#who full on did the 'I'm washing me and my clothes' meme at one point
omegalomania · 2 years
some kind soul uploaded the full q&a that fall out boy did the other night! here is a highlights reel of things that grabbed me while i was watching for those who don't have time to watch:
they have a rapport with the interviewer and have hung out with him a bunch. patrick says they spent like 30 minutes making fun of couches last they hung out lmao
pete describes working with neal avron as being held like an enchanted forest creature with him standing inches from pete's face and saying "what. are. the songs. about." and pete going "oh my god he's looking into my fucking soul rn"
when asked what their favorite meal is, andy says "mom's spaghetti" and doesn't elaborate, patrick says "sushi" and doesn't elaborate. pete says that he's like the joker and he's a simple man and today he had a full english breakfast and he didn't know what to do with half the stuff that showed up.
pete talks about discussing the name of "the beatles" with elliot ingham (their photographer) and says he finally understood that their name was a pun. he says about this "i'm not the sharpest tool in the shed" and doesn't realize he's referencing a meme. the crowd immediately fills him in that it's a lyric by smash mouth. andy clowns on him for this right after: "he's NOT the sharpest tool in the shed"
the host says that pete seems very intellectual. pete says "i PROMISE you that's not true."
when asked about formative musical influences andy and patrick both cite familiar names (andy namedrops drummers for bands like slayer and metallica, patrick says his dad being a folk singer was a huge influence and the 1989 danny elfman batman score). pete says joy division but says he's a visual person and most of his influences are movies.
there's a moment where patrick and pete banter and pete points at the host and says "he just told me i'm smart, i'm trying to live up to it!!" and patrick says in this very small high pitched voice "please be nice to pete!"
anyway pete says his biggest influences are "all the twilight movies except for the one where they introduce [i have no idea what he says here because the crowd promptly goes apeshit]" and also lego batman.
for newer artists patrick says he really likes the new zulu record and the new incendiary song. he says he also likes MSPAINT, alvvays, and another band i couldn't catch the name of
pete says he likes all of patrick's recommendations and says he also likes games we play. andy doesn't give any artists but says patrick gave a "great list" because he's VERY jet-lagged. he's keeping it together as best as he can tho lmao
when asked about if they would ever do a fashion runway show like they did in 2013, patrick says he was embarrassingly short for the whole thing. "i'm at like, bellybutton level." so he says he doubts they would ever be invited back to do something similar "unless they want a bunch of hobbits"
someone asks about producing and patrick gets really in depth with what producing is like and uses "from under the cork tree" as an example - "nobody puts baby in the corner" was barely adjusted from demo form but "sugar we're goin down" had totally different verses at first until they got better direction from the producer.
when asked about what their favorite video to film was, pete says youngblood chronicles WASN'T a lot of fun to make because it was like 9 months with fake blood in your hair and clothes that haven't been washed oNCE. he also didn't love doing the prosthetics for "love from the other side"
the host asks if they've seen the last of us and pete says yes but points at andy and says "he hasn't seen the last episode though so no spoilers!!!" which i thought was very sweet. he then follows that up with "just watch the fuckin episode so we can talk about it!"
patrick and andy said they shot a music video recently that was a "blast" but it's not out yet. pete calls it "very fun, very funny." the crowd starts cheering and patrick hastily says "YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT! you're under NO obligation to like it! but if you do then that's good :)"
patrick says one of the best parts of being in a band is that they all have imposter syndrome but in different ways so they can build up each other's ideas even if they don't believe in their own.....
pete's very nervous about the lyrics to this album cause he's not sure they'll be relatable since he has a lot of "insane fears day to day about not existing." he went to a lot of places that were terrifying to him and he was like "should i talk about this to my therapist" but his therapist said "put this in your lyrics"
"heaven, iowa" was the song that took the longest to come together on this record. this is followed by a rly long anecdote from patrick that im putting in another post cause it honestly made me howl.
