#whitebeard x bee
sugxrslushy · 2 years
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🐝 a/n: HAPPY BIRTHDAY @secretsnailor!! my lovely friend ahhh, this has been in the back of my mind forever and now it's done as a little gift for you <33 I hope your day has been lovely! you're such an amazing friend and ilysm
🐝 details: SFW//WB x oc//w.c: 1.4k
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The end of summer was setting in, the sun dipping blue inky waves earlier each day and taking the warmth hanging heavy in the air with it. Part of Bee appreciated it, no more blisteringly hot days on the deck and the perfect weather to embrace her favorite soft and fluffy sweaters. But there was always the slight despondency to the loss of a dear tradition.
Tradition? She wasn’t sure that was the right word. It was moreso a habit, watching the splotches of pinks, oranges and yellows sink below the sea line till the sky turned black and only then she rose from the bed to leave the cold room. 
It wasn’t the sticky humidity from weeks ago that made a person's skin crawl, chilly but refreshing. Like a splash of water in your face to wake you up from your sleepy mind. The wooden floorboards creaked under her footsteps but it was nothing, covered with the drunken singing of the crew below deck.
The deck was barren, the party slipping underneath it soon enough where there was more food and plenty more alcohol. It was also partially everyone trying to escape having to clean up, out of sight out of mind huh?
Whitebeard was calmly seated under the growing dark sky, soaking in the soft light of the moon and flickering warmth of the tiki torches. It was quiet, only the sound of the waves licking at the hull of the ship and the quiet sigh of content from Whitebeard being the only sounds in the quiet quiet night sea.
“Are you trying to scare me?” His deep voice rumbles, splitting the silence in half in the same way his devil fruit could crack the air itself. His tone is playful, a smile evident just in his words.
“Scare you? No, it’s only August. Wrong time of the year to be trying that.” She laughs and wanders out onto the wide deck. It’s always odd seeing it so abandoned, even with the food and party decorations strewn across the ground it felt empty this time of night. “I wanted to sit with you, can I not?”
He shifts in his seat, the old wood creaking loudly under his body and without any words he scoops Bee up into his lap. In comparison to the cold chill of the fading season, Whitebeard was warm. But when was’t he? Always fiery with energy and a gleam in his eye that could be compared to the sparkling sun.
“August eh?” He mutters the word under his breath a few times, rolling it around in his mouth and getting a taste for it. “It’s an important day, isn’t it?”
Bee smiles, she can’t help it. It’s partly guilty but partly an underlying excitement that of course he knew. There was always an all knowing look in his eye, he always knew something.
“I guess so.” Bee speaks softly and Whitebeard chuckles, equally as soft. His large hand comes up to stroke her head and she leans into his touch. It was her birthday, black x’s on her calendar slowly leading up to this day in the year. “I just wanted it to be between you and me.”
“Is that so?” He muses, leaning back to stare at the starry sky and look back at the birthdays previous to this. Loud and wild, that’s how the Whitebeard Pirates did things. Enough food to eat for days and days with no end in sight and songs that lasted till the sun came creeping back up, neverending energy fueled by a mission to show crewmates their love. “Seems like everyone was unaware of that part.”
There had been a party, a bit toned down in comparison to previous years but for a day solely to celebrate Bee, she was shockingly absent. Maybe it was the heat, still present when the sun shined clear in the sky. Or the book gifted a day earlier from the doctor was particularly enrapturing, leaving her hidden away in the quietness of her room.
“You know your crew, don’t you? They’d just throw me an even bigger party to try to win me over.” Bee can only imagine the lengths they’d go to, a smile tugging at her lips in a slight adoration towards just how silly but lovable they are. “Cake and a few birthday wishes are all I needed today, and some time with you.”
He tosses his head back and laughs. “With ole me? I’m honored.”
“Well…” Bee shifts in his lap, scrambling to turn around and face the giant man. “How else am I supposed to collect my birthday present?” 
“How could I forget?” Tutting quietly he shifts to search for his present. Bee rolls onto her back, staring up at the night sky, surprisingly bright with all the little stars dotting the canvas of black. Even this later, the moon seemed to make Whitebeard’s golden hair shine in the milky white light.
He hands her a brown package, wrapped carefully with twine and a red stamp in the middle. The package crinkles with noise in his careful hand, passing it to Bee as if the gift inside was made of glass, making her mind buzz with possibilities. Unraveling it with great care, the stars catch on shimmering metal as it’s slowly unveiled. 
A golden necklace, perfectly shiny and the right shade to compliment her tanned skin as she held in her palm. Small and delicate, with a little antique bee pendant connected to the dainty chain. It was small but precious, a closer look revealing every small detail carefully carved into the metal bee. And sliding out of the package into her lap were two hair clips, adorned with a shimmering sun and moon.
“I’ve been holding onto those for a while,” he says softly, firmly pressing the gifts into Bee’s palm. “Thankfully I’m good with secrets.” He helps put the necklace on, the metal surprisingly warm from Whitebeard’s touch. The golden bee sits in the middle of her chest, just above her heart. “A gift for my dear little bee.”
She’s grinning wider and wider by the second, a kiss placed atop her head leaves her heart blooming with happiness. She fumbles with the hair clips in her hand, placing one in her hair then swooping forward into Whitebeard’s embrace. “I love them, they’re beautiful. But you won’t mind me asking for one more thing?”
He raises a concerned eyebrow then grunts, prompting her to snatch up the idea forming in her mind and move on with it. Upon her motioning, Whitebeard holds her up closer to his face and she stretches out to take the golden strands of blonde hair in her hands. They’re silky soft, well taken care of and feel like velvet slipping through her fingers as she gathers strands. 
Crossing strand over strand, she slowly makes her way to the end and Whitebeard lets out a knowing huff of laughter at what she’s doing. He sits quiet and still, admiring her work and the way her face scrunched up in focus as she works without a word, the hair clip dangling from her mouth until the last strand has been crossed over the previous and a braid is left. With a smile on her face, she props herself up and slides the hair clip in place, adorned in the same spot hers was. 
“There we go, a perfect present.” She presses a kiss to his cheek and he erupts in laughter, leaning into her sweet touch.
“What would I ever do without you?” Sighing, he lets her press herself against his chest, melting against his skin and leaning back to watch the stars. The day would be over soon enough, the birds would sing their sound announcing a new day and the next one would have nothing special about it. A new day, leaving the past behind.
But as she plays with the Bee pendant in her hand, rubbing her thumb over the smooth metal she knows one thing will stay the same.
“A shooting star.” Whitebeard whispers and she glances up just in time to see the burning streak of light cross the sky, disappearing in a flash. “You haven’t made a birthday wish have you?” He snuggles her closer to his warm body, holding her firmly.
Bee shakes her head, stopping to think of what possible thing she could wish for. Everything seemed to turn up blank, but she wasn’t upset.
Anything she could possibly wish for was already here.
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bee-quake · 2 years
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Written for @whitebeard-pirate-week ! I used the prompt "Joining the Crew". I included my headcanon that the Whitebeard Pirates use pearls as part of their accepting members into the crew.
This...got away from me. ;^; I meant to only write 1k to 2k but I started with Whitey Bay POV and just...kept going. But I had a ton of fun!
Whitebeard x F!S/I / SFW  / 10.1k
Summary: Whitey Bay doesn't understand why everyone on the crew seems so in love with Bee, nor why Pops wants to invite her onto the crew. Warnings: Mostly in Whitey Bay POV and some cursing. but otherwise no. ;u; I'm a sap.
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“I’m thinking of asking her to join the crew.”
It took Whitey Bay a few seconds to process the statement. The utter fondness in Pops’ voice was distracting enough by itself that the actual subject matter almost passed over her head. It didn’t of course, she wasn’t one of the most experienced crewmembers for nothing.
“You can’t be serious,” she replied, casting a critical glance at the person in question. “She’s a civilian; a pirate crew is hardly the place for her.” As if to solidify her statement, Bee laughed before blowing into a wand and bubbles began floating on the wind. Several of the boys hovered around her, some more obviously interested in the proceedings than others. Why Whitebeard insisted on adopting so many children, Whitey never understood. Well, she did and she didn’t. She recognized the Fatherly love Pops had for his crew (not that she had ever experienced that kind of love before she met him) but it also led to a largely inexperienced crew, a death sentence if they weren’t careful.
Whitebeard hummed, the air vibrating a little with the tremor of it. “She fits in well.”
“If you’re trying to get a replacement for Toki,” Whitey began and ignored the fierce glare Pops shot her way, “I don’t think this is the best way to go about it.”
“No? Why’s that? Toki was a civilian if you’re so insistent on that being the reason Bee couldn’t stay.”
“Toki had Oden to protect her.”
“Along with the entire crew. As Bee will have. Besides, won’t it be nice for you? Get you some female company and all.”
Whitey had to clench her teeth against the swell of rage that statement inspired. Had to bite down on the ‘well if we had more female pirates that wouldn’t be a problem’, if Pops would let her recruit women, if, if, if. It was an often had argument and she wasn’t interested in chasing down its familiar paths.
“I don’t need it,” she finally gritted out, turning her head. The pearl she kept on a charm attached to her headscarf bumped against her cheekbone. A sign of her loyalties. Whitebeard Pirates had two things: the familiar Jolly Roger and pearls to welcome new members to the crew with.
Whitebeard eyed her and for a moment it felt like the light brown specks seemed to pull her apart, examine each piece of her critically, before making a decision and reassembling her. The moment his eyes flitted back to watch Bee, Whitey released a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. Pops could be intense; he didn’t get where he was by always being kind and it was always a sobering reminder.
“We never asked Toki to be a part of the crew.” Oden? Yes. But Toki? While family, while loved, while protected? Never. It was that distinction that made it bearable.
Pops grunted, the information obviously disinteresting and Whitey scrambled for something else.
“When will you ask her?” Whitey asked, feeling a little desperate but it didn’t show in her voice. The sense of injustice—of unfairness—threatened to overtake her. Why would Pops let Bee join their crew when Whitey had asked, bargained, pleaded for more female members? Pops knew she didn’t mean women like Toki, like Bee. Kind-hearted, caring individuals though they may be, the crew needed might, they needed strength. Women to teach the boys how to blow bubbles was hardly necessary. All her life Whitey had been laughed at for her dream to become a pirate, underestimated in a fight, undervalued on a crew.
After joining the Whitebeard Pirates—who were men sure—but men who respected her, who never laughed at her strength, who listened to her opinions and her orders, she thought she’d finally found her home, her family.
It wasn’t until after she had gotten settled, had carved out a little place for herself on the crew and looked around that she realized, why am I the only female. The answer is unfair and yet strangely still compelling enough that she hadn’t left. Why she couldn’t bring herself to leave.
“I’ve never had a daughter before,” Pops had confessed to her once after she caught him in his room, enraged at yet another chance to get a sister-in-arms that Pops had refused. “I found the thought of you getting hurt under my name, fighting for my banner unbearable. I can’t stop you now, you’re here, you belong here, daughter of mine. But I won’t subject myself to more.”
“Give me some time?” Whitey asked (pleaded). Her fingernails dug into the palms of her hands, likely drawing blood. Pops sighed as if it pained him, eyes glued to the figure Bee made. Her small frame surrounded by sun-weathered pirates, all with makeshift bubble wands, attempting to blow bubbles as she laughed, her black hair whipping around her face in the sea breeze.
“Fine, fine. A week at most,” Pops conceded and Whitey nodded once before she spun on her heel and left the deck behind, rage following her every step.
The ship couldn’t have women pirates. No, of course not. Yet some random girl they picked up from a Marine ship was okay. The exchange was so minimal, Whitey couldn’t believe it had inspired…all of this. They had rounded up the entire military crew on deck, after they had decided to attack them. Pops was surveying the crew, the Whitebeard Pirates scattered about the deck as the Captain of the vessel screamed curses and threats at Pops.
Pops had taken a step forward, as if to approach the Marine Captain when a woman had suddenly shot forward and flung herself at his leg. Pops had stilled and, once he stopped moving, the woman pulled back, shaking like a leaf before crouching down to pick something up. Whitey was too far away at the time to see what she held out in the palm of her hand, arm stretched out over her head to show Pops. She found out later it was a den den mushi, fallen from someone’s pocket. (Bee would later tell the story that besides the intense fear of being boarded by a pirate crew, she had been afraid someone would step on the snail.) After that, Pops had ordered they take Bee along and left his sons (and Whitey) behind to destroy the ship.
Grinding her teeth together, Whitey decided she’d talk with the boys later, see what they thought.
It took longer than expected to round them up and she didn’t even manage all of them. Marco, Izou, Vista and the newest member of their crew, an awkward Thatch. Haruta managed to sneak his way inside, much to Whitey’s annoyance. Haruta was barely ten (if that, who knew if he even knew his own age), the youngest crewmember by far.
Children, Whitey thought to herself as she watched them sit and complained about being in a storage room. It didn’t matter that she was only a few years older in Vista’s case, clearly the rest of them were no better than boys on a playground, battle skills notwithstanding.
“Quiet!” She barked and they quieted down slightly. “I wanted to get you dogs together to tell you something.”
“Aw man, why we gotta be dogs, yoi?” Marco whined immediately and Haruta’s high-pitched voice joined, the light green pearl brooch he always wore on his shirt proudly shimmering in the low light.
“Yeah! I dun wanna be a d-dog,” his stutter made him stumble over his words.
Whitey pursed her lips. “Let’s focus. Pops wants to invite Bee onto the crew.”
“Lovely!” Vista broke in. “I was wondering when he’d ask her.” She bristled.
“Why!” she roared in question. “Why are you okay with that?! She’s not a pirate! Pops shouldn’t be askin’ her to join the crew, that’s madness.” A soft scoff got her attention and she turned to Izou who was perched delicately on the edge of a box. His own deep purple pearl shining from one dangling earring.
“Not sure why you’re so surprised,” he said in response to her silent question. “It’s obvious Pops is head over heels for her.”
The news clenched around her belly like an iron band and she hissed, “What.” Izou shrugged.
Haruta rubbed at his nose. “Ain’t Ma Bee and Pops already together?”
Ma Bee, how she hated that nickname.
“Nah, not yet,” Thatch interjected. “Do you think he’ll confess before or after he asks her to join?” He fidgeted with a ring on a chain around his neck, rubbing his thumb against the gold inlaid pearl. Not all of them displayed their pearls so visibly, it all depended on the person. Still, the conversation was getting wildly out of hand.
“Wait, wait,” she held up a hand before someone else could break in and distract everyone even more. “Someone explain this to me.”
“Pops is in love,” Vista sighed, ever the romantic. “I think it’s wonderful.”
“Yeah, don’t you want to see Pops happy, Whit?” Marco asked with a grin. She glowered at him as his grin widened. “Or are you jealous.”
“Ooohhh,” Haruta and Thatch said in unison.
“Why would I be jealous,” Whitey seethed.
Marco shrugged. “Dunno, you’re always bothering Pops for more women on the crew, shouldn’t you be happy about this, yoi?”
“She’s not a pirate.”
“Neither is Haruta,” Marco pointed out, ignoring the indignant ‘hey!’ that resounded from the statement. “Neither was I at first, as you so frequently liked to point out.”
Whitey crossed her arms. “That’s different. You at least knew how to fight, and Haruta will learn.”
“Couldn’t Ma Bee learn?” Haruta asked and she waved a hand.
“She’s too soft, she isn’t even helpful for the crew, more of a burden than anything else.”
The deafening silence at that statement made her shift with uneasiness. “Isn’t she?!” Whitey burst out. “Name one thing she does that is helpful,” as Haruta opened his mouth she tacked on, “that isn’t how to make bubbles.” He closed his mouth.
Izou piped up. “Maybe you should spend a day with Bee? See what she does on the ship.” Whitey crossed her arms.
“Why should I? I see her around; she doesn’t do much.” Just wander around greeting everyone and chatting with anyone who would listen, she had seen it all before.
Haruta and Thatch shared a look before Thatch straightened. “I think it’s a good idea, myself. But I’ve got chef stuff to do, Haruta wanna come?”
“Yesssss,” his lisp made him carry the ‘s’ for a moment longer than needed and Whitey flinched. Quickly the room emptied out until it was just Vista standing before her.
“What?” she asked crossly, irritated that the meeting hadn’t gone to plan. They weren’t supposed to be happy about this for gods’ sake. She had been hoping to get more people behind her, and talk Pops out of it but clearly, that wasn’t to be.
“I agree with Izou,” Vista said firmly. “What harm could it do?”
“A waste of my time, for starters. I’ve got my own duties—”
“Whitey,” Vista interrupted, sounding disappointed. She sighed, aggravated.
“Fine, I’ll do it.”
Later that night, in the woman’s dorms (with only the two of them. It has always housed either Whitey herself or one other woman; Toki didn’t last long before Oden scooped her up into his own bed) she got ready for bed with a growing lump in her throat.
A den den radio played softly, as it did every night on Bee’s side of the room. They don’t talk, not after Whitey had made it more than clear that she doesn’t enjoy small talk. Now they only speak when they want something, ‘can you turn the music off’, ‘can you turn off the lamp’, etc.
“Say Bee,” Whitey said, and the older woman hummed before glancing over the book propped in her lap at her. “I was wondering if I could” —she had to fight a wince at the following words—“shadow you tomorrow? See what you do on the ship.”
Bee blinked a few times in surprise, her dark brown eyes staring before she recovered. “Oh! Yeah, if you’d like?”
“I would.”
She shifted before asking timidly, “Is there any reason?”
“Just curious,” Whitey answered mildly.
“I wake up at seven and leave the room by seven-thirty,” Bee said a little awkwardly. That was after muster, which is why Whitey always left the room before she did.
Whitey sighed, annoyed already. “Alright.”
Waiting for Bee to wake up was its own special kind of torture; fully dressed and ready at six o’clock, the routine fully ingrained into her. Still, once she flicked on a light and started idly flipping through a book, Bee woke up soon afterwards.
Her routine was simple but she apparently started the day out with music as well, a fact Whitey hadn’t known but also didn’t care about. They headed to the galley, breakfast already in full swing.
Breakfast was a normal affair. Whitey ate quickly then waited impatiently for Bee to finish her tea. Nakama wandered up to chat with Bee who greeted each person warmly, none of which surprised Whitey. Bee was known as a chatterbox.
Still, what was surprising was when Bee finally finished, she picked up her tray and motioned at Whitey. “Come on then.” Before leaving towards the kitchens. With a brow raised, Whitey followed.
Bee dumped her tray before leaving it next to a sink, which Whitey copied before she had to rush to keep up with Bee’s small steps. Whitey dodged around several chefs who were already preparing the next meal, along with cleaning up from the last. Keeping one eye firmly on Bee’s black hair as it bounced as she walked, she wondered what all this was about.
Finally, Bee came to a stop in a small corner of the kitchen, Thatch working away with his back to them.
“Hey Thatch,” Bee greeted as she rested a hand on his back as she came up to his side. “How are things going?”
“Hey Ma!” Thatch replied, happily bending to wrap a quick arm around her in a side-hug. “Good, good. Took your advice about the clean-up duties, it’s been going a lot smoother. You here to help with stock?”
“Here to watch you do stock you mean. If I get more rotten banana juice dumped on me, I’m never stepping foot in this kitchen again, mark my words.”
Thatch laughed before he turned and spotted Whitey standing here. He noticeably deflated. “Oh, hey Whitey.” The tone was a lot less excited and she glared.
Bee smacked Thatch’s arm. “Don’t be like that, Whitey wanted to see my routine.”
“I’m sure she did,” Thatch grumbled before he started to lead them away from his kitchen nook and up to a large walk-in refrigerator. Thatch held the door open and cold air struck Whitey across the face. Bee grabbed up a large jacket that was hanging nearby before zipping it up and pulling out a notepad from the pocket. The three of them went inside.
