#whiteeyes lore
Big sci fi lore dump
@mango-water I never pass up an opportunity to explain my sci fi lore. I tried to sort the images into groups to better explain.
(first 5 images) So big chunk of this world started with an oc named plum who i made very quickly before a comic class. She works with the 7 vulpes who kinda keep the whole universe running. Shes from a planet that has been destroyed and she doesnt remember much of. The 7 vulpes work within our solar system as it is the least populated so staying hidden is easy, the hall of fox (5th photo) hides nicely here. Plum is the newest member as Neptune, her teacher, disappeared. The others arent fond of this as plum doesnt quite know what shes doing yet. Plums main weapon is a button that holds a bunch of evil creature souls, these souls bend and morph into any weapon she needs. While helpful this almost makes her greatest enemy the god of monsters (not shown in any images) Her other enemy is currently her husband Walter (3rd photo) as after the destruction of his planet and what he thought was the loss of his wife he fell to evil influences. Hes currently on a path of pure destruction and is loosing himself, he doesnt even know the hero who keeps stopping him is plum.
(images 6-9, slighty shown in image 12) Sun dogs! The strongest protectors of the galaxy... or at least they were before they grew so distant that many think of them as only legend now. Sun dogs are women from all planets and world chosen by the stars (a goddess like figure but she prefers not to be referred to as such, thinking of her as a mom is much prefered) Most of these sun dogs live on a hidden planet named Olvora but some like Elanor (girl in the 12th image and comic at the bottom) grow up on different planets and make their way to Olvora later. The queens (image 7) Lo'uk yel and Puk na' ashaya (names are from a vulcan name generator i have not made a language for the sun dogs yet lol) teenage friends turned lovers. Lo showed great leadership and skill quickly becoming the previous queens apprentice. Lo gained popularity quickly and Puk felt she needed to impress lo too, so she hopped in the ring and sadly bit off more than she could chew. It did lead to her confessing feelings tho. The two have a very professional royalty look but behind closed doors they still have a lot of alien cats and giggle over movies n romance books. Some other notable sun dogs include the blue robot lady (image 9, whos name i still need to pick out) she was badly injured and thought she had lost the ability to shift into her sun dog form forever but with some help from a cyborg she was able to regain the spirit she needed. The trapped sun dog (image 6, also needs a name) a long forgotten warrior who was captured a long time ago. She now powers a ship with a mysterious captain whos not up to anything good. Lastly theres the torn one whom we will get into later
(images 10 and 11) Sonia and Ovvus. Sonia was the first human to make contact with others. Her first contact being with Ovvus a head scientist and communications officer on one of system x's many exploring fleets. The two are how the other planets got info on humans and how humans got info on the other planets. Earths government isnt very fond of system x nor the other planets and has stayed to itself, while many humans have left the planet and moved due to distrust in the earthly government. (on earth everything has kinda melded into one government and if you have money you have the loudest voice in choices. Many have found that exploration, invention, and creativity have haulted in favor of profit.) The two recently had a son, Orion, which has become everything their life revlolves around. The two rarely go on months long exploration jobs any more and stay on Torbin in their little farm home.
(images 12-14) System X! A big piece of the entire lore. All started on lined paper in my sophmore year math class. The mother planet (the biggest one) has the other 4 planets revolving around it. in order: Geutune (the dusty eye), Torbin (the green planet), Dostruga (the hungry giant), and Zinus (the icy planet). each unique in there own way. The system of planets moves throughout the universe absorbing stars, destroying enemy fleets with ease, and overall being a pretty intimidating force. Thankfully leadership on system x has always kept fair and does its best to provide for its citizens. Each planet has a ruler but those rulers report to the sovereign on the mother planet. Most if not all of the rulers have a council elected by the citizens of each planet.
