#who do i have to kill to get some french fries around here? // r u b y // s t a r t e r s
ofplanetsloved · 2 years
alright!!! we're under construction but we're going!!! so here's a general starter call for any muse, so smash that like button, and let's get writing!
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missdutch21md · 4 years
Gas Station Saviors
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A/N: so instead of going to therapy. I wrote this about something that happened on Halloween this year. So. There’s that. 🥴🥴 anywho please everyone stay safe in these times of plague and don’t do like these characters do only go outside if you absolutely must!
Genre: crack (?) 😜 mature 🔞
Pairing: OT7 x main character (reader)
Length: 9.1k 
⚠️warnings ⚠️: mentions of loss, alcohol consumption, mentions of COVID 19 (please social distance unlike the characters in this one shot), panic attack mentions
M. L i s t | Request 
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It was another endless day. The fact that the calendar date was October 31st did nothing to influence my schedule into being less demanding. I sighed as I sat back at my desk, finally able to clock out for the day.  
During the times of pandemic, work only got busier, which was great for my wallet, but my mind was becoming increasingly vacant as the days turned into weeks and then months. I heard the rest of my family down stairs as I sat back wondering how much longer life would continue on like this.  
I watched as the time on the clock kept blinking back at me, unfeeling. [5:45 pm.]  
Another sigh left my lips as I heard my grandmother calling out to my cousins to pick up after themselves. Dinner must be coming to a close, I hummed. I grabbed my headphones and my phone after slipping on a pair of sweatpants. I was used to eating on my own these days. My family never waited for me anymore.  
And thank goodness I did. Coming down the stairs I saw a person I had never met before. “Oh, ____, you’re home!” my older cousin smiled. “This is my girlfriend, Sarah.”  
He was smiling, nothing ever seemed to affect him, not even the pandemic. Here he was, introducing me to his new girlfriend. I smiled as my mind was shouting insults at the family that I was stuck living with. “Nice to meet you,” she moved to shake my hand but I stepped back and then her face seemed to color with understanding. I couldn't believe it, here I was, separating myself from my friends, the guy that I liked, and my dad and a whole other side of my family. But of course, social distancing didn’t apply to my cousin. He was allowed to do just about anything he wanted.  
“Oh, Princess?” my mom came up behind me and steered me into the kitchen, her soft dulcet tones calming as she plated a hefty plate of food for me. Mom was always doing that, steering me away from things and situations, good and bad.  
The tension I felt settled in my brow and my shoulders as I was sat down at the now empty table to eat. I fished my headphones out of my pocket along with my phone and put on a BTS music video, Dynamite, I decided, I needed something to make me smile. Just watching the seven idols always put a smile on my face. Once the song stopped playing, I sent a text to the guy I was crushing on, asking if he had plans tonight.  
[6:01 PM] to: tall boi  u wanna hang out—or r u busy? C:  
I went back to YouTube and selected an old BTS bomb to watch while I finished eating.  Walking back into the kitchen, I plated the rest of my food into a Tupperware box laughing and smiling at the seven boys that I basically grew up with.  
“Plans for tonight, Princess?” my mom was all smiles as she filled her wine glass again.  
I gave her a small smile, “possibly, I’ll let you know.”  
“Perfect, you should put make up on if you decide to go out,” she briefly touched my cheek and floated back to the sofa to get back to her tele-novella. I sighed, she was right, it had been weeks since I felt like a person, I made my way upstairs to my room and put my music on shuffle while I got ready.  
My makeup was all done, and I was picking out an outfit. I finally settled on a cropped black long sleeve sweater and striped pants that made my butt look really cute. Satisfied with my selection, I got dressed, and because I was antsy, I grabbed my keys and told my mom I was leaving.  
I was bounding out the door in minutes, the sounds of screams from haunted houses were rising in the air, and there was a subtle mist that clung to the dark asphalt of the street like a thick blanket. I smiled as the scent of fog machines and the chilling sounds of haunted house albums greeted me before I placed my hand on the driver’s door handle unlocking my car and climbing in.  
The long coat that I draped over my shoulders was already making me too warm as I settled into my seat and waited for the music to connect to the speakers.  
My Time softly greeted my ears as I turned on my seat warmer and adjusted the air settings in my car so that I was comfortable.  
I checked my phone one last time before I peeled out of my parking space and decided that a night time drive through the canyon would be very relaxing. It also took me in his direction so if he ended up wanting to meet up, I would be closer than usual.  
As I turned onto the main road leading down to the canyon, my car alerted me of his text.  
[7:45 PM] from: tall boi can’t im super busy  
I tried to push back the disappointment that took hold of my heart. Only one year before, we had spent this exact night laughing, eating candy and watching TV in his apartment.  The sting of tears threatened to escape from my lashes, but I did my best to not allow them to fall. I further resolved to drive completely through the canyon to end up in the city.  
With my mind made up, I cranked up ON by BTS as it started playing through the speakers. I slowly came to a stop at the streetlight and shifted my car into sport mode. Once the light turned green, I was off merging into the next lane getting in front of the slower cars and pulled ahead.  
Soon, I was curving down into the canyon, the forest coming up and creating a canopy over the road. I had always loved driving down into the canyon and now it was the route most travelled when going to visit my grandpa’s grave. A left-handed turn had me pulling into the outskirts of the city. I kept to the outskirts, not wanting to get mixed up in any traffic and then kept going north. Finally, my destination came up, In n Out. I smiled happily as I got in line.  
After acquiring my sustenance, I made my way over to the nearest park to sit and enjoy my strawberry milkshake and my steaming hot French Fries. Softly, BTS was still playing through my speakers as I scrolled through my phone mindlessly. After another half hour, I got bored and decided to finally start making the long trek home.  
I started up my car again and back tracked briefly to stop at a gas station to fill up my tank before getting back on the road. I killed the engine and fished out my wallet from my purse to pay for my gas. The gas station had been full of cars. A family, two couples and an elderly man. I stood with my phone and scrolled more while waiting for the tank to fill. I suddenly remembered about the trash in my car and threw it out.  
Once the gas line popped, I grabbed a napkin to wipe off the gas tank on my car and removed the gas line. I turned back to the console and keyed in for it to print a receipt. At that moment I heard a shout from behind me and turned in surprise. When I turned again to watch where the scream came from, I saw a short man with a ripped tank top on. A quick glance around told me all the other cars had gone at some point. I clutched onto my phone tighter, unsure if I should really even worry.  
My eyes widened in shock; I had no idea where this person came from. But I seemed to have drawn attention to myself because he changed his trajectory after our eyes met. He stumbled away a little and I let out a sigh of relief as I returned the gas line and impatiently tapped my foot, waiting for the receipt to print. There was another shout and I turned to see he was no longer making his way to the car at the air pump ahead of where I parked —where had it even come from?—he was making his way over to me and he had a sinister smile on his face. My hands started to shake, and I bared my teeth in warning.  
He must have taken it as a smile because his eyes lit up in a disgusting way. My breath hitched in my throat as I saw another guy make his way over from my left. And then the car at the air pump started. The first guy waved at the car signaling for it to come closer. My hands were shaking as I hastily reached for the receipt that finally printed and then a sweet, melodic voice greeted me from behind.  
“Hey Babe, still getting gas?” I turned to give the person a piece of my mind, or scream—I wasn’t sure— when I stopped and my mouth fell open slightly at the sight that greeted me.  
