#who can't really fight. and also passively harms allies
funuya · 4 months
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i kept joking about fire emblem while reading danmaca
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icharchivist · 7 years
whats your fave dai party banter? mine is with cole and dorian, when dorian is kinda like "be careful where youre going with these daggers i was casting fire spells at the enemies" and cole is just like "it can't hurt me, it's friendly fire" and then dorian (and me) kinda goes "that's- that's not really what you think it means" (i always disable friendly fire bc im a noob and i can't stand to involuntarily hurt my allies but cole, sweetheart, please don't get in harm's way)
Omg nonny :’D First, I’m completely with you on this one - this is such an adorable banter omg. It has everything, Dorian being concerned, Cole being adorable - this is beautiful. (and i feel you on the friendly fire stuff, just.. let’s limite damage ahah)
I don’t have a fave banter, mostly because i’m still discovering some banters i didn’t have before, and a  l o t of them are gold. 
Then, I generally love Cole’s banters. He’s always sweet and adorable and always with the most amazing replies, it makes me so happy. 
then man there’s so much banters i love. I love Varric/Dorian always betting about stuff, Varric/Vivienne was an extreme amount of fun.Bull has a lot of dialogue I really like (especially with Sera and Vivienne, I love how strategic he gets with them to different extreme, and well, always soft spot for his dialogues with Dorian) but I really, really love his dynamic with Cole (he calls him “my squirrelly kid” i’m gonna cry). There’s something in Cole/Cassandra dynamic that i find really sweet too bc it starts very badly but they end up pretty close? it’s adorable.
…. so ye I’d say Cole’s banters are always a win.
edit: i ended up making a list of some of my fav and I actually love too much banters to just narrow them down i love those dorks
As for my favorite favorite, this is so hard to pinpoint one banter, they are all so cool? I can’t narrow down one orz
huuuh maybe a few randoms i really like: (which ended up being a long list so under the cut ;O take care!)
Varric: Okay, try it again, you’ll get it.Cole: Knock, knock.Varric: Who’s there?Cole: Me.Varric: (Sighs.) Me who?Cole: Me, and I’m telling a knock knock joke.Varric: Uh… that was… closer. Keep trying.
Cole: I like your horns, The Iron Bull.Cole: But they’re dragon horns, not bull horns. You could have named yourself The Iron Dragon.Iron Bull: Oh, shit. That would have been better.
Cole: You got to pick your name, The Iron Bull.Iron Bull: Sure did. Thanks for sticking the “the” on there, too. Most people forget.Iron Bull: It kinda makes it sound like I’m not really a person. Like I’m this dangerous thing, you know?Cole: You made it a joke on yourself, making a mockery, so you would never be that.Iron Bull: It kills the joke if you explain it, kid.
Dorian: Ah, Solas. You startled me. You’re always so… nondescript.Solas: Please speak up! I cannot hear you over your outfit!
Blackwall: Sera and I were just talking about you. We need you to settle a question for us.Solas: (Sighs.) Sera’s involved? So this question will be offensive.Blackwall: Yes, probably. Sorry.Blackwall: You make friends with spirits in the Fade. So… um, are there any that are more than just friends?Blackwall: If you know what I mean.Solas: Oh, for… really?!Blackwall: Look, it’s a natural thing to be curious about!Solas: For a twelve-year-old!Blackwall: It’s a simple yes or no question!Solas: Nothing about the Fade or spirits is simple, especially not that.Blackwall: Aha! So you do have experience in these matters!Solas: I did not say that.Blackwall: Don’t panic. It’ll be our little secret.Solas: Ass.Blackwall: Now who’s twelve?
Blackwall: Do you have any advice for fighting demons, Solas?Solas: Survive the first thirty heartbeats, and you’ll have already won.Blackwall: So I should try not to die? Helpful.Solas: I mean that demons are rarely intelligent enough to change their tactics. If you focus on defending yourself, you will see the full range of their abilities within the first thirty heartbeats. By then, you should be able to find a weakness and exploit it.Blackwall: Ahh, that is helpful! I will try to remember that.Solas: Also, try not to die.
Vivienne: Varric, darling, what manner of villain am I in your novel?Varric: You’re the scheming duchess, coldly maneuvering her political rivals into a trap.Vivienne: Yes, but what am I wearing? You are not going to describe me in anything less than the latest fashions, are you?Varric: I’m… going to spend the next few weeks researching Orlesian gowns, aren’t I?Vivienne: Yes, my dear. And my mask should be inlaid with opals.
Varric: I can’t wait for Chuckles to say something about the VeilSolas: I don’t always mention the Veil.Cassandra: You do. Always.Dorian: You do. You really do.Iron Bull: Yeah, you do.Vivienne: Of course you do, darling.Inquisitor/Blackwall: Yes, you do.Cole: You do think about it a lot.Varric: See? Told you.
