#white collar crime forensics in Sacramento and Oakland
sugarmancompany-blog · 10 months
Facts About White Collar Crime Forensics in Sacramento and Oakland, CA
Investigation is best left to the law enforcement officials who employ a multitude of tips & tricks to find the culprit. However, not all offenses are as straightforward as snatching precious items or breaking into an unsecured area. It is important for companies as well as authorities to hire the services of a competent company to go ahead with white-collar crime forensics in Sacramento and Oakland, CA. This is a highly specialized field with laypersons having no inkling about such fraudulent practices amounting to illegality and offenses.
One has to understand the implications of a white-collar crime first. It suffices to know that such offenses are non-violent and include deceit as well as concealment of facts. Such crimes are usually related to financial dealings. It often results in extensive financial losses along with property ownership fraud. A rival or competitor in business may indulge in such frauds for personal advancement as well.
White-collar crime can be varied with organizations like the “National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD)”, “Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)”, “Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)”, and various state authorities being entrusted with the required investigations.
It is interesting to note that the term was first coined by Edwin Sutherland, a renowned sociologist in 1949. The offenders were regarded as persons of high social standing and respectability.
Numerous types of white-collar crimes are recognized today. Some of the most talked about offenses include the following:-
· Bribery · Bank fraud · Credit card fraud · Mortgage fraud · Mail and wire fraud · Health care fraud · Securities fraud · Tax evasion · Insurance fraud · Cybercrime · Identity theft · Ponzi scheme · Insider trading · Corporate Fraud · Extortion · Bankruptcy · Securities & Commodities Fraud · Political corruption · Finance-related offenses · Racketeering
A few of the frauds mentioned above are regarded to be serious, with the news often being publicly published in leading dailies and electronic media. Corporate crimes may spread to multiple government institutions simultaneously. It is the FBI that gets to investigate such crimes. Sadly, such instances often affect the citizens' confidence and damage the US economy adversely. Such crimes are regarded to be of the highest priority, with the investigative authorities working round the clock.
Self-dealing is also considered to be illegal. This occurs when a fiduciary looks after their interest rather than considering the client’s financial well-being. This purports a conflict of interest, resulting in legal action and terminations. A forensic investigator is hired to find out the facts.
Hiring a forensic accounting expert in Sacramento and San Jose, CA, becomes essential for many business entities, regardless of size. While one may discover discrepancies in accounting records, identifying the responsible person can be challenging. A skilled accounting forensic expert can take on the onus completely from detection of fraud, identification of falsified records, and eventual litigation assistance.
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sugarmancompany-blog · 10 months
At Sugarman & Company LLP, we specialize in financial fraud forensics, litigation assistance, and expert witness services specifically designed to support attorneys and satisfy the demands of court cases.
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sugarmancompany-blog · 7 months
Purpose of White Collar Crime Forensics in Santa Rosa and Oakland, CA
Uncovering the evidence of a crime and roving it conclusively in a court of law is the primary responsibility of the investigation team. Most offenders are extremely intelligent and would go to any length to conceal tell-tale signs leading to them. This is true of top-notch business people, government officials, and even corporations with a huge turnover. Simply suspecting wrongdoing is of no use. One has to try to reveal the truth to stop such incidents in the future. This is precisely why most companies seek the help of experienced professionals excelling in white collar crime forensics in Santa Rosa and Oakland, CA.
The term white collar may appear a trifle confusing to the uninitiated, though. It helps to know that a crime committed by educated and skilled people for financial achievement is usually known as a white-collar offense. Such crimes are non-violent, with the evidence being primarily traced back to official records and digital evidence. Law enforcement authorities are highly cautious about approaching such criminals, too. This is because of the power and prestige such high-standing criminals enjoy in society. A single wrong move can also end in punitive measures for the investigator.
It thus makes sense to engage private investigative agencies who work in tandem with the law enforcement authorities initially. Understanding the nature of crime is essential before attempting to uncover evidence. The following may be categorized as white-collar crimes usually:-
· Fraud- Cheating people for her share of money is a fraud. However, offenders use several methods to commit fraud with the sole purpose of robbing people of their wealth and assets. The plot is often done clandestinely, with no signs left behind.
· Ponzi scheme- This is a type of scam related to investments predominantly. The schemes promise investors high returns, thus luring them into them. The money invested is never returned as promised, and the investors incur heavy losses.
· Identity theft and other cyber crimes- Identity theft is rampant across the United States. Additionally, cyber crimes are on the rise, too, with instances of hacking into secured systems being reported almost every day.
· Embezzlement of Funds- Taking money without the company's or the owner's knowledge is called embezzlement. The sum varies from a few dollars to millions, depending on the amount that may have been unguarded. Transferring money to an unknown fund is often reported as completing the investigation process to begin in earnest.
· Money laundering- Converting money obtained from suspect sources and channeling it expertly through various accounts to legitimize the sum is known as the laundering of money. Highly skilled financial experts often do this.
· Espionage- The cloak & dagger stories of yesteryear centered on foreign spies. Espionage is a fact and needs to be exposed properly to protect a country.
Many companies hire professionals skilled in forensic accounting in Sacramento and San Jose, CA. This helps the management to note financial discrepancies and take appropriate action.
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