My eyes landed on The Jeon Jungkook. “H-hi,” I stuttered. My hand was still reaching for the receipt from the console, stuck in shock. Jungkook seemed to notice and grabbed onto my wrist, my cellphone was still clutched in my grasp, to tug me gently in his direction.  
The two guys that were making their way over to my car were stopped at the front by the hood, watching the scene play out. “You scared me, Kookie!” I giggled then, the adrenaline or something kicked me into gear and I grabbed onto him leaning in for support. I tried to playfully swat at his arm but couldn’t help but wonder if I was shaking too much to really sell it.
“Who are your friends?” he asked me jutting his chin at the older men.  
I shook my head, “I don’t know them,” and pulled him closer and he easily stepped up to put me slightly behind him.  
Suddenly, I heard the voices of other BTS members, I heard Jimin louder than the others though. “Jungkook-ah!” he called out loudly.  
The two men at the hood of my car snapped their gaze in that direction when they previously seemed to be deciding whether they could take on Jungkook, but at the sound of the rest of the members, they seemed to rethink it. Jungkook called out something in Korean and the sound of footfalls was heard, once the other six made their way to where we were, the two older men backed up and got into the waiting car. After a moment, they drove off and I only calmed down once I was sure they had left. I physically sagged into Jungkook’s back and moved to lean against my car and covered my face.  
The boys were all speaking so fast, I started feeling dizzy and there was a growing ringing in my ears. I slowly sank down using my car for support and didn’t even look at the 7 men stood before me. Softly, I heard a gentle voice trying to bring me back. “Are you okay?”  
I blinked, when had my vision gotten so blurry? I turned to the right when there was a gentle touch to my arm. I was then greeted with Jungkook’s soft face his eyes wide with worry. Suddenly, the full implications of what just almost happened hit me like a bucket of ice-cold water and tears came.  
He let out a surprised sound and the others seemed to quiet down at the sound of my cries. I covered my face again with my hands and my whole body shook. I felt a strong comforting hand on my back and running through my hair. I leaned into the touch and was glad that I was being allowed this moment to process what just happened.  
After a couple of minutes, I calmed down enough to not lean on the person anymore. I moved away slightly and tried to stand up. Hands were offered to me and hands on my hips also helped steady me as I stood again.  
“You’re really here?” I gasped in amazement when I took in the sight of BTS in front of me.  
Namjoon laughed and Yoongi gave me a soft reassuring smile Jin and Jimin nodded. I looked to my right and saw and then finally felt Jungkook beside me. “Oh my god,” I stilled. I covered my face again, though this time, it was from embarrassment. “I look like a mess.”  
Suddenly, it was like they realized that I knew who they were. “Are you ARMY?” Hoseok asked tentatively.  
I nodded, “yes, I’m ARMY,” I smiled and I couldn’t suppress my happiness anymore. I was having serious emotional whiplash. “Thank you,” I told the members and then turned to Jungkook and bowed to 90 degrees. “Thank you,” I tried to bow several times and then he put his hands on my shoulders trying to stop me.  
“No, no” he shook his head. “It’s okay.”  
I shook my head again and then Namjoon stepped in here. “Are you feeling okay?” I felt that I was still trembling but I nodded and Namjoon seemed to read me like an open book. “We are leaving to get dinner would you please join us?”  
I shook my head, as I looked at all of them. “I can't ruin your plans like that.”  
“You wouldn’t ruin our plans,” it was Yoongi who spoke up then.  
“What’s your name?” Jimin asked softly.  
I gasped not believing I could be so rude and bowed again, “____ imnida.”  
“Wooo~” it was Seokjin who gaped at me.  
“I forgot all of my Korean,” I apologized blushing more.  
“That’s okay, we speak English,” Hoseok smiled warmly at me.  
“I know,” I blushed. “Where are you having dinner?”  
“BCD, you know it?” Taehyung finally spoke up.  
I nodded, “I love to eat there! Their kalbi is delicious!”  
Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook all smiled and laughed at my reaction. The older men seemed surprised and glad that I was even interested.  
“Can I go with you?” I blinked. Right. I had my car. I turned and smiled with a nod to Jungkook.  
“If you like, I just gave to move my coat.” I smiled warmly at him.  
I was making my way to the passenger door and then remembered the door was locked so I back tracked and leaned into the cab from the driver’s door to reach for my things and move them around. I scrambled around and I didn’t even think twice as I busied myself wish my task that they would be watching me. Suddenly the chatter around them got a little quiet and then stopped. I settled for draping my coat along the middle console and letting my backpack rest on the floor right in front of my seat. I made sure that it was closed properly so nothing would go rolling around.  
I stood back up and turned to face the seven men that kept me sane for the last 7 years and couldn’t help but be stunned by them yet again. Yoongi and Jungkook had been watching me closely it seemed and the others had their gazed pointedly fixed somewhere else. And then I remembered I was wearing pants that made my butt look delectable. I blushed and unlocked the car doors and told them I was ready.  
Jungkook nodded and moved past me and rest his hand on my hip lightly. I’d never been one to openly drool or be affected by just a man’s touch. Maybe it’s because it was Jungkook or maybe there was just something in the air because of Halloween. But I felt a warmth stir in the pit of my stomach and bit down on my lip to keep myself in check.  
“D-Does anyone else w-want to come along?” I smiled flushing hot, but now, from embarrassment.  
Taehyung nodded and moved to go sit behind Jungkook in the back seat and Jimin followed after. As the younger boys climbed into the car, I heard Jungkook’s sweet voice calling for me front he still open door on my side. “_____-ssi, turn car…on?”  
“Oh!” I nodded and climbed into the driver’s seat pressed on the brake and held the engine start button and my car purred to life. I plugged in my phone and adjusted the volume so the music would be soft and told Jungkook he could put whatever on, when Bigbang started playing through the speakers, I skipped through a couple of songs until I came to an Ariana Grande song. I gave him a small smile and got back out of the car and the other boys in the backseat leaned forward to tell Jungkook what to play.  
Jin smiled and said something in Korean that I didn’t understand and I blushed more as they all looked at me. “You know how to get there? Jin-hyung is asking,” Namjoon translated for me.  
I nodded, “I go there all the time. It’s just down the street that way,” I pointed in the correct direction to emphasize my point.  
Namjoon nodded, “can I come too?” Hoseok gave me a huge smile.  
I nodded with a tight smile, “it might be tight,” I hedged. Hoseok didn’t seem to understand but when he looked in the rear window at how Taehyung and Jimin were commandeering most of the real estate, he sighed. And yelled at them through the window.  
Jimin’s eyebrows were raised as he rolled down his window and said something in retaliation to his hyung. I smiled and giggled a little bit before turning back to Namjoon.  
“I will follow your car?” I asked.  
Namjoon nodded but then started shaking his hard and said “no, we will follow you.”
I nodded with sudden realization. I was driving 3 of the most famous people in the world. Of course, there was a worry that I would drive off and kidnap them. I wouldn’t ever dream of doing that, but I understood. With another nod and a command to drive safely from the hyungs, I got back into my car and settled into my seat.  
I stopped short again as I reached for my seatbelt and looked into my back seat to see Jimin and Taehyung laughing about something so casual and relaxed. Like they belonged there in my car, in my life. To be fair they were part of my life. I followed their music and campaigns religiously. And consumed all the media they created, but what wasn’t normal was having the 3 super stars in my little Honda hatchback.  