Produce lined the shelves as Thatch started mumbling to himself as he looked it over. “Alright, so—”
“Wait, wait, I’m not ready!” Bee interrupted, digging into the pocket before withdrawing a small pencil and thumbing through the pages. Hunching her shoulders, she nodded at Thatch. “Okay, go ahead.”
They ran through the stock quickly, which was good. The cold was starting to bother Whitey, and Bee was shifting foot-to-foot before they really even started. Only Thatch seemed unaffected, apparently used to it.
Once Bee handed over the notepad and said their goodbyes to Thatch and headed out of the kitchens, Whitey finally asked.
“What was that about?”
Bee hummed. “Sometimes y'all would have the same meals? Which isn’t a surprise but they didn’t have that many different sides, just bread and meat half the time. Every time we’d dock we’d get more options, vegetables and fruits and things like that before that would noticeably drop off a week or so out of port. Sometimes shorter. Crew needs more than meat and bread, you know? So I asked.
“Turns out, Thatch was having a hell of a time trying to keep track of everything. A lot of the boys in the kitchens were more dish boys or prep chefs, none really bothered keeping track of stock. So things would go bad. They tried to keep that from happening by using up everything quickly but then that leaves large stretches of time where there’s only the meat and bread left.”
Bee shrugged. “I’m not a cook or anythin’ like that. Hell, I don’t really know shit about stocking really either. But it’s nice to have someone to run stuff by. I offered and Thatch agreed, so we do it together now. Occasionally I bring up ideas for things they can make which will keep longer if something is going to go bad soon but honestly Thatch has gotten so much better already! He’s going to make an amazing head chef.”
“He isn’t already?” Whitey asked, snidely. Pops had personally asked Thatch aboard after tasting his food. Bee shot her a look from the corner of her eye.
“Thatch is a great cook, but he’s still new, still nervous about stepping on toes or doing the wrong thing, of being a disappointment. He’s young, he’ll learn. A head chef is a title, nothing more. In the eyes of his division, he’s gotta earn that title, which scares him. He doesn’t know if he’ll make a good leader yet. I don’t doubt he’ll do it, and do it well, but I don’t want to say he’s already achieved something that he hasn’t. Not when he’s been working so hard to get there. I don’t wanna cheapen his success when he finally reaches it by sayin’ he’s got it already.”
Whitey didn’t reply, mind spinning. She knew Thatch was still finding a place here, brand new as he was, but the rest she hadn’t thought of.
“Wasn’t he a chef before?” she asked. Bee laughed.
“Weren’t you a pirate before you came to this ship? You still had stuff to learn, respect to earn. A former title doesn’t mean a thing.” Bee stopped before the library before holding open the door for her. “After you.”
Stepping inside, Whitey had no idea why they were there. The ‘library’ was a small room, with a few tables set up and bookcases mostly empty. Haruta swayed on a chair, a table filled with drawings in front of him, crayons scattered around.
“H-hey Ma Bee!” he stuttered happily and Bee smiled back.
“Hey Haruta, ready for your lesson?” He nodded excitedly as Bee bent to grab a few books off a shelf.
“You’re teaching him how to read?” Whitey asked, surprised.
“Yeah. The way I was taught wasn’t the best either, luckily, I’ve picked up a few books and Haruta already knew some basics. We also work on his stutter.”
“And my lisp!” Haruta added.
“And your lisp,” Bee repeated with agreement. Whitey sat across from them as Bee took the seat next to him and they ran through several exercises.
Overall, it was boring for Whitey who watched with half-lidded eyes. However, she could see the value in such a thing. Picking through a few things on the tabletop, she found a workbook and started leafing through the pages.
“Why aren’t you working on his math?” Whitey asked looking over some problems and Bee flinched.
“Some of the other boys help him with that,” she replied.
Haruta gestured wildly with a hand, pencil wedged firmly in his grasp. “Like Izou! Sometimes Jozu. I like Jozu better he’s, n-n-n,” his face started to pinch and Bee laid a hand on his shoulder gently.
“Slow down, take a breath. It’s okay to stutter or slur the word, just work your way through it.”
Taking a deep breath, he tried again, “Nicer.” Haruta turned to Bee with a wide smile and she smiled back.
“See? You did it! You don’t have to rush yourself.”
“But why don’t you,” Whitey broke in, trying to switch back to the matter at hand. “You’re already sitting here with him.”
Bee frowned. “He needs a break, for starters. We work through his reading and writing, along with whatever voice lessons I’ve managed to read about or ask about when we go into port. That already is long enough for a ten-year-old to sit through. Not to mention his other lessons, his training with Vista, helping with the shipwrights, what have you. His math is also better than mine, I don’t have much to teach him in that department.” Whitey raised a brow in question and Bee explained.
“My math is terrible,” she shrugged. “I can’t divide or multiply, let alone anything more complex than that. Haruta here,” she ruffled his hair and he giggled, “is already leagues above me.”
“Do you join in his math classes? You could learn a thing or two.” Haruta wrinkled his nose at Whitey and she ignored it.
“No,” Bee stated firmly. “My math skills are that bad not for lack of trying or teaching. I finished higher education for fucks’ sake,” she glared at Whitey. “A fact I’m proud of. But me attempting to better myself in an area that already has gotten enough of my tears? No thanks. For what?”
“Could be helpful for the crew,” Whitey said carefully. Bee rolled her eyes.
“If there’s one thing I’ve learned about pirates, is a lot of them are already mathematically inclined. Maybe they can’t read or write but they can barter or sell faster than I’ve ever seen. Trust me, this is a fact I’ve known about myself. I don’t get better, I’ve studied, taken tests, done a lot to try. It’s just not a skill that can be improved upon, let’s just leave it at that.”
The lesson finished soon after, as Bee announced two hours had passed and Haruta took off immediately. Bee (and therefore Whitey) stayed behind to clean up the mess, tucking everything away before heading out.
This time they headed to the Medical Bay.
“Do you always do these same rounds?” Whitey asked.
“Depends, sometimes someone will ask for my help in a specific division. For a while Communications was a mess, I was in there most of the day.”
“Why’s that?”
“No one was keeping track of anything!” Bee burst out her voice suddenly angry. “It was ridiculous. I couldn’t believe it. Did you know an island asked for aid twice in one month?”
Whitey stopped them and leaned against a wall in the hallway they had been traveling down. “What do you mean? So?”
“So,” Bee began, obviously getting riled up, “after I looked into it, this same island had been asking for supplies and money several times each month, each time asking a different person in the division. The chain of command here is so fucked, they were basically robbing us.” She suddenly dropped her eyes. “Or well, you guys. You know what I mean.”
“What happened after that?” Whitey needled, intrigued. She hadn’t heard about this.
“I spoke to Eddie,” Whitey’s eyes widened at the nickname before Bee continued, “told him what was going on. He asked me what I thought should happen. I worked with the division to create a more effective system. We put in some standard operating procedures, how things need to be discussed with the Division Commander before money is sent, in what situations a double supply run would be necessary, stuff like that.”
She took a breath, her words almost bumping into each other in her haste. “Which also led into what happens when someone goes on a mission, where they report, what gets done. I helped with mission reports so we could keep track.”
Ah, that Whitey had heard about. The news had kicked up a major fuss, wanting each division to log their people’s coming and goings, when someone went on a mission, what happened, etc. Pops had stood firm, even when people had complained that they weren’t the Navy, Pops! None of it mattered, Pops hadn’t budged and his word was final.
In the end, Whitey could admit it made things smoother—better. Duty days were nicer when you actually knew who was on leave and who was just avoiding a watch. Mission reports were easier now, instead of having to remember which crewmembers had left and for how long and what they did, now it was all on a piece of paper.
“Clever,” Whitey commented and Bee gave her a small grin, looking up at her through her eyelashes.
“It’s not much and I know a lot of the boys don’t like it but sometimes it’s worth it to do things that are painful. Once it becomes commonplace, it’ll be easy.” Bee side-stepped Whitey to keep walking and she followed slowly.
Their Medical Bay was barren, only one large room with several cots laying out, an ‘operating’ room in the back. Privately, Whitey always hoped that if she became injured enough to need that room, she’d die before they got her back on the ship. There weren’t that many doctors on the crew, not yet. All they had were men who vaguely knew how to sew stitches and—
“Marco!” Bee called into the empty room and there was shuffling noise before a nearby closest door burst open, spilling Marco out, his large wings flapping to keep him upright.
“Hey Ma!”
Whitey groaned. “Does everyone call you that?” she asked.
Marco smiled at Whitey and she almost growled back. Bee went over to Marco’s side and started fussing over him, having him lift a foot as she bent to unwound a coil of bandages that somehow had wrapped around his leg.
“No,” Bee answered. “Just some of the boys like it. They asked me about it and it doesn’t really bother me.”
“She’s the best mom on the ship!” Marco replied sticking out his tongue at Whitey. “Nothing like you.”
“I don’t want to be your mom,” she hissed back.
“Good, you’d make a terrible one, yoi.”
“Marco.” Bee said and he shut his mouth easily enough. She straightened and started brushing Marco’s shoulders as she tsked. “What have you been doing dear? You’re so dusty.”
Marco seemed to puff up under the attention. “Cleaning! You said to organize the supplies!”
“I told you to do that after you finished studying,” Bee corrected lightly. “Have you been studying?”
“Yup!” Marco answered easily. “Need your help! Been waitin’ for you to show up.”
“Alright then, let’s run it through.”
“So now you’re a medical expert?” Whitey broke in and both turned to look at her with surprise, obviously forgetting her presence.
“No, I just help with flashcards,” Bee answered as Marco snickered.
“I’ll get the radio, yoi!” he said before rushing away as Bee settled onto a cot. She gestured to one nearby.
“Might as well get settled, if he wants the radio it means we’re going to be down here for a while.”
It was an understatement.
Marco was a cad, soaking in Bee’s attention. He got a station playing on low, propped his head up in Bee’s lap, and made himself right at home. They went through several stacks of flashcards.
Whitey had the sneaking suspicion that Marco played dumb for things he knew the answer to, as if to prolong the lesson. He even tried to get Bee to read aloud from a textbook of his, but Ma it helps, really it does! As Bee laughed at him and refused, saying she wouldn’t be able to pronounce all the medical terms. They compromised with a book on navigation instead.
They went until the lunch bell rang and even then, Marco tried to convince Bee to stay longer. She waved him off, promising they could study more later, and hustled Whitey out the door, towards the galley.
Along the way they were stopped several times as shipmates found Bee and chatted. Whitey had always seen Bee talking along corridors and out on deck. She never bothered to listen in. Now that she was forced to, she realized that most of the conversations weren’t just shooting the shit as she had assumed. Instead, they were actually filled with little updates, nakama letting Bee know that they finished such or such task, were freshly back from a mission, where the ship was heading to next, that sort of thing.
Bee was supportive and engaged until they moved on and the next person popped up. Occasionally there were a few conversations that were more run-of-the-mill things that Whitey would have expected, random tidbits or small talk questions.
What was unexpected was the few that came up to proudly show off some sort of hobby. An embroidered vest pocket was one of the stranger ones. Whitey waited until that crewmate had wandered off and they finally reached the galley where the loud chattering of the crew mostly masked their conversation before she asked.
“What was that about?”
“Hm?” Bee asked, distracted as she craned her neck above the crowd, looking for something. Finally, she managed to catch Pops’ eye and she waved with a large smile before focusing back on grabbing her food.
“The embroidery.”
“Oh! He mentioned wanting pretty things but feels guilty about buying them. Apparently, he sends a lot of his money back home, I mentioned he could make his own things if he wanted. It’s cheaper that way. We discussed a couple options and he tried a few things before landing on that. He’s come a long way! He was shy about it at first but others have gotten interested so he’s becoming more comfortable.”
“I see,” Whitey said but it didn’t appear like Bee even heard her, as she quickly ducked her way through the gathered crowd to rush to Pops’ side leaving Whitey behind.
She grimaced but followed. This wouldn’t be a conversation she was looking forward to.
Bee was already talking by the time Whitey came up and glared at the man seated on Pops’ other side before he hurriedly gave up his seat for her.
Pops sat at the very end of the table, Bee on his ride side, now directly across from Whitey, her hands gesturing as she spoke a mile a minute as Pops looked down at her fondly. His light brown eyes flickered to Whitey.
“Heard you’ve been accompanying our little Bee here, Whit.”
“S’not a bit deal,” Whitey defended herself against the implied accusation she heard in the statement. “I just wanted to see what Bee did around here is all.”
Bee started shoving salad into her mouth as Pops chuckled. The meal passed uneventfully, even though Vista caught her eye at some point and winked.
Now that she had been told about Pops’ feelings, she supposed she should have picked up on it sooner. It was obvious now that Whitey was aware of it. The attention Pops paid Bee, the way he leaned in to listen to her, it all told a story.
When was the first chapter? Whitey wondered. That first meeting, or was it sometime after? They were so absorbed in each other yet whenever nakama would come up to interrupt both easily stopped their conversation to listen and comment.
Is this what parents were like? Ever since Bee had come aboard she had really only spoken to Pops one-on-one, avoiding both when they were together. She wasn’t interested in ‘getting to know Bee’ or anything like that. But now seeing the way they both responded to Pops’ children, Whitey wondered if this wasn’t the real reason the ‘Ma’ nickname was spreading through the crew like wildfire. Everyone seemed equally happy to listen to Bee offer commentary as when Pops did. In fact, on one occasion while Pops was talking to Jozu someone else interrupted and Bee smoothly redirected Pops’ attention back to Jozu, who hadn’t finished his thought.
Parents were never this kind, Whitey decided, after watching them and the way they navigated around each other.
Sometime during lunch, Marco wandered over to their table and squeezed in between Bee and Pops. Bee easily made room while Pops laughed.
“Ma, Ma, don’t forget you’re supposed to help me still, yoi!” Marco said in between mouthfuls of food.
“Don’t talk with your mouth full,” Bee replied.
Pops stuck a finger into Marco’s side, making him lurch with a laugh, spewing even more food.
“Eddie!” Bee reprimanded, handing Marco a napkin.
“Now son, I haven’t seen our little Bee all day, you can get her tomorrow.”
“Aw but I wasn’t done! How am I supposed to be a doctor like this!?” Marco complained. Whitey snorted as she leaned against a hand, elbow on the table.
Pops sighed loudly. “You can just heal people, son.”
“But not everything! I still gotta know how to do other stuff! How can I call myself a doctor otherwise, yoi?”
“He’s also learning navigation,” Bee pointed out.
“Yeah Pops!”
Whitebeard rolled his eyes. “You can study with her tomorrow, or later tonight. I think the Captain deserves a little time too.” He winked at Bee who ducked her head with a pleased smile.
Marco opened his mouth to argue some more before Whitey broke in before he could. “Give it a rest why don’t you bird brain,” she said, boredom laced through the words.
As she expected, Marco immediately got distracted as he focused on her and started bitching. Bee and Pops shared a look over his head before the both of them smiled, a secret shared between the two of them.
After lunch, Whitey lingered at Bee’s side as she quickly made her way through the ship.
“You don’t have to come?” Bee said over her shoulder looking up at Whitey who shrugged.
“You’re just gonna talk to Pops right? I can come along. Why aren’t you heading up on deck?”
“I’m grabbing a book!”
That explained it. Bee was an avid reader; Whitey swore that half the books in the library were because of her and she hadn’t even been there that long.
She leaned against their shared room’s doorframe as Bee went inside and started looking around. “Why even bother if you’re just going to talk to Pops?”
“Sometimes he gets distracted,” Bee answered, not bothering to look up from her search. “Or someone will come up with ship-related stuff so I’ll just read until they leave. Ah ha!” Triumphally pulling out a book she held it aloft for a second before hustling out the door, Whitey stepping aside to let her by before falling into step beside her.
“Don’t you have your hands in everything on the ship? Why does it matter if it’s ship-related or not.” Bee shot her a look before she stopped walking abruptly.
“Do you have a problem?” Bee asked and Whitey crossed her arms.
“I’m just asking a question.”
Bee narrowed her eyes, unimpressed. “I don’t know shit about navigation nor with anything to do with battle plans or with the weapons division. That’s why you haven’t seen me hanging around your division, not that you would like me being there even if I was only looking around.” Weapons were Whitey’s area of expertise. “Look, you don’t like me, fine whatever. But if you have a problem, we can address it now, rather than let it fester until I leave.”
Focusing on the very tail end of that, she asked, “Are you leaving?” A sudden dread filled her stomach at the thought.
Pressing a finger to her bottom lip, Bee chewed on it in thought before releasing it. “I know I won’t be around here forever, whenever Edward decides it’s been long enough, I’ll leave without a fuss.”
“That so?” Anxiety knitted her brow and she blocked Bee who tried to walk around her. “What about if Pops wanted you to stay?”
Bee raised an eyebrow, attempting to step around her. “Not sure why he would, I’m not a pirate.” She sighed. “Do you mind?” Whitey was still blocking her path.
“Neither was Toki,” Whitey pointed out. Even if Bee hadn’t ever met Oden and his family, she knew who they were, the crew mentioned them often enough.
“Toki wasn’t a part of the crew, Oden was,” Bee said as if Whitey wasn’t aware. Finally, she managed to dodge around her and hurried down the hall. Easily Whitey kept up with her.
“Don’t think that mattered to Pops—” Bee was walking up a flight of stairs when she turned to look down at Whitey, a glare freezing enough to cut her off.
“I don’t want to talk about this anymore,” she said darkly. Whitey sighed but said nothing and they continued up.
Once they made it onto the top deck, Bee made a beeline (Whitey chuckled under her breath at the thought) to Pops’ chair. Clambering up, Pops was quick to wrap a hand around her waist as she made herself comfortable on his lap.
Whitey watched from a distance, far enough away to not be able to overhear but she wanted to watch them for once. She never had before.
It was about as disgusting to watch as she expected. Sickening sweet as the two smiled at each other and the gooey looks Pops shot her when she had her face turned away.
“You see it now, hm?” Vista asked as he slotted up to her side. Whitey blanched as Pops grabbed Bee up, bringing her close to his face and rubbing his moustache on her as she shrieked.
“Not sure how I missed it, to be frank, they’re so obvious.”
“You didn’t want to see it,” Vista said simply.
She hummed. “Maybe not. Bee thinks Pops will ask her to leave, how blind is she?”
“Love makes fools of us all.” Whitey huffed.
“Not me.”
Vista smiled at her. “Give it time, you never know.”
Whitey shot one last look at the picture they made, Pops now holding her up as she braided small braids into his hair, using the tail of one to swipe at his cheek now and then, the looks they were shooting each other full of love and longing.
Whitey waited impatiently outside of Pops’ room. It was late, as it usually was. He liked to stay up to drink with his sons. Finally, she heard the familiar stomping of his boots and she stopped her pacing.
“Whit,” Pops greeted calmly before opening his door.
“Pops,” she replied, following him in. “Got something to say to you, if you’ve got a minute.”
“Sure, sure, always time for my favorite daughter.”
“I’m your only daughter.”
He flicked on the lights and the familiar sight of his room made her smile. Pearls hung down the wall behind his bed, long strands of every color imaginable a pearl can be. They were different shapes and sizes, some lumpier than others. A pearl for every child of Whitebeard. She couldn’t wait to see the room in a few years’ time, how much the walls would be covered, how he would manage to squeeze them all in.
Whitey rolled her eyes. "Don't act like Bee is going to be like another daughter to you, we both know it's more than that." Pops chuckled.
"I was referring to Toki, but you have a point," he conceded. "Did you need something?"
She steeled her spine as she straightened. "Wanted to tell you Pops that I approve of you asking Bee to become part of the crew."
Pops raised a brow at her in question as he sat on the edge of his bed. She placed both hands on her hips. "I was shadowing her today—"
"I saw," Pops rumbled with a smile.
"—and she does more for the crew than I originally gave her credit for," she finished.
"She fits in well, as I said," Pops agreed with a nod. "I'm happy you can see it too."