(images 15-18) Qex are originally from the mother planet and are still the most populous on the planet. When designing them they had a opossum and nebula influence. Zets originate from Geutune. Their legs are built for sand and speed which comes in handy on the dusty planet constantly whipped by wind. As you can tell they are very rabbit based lol. Drok originate from Dostruga and they had a dragon and octopus inflence. Dostruga has a lot of giant creatures and plants making muscles and extra appendages a must. Drok use their tendril hair to express and pick up things often. Thron originate from Zinus. was thinking about unicorns and horses when making them. They often have a lot of hair to keep warm on the icy planet, the extra claws help to grab onto snow, and their horns can glow when they need light. (not pictured below) but the Tez'le originate from torbin. They have anntenna and 4 arms. Very bug based to match their plant covered planet
(images 19-21) Some concept pieces of various things. Otherworldly battle horses with sci fi armor. Sun eaters, a species of mindless beasts that devour suns. A big threat to the universe as they are giant and unstoppable. The only known weakness they have is sun dogs. Usually these beasts are solitary so they dont pose too much of a threat other than the occassional attack on a sun that is warming a planet, but in groups they are very destructive. Walter, plums husband, is currently pushing these beasts toward each other, creating a giant hoard of them. Theres no telling how many stars this group will be able to devour. A dragon warship. The concept art was made for a different planets warship but it might become a design for a system x style one
(all the last images) A comic I made in my last comic class i could attend. its a 12 page thing so I couldnt fit it all here but this is where the sun dog plot line is currently left off. The torn one is a sun dog general who was sucked into a blackhole but managed to escape its grasp. not without injury though. Her features were enlongated and her old heroic leader self was gone. The general turned on her troops and destroyed them all. She was unable to be stopped due to her unstable core which could go supernova any second. Elanor wasnt fully aware of this and fought the sun dog anyways. The battle worked up the torn one enough that her core couldnt sustain her and blew up.
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OK THATS ALL MY RAMBLING FOR TODAY lmao im so sorry there is so much and its a big ol mess rn
plus theres so many other little tid bits that I didnt include 馃槶馃檹
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kittypets-unite-au 2 years
Leader: Bluestar- Tall blue gray lynx point molly with a scar on her shoulder. Blue eyes
Apprentice: Sandpaw
Deputy: Redtail- Small, mostly white calico tom with a bushy dark ginger tail. Amber eyes
Apprentice: Dustpaw
Druid(s): Spottedleaf- Petite calico molly with a plumy tail. Yellow eyes
Apprentice: Smudgepaw
Lorekeepers: Robinwing- Brown calico ticked tabby molly. Hazel eyes
Patchpelt- Black and white tom. Yellow eyes
Apprentice: Ravenpaw
Mossburr- Gray and white spotted tabby molly with long ears. Green eyes
Warriors: Rosetail- Heavily scarred cinnamon calico molly.
Lionheart- Regal golden classic tabby tom with a thick ruff of fur and nicked ears. Green eyes
Apprentice: Graypaw
Tigerclaw- Huge dark brown mackerel tabby tom with a white belly and paws, tufted ears, and a long scar on the bridge of his nose. Amber eyes
Apprentice: Fawnpaw
Whitestorm- Silver and white broken mackerel tabby tom. Yellow eyes
Apprentice: Sandpaw
Brindleface- Pale gray spotted tabby molly with white paws. Yellow eyes
Cherrygaze- Cinnamon mackerel tabby calico molly. Green eyes
Darkstripe- Slender dark gray tabby tom. Amber eyes
