#who are like “wtf why is there a dead god's bodily fluids is this a biohazard” but they have to take it anyway
aoxizu · 7 months
ok if you think about it zhongli is single-handedly responsible for the flow of currency from rich people (the northland bank)'s pockets back into the local economy (whoever had a historical artifact to sell that day)
zhongli is the reason why trickle-down economics works in liyue, as the money is trickling down from childe and the northland bank into the merchants and regular people of liyue, so as the rich get richer the poor will be brought up alongside because zhongli will be able to spend more
and also the us federal reserve aims for a 2% inflation rate, so zhongli's spending habits from when he had mora could just be him regulating inflation of the liyuean economy
so actually zhongli is great with money and he is supporting an entire economic theory all by himself
without zhongli liyue's economy would get significantly more top-heavy and the wealth disparity gap would increase
i would love to see a whole breakdown on liyue's economy like are their workers unionized do they know what a union is or are they still operating under like serfdom or something
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Doctor Who, but Chronologically 22
Turns out, that last one was a two-parter, because now it’s 1893 for the Crimson Horror and we are in Victorian Yorkshire with Matt Smith and Clara and the lizard woman and Catrin Stewart and Strax. We still don’t know wtf is up with Clara, and the Victorian trio spend a lot of time asking, but the Doctor just hand-waves it as ‘complicated’. Honestly, this whole show is complicated, look how many hanging plot threads there still are.
So, this time, Diana Rigg is a Bible-bashing lunatic who wants to bring about an apocalypse using the bodily fluids of a gross red leech thing from the triassic. She is using a diluted version to ‘preserve’ a bunch of people to repopulate the Earth. Her daughter Ada is blind and is played by Rachael Stirling, her from Tipping the Velvet which is also about period lesbians, but also Rachael Stirling is literally Diana Rigg’s daughter in real life, so that must have been a really fun job for both of them. 
Anyway, for a very simple story, the writer and director chose a very good and interesting way to tell it by jumping around in the timeline a bit - the Scottish lizard and her wife and the Welsh potato are the stars of the episode initially, trying to find and save the Doctor. Jenny (Catrin Stewart pretending to be English) gets to beat up a bunch of men in a catsuit at one point, for which I am always a slut. Then the Doctor and Clara take over for the second half. In the end they save the day by Strax shooting Diana Rigg over a bannister, and then Ada beats the leech to death with her stick. Overall a really fantastic campy episode, loved it.
Shout out to one of the more charismatic supporting casts we’ve seen, too - there’s a guy who is trying to investigate and gets the Victorian Trio involved, and his role in this story is play his part with quiet dignity and solemnity and then to undermine it by fainting when confronted with aliens. So he does this on seeing Vastra, Strax, and the dematerialising TARDIS. In actuality I think Victorian freakshows would have inured the man to this sort of thing but fuck it, I laughed like a goose, the actor nailed it. ALSO, THAT MORTICIAN. My god. Did he need to play the role Like That? No. Was it reflected in the script? Also no. But my god, WHAT a character. What a performance! Adored him. I almost want more Victorian Yorkshire episodes just for him.
A side note - having watched so many period episodes in a row now, it’s becoming very obvious that they’re reusing the same few sets and then just claiming they’re different places. Honestly, it’s almost like the show was never remotely intended to be viewed this way.
Anyway, not too much plot here, though at the end of the episode we learn that this version of Clara is a nanny and her charges have inexplicably worked out that she’s a time traveller and have assembled photos. Also one photo is Clara from the last episode, so she’s now confused as to when she was in Victorian London. But... that’s about it. No further questions, no further answers.
Let’s check the list!
“She” (an unknown person) is returning (perhaps River returned as Missy. Maybe Me? Maybe Clara???!)
There is something on Donna’s back
An entire planet, Pyrovilia, just… disappeared, somehow. (Maybe because the TARDIS is exploding??? Saturnine was also lost, and that WAS because of the TARDIS exploding. The lion man’s planet was also lost but he was a bit of a knob about it if I’m honest.)
Amy is maybe dead (she’s not)
The Doctor has been cubed (he’s out, but how?)
River is possibly blown up  (unless she’s Missy)
The TARDIS has blown up  (It’s fine now. Except it’s sort of melting now because it’s corrupted, but it’s fine again)
The universe appears to have ended  (the universe is back again)
The Doctor has employed(?) Nardole (And Nardole was “reassembled???”)
