#whispers of victory - armaros
xx-hail2theking-xx · 1 year
I am... at least somewhat inclined to think it's something of a learned behavior. there are situations where it becomes very difficult to convince yourself of your own worth. generally due to someone else very persistently convincing you otherwise.
I'm not saying that's the case here. but I would be opposed to someone repeatedly tearing out a certain earl's throat, either. not that I was anyway.
i think we all would enjoy that.
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xx-hail2theking-xx · 9 months
I wouldn't because it makes no sense. Hold apart whether Neptel has anything to gain. Look at it entirely on its own, without looking for why.
Ask yourself only, do these things make sense together?
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xx-hail2theking-xx · 9 months
...a population of angels is purportedly sizeable enough to have been repeatedly picked through by a court of demons over a course of months. there is at least one Seraphim among these angels, and it's at least dubious to suggest that there aren't other Seraphim or Dominions among their number as well.
they're also purported to have not only continually failed to prevent their numbers from being thinned, but to not even have managed sufficient retaliation to noticably affect the numbers in Michael's court. yet for some reason, they're not using angelic sight to follow her court back to where they themselves nest, and ensuring that these hunts stop, by dropping an army directly on Michael's proverbial doorstep.
that... really, doesn't add up, Armaros.
why wouldn't it?
seraph neptel has nothing to gain from us.
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xx-hail2theking-xx · 9 months
really? two more questions, then. first, taking what, exactly? and second, how can you confirm? did you witness it?
my marquis can confirm it.
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xx-hail2theking-xx · 9 months
I had a feeling she always felt that way.
So. Armaros. Michael and Neptel seem to be telling the same story about Michael's court raiding her home. Except the court doesn't reflect the losses that would be likely to come from it.
Mind, we haven't heard this from either, directly, but it... raises concerns.
i can confirm. that we most certainly are taking from seraph neptel.
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xx-hail2theking-xx · 9 months
did she always talk about Monarchs like she does now? I realize it may be a weird question. especially since I assume that even if she had, she'd probably avoid doing so where most people could hear her.
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xx-hail2theking-xx · 9 months
I have a question or two in fact. About Michael. And... back then. But I'll understand if you refuse to answer them.
i'm all ears.
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xx-hail2theking-xx · 9 months
...I had wondered. change of subject, then?
very well.
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xx-hail2theking-xx · 9 months
forgive me. my marquis prefers if i... refrain. from that particular act.
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xx-hail2theking-xx · 9 months
...someplace they can't return to. anything else they're willing to share from their past, they'll need to say. and very little I think they're likely to offer.
what a shame.
i've heard rumors they were someone quite special.
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xx-hail2theking-xx · 9 months
what makes you ask that? - jester
it is only natural to want to know... my fellow court members.
i've seen knights who have been hurt. tortured. sometimes... far, far worse than both.
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xx-hail2theking-xx · 9 months
Lucifer can be an observant demon, that's all. he figured out that King Paimak and Asmodeus had fallen for each other before either of them did.
...sometimes I suspect he's aware of far more than he let's on.
um, but. like I said, I have my suspicions. only they can confirm or deny though.
...or. Asmodeus. that may be more likely.
asmodeus, asmodeus. i was wondering about them as well, actually.
where were they before this court?
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xx-hail2theking-xx · 9 months
ahem. no comment.
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xx-hail2theking-xx · 9 months
that's me saying that even if I knew with any certainty, there aren't many people i would talk about it with. sorry, but while I've had my own suspicions, I'd prefer to keep my thoughts to myself right now. I think that if anything does develop? we'll know. or we won't.
what a shame.
king lucifer had been under the impression they've all been mates for months now.
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xx-hail2theking-xx · 9 months
you're not asking us to gossip about the Duke and/or Queen, are you, Armaros?
what? me? i could never.
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xx-hail2theking-xx · 9 months
that... reminds me.
is it true that queen lilith is now mates with duke valefar?
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