when asked about who they'd most like to collaborate with, andy without hesitation says "ourselves" and nothing else. pete says he wanted a kid cudi feature on the album but it didn't work out since he was either busy or ghosted them fldjflkdf
when asked what song are they tired of playing that they can't cut from the setlist and they DON'T want to answer. patrick says some songs have really high notes that are demanding physically for him but that's as specific as he gets lol
pete's like "well we've got this punk song we end all our shows with from one of our earlier albums and it gets very chaotic and sometimes it's a bit of a fancy crowd of people who are like 'i like centuries, i like some of their other songs....i write sins...' and before we start the song i'm like. oh god this is gonna be bad."
when asked about the songwriting process, patrick says: "pete sends me lyrics, i mine them for stuff i like, and....i hate starting answers like this i feel like i've been saying this all MONTH. so i have ADHD - " [crowd fucking goes wild]
when asked about which projects they're proudest of outside of fall out boy, patrick turns to andy and says "andy is very quiet about being in like thirty bands" but andy says he's proud of "all of it"
patrick remarks that he's heard some love for soul punk but is also super grateful he gets to do film and tv scoring now too! he says he likes that when he's talking to people and they ask what he does and if they don't know bands or anything he can say he likes scoring for film and tv and their eyes glaze over and there are no follow-up questions LMAO??
pete is proudest of the bands on his record label!
for favorite songs on the new record, patrick says he likes "what a time to be alive" and says the lyrics are "so tremendously pete"
pete likes "baby annihilation"
when asked about the most difficult song to play live, patrick said headfirst slide wasn't really that difficult even though he expected it to be. he says a lot of songs on mania were very challenging to play live, like young and menace. pete says "what a catch, donnie" was very hard for his "little brain" to play
at the end pete shouts out the host for being fantastic since they've hung out like 3 times now and he thinks he's a great dude to hang out with. andy inexplicably follows this up with "you look like a DAMN fine cup of coffee" and doesn't elaborate but patrick thinks that's his way of saying thank you too
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countthelions · 2 years
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Adding some blues and greens to this beautiful shawl 💚
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hobiwonder · 6 years
An Open Letter to BTS
Hi guys, time for another rant *cue idol*
So I recently watched a video on youtube by this girl SherlizaMoe (i think that's her yt user) on colourism in Kpop, Asia and in a BTS context. She talked about her struggles as a teenager with her skin colour, using lighter makeup in cosplay and generally just being a victim to the whole lighter-is-beautiful mentality before she finally started to love and feel comfortable in her own skin. She also touches on colourism in Asian countries such as India, China, Korea, Philipines etc. It's a great video and touches on a little but if everything for example why it is so prevailant, the historical reasons behind it and the mainstream stars now contributing to colourist ideas by promoting whitening creams, skin bleaches etc.
In that video she touched on kpop as well and more specifically, BTS. She obviously showed an older clip of Namjoon saying how he couldn't see Tae or Hoseok because they were "too black". Now, he has apologized and genuinely moved on from him ignorant beliefs and is very self-reflective and self-aware. It's evident in how much he has grown as a person that we don't need him to constantly apologize or reassure people with his words when we can see in his actions and personality that he has changed.
BUT I will say, the reason for my post is that I see the most change in Namjoon. He made a mistake and he learned from it. What hurts me the most - as it always did in the past but i ignored it like a dumbass - is that how the rest of the group members, unknowningly or knowingly i can't say, are still a victim of that mentality that lighter is the way to go. They may not say it directly but we all know actions speak louder than words. More specifically, Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung are the ones I still see that indirectly make these inferences.
For example, ever since their debut, there have been mupltiple instances in season's greetings, summer package and most of all, Bon Voyage where Jimin has made a commeny about other members getting tanner. He has called Jungkook a kamdoongie years back and I remember it was a big deal for a while until everyone - including myself - dismissed it as them being young and dumb. But that is it. I do think that Jimin still hasn't realised it. That his words and sometimes actions do hurt Army such as myself who are of tanner or very dark complexion. He constantly makes a note of Jungkook tanning, often teasing him for getting tanned which I have found hurtful myself and I can't imagine how Jungkook must feel.