“Hi, ___-ah,” Jimin smiled leaning in forward.  
“Hi Jimin-ie,” I giggled as a blush came over me.
“How old are you,” Jimin smiled warmly.  
I giggled a little, “I’m 26.”  
Taehyung and Jungkook laughed at this. “So, you’re our noona?” Jungkook confirmed. I nodded and did my best to ignore the growing flame in my stomach at the sound of Jungkook calling me noona.  
There were gasps and laughs and clear teasing coming from the back seat and I couldn’t stop the smile that wanted to keep growing on my face. “Seatbelts,” I called while I clicked my own into place.  
Beside me I saw Jungkook fasten his own belt and turned back to check that Taehyung and Jimin had secured their own. With a determined nod I said, “okay let’s go! BCD here we come!”
The boys joined in my cheer and I shifted into sports mode again and slowly pulled forward to wait for the hyungs to get behind us in their car.  
Once the black SUV pulled up behind me, I pulled forward and settled into my seat talking as best as I could with the three men in my car. They asked silly questions like what is my favorite color and when I got my car. I answered their questions with the simplest answers that I could. I happily talked about my car telling them I bought it as a birthday present for myself.  
We were only three lights away from the restaurant, what could we really talk about? Still somehow, we were all laughing and talking together. We didn’t catch the first light; we could have but I suddenly was preoccupied with making sure we made it in one piece. My anxiety was through the roof—would they tell their hyungs that I was a safe and responsible driver? While I contemplated this, Boys with fun started playing through the speakers and I turned up the volume by 1 and started singing along and dancing—somehow— forgetting that I had an audience.  
Then the car was suddenly very quiet after I acted out along to Taehyung’s part in the song with J-Hope and I looked over to Jungkook with wide eyes and shock—had I really just done that? His mouth was hanging open in a teasing smile and his eyes were wide with wonder.  
I gasped and said, “don’t laugh!!”
And after another beat of silence, all three erupted with laughter.  
It was contagious, I couldn’t help but laugh too. The light we were stopped at changed to green and I made the left turn and quickly merged all the way to the right in preparation for the eventual right turn we would make.  
The guys were all loud and laughing and making me forget the trauma that I just experienced. What would have happened if Jungkook hadn’t stepped in? I wouldn’t let myself dwell on it while I was with them. I would soak up all the love and positive energy that I could while I had them with me.  
After two more lights, we were turning into the parking lot for BCD. I tried to get a close spot and parked in reverse so if we needed to leave quickly, it wouldn’t be an issue. Once I was parked, I grabbed my mask and tried to not think about the phrase printed on it. “Notice me Oppa”.  
It was meant to be a cute thing to wear if I ended up with him but those plans didn’t exactly pan out and here I was shrugging on my over coat to ward off the cold. I couldn’t believe I was wearing this embarrassing mask in front of the 7 men that I looked up to most. I waited for the boys to get out of the car and then locked the doors with the press of the lock button in my handle. Jimin saw my mask and I saw it in his eyes. The teasing glint in his eyes as he regarded me. “Don’t say anything!” I giggled pointing up at him thankful the mask covered most of, what I was sure was, my red face.  
“C’mon noona,” he teased lightly and the four of us made our way up to the entrance for BCD where the other members had already been ushered inside and to the back room.  
When we entered the ajumma smiled and greeted us in English. Jungkook greeted her warmly in Korean and explained who we were. She nodded and called someone over to lead us into the back room. I had never been back here so I was excited to see a part of the restaurant I hadn’t before.  
The hyungs and some managers were already seated and talking, ordering drinks and relaxing. When we came into the room, the guys called in greeting and I was stunned again with how handsome they all were. I was really here. Eating dinner with them. I couldn’t believe my luck.  
I must have been standing for too long because Yoongi waved at me and called me over with his hand. I blinked and sauntered over and started to really question my mask choice as he leaned in to speak softly. “Hi ____-ah,” He pat on the empty seat beside him and I slowly lowered myself onto the chair after removing my coat.  
I blushed and didn’t want to remove my mask because I knew I was so red underneath the blessed fabric. “Hi—Yoongi?” I hedged he nodded and blinked back at me.  
“I am your oppa?” He smiled teasingly at me and pulled on my mask a little, I pulled away from him a little as my blush deepened further. I nodded and was reminded again of the flame that flared up in my belly again. Now was so not the time. “So?” He raised his eyebrows waiting for me. And then it clicked.  
Was he in a power trip or something?? “H-hi Yoongi-oppa.” I winced, my voice sounded small, even to me.  
He leaned in like I had seen him do at a concert I attended in 2016. At the concert he was waiting for the audience to scream for him and scream we did I reminisced on the screams and cries I had belted out for him. He was my bias at the time and I was hoping that he would be satisfied with how loud the stadium had gotten. Suddenly I was back in my seat, watching how he put a hand cupped around his ear and motioned for me to repeat it again just like that night.  
By some miracle I found my voice again, pulled my mask down and spoke again. “Hi Yoongi-oppa.”
He seemed satisfied this time and leaned back in his chair to chime in on the conversation going on around us. A conversation I couldn’t really participate in since I couldn’t speak Korean and that I had completely lost due to a certain Min Yoongi distracting me. But it seemed that Jungkook was relaying to his hyungs about something that happened. I just sat silently and smiling just happy to be near them.  
Namjoon seemed to notice my lack of understanding because he was leaning over explaining what was being said to me so I could feel included. I smiled and thanked him and then we started having our own conversation. I was worried that because he has such a big brain that I wouldn’t be able to have stimulating conversation for him, but he didn’t make me feel nervous or anything.  
Eventually, a waiter came in with drinks and a soda was placed down in front of me. I thanked them all with nods and bows. And then a shot glass was placed in front of me. I gulped, a little nervous.  
“You can drink, right?” Namjoon looked at me as he seemed to notice that I got nervous.  
I smiled and gave a nervous laugh. “Yes I’m 26.” Though I didn’t voice that I get stupid when I’m drunk.  
“Oh?” He smiled with interest. “I am too.”  
I nodded, “yeah I know.” I blushed and hid my smile a little bit.  
“When Is your birthday?” He asked.  
Oh “February 21st.”  
“That’s only a few days after J-Hope!” Hoseok looked over in interest at the mention of his name.  
I smiled and nodded again stating again, “I know.”  
When Namjoon said “you know” at the same time we both laughed together. Hoseok must have asked him what we were talking about because Namjoon was suddenly gesturing to me and Hoseok’s eyes got wide as he answered back.  
He turned and looked at me and said “we have almost same birthday!”
I nodded along and smiled wider. “You’re older by a few days!”
He nodded and sat back in his seat suddenly energetic again. “Let’s be close since we are same age!”
I nodded and said, “okay.” Yoongi snorted beside me and I turned back to look at him and smile. “Neh, oppa?” I gasped suddenly and fished for my cellphone from my pocket and blushed when I felt Yoongi lean in closer to look at the purple screen and asked if I was okay.  
I had made a mood-board of Jungkook my Lock Screen and had just finished customizing my Home Screen just the day before. I nodded to Yoongi in answer and pulled up messages on my phone and text my mom that I was safe and with my friends so she wouldn’t worry me and apologized for not texting sooner. Not even a minute later, she replied back thanking me for letting her know.  