There’s a vault in the TARDIS and it contains Missy but we don’t know why (sometimes she knocks for the bants)
What has happened to all these companions and where are the new ones coming from?
There’s an immortal Viking girl now. Her name is Me and she’s now looking after the people the Doctor abandons
Who/what is the Half-Faced Man that the Doctor talked about?
Why, when the Doctor saw the ship’s computer set to the Promised Land, did he say “Oh not again”?
What’s With The Silence?
Why was Rory entirely unconcerned by the entire world suddenly going silent when that is Not Normal and should have been, at the very least, extremely disconcerting?
What did the Doctor do to Queen Lizzie One?
Who is Captain Jack Harkness? (Is he the one who gave the companions a warning about the lone cyberman?)
Why is Amy seeing a one-eyed woman in a vanishing window?
What’s with the Doctor’s future involving getting shot by an astronaut?
Is Amy pregnant and why is it inconclusive?
Who is Sarah-Jane Smith?
How is the Doctor Bill’s teacher and why/where does he have an office?
What is going on with the Cyber War and the Cyberium???
Who did the Doctor lose to Cyber Conversion?
What happened with the Other Cyber War?
What happened with the Third War that deleted the void?
Why does Rose seem particularly important?
What’s with the statues you mustn’t blink at?
What order do these Doctors go in? (Eccleston, Tennant, uncertain.)
Which companion just... forgot the Doctor, and how?
What is the Flux and what did it do?
Who is the mysterious Victorian man who met Yaz?
Yaz and Vinder are about to die as Mori/Mwri/Muuri
There is a Lupari shield around Earth.
What’s a Time War?
What’s the Rift?
What’s Bad Wolf?
What happened with Amy’s pregnancy?
In which war did the Doctor become a war criminal, and how?
Who is the Master?
Why has Amy forgotten Rory?
Is Rory plastic or not?
Why is the Doctor sulking on a cloud?
How exactly does the Doctor have a cloud?
What exactly happened with Strax to, uh, tame him?
Which friend killed Strax?
Which friend brought Strax back?
Where did this lesbian lizard and human couple come from?
What happened with Clara as Souffle Girl and the Daleks?
How does Clara actually join?
Why so many Claras?
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My mum's reactions to 9-1-1 episode 3, Next of Kin
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Opening scene, dad attempts to look cool getting into bouncy house: Mum: "There's a reason adults shouldn't jump around in those."
The wind picks up taking the bouncy house with it: "Oh god it went flying! How strong are the winds in L.A.? Shit!"
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The team arrive, hen and buck rescue the kids from the cliff:  "Oh thank God the kids are fine. Although I wasn't actually expecting them to kill off little kids this isn't game of thrones, sex scenes aren't nearly naked enough." Omg mum 😂
Athena finds May has overdosed: "Probably the scariest thing that a parent could ever go through." These scenes are very hard on my mum.
I don't feel comfortable writing what she says about this part of the episode because of how personal it is.
Chimney pretending to cook take out got made her laugh. Which is good since the last scenes made her cry. Mum already doesn't like Tatiana:
"Why does Chimney lie about his job to his girlfriend? Oh, to impress her that's sad."
Chimney purposes: "Oh no he's not is he, oh dear."
Buck and Hen playing video games at the station: "I used to love watching you and it brother play games together. Until you started fight of course."
She says "fight" like I had a chance against my brother who's been bigger and heavier than me since I was 10 and he was 8. He used to push me off the sofa and sit on my back until I'd give him the controller, the cheat!
Bobby's ranting to Chimney about faking himself for Tatiana: mum nodding along to what Bobby says, "He's right."
Chimney storms off: "That is not going to end well." My mum is clearly psychic 😉
Chimney driving angry down the motorway, dodging cars and overtaking the truck: "There is going to be in an accident isn't he?"
The truck runs straight into the back of Chimney's car: "Ha I knew it." 😅
The team arrive on scene and the camera pans out to show Chimney pinned to his seat with the rebar through his head: Jesus! WTF!? That so gross ugh."
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Chimney's brain surgery: a lot of grossed out noises.
You'd think having been a nurse and career my mum would be unfazed by blood and gore, she's dealt with the care of dead bodies, all the bodily fluids, broken bones and still even small cuts make her squeamish. I'll admit I'm having a lot of fun watching her gross out. I'm evil I know 😈
The families locked in the back of the truck storage unit and slowly dying in the heat: Some very choice swear words. This scene made her (and me) super mad.