Runningwind- Pale brown mackerel tabby tom with a pale belly. Amber eyes
Mousefur- Pale brown molly with a white chin. Yellow eyes
Apprentice: Firepaw
Longtail- Lean cream mackerel tabby tom with unusually dark stripes. Green eyes
Caretakers: Fuzzypelt- Black tom with messy fur. Yellow eyes
Dappletail- Lean brown tortoiseshell molly. Pale green eyes
Aspenfoot- Skinny pale golden and white ticked tabby moggie(she/him) with darker ears. One amber eye, one blue eye
Willowpelt- Pale gray molly with a darker stripe running down her back. Pale blue eyes
Apprentices: Sandpaw- Huge, mostly cream dilute calico molly. Green eyes
Dustpaw- Short, stocky brown ticked tabby tom with a white belly. Yellow eyes
Ravenpaw- Lanky black tom with a white locket, tail-tip, and front paws. Yellow eyes
Graypaw- Large, fluffy pale gray classic tabby tom. Pale yellow eyes
Smudgepaw- Plump black and white tom. Green eyes
Firepaw- Lanky ginger ticked tabby tom. Dark green eyes
Fawnpaw- Stocky fawn ticked tabby molly with a white chest and paws. Amber eyes
Perma-Queens: Speckletail- Pale golden spotted tabby molly with a white chest. Green eyes
Quailmist- Plump pale gray molly with distinctly dark mackerel tabby markings. Bright amber eyes
Queens: Goldenflower- Large golden classic tabby molly with white paws. Amber eyes
Frostfoot- Black molly with a white muzzle, chest, and paws. Yellow eyes
Kits: Swiftkit- Black and white tom with scruffy fur. Yellow eyes
Lynxkit- Skinny, small calico molly with tufted ears. Green eyes
Brackenkit- Large golden classic tabby tom
Cinderkit- Round dark gray molly with a white muzzle, chest, and belly
Brightkit- Golden calico molly
Thornkit- Skinny golden classic tabby tom with white paws and a white chest
Elders: Smallear- Small dark gray tom with folded ears. Hazel eyes
Whiteeye- Very pale gray molly. One blind eye, other eye is yellow
Sparrowpelt- Dark brown tom with a stub for a tail. Amber eyes
Leader: Raggedstar- Large dark brown mackerel tabby tom. Pale green eyes
Deputy: Brokentail- Stocky ginger mackerel tabby tom with a short muzzle. Amber eyes
Druid(s): Yellowfang- Stocky, heavily scarred mostly gray dilute tortoiseshell molly with a flat muzzle. Yellow eyes
Foggynose- Pale gray and white tom with missing fur on his nose. Green-yellow eyes
Lore-keepers: Archeye- Dark gray tom with an arch-like white marking over his left eye. Yellow eyes
Toadskip- Dark brown spotted tabby tom. Green eyes
Apprentice: Cypresspaw
Pinethroat- Pale cinnamon ticked tabby tom. Amber eyes
Quietsong- Pale silver point molly. Dark blue eyes
Warriors: Scorchwind- Heavily scarred dark ginger classic tabby tom. Amber eyes
Amberleaf- Pale ginger ticked tabby molly. Amber eyes
Blizzardwing- White tom with black ears and a black tail. Pale yellow eyes
Apprentice: Cedarpaw
Lizardstripe- Slender pale brown mackerel tabby molly with very dark stripes. Green eyes
Nightpelt- Skinny black tom with a nick in his left ear. Amber eyes
Apprentice: Starlingpaw
Clawface- Dark brown tom with black ears and three long scars on his face. Amber eyes
Frogtail- Small gray tom with a limp left hindpaw. Green eyes
Newtspeck- Tortoiseshell molly with shaggy fur and a missing patch of fur on her haunches. Amber eyes
Mudpath- Pale brown spotted tabby tom with white paws. Pale green eyes
Applefur- Short dark cinnamon classic tabby molly. Amber eyes
Apprentice: Whitepaw
Tangleburr- Dilute tortoiseshell molly with tattered ears and a scar on her muzzle. Amber eyes
Blackfoot- Large, bulky seal point tom with heavily nicked ears. Yellow eyes
Russetfur- Dark ginger ticked tabby molly. Yellow eyes
Apprentice: Drizzlepaw
Sootclaw- Pale gray point tom with nicked ears. Blue eyes
Jaggedtooth- Dark gray mackerel tabby tom. Pale amber eyes
Scavengers: Mousewing- Black tom with white paws, and white chest, and a white muzzle. Yellow eyes