I smiled and let out a little sigh of relief. Yoongi had to have still been watching me because suddenly, his finger was tapping against my phone and looking at the settings I had in place. He scrolled through the photos I had cycling on screen and stopped at an edit of him from Boy with Luv. He pointed at the screen and then back at himself, that’s me.  
I nodded. “You were my first bias,” I giggled.  
“Who is now?” I blushed and locked the screen and illuminated it for him to see Jungkook’s face smiling up at him. Namjoon seemed to catch on our conversation at this point.  
“You mean it’s not me?” He played it like he was offended and I hurriedly tried to explain.  
“I love all of you. You’re all my bias and my wreckers at the same time. You’re all so talented and you’re so smart.” I suddenly realized that I was gushing about them to him and clammed up a little feeling self-conscious.  
Yoongi seemed to notice and gently pat on my arm trying to be reassuring. I gave him a small smile and he said something in Korean and Namjoon translated for me. I suddenly remembered about the iOS update that happened to put a translator on my phone.  
I hurriedly unlocked my phone but Facial recognition didn’t seem to work so I typed in my code. And pulled up the translator. I spoke into it, “maybe we can understand each other now.” And pressed play on the Korean side of it.  
The little voice that played back made Yoongi’s eyes light up in wonder as he nodded back.  
He then got his own phone out and found the translator and spoke what he said “okay, I think this can work.”
I smiled triumphantly and told Namjoon I didn’t want him to have to translate everything for me. He smiled and then relaxed back in his seat revealing Jungkook to his left. I smiled and turned back to Yoongi asking him about how he was doing. Why they were even in California.  
Yoongi answered and we went back and forth like this a few times. And then a waitress stopped between us to ask for our order. Yoongi motioned for me to go first. I ordered the kalbi combo with mild spice on my tofu soup.  
Yoongi snorted out a laugh again and I gasped at him waiting for him to finish ordering after me to ask him what was so funny. He explained that he laughed at how I ordered not spicy soup.  
I rolled my eyes and laughed more. “I get sick if I have too much spicy food.”
He nodded and suddenly concern clouded his eyes asking if I was okay eating here.  
I smiled and assured him that I’d been craving to eat here for a while now. I told him that I wanted to at least pay for my meal when I suddenly remembered that isn’t how Koreans gather. I apologized and bowed my head that I forgot.  
Namjoon’s ears pricked up at my comment. “What do you mean you forgot; did you live in Korea?”
I shook my head and spoke into the translator as I answered so Yoongi wouldn’t feel left out. “I wanted to move to South Korea so I learned about the culture over there. And I learned when you go out one person pays for everybody and you take turns.”
Namjoon nodded and confirmed and Yoongi asked. “Is that not how it is here?”
I shook my head no. “Everyone pays for themselves when you go out with a group. Or if one person pays, you pay your part to that person.”
Yoongi’s jaw dropped in shock and Namjoon just nodded along. Soon after sides were laid in front of us and I looked at the fish placed in front of me. And Yoongi turned his attention to the others I was deep in thought as I watched them all dancing around and joking with each other. I wished this time together could last forever.  
A wistful sigh left my lips as I had my phone facing up on the table in front of me when my phone lit up with a message from my crush.  
[21:37] from tall boi:  wanna meet up?
I sighed and rolled my eyes, the disappointment rolling off of me in waves seemed to alert the others.  
“Yah. ____-ah!” It was Hoseok. “Why you are sad?”
“Oh,” I smiled at him. “This guy wants me to meet up with him.”
“Is he your boyfriend?” Hoseok laughed.  
I giggled more and shook my head no. “He’s not. Just a guy that wants to mess around.”
Namjoon blushed at that when Hoseok looked confused at my answer. I guess Namjoon explained what I said because Yoongi was suddenly upset and talking into his phone when it sounded out. “That guy sounds like an asshole block his number!”  
I laughed. Actually laughed, and nodded as I opened the text and didn’t answer leaving it on read.  
Jin suddenly looked over at me, “we make him jealous!”
I shook my head no. “We don’t have to do that.”
Hoseok was suddenly into it with how shy I had gotten. “Yes! Let’s do it!”
The rest of the group cheered and Jimin snatched up my phone from across the table and snapped a photo of me sitting between Yoongi and Namjoon.  The two men leaned into me and put their arms around me.  
I giggled and blushed even more and Taehyung hopped up from beside Jungkook and came to stand behind us, leaning down. Jin shot up out of his chair on the other side of us and shouted. “You need Jin, worldwide handsome!” And made his way over too.  
I couldn’t stop laughing and Jimin kept taking photos capturing every moment. Hoseok suddenly called out to the one of the staff and asked for them to take our photo together. He was gesturing to us and the staff member nodded and took my phone from Jimin.  
Suddenly I was stood up, Yoongi and Namjoon pushed our three chairs together and sat me down on their lap. Jungkook got closer, and Taehyung sat to Yoongi’s right. The three other men gathered behind us and posed. I don’t know how I didn’t notice, but they were each holding onto me somehow. I couldn’t help the smiles and the laughs that escaped me. I was actually happy.  
The staff member handed my phone to me and I thanked him profusely bowing many times.  
The next thing I knew, our food was coming out and our spots were rearranged so I was sitting between Jin and Jimin on the other side of the table now. Yoongi glared in our direction and Jimin childishly taunted him.  
I’m watching you! It looked like Yoongi warned Jimin who bowed his head and closed his eyes with a 10000-watt smile as we sat. Finally, someone said let’s eat and we all dug into our meals. Everyone grabbed from whatever plate they wanted and ate together.  
“What is your favorite BTS song?” Jimin asked me suddenly, pulling me from watching the others laugh and joke while they ate.  
I laughed lightly and answered honestly. “All of them. But the first song I ever heard was Haruman.”  
Jimin seemed to think back on it fondly.  
“Who is your favorite?” Jin asked me.  
I smiled and showed him my phone screen.  
“Yah! Not worldwide handsome Jin?!” he screeched incredulously.  
I smiled and giggled at his dramatics I could tell he was joking but it still made me laugh. “Oppa~~ don’t be like that.”
He’s eyes sparkled at my tone and he then continued to eat his food and joke with the other guys. And I looked on fondly.  
“Jungkook is really your favorite?” Jimin asked me.  
I smiled and blushed nodding and bumped my shoulder with his as I explained that they were all my favorite at one point. I just had a soft spot for the youngest of the group. Jungkook turned at the sound of his name, his eyebrows raised in question passing over me and then turning to Jimin.  
“Hyung?” He called in his melodic voice.  
I couldn’t get over hearing them without a filter of some sort. Be it a screen or a microphone from a concert. A girl could get used to this. Jimin spoke quickly to the maknae and the way his eyes gleamed with pride as he then smiled at me told me everything I needed to know about the exchange. He knew that he is my bias and there was so hiding it now.  
I blanched a little under his intense gaze and looked down at my plate blushing when Jimin saw this he took the opportunity to tease me. Bringing it to the attention of everyone at the table. I would have been mortified but I didn’t really care. I was again just so happy to be around then to hear them. I was rubbing elbows with Mr. Worldwide Handsome over here!  
Maybe I was getting overwhelmed again, but I felt a tear escape my eyes and Jin seemed to calm down and pat my back trying to comfort me.  
“Are you okay?” Jimin asked from my left I turned to him and I started sobbing. The guys all sprang up from their seats and tried to reassure me. I nodded and grabbed a napkin trying to dab away my tears. I had worked so hard to make my make up perfect tonight. I wasn’t going to ruin it I cursed myself internally. I curled up into myself as I tried to calm myself, patting on my shoulders in a soothing motion.  