Whitey frowned. "I still think taking a civilian is a big risk for the crew, just to be clear."
"We have literal children onboard m'dear."
"If someone finds out how much you care for her, they could use her against you."
"I care for all my children, anyone could do that for any of them."
"I meant," Whitey says, tone hard, "the fact that you love her, Pops."
He tensed and she rushed on before he could argue, "When are you going to tell her? Before or after you ask her to join the crew?" she echoed the question Thatch asked yesterday.
The air crackled between them, tense and heavy before his shoulders relaxed and he huffed. "When did you get so brave, hm?"
"You've taught me well."
"I've got a bunch of brats, you mean." Pops sighed as he reached down to kick off his boots. "Not sure," he said in answer to her question. "What do you think would be better?"
Whitey scoffed. "I'm not giving you love advice, Pops."
"No?" He grinned. "A shame. I could use it."
She thought about the way Bee looked at him, the devotion she saw in her brown eyes, and Whitey shook her head. "Nah, I don't think so. I'm gonna hit the sack, get some rest too you hear?"
Stepping forward, she brushed a quick kiss against his forehead as he muttered. "Not a child, don't need to be tucked into bed like one." She rolled her eyes.
"Oh please, Pops. Would you give Bee this much trouble?"
"Is this going to be a theme with you? Not sure I like the attitude."
Whitey grinned, the edge of it sharp and pointed. "I think you're just going to have to deal with it, old man."
Even if she might have a slight, grudging respect for Bee now, that didn't mean that she had to stop feeling bitter about the rest of it. She might be happy for Pops but that didn't alleviate the pain that his refusal to have more daughters caused her, the lack she felt at being the only one.
The way she felt alone sometimes, even when she was surrounded by others, the lonely only daughter of Whitebeard.
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"What's all this about?" Bee asked, utterly baffled as the boys gathered around her, trying to keep in their giggles as they basically dragged her down a hall. For a moment, she wondered what the point of all this was. Some sort of prank? But it was so blatant. Usually, they tried to be more clever (or at least, when they bothered. She had made it very clear that she would only tolerate certain pranks/jokes).
Directing her in front of a room, Marco was there waiting, looking excited and proud, his body practically vibrating. “Ma! Good you’re here, yoi.”
“Here for what?” She shook off several of the hands that had been pushing her forward.
“This!” Marco announced as he threw open the door. Bee flinched, expecting something to jump out. When nothing did, she slowly took a step inside. She felt Marco rush in behind her before slamming the door shut.
It was just a small room with a single large chest in the middle and nothing else. Looking around she couldn’t imagine what on earth they were in here for.
“Marco, what—”
“Open the chest!” he interrupted with a large smile. He held the knob with his hands behind his back, bracing against the door as loud knocking thudded across the wood.
Bee folded her arms and tapped her foot. His smile turned a little pleading. “Aw, Ma, it’s not a prank I promise. They just wanted to be included but we can’t all squeeze in here. I know that would make you anxious, yoi.”
The thought alone made her shiver. She hated crowds especially in cramped spaces. “Alright, thank you for the thought.”
A loud bang made him jolt against the door. “Maybe make it quick?” he offered and she shook her head before crouching before the chest.
It was a struggle just to open the thing, the lid was so heavy. As she lifted the top up, she tried to hold on to keep it from slamming but halfway through gravity took over and she dropped it, causing a bang against the floor. Bee flinched at the noise before the sight before her made her gasp.
The chest was completely filled with pearls. Heart in her throat, she held a hand over her mouth in surprise. She glanced over her shoulder at Marco who beamed back at her.
“Pops wants you to join the crew!”
Shakily she dropped her hand. “I’m not a pirate though I don’t—”
“You’re plenty helpful, yoi!” Marco argued. “The whole crew agreed.”
She highly doubted that, thinking of a certain blue-haired pirate. Marco read her thoughts immediately.
“Even Whitey, yoi.” Bee shot him a disbelieving look and he grinned. “I swear! Told Pops and everythin’.”
Glancing back at the pearls she ran a hand over them, feeling the smooth texture across her palm. She dipped her fingers in, before wiggling to just watch them roll across one another.
“You gotta pick at least two, but there’s no limit.”
“No limit? What, so I can take the whole chest?”
Bee didn’t need to see him to hear the smile in his voice. “Yup! Someone did that before, we have more chests hidden around.”
“I see.” Moving the pearls around slowly she spotted a black pearl, not her normal preference, and was about to let it roll away when her skin caught on it in a weird way. Picking it up she examined it. It was carved with the shape of a whale along with smaller patterns decorated the surface.
The sight of it made her smile and she clenched her left hand around it. For no reason at all, she started digging, just to feel the pearls move along her hand and to hear them click against each other. Something large and white caught her attention and she unearthed it. It was a larger than average pearl, almost the span of her palm slightly flat. For some reason, it called to her and she stood.
“Done already?” Marco asked. “You can always take more time, Ma.”
“Nah, I’m good. What happens now?”
“Now we go to Pops!”
On the way over, everyone who had gathered outside the door followed, wanting to see the pearls Bee picked. They were passed around and, as they approached Whitebeard’s door, she couldn’t stop smiling, the edges of it hurting her cheeks.
Whitey Bay stood waiting outside of the door and their little precession stopped abruptly. Someone handed her back the pearls—she thought it might be Thatch—before Whitey sighed.
“Just wanted to welcome you to the crew,” she explained airily. There was a meaningful cough from the crowd and Whitey scowled before she met Bee’s eyes. “Ma,” she said, a little disgruntled.
Bee blinked and then she couldn’t help it, she burst into laughter. Walking forward she grabbed Whitey up for a brief hug. The other woman didn’t have much time to react before she pulled back, not wanting to push her luck.
“Thank you, Whitey. You don’t gotta call me that, just Bee is fine.”
Whitey sighed with relief. “Thanks, they forced me.” She waved her hand towards the crowd behind Bee.
“She’s a good ma!” Someone called out and Whitey snorted before she looked down at Bee. They shared a look before bursting out into laughter.
“Better get goin’, I’ve been hearing Pops pacing in his room. If you keep him waiting, he might just break down the door,” Whitey whispered and Bee nodded.
“Okay, got it.”
Whitey squeezed her hand before giving her a small smile. “Good luck, Ma.” Immediately she scowled as the crowd exploded into cheers. “Shut up!”
“You said it, we all heard it!”
Quickly, Bee slipped away and opened the door before she could get caught up. Closing it behind herself, she made sure to lock it before turning.
Whitebeard was standing, looking very much like she caught him mid-pace. She cracked a smile and he chuckled at himself before taking a seat on his bed.
“Little one,” he greeted with an affectionate rumble. “What’s going on out there?”
The ruckus could be heard from inside, although muffled by the door.
“Ah,” she shrugged a shoulder. “Whitey called me Ma.” Eddie’s eyebrows rose in surprise before he laughed.
The tremor of it shook the walls and made her heart lurch with fondness. She loved his laugh, loved how each one he put his whole body into, leaning back his head and how his moustache and hair shook with it.
When it ended, he opened his eyes to stare at her before offering a hand. She took it gently, allowing him to tug her closer.
He smiled down at her. “You know,” Whitebeard began, “one of those pearls is supposed to go to me.”
“Supposed to?” she echoed with a cocked brow. She knew how this worked, the pearls in his room explained it well enough. “Are you saying you don’t want one?” He chuckled.
“Not that I don’t want one, just...” He hesitated. Strange. Bee had never seen him hesitate before. “I just need to be sure it’s what you want.”
Bee stared at him, confused. “Want to what? Be on the crew? I won’t be able to do much but—” Eddie sighed, agitated before a large hand brushed against her face and the rest of her sentence died in her throat as a thumb tilted her chin up.
She was still trying to work through what was happening when he leaned in and brushed his lips over hers. It was such a simple thing, just his slightly chapped lips on hers, the brush of his facial hair sweeping against her face.
Her heart pounded so hard, her body shook with it. Unable to respond, the kiss was short-lived as he drew back, opening his eyes to look at her. The honey-brown of them held her captive as she gaped.
“To be on the crew, sure. But mostly if you’d want to be with me.” His eyes darkened with promise and all the blood rushed to her head as she tried to work out exactly what he meant.
“Wait, hold on I don’t, uh,” she stumbled over her words as the hand that was holding hers wrapped around her back and pulled her closer. Standing between his spread legs, his large frame looming over her, Bee didn’t feel fear. Instead, it was just a lot of uncertainty and anxiety, hope and doubt equally at odds with each other.
“Don’t? You don’t?” Eddie repeated, gaze intense. Trying to buy some time, Bee reached out and slapped a hand over his eyes. Trying to catch her breath, she stood there as he froze beneath her hand. “…Bee?” he finally questioned.
“I’m processing, hold on.”
There was a brief silence.
“Can I—”
“Shhh! No.” Tucking the pearls in her other hand into her pants pocket she took a second to admire him. “Keep your eyes closed,” she instructed as she pulled her hand away.
Edward huffed but did as she said. Slowly she trailed her fingers up the sides of his face. Brushing across his eyebrows and lightly against his blonde eyelashes.
“Can I look now or—” he asked, peeking at her through one scrunched-up eye. Bee covered it.
“No, I’m still processing.”
He hummed. The hand, still a warm presence on her back, put a bit of pressure on her, indicating he would like to push her closer but it was light enough she could stand her ground if she wanted. She didn’t budge.
Releasing his eye, she ran her hands down to his moustache and went to touch it when he suddenly turned to the side and pressed a kiss against one hand. She frowned and with the other hand tugged at a bit of his hair.
“Hey mister, I’m still processin’ here.”
Edward chuckled. “Are you? Seems to me you’re just wasting time.”
“Keep up that attitude and I’ll leave,” she threatened. He sighed but relented, settling back down.
One hand still in his hair, she buried it deeper while with the other she grabbed onto his chin. Tilting his head to the side, she started laying little kisses against his cheek, and he sighed again, this time sounding relieved.
Luckily, he kept his eyes closed as her hands directed his movements, laying kisses all across his face: his cheeks, his nose, his chin, his brow line.
Gathering her courage, she fisted a hand in his long hair before tilting her head and bringing their lips together at last.
Immediately the hand at her back tightened and he didn’t waste any time bringing her body closer, as if the thread of his patience had finally been broken. He groaned into her mouth before her feet left the ground as his arm picked her up.
Bee yelped in surprise, trying to pull away but Edward’s lip chased hers and once again caught them in another searing kiss. Somehow both her hands got tangled in the hair at the nape of his neck as he deepened the kiss, a hot swipe of tongue against her lips.
Opening her mouth, she felt like Edward was trying to devour her. Surrounded by the entirety of him, there was nowhere to go, there was simply him.
Gasping for breath she finally succeeded in pulling away, panting into the space between them. Edward rested his forehead against her as he grinned.
“So, what was your answer?” he asked cheerfully.
“That wasn’t answer enough!?” Bee shot back with another tug at his hair. He threw his head back in a laugh before gathering her further up towards his face as he nuzzled into her.
“Careful,” he mumbled, voice dark with promise. “Keep pulling on my hair and I might end up liking it too much.” Eddie turned his head to look up at her with a large smile. She huffed and started to wiggle.
“Ha ha very funny, let me down, Edward.”
“Ah little Bee, I just love teasing you, you know that.”
“S’not that funny,” she grumbled.
He straightened and pressed a quick kiss to her cheek. “I love you,” he confessed lowly, pulling back to look her in the eye. “I want you to stay here with me, with my family. I know you’re not a pirate and I don’t give a damn. We’ll train you up a bit and it might be a hard life, with scary moments. I can’t change the kind of life I live.
“However, as long as you’re with me? I’ll protect you with my life, that I can promise you. The whole crew would as well, that I have no doubt of.” Edward ran a revenant thumb across her cheek, achingly gentle. “But only if you wanted. If you didn’t want this kind of life—well, I wouldn’t blame you.”
“What, so if I wanted out, I’d get to keep my pearls and the kisses?” Bee asked, tone teasing. His eyes crinkled in a smile.
“The kisses were free.”
“Ohhh really?”
“Yes, more of a bonus for me. Just in case.”
“Just in case what?” she wheedled, still joking around.
“Just in case you decided to leave, I didn’t want to let you go without kissing you at least once,” Edward answered, completely serious.
Bee’s breath left her in a whoosh. “You can’t just say shit like that, Eddie.” He raised a brow.
She shook her head. “Who knew you were a secret romantic.”
Whitebeard rolled his eyes. “You still haven’t given me an answer,” he pointed out.
“It’s a yes. Of course it is, how could it be anything else?”
His arm squeezed her before his lips left little dots of kisses all over her face and she laughed, joy fizzling in her gut. Slowly he brought her back down to the floor and she stumbled a little when he released her, weak in the knees.
“Now about that pearl…” His eyes looked hungry and while she knew it wasn’t because of the pearl she pouted.
“What kind of confession is this? Give me some kisses and then demand payment? Rude of you.”
“It’s a promise,” Edward said, voice dark and heavy with meaning and she couldn’t help but shiver at it. “A bond. The pearl shows that you mean it, little one.”
She hummed, glaring just a little as she dug into her pocket. “I said yes already, I don’t say things I don’t mean.”
Edward smiled. “I know. It’s just a physical representation, that’s all.”
“That’s all,” she repeated, just a little snottily, just to be a pain. Bee could tell how much this meant to him though and easily held out a clenched fist. “Here, I picked this one because it reminded me of you.”
Eagerly, he held out his palm and Bee dropped the pearl. It was the large white one, looking almost the size of a normal pearl in his huge hand.
“It’s beautiful, thank you.”
She couldn’t resist rolling her eyes, Eddie saw probably more pearls than most people saw in their entire lives. But the earnestness in his voice kept her from saying anything. Instead, she stood on her tiptoes and tilted her head up.
Catching on what she wanted immediately, Whitebeard leaned down to kiss her again. And again, and again. A whirlwind of kisses, hugs, and muttered promises somewhere in-between, as they got lost in each other.
“Edward,” Bee announced loudly, her hands on her hips as she faced him on the deck days later. “Why have you taken my pearl hostage?”
“Hostage?” he repeated, cheek propped on a fist, in his normal chair. “What makes you say that?”
Her nose flared, not buying his act for a second. “I asked for it to be made into a necklace and I haven’t gotten it back yet. When I asked they said you had it.”
Pearls could be made into jewelry, standard fare for the Whitebeard Pirates. Edward tried—and failed—to look innocent.
“Now there must be some mistake, I didn’t—”
“Edward,” she cut him off, expression clouded as her brow furrowed with displeasure. “Where is my necklace.”
He sighed before he patted his lap. Begrudgingly she came closer and he snatched her up, positioning her himself, leaving her grumbling at the treatment.
“I was hoping this would be a surprise to have in my cabin, not out on deck,” Edward started as he dug into his pocket.
Immediately her expression cleared as she straightened. “A surprise?” Eddie knew her well enough by now that just the very mention meant it was as good as ruined, she wouldn’t wait to get whatever it was.
“Your necklace.” He dangled the carved black pearl on a silver chain in front of her and she snapped it up greedily before looking it over. It didn’t look any different than what she was expecting and she looked up at him with confusion.
Eddie shrugged a shoulder. “Put it on, the surprise is next.”
Bouncing with excitement, she unclasped it before reclasping it around her neck. She was almost tempted to ask Edward for help but with his large hands it would take forever and impatience already tugged at her.
Once it was settled, she peered up at him and he looked a little awkward before holding out a fist. “It’s not really for you,” Edward attempted to warn.
Already she was tugging at his fingers, “Lemme see!”
With another sigh he unfurled his fingers, leaving a gleaming silver ring settled in the middle of it. She grabbed it before turning it over in her hands and she gasped. The white pearl she had picked for him was laid in the ring.
“It’s my pearl!” A hesitant hand curled around her back.
“I wasn’t sure if it was presumptuous of me—”
“Because it’s a ring? Why would it bother me? Put it on, lemme see what it looks like!”
He grimaced, the hand that was around her back sliding away to accept the ring back. There was a slight pause before he quickly slipped it onto the ring finger of his left hand.
Bee blinked a few times before she took his hand into both of hers to stare at it.
“I can change it, if it bothers you—”
“I love it,” she whispered, interrupting his thought.
Edward heaved a relieved sigh. “Do you?”
“Yeah I…I really do.” A warm kiss was pressed against her temple, the silent vow hanging heavy between them. “You’ll keep it there, right?” she asked.
“I will,” Edward breathed. Bee raised her face to his and they sealed the promise with a kiss.
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library-of-ohara · 2 years
anon requested:
Can I request a n/sfw with Whitebeard where he uses his devil fruit for ummm vibrations and such? Please and thank you!!
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Written by: Bee 🐝 @secretsnailor Anon. Are we friends? Did one of my friends write this as a gift for ME? If so, thank you my friend. :D And if NOT, anon. We should be friends because your ideas? 🤝 Go hand-in-hand with mine! I had already started writing something for this and this gave me the boost I needed to finish, so THANK YOU. You didn't say which gender, so I hope F!Reader is alright! If not, you can always come back and ask for GN/M because 🙈 I love me a good Whitebeard prompt.
Whitebeard x F!Reader / NSFW  / 2.5k Summary: Learning Whitebeard could vibrate his own dick, you were determined to try it at least once. How could you not? Warnings: Size difference, cock warmer, kinda exhibitionism, and comes on reader.
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You moaned shakily as you felt the walls of your vagina clamp down on the cock currently stuffing you full. It was hard to breathe, the stretch of it on the cusp of too much. Even worse—or better, it really depended on your point of view—the low vibration that caused his dick to constantly jitter inside of you was driving you crazy. Still, the vibration was so weak it barely did anything except work you up with no hint of release.
A dark chuckle made his dick twitch within you and you keened. How long had you been in this position? It felt like ages. You almost regretted asking to do this. Almost. But really, how could you resist? You’re not sure how it came up, but once you found out that Edward could vibrate his own dick you were a goner. You absolutely had to try. Why the Gura Gura no Mi was even capable of doing that was of little concern to you. However, as always, he was worried about hurting you. Although you were taller than average, averages meant nothing to this beast of a man. Edward only agreed to try after you were thoroughly adjusted.
Which brought you to your current position. You were basically a cock warmer for him at this point, something he was greatly enjoying no doubt.
“Doing okay, my dear?” Whitebeard rumbled affectionately from above you.
“Fineeee,” you drawled, sucking down the spit gathering in your mouth. “I’m—ah—ready?” you offered timidly. As expected, all you got back was a distracted hum.
The arm that was pressed against your stomach shifted slightly as he used his hand to flip the page. Edward had positioned himself with his legs stretched out, sitting up in bed, an arm keeping you against his chest. Sitting on his lap like this, you had nowhere to go. He was reading a book while you got ‘comfortable’, he claimed.
An excited knock at the door made your eyes widen as you started squirming. Edward’s arm didn’t move; instead, it pinned you harder against his chest as an excited voice called out, “Pops!” The pressure of his arm against your stomach made all the air whoosh out of you as you struggled to breathe.
It was Ace. Luckily, enough bitching had taught him to at least knock now, whereas before he would just barge right in. Still, Whitebeard put down his book and grabbed up the discarded blanket and pulled it over your legs—covering his as well—letting up the pressure and allowing you to take in more air.
“Eddie,” you hissed with concern. “Let me up!”
“Come in!” Edward called, ignoring you completely. Your nails dug into his skin as you watched with terror as the door swung open.
“Hey Pops! Hey y/n!” Ace greeted. You mumbled back before folding your arms over Edward’s forearm and burrowing your head into them. As if trying to hide away would stop this from happening. Or distract you from the still buzzing cock inside you.
“What’s wrong with her?” You heard Ace ask quizzically, likely gesturing at you. Normally you weren’t this anti-social.
Edward’s answering laugh jostled you from your perch, his cock adjusting minutely inside. You bit down on your tongue hard enough that the taste of copper filled your mouth and you swallowed blood along with your saliva.