Dorian: Come on, just answer the question, Varric.Varric: My mother didn’t raise any morons, Sparkler. I won’t touch that one.Dorian: You must have an opinion. And you’re a dwarf! Completely unbiased!Varric: There’s no way I’m answering “which inquisition mage is the best-dressed.” Not for all the gold in Orzammar.Vivienne: Also, the answer is obvious.
Varric: So, Sparkler, what do you think of the Inquisition so far?Dorian: It’s interesting, I’ll give you that. An archdemon attacking me is a first.Varric: Five royals says you see something weirder before the day ends.Dorian: I don’t think I should take that bet.
Varric: What do you think, Sparkler? Ten royals says the next thing we run into farts fire.Dorian: I’ll take that bet. I win either way.
Dorian: You owe me twenty royals, Varric. I’d like them paid in candied dates.Varric: I haven’t lost that wager yet.Dorian: You said we’d be ass-deep in trouble. This is more like knee-high.Varric: I didn’t specify whose ass, did I?Dorian: Leave it to a dwarf, always lowering the bar.
Varric: I got to ask, does any of this shit make sense to you?Dorian: To me? Are you referring to the giant hole in the sky? Or the creature out of Chantry cautionary tale who wants to be a god?Varric: Either. I’m feeling generous.Dorian: What’s the problem? Someone shows up, tears the place apart, declares himself king? That’s half of history.Varric: Corypheus is that terrifying drunk nobody’ll ask to leave?Dorian: Even after he puts a hole in the ceiling. Terribly common.
Blackwall: Corypheus. One of yours, isn’t he?Dorian: One of mine? Like a pet? Like a giant darkspawn hamster with aspirations of godhood?Dorian: ‘Dorian, why can’t you look after your little friends? Corypheus peed on the carpet again!’Dorian: In this analogy, the carpet is Haven.Blackwall: Is he or is he not a Tevinter Magister?Dorian: Meaning 'the source of everything bad and evil in the world’? They are the same, yes?Blackwall: Certainly feels that way at times.
Varric: I can’t believe you picked the absolute worst of my books to read. Why not Hard in Hightown?Cassandra: I have enough mysteries and investigations of my own.Varric: What? You don’t want to solve more in your spare time?Cassandra: Then you killed my favorite character in Chapter 3, so I threw the book across the room.Varric: Ah, a critic. Say no more.
Iron Bull: “Blackwall.” “Iron Bull.” We could fight crime!Blackwall: Isn’t that exactly what we’re doing? Right this minute? More or less?Iron Bull: Oh yeah.
Iron Bull: You could’ve been one of the Chargers, Blackwall. You’ve got the stature, the attitude…Blackwall: And you’d be my boss.Iron Bull: Hey, I’m a great boss. I’m a firm believer in No-Pants Fridays.Blackwall: I’d rather fight for a cause.Iron Bull: Hey, No-Pants Fridays is a cause.
Sera: So do all Gray Wardens have beards?Blackwall: Just me. I stole all the beards, and all the power held within. There can be only one.
Solas: Have you ever had any interest in learning magic, Sera? While it has not manifested naturally, there are ways to determine whether arcane gifts lie dormant within you.Sera: What? Don’t make me think about that. I have to sleep at night!Solas: Sleeping would give you the chance to explore the Fade. I could introduce you to spirits.Sera: Right, you’re messing with me on purpose!Solas: Why would I do that? It is not as though I know who filled my bedroll with lizards.Sera: Heh. Fair point! That was pretty good.
Sera: I sent a box of rabbit raisins to some Lord What’s-his-tits in your name.Vivienne: That explains the letter of gratitude. They were, by all accounts, delicious.Sera: Ewww! Ew, ewww!Vivienne: You underestimate both the fragility of his holdings, and the severity of tribute demanded of him in the past.Vivienne: Perhaps he was grateful it was not a stew made of some lesser cousin.Sera: That’s lies, right? Must be lies.
And one that i just find beautiful:
Solas: You truly are content to sit in the sun, never wondering what you could’ve been, never fighting back.Varric: Ha, you’ve got it all wrong, Chuckles. This is fighting back.Solas: How does passively accepting your fate constitute a fight?Varric: In that story of yours—-the fisherman watching the stars, dying alone. You thought he gave up, right?Solas: Yes.Varric: But he went on living. He lost everyone, but he still got up every morning. He made a life, even if it was alone.Varric: That’s the world. Everything you build, it tears down. Everything you’ve got, it takes. And it’s gone forever.Varric: The only choices you get are to lie down and die or keep going. He kept going. That’s as close to beating the world as anyone gets.Solas: Well said. Perhaps I was mistaken.
And i’m stopping there bc i already copied and pasted a lot of the wiki and i’m not even done with half of my favorite quotes, so i guess those should count
hope you like it nonny ;O
Take care ;O
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