was better to regroup before they thought of their next move. "Mukurou is with Mukuro-sama. My butterflies can only do so much."
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queenharumiura · 7 months
Continued from: [x] @whiskeysmulti
Gokudera wasn’t fully healed, but one could argue that he was well enough to move. That said, the definition of ‘well enough to move around’ differed for Gokudera. He probably interprets that statement as: If I need to join a fight, I will, much to Haru’s chagrin.
At him glaring at her, she returns fire with her own glare. “Gokudera Hayato.” You aren’t going to intimidate her. “I’m not moving.” Not yet, anyways. She knows there’s nothing that can be done or said to dissuade him from going to Tsuna’s aid, and it wasn’t her intention either… but-!
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Feet firmly planted on the ground, “I’m not stepping aside if you don’t have a plan that isn’t recklessly risking your life. Tsuna-san wouldn’t want that from you.” She shoves a compactly packed first aid kit into his arms. “I hope you won’t be needing this, but take this with you in case anyone needs it.”
“If you don’t want me going after you because I’m that worried about you, convince me you’re not going there to die.” You think she wouldn’t follow you? You know just as well as she that she would.  
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fightingthetides · 7 months
@whiskeysmulti replied to this post [x]: Gokudera and a bag of candy to Lambo.
(A part of me felt this one was quick and simple enough that it would work best as a on dash reply thing. As most of my drabble things go, do whatever you want with it. Hoard it, reply to it, etc)
“Eehhh? What’s this?” Lambo inspects the bag of candy he was gifted, greedy hands soon rummaging through the bag to inspect all the new goodies that he had to sink his teeth into later. A lot of them were candies that he particularly liked, which probably wasn’t hard to deduce considering Lambo had a liking for most grape things.
Today was Valentine’s day, and he knew from the repeated exposure over the years that in Japan, the girls usually gave the guys gifts on this day. Then, a month later, the good will was returned by the guys giving the girls a gift in return.
There were 3-tiers that you could fall into and Lambo was sure this was meant in a friendly way, because there was no way this was giri(obligatory) candies that you felt obligated to give to someone like a co-worker or your boss? If it was, then Lambo was going to sulk REAAALLLLLY hard, you know?
In true, Lambo is going to be an annoying menace fashion, “Ehehe, thanks, Gokudera! Lambo-san will accept your offerings to the great him! Took you long enough to see my greatness and offer gifts!” Lambo laughs loudly.
What a brat.
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lovelyextreme · 5 months
"Oi, turf-top! How hard can you throw a punch?!" (from Gokudera)
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"You challenging me, octopus head!?" Now this is what he is talking about! Finally able to see how he can handle himself without those fire crackers!
A ready fist risen for preparation. "I'll show you the power of my punches to the extreme!" Even in excitement to just go for it Gokudera must show he is ready.
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sovereigntism · 5 months
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@whiskeysmulti asked:
"So what is your fighting style anyway?" Gokudera asked. (from my inbox call!)
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King twirled in the chair, legs parted and hands planted between them on the cushioned fabric. It was a spinning stool, like an office chair with no back on it. They considered how much to answer, humming for a moment before finally replying, while still spinning... So their voice was wobbly sounding.
"Mmm... I prefer ranged. But it's easier to carry around my sword than it is to carry my bow and a quiver and arrows. That issue accompanied with the fact that most conflicts I end up in are already within melee range... Just means it's easier to carry a sword. Though, mom did teach me boxing so I can handle myself hand to hand as well. I'm never defenseless... Why? You plan on training with me?"
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nxvola · 2 months
Give me 6 characters and I’ll tell you who i would: Tsuna, Gokudera, Ryohei, Lambo, Yamamoto, Lambo. >:3c
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Push off a cliff : Tsuna ( everyone is here actually shh ) Kiss : Gokudera Marry : Ryohei Set on Fire : Lambo Wrap a Blanket around : Lambo Be Roommates with : Yamamoto
/ meme , @whiskeysmulti
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arealmunited · 7 months
❤️ + whiskeysmulti (Revenge, muahaha XD))
Answered from here {X}
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I love Whiskey’s blog, all the characters they have including the hidden/request only ones.  It’s always fun to see what each one of them gets up to.
Honestly I’m a bit shy to approach them, but there’s a lot of characters I want to work with.  Lavina and Gokudera meeting for the first time after so many years, possibly Tsuna meeting Natsu.  They have so many muses the possibility is endless.
They’re also one of the other people that made me really feel welcome back into the rp community again.  I was honestly nervous to come back and they made me feel extremely welcome.  I truly hope to talk and interact with them more in the near future.
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