“She’s not feeling well but won’t sleep until I do,” Eddie answered, the sound strangely distant as ringing filled your ears. Swallowing desperately, you worked to keep your breathing level as the bouncing dick kept going. “Women,” he said, tone fondly exasperated. Silently you seethed under the sexist implication but said nothing, fearing that if you tried to argue Edward would simply increase the vibrations and make you moan right into Ace’s face.
The sheer embarrassment at the thought alone made you clench your vagina and Edward chuckled. The arm around you moved, as he adjusted slightly, probably looking casual as Ace chattered on unawares. But for you, the arm lifted you just a tad, letting you feel the long slide of his cock as it convulsed its way out of you.
You grit your teeth against the slow drag as his cock slid out a few meager inches before slowly settling you back down. The ride made you bite into his forearm, trying desperately not to moan but, despite trying, a low groan managed to escape. Tears welled up in the corners of your eyes in shame. Still, it didn’t stop your hips from wiggling, chasing the feeling. But it was no use, his length was once again fully sheathed inside of you.
“You okay? Pops, should I get Marco?” Ace asked, all sweet concern and you could have just died. After this you were going to kill Whitebeard, you swore it. For a breath, the low pulsing increased, and you choked before it went back to its regular simmering pressure. You’d kill him after he made you cum, you decided, need curling in the pit of your stomach.
“Nah, she’ll be fine,” Edward said, smile apparent in his voice. You shook on his arm. Another short knock made you glance up as he called out another, “Come in.”
Marco strolled in casually, hands in his pockets. “Hey Pops…” he trailed off, his blue eyes widening as he met your desperate stare. Silently you begged and Marco frowned with understanding.
Quickly he walked over to Ace and slapped him upside the head. “OW! What the fuck, Marco—” The rest of the sentence was cut off as Marco grabbed one of Ace’s ears and started pulling him towards the door.
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Once Marco slammed Pops’ door closed, Ace shook his ear free with an annoyed grunt. “What was that for?!”
“Are you seriously that dense yoi??” Marco asked, just as irritated. He placed a hand on Ace’s shoulder trying to hurry him down the hall, but Ace stood firm.
“What are you talkin’ about?! I was just talking to Pops! Stop pushing me!”
“Fine yoi. I’m leaving, you can stay to listen.”
“Listen to what—”
A loud scream made Ace jump before he turned to the door with an ‘o’ of surprise. Marco’s stride lengthened as he tried to escape down the hall.
The scream is shortly followed by a moan that echoed and Ace’s brain connected some dots.
“Eddie—” your voice panted, and Ace finally got his feet to move as he scrambled after Marco.
"Yo, Marco, wait up!"
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Once the door had closed, you hissed out an angry, “Edward what the fuck is wrong with you—” Before the vibration finally, finally increased to something other than a low rumble. Instead, it’s q u a k i n g within you and the words die in your throat as you croak.
Then his arm falls away, to be replaced with a hand wrapped around your waist. Quicker than you can comprehend he lifts you up, almost fully displacing his cock before roughly slamming you back down.
Your eyes roll to the back of your head as you scream; as the orgasm that had been hovering at the edges of your gut is forcibly released. You go limp, his hand still supporting your waist, as you try to breathe through the shock.
Whitebeard moved, taking you with him. You moan loudly as his still buzzing dick slipped out a little before it was pushed back in. “Eddie—”
“Shush, just relax, little one.” His bulk settles over you as he gets on all fours, bracing one forearm against the mattress, his other hand still wrapped around your stomach, holding you aloft. It’s hard to focus, the recent orgasm still sending sparks of pleasure down your spine.
So, when you feel him slowly pump you up and down on his cock your eyes widen as your hands grab onto the fingers of the hand suspending you in the air.
“Wait, Eddie, the vibrations, I’m still sensiti—ahhhhh!” The words morphed into a drawn-out groan as his pumps got a little faster.
Edward grunted but didn’t seem like he heard you—or just didn’t care—as his hand worked up a rhythm. Overstimulation made you whimper as pain and pleasure fizzled over your body. Still, whether it was because you’d been on the edge for so long or something else, your body quickly got interested in the proceedings again.
Unpleasant aches quickly turned into electricity prickling over your skin. Edward’s massive hand cradled you firmly, using you just like a fleshy onahole and you moaned at the thought.
“Eddie, please I—oh oh oh!” You tried to talk but quickly descended into breathy little moans. He didn’t let up his constant pace. Every time he was fully seated all the air left your lungs, he was so large.
When he withdrew enough you could suck in some air, you rushed out in one long breath, “Wanna see you—”
Abruptly the air was knocked back out of you as he thrust back in. His cock was still buzzing, the twitches against your walls along with his girth made the feel of it delicious.
The next slide of his cock out of you is slowed down, a deep grind that leaves you putty in his hand before he withdrew completely.
He laid you gently down on the mattress and you quickly flipped over onto your back.
“Not gonna last long,” he grunted out in warning before a large hand wiggled between your back and the bed, lifting you up easily.
“That’s fine,” you replied, squirming eagerly in his hand as he lowered you back down towards his cock. You couldn’t really see anything like this as you spread your legs, his frame much too tall, but you liked being able to feel his body against yours, the hard panes of his abs catching against your breasts and dragging against your nipples. His cock head once again breached you and you threw your head back with a moan.
Your fingers dug into his skin as he once again started thrusting, no more teasing. He was chasing his own pleasure now you figured. The vibrations had finally ceased, which you figured meant that he was beginning to lose focus. The thought of bringing such a large man to his knees in such a way shot a thrill of a different kind through you and your toes curled as you let out another loud groan, knowing the noise always spurred him on.
“Close, little one?” Edward asked and you shook your head, unable to speak as his speed increased. You were close but familiar enough that just his thrusts like this wouldn’t get you off as it was. “Fuck,” he muttered, tone annoyed before his cock started vibrating again, rough and jolting, the fastest he’d ever done it.
Your eyes widened. “Edd-iiieeeeeeee,” you cried out with shock.
“That’s it, come for me. You can do it,” he praised, keeping up with his thrusts. One particular angle hit something inside you that had you seeing stars as you arched your back, crying out as another orgasm slammed through you, a sudden crest of a wave washing over you and you shook with the intensity of it.
“Finally,” Whitebeard said before pulling you completely off him. Settling you back down on the mattress, you blinked at him through dazed eyes as he settled back on his knees, dick in one hand hovering over you. He stroked himself, his blue eyes hungrily taking you in.
His hand gave his large cock one last twist before he groaned, and a ribbon of hot spunk hit your stomach. Your mouth opened wide, stunned before several more thick ropes smacked onto your skin. Quickly you shut your eyes and mouth as you felt another spurt of heat land across your neck and a little over your mouth.
Salt filled your mouth as you flinched when your face was covered. When you heard Edward let out a long sigh of relief and nothing else hit you, you slowly sat up wiping at your still closed eyes.
A piece of cloth was pressed into your hands and you angrily cleaned away the residue from your face.
Blinking them open, your eyelashes stuck together a few times before becoming unclumped. Glaring up at him, Edward looked back calmly, unabashed.
“Why did you do that!? I’m covered!” It was true, you could feel his cum drip down your body and pool into your lap from where you sat. He laughed.
“Just wanted to see you like this. You look great, my love.” You licked your lips and, at the salty tang, pulled a face of disgust.
“Fuck you, I’m taking a shower.” You began to move before Edward hummed and, quicker than you were expecting, knocked you once more onto your back.
Trapping your arms with one hand he loomed above you, smiling. “Now, now little one. Who said we were done? Stay still.”
His mouth settled over your stomach before sucking lightly and you squirmed. His hand tightened around your arms in warning, and you settled back. A warm tongue flattened against your stomach before licking a path up your chest, taking with it any globs of cum that remained.
“Eddie!” you cried out, embarrassed, but he didn’t stop. His tongue ran over every part of you, licking across your neck and collarbones, dipping into your armpits before trailing down. You could feel every ridge and bump as he lapped large strokes over your trembling thighs.
You couldn’t help it, you spread your legs and felt him chuckle. His eyes pierced into you as he glanced up, laugh lines crinkled as he smiled. “Need something?” he asked smugly, breath fanning out over your still dripping core and you shivered.
“Please,” you whispered as you stared back. His smile widened.
“Please what?”
You groaned with frustration. “I want your tongue!” you said snappishly as your hips twitched upwards.
“Oh?” Edward moved forward, past your waist and you let out a whine. His tongue dragged over your face, licking away the remaining traces of his semen before dipping into your mouth.
You let it fall open, utterly trapped as he held you down and took, his tongue delved into every corner. You tried to respond, licking and sucking back before he withdrew from the kiss. The blue of his eyes was hardly visible, instead, they were mostly inky black pupils blown wide.
“Eddie, please!” you shouted this time and he smirked, pleased at your neediness.
“There you go. Good girl, you can get a reward.” Easily he moved back between your legs before his tongue finally pressed itself against your used entrance and you keened.
The warmth of it lapped at you before the tip flicked inside and you ground back on the pressure. His lips closed around your entrance and sucked. You arched your back trying to wiggle your arms free so you could grab on to something—anything. But he was a wall, keeping you in place so you could only accept whatever he wanted to do with you.
Drawing back, he hummed again. His eyes took in your heaving, twitching body. You felt as though you might catch fire, your blood boiling in your veins under his heady stare, your body on a knife’s edge of too much yet not enough pleasure. Whitebeard licked his lips.
“Want to go again?”
And you did.
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snailor-bee · 2 years
*slides into your doorway*
May I request your premium husbando Whitebeard? Very specifically him being a shit. Maximum shenanigans here.
It doesn't have to be with the Benny Hill(?) Music btw, I just wanted to see you write mischievous Whitebeard fluff 🤭
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I'm not sure if I quite nailed the mischievous. ;o; I was honestly a little worried about the prompt because I'm not super good at it but I tried! Thanks for requesting the big man though. <3
Whitebeard x GN!Reader / SFW  / 1.2k
Song: Lark of My Heart - Eliza Rickman
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Lark of my heart - dance in the dark and say you love me Lark of my heart - right from the start and say you love me
Loud laughter shook the walls of the bar and you felt your eyebrow twitch with annoyance. You had come here to apologize but were rethinking that approach. 
The thing was, being with Edward Newgate—Captain of the Whitebeard Pirates was a thrilling roller coaster ride but boy could he get your blood pumping and it wasn't always in a good way. 
Docking at this island, you were supposed to be spending the day with Edward. Keyword 'supposed'. Almost immediately he'd let you down gently by saying he had plans with his sons. 
Which, while it was annoying that he hadn't told you ahead of time, (not to mention the fact that the two of you had specifically made plans but okay) it hadn't been more than a minor annoyance. Edward loved his sons, this you knew and it never bothered you. However, when you tried to stay behind on the ship to relax rather than deal with the crowds on your own, you had been not too gently ushered out on your ass. 
The callousness and disrespect had rankled at you and you stormed off in a huff, obviously upset. The hours passed and when Edward didn't seek you out, it hurt but you had cooled off enough so you decided to find him. 
In a bar. Flirting with some stranger. 
Lark of my heart - take back the night and say you want me Lark of my heart - turn up the light and say we can be The same, same, same, same...
Edward caught your eye now and then with a grin. He expected you to come over and interrupt. 
You bristled at the silent expectation. Just because Edward allowed his little fans to come up to try their luck didn't mean you had to be the one who chased them off. Taking a deep breath, you felt your rage lick around the edges of your stomach, ready to explode. You didn't let it.
Sometimes you'd get a random stranger coming up to you. Edward wasn't trying to be cruel here. This was a game the two of you sometimes played, letting the other flirt for a bit before the other came up to burst the bubble of whoever thought they were doing so well. It was just a bit of a fun, nothing more. 
I can see it in your eyes, can smell it in your lies You know I want you And I can hear it in your sighs, I can feel it in your lines You know I want you
Tonight you were just sensitive, rubbed raw by being overlooked and forgotten as Edward chose his sons over you without giving you any warning and then expected you to just entertain yourself for several hours without the security of returning to the ship whenever you wanted. 
Throwing back your drink, you finished it in several loud swallows before leaving it on the bartop, along with several belis, and headed for the door. You didn't want to deal with this tonight. 
It had crossed your mind that perhaps there was some sort of surprise waiting on the ship but after thinking it over, you realized how silly that was. Edward rarely remembered dates on his own, his sons reminded him when there was something important coming up and there wasn't anything relevant for the two of you today. 
Sighing, you headed back to the ship, the night's air cool against your skin compared to the cramped heat of the bar. 
Not long after, loud footsteps shook the ground beneath you. You didn't bother to turn and an amused voice broke the quiet, "Leaving so soon little one?" 
The nickname wasn't enough to soothe you. "I'm going back to the ship," you answered flatly. 
I can see it in your face, on every marble place You know I want you And I can feel it in your grace, in every golden trace You know I want you
"This wasn't the way today was supposed to go, hmm." From the corner of your eye, you saw Edward scratching at his head, perplexed, his long blond strands shining in the streetlights. 
He shot you a rueful grin. "Nah. The boys were looking for you, was supposed to grab you and take you to the bar. We have a good time, laughing and drinking a little before heading back to the ship." 
"Inspiring," you commented. Edward threw his head back with a laugh, the sound of rumbling through the air, not at all offended by your dull tone. 
What can I do? Oh boy, your mood creates the weather What can I do? Oh, how I miss the sound of thunder
"I'm sorry," he said earnestly making you stop in your tracks. Surprised you whipped around to see him. Edward rarely ever apologized. Or well, he did, but only when he saw that you were well and truly upset. It generally took some yelling and tears to get to a point where he realized he might have fucked up. This? This was way too soon for him. 
You narrowed your eyes suspiciously. "What are you up to, Newgate?" 
Edward held his hands up in surrender. "What's that supposed to mean?" 
The ship loomed above the two of you and you glared but dropped the subject. You wouldn't get a straight answer and you didn't want to bother with arguing. 
Walking up the gangway, the ship was unnaturally quiet but you were so distracted by Edward's weird behavior you didn't notice until you got to the top and blinked with confusion at the deck. 
You couldn't see it from the docks, but the ship had been decorated with strings of light, casting a warm glow. Rose petals were scattered across the wood as you took a few steps and they brushed over your shoes. Vista's doing, you were positive. 
What can I do? Roll down around and lift your finger What can I do? Give me your hand, it's now or never Today, today, today, today
A large table was set up in the middle, with two chairs one obviously for Edward and the other for you. 
Once more you ran through dates but came up blank. 
"Edward, what is this—" You cut yourself off with a gasp as you turned to see him down on one knee. Although he still towered above you, he slouched to be more at eye level than normal. 
Automatically your hand flew to your mouth and some distant part of your brain asked yourself why people always did that during a proposal (that's what this was right?!) but you couldn't answer it past the buzzing in your ears. 
"Pops wait not yet—ow!" A hissed whisper and the sound of something being hit drifted over the deck but neither of you bothered to look. 
In his large hands, there was a small box. Edward smiled. "Like I said, this isn't quite how I wanted the night to go, just wanted to surprise you. I messed it up, eh?" 
Shakily, you withdrew your hand enough to answer, "I'm plenty surprised." 
Edward's smile widened. "Marry me?" 
When you said yes, the air exploded in a round of cheers as his sons came out of their hiding places. Your eyes never left each other's as he pulled you in for a kiss. 
And I can feel it in your grace, in every golden trace. You know I want you...
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lale-txt · 2 years
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♡ Happy Birthday, Bee: Whitebeard x F!S/I
a/n: @secretsnailor - HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Bee!! from me & @tardiiart who teamed up to surprise you on your birthday! :3c thank you for being such a lovely friend to us and for everything you do! since we can't hug you in person on your special day, we worked in secret on a little something we hope you'll enjoy. sending you all the kisses! ♡
word count: 2.1k
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“Nervous much?” – “Thatch. You know I already fucked your dad successfully. There’s nothing for me to be nervous about anymore.”
It was impossible to miss the teasing in Thatch’s voice as his big hair filled up almost all of the display in Bee’s phone. She had her friend on FaceTime, watching him roll out dough in the kitchen of his bakery while she was finishing last touches on her makeup, applying mascara to each lash     with meticulous precision. 
“Sure. Just pretend it’s not your first proper date in ages. Or that you don’t have the slightest crush on Pops. And that you spent two hours picking the right outfit for today. I was right there.”
Bee huffs, taking her eyes off the mirror to stare directly in the camera. She may be small, but she sure could bite when tested, however she gets cut off before she can use her brush as a threatening pointing weapon. 
“And yet still she chose this outfit. Bee, I told you Pops is a boobs man. You should show some cleavage.”
Izou’s handsome face appeared in the display, mustering her with stern eyes and arms wrapped around his new found lover. The two of them were disgustingly sweet together, but still – Bee was glad it worked out for them after listening to Thatch’s whining about unrequited love the other night.
“What’s the point? He even asked me to bring a jacket and mittens, I’ll be all covered up anyway, I guess. Hey, does he always plan surprises for his dates?”
Thatch and Izou exchange a look and shrug. In all honesty, they couldn’t remember when they experienced Whitebeard taking someone out on a proper date, so this was new territory for everyone. What they knew for sure was that Marco had been arguing prior before Pops left with him on why he should take the new Corvette and not his rusty old van while the other sons were secretly taking photos and spamming the group chat with it. 
Bee attempted a few different hair styles but decided to just leave them open in the end, earning an approving thumbs up from both Thatch and Izou who were now forming pretzels together on screen. She smiled over them playfully bickering at each other, arguing who had the most skilled fingers, when she heard a car honk outside. 
“Shit… okay– gotta run, talk to you later, guys!” She blew a few kisses towards the screen and watched the boys wave and waggle their eyebrows at her, before she ended the call and grabbed her few belongings, checking herself one last time in the mirror. Calm down, Bee. You got this. While her drumming heart was trying to tell her otherwise, she was also overly excited to meet the big man again.
They had spent a wonderful night together a week ago, magical almost, and had been in touch ever since. While Whitebeard wasn’t big of a texter, probably because the buttons of his flip phone were a little too frilly for him, he called her several times a day to hear what she was doing, just keeping each other company while one was out getting groceries or cooking dinner. Though one night he also asked her what she was wearing, laughing loudly when Bee went off to explain in a dry voice every detail of her worn out pajama, only to ask him in return if he had his cock in his hands– he did, and they had an amusing attempt at phone sex, deciding that the real thing was a whole lot better. 
Still, Bee fell asleep with a smile that night, yearning to meet him again. When she opened her mail the next day she was surprised to find a handwritten letter in there, ripping it open before she even reached her door. Inside was an invitation to an official date, Whitebeard giving her a time and a date when he was gonna pick her up, scribbled with a cryptic note that she should bring something warm to wear. She called him that night to press more information out of him, but he only chuckled and left her hanging, amused by her pleading and pouting. 
Bee didn’t like surprises, but this one time she would make an exception. And she had a vague feeling anyway, because where would you require a wool jumper and mittens on this hot summer afternoon? 
She laughed when she noticed the infamous Moby Dick parked in front of her house, the old fashioned-van that looked like it would fall apart any second. Whitebeard cranked down the window on the passenger seat, leaning over to greet her with a wide smile. 
“Hey, little Bee.” – “Hey, handsome.”
Whitebeard opened the door from the inside for her, holding out a hand to help her in the passenger seat, not pulling it back once she took a seat. The two look at each other, almost a little shy now that they were seeing each other again after that one night, but the tension falls off their shoulders once they start laughing and lean in for a big kiss.
Bee was almost standing in her seat to reach him, her hands placed on his cheek while his big hands were wrapped around her waist, pulling her over to him. Their lips crashed against each other, needy sounds being muffled with more kisses and hands wandering over their bodies, and for a minute it wouldn’t have been surprising if they started undressing each other right there in the parked car, if only the sound of the van’s car honk didn’t startle them. 
