#whisper.s im so soo sosos sos oSRORYY
scarredremembrance · 11 years
"You’ll be mine forever." - ALOIS
His mind was too tired, too weary. Squall could not think any longer— he couldn’t think of how he’d come to be in this position, couldn’t think of how he could get away. As he lie against a cold floor, hands bound tightly behind his back, he could only focus on one thing; a person. And that person was Alois Trancy, who sat atop his aching stomach and held a knife to his chin, digging the point in just enough to make him bleed.
Wounds laced his body; the tendons of his heels slashed to keep him from getting away, cuts and punctures on his legs, chest, arms for what only seemed to be Alois’ sick pleasure. Numbly he wondered how he ever could’ve trusted this boy, as he felt Alois wipe his own blood on the tattered fragments of his own shirt. The blond leaned in close, breathing lightly against his neck as if taking in his metallic scent. The time for struggle was long past; his wrists were still raw and chafed from when he’d tried to wrestle free.
The other lie atop him for a moment. Through the aching, he felt the second heartbeat against his skin. (Let it end.) Squall thought. (Just let me die already.) It felt as if Alois read his very mind. The boy sat up, brushing his fingers through Squall’s hair and caressing his cheek before offering him a coy smile.
"You’ll be mine forever." He said in a whisper, though they were the only two in the room… though the only other person in their worlds was each other. The blade rose, and like the blade of a guillotine, fell down in execution through his very heart.
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The pain considered intolerable was nothing until now; the haze shattered, leaving his eyes wide and jaw agape in silent agony. Squall writhed weakly. The blade rose and fell again. And again. Never ending, pulling up the last offerings of blood from the well of his body. Staring up into Alois’ blue eyes, it was several eternities before he finally felt death’s relieving embrace.
Perhaps once he would’ve thought it as a victory; there was nothing more Alois could do once he was dead. But now it wasn’t even that. His mind had gone, but his body was still there beneath the other. Alois had gotten what he wanted… he’d won.
Squall had truly become his, forever.
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