Unfortunately last year in the UK around 39 migrants died in a truck like this after being left in an over crowded in an refrigerated trailer, the driver and several others have arrested for 39 counts of manslaughter.
Just the idea someone would leave people to die like that disgusts the both of us so much.
Hen taking down the driver when he tries to make a run for it had my mum cheering.
Abby phones Buck: "Why does he keep picking up on calls? Why doesn't Abby wait until he's not at work. Shouldn't she know it's potentially dangerous for him to get distracted whenever his phone goes off."
This gets me as well, like clearly in this scene he's not in the middle of a rescue but still, I think my mum's point stands.
Abby's brother trying to get her to put their mom in a care facility and abby talking to Carla later about wanting to keep her mum with her: As mentioned before my mum has worked with patients who have Alzheimer's and their families. She doesn't have much to say about Abby and her mum this episode only that both siblings have very valid arguments over their mother's care.
Final scene, the team visiting Chimney at the hospital: After the surgery scene mum's pretty relieved that Chimney didn't die and chokes up a little when Bobby takes Chimney's hand.
Final thoughts: pretty good episode and happy to see that the May and Athena cliffhanger from 1x02 didn't end tragically.
Mum is still pretty excited to keep watching so more reactions to come soon😊
(All GIFs above our my own)
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bumblesimagines · 5 years
Rewatching Breaking Dawn
I don't get- monologue lmao
Oop angry Jake
Billy get back inside before you catch a cold
Poor Charlie
Yikes heels
Lmao Alice
OwO Rosalie
Can't she wear flats?
Why is there random paintings/pictures of animals in her room?
Lmaoo what if Ed was like "lmao oops yeah, I'm not a virgin my bad"
I forgot about that part of Edwards past but at least he did it to bad guys
Are his eyes brown?? uGH
Bell is such a good girlfriend, thirsty but a great girlfriend
Wtf was that Emmett?? He did like a squat against her house lmao
Jasper and his constantly changing hair lmao
We should've had more of the brothers being brothers
She's finna sleep in that??
Ugly wedding dream dress
It'd be a lit ass wedding lmao
Rosalie 💕💕
Charlie lmao
Her mom is so sweet
Charlie with his something old besides your mother lmaooo
Rosalie did that hairstyle super fucking quick
The wedding place is pretty
Tbh same Mike/Ned/Nate. The girls from Alaska are gorgeous
Was... Was.. The girl with glasses checking them out while biting her lip??
Watch out for the front of the dress, you step on that and faceplant
Pretty dress
She seems terrified instead of nervous or excited
I hope they didn't rent the dress cuz that shit is gonna get dirty
Who are all these people? The Cullens never get out and Bell's family can't be that huge unless those are vampire cousins
Weddings are super fucking long
Esme and Carlisle uwu
I love the cakeee
Sue and Charlie lmao
I love the Alaskan cousins 💕💕
Omfg imagine if Seth imprinted on one
The person who whistled at Emmett lmao
Emmett's joke and Charlie's face
Out of everyone's speech I love Charlies and Esme speech the most
The dancing omfg
Bell crying
Her fucking dress is gonna be so dirty
Everyone does cries at weddings, everyone balled at my cousins wedding
Jake don't ruin it
She's that stupid lol
Jake don't be a dick
Baby Seth
Sam has a point
Lmao imagine he murders her like that's the big plan
Charlie lmao
Cute father-daughter moment
Bet they kicked everyone out after they left
Wolf howl
I love places where everyone is seen as family and they party all the time
Edward driving a boat was something I was not expecting
I would love to live there
Human minutes lmao
Wtf does she have in that bag
Lmao that whole scene is funny
"Don't be a coward"
Is he just standing there??? Not doing anything?? No splashing around??? Lmao what??
Ew love
Are they actively trying for a child??
Lmao the feathers- the bROKEN BED
This song is *chefs kiss*
Oof lmao those bruises look tough
She ain't even notice them bro
"Or was five seconds ago" lmao
Let's stop talking about that pls
Boring ass honeymoon with chess...
That looks terrible but aye more power to ya Bell
That looks dangerous
Chess again??