They pull away and grin at each other, and for a few heartbeats they feel like lovestruck teenagers on their way to prom. Now that the kiss was out of their system, Bee finally took Whitebeard all in. He was wearing jeans and a green shirt which he didn’t bother to button up fully, his long blonde hair falling over his shoulders and his distinctive beard looked like it was polished and combed at least three times before he left the house.
Bee gave Whitebeard a look when he started the car, the unholy noises of a dying vehicle roaring through the streets, but soon the sound of his music was blasting louder than the groaning and creaking of the van. He let her flip through his collection of tapes and pick the ones she liked the most, a bit proud of himself that he could cater to her music preferences, humming to the melody with a big hand resting on her thigh. 
“So. What’s the plan? Either we’re going on a week long road trip to colder realms and in that case I didn’t pack enough undies. Or…?” 
Whitebeard pointed over his shoulder to the backseat, not taking his eyes off the road, while Bee turned around and gasped. 
“Ice skating? Don’t tell me you’re secretly a professional figure skater?”
His roaring car made the whole car vibrate and he shook his head. 
“Never tried it. But my boys suggested it could be fun to do something active, so… hope you like the pair I got you.” – “Are you kidding me? They are so extra.”
Bee grabbed the pair of smaller skates and looked at them from every angle. They seemed really expensive, but the pink color was loud. Still, she shifted in her seat with excitement. To be honest, it wouldn’t have mattered what he had planned today, as long as she got to spend time with him. Talking on the phone was nice, but seeing him in all his glory, smelling and feeling him… that was the real deal. 
They arrived at the ice skating rink and after parking the van, Whitebeard walked around the car to open the passenger door for Bee, offering her a hand and not letting go of it. Bee leaned close, enjoying the warmth he was radiating and together they made their way inside. It was lively but not crowded, music blasting from the speakers as people were going around in circles. While Whitebeard sat down on a bench to put on his skates, Bee took the chance to be somewhat on an eye level with him and stole a few more kisses, almost crawling into his lap again if he didn’t hold her back by the hips. 
“Easy, little one… we can get to that later.” 
He winked and ignored how she rolled her eyes, went on to lock their stuff up and after changing into their wool jumpers they soon stepped on the ice together, his big hand in hers. Bee laughed loudly at him when she noticed him standing there like a deer in the headlight, unsure how to move, but that was only until she stumbled and almost fell on her own ass if Whitebeard didn’t have such a tight grip on her, almost making her dangle from his outstretched arm.
“Would have served me right, I guess”, Bee grinned sheepishly as he helped her back on her feet again, his rumbling laugh echoing in her chest.  “You’re lucky that you’re so cute”, Whitebeard replied and leaned down for a kiss, ignoring the fact that his knees were shaking slightly on the unfamiliar ground. 
Together they felt their way into the dark – the dark being the ice rink and dozens of children passing them by at the speed of light while they slowly, very slowly, found their balance. Soon they took off their mittens, craving skin on skin contact, and Bee couldn’t help but feel comforted by her small hand in his, not letting her go once. They spun around in circles, rating the playlist of this place loudly, talking about sweet nothingness and depths of their soul, a mix of lightness and trust pouring in their words.
Time seemed to slip through their fingers and they didn’t even notice when the staff turned off the music; like waking up from a dream they slowly realized that they were the last ones still going in circles and with this realization also came the heavy legs, not used to the motions on ice. Apparently the people working there had tried to get them off the rink for half an hour since they were already closed, but they all were too intimidated by Whitebeard and didn’t dare to approach him. 
They got their stuff from the lockers and changed into their regular shoes and clothes again, giggling and teasing each other about the whole situation in a way only old souls and lovers do, not realizing they might have fallen madly and deeply already.
“My legs feel like pudding. I don’t think I can walk one more step anymore”, Bee groans as she ties her shoes – even this task was exhausting. Still, she had lots of fun today and enjoyed herself to the fullest, and she would do it all over again if it meant she got to hold Whitebeard’s hand for several hours.
“No worries, little one. I got you”, Whitebeard laughed and without further warning swooped her off her feet, and within the blink of an eye Bee was sitting on his arm, grabbing onto his shoulder for support. Their faces were only inches away from each other and she could count every tiny wrinkle on his face, but what really captured her was the blue of his eyes, like the sky and the ocean becoming one at the end of the horizon, a thousand shades of luminescence.
Bee rests her head against Whitebeard’s as they make their way outside to the empty parking lot. It was a warm summer night, the sky vast, not a single cloud hanging upon them. Even if they were on solid ground again, they still felt like they were spinning around in their own little universe, just two star crossed lovers. With their heads in the back of their neck they gaze upon the countless stars, feeling both incredibly small and yet so tall, as if they could pick one from the sky and swallow it with ease.
“A shooting star!”
If Whitebeard didn’t have such a tight grip around her, Bee would probably have jumped, so now she’s just pointing towards the sky, her face lightening up with sheer excitement. It has been ages ever since she saw one. Whitebeard’s rumbling laugh makes both of them vibrate and he turns his face towards her, tilting her head slightly towards him with two fingers. 
“Make a wish…”, he mumbled against her lips before he leaned in for a kiss, humming when she responded to it wholeheartedly with her hands buried in his hair, clinging onto him as if she never intended to let him go, their hearts beating in unison and unspoken wishes being weaved into each other by an invisible red thread. 
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His Love For Bee
This is for my lovely friend Bee @secretsnailor. Thank you for being a sweet soul and you deserve this fluffy goodness! ^^ Hopefully in the future, I can write some small scenes of Bee and Val together! I hoped you enjoy this love!
Bee x Whitebeard
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 Bee didn’t know what was wrong; she often had this upbeat attitude, always smiling and giggly. But today it seemed she was a little down. When people ask she brushed it off not wanting to worry people. She put on a brave smile and went on about her day. She was trying to do the things she loved to do but they weren’t fun this time around. She felt herself getting a little frustrated as things seemed to be taking longer than normal for her today. Letting out an annoyed sigh that caught the attention of Edward. He was watching her eyes becoming a bit water and her nose scrunched up. For years he knew Bee’s pattern just like a honey bee spreading pollen to flowers and letting them bloom, Bee gave off this loving/ happy energy that spread all throughout the ship. “Bee?” he called as he sat on his favorite seat on the ship. She snapped out of what she was doing to see her lover calling out to her. Placing the item down she began making her way toward Whitebeard. “Yes Eddie?” she put on a smile hoping he doesn’t catch on to her acting off. Even though she was smiling Edward could see she was off a bit. She was standing in front of her large Yonko lover, her eyes avoiding him. As if she looked into his eyes he would know something was wrong. “Everything alright?” his hands resting on the armrest his eyes narrowed down at Bee. “Yes! Everything is fine!” she tried to sound chipper but it sounded too forced. “Bee…” Edward spoke her name as she finally looked at him were knew the next statement was going to come from him. “You're not alright….I know you like the back of my hand.” “I’m that easy to read.” she let out a sigh as she scratched the back of her head she looked down at her shoes. “I-I just don’t know what's wrong today I woke up and I felt… sad,” she said in a slightly sheepish tone.  She never wanted him to worry about her knowing he had stuff he had to deal with. 
Whitebeard knew she was beating herself up on the inside knowing he caught onto how she was feeling off. He saw her as a strong individual herself. As the time passed he fell in love with her. Anytime  she was in the same room or space she lit his world up. Seeing her beautiful smile made him smile all the time. He didn’t want to make her feel bad; all he wanted to do was make her feel loved and safe. He safely picked up the small fragile woman causing her to blush slightly. Bringing her close to his chest, her ear could hear his steady heart beat, hearing his heartbeat begin to soothe any kind of bad feeling she had at that moment. His other hand gently held her against his chest. “A wise man once told me that hugging for 20 seconds or more can help ease any kind of bad feeling.”
It was more than 20 seconds and she had to admit it was true. “The wise man was correct,” she softly hummed as she closed her eyes, still hearing the steady heartbeat. “Bee, just know you can come to me anytime you are feeling down or if anything is bothering you please come to me. I will do my very best to keep that smile on your beautiful face.” 
Bee, still having her eyes closed, was filled with emotions, opening her eyes just for a brief moment. She held a  smile on her face “Thank you Eddie” she closed her eyes as she felt a tear escape. His words reassured her and knowing she was loved no matter what she was going through. She was thankful to have met Edward when she did because she found a whole new meaning of love and she didn’t want to let that go.
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I have a request!!! ;o; But only if you wannaaaa.. Could I get a NSFW with Whitebeard? I know size difference is kinda implied but could you somehow mention the fact that his hands are huge and can pick up my entire upper torso with one palm please? Can be female/GN reader, also I like the HC of calling him Eddie. (/▽\) Thanks for considering!
Hello Bee my dear ☺️ Of course I can do this for you 🥺 So I had to picture him young to do this maybe when he first started his own crew young.. But this was interesting to do! I hope you enjoy this my dear! take care I hope you have an amazing rest of the day! Sorry for the delay on this request💙
Edward Newgate (Whitebeard) x GN Reader: My Dearest Darling N/SFW
Warning: size difference, penetration, (mention of being split in half)
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“E..Eddie do you have to be so rough?” you were on all four on the bed. His enormous figure behind you. You were only able to take so much of him at a time. If you took anymore of him he would have split you in half. Eddie would rearrange your organs if he wanted to and at times during these passionate moments he did. You weren't able to walk straight for a few days at a time.
Steadying his pace as he came to a bit of a halt “Cant handle it, my dear.”
“ Sometimes I think you forget your own strength but then again they don't call you the world's strongest man for no reason.” You said in a merely taunting manner picking your head up throwing it back slightly.
“ I was given that title fairly _______. Besides, I haven't even used my true strength on you and it seems you can barely handle what I give you.” Eddie said. “Let me ask you a question.”
Feeling his large coming from underneath you. His hand alone wrapped around your torso his this callous hands grasping lightly onto you .”If you're tired of being on your hands and knees and can gladly give your body the support it needs.”
Before you could respond feeling his girthy member pushing deeper inside of you. You let out a whine. Since his hand was supporting you from underneath. You couldn’t muffle the sounds of your moans in the pillow inches away from you. “Shit,” you said underneath your breath panting as you felt him going deeper every single time. His full member wasn’t even in all the way. Even through there was pain present it was being numb with the pleasure he was giving you. The room is filled with your sweet symphony of moans. Eddie feels himself not breaking much of a sweat but the warm breath filling the room, his body with a thin coat of sweat.
“I can feel your body trembling in the palm of my hands. I take this as a good sign my dear”  unable to witness the smile peering on his face. You could only imagine the sinister lust that could be peering in his eyes.
“Ed...Eddie.. Crap,” trying to catch your breath once more. “You’re going to split me in half,” you called out once more in a whining tone.
“I do enjoy you saying my name like that _____. Trust me I won’t split you…. This time.”
On the outside no one dare to disturb their captains intimate time with dearest darling. They just avoided that side of the ship until the coast was clear and the hallways felt silent. Beside I dont think none of them wanted to hear their Pop getting it on.
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Tagging: @fireflykaizoku @undercoverweeeb
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expgg · 4 years
+1000 cách đặt tên tiếng anh hay từ A – Z cho nam và nữ (nickname độc lạ)
Bạn đang đau đầu vì không biết dùng tên tiếng anh gì hay cho bản thân?
Bạn bối rối vì không biết đặt tên sao cho nhân vật trong game của mình nghe thật “ngầu”?
Bạn tìm đúng nơi rồi đấy.
Bài viết này sẽ giúp bạn tìm ra những cái tên tiếng Anh độc – lạ nhất mà rất ít người biết.
Cùng tìm hiểu ngay thôi!
Tên tiếng anh bắt đầu bằng chữ A:
Tên tiếng anh bắt đầu bằng chữ B:
Blistered Outlaw
Bootleg Taximan
Bug Blitz
Bug Fire
Tên tiếng anh bắt đầu bằng chữ C:
Congo Wire
Congo Wire
Cool Iris
Cool Whip
Tên tiếng anh bắt đầu bằng chữ D:
Darling Peacock
Day Hawk
Desert Haze
Devil Blade
Devil Chick
Dancing Madman
Dark Horse
Darkside Orbit
Diamond Gamer
Tên tiếng anh bắt đầu bằng chữ E:
Elder Titan
Tên tiếng anh bắt đầu bằng chữ F:
Final Fantasy
Final Destination
Final Fight
Final Blow
Tên tiếng anh bắt đầu bằng chữ G:
Tên tiếng anh bắt đầu bằng chữ H
Tên tiếng anh bắt đầu bằng chữ I
Tên Nickname bắt đầu bằng chữ J
Tên Nickname bắt đầu bằng chữ K
Tên Nickname bắt đầu bằng chữ L
Tên Nickname bắt đầu bằng chữ M
Tên Nickname bắt đầu bằng chữ N
Number dll
Tên Nickname bắt đầu bằng chữ O
Tên Nickname bắt đầu bằng chữ P
Tên Nickname bắt đầu bằng chữ Q
Queen Bee
Queen of My Heart
Queen Of Space
Queen of the damned
Tên Nickname bắt đầu bằng chữ R
Red Buttler
Tên Nickname bắt đầu bằng chữ S
Tên Nickname bắt đầu bằng chữ T
Tên Nickname bắt đầu bằng chữ U
Tên Nickname bắt đầu bằng chữ V
Tên Nickname bắt đầu bằng chữ W
Tên Nickname bắt đầu bằng chữ X
Tên Nickname bắt đầu bằng chữ Y
Tên Nickname bắt đầu bằng chữ Z
The post +1000 cách đặt tên tiếng anh hay từ A – Z cho nam và nữ (nickname độc lạ) appeared first on EXP.GG Vietnam.
source https://exp.gg/vn/thu-thuat/cach-dat-ten-tieng-anh/
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bee-quake · 3 years
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Hello and Welcome! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
This is my self-ship blog! As you can probably guess by the header, this is for Whitebeard (Edward Newgate) from One Piece!
The hashtag for specifically self-ship stuff will be #beequake (I'm funny).
Specific links to tags below, along with small profile!
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Art | Fics | Toyhouse
secretsnailor (main xReader blog)
Art credit for icon/banner/mobile header goes to @aifozu​ Art credit for desktop header goes to @D0dols
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Name: Bee Age: 29 Gender: Female (she/her) Job: Postal Worker (works with training New Coos on the island, also sorts/delivers mail) / on Moby Dick works as Yeoman Personality: Generally positive/laid back. Talkative and friendly, she’s got a mean streak if you piss her off though. Looks: Long wavy/frizzy black hair, dark brown eyes, light tan skin, short at 4′10 or 147cm. Relationship: There’s no set story I have of the two of them! They meet at different times, in different ways. Can be young or old Whitebeard. It’s always a surprise, something that draws Whitebeard in. They’re comfortable and loving, once they start dating. A bond made of gentle understanding and acceptance. Nicknames: Calls WB—Edward, Eddie or Newgate when she’s angry.
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Note: I included the height for funsies but imagine that either Whitebeard is shorter or Bee is taller whenever I write for them lol. Will probably add more but for now that’s what I have! (p≧w≦q) Thanks for taking a look! 🐝
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bee-quake · 3 years
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Art by @D0dols
AREN'T WE CUTEEEEE. I wear...his hat. (★ ω ★) Handsome man.
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bee-quake · 3 years
A Waltz of Swords
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Whitebeard x F!S/I / SFW  / 1.7k
Summary: An impromptu lesson in sword fighting gives Whitebeard more amusement than he was expecting. Warnings: Whitebeard POV.
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Vista and Thatch are sparring. Two dual-sword-wielding men going after one another in front of his chair, swords striking against each other with frightening accuracy. The loud metallic twangs echo across the deck.
Whitebeard watches idly, slightly bored, their movements familiar enough to him by now. A shifting weight in his lap makes him look down.
Bee sits atop a thigh, her black hair thrown into a messy bun in a simple tank top and shorts today. The sun bears down on them but even with the cloudless day, the air is still mild enough it isn’t blistering, the sea sending occasional breezes that cool the skin.
Which is good, Edward could sometimes get irritated in the heat, especially listening to his sons' whining. Eyes the color of honey take her in. She actually puts down her book, with the bookmark in place instead of using a finger to hold the page. A gesture he’s come to realize means she expects to be distracted for more than a moment.
Her gaze is transfixed on the spar. Interesting. Normally Bee barely spares a fight a second glance, only looking up if the gathered crowd becomes too loud with their cheering. The book gets tucked between his leg and the chair as her hands start flicking, small short thrusts. It takes a moment before Edward realizes she's copying the moment of the swords.
Now that's too interesting not to say something. "Vista," he calls out. Instantly Vista's casual demeanor falls and his expression tightens into something more serious. A second later, Thatch lets out a loud 'oof' as his back slams onto the deck. Vista is their best swordfighter for a reason.
"Not necessary," he grunts out while Vista sheaths his swords before holding out a hand to pull Thatch back to his feet.
"My apologies, brother!" Once he's standing, Vista turns to Whitebeard with a large smile, looking expectant. "Something I can do for you, Pops?"
"Have a spar with Bee here?" At the mention of her name, she starts spluttering but Edward ignores it. "Something easy of course but I'd like to see it."
"Certainly!" Vista agrees with relish, always happy to teach.
Bee tries to argue but Whitebeard is deaf to her complaints and denials. Soon enough they have her set up across from Vista, a sabre in her hand. The fencing weapon is light (and small enough for her frame) that after much debate it’s decided it will work well.
"Go easy on her!" Thatch calls out from the sidelines, sitting on the steps with an easy grin. Bee shoots him a glare before shifting her gaze back to Vista.
She shifts awkwardly as Vista twirls his mustache. "Now my dear, don't fret. Let's start with the basics. First, we must begin with a stance, ah! Very good!"
Bee instantly widens her feet and holds the sabre aloft, a clear opening position. Edward props an elbow up on an armrest before cushioning a cheek against his knuckles. Something tells him this will be very entertaining.
Vista prattles on, an over-talker if there ever was one. Whitebeard waits impatiently but doesn't try to hurry him along either. The last thing he wants is to rush on the presentation and have Bee get confused or flustered and end up injured.
Finally, his ears perk up as he hears the familiar shiiing as one of Vista's swords is withdrawn. Vista is still talking but at least now he goes for a hit. Bee instantly blocks, the motion quick and assured, effortless. Edward grins as Vista's eyebrows raise in surprise.
They parry back and forth, Vista increasing his speed as Bee keeps up with each sharp whack of his sword. From the corner of his eye, Edward sees Thatch straighten up from the slouch he created across several stairs. More of his sons start to gather 'round, always a few stragglers hanging around the deck.
"You've had training before?" Vista ventures with a smile.
Bee grunts in agreement focused on keeping up with his swings, blocking and trading a few hits in return that Vista easily blocks. "Fencing," she manages at last.
"Wonderful!" he praises, going for another light hit. "Let's make this interesting then." Vista speeds up and Edward can see her start to struggle to keep up.
When Vista lands a gentle slap on the side of a thigh with the flat of his blade they separate, each taking a few steps back.
Edward leans forward with interest as he sees a flash of challenge spark across her brown eyes before she settles herself.
They restart their opening positions before Vista thrusts forward. Bee deflects it before moving in close. The swordsman tries to step back, create some distance but Bee presses forward, trying to keep the range short.
Whitebeard snorts with amusement. It makes sense, she’s small—close quarters were probably better for her, with less to protect her body against. However Vista was skilled, such a maneuver was hardly difficult to overcome.
That is until Bee catches Vista's sword and forces it down. Reaching out with her other hand she grabs onto his lapel and pulls forcing the larger man to bend slightly before she—
spits in his face.
There's a beat of shock from the crowd but she doesn't linger, just uses Vista's surprise to her advantage as she kicks out at his knee while shoving her foot behind his, obviously trying to trip him.