I will say, it's Jimin who contributes the most in terms of his teasing comments. We all know the tan JK got in BV2 and all laughed at it as it sort of became a meme. Because he got a weird tan line, the members made fun of him and it was evident that it was mostly because of the weird tan line and not for getting tanned at all. However, when I watched the new BV, I was honestly kind of really weirded out by the amount of sunscreen Tae, Jungkook and Jimin would put on. Jimin pointed out that Jungkook got a weird tan last time so he should put sunblock on. Whoever has watched the new season can tell that he is teasing - albiet playfully - and then jungkook proceeds to put sunblock on every surface visible.
It's the same when Tae gets to Malta. The scene where he could be a mime with how white his face was because of the sheer amount of sunscreen he was putting on. In episode 2 or 3 I think, Jimin tells jungkook that he has already gotten darker. It's at the restaurant they are eating at so it might be second episode. Throughout the series, they just put on butload of sunscreen like it's going to stop them from tanning. I'm guessing Namjoon doesn't know otherwise he would clown them I think lmao that sunscreen DOESN'T stop you from tanning. It literally just filters the UV rays so the sun isn't going to cause damage and diseases like skin cancer. It does NOT stop production of melanin so regardless, you still get tanned. But we can all tell that that's precisely the reason they keep on slapping sunscreen - to prevent tanning.
Jungkook and Yoongi both wear dark clothes, covering their whole bodies to prevent from getting tanned. I moreso think that's why jungkook wore full sleeves. With Yoongi, maybe not so much but maybe he also wore full sleeves to avoid tanning. I don't see another reason he would be wearing dark full sleeve clothes in the sweltering heat. Namjoon goes out and buys sleevless shirts, Hoseok wear short sleeves, shorts, flowy shirts. Lile you can tell that Namjoon doesn't give a shit about getting tanned and niether does hoseok.
What strikes me the most is that despite Jimin making these comments, he wears shorts, doesn't slap on a gallon of sunscreen because I have noticed he doesn't tan as quickly or as much. We all remember debute Jimin. He wore sleevless and was tan probably because at that time, he was a trainee, went to school, etc. Now he is considerably paler because his wardrobe has changed and sometimes your complexion DOES shift. Mine was much darker when i was young and now im a few shades lighter but still very tan.
Now let's talk about their selfies. All selfies they upload, you can tell that they have either chosen the filter that is the lightest or their exposure is super high. Don't come at me that they are naturally pale or that they don't use filters because even when they are outside, you. can TELL that they have used a filter. It really, really hurts me guys. As I imagine other armies. I may sound dramatic but it is the truth. Seeing men who are my rolemodels, not embrace their own skin because of the societal norms of what is considered beautiful and what is not. It's kind of contradictory to their message and I hope Namjoon can educate them a little more on the impact they are having by these subtle things they do.
I'm not calling Jimin bad, or anyone else in the group. I love then dearly and BECAUSE I love them, I want them to be better people. The recent picture Jungkook posted in Fancafe. Have you guys seen how whitewashed that is? Like why do they appear so gorgeously tan and golden in the US? Any show outside of Korea they have gone to, they can be seen in their true skin colours. In Korea, the culture is to just put a wash to their cameras so everyone appears lighter than they are. BTS stands for not following the societal norm, to change things we are not happy with. Just because it's the culture, doesn't mean it is right. It is colourism. I was fortunate enough to have a family who empowered me and made me feel comfortable in my own skin. But not everyone has that.
Especially in Korea, Brazil, India, Indonesia and other developing counties who have these farmful beauty standards as a replacement for equal rights and opportunities to climb up the social hierarchy. I'm not claiming to know everything but i hope you get the gist of it. And I hope they can learn and move away from these ideas that lighter is beautiful. I'm sure many people feel the same way. If I am to criticise other groups for colourism, I want my own ult group to change.
I am also not saying lighter skin is bad or that BTS should be always tan. Skin colours change according to the weather we all know. But what I am saying is completely different.
That's all thanks for reading if you did. Check out these videos for more context.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_YhxShoelz4 - Jackie Aina talking about skin bleaching.
- Skin bleaching documentary. It's something that is practiced all around Asia and Africa.
