laurestcphens · 2 months
location: outside blair's apartment time: after blair has been through the ringer who: @whisperdreams-blair
Her heels click on the pavement as she walks toward her destination, the look of distaste unhidden on her face as she look at the building. It's simple enough to get into the entryway. Apartments tend to have loopholes that single-family homes don't, and she uses that to her advantage.
It took admittedly too long for Laure to learn that Blair had been one of the targets in the botched attack on Summerfest. Between what had happened at the Mausoleum and everything else people seemed to want to complain about these days, Laure was stretched thin, even before her extra-curricular activities. And there was the unpleasant stick in her chest that this is a connection that would never exist if she had not loved and lost as she had.
Her knuckles rap at the apartment door impatiently, setting a quick staccato rhythm that would be impossible for anyone inside to ignore. "I'm not leaving until I see your face," she adds, in case there was any confusion.
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oz--saffet · 4 months
Where: Crow & Chalice Who: @whisperdreams-blair
He's the newbie. Oz is well aware - and that means they have questions. A lot of them. With some of the coven aware of the ex-hunter's past, Oz is never sure the type of reception he'll receive. Innocent questions about what best to use for which spell, that's normally all he asks. They've never been much of a conversationalist, and that makes meeting new people tough.
"Was wondering if I could pick your brain? Is that, uh... alright?"
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kiristephens · 14 days
location: her greenhouse who: @whisperdreams-blair
Kiri had not returned to Westriver since she had visited her wife. She had been surprised by how much it had hurt to walk on the familiar grounds. She didn't know the lands nearly as well as Laure did, but there were memories and secrets hidden around every corner, from a life that she barely remembers. Her feet instinctively carry her towards the greenhouse, a place that was once her sanctuary and the one place in Westriver that was wholly hers.
The vampire half-expected the building to be torn down, the plants wild and overgrown with neglect. What care did a vampire have for nature? The thought is bitter on her tongue the instant she thinks it, because Laure's appreciation for preservation had been one of the things that bonded them in the first place. Yet there is still that pervasive voice of doubt that has wound its way into her that she cannot shake. But the greenhouse is intact, just as beautiful as she remembers it, and there is someone inside.
Kiri's heart seizes in her chest, despite how still it is now, when she sees Blair, tending to the plants and dancing to the sound of music that she can pick up on with her enhanced hearing. More things to get used to.
A part of her wants to turn and disappear back into the shadows. A reunion with Blair has always been in the plan, but Kiri had been unprepared for how overwhelming every emotion could be now. Even now, she feels shaky at the prospect, but she can't delay it any further. Walking into the greenhouse, Kiri takes a moment glance at the plants that are thriving under Blair's care, and she smiles with a touch of mischief.
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"Frankly I'm surprised you haven't repurposed an entire corner for some marijuana plants."
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heronyearwood · 4 months
who: @whisperdreams-blair where: Tidal Pavillion, Summerfest when: Right Before Shit Goes Down
While by no real means a town of bumpkins, Port Leiry certainly is a town of rubes, or, perhaps more likely a town full of cretins with a vested interest in not raising a scene. Vampires lurk in blood-crazed hives, werewolves pack into the fringes of the woods and quiet areas. Witches congregate in secretive mass. She'd like to be out of here before the dogs and neck-biters know whats happening, which is strange to consider, given they're her favorite thing to hunt. But, this is all in service of that, and so, the stage is set, and soon the die will be cast. But the Hunters? Hunters, while protectors of The Great Secret, are not meant to indulge the instincts of monsters, and if the witches don't want to help rid the town of this filth, they can be made to. And if The Brotherhood, feckless and soft, is roiling under its own weight with reticence to act? Everything burns, at the end of the day, and a hunter who doesn't hunt can serve better as wood to fuel the fire. She's had to forego the Feng-Lindon heir - wrong place, wrong time, but she can hope somebody else has the chance she didn't.
Still, she thinks to herself, it's not a total loss. Blaire Davenport is one of a handful of names pried from the tongues of captured witches. A Phial witch. Pretty, young thing.