It doesn't work. At most Vista stumbles before regaining his balance—and his wits—deftly he flicks his sword up. Shoving with more of his shoulder, easily the force propels her sword from her hand. It skitters across the deck and in the same breath, he kicks out with a foot so she tumbles to the ground.
Slapping against the wood hard, she wheezes as the breath leaves her lungs and Vista stands over her. Her neck tilts up as he suspends the point of his sword above it before wiping at his face with his other gloved hand.
"M'dear that was rude ," he says crossly before Edward can't help it anymore and bursts into a loud roar of laughter.
A splattering of claps and Vista—ever the gentlemen—bends down to help Bee to her feet. She hops up easily and says something to the man that gets lost in the din of the crowd before making her way back to Edward.
He smiles down at her before grabbing her up. "Eddie!" she protests as he squeezes her against his chest and lays a few pleased kisses against her face. "I'm sweaty, stop! Lemme go, I wanna shower."
"Gwahaha! You're fine! Let me bask in your success before you scurry away." Bee rolls her eyes but stops struggling as much. "What was all that then? Trying to upset Vista?"
Bee snorts. "Aren't you pirates? Figured there are no rules in a duel. I knew I was going to lose anyways but I wanted to at least try ."
The determination in her voice makes his smile widen before he licks a thick stripe across her shoulder and bare neck. The taste of salt fills his mouth and he hums with pleasure before dipping back to drag his teeth along the junction of her neck.
Bee's struggling returns with a vengeance. " Edward !" she hisses out, annoyed. Always shy with affection in front of his sons, he has been trying to break her out of the habit but alas.
Although this time it might be annoyance at the lick itself, now that he thought about it.
"What?" Edward asks innocently before he starts kissing a path up her neck, and he can feel her tension start to ebb as the fight slowly drains out of her. Whitebeard's Observation Haki flares and he quickly glares into the crowd, the look laced with the barest edge of Conqueror's.
The resulting gulp and fearful expressions he gets back are satisfying but moreso it's the silencing of an almost-groan from the peanut gallery at his affectionate display that makes him grin. If he hadn't stopped it, Bee would have immediately stiffened and demanded to be released.
His sons still aren’t used to the thing he has with Bee. Hell, he isn't used to it himself. It’s new, the dynamic strange to him. Who would have thought he would date?
Edward hadn't thought he'd need more than an occasional roll in the hay but here he was. And he'd be damned if his sons ruin that with their bitching. He lets his lips press against hers, his eyes falling shut as he feels the last of her stiffness fade away.
It is sweet, for the moment that it lasts. Her tongue flicks against his lips and before he can begin to chase after it, Bee pulls away. Blinking his eyes open he sees her make a face. "You taste like sweat, that's so gross."
He chuckles. "Careful," he warns lowly. "I could be tempted to take another taste, just to hear you complain."
Bee glares, not cowed at all. "Try it and see what happens, Newgate. Now, lemme up." This time she pats at his forearm and the feeling of her asking for permission is what gets him to let her go, although he grumbles about it.
She doesn't acknowledge him at all as she retrieves her book and clambers down and out of his lap. There's a pout at his lips that he can't help. Damn woman, doesn't even feel sorry for him.
Watching her walk away he slouches a bit, annoyed at her uncaring attitude before she casts a look over her shoulder back at him. Bee hesitates and he raises a brow at her in question.
"Wanna shower together?" she offers, an olive branch and he smiles.
"How about a bath?"
This time numerous sons do groan, as they likely remember the first—and last time—they took a bath together. He'd kicked out the unsuspecting bathers from the massive bath leaving them cold and shivering in the hallway. The resulting horror stories still circulate.
That wasn't his fault, Bee had been sick at the time, miserable and desperately pleading for a bath despite it not being the woman's time block. What else was he supposed to do?
Although he glares, the damage is already done and when he looks back at Bee he expects her to refuse.
Instead, she's looking thoughtfully up at the sky and his heart lifts with hope. Glancing back she answers his smile with one of her own, the sight of it beautiful. "Yeah, a bath sounds good."
He laughs at her acceptance before he stands to follow her, wherever she might lead.
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snailor-bee · 2 years
The Masquerade Menace
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Okay so yesterday @aifozu mentioned that Whitebeard looks like he ought to be on romance novel covers and my brain went CRAZY. I sat down and wrote this in two days because once you get an idea you can't let it go. ;o; Then when I told them they were like "omg I wanna draw for it" SO HERE WE ARE!!! Art by Foz! ;u; Handsome Whitebeard about to sweep you off your feet!!! Thank you so much Foz for doing this random little thing with me omg. 🙈
(And yeah, I 100% didn't use a plot line for a story I've been idly fantasizing about, why do you ask, it's very much a random idea for the romance novel, not based on stuff I'd probably never write but would like to, no sir.)
Whitebeard x GN!Reader / SFW  / 2.6k Summary: Whitebeard is a popular figure in romantic novels even if his name isn't used he's easily recognized on the covers because of his long blond hair and signature mustache. Reader is reading one when a random man (Thatch) approaches to ask to purchase it (they collect them, to laugh at Pops about) when the reader refuses. Instead, somehow the reader is convinced to go see Whitebeard later that night. Does fantasy match up to reality? Warnings: SFW but sex IS referenced for the plot of the romance novel, so warning about that. Reader is GN but the character mentioned in the story is she/her pronouns because I just went with the standard romance novel for that.
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A low snicker pierced your concentration, the little bubble that you’d created around yourself suddenly popping. Peeking a glance over the edge of the pages of your book, you saw several men quickly turn struggling to stifle their laughter.
You cocked a brow but weren’t surprised. In your inattention you’d switched the book from leaning against the table to being held in one hand, your fingers breaking the pages apart. Leaving the cover exposed to the room.
It was a romantic novel, the cover artistically painted. A man stood there in, bathed in the colors of the setting sun, stunning in shades of gold and blue. He was holding out a hand, as if beckoning the reader closer, long blond hair whipping in the wind. He looked as if about to take you off into some daring adventure. 
The trademark large white mustache made it readily apparent who the figure was supposed to be.
Honestly, you didn't blame their laughter, you were surprised to be reading it as well. Never one for romance novels, they simply weren’t on your radar. When a friend had recommended one, you’d scoffed at the idea but they had insisted. And insisted. And insisted.
So, you’d finally caved, if only to get them off your back. To your surprise you finished it in one sitting, the room going dark around you.
You were utterly enamored with the story of a cocky pirate sweeping some girl off her feet. A classic and something that would normally bore you. But somehow the story kept your attention, as did the description of the pirate in question...
No one was fooled. Even using a different name for the pirate and his crew, everyone reading it recognized it as the famous pirate Whitebeard.
Which was the reason for the snickering, you were sure. Men were never very kind about this sort of thing. You ignored it, trying to focus on the words. After the first one you got a bit—obsessed isn’t the right word but perhaps enchanted with Whitebeard-related romance novels.
Some were better than others and you had to check out basically the entire collection at your library to weed through the authors that you liked or didn’t. This one had become your favorite and you were enjoying the plot.
They could get a little repetitive and in many you didn’t love the way they portrayed Whitebeard. All of it was a fantasy, you weren’t sure what the man was really like but some of them just… picked at you wrong.
A pointed cough broke you from your thoughts and you looked up to see a man dressed in chef’s whites standing by your table, brown hair molded into a rather impressively large pompadour. You raised an eyebrow at him in question.
“Hi!” The man greeted. “Which one is that? Is it new?” he asked, pointing to your novel. You flipped the cover over, looking it over before glancing back up.  
“New-ish, yeah. Came out like last year, I just got my hands on it. Why?”
“How much do you want for it?” he asked eagerly.
Both brows shot up with surprise. “Nothing, it’s not for sale.”
The man sighed as if you had wronged him. “You sure? I can pay more than you did for it.”
“Why? I’m not even finished with it.”
“We—or rather I collect them.”
“Just find it out in town.”
“But that takes foreverrrr,” he whined.
You scoffed. “Can’t help you then, sorry.”
“What about,” he began. “I introduce you? The Whitebeard Pirates are on this island, you know.”
“Please, I’m not giving you this book for a lousy excuse like that, I bet you don’t even know them. Besides, it’s not like I really want to meet Whitebeard.”
The man slid into the seat across from you and you narrowed your eyes at him.
“No? Why not? You’re passing up a good deal to hold onto that book, must mean you like him a lot.” He wiggled his eyebrows at you meaningfully.
“Fantasy and real-life are different,” you dismissed with a wave of your hand.
He hummed. “What about the other Whitebeard Pirates then?”
“What about them?”
“Do any of them catch your fancy?”
“No?” he echoed, his smile widening. “What about Marco?”
“Have you seen his hair? It looks ridiculous.”
He let out a loud bark of laughter before he coughed into a fist and then cleared his throat. “Izou then?”
“Honestly? Way too pretty, it’s intimidating.”
The two of you ran through a couple more members, all to a negative.
“Alright,” the man said at last. “What about Vista? He’s tall and has a funny mustache, just your type, eh?”
You’d put your book down at this point, bookmark in place. “Nah, not really interested.” At his aghast gasp, you attempted to explain. “I think the point of all these books” —you waved your hand over the cover— “is that it’s a fantasy. I’m never going to pull Whitebeard even if I stumbled across him at some bar. Nor any of the other pirates you listed. I’m more interested to read about Whitebeard because after reading these I found him attractive, sure. But that’s based on a lie, not the man himself as he really is.”
“So that’s why you wouldn’t wanna meet the real Whitebeard then?”  
“What if I told you I knew what bar he was going to be at tonight?” His eyes gleamed with excitement. “I could tell you if you want.”
You opened your mouth to refuse but before you could, he interrupted.
“I know, I know you don’t wanna meet him! But think of it this way, you don’t gotta! You can just go to get a look at him. He’s always surrounded by people, right?” Hesitantly, you nodded. Although you didn’t know that for sure it was referenced a lot in your novels. “Might be your chance to at least see him in person, that would be cool, wouldn’t it?”
You bit your lip, considering. It would be cool if only to put a real face to the novels. You’ve seen his wanted posters of course (and had a few squirreled away but that was neither here nor there) but that was nothing compared to the real thing.
Making a decision, you nodded. “Okay, where?” Even if the information was wrong you reasoned, it would only be a mild waste of your time, nothing more. You could get a drink and go home. No harm done. And if Whitebeard actually happened to be there? Then you could appreciate him from a distance with a drink before going home. Either way, not a bad trade-off.
A couple of hours later you slipped into the bar in question. It was loud and packed to the brim, familiar jolly roger on display from nearly everyone in the room. You were in the right place then. Before you could even look around, a loud laugh shook the room.
“Gura ra ra ra!”
Immediately your eyes shot over to see him. You froze in your shock; he was huge, way bigger than you’d ever imagined. A lot of books made him smaller and that wasn’t your preference but after seeing the man it made sense why they had. A lot made him tall, but this was just absurd.
Lost as you were in your surprise you didn’t notice the man you’d talked with before sitting at Whitebeard’s side. Seeing you enter the bar, he smiled wide and hustled over to you.
“Yo! You made it come on,” he greeted before tugging you forward.
“Uhh, what are you doing!?” you hissed under your breath as he pulled you through the crowd closer to Whitebeard’s table. You tried to stop yourself by digging in your heels but he just easily pulled you along.
“Oi, Pops!” he called and if you were able to stop in your tracks you would have but his hand at the small of your back resolutely propelled you forward. “Got the fan I was talkin’ about earlier!”
“Oh?” Whitebeard rumbled out with a smile, the sound of it sent your knees trembling. “Thatch here has told me all about you, glad you could make it.”
You looked up at the man—Thatch you supposed—with a fierce glare. “You lying sack of shit—”
“Hey, I didn’t lie! Told you the truth, you were the one who didn’t believe it when I said I knew the Whitebeard Pirates.” You gave him a quick glance over.
“You aren’t wearing the jolly roger! How am I supposed to know?!” Everyone knew the entire crew went around with the mark somewhere, either tattooed or on some article of clothing. Thatch grinned.
“Incognito, pretty cool right?”
You tried to scrape together the last of your pride. “Okay, well this has been fun. You’re a dick,” you directed this at Thatch. “It was nice to meet you,” you said to Whitebeard. “I’ll be going now.”
Whitebeard laughed before a large hand curved around your back and tugged you closer. “Now, now, little one, where do you think you’re running off to so soon? I wanted to have a chat.”
“About what?” you grumbled as he positioned you into the empty chair beside him.
“What’s the plot line of the book you’re reading?”
“Seriously?” You shot a disbelieving look up at Whitebeard who shrugged back at you.
“I like to hear about them but my sons never describe it properly.”
You rubbed your forehead. “Kind of self-absorbed isn't it?" 
"I'm a pirate," Whitebeard answered with a large grin, "who gives a shit about all that?" 
Sighing, you decided to get this over with. "It’s a ball, a masquerade. Someone has enchanted everyone’s masks with a devil fruit power where you can’t recognize anyone. People can still tell if they’d find someone else attractive or not but even if you’d normally know someone by their voice or hair you won’t be able to.”
Whitebeard stared down at you, making you feel like a bug being pinned and you shifted under the weight of his attention before going on. “One of your sons has a devil fruit that shrinks people. The Whitebeard Pirates—they’re not called that though—they’re there to rob the treasure trove. You’re acting as a…look out, kinda.”
“Kind of?” Whitebeard pressed, seeing your hesitation.
You pursed your lips before continuing, “They don’t trust you with being sneaky so you’re at the party as a ‘look out’ but you’re in a huff because everyone knows it’s just to keep you out of the way.”
Loud laughter breaks out over the table. “That’s true enough!” someone shouts and Whitebeard glared before turning his attention back to you.
“And? What else?”
You blinked at him. “What do you mean?”
Whitebeard leaned closer. “How do I meet the main character?”
“Ah. You notice her across the room, talking with some upper-crust ladies. You hadn’t been interested in anyone at the party, though plenty of people have tried to get your attention. But you’d seen her earlier in the night and thought she was pretty. You went over and started talking.”
“I’m sure that’s not all that happened,” Whitebeard said with a knowing smirk.
You flushed. “And the two of you went into a deserted room and have sex.”
"What? No details?" You grit your teeth. 
"They have sex once on the desk, facing each other then she gives you a blowjob. While that's happening people walk in and you growl at them to get another room. Then you have sex doggy style. That's as far as I've read."
“A shame.” He straightened up out of his slouch. “I would have liked to know how it ended.”
“Ugh, for what? They all end the same, it's boring,” someone groaned from the crowd. A flash of something cut through the air and hit the man upside the head, sending his face crashing into the table. Whitebeard easily flipped his naginata in his hand so it rested once more on the ground. His son sat back up, rubbing the back of his head and whining loudly while you sat there, your heart now firmly sunk into your stomach.
It had all happened so fast! You had barely seen Whitebeard move. How terrifying to be faced with such a mammoth of a man and be so utterly helpless. 
"Now, where were we?" Whitebeard asked, turning back to you and fear pounded in your veins. 
"I was going to head out, I told you the story so—" 
"Nonsense!" Whitebeard roared. "Stay a while, I've never talked to a fan of the novels before." 
A mug of ale was pushed in front of you and you stared at the foamy top. 
"I'm sure you have plenty of fans," you said lowly. You half expected it to get lost in the ambient noise of the bar, pirates loudly talking and cheering randomly. Whitebeard was paying more attention than you thought however because he replied immediately. 
"They're not usually as cute," he replied with a large grin, placing a hand at the back of your chair. "And I haven't talked with a reader before." The warmth of his hand burned through your clothes as you hunched forward, feeling awkward. This situation felt almost exactly like how it would happen in one of your books and it was making you feel itchy with expectations and wishes. 
That was the whole point you read those books, as a fantasy you never expected it to become reality and it was making your head spin. 
"What do you do?" Whitebeard asked and you shot him a look. He looked completely relaxed and interested in what your answer was. You ran your tongue along your teeth before you decided to hell with it, and answered. 
The two of you chatted, creating a pocket of privacy in the middle of the rowdy bar. His sons quickly abandoned the table once they realized how much of his attention was focused on you. 
At some point, you took a sip of the ale, made a face, then silently slid it over to him. The swell of laughter felt like a small earthquake as the ground shook beneath your feet and the rafters rattled. Still, through it all, you couldn't resist a small, pleased smile. Seeing how much you affected the large man made you feel good, like you could conquer the world from the force of his attention alone. 
Whitebeard dragged your chair closer to his side and leaned down further. "So, little one." His breath ghosted over you, smelling of saké but you couldn't resist a shiver. "How does the real thing compare to your books?" 
"You're bigger for one," you said immediately. He chuckled but didn't pull away. 
"Not what I meant," he pressed. 
You peered up at him, seeing his blue eyes dance with good humor. "So far it's not bad. A couple authors write you as more mean than you've been with me." 
He cocked an eyebrow. "You think I can be mean?" Tilting his head, he looked as if he was trying to appear innocent. 
You weren't fooled. 
"You're a Yonko, you bet your ass I do." 
Whitebeard laughed. "Hope it's not enough to scare you away though." The way his eyes burned told you the seriousness of his statement. You licked your lips and he followed the movement intently. 
"Not really, not yet I suppose." He smiled. 
"Good." His fingers dragged across your back as he got even closer. "Was hoping you would tell me more of those stories." 
Your heart felt like it might burst out of your chest, it was beating so hard. "Think you're looking for a little more than that," you whispered. 
When he chuckled lowly, you felt his lips brush against yours, just for a moment. "And if I was? Is there a problem with that?" 
"Just kiss me already," you ordered with a sigh that puffed against his lips. 
With a smile, Whitebeard did just that. 
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snailor-bee · 3 years
Pearly Delight
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Art by @aifozu
Foz is so sweet to me and drew a EXTREMELY handsome Whitebeard for me which I love dearly because I simp very hard for the man. (*/ω\*) I wrote out a little drabble inspired by it because how could I resist?? Despite the lovely artwork this is a SFW drabble!
Whitebeard x GN!Reader / SFW  / 788 words Summary: Edward decided to surprise you with a frankly beautiful view. Unfortunately you were a little to tired to enjoy it fully. Warnings: Naked Whitebeard I guess? But that's it, just a soft fic.
You walked up to the hotel slightly perplexed. Double-checking the name with the hastily scrawled name on the note (his handwriting was always atrocious) you went inside and started for the stairs. All the paper said was a hotel, room number, and a time.
It was rare for Whitebeard to ask you out someplace like this. Generally you just met him at his ship or the two of you meet out in town. If you ended up in a hotel it was after a night of drinking and the two of you couldn't make it back to the ship.
Or, you chuckled at the thought, when his sons begged the two of you to get a room instead of heading back to the Moby. Edward wanted you to be safe, so you stayed on one of the islands he controlled, rather than travel along with the ship. That meant the two of you couldn't see each other often, so reunions were often...passionate.
Shoving that thought aside, you knocked twice feeling the ache in your feet as you stood there. He had gotten a nicer room than normal, you noted. That was a surprise as well. Always stingy with money, Edward never spent more than he had to on a room.
"What's the point?" He had rumbled on one occasion. "We're only doing one thing in it. And you'll be too tired out to feel the bed. Not that you'd sleep on it anyways." The wink he shot you, eyes full of suggestion made you whack him. Not that he felt anything, the towering brute. Although it was true, you frequently slept atop his chest so the actual comfort of the bed didn't really matter.
A familiar voice called out "Come in." Which broke you from your wool-gathering. Turning the unlocked knob, you walked inside already talking,
"Edward, why are we meeting here—oh."
Edward's smile got wider as he tilted his head at you. You shut the door behind yourself quickly, before you let out a loud peal of laughter. He was propped against the large bed (always large in order to hold his weight), leaning his elbow against the side, his cheek resting against his knuckles. He was naked, legs spread, draped elegantly with long strings of pearls. Edward looked like a dream, glittering in the low light the pearls standing out from his skin while his blonde hair looked so silky and smooth as it spilled over his shoulders. His mustache twitched with your laughter.