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rusticpumpkin-blog · 6 years
Beyond Love | Paul Lahote | 1 |
Kathryn Swan was a girl who loved her family but in a matter of seconds, her old life was taken away from her. Broken and permanently scarred she moves in with the only family she has left her uncle Charlie. Now she's faced with changes she didn't even think possible.
A Paul Lahote love story.
(This takes place 2 years after the end of breaking dawn pt 2)
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Everything is exactly the same way I remember it being 5 years ago, from the way the furniture in the living room was positioned to the stacks of VHS tapes that were under the TV in the entertainment center. It kind of hurt the way that things are so constant here. Like nothing happened. But that was the way it was Bella had warned me about it, nothing here changes, it never does.
It still rains too much, making everything seem dismal even in the house that had dim lights that were probably older than me. I scoffed at the thought because I knew that couldn’t be true… about all of the bulbs in the house anyway.
There were old photos on the wall that seemed to have been recently dusted of Bella, Aunt Renee, and Uncle Charlie hung up probably years and years ago before Rene left and went somewhere sunny. Somewhere like where I came from. Even the bright smiles in most of the photos that I still remembered from my childhood weren’t enough to make the room any lighter but maybe that was just me… it’s been hard lately.  
"Bellas old room?" I sighed as Charlie walked in behind me having some issues with the suitcase he offered to carry for me, it was mostly clothes, a few art supplies but the size of it and the muddy ground that he didn’t want it to touch was what made it difficult.
He nodded out of breath, "I'm goin to order a pizza the drive back took longer than I thought it would." He said sitting the luggage down so I could grab the handle and wheel it towards the stairs.
I nodded pizza sounded good, something quick and easy that doesn’t make awkward dinner table conversations obligatory. "Is there anything that you won't eat?" He asked I could tell that this change was going to be awkward for him, but he was trying harder than he wanted me to realize. So I decided that I'm going to try to make this whole situation as easy as possible, for both of us.
"Not really, sardines but if you want them I can just pick them off." I shrugged as he handed me my other duffel bag and I started up the stairs. "No one eats sardines and enjoys it." He said trying to make a joke and I laughed at it, even though it sucked.
"In the morning we can run out and get things that you might need if you want." He offered. "I'm not a morning person." I muttered shrugging before continuing, "But thanks for the offer, I think I'm good. If I figure anything that I really need I'll let you know." I assured him, he nodded seeming to understand that I just wanted to go to bed and I was thankful for that.
Bella's old room is smaller than the one I had back at home. like everything in this house from the magnates on the fridge to the boots lined on the wall by the front door, everything in here was in the same place too.
I was too tired to think about rearranging anything tonight, I just dropped my bags on the bare bed and pulled out a pair of sweats and a tank top so that i could go do that thing that over the past few months I've grown to hate.
It’s not that I actually dislike showering but I hate the 'avoid the mirror' game. I had to do it because I would get sick every time I saw myself and what I've been reduced to.
While I was in the hospital and the aftermath of the accident, I've lost almost 50 pounds. I was, to be honest at a healthy weight for my height, the greatest shape I've been in in my life. But the way my once vivid icy grey eyes that I once prided myself on as being my best feature were now dim and gaunt, I had dark circles under them, from a mixture of sleepless and nightmare filled nights. I looked just as sick as I felt when I saw the rest of my skin.
The scars were the worst part, they were what made me really want to not look. They made me hate my own skin but being dragged behind a flipped car on the asphalt for about 50 feet will do that too someone. It could definitely be worse, I could be dead too.
Without even realizing it I was doing it again, staring. That's how I know its hard for other people not to, if I cant not look how can I expect anyone else to?
They ranged from a little over 2 inches wide on my left arm and leg to about 10 inches wide on my side and hip, thick slightly raised scars going down the left side of my body. My head wasn't even untouched, most of my left ear is gone. I have a scar going down my jaw and even light places on my cheek the 'lucky' part about those is that they were light, so makeup would help but nothing would ever take them all the way away. Unless I wanted to get surgery which considering how long I spent at the hospital before meant it wasn’t going to happen for a long time, if at all.