Thymestalker- Tall lilac lynx point tom. Green eyes
Finchflight- Short tortoiseshell molly. Pale green eyes
Apprentice: Hemlockpaw
Timberfall- Dark brown point tom. Blue eyes
Apprentice: Salamanderpaw-
Boulderpelt- Small silver tom with white paws. Green eyes
Caretakers: Rowanberry- Plump dark cinnamon spotted tabby molly. Pale green eyes
Apprentice: Poppypaw
Wolfstep- Dark gray tom with a pale belly. Yellow eyes
Deerfoot- Pale brown point tom with a white muzzle and belly. Amber eyes
Stumpytail- Skinny dark brown tom with a pale belly and a nubby tail. Green eyes
Apprentices: Cedarpaw- Large dark gray dilute tortoiseshell tom. Amber eyes
Cypresspaw- Large dark brown mackerel tabby tom. Green-yellow eyes
Poppypaw- Cinnamon and white molly. Pale yellow eyes
Peatpaw- Stocky pale cinnamon spotted tabby tom. Hazel eyes
Whitepaw- White molly with gray speckles along her back. Yellow eyes, one eye blind
Starlingpaw- Black tom with a white chest. Yellow eyes
Drizzlepaw- Pale gray spotted tabby tom. Blue eyes
Salamanderpaw- Fluffy tortie point molly with protruding front canines. Dark green eyes
Perma-queens: Hollyflower- Sleek black and white molly. Amber eyes
Queens: Fernshade- Dark dilute tortoiseshell molly. Dark green eyes
Ashpelt- Small pale gray lynx point tom with white paws. Dark amber eyes
Darkflower- Slender black molly. Amber eyes
Kits: Oakkit- Pale brown mackerel tabby tom. Green eyes
Ratkit- Small dark brown tom. Yellow eyes
Snowkit- White molly with brown ears and a brown tail. Blue eyes
Bagerkit- Black and white tom. Yellow eyes
Midnightkit- Black molly with white paws. Amber eyes
Brownkit- Dark brown tom. Pale copper eyes
Littlekit- Small, pale brown mackerel tabby tom with a short tail. Pale green eyes
Dawnkit- Cream mackerel tabby molly
Mosskit- Brown mackerel tabby tom with white paws
Volekit- Gray tom
Elders: Brackenfoot- Ginger point tom with a gray muzzle. Blue eyes
Brightflower- Dilute tortoiseshell molly with a nick in her left ear. Amber eyes
Poolcloud- Small brown and white mackerel tabby molly. Yellow eyes
Dustcloud- Pale brown moggie (he/they) with shaggy fur. Dark amber eyes
Leader: Crookedstar- Large pale brown mackerel tabby tom with a twisted jaw. Pale green-yellow eyes
Deputy: Oakheart- Stocky cinnamon tom with a lighter belly and paws. Dark green eyes
Druid(s): Mudfur- Small pale brown tom with a darker back and ears and a long, jagged scar along his left shoulder. Pale yellow eyes
Lore-keepers: Softwing- Fluffy cinnamon calico molly. Amber eyes
Apprentice: Pebblepaw
Mallownose- Dark brown and white molly. Green eyes
Apprentice: Loudpaw
Owlpelt- Dark brown tom with white paws, a white muzzle, chest, and belly. Bright yellow eyes
Vixenleap- Black smoke molly with white paws. Amber eyes
Warriors: Whitefang- Brown and white mackerel tabby tom. Yellow eyes
Beetlenose- Large black smoke tom. Yellow eyes
Voleclaw- Gray smoke tom. Amber eyes
Graypool- Dark gray molly with a silver muzzle. Deep amber eyes
Sedgecreek- Lilac spotted tabby molly with an unusually long, plumy tail. Green eyes
Apprentice: Silverpaw
Reedtail- Dark brown mackerel tabby tom with white paws. Dark green eyes
Ivytail- Pale brown mackerel tabby molly with very dark stripes. Dark green eyes
Blackclaw- Black smoke tom. Yellow eyes
Apprentice: Raypaw
Skyheart- Brown smoke molly. Blue eyes
Leopardfur- Golden spotted tabby molly with a white muzzle and paws. Amber eyes
Apprentice: Icepaw
Stonefur- Heavily scarred dark gray tom with a pale belly and muzzle. Yellow eyes
Apprentice: Shadepaw
Mistyfoot- Dilute calico molly with a white chest. Amber eyes
Frogleap- Pale brown mackerel tabby tom. Pale green eyes
Whiteclaw- Black and white tom. Yellow eyes
Grasswhisker- Pale brown molly with white paws. Dark green eyes