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It is well-off that Heron's studied in hunting, and its unfortunate that in hunting monsters, one sometimes needs to employ fire for fire. Spellcraft is a human art, one that can be learned, at least in a lay enough form to be of benefit to a hunter, given the weak un-focused nature of the Fellowships' brands. In her forty and some years Heron's mastered two glyphic wards - one that detects magic, and another to mute its effects on her mind. The first of those is etched into her skin via her Fellowship mark, and the second is bent into a lace of silver and amethyst around her neck.
"So yeah I feel like, right here, this is a good frame for you, I just have a few questions, real casual, real easy." She's lured Blair in with equal parts outsider charm, asking questions about the area, and equal parts cougar-tinged flirtation - the hip, trendy Gen x music enthusiast act seems to be getting play. It seems overkill to go in for this kind of playacting, but she loves lie. She loves the thrill. It's like dress-up, but with violence.
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sunshincwitch · 1 month
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Masquerade 2024
Chamomile Greensmith has decided to emerge from the woods for a moment of indulgent revelry, accompanied by @whisperdreams-blair , as they often seem to be whenever they have been dragged away from her studies and workings. But she’s finally starting to understand that there’s more to life than just work, and plans to enjoy herself.
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dontleaflily · 4 months
*/ @whisperdreams-blair at Lily's tailor shop
Even though Lily has gotten used to it by now, it still kind of stings when she lifts up a piece of fabric and a forgotten needle pierces her skin. It's a brief scratch, but still leaves a drop of blood on the pearly white, so Lily groans and throws it onto the pile meant to be washed.
The doorbell chimes, and Lily is glad that the newest costumer isn't a vampire she has to fight off in a sudden rush of bloodlust (not that she thinks all vampires get like this around blood, just that she doesn't want to risk it).
"Good evening.", the woman greets as her finger finally stops bleeding and Lily can wipe the blood off with a paper towel, "What can I do for you tonight?" It's a familiar face, and Lily finds her eyes twinkling with gentle amusement, lips ready to tease -- like they always are. "I just got a new glimmering purple fabric, if that's something you'd like to look into."
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kingofthehunt · 4 months
( @whisperdreams-blair -- the shop she works in at 7pm, early )
The door is ripped open, the emptiness of the store is analyzed, and Elias glares at Blair like she's the devil herself, reincarnated.
"What have you done." His skin is itching -- he's too close to magic, too close to a witch he can't kill (which is a great misery, given it's his job).
It's been a constant back and forth with them over the last few months. Elias has gotten the official no, the official withdrawal of permission to rip her life right out of her hands. And now they're stuck with whatever this is. "You have bewitched me." And not in the body and soul way. "My fucking coffee. It tastes like I'm licking it straight off the ground. And I know it was you, because every other witch I had a personal foe with, is six feet under."
Fault be the damn vampires for liking the damn witches.
"I demand you come outside now.", Elias orders, "So we can have a nice and private conversation far away from whatever incense you're burning in there." He pulls a face -- like he's a vamp, or wolf, smelling something he doesn't precisely want to.
What was it about that lion and that lamb, and the sparkling?
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zanexxpatel · 13 days
closed starter for @whisperdreams-blair
Zane wasn’t exactly one to fight for anyone but his boyfriend but… this was his coven. Jennifer was part of his coven, and he’d be lying if he said he hadn’t been thinking about trying to help get her back.
And thankfully, he wasn’t the only one.
“Alright.” Zane pulled a razor blade from his pocket — one he kept for emergencies — and held his own hand out. He slid the blade across his palm until his own blood bubbled and dripped across his skin. Using his magic, he pulled some out and suspended it in the air. “Are you ready to put on a show?” He asked with a smirk on his lips as his eyes flickered towards Blair.
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cityofruinrp · 5 months
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oz--saffet · 2 months
( @whisperdreams-blair )
"Alright. Because I trust your fashion sense." Oz speaks immediately as he wheels into the coffeeshop and sees Blair - and they're already twisting the chair to show off the outfit. Black leather boots with a nice chunky heel, showing under a pleated long skirt, high-waisted on a mesh shirt, with a blazer on top. All black, as is Oz's usual vibe. "...do I paint my nails to match? Or is this enough?"
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