My tawny brown hair was the only thing that really hasn't changed all that much. There was a small patch around my ear that no longer grew and a portion around my ear that had to be buzzed off so I could get staples to hold my scalp shut. My hair looked just as dreary as my eyes it made me look unhealthy but being unhealthy meant I was still alive.
I was lucky
After my shower, I knew the pizza was probably here but I was too tired to care about the rumbling in my stomach at this point. I walked to what was now my room across the hall and lay down on the bed. I had every intention of getting up and going to find a pillow and blanket for myself from the hall closet but I was asleep before I had the chance.
I sat a week later, at the kitchen table sipping my coffee and scrolling through my social media feed. Even with me gone all of my friends were still able to function as proper 18-year-olds. Having fun and going to parties without me like it wasn't any different. I'm not going to lie and say that it doesn't hurt that I haven't even gotten any text messages telling me how much they miss me or to check in on me but it is what it is. Things outside of this place change and this is just one of them.
I don't expect to have ‘friends’ until I start working which I don't know how long that's going to be. There are only a few family own businesses in this little town and none of them are hiring right now anyway.
Charlie says that I don't need to worry about working or a job but I do. I don't want to be a financial burden on him after the insurance money stops. If I had been 18 before all this, I wouldn't even have had to move in with him period.
Charlie's been nothing but supportive. In his own awkward way, Bella thinks that its because he's happy that he's not living alone anymore. But I still kinda get the ‘I’m going to be super nice because of the hard time you’ve been having’ vibe off of him.
Speaking of Bella, I haven't got to see her yet. She's went with her own family on a trip to Africa… I think anyway I can't say 100% that I remember what she told me.
My whole life here has been nothing but a haze considering the nightmares have only gotten worse with the change of scenery. More vivid and realistic but it helps me wake up sooner I guess so there's that. I know that Charlie is concerned about them but there's nothing that I can do short of not sleeping at all. Which is what I do if I can help it even if that bothers him too.
"I thought you weren't a morning person." Charlie said walking in and confusing me because I thought he had left for work earlier but he was dressed in a flannel and jeans instead of his police uniform. Thinking about it, since I’ve been here I don’t remember ever seeing him in anything else, it was weird like seeing a teacher in public or something.  
"Couldn't sleep." I muttered shrugging.
"Do you have any plans for today?" He asked knowing full well that I didn't. He just wanted to know if it was ok with me if I got out of the house, which I have yet to do, in a polite way.
"No, whats up?" I asked not looking up from my phone a stale meme looking really interesting all of a sudden.
"A friend of mine is having a barbeque out on the beach in La Push.” He said referring to the Native American reservation that was a 20-minute drive away from here.
"Sounds fun, I love seeing old dudes cook on a grill and argue about football," I said sarcastically rolling my eyes.
"Fireworks and a bonfire, there will be other kids around your age there." He said as if attempting to sell me on the idea, he wasn’t doing a good job, kids my age are assholes. "You remember Jacob Black?" He asked me the name did ring a bell. "I think so," I said remembering a lanky copper skinned boy with pants that were never quite long enough for him but he was always shorter than me. "The kid that you and Bella used to play with." He added attempting to jog my memory.
"That skinny kid?" I scoffed making him bark out a laugh. "Yeah, he's not little anymore." He sighed in a way that made it sound like Jake had gained weight. "Quill and Embry live out there still too?" I asked remembering them too, we’d all been in our own little pack, fighting imaginary sea monsters at the beach (Mostly just clumps of seaweeds that had washed up from high tide).
He nodded. "Alright, I'll be ready in like 2 minutes," I said jogging up stairs.
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Present Mic, Katsuki, and Eraserhead with a transguy s/o who has mild insomnia, some self harm tenancies, and depression? I'm looking for comfort.
Hey anon, I did my best for ya.-Mod Martyr
Present Mic/ Hizashi
If you don’t take medication for the depression or insomnia, Mic is all for you seeing a doctor, cause he knows that, in some cases, meds can really help a guy out. He’ll also 100% clear his schedule to go to the appointment with you, if you want. Hizashi also gives 0 fucks about the stigma surrounding depression as a mental disorder. He’s there for you.