Chubpelt- Pale golden mackerel tabby tom. Pale amber eyes
Dapplestream- Calico molly. Green eyes
Caretakers: Willowswirl- Pale gray classic tabby molly with long leg fur. Blind pale amber eyes
Petaldust- Dilute calico molly. Dark amber eyes
Apprentice: Flowerpaw
Dawnbright- Pale cinnamon calico molly. Pale amber eyes
Apprentice: Heavystep
Springstep- Pale brown and white molly. Bright green eyes
Apprentices: Silverpaw- Slender silver classic tabby molly with a white muzzle. Pale green eyes
Icepaw- White molly with dark gray ears. Amber eyes
Pebblepaw- Pale gray spotted tabby tom. Pale green eyes
Raypaw- Large dark gray smoke tom with white paws. Yellow eyes
Flowerpaw- Slender pale gray and white ticked tabby moggie (they/them). Amber eyes
Shadepaw- Lean-muscled dark gray molly. Deep amber eyes
Heavypaw- Stocky dark brown mackerel tabby tom with white paws. Amber eyes
Loudpaw- Plump pale brown mackerel tabby tom with white paws and a white chin. Pale yellow eyes
Perma-queens: Greenflower- Pale brown classic tabby molly with white paws. Green eyes
Queens: Mosspelt- Small, fluffy calico molly. Dark green eyes
Kits: Cricketkit- Dark brown tom. Amber eyes
Splashkit- Pale gray classic tabby tom. Pale blue eyes
Wavekit- Dark gray classic tabby tom with white paws. Blue eyes
Dawnkit- Ginger molly. Amber eyes
Woodkit- Dark brown tom. Pale green eyes
Robinkit- Brown calico molly. Dark green eyes
Elders: Echomist- Gorgeous, stout black smoke molly with sleek fur. Yellow eyes
Piketooth- Skinny dark brown tom with elongated canine teeth and a graying muzzle. Dark amber eyes
Shimmerpelt- Slender black molly. Yellow eyes
Rippleclaw- Large silver classic tabby tom with tattered ears and a wrenched right shoulder. Bright yellow eyes
Leader: Tallstar- Tall, slender black and white tom with large ears. Amber eyes
Deputy: Deadfoot- Skinny black tom with a twisted left front paw with nicked ears. Yellow eyes
Druid(s): Barkface- Stocky dark brown lynx point tom with a nub tail. Amber eyes
Lore-keepers: Sorrelshine- Dark brown calico molly. Green eyes
Wrenfeather- Cinnamon ticked tabby molly. Pale amber eyes
Apprentice: Fleetpaw
Flytail- Pale gray and white ticked tabby tom. Yellow eyes
Eveningheart- Ginger spotted tabby tom. Dark amber eyes
Moor-runners: Ryestalk- Tall cinnamon spotted tabby molly with three claw-mark scars across her flank. Green eyes
Stagleap- Pale brown spotted tabby tom with white paws and a white tail-tip. Amber eyes
Harefur- Pale brown molly with a white underbelly. Dark green eyes
Bristlefang- Dark gray spotted tabby molly with a tattered right ear. Yellow eyes
Patchfeather- Large black and white tom with a scar on his right shoulder. Copper eyes
Fleckear- Brown mackerel tabby moggie with a white spot on his ear, and a white chin and white paws. One yellow eye and one dark green eye
Apprentice: Onepaw
Mudclaw- Dark brown mackerel tabby tom. Amber eyes
Tornear- Pale gray spotted tabby tom with tattered ears. Amber eyes
Meadowrunner- Lanky gray ticked tabby molly. Green eyes
Paleclaw- Stocky pale gray moggie with white paws. Yellow eyes
Tunnelers: Mistmouse- Small pale gray and white spotted tabby molly with small, rounded ears. Pale amber eyes
Apprentice: Tawnypaw
Rookfeather- Black tom with very long whiskers. Amber eyes
Mousestripe- Pale brown mackerel tabby molly. Yellow eyes
Apprentice: Webpaw
Tinyfang- Small black and white tom with a nicked right ear. Dark green eyes
Pochardface- Short brown tom. Pale green eyes
Dawnbriar- Ginger ticked tabby molly with white paws and a white locket on her chest. Amber eyes
Caretakers: Rushtail- Pale cinnamon spotted tabby tom. Pale green eyes
Doespring- Petite pale brown and white molly with large eyes. Pale amber eyes
Apprentice: Whitepaw
Morningflower- Stout dilute calico molly. Amber eyes