Then Jungkook was knelt in front of me. “Can I hug you?” Was falling to my ears.  
I nodded and said, “yes please.” Then. I felt the world come to a standstill. I was overcome with his scent and the strength of his arms. I don’t even know why I was still crying. I hid my face in his chest and he suddenly lifted me up into his arms to move back to his seat and keep me in his lap. Jungkook kept a hand on my thigh and kept eating and offered me bites of food here and there.  
After a few minutes, I calmed down enough and moved to get up off his lap. He wrapped an arm around my waist and held me in place. My chopsticks were passed over to me and I ate happily from my new seat.  
“Tell me if I’m too heavy,” I told him while trying to lessen my weight on his leg. He blinked back at me in confusion so Namjoon translated since my phone was still at the other side of the table.  
Jungkook smiled and puffed his chest. “I’m Strong. I can hold you noona.”
I giggled and went back to eating happily. As we all sat and ate Jungkook’s hold on me loosened but he still kept a hand on my thigh.  
As we ate, the boys ordered booze and shots.  Jin wanted me to drink for him so I had initially tried to deny but then I found myself with my hand on my elbow like I had learned and turned my face away to drink the shot. I had turned in Hoseok’s direction and he pretended to be offended making the guys all start laughing.  
I couldn’t stop laughing with them. The next thing I knew, we were tumbling out into the cool air and it was late. Too late.  
“We’re going to go keep the party going, if you want to come?” Namjoon asked as Jungkook kept a firm hold on my waist from my left. I smiled and nodded before I looked at my phone and saw the time. 11:35 and several texts from my mom asking if I was alright.  
I told my mom I was okay just caught up in eating with my friends and looked up at them sadly. Well. I don’t really want to leave.  
Taehyung and Jimin cheered and grabbed me into their arms and I felt the loss of Jungkook’s arm around me. And we all cheered so ready for the party to continue. Namjoon smiled and said that he’d be coming in the car with me this time. Yoongi agreed and Jimin and Taehyung pouted.  
“Noona~” they pleaded I didn’t understand the rest of what they said because it was all in mostly drunk Korean.  
I giggled and shook my head not understanding. Jungkook was once again pulling me into his side and I looked up at him smiling.  
“You let me come, right?” Jungkook’s eyes were shining like stars.  
I nodded and Taehyung and Jimin groaned. I looked back at them confused and Taehyung tried to explain. “I come too?”
I nodded, “if you want to squish between your hyungs.” Taehyung cheered and Jimin looked offended.  
I giggled at their show of annoyance with each other. “Where are we going?” I asked Namjoon.  
“To our hotel?” He answered.  
I nodded, “okay. Let’s go!” Jungkook crowed into the night air and I joined him along with Taehyung. We raced back to the cars, Jungkook got shotgun again and we climbed into my car. I felt the purr of the engine coming alive again and smiled to myself. Or so I thought.  
“You really like your car,” Yoongi gave me a gummy smile.  
I nodded and looked back at him through the rear view while we waited for the younger boys to climb into the black SUV. I had the biggest smile on my face and reconnected my phone to the USB-port. A Spanish Selena song Tu Solo Tu started played and I mumbled an apology when Yoongi said to leave it on.  
Maybe it was the little alcohol in my system, but I started belting out with the song, just singing my heart out as though I didn’t have an audience. Once the song changed the younger boys were ready and motioned for me to follow. I nodded and shifted into sport again, following after.  
After I sang a bit more and the boys joined in, Namjoon spoke up. “Your singing is really pretty.”
I blushed and said no but he insisted so I finally let him have it. “Can I record your voice?”  
I knew it was Yoongi and for some reason it made my heart flutter. So, I answered with a question of my own. “Are you serious?”
I looked back at him briefly and saw him nod in response and if I thought my face was going to break in half before, that was nothing compared to this. I nodded and enthusiastically said yes. “I would love that.”
He hummed quietly and Jungkook brought my attention back to the road when he started asking me questions about how long I’ve been in California and if I was ever going to go to South Korea.  
“I’ll make it there some day,” I told him. “Maybe not for a while; I can’t speak much Korean. I want to be able to speak more.”  
“What can you say?”
I laughed and said “hi my name is ____. Or I’m ____.” I thought a little harder. “Where is it?” I couldn’t stop the bubbling laughter. “I took a class years ago but I didn’t have anyone to practice with so I lost most of it.”
“We can help you practice,” Namjoon smiled warmly from the back seat.  
I shook my head. “You’re already busy enough, you don’t need me wasting your time too.”  
“Will you help me with English?” Jungkook queried softly from my right.  
When I looked over at him, I stilled. He was looking at me from under his lashes turning the cuteness to 5 trillion. I nodded. “Of course, I would help you!”
“So, we help you too,” Yoongi smiled.  
I blushed and continued to follow after the younger boys and finally after a half hour drive of singing and laughing with the guys, we were pulling off the freeway and towards their hotel. Once we finally arrived, we parked and made our way inside. Yoongi took the lead and Jungkook jumped around annoying his hyungs and making me laugh.  
Namjoon and I were laughing talking about their plans while in California. I gushed about local beaches and then remembered they probably wouldn’t be able to go, first because the weather was getting colder, and two they’re celebrities.  
Namjoon smiled in understanding helping me not feel bad for my inconsiderate answer. I’d had my hands up and was talking animatedly about how I haven’t really been around people because of social distancing and my frustration about my cousin still having a perfectly normal time right now.  
I then paled considerably. “I hope I don’t get you guys sick.”
Yoongi had just stopped to enter a keycard into a door as I said this and he shook his head. And Namjoon looked down at me with a soft smile, “you won’t. It’s okay.”
Namjoon ushered me into the hotel room after Yoongi and Jungkook and we were greeted with the cheers of our arrival from the others.  
“You made it!” Jimin and Taehyung shot up and wrapped their arms around me, tugging me around. I laughed and told them to please put me down.  
Yoongi yelled out something in Korean as he was rifling through some bags. My name was somewhere in the mix there so I looked over to him. Jimin and Taehyung groaned out in response.  
“Yah hyung,” and then they grumbled on before letting me go. Yoongi called me over and I dropped my bag on a chair and shrugged off my coat.  
“We record?” He flashed me a gummy smile and I perked up instantly.  
Hoseok groaned at the sound of Yoongi’s words but then was slightly interested once Namjoon explained Yoongi wanted to record me. “___-ah come get a drink!” Hoseok called before I made it to Yoongi.  
Yoongi growled out some sort of response with a scowl and so I promised Hoseok. “After, I will.”  
Yoongi was typing away and I sat beside him watching as he fiddled with settings. “Okay.” He grabbed his phone and was searching something up.  
“I’m nervous,” I laughed. “What should I sing for you?”
“The same song?” He answered with a furrowed brow.  
“Oh, from the car?” I asked my eyebrows raised in question. He nodded and I pulled up the lyrics on my phone to make sure I would sing it correctly.  
I cleared my voice a little and then started singing, careful to make sure I put as much effort into the quality of the sound and making sure the pitch was right too. I sang through the whole song once doing my best to not notice the way the others slowly stopped having conversations to listen to me singing. I made the mistake of looking up from my phone at one point and met eyes with Jungkook and nearly stopped singing.  