Him tucking her in was cute tho
She's so aggressive with the whole chess thing
And she's so thirsty
Tripped and fell off a cliff lmao
Sam is a good guy
Jake is such a bore
Do they shun everyone without imprints?? All the ones without imprints are far away fron the ones with imprints lmao
Leah has a point
They look shook
Poor housekeepers
Interesting breakfast
A) periods can be late. Mine are always late B) you're as skinny as a stick C) Ed is supposed to be dead sis. As in, his bodily fluids shouldn't be working
Vampire shock lmao
Lmao she pulls out a knife and just stabs her "problem solved"
"That thing" omg damn
The contrast when they arrived vs when they left oml
She turned on her phone and it just.. Instantly called
Wolf dramaaa
"Is it true?" "How are ya?"
Rosalie being protective is so uwu
She looks dead
Oof oof oof pregnant belly
Is it a good idea for them to be talking in private
The real villian is Jake lmao
It's eating you alive, Bell. It's not a miracle
You look half dead already Bell
Pull the puppy eyes Jake
Omg he did lmao
"I'm not sticking around to watch" he stuck around anyways
The scene with the wolves howling and all the voices is so good I wish we would've gotten more
I love Seth
Seth and Jake are such cute bros
"I'll shut up! Can do."
Leah and Seth are so cute
Leah and Jake could've been a couple.
He's such a dick to her nvm
Leah awee she looked so happy to have Jake accept her
Esme feeding them is so cute
His voice sounded different when he said "we were supposed to be partners"
It's not even fully developed lmao
Don't lie, it taste like shit
Poor Charlie
This movie is on crack
Or maybe this is a fever dream
Jake trying to be heroic and shit
Paul 💕💕
Oop traitor
Horrible baby names
EJ is such an ugly name
Oof that sucks
I felt that back pain
Poor Rosalie
I think this is what traumatized me about giving birth lmao
Oop she ded
Rosalie don't give a fuck about Bella
Jake cryinggg
Random wolf
The fucking voom in on her dead face as Ed bit her lmao
The fuck going on??
Rosalie being an aunt awe
Jared looking mighty fine
Rosalieeee awee
That fucking baby
Oh no..
I mean they can't even fit into the house
They just did the imprinting thing to make Jake look like the good guy again
Listen to her heart?? Vampires? Oh.. Newborns still have human blood in them lmao
Apparently vampire venom gives you makeup
The fucking piano
A littel recap nice
The fuck is the song for the credits??
Breaking Dawn p2
Lots of red.
Making it look like a horror movie with this intro credits scene
fUCK that piano
So fucking long omg
When did she sit up?
Lmao vampire Bell should've yeeted Ed
She suddenly feels thirsty
Is my mans climbing a mountain without gear???
Poor puma
Yeah yeah Bella's cool or whateve
Disgust lmao
Rosalie and Emmett lmao I love them
'Oh.. oh"
Oop ouch
Sethhhh nuuu
No it wasn't
A nice little place that they'll never use
That ring needs to go
You know what? Rosalie, Emmett, and Jake as a couple
Emmett lmao
Someone could've told Charlie he's super chill
Chopping wood pretty far off
Charlie probably thought Jake was seducing him
Edward stfu for once
Lmao she deadass could just breathe on command she doesn't have to move her shoulders
Carlisle and Charlie probably banged once lmao
He really does need an explanation
Wtf is she wearing?
Cgi baby bro
Emmett and Bell are now chaotic twins
Jake and Sam.
Cgi child
No she won't lmao
They really hate the Cullens lmao
Wow... Someone playing the piano...
Oof the cgi
Emmett in a turtleneck lmao
Esme and Carlisle
Alaskan cousinsss
Ew Jake no
Ben and Jake should've been a couple
Yesss the amazon vampsss
Aye Garrett
Eighteen hm
Omg the stumbling pups lmao
Is that Mickey? Wait a minute
"That didn't take much" lmao
Alec got a haircut
Lmao I love the Alaskan cousins
Lmao Emmett and Garett are such bros
I love Kate
Jake and Bella bonding awe
Sue and Charlie
Oop passports
Kate and Garrett
Interesting handwriting
Giant... Scissors.. Lit
Why bother wearing contacts when Charlieand Sue already saw you with gold eyes??
Mhm super pretty cause he's her uncle not her imprinter
Jake had a massive crush on Ben
The vamps bonding is cute
Tbh Jake would've been cute with Tanya or Ben
The war with the smallest group of fighters
The shots zoomed out make it so funny cuz they look like ants
Did Aro see them fuck??
Rosalie, Emmett, and Jake as mates someone write about them
Aro's giggle/laugh oof
Nessie is so pretty
Impossible lmao
Oop she ded
Aro you a bitch
And anyways I'm out ✌✌
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