If you don’t want to take medications to help, Hizashi is still going to try and help you as much as possible. He may not understand that you aren’t ready to get that kind of help, but he’ll accept your decision. This man has his phone on vibrate 24/7 in case you text him feeling terrible. Hizashi has become a master of answering texts without being caught by his students or coworkers.
Once your relationship became serious, he gave you a key to his place. You’re encouraged to come over if you feel awful or can’t sleep. If you can’t muster up the energy, he’ll spend the night at your home instead, so you aren’t alone. Mic is very aware of how dangerous it can be to leave somebody with self harming inclinations and depression alone.
Lets face it, he’s probably woken up to get ready for work and found you sitting on his couch, half dead in a binder you’ve been wearing too long because you haven’t slept well in days/weeks. If this is the case, Hizashi will make you shower with him and give you a fresh set of way oversized clothes he has. He doesn’t even care if you want to steal a pair of his boxers.
He WILL send you texts to remind you not to wear a chest binder for over 8-ish hours. If you’re on HRT he also tries to make sure you adhere to the dosage and schedule that you need to.
Hm, oh boy, when Mic found you with fresh injuries from self harm, he was a bit shellshocked. He thought somebody had legit pinned you down and hurt you at first, but then he realizes how ridiculous that idea is. If somebody had done that, you would have fought, called him, something to that effect.
If he wasn’t meant to see them, he just pats your shoulder for a second, not sure how much physical contact you’re willing to put up with after him seeing. Hizashi’s first words are something like “It’s okay, I’m not angry or disappointed, just let me disinfect them. Please.”
The concern level went from 0 to 100 real quick when there are more injuries and scars than he expected. He cries a little bit, trying to tell you how much he loves you. He knows asking you to stop for him is the wrong thing to do, since you’ll feel guilty about the issue or feel compelled to hide it.
After that incident he asks you to at least cuddle with him that night and let him lay his head on you. He whispers that you’re the strongest guy he knows. Allmight has physical strength, but not the fortitude of spirit you do. Nobody else he knows is struggling this hard to live, and he’s so, so proud of you for making it this far.
Katsuki Bakugo
The first thing he found out about was the scars/injuries. This boy walked in on you just after putting your binder and undergarments on. At first you don’t understand why he stopped talking after coming in. Then you realize. This set of clothes doesn’t cover the scars. You fucking scramble to your bed and rip the top blanket off to cover yourself. He’s smart enough to know they aren’t just the usual scarring from injuries. They’re too neat and orderly for that.
Being bullheaded as he is, Bakugo isn’t leaving until you explain what’s going on. He’s only been with you for a few months, but you already mean a lot to him. He knows you don’t sleep very well, or very often, but the rest of your problems are still a mystery to him.
The short explanation of your coping mechanism isn’t smooth, and you’re clearly very upset that he knows now, but Bakugo doesn’t give one fuck if you’re upset. He leaves right out, not saying anything. You panic, wondering what he’s going to do, and try to throw on your clothes and shoes as fast as possible. You also toss on a coat and get ready to run. Bakugo was prone to violent, visceral reactions, and you knew it.
When you go to open your door to get away for a while, he opens it.
“Where the fuck are you going, sit back down.”
You’re probably shaking or crying at this point, and Baku seems to have no fucks to give. You step back, and he comes in, using his foot to shut the door behind him because his hands are full. He’s got a cabinet’s worth of medical supplies from the bathroom, and dumps them all on your bed.
Since you haven’t really moved from your place by the door, still shaking or crying, he comes to you. Bakugo rests his hands above your hips, even when you flinch at the contact, he doesn’t hesitate. “You’re not in trouble, you’re my boyfriend. You look after me when I’m hurt, I’ll look after you now.” Baku is so, so gentle in trying to mend your injuries. His calloused hands resting gently on your skin and his quiet shushing you is sweet. He’s all over you, like he usually is in private, but his chaste kisses are soft and excessive.