I looked over at Yoongi sitting beside me and his eyes were already trained on me so intently I started blushing and nearly fumbled the last few words of the song.  
Namjoon came over and started asking about the song and about what it meant. I explained it’s about lovers and the woman singing about how she’s getting drunk and can’t get over the person.  
After a while longer, we were all singing and dancing together. I sat down after a while and lazily sipped at the beer that they had given me. I started feeling myself get tired. Once I let my body relax, I grabbed my phone off the coffee table and gasped at the time. It was 3 AM.  
“Holy shit,” I laughed. Namjoon plopped down next to me and asked what happened. I showed him the time and he was equally surprised.  
Yoongi sat to my left and had his eyebrows raised in question. I showed him the time and explained, “It’s late. I should probably go home.”
“No~,” I heard the drawn-out call at my words from Jin as he sat on the chair beside the sofa I was resting on.  
“Jin hyung, you’re drunk,” Taehyung laughed at the oldest member.  
Jungkook tumbled over to where we sat and landed at my feet, laying his head in my lap. Maybe it’s because I was drunk or because I knew I would have to leave them, whatever it was had me reaching out to touch him. It made me card my fingers through his pillowy soft hair and run my hands across his shoulders giving him a light massage.  
He hummed and I could feel it through his back and I marveled at him and the way he was built so strong. It made me miss his strong arms around my waist like they were only hours before. Jungkook relaxed into my touch and leaned his back against my knees. I hummed quietly and eventually got too tired. I pat on his shoulder affectionately and gave him a brief squeeze before sitting back all the way in my spot and resting my head against the back of the sofa.  
“You’re tired,” Yoongi commented.  
“Neh oppa,” I smiled up at him.  
“Stay here and rest,” Jungkook said.  
I shook my head, “I should go home.”
“You’ve been drinking,” Taehyung pointed out remembering my earlier comment of not wanting to drink and drive.  
I frowned. I had been drinking and quite a lot of the bottles laying around were anything to go by. I hummed in response, not able to add much to the conversation.  
“Stay,” came Jungkook’s dulcet tones again.  
Yoongi put an arm around my shoulders and pulled me in close. Jimin sauntered over and sat down beside Jungkook leaning against him on the floor.  
“No one wants to cuddle with me?!” Jin screeched clearly joking but still trying to get someone to going join him. Namjoon let out a heavy sigh and went to sit in Jin’s lap. I chuckled softly and watched as they all talked with each other. Hoseok finally flopped down onto the mattress and scrolled through his phone.
I blinked and tried to hold back a yawn while Yoongi got comfortable in his spot and Taehyung sat beside us. “Are you staying noona?” I heard someone call as my eyelids were harder and harder to keep open. Yoongi had started humming a soft tune. I vaguely recognized it as Seesaw and hummed in response again.  
Hoseok was up again because I heard him walking around. Someone removed the beer bottle that was in my hand and then I was being lifted up. I opened my eyes briefly as much as I could and heard Jin say something in Korean. I was too tired to really ask, Namjoon called out to whoever was carrying me and I heard a chest rumble in response.  
The soft quality reminded me of Jungkook but I wasn’t sure. I blinked up blearily at the person holding me and was met with Jungkook’s sharp jawline. I sighed and snuggled closer into him; I briefly noticed his grip tightening on me slightly.  
“Just rest noona,” he hummed the smell of his breath and alcohol washed over me. Jin called back for Jungkook from down the hallway. I also heard Yoongi too but couldn’t be bothered to really try to pay attention.  
When I finally managed to open my eyes again, I was looking at Taehyung’s back as he opened the door to another room. I tried my best to ask in Korean, “Where are we?”  
Jungkook and Taehyung both cooed at me seemingly praising me based on their tone. I hummed happily once I was deposited onto a cool and soft surface. Someone removed my shoes. I felt hands on my waist and the zipper for my pants coming down.  
“What are you doing?” I huffed in annoyance.  
I didn’t hear a response. Just felt my pants being pulled down and quickly a silky soft material was being pushed up my legs. I forced my eyes open and laughed when I saw Jungkook and Taehyung trying to get a pair of basketball shorts on me. I helped them and raised my hips. I heard them huff a “thank you noona” in Korean.  
I heard fabric rustling and sighs and they were chatting about the day. I couldn’t quite catch everything. I briefly heard my phone going off in the background and one of them handed my phone to me. I opened my eyes and saw it was a text from my mom.  
[4:02 AM] from Mom: are you coming home?  
I answered back. [4:05 AM] to Mom:  nope still out with my friends. I’m not coming home tonight.  
Her response was immediate. [4:05 AM] OK you need to stay safe.  
I sighed and turned off my phone. And flung it to the end of the bed. I heard laughs and snickers in response to my attitude. I grumbled out, “Kookie~”  
“Neh, noona.”  
I heard the smile in his laugh. “Cuddles…” I racked my brain, trying to remember the phrase in Korean, “hold me tight.”  
I heard Taehyung right behind me then. His chuckle was right in my ear as he cooed at me for speaking Korean again. I shivered and settled under the covers comfortably as he had pulled them back. Finally, Jungkook came into bed too and I sighed happily when he pulled me to rest on his chest.  
Taehyung draped himself across my back and held onto my waist. I fell asleep quickly after that, praying that the last 12 hours had not been a dream.  
A/N: This probably won’t have a second part-- hence calling it a one shot. anywho;; I’m safe, nothing eneded up happening that night because a higher power was looking out for me that night-- so enjoy this crack piece and talk to me or something or i’ll just go off into the void and not do anything else but edit the next chapter in Music of the Night.. so i’m off to do that! 
Master L i s t | Request  
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icantstudyillstudy · 8 years
Alphabet Questions Tag! Thanks for the tag, @studypride​
Rules: copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you are done tag up to 10 people!
A - age: 16 years and 10 months! B - biggest fear: I’ve got a few, biggest biggest is losing a family member. C - current time: 11:14 AM D - drink you last had: Coca-Cola E - every day starts with: me not wanting to get up yet. F - favorite song(s): Come As You Are and All Apologies by Nirvana, All I Want by ADTR, Happy Song by BMTH, and Feels Like Forever by OM&M. Also Better Off Numb by Killmama. G - ghosts, are they real: Of course.  H - hometown: Some magical  place in South Florida. I - in love with: Music, Writing, Youtube, Exy, and Drawing crapy things.  J - jealous of: people who have the ability to buy the resources they need for their art. K - killed someone: Not that I can remember. In a game, though, millions of times L - last time you cried: like a week ago. Stress.  M - middle name: Marie N - number of siblings: 3; one older, two younger. O - one wish: for everything to be alright. P - person you last called/texted: My friend Joanna. Q - question(s) you’re always asked: “You like music?”, “How do you pronounce your last name” “Oh like ET?” (usually followed by “I’mma call you ET” Sure if you wanna get punched.) R- reasons to smile: Camp. Guitars. Warped tour. Friends & Family. S - song last sang: December by Neck Deep, after I destroyed my throat trying to scream “the right way” to throne by bring me the horizon. Ooops. T - time you woke up: 10:06 AM U - underwear color: Not answering that.  V - vacation destination: All around the country so I can meet some of my online friends. And Maybe DC because HOLY CRAP SPY MUSEUM W - worst habit: Rubber band snapping. It replaced a worse habit, though, so... X - x-rays you’ve had: I had an X-ray when I was super young and I think that was because I slipped and fell in the zoo waterpark. I had the dentist ones, and then in 2013 I had another because of an issue which resulted in surgery a few hours later. But I’m alive so... Y - your favorite food: French fries, potatoes in general.  Z - zodiac sign: Aries sun. Libra moon, Scorpio rising. 