"Something funny dear?" He reached out a hand for you and your laughter cut off abruptly as you fidgeted. It was a shock to see him dressed up for you, normally he didn't bother with something like this. It was nice but...
"I...I had a rough day at work, I'm not really in the mood to do anything..." you said regretfully, meeting his eyes hesitantly. Edward chuckled lowly. "Although maybe if you wanted..."
"Come here," his hand was still outstretched and you walked the few steps and grabbed it. He pulled you into his arms and settled you into his lap. Sitting you atop a thigh, a large hand rested across your back, cradling you against his chest. "My love, we don't have to do anything if you don't want. You know that," Whitebeard said, rubbing his cheek against your hair. You sighed with relief and pressed harder against his chest.
"I just feel bad! You got all fancy for me!" Whitebeard's laugh was loud and shook the ground around you.
"This is hardly fancy," he denied. You hummed and pulled back to look at him, letting your hands roam across his chest, playing with the pearls as you smiled.
"I dunno, looks pretty fancy to me. You look really nice." Whitebeard shrugged.
"Want to talk about your day? What happened?"
You snorted. "I'm not telling you, you'll just go scare someone to death."
Edward's eyes sharpened with his grin. "So?" You rolled your eyes.
"It's fine, I'll be okay. This is making me feel better." Edward huffed but let it go, for now. If anything he'd just get it out of you a little later, rub your feet and ask casual questions. He knew once he got you talking, you'd spill on accident. He'd go make someone's life hell afterwards, no one got to treat you badly. Not when you were his.
Edward pressed a kiss to your forehead and you tilted your face back, closing your eyes. You felt as his thumbs rubbed gently across your cheeks. Gentle, he was always so gentle with you. For such a large man it could be a surprise but you basked in it.
Lips brushed yours, the tickle of his mustache barely there and you leaned into it. Letting your hands bury themselves into his hair, it was just as soft as you were expecting.
"I love you, little one," Whitebeard breathed out and you blinked your eyes open to see him looking at you with such fondness, you might have melted a bit under his heavy stare.
"I love you too Eddie." He smiled at the nickname and leaned in to kiss you again.
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snailor-bee · 2 years
Fools Rush In
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I wrote a fun thing for myself! I took my OC Carys and wrote an interaction with my self insert. <3 It was a lot of fun and purely for my own enjoyment lol. For more information about Bee, I have a separate self-ship blog! @bee-quake
OC and S/I + Mentions of Whitebeard/SI and Marco/OC | SFW | 5.2k
Excitement beat through her as she cut easily through the ocean’s tides. A lithe figure whose blue body almost blended in completely with the water around her, if it wasn’t for her long black hair and the kimono wrapped around her hips.
Carys frowned with annoyance at how the fabric dragged on her body slightly, making her push a little harder with her tail to propel her forward but it was a minor annoyance at best. The crew’s obvious relief when she didn’t show up naked was worth it although she bore it with ill-grace.
As always, the sea chatted in her ears as she went along. It talked about things that had happened, things that might happen, and things that were happening now.
Did you see that school of fish? Lovely, isn’t it? / A shark not far behind / Remember when there wasn’t any fish roaming our waters at all? / One day there won’t be any fish left, if humans have anything to say about it / Perhaps one day our waters will consume all the land there is—
And on and on. Constantly talking. Carys tuned it out with practiced ease, only paying attention to any news relating to the Whitebeard Pirates or their ship. That’s what she was looking for, after all.
There it was, a whisper on a current, another batch of fresh voices from the sea from the opposite direction. The Moby Dick was close. Carys quickly swerved; the maneuver effortlessly graceful before she took off in the direction of the ship.
Poking her head above the waters, she could just barely see the bobbling wide smile of the ship’s mascot. The voices of the sea that followed the ship told her Marco once again wasn’t onboard. Disappointment filled her gut and she sighed gustily. Annoying but oh well. She’d come back another day.
A crack like thunder startled her before Carys could dive back down. The sea grumbled around her and she paused to see what had happened to change its mood so.
There she goes again / I dearly hope she falls this time / Who cares? They’ll just pull her out / Drown her in our waters
The last voice had a bit of a push to it, an echo of a command that Carys ignored.
“What is happening? Who?” The sea pushed her attention towards the sky and she could finally see a small figure bouncing. It looked to be a human sky walking, hardly an unusual occurrence and something the sea normally cared little for. “So?” Carys asked.
Get closer
Intrigued, Carys obeyed, ducking below the surface and she sped towards the figure. As she did, even below the waves she could hear the sound of Whitebeard’s powers. Popping back up, Carys’ green eyes watched carefully now that she could see better.
It was a lone woman, attempting to bounce through the sky, in the strange way humans ‘walked’. However, unlike most, each time she put her foot down, there was an answering crack that split the ocean below her temporarily.
Carys recognized it as Whitebeard’s devil fruit, from the sound and the way the woman’s foot had the recognizable blue orb around it before she brought it down.
Quickly, Carys stretched out her senses. Had Whitebeard died? The sea should have said something and the ship would be in mourning if that was the case but perhaps she had been gone too long…
But no, his presence pressed back against her, steady and strong. Her heart settled.
Well, it was a mystery but one she didn’t care overly much to dissect. Marco wasn’t around and Papa would appreciate her returning home sooner than planned. She dove and started to leave, content to ask during the next visit.
Bee bit her lip, forehead sweating as she focused. Using Eddie’s devil fruit powers should normally be easy, as effortless as if the man himself was doing it. That was what happened when you had the same devil fruit for years and years, a lifetime’s worth of experience—one got used to it.
Still, he rarely used it on his feet and had never used it the way Bee was attempting to do. Which meant her Bond-Bond fruit’s copy of his Quake-Quake was of little help. It copied the ability completely so she could do everything Edward himself could, but with their love bond she should be able to find new ways to use it as well. 
With anyone else’s she wouldn’t be able to do this, confined to using a devil fruit power exactly the way the user did. But with their bond, it opened up new ways of creativity.
Such as attempting to ‘sky walk’ but with his devil fruit power. It was clunky and not at all graceful but she felt like she was getting the hang of it. Practicing over water seemed like the best bet in case she fell and didn’t have to worry about splattering against the ground (or leaving behind craters as she went).
They had Namur on standby in case she messed up and crashed into the sea. It hadn’t been necessary yet, despite several people’s fretting. Marco, she was coming to learn, was hiding a tendency to worry beneath that laid-back expression.
Eddie had laughed outrageously when she’d mentioned it to him.
Semi-distracted by the thought, she missed the next step and had to quickly shuffle her feet to get back in a rhythm before a sudden shock of Edward’s conqueror’s haki burst through the air. For a moment, all the air left her lungs in surprise.
Bee was able to take in a lungful of air right before the ocean waves rose up to meet her and she hit them with a loud slap.
Immediately, the strength seeped from her body as it went limp and useless. She stared up at the sunbeams that shone from the surface as the remaining air left her mouth in little air bubbles, brushing past her lips.
She wondered, for a moment, when the last time she swam was. She still had a memory of swimming, of a strangely warm ocean and how she kept diving under the waves to curl up in a ball and let them push her along until her back hit the sand and she sprang out of the surface drawing in air before doing it all over again.
How long was that now, ten, twenty years? She was so young when she ate her devil fruit…
Strong arms grabbed under her armpits and dragged her up. The tranquility of her descent was suddenly broken the moment her lungs sucked in the first breath, releasing some locked-up fear that hadn’t really touched her as she sank. Bee sucked down water and she coughed violently, struggling to breathe past the waves that broke against her face. 
Her body was still weak and plaint and as she was moved, the ocean sloshed into her mouth, filling it with more saltwater and she really began to panic, feeling suddenly like there wasn’t enough air, and she flailed in the firm grip.
Something propelled them from underneath and they landed on the sun-warmed wood of the deck. Bee pushed away the hands that were still holding her and bent on all fours as she coughed and vomited. 
After several minutes, her ribs aching, she finally sat back, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. Immediately there was a face shoved into her own and she jumped, scooching back on her ass to put a few inches between them. 
The woman simply followed. "You smell like Eddie!" she said eagerly, bright green eyes wide on her face. She was stunning and not at all who Bee was expecting to see. Who was this?? Confused, she couldn't formulate an answer before the woman went on, "Are you his mate?" 
Loud, boisterous laughter shook the air and both women looked up to see Whitebeard leaning back in his chair, hand pressed to his forehead as his body shook from his laughing. 
"Eddie!" The woman cried before arms suddenly were around Bee, picking her up easily in a bridal carry before trotting towards the chair in the middle of the deck. Blinking with confusion, Bee struggled but accomplished nothing, the arms like iron bars around her. 
"I can walk—" she tried but was immediately talked over. 
"When did you get a mate?" the woman—Bee still had no idea who she was—demanded, stopping in front of the man's chair. She tilted her head. "Did you change your hair?" 
Whitebeard chuckled as he leaned closer, blonde locks falling over his shoulders. "I did. Ask me about it later. For now, Bee, meet Carys, this is Marco's girl." Bee felt the woman straighten, obviously preening under the comment. "Carys, this is Bee, my" —His eyes were filled with mirth— "mate." 
Carys made a noise like a rumble, Bee could feel it from where her arm was pressed against the woman's chest, her blue tank top drawing the eye to the numerous scars that dotted her tan skin. Carys rubbed her cheek against Bee's temple, as her chest vibrated with something similar to a... purr? 
"It is so good to meet you!" Carys exclaimed.
Bee nodded back mutely before she wiggled a bit. "Can I be put down now?" 
Immediately, Carys set her down on her bare feet. Bee shifted, feeling the water pulling awkwardly at her clothes. The woman leaned too far into her space, and Bee felt awkward under the force of her intense attention. "I should go change." 
"Oh! I'll help!" Carys said before twisting her hand in the air between them. Bee could feel the water leave her skin and clothes, dragging off her body before floating around Carys' held up hand. Her mouth dropped. 
"Oiiiii, Carys!" Ace's voice interrupted them and the taller woman turned before her face broke out into a large smile.
"Ace!" Happily she skipped over as Bee watched silently before a large hand scooped her up. 
Bee frowned as Edward brought her to his chest, hands holding her gently before settling back with a pleased sigh. "Good to have you back," he said with a smile, pressing a kiss to the side of her face. Her frown didn't lift, despite the warm words. 
"She calls you Eddie?" Bee blurted out immediately. She hadn't known anyone else called him that, she thought it was only herself. 
He shrugged. "Likes the nickname. Friends of my childhood used to call me that." He jostled her teasingly. "Looks like things got a little hairy out there, hm? Told you it was a bad idea." 
Her temper—and pride—flared. "If you hadn't used haki I wouldn't have fallen! Why did you do that anyways??" 
"Don't be upset," he chided gently, not at all calming her temper. "I wanted Carys to meet you. She won't come aboard if Marco isn't here unless I get her attention." 
"She has her own ship?" Bee questioned, patting absentmindedly at his collar so he would drop her into his lap. Her brown eyes watched as Carys was quickly surrounded by various crewmembers, chatting loudly. 
Edward handed her the shoes she had left with him and she pulled out the rolled-up ball of socks, bending to put them on. 
"No," he answered. "She's part sea king, Carys swims everywhere." 
Bee froze with a sock halfway on her foot. "I'm sorry she's part what." 
"Sea king," Eddie repeated with a grin. "When she gets wet she'll change into a mermaid. Pretty cool right?" 
"Super," Bee said weakly. 
After spending some time with Edward, Bee headed down to the galley. She was hungry from all her exercise and subsequent dunk in the ocean. 
Once there she heard nothing else but stories about Carys. Picking at her food, Bee overheard or was told directly all about her. There seemed to be no end to the information and she wondered where this was coming from. In the three months she'd been on the ship, Bee had never heard her brought up. 
Except for a few choice comments made to Marco about missing his girlfriend but Bee hadn't paid much attention to that. Marco had merely rolled his eyes and changed the subject so Bee had figured it was just a joke or he didn't want to talk about it. 
Right as she was finishing up, Carys herself peeked into the galley, looking around quizzically, ignoring the various greetings she got. When her eyes landed on Bee, her face brightened and Bee sucked on her straw harder. 
Carys came up to her side right as she was getting up from the bench. "Bee! Eat with me!"
"Ah, sorry I'm already done," Bee replied holding up her tray. Carys looked it over critically. 
"You did not eat enough," she pointed out. 
Bee pursed her lips. "I'm full." 
Carys frowned before her expression lit up. "Perhaps we could take a bath together!" 
"I was going to shower in my room." 
"Then a spar!" 
"I don't, uh, spar with people." Or she hadn't, not yet. Although she had a fair amount of fighting abilities she hadn't really been in a position to use them. Not since the 'accident'. 
"What about a—"
"Carys," a sharp voice interrupted from behind them and Bee sighed with relief. This was getting painful. "Leave Bee alone, she's finished eating. Go get your own food." 
"Aw, but—" 
Lacey appeared beside them both, towering over them. She was a tall woman, the head nurse and had a no-bullshit attitude that made her well suited to the role. She had dark skin with equally dark eyes and crimson dreadlocks that she piled into a large bun during her shifts. Right now, her eyes glared down at Carys. 
"I mean it, go on now." 
Carys pouted but did as she said and wandered off, shoulders slumped with defeat. 
For a moment, Bee was relieved until those piercing eyes landed on her and she barely withheld a flinch. "What's the matter with you? Don't like Carys?" 
"I'm just a little overwhelmed," Bee said honestly. 
Lacey nodded with understanding and something in Bee's chest tightened. "Yeah, she can be a lot at first. You get used to it. Better get out of here now before she comes back though." 
"Thanks Lacey." 
After beating a hasty retreat, Bee stared up at the ceiling of Edward's room. She hadn't been an occupant in here long and the room still felt like 'his' rather than 'theirs'.
She prodded at her feelings. Why was she acting this way? Bee wasn't normally this anti-social and while her reasoning to Lacey was true, it wasn't the whole story. Except she wasn't even sure what the whole story was. 
Turning over she thought about it. It wasn't jealousy, right? There was that recognizable burning within her but it wasn't the same that she was used to... It wasn't related to Edward or being worried about his attention waning in the face of some pretty thing. While Bee might hold that fear out in town, she knew with absolute certainty that he would never go for someone one of his sons was dating. 
So what was it? 
"Bee!! Yo, Bee!" Furious knocking broke her train of thought and she glared at the wall as she heard the doorknob jiggle. Ace. Why he couldn't learn to knock and wait. At least she remembered to lock the door, unlike Edward half the time. 
"What," she yelled back, annoyed. 
"Carys wants to hang out with you!" Ace shouted through the wood.
Bee flinched as she heard a woman's voice join Ace's. "Why are you shouting?" 
"So she can hear me, duh." 
"I'm going to take a shower!" Bee broke in before they could both start yelling at her. 
"Awww," two voices in unison whined. 
Bee rolled towards the edge of the bed. 
"I can join you!" Carys offered and she winced. 
"No that's okay." 
"We'll come back later!" Ace cried out. "Come on Carys," he said softer, but still loud enough to be heard through the door. He wasn't quiet by any means, Bee wasn't sure why he felt the need to yell. 
"But Aceee," Carys complained as her voice got further away. "I wanted to see Bee!" 
Guilt hung heavy over her before she hopped off the bed to actually take a shower. She might as well at this point. 
After showering, Bee found herself deep below decks, far from the usual hustle and bustle. She ran her fingers across the wood of the hallway, trying to work out her tangled thoughts. Figuring it would be safer away from the room in case Ace and Carys decided to come back, she took the time to puzzle it out. 
What was bothering her? Sometimes she got like this, where she was overwhelmed by the amount of people or a situation. Still, she was normally nicer. She'd usually let Carys talk herself out before beating a retreat. Instead, she was avoiding the other woman like the plague. 
Partly it was jealousy, she could admit that to herself. Bee always felt a little plain, always 'cute' rather than 'pretty'. Carys was gorgeous and in the short time she'd been onboard, Bee heard the men fawning over her enough to know that everyone felt the same. 
But it was more than that too. Edward didn't allow female fighters on his crew, only as nurses or other nonfighting roles. That hadn't changed with Bee. Edward viewed her as safe enough with her devil fruit power and the fact that she always had himself or several of his sons with her whenever they went on land. Bee wasn't convinced that was enough but was hesitant to bring it up. 
The moment she got caught with sea stone or haki, she was no better than a civilian in battle. Yet Bee had witnessed enough examples of Edward's overprotectiveness with females to know that it would be a fight regardless of how she brought it up. They were still early enough in their relationship that she hadn't wanted to risk a blowout over it. Their bond was still fresh and she wanted to wait until she was more on sure footing in the crew and her place in it. 
Carys, on the other hand, was a fighter through and through. It wasn't just the scars that lined her body, it was there in the way she moved and how she seemed to ooze confidence. Bee had seen that same confidence in the commanders and the way they could easily back it up. All this she knew at a glance before she even heard tales of Carys' strength from others in the galley. 
Was it that? Feeling like a burden next to someone who could protect themselves—and others—easily? Perhaps. It was probably a mix between the two. 
Feeling silly, Bee stopped and sighed at herself. Alright. Enough wallowing, it seemed like she was only upset because of not knowing about Carys until today and suddenly feeling as though the other woman was better than her in every way but that was just her self-doubt talking. Carys had been sweet to her and Bee felt bad enough about putting her off. Time to change that. 
Squaring her shoulders, Bee turned and hurried to check out the top deck. 
Carys pouted from her place on the armrest of Whitebeard's chair. The man in question was drinking from a large mug, the scent of ale heavy in the air. She folded her arms and huffed, glaring at nothing. 
Ace poked at her tail. "Can I get up yet Carys?" 
"No," she answered back sharply. "You are my friend, are you not? Sit with me." 
"We're not doing anything though," he whined. 
Carys hardly heard it, just squeezed her tail harder, making him wheeze. 
Lacey had cornered her and forced her into the bath, brushing and shampooing her hair, ignoring Carys' threats and arguments. She'd pulled on her kimono and tanktop (she liked to leave the sleeves hanging off her body) and then refused to shift into her human form. 
She'd crawled along the deck but humans never seemed to like that much. Ace eventually grabbed her and carried her to Whitebeard's chair. Once he had deposited her, she wrapped his upper torso with the bottom of her long tail, trapping him in Whitebeard's massive lap. 
Annoyance clawed through her and even being close to Ace and Whitebeard wasn't helping like it normally would. 
"What's eatin' at you Carys?" Ace asked, voice sounding as annoyed as she felt. "Why do you wanna hang out with Bee so badly? Just forget it." 
"It's important!" she argued. Whitebeard had already explained his newfound bond with Bee. "If Eddie has gained a lifelong mate, I have to make a good impression." 
Ace leaned his head back, his black hair tickling against the scales of her tail as he looked up at her. "So? You're already gonna be mates with Marco, Pops has already given you his approval. Why's it matter if Bee does too?' 
Carys growled with irritation. Humans and their lack of care for the family bond. 
"Because," she began, "Eddie is the leader of your family. What if something happens to him?" 
"Marco takes over, as the first commander," Ace answered easily. 
She nodded. "Yes, if Eddie dies. Then Bee will also die and the point is mute." Carys ignored how Ace flinched at her flippancy. "However, let's say Eddie is sick. Who takes over in that case? He's not dead and should get better." 
"It's still Marco." 
"Marco gives the commands, but who will the crew look to see if they should obey? Marco has earned the loyalty of this crew with time and they trust him. Still, Bee will have a lot of power simply as Eddie's mate. If she disagrees with a decision, who will the crew listen to? Who does the crew turn to, if Marco is dealing with commanding? Bee is the likely choice. It's important for me to make a good impression now if I want to be accepted easily into the family clan. If there's friction it will make it harder." 