After that, he won’t leave. He’s dragging you into bed with him to lie around and cuddle. He asks you to explain exactly what’s going on, and is firm in his resolve to help you. Things are still pretty normal, but he tries to check on your mood more often.
When the depression is hitting hard and you can’t get out of bed, he’ll carry you. Bakugo makes sure that you’re decently clean. If he has to, he’ll make you lean over the bathtub so he can wash your hair. He’s very aggressive in trying to care for you.
If you let him, he’ll bring Kirishima over because Kiri will ramble on about how gentlemanly you tend to be, and how manly you are. Plus his energy is infectious, and sometimes you get a boost when he’s around.
Bakugo does a lot of research on self harm, depression, and insomnia to try and find some strategies to care for you when you feel awful. After all, you tend to him when he’s being an asshole, or is injured. To him, it’s not very different than that. He loves you and nothing will ever change that.
He knows you’re an insomniac like him, how could he not? You’re usually awake when he is, and he knows you don’t take naps or go to bed early, so it’s the only available option left. You both text back and forth when you’re apart at night, things like cat pictures, memes, and reminders for the coming day.
If you’re together at night, it’s usually at your house. Aizawa actually sleeps more when he’s there, because your house is a pretty safe space to him. Having him around eases you a bit, because even if you can’t sleep you can stare at your lover all night and contemplate his gentle expression. It gives you something to do other than antagonize over how little sleep you’ll be running on tomorrow.
Since you’re a pro hero like him, he does worry about your cognitive functions being messed up because of the insomnia. It fucks him up sometimes, so naturally it’s gotta fuck you up too, right? Not with the amount of caffeine you drink. During your hero patrols, you carry energy bars, a thermos of coffee that’s so strong that it’s downright nasty, and some facial cleansing wipes to make you feel more clean and awake on the job.
Aizawa is so worried for you. He once saw you brew that gross coffee, and ever since has been wary of drinking any beverage you make. This guy loves being awake and alert as much as you do, but one cup of that shit can move him through a whole school day, and you drink a lot more than he does.
He also picked up on your self harming tendencies long before you told him, but he lets you decide when you’re ready. The little ticks you have like scratching at scabs or not caring about the pain of injuries are a couple of the things that tipped him off, as did the razor he discovered missing a blade in your cabinet. Living alone, you weren’t as careful as you used to be about hiding things.
When you finally think telling him is unavoidable, and do it, he asks very, very politely if he can see. The scars and injuries both fading and new surprise him with sheer numbers. He hadn’t quite expected this, but he’s ready. Aizawa reassures you that he loves you, and that if you ever need him he’ll be there. He also suggests seeing a doctor or licensed professional to try and find better coping skills. But he knows he’s the pot calling the kettle black, since his form of self injury is working himself into the ground.
Back when you first got together, he noted the excessive use of dry shampoo and day old clothes you wear, signaling that you don’t take great care of yourself. Hell, he’s the same way, sticking greasy hair up into a bun and spraying febreze on his clothes to make himself look and smell socially acceptable, if a bit lazy. Aizawa also has depression, and tries to stick around you on bad days so that you can suffer together. He takes medication for it, but there are still shitty days and nights.
Usually you’ll both get up to do house tasks together. Even though you’re both tired and dying on the inside, you can do just about anything together. On some days you’ll both clean your living space, on others it’s his being organized. You’ll both try to do the bare minimums: laundry, washing dishes, and airing out the apartments. This becomes a lot easier if you move in together, as do lots of other things.
Aizawa tends to buy both of you little self care kits. Bath bombs and lotion are some of his favorite things. Anything you ban both do together and relax is a blessing, and when you both take baths, he’ll lean your back against his chest and wrap his arms around you, letting the hot water soothe all of your collective aches and pains. He knows your injuries sting a little bit, but the qualities of the bath bombs he gets seem to be helping your scars fade faster, and your skin is soft too.
After the bath, it’s mug cakes and doing paperwork on the couch. It’s not as relaxing, but it’s easy to work while you’re together in your pyjamas. Every once in a while, one of you will lean over and kiss or just lean on the other, prompting a short break of smiling and exchanging gentle contact.
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