– I tag... Hmm... @book-escapist  @@luke-jace @ixxings @yayeraza-soupsi , @seto-the-sorcerer and @three-six-bee-no-scope . I’m aware that none of these are studyblrs, but I completely blanked on studyblrs to tag, so here are my frens (though IDK if they know about this blog XD).
Guys, if u’ve already done it, don’t worry about it, but I wanna see what you guys say so :)
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queenshounds · 7 years
i was tagged by @wellhalesbells. and oh man, i haven’t done something like this in ages, but it reminds me of these scrapbook-type notebooks we had in elementary school, where you’d write a bunch of questions, each on its own page, and then give it to people you wanted to know more about to fill out. it was always really interesting to see what people wrote in it.
A - Age: 22 (someone recently asked me how old i am, and i was like hmmm…) B - Biggest fear: uhhh, being stuck in your own brain forever and ever. either because i’d be too self-centered, or because of some illness. C - Current time: 4:26 pm. i just got home from uni. D - Drink you had last: blackcurrant juice E - Every day starts with: me not wanting to get out of bed (i don’t mind being awake though, i just have issues with actual, literal getting out of bed.) F - Favorite song: i… don’t have one. dancing in the moonlight never fails to make me happy, but this is a song i never seek out on my own (except for linking purposes). i think it would ruin the magic of it. instead, i wait for it to turn up on the radio or wherever. also, today i really like lorde’s homemade dynamite. G - Ghosts, are they real: nah. though, wouldn’t it be awesome H - Hometown: this really small town in Zagorje, Croatia (subjectively the best part of Croatia) I - In love with: yoga, books - though, maybe i should say stories, seems more correct. J - Jealous of: people who know what they want and how to get it. i’m constantly flailing about in the darkness. K - Killed someone: we’re not counting this awful(ly) huge breed of mosquitos that turned up a few years ago, right? L - Last time you cried: i have no idea. i tear up every once in a while when i’m reading news/fics/books, but a proper cry… i couldn’t tell you. sometime in the last two months, maybe?! M - Middle name: people around here don’t usually have one. and it’s really weird if someone does (”couldn’t they just decided on one name?” is the most commonly heard thing about it.) N - Number of siblings: one. O - One wish: to stop getting in my own way, i could do anything then. P - Person you last called/texted: my bro. it was about where i am, the fifth american gods episode, and healthy eating - no, wait. i texted dad to see if he could come and get me from the train station. Q - Question you’re always asked: “what?” meaning “could you please repeat? preferably louder.” i am notoriously quiet. R - Reason to smile: i looked like sunshine today. S - Song last sang: sorry seems to be the hardest word and it’s a wonderful life this morning in the car. (and then i later i mouthed along to interpol songs. i love interpol). T - Time you woke up: 5:30 am. (i’ve been waking up at 5:30 for most of my life and every time i have to wake up at 5:00 am, it’s like the worst torture ever imagined.) U - Underwear color: it’s black today. V - Vacation destination: if we’re talking about where i’ve been and would like to go again, then Zgornje Jezersko, Slovenia where we went hiking for the first time (i was wearing chucks - decidedly not the smartest decision i’ve ever made). but this summer i would really, really, really like to go to berlin. there are tenative plans to make this happen. (i’m gonna cry if i don’t end up going after all.) W - Worst habit: when i let my (extremly) contrary nature mix with my procrastionation tendencies. i just break my own damn heart. (it’s the worst. don’t recommend it.) X - Xrays you’ve had: to check if my finger broke when the girl slammed a basketball at me (it didn’t) and to see if my tooth was okay under the filling (it was, i just have really sensitive teeth). Y - Your favorite food: we call it french potatoes (no idea why because it’s the most zagorski thing ever). layer a few sliced potatoes (cooked in skin, but whatever works), a few boiled eggs, some finely chopped and fried bacon, then potatoes again in a pan that you can stick in an oven. then pour mileram (any sour cream will do, but runny is better!) all over that and bake it for 30 min at 180°C. (a surprise recipe! yay) Z - Zodiac sign: pisces
i accidentally hit ctrl+enter so if you’re seeing this again, sorry. i had no idea this is a shortcut to post. anyway, since i’m pretty much too awkward and shy to... live, really, and make friends like a normal person, it falls to you, reader, take it in your hands. so if you’d like to be friends ( acquaintances, mutual followers), fill this out and tag me.
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Do You Feel Safe in New Orleans?
Earlier this year Mayor Mitch Landrieu announced a $40 million investment in public safety. That money’s being spent on things like surveillance cameras, brighter LED fixtures in the French Quarter, and enforcing the Alcohol & Beverage outlet code. This got the crew of The Listening Post thinking about how effective those investments are and whether people feel safe in their city. So:
1. How safe are you feeling as you move around New Orleans these days? Where do you feel safe in the city? What places do you try to avoid or tell others to avoid?
• Safe if I'm in certain areas. Uptown, garden district, most of mid-city, touristy areas, lake view, parts of gentilly i feel safe. I tell people to avoid central city (my car got broken into there once as well as hearing gunshots mid-day; I used to work in the area as a social worker), I also would tell people to avoid upper and lower ninth ward, parts of treme, st Claud, and French quarter at times
• I stayed in Nola because every strange street I walked down felt like home.
• I still feel comfortable whenever I move through New Orleans and there is not a place in the city I would advise anyone to avoid save the French Quarter—not for safety concerns but I find the press of people and the tourist's prurient behavior distasteful.
• I don't feel safe in no parts. I just go where I need to go and go back home. The crime is crazy
• I have felt safe in all places that are fairly well populated. Daytime is no worries. Certain areas I do not travel alone at night
• On the whole I feel as Safe as I've always felt but I do find myself giving my environment a double look, especially if I'm alone or in an area I'm not accustomed to.
• Pouring money into policing makes me feel even closer to the center of this orwellian nightmare we live in. I feel safe in places where there is strong, long standing community. i feel the most unsafe in rapidly gentrifying neighborhoods.
• I don't feel safe uptown nor in Mid City. I don't feel any safer since Landrieu became mayor. His genuine support of NOPD seems vacant. He has let them down I feel. How can you do your job when your boss doesn't trust or support you
• Haven't felt safe since the Pizza Kitchen murders. It can happen literally anywhere, at anytime. Still would not want to live anywhere else in America, though.
• I feel much safer when I see the police walking or driving or walking around. I feel unsafe when I am the one they are pulling over. It's kind of like they are on the hunt for something wrong.
• I feel safe during the day at work or in my home with locked doors. I do not feel safe in public at night. I would tell others to avoid anywhere after mid night without many other people around. Avoid neighborhoods that you do not live in that have historically higher number of crimes committed.
• the system is violent.
• Yes that's funny u asked it is scary as hell I just moved out of a 75% Good neighborhood Gentilly at least the area I was in ,due to house 🏡 sale and it's a huge concern because I'm not sure where in the city I would be some what safe so I'm seriously thinking of St Bernard parish
• Feel the same - not much difference from several years ago. Crime seems to come in waves.