Carys sighed. "And with how often I am away, I already don't make a good position to challenge Bee for clan rights, if she decides to push me out." 
"She wouldn't," Whitebeard interrupted with a chuckle. She frowned. They still didn't get it. 
"That's not the point! The point is that a family is only as strong as its unity. If there are fractions within the clan, it causes problems until it eventually breaks under its weight. Marco wants to stay here I need to make sure I will fit in here, with this clan. Fights, especially with the top of the chain, will end badly otherwise." Carys' shoulders slumped with disappointment. "I also just want to meet Eddie's mate properly, she must be amazing to be chosen as a lifelong mate." 
Her green eyes rose to meet Whitebeard's blue. "You have never had a long-term mate before, no?" 
"Never," Whitebeard agreed, grinning. "Never thought I would either until I met her." 
Carys squirmed with excitement at the statement and Ace oof-ed at the accidental squeeze. "You see? It matters. Perhaps I should get her a gift..." 
Ace groaned. "Don't get her a sea king again, that's better suited for Thatch." Carys swatted at his head. 
"That was a gift for your crew not for an individual. Does she like treasure?" She looked up at Whitebeard who shifted guiltily. 
"I'm not sure," he said at last. 
"What about a snail, Carys?" Ace asked. "It's more like a pet when you make them all" —he gestured vaguely with a hand— "not sleeping all the time. Awake or whatever. It could be nice, you could customize it for her and it'll be safer too, huh Pops?"
"It would be," Whitebeard agreed. Carys had the ability to talk to snails and could turn off the mechanism that made them sleep for most of their life except for phone calls and eating, while still being able to be used as a phone. They could bond to the owner and alert them when someone was listening in on a conversation, as well as pick up conversations that were happening nearby. It was incredibly useful. "It's as good a gift as any. We haven't done gifts really yet so I couldn't help you with anything else." He glared as Ace snickered. 
Carys' brows furrowed. "No? How did she ask you to be her mate?" 
Whitebeard smirked. "How do you know I didn't ask her?" 
Oh. Hm. Carys thought about that for a minute. "Is that standard for humans? Did you?" 
"No, she asked him," Ace broke in and leaned away from the pinch Whitebeard gave him, laughing. 
"In my culture, Bee would be the one who asked you," Carys explained after Whitebeard was done trying to pinch Ace through her tail. 
"Why's that?" he asked with interest. 
Ace tried to sit up and lean away from her, possibly trying to escape and she tightened her grip until he fell back against the meat of her tail. 
"She's weaker than you. Sea Kings can easily overpower a weaker mate and take, and they frequently do. However for a seasonal mate or a lifelong mate, generally there is a process to things. Bee would ask you because she is weaker and thus show her interest that she would like you to court her. You would then bring her gifts and prove your worth as a mate." 
"Well he definitely didn't do that," Ace muttered. 
"Now listen here you little shit," Whitebeard growled dangerously. "I went and got her didn't I?" 
Ace hummed. "More like the crew did that for you." Before Whitebeard could say anything else, Ace perked up. "Oh look, Bee's coming this way. Can I go now?" he asked while pointing to where Bee was walking across the deck. Carys gasped and released Ace quickly. 
The fire user shot off, likely unwilling to get caught up in more comfort squeezing. Carys fidgeted as Bee made her way closer. 
"What should I say?" she asked Whitebeard in a low whisper. 
"Just be yourself, it'll be fine." His voice was warm but it did nothing to calm the racing in her heart. 
Bee stopped before them, looking awkward. "Uh, hi, mind if I interrupt?" Carys frantically shook her head, wanting desperately to spring over to her and hug the woman tight but she figured that wouldn't go over so well. Whitebeard leaned forward and grabbed her with two hands, quickly bringing her to his face while she struggled. When he started planting kisses one after the other in quick succession over her face and body, she shrieked, but the sound was joyful and Carys watched with hungry eyes. 
Love radiated off them both as Whitebeard withdrew and Bee giggled slightly as he dropped her down onto his lap. She brushed her hair from her face, shaking out the black curls. Carys took a deep breath in. 
They smelled of each other perfectly and it calmed her. Like the scent of flowers carried on a sea breeze. Her tail twitched with longing. Here were Marco's family clan's leaders, no matter that Bee had just joined, Carys knew how these things went. 
If Marco ever led the family clan, many would follow him without question but many more would turn to Bee to see how she would react. Marco was Whitebeard's chosen son, the one to bring the clan forward but if Bee were around, she would be considered the heart. 
And, if Carys was being very honest with herself, she had always valued the approval of parent figures. Whitebeard was older than her, but only barely and Bee was obviously much younger but tradition burned in her veins. It told her to respect and obey. 
Carys was not a leader by trade, she would help support Marco but would never be in an equal role as him. 
She'd like to be what she assumed Bee would become for the Whitebeard Pirates. A protector and defender, the one to hold up the ship in whatever means necessary, while their mates led them. 
Because wherever their mates went, the rest would surely follow. 
Carys blinked back into herself as Whitebeard rubbed her head affectionately. "Carys? You there?" She ducked out from under his hand. 
"Yes, yes, my apologies." 
"Actually, I wanted to apologize to you, Carys," Bee said and she stilled. "I'm sorry I've been... distant today. I was just surprised but that doesn't excuse my attitude. I'm so sor—" The woman wheezed as Carys threw herself at her, cutting off her words. 
"It is okay!" Carys said loudly, rubbing her face against Bee's, combining their scents, rumbling loudly in pleasure. "I am just happy to meet you!" 
Soft hands grabbed at her elbows and gently gilded her back. Carys followed the motion easily although her tail swished against Whitebeard's thigh with disappointment. 
Bee smiled at her and Carys drank in her face. Dark brown eyes set in a soft round face, a beauty mark on one cheek. She looked very kind. "It's nice to meet you too, Carys. I hope we can be friends." 
Carys flung her arms back around Bee's shoulders, hugging her tight. "Yes! I would love it!" 
Whitebeard chuckled above them, approving and Carys pressed her face into the crook of Bee's neck, rubbing her nose against her skin, wanting to rub herself even harder on the woman. 
Gentle hands began running through her hair and she sighed dreamily. 
Yes, this is what she wanted. To be loved and accepted by Marco's family clan, all of his clan. Bee's support would be invaluable, Carys knew, moving forward. But more importantly was the want to be accepted. The way she never was in the world of Sea Kings. 
Carys pulled away and pushed at Bee until the woman, confused, ended up in a seated position with her legs crossed. Then Carys plopped her head between them, raising her arms up to wrap around Bee's waist as her tail flopped against the edge of the chair's armrest. 
"Tell me," she said, "what is that drew you to Eddie?" 
Bee blinked down at her before she laughed. She exchanged a look with Whitebeard and Carys thrilled to see a look of understanding pass between them. Oh, how she hoped her and Marco looked like that to others. 
"Well..." Bee began slowly with a secretive smile. "It was all a bit of a blur at first. I was mostly happy I didn't have a crush on him, to begin with." 
"Hey now," Whitebeard interrupted. "That's not how I saw it. You were smitten the moment you laid your eyes on me." 
Bee barked out a laugh. "In your dreams maybe!" 
Carys relaxed into Bee's lap with a large smile on her face as she listened to the two banter back and forth.
Seemingly without realizing it, Bee's fingers had found her hair and were trailing through it, before they hit Carys' arm and her nails lightly scraped down the skin before following it back up to her hair and she purred with delight. 
Content and happy to be surrounded by their love. 
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bee-quake · 2 years
Does anyone wanna ask me any questions about Whitebeard? Can be just straight canon HCs or self ship related, just whatever! Wanna talk about the big man. 🥰
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snailor-bee · 3 years
Songfics Part Three
I have returned with more songfics! Had to take a break working on another project. But I had a lot of fun thinking and writing these! This batch is for Whitebeard, Smoker, and Izo. Done for the amazing @aifozu​ who is always so sweet and kind to me. <3 I hope you like them!
GN!Reader / SFW / 2.7k (Izo’s might be a tad suggestive?)
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Song: The Fading - Joan Shelley
Marco finished checking over the watch standers and was making his way back to his room when a familiar large presence on the mast head made him pause. It was late, the Moby rolling gently on quiet seas, the only people awake were on watch. What was Pops doing awake at this hour?
As he made his way closer, the last few notes of a soft song drifted over him before they ended as he reached Pops' side. 
"Son," Pops greeted with a smile. 
"Pops why are you awake yoi?" Marco didn't feel the need to start complaining about Pops being out without his medical equipment attached, Pops knew how he felt about that. Plus, the night was so calm, Marco didn't want to ruin the mood by being irritated. 
"Hmm," Pops hummed before pulling Marco closer to his side and he went without resistance. The warmt emanating from Pops' body relaxed him. Pops tilted his head up to see the stars. "Memories. They always loved nights like these, without the moon the stars are so bright and on a calm night," he gestured to the sea where the stars reflected back. "They said it felt like they could fall into another world, gwahaha." Pops laughed softly. "I had to keep them from mistakenly falling into the sea more than once."
Marco's eyebrow rose. He'd never heard this before.
"Who was that Pops?" 
Pops shrugged. "Someone from a long time ago." In his other hand he revealed a sound dial and clicked the side.  
A spring remembered, the taste of gin An island light upon our skin Your form it lingers, I trace just where you've been The songs we sang I'll sing again When it breaks down Oh, babe, let's try To see the beauty in all the fading
"You've never mentioned them before yoi," Marco mentioned offhandedly as he listened. The singers voice was soft and cheerful. It was surprising to learn about someone in Pops' life that he didn't know. Marco felt he had been apart of Pops' life for so long now, it almost felt like there were no more secrets between them. But every now and again Pops took him off guard and reminded him that he'd had a life before he met Marco. Even if Marco himself had been a child when they met, Pops had lived and done things without him. 
I saw the river thick with mud Break through the banks and run And I confess I liked it, I cheered the flood When the waters hit the walls and won When it breaks down Oh, babe, let's try To see the beauty in all the fading
"Ah well. It was long over by the time you came along. I loved the sea and while they loved it too, we had different dreams, different goals." 
"Still, it's obvious you care if you're still thinking about them," Marco pointed out and Pops chuckled while giving him a squeeze. 
"You think so? You think that's all it takes? I'm happy with my life, son."
The seas are endless, they seem to grow Vines that wind around the world And though I hate it to leave my home I love that ship when I need to go When it breaks down Oh, babe, let's try To see the beauty in all the fading
"You can be happy with your life and still feel like something's missing, Pops," Marco argued, unwilling to let it go. If Pops still loved this person, whoever they might be, then that meant a lot. "Why don't you seek them out yoi?" 
"Gwahaha! You give your old man to much credit! Not sure I have much to offer," Pops saw Marco's mouth open in argument and was quick to add on, "besides my family of course." Marco relaxed slightly. "Sometimes we just need to accept things as they are, Marco. We had a good time and I remember those days with fondness. That's not so bad is it? Something to look back and smile." Pops ruffled Marco’s hair and he rolled his eyes at the childish treatment.
And old Sphinx stays in my mind It's sweet to be five years behind That's where I'll be when the seas rise Holding my dear friends and drinking wine When it breaks down Oh, babe, let's try To see the beauty in all the fading When it breaks down When the stakes get high To see the beauty in all the fading
"You have a lot to offer Pops, look at your fleet, your family. We could protect them, if you wanted to bring them along," Marco felt compelled to say. Pops smiled down at him and the pure love shining his eyes made Marco smile back. 
"Thank you son, that means a lot. But it's to late now. Wherever they are, whoever they became, I just hope they're as happy as me. I got everything I wanted and I couldn’t ask for anything more." 
Honorable Song Mention: "Those Were the Days" - Vera Lynn
So I was thinking about going a more...blatant xReader direction? But this song came up and I remembered that I LOVE this song for Whitebeard. Feels very fitting for a man coming to the end of his reign. A little bummed I didn't get to do "Those Were the Days" because that is ANOTHER perfect song. Ugh. Just a lot of thoughts about Whitebeard.
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Song: Solider - Fleurie 
The smell of cigar smoke hung heavy in the air as you watched Smoker get ready to leave, snail in one hand, the other grabbing up his stuff as he went. It was always like this; intense and heavy sessions before he was called away again. And he was always called away. 
Soldier keep on marchin' on Head down 'til the work is done Waiting on that morning sun Soldier keep on marchin' on
You didn't even have room to complain, you knew it would be like this. Still, you couldn't help but wish you could come first once. Just one time have the ringing of the den den mushi not mean he immediately roll away from you, one hand reaching for it while the other already tugging his boots closer. 
But you knew how much this job meant to him. Even if sometimes he didn't agree with certain orders, the passion he felt for doing what was right, well, you couldn't fault him for that. 
Head in the dust, feet in the fire Labor on that midnight wire Listening for that angel choir You got nowhere to run
Listening to him bark orders before he finally clicked it off you shuffled to the edge of the bed, heart heavy. Finished dressing at last he took both cigars out of his mouth, a rare look for him and leaned down to press a firm kiss against your forehead. 
"Duty calls," he said, voice rough from years of smoking, devil fruit notwithstanding. You nodded and reached up for him. You watched as his cheek twitched, likely he was clenching his teeth as he debated with himself if he had the time to spare. 
You wanna take a drink of that promise land You gotta wipe the dirt off of your hands Careful son, you got dreamer's plans But it gets hard to stand
Finally he made a decision and tilted your head up with calloused fingers. Your eyes closed automatically as he pressed his lips to yours. They were dry, as they almost always were but that never bothered you. You opened your mouth and his devoured you, tongue delving inside with practice ease. The taste of tobacco quickly overcame your senses and you moaned. Breathing heavily through your nose; you tried to enjoy this, tried to memorize exactly how he tasted, what he felt like. 
Soldier keep on marchin' on Head down 'til the work is done Waiting on that morning sun Soldier keep on marchin' on
You couldn't help grabbing onto his jacket, trying to hold on. That damn white jacket, screaming the world 'justice' as if it was so simple. As if the claim itself didn't carry the weight of a world and various politics along with it. As if it didn't drag down numerous men and women to an early grave. You prayed every time he left that it wouldn't drag him down as well. 
Quiet now, you're gonna wake the beast Hide your soul out of his reach Shiver to that broken beat Dark into the heat
Smoker broke the kiss and stepped back. "Alright, gotta get going," he said, gruff and straight to the point as always. You nodded, silent. "I'll come back the next time I'm able." Another nod. He sighed as put the cigars back into his mouth.
"You really gonna be like this?" He asked as he ran a hand through his white hair. You licked your lips before deciding, no you didn't want to blacken his departure with your bad mood. 
"Have a safe trip, be safe," you said finally and he grunted. Your eyes watched as he started walking to the door. As he opened it to leave, he paused and his brown eyes seemed to bore into you with their intensity.
"Stay out of trouble," he said at last. You waited, as he seemed to hesitate as if he wanted to say more before he let out a plum of smoke and left, the door swinging shut with a loud bang. 
Soldier keep on marchin' on Head down 'til the work is done Waiting for that morning sun Soldier keep on marchin' on Soldier keep on marchin' on Soldier keep on marchin' on
Honorable Song Mention: None
I was nervous about this pick. XD Wasn't sure if I had a song I really *liked* for him. I have a few Navy related songs that I liked for myself back when I was in the military but they didn't...really apply the same for Smoker I felt. But when I heard this one I was like YEAH. Kinda similar in theme to Sabo's but I dunno, I feel like both Sabo and Smoker are both men who would put their mission first. I hope they're different enough though, even with the similar theme. ;o;
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Song: Pretty Great - Fickle Friends
Kissed someone at a party Apparently they were pretty great I've not a clue what they look like 'Cause they were all up in my face
You woke up with a pounding headache. Groaning in the bright light of morning, you rolled over trying to get away from both the hangover and the blinding pain of daylight. Unfortunately the pulsing pain behind your eyelids made that impossible. Clenching your eyes tight you tried to run through the night before. You didn't remember drinking so much? You normally didn't get this bad, but it felt like something had crawled into your mouth and died, your teeth gritty and fuzzy. With another groan, you rolled your legs off of the bed and stumbled into the bathroom. Only banging on a few walls on the way there, you flicked on the light and squinted. Once your eyes adjusted you blinked with confusion at your reflection. You were covered in lipstick kisses.
In the background, there were fireworks exploding And I could tell it was a pivotal moment When our lips touched It felt like love It felt like love
Seeing them you suddenly remembered something. Of seeing a drop-dead gorgeous man at the party. He had long black hair, dark brown eyes framed with perfectly applied make-up and luscious lips outlined in a bright red. The moment you saw him you were infatuated. He was stunning.
No I can't remember Oh what is their name? 'Cause I drank too much and got carried away
At first you had been too nervous to approach him, but your eyes stayed glued on him as he moved through the party. You kept drinking and eventually the liquid courage was enough to go up and say hi. Although his name was all but lost, you do remember the way he looked at you. A barely there smile as you offered him a drink. Seeing his lipstick covered lips quirk up just for you made your skin buzz with nerves and excitement.
I just can't get you out of my head Sharing our secrets in my best friend's bed The only thing that I refuse to forget Is when you said I was the fucking best (Said I was the fucking best)
That’s where things start to get fuzzy. You remember more drinks, talking and leaning on each other. The sound of his laughter, watching him as he threw his head back and laughed at something you said, it was intoxicating. Moreso than the booze running rampant through your system. Still, there were obviously things missing because next thing you remember was the two of you laying down, whispering and stealing quick kisses between sentences.
Now I'm alone and I feel so dead Wish I could be talking to you instead The only thing that I refuse to forget Is when you said I was the fucking best (Said I was the fucking best)
As you examined the smeared lipstick kisses still on your skin, you wondered what the two of you talked about. You wished you could remember more, such as him leaving the path down your neck that you could clearly see he made in the mirror. Did he reapply it at some point? He must have, some were more faded than others, as if the lipstick had run out. Still, as you rubbed at one, staining your fingertips in red, you did remember him telling you that you were a great kisser. Which sent a shiver down your spine at the thought alone. What else happened? You struggled to remember. There were only flashes, hands roaming over skin, quiet gasps, lips chasing lips.
Met someone at a party I think we had mutual friends I didn't make much effort Because I didn't know what to expect In the early hours, things got messy Then my memory blanks so I'm just guessing That I got lost And fell in love I fell in love
After you had eaten and showered, although the loss of your lipstick kisses sent a pang through your heart, you started bothering your friends about the mystery-hot man. Frustratingly no one apparently remembered him or knew him either. It was like he was a ghost, something that your drunken mind made up. But you knew that wasn’t true. You were determined to find him, even if not knowing his name made it more than a little difficult.
No I can't remember Oh what is their name? 'Cause I drank tequila and got carried away
Days passed and although you never remembered the man’s name, passing someone smoking on the street and the smell of tobacco randomly did spark a memory of him smoking. The taste of his kisses afterwards had tasted of tobacco until you had kissed it away, until all that was left was the taste of the man himself, so sweet and mind-bending. You had almost given up on finding him though, when asking everyone you could possibly think of had turned up nothing. You were on your last hope, not really expecting much as you dutifully described him to them.
“Oh you mean Izo?” They asked casually and your heart lifted.
How much did I miss And then it hits me like a ton of bricks And it all comes flooding back And I remember Yes I remember it all Guarding the door as I get dressed Rolling a cigarette with such finesse That's a picture I won't ever forget And yeah it was the fucking best (Yeah it was the fucking best)
Honorable Song Mention: All The Pretty Girls - Vera Blue
Didn't use the other song because it's very coded for woman-towards-man but the chorus reallyyy made me want to use it for Izo, like girls all cry because he's beautiful and they're jealous and also because they wanna be with him. But whelp! The rest of the lyrics made me go "nah can't use this one." But I liked the song I came up with instead! Thinking about getting with Izo at a party and then waking up only remembering half of it (without even a phone number!) would be tragic lol. 
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