Oatcloud- Cinnamon spotted tabby tom. Deep gold eyes
Apprentices: Onepaw- Pale brown mackerel tabby tom with white paws. Gold eyes
Webpaw- Dark gray classic tabby tom. Pale yellow eyes
Tawnypaw- Golden ticked tabby molly. Green eyes
Fleetpaw- Tall, lanky pale gray ticked tabby molly. Pale blue eyes
Whitepaw- White molly with small ginger patches along her back and a ginger tail. Vibrant green eyes
Perma-queens: Hawksoar- Dark brown molly with a pale belly and chest, and nicked ears. Bright yellow eyes
Queens: Ashfoot- Short gray ticked tabby molly with a white chest and paws. Amber eyes
Kits: Hillkit- Pale gray classic tabby tom
Downkit- Fluffy black molly
Eaglekit- Lanky pale gray ticked tabby tom with a white chest.
Elders: Appledawn- Plump, curly furred pale cream mackerel tabby molly with a graying muzzle. Yellow eyes
Cloudrunner- Tall gray and white tom with nicked ears and a long scar on his left elbow. Blue eyes
Woolytail- Bulky, curly furred dark brown and white tom. Amber eyes
Crowfur- Grizzled black tom with white paws with patches of missing fur. Yellow eyes
Scourge- Small, lean black tom with one white paw and a red collar. Bright orange eyes
Henry- Old, fat brown classic tabby tom with white paws. Amber eyes
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I wont start a new world
I say as I start a new world...
Welcome to a world filled with weirdos (extraterrestrials and cosmic horrors), Wannabes (not very threatening villains and evil doers) and WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING!?'s (demons, cryptids, etc)
3 time galactic veteran Garmon has been tasked with starting the MDF (Midwest. Defense. Force.) after reports of weird activity have been more frequent in the heartland. Found it hard to find recruits as most of the midwest people were already busy with their own lives and no one from the parent organization wanted to go the the boring ol midwest. So the parent organization threw him a bone by "recruiting" 3 kids from the local orphanage.
(1st image from left to right) Fiadh, Helen, and Stella. Fiadh was most excited about the situation and got used to the weird arrangement quickly while Helen and stella were freaked out. If anything it did confirm some things for the girls as they each had previous run in's with weird or unexplainable encounters. Fiadh is most interested in the WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING!?'s as odd creatures and beasts are very cool to her. Helen follows in Garmons steps with interest in 'weirdos' as she'd love to go to space one day and enjoys hearing stories of distant galaxies from Garmon. Stella has interest in the 'wannabes' having always looked up the super heros, she one day wants to be a super hero herself.
During their training though they ran into the witch Astraea. Astraea had been hiding out in the secluded flat lands of the midwest, perfect place to do weird magical things without interruption. Also the perfect area for a retired WAE (Witches. Against. Evil. A rival group to the MDF's parent organization. As WAE used magic to fight evil while MDF is a tech n science based place) member. She was appalled that the defense force was nothing but children and that the children were taught nothing about magic and its uses against evil. She forced Garmon to move his lab to her basment that way the girls had their own room in her warm house and not just some cold lab.
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I plan to exapand this world more and maybe make a few little comics out of it. Probably just short stories or test pages as I enjoy drawing weird creatures every now and again. As well as probably giving the MDF more battle ready recruits thus allowing the girls to have a bit more being a kid time 馃挄
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