• I know crime is an issue but I don't feel any less safe than before. My neighborhood seems safer than it was 10 or 15 years ago.
• We just had a bunch of shootings.....that were not in the quarter.....Honestly, I just think Mitch is nuts!!! People died and he is more concerned that the building was not registered as a night club
• I feel safer when NOPD are present in my immediate area. I try to be careful wherever I go. I try to avoid dark, deserted or almost deserted areas. I also try to go places in a group.
• I'm more afraid of the cops. I feels safe in my hood. -Rodneka❤️
• Anywhere downtown above Rampart after dark
• I don't feel any more safe now than I did pre-Katrina Gentilly is still about the safest IMO. I avoid the East at night for safety purposes.
• I dont feel safe anywheres in this city, I avoid all parts of it and am trying to move out, just last Fri night my neighbors son was murdered on Tulane ave. Not far from the orleans parish jail. Plus 1 orher, this place is out of touch , a rip off , and as dangerous as any place in the world, and as far as a city so small thiers no excuse whatsoever, and people are pass tired of all the same ole excuses.
• I do not feel safe moving around the city. I only feel safe inside my home. I avoid all places in New Orleans when the sun goes down.
• I feel safe most of the time. But I'm cautious about where I park my car, even in the daytime. I never carry cash either. That eases my anxiety.
• I don't feel safe anywhere in the city except my own home, sometimes --- there was a drive-through the neighborhood shoot out a couple years ago that ended in front of my house. At this point I'm considering moving.
• Less safe than ever. Feel safe in stable neighborhoods. Avoid known trouble areas, the French Quarter after midnight.
• I don’t go anywhere without my pit
• I feel safe, but crime uptown is skyrocketing
• That stretch of Tulane with the recent shooting. I'm also always tense in the quarter, but that's less physical worry and more stress about people trying to Mess With Me.
• I don't feel safe, unless I'm at home with alarm system on. I tell people to avoid being out past 9 pm
2. Tell us about a time you felt unsafe in New Orleans, what did you do about it?
• I was in the French quarter on the night of Halloween a few years ago when 13 people were shot and the bar we were in shut the doors and we were temporarily on lock down until the situation was stabilized, my car was also broken into and windows busted while working in central city as a social worker, also heard gunshots while in central city working at 4:30 in the afternoon, in all cases I quickly vacated the scene. With my car, I just drove out of the neighborhood with busted glass because I didn't want to stay in the area and risk further harm
• I felt unsafe when I came out and found my car broken into. I called the police and asked to have them meet me at home.
• When the guy drove Thur the Mardi gras parade on st. Charles. I'm not going to any more parades after that day.
• Once when intoxicated I was on a small side street outside the quarter at night and just moved to a more populated area
• I had to pick up my son in the middle of the night in another part of town. Just kept my eyes Scanning the road and the doors locked. It was while waiting in the parking lot that I felt the most vulnerable. I just stayed focused in the present and waited. With the motor running.
• I never walked outside after 9 pm. Uptown nor Mid City • People are shot simply driving on the interstate, so when DON'T you feel unsafe?
• I felt unsafe when a car full of men pulled alongside of me, one hopped out and yelled "Give it up" and fired a bullet toward my that whizzed past my face and lodged into my dashboard.
• for profit prisons are grotesque
• Feeling unsafe in New Orleans now is like normal because u have to stay alert be very observant be aware of your surroundings keep eye contact with strangers who may look like they may harm u it's just crazy because u never know inside of your car r outside I just say my prayers pray I'm not the next victim but I'm always seeking ways I can help others not be victims also.
• Several times felt unsafe on a bicycle, primarily in areas where blight is an issue (Central City). Avoid areas at certain times of day or avoid them altogether. Communicate with neighbors regularly. Also participate in Nextdoor.
• A kid jumped me and stole my phone on Mardi Gras day. Because he was small, I fought him back. It was frightening and very stressful. I called the police but because it was Mardi Gras the incident was a low priority
• All the nonsense w the statues made me feel uneasy.....
• I don't feel safe coming home late by myself. So I call home and have some one open the door for me.
• Actually someone was shot during the day by Galvez
• My mom got robbed at the K&B on Broad and Esplanade in the 90s. It just reminded me from then on to be aware of my surroundings.
• I dont feel unsafe because I know how dangerous it is here and dont go a lot of places here much.
• Occasionally in my neighborhood Uptown crime is sporadic and consistent. I inform neighbors on our neighborhood website and they do as well to stay vigilant at all times.
• A group of drunk teenagers verbally harassed my wife outside the House of Blues. Reacting would only escalate things so we pretended not to hear and got out of there.
• Pre-Katrina, rampant drug dealing, animal abuse and Gina in the neighborhood. Shooting celebrations on holidays that sent bullets in my home and neighbors' home. Tried to sell me he house, then storm happened. Moved out of state. Returned uptown in 2014 and really don't go out much. Call cops regularly and installed cameras on my house.
• I was walking across the street at night and these bright lights were in my eyes so I squinted. The driver said that he was going to kill me for the look I gave him.
• Ran away.
• Drive-by Shooting a few blocks from my house. I heard it happen. Woke me up. Two days later I walked over to street where it happened and asked people how they're doing. That made me feel better
3. When you see the police, do you feel more safe or less safe?
• Slightly more safe
• When I see the police, my reaction depends on whether or not I'm driving (nervous) or at home or out and about (curious)
• I felt safe but it was too late
• Tough question. Depends on the situation
• More safe. Although as a northern transplant (who's been here over 20 years) I still get nervous. Because they could not like my answer or attitude and pull me over and/or in. But whenever I've had an accident (fender vender) I feel safe with them. And when I marched with women and then for science I felt they were there to protect us.
• Safer
• Shootings have happened in police presence, nothing's a deterrent.
• police are class enemies
• Ummm I do sometimes but we will always as citizens out number our police 👮 So more police presence will help but I do not believe it's the solution to our violent epidemic
• More safe. However they need to get out of their cars and walk the neighborhoods!!!
• More safe
• I avoided the areas
• I feel indifferent towards police as far as safety is concerned. I have cop friends, but I sometimes wonder if I'm being profiled if I'm in certain areas.
• Much less, they queston the people who call more than the predators, so it makes you not call, then they show up a day late, 911 is a joke.
• A little more safe and unfortunately just a little.
• I feel safer when they're around at big events, keeping an eye on everything. I also stopped doing drugs so I have nothing to hide from them.
• Unchanged
• Love my mother, love my father, can't stand the coppers
• It's a different kind of unsafe.
• Less. They're understaffed, and I don't think can help me if I ever needed them
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ofplanetsloved · 2 years
queued all my drafts, so starter call for one of my asshole muses, specify if you have a preference:
demon!dean or markofcain!dean (or if there’s another specific asshole dean you’re interested in)
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ofplanetsloved · 2 years
❝i don't think you understand,❞ ruby crossed the room for maybe the millionth time that hour. ❝that this is so much bigger than a handful of humans. this is so much bigger than any of us. i didn't even think these feathery dicks were real last week. i'm just saying— i think we need to take a step back. are any of us ready to REALLY kill lillith? thee biblical lilith? or am i the only one who read the goddamn alphabet of ben sira?❞ sure, she read it in demon sunday school, but at least it stuck with her. for a variety of reasons that she won't be disclosing yet, but no matter how this ended, no matter which side one, lilith one one DEAD son of a bitch. // OPEN STARTER FOR RUBY
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