#who gave him these slutty little fishnet sleeves
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sawyer-elliot · 4 years
Conflicting Feelings Chapter 2
Word Count: 1,717
Once class is over, I decide to go to the bar and report my findings to Sensei. That also means I have to deal with Shigaraki's attitude, but that could be kind of fun, I always loved pissing that asshole off. I walk down the street and see Bakugo walking alone. I know he told me to stay away but I do want to get to know him. If things go well, he'll become a powerful ally.
"Hey Bakugo, wait up!" I shout running over to him.
"Oh great, what do you want?"
"I just want to get to know you. I wasn't kidding when I said I thought we could be friends."
"So let me see, you're an asshole to me, then expect me to just be friends with you?"
"I wasn't the only one being an ass you know? You're not the friendliest either," I say as I cross my arms and give a fake pout. It's easy to pretend to be a helpless girl, especially when you know you could overpower anyone. He laughed a little. I looked up to see him staring down at me with a smile on his face, but not the friendly kind.
"I already told you to drop the act. If you want to be friends you have to show me who you really are. Anyways, just because you beat me in those stupid tests, doesn't mean that you could beat me in a fight. I'm not friends with weaklings." This asshole.
"I could too beat you!"
He leans down, towering over me, "Well then lets hope we have combat training tomorrow Speedy." He speeds up and walks away. Speedy? Did he think that was a good comeback? Speedy? Walking down the street to the bar, I can't help but think about him. Sure he's an asshole, but he was a cute asshole. As much as I liked his stupid face, I had a job to do. I turned down the dark alley, and knock on the door to the bar.
"Open the door Dry Skin, I don't have all day for you to find out what lotion is." The door opens to reveal a tall man with light blue hair and red eyes.
"What are you doing here Brat?"
"I'm here to talk to Sensei," I state pushing past him.
The computer screen lights up, "Y/N? Is that you?"
"Yes, Sensei."
"How was your first day at UA, anything interesting?" Sensei was kind but always sounded like he was an inch from death. I was nervous for the day he might die, that would mean I would have to listen to Shigiraki.
"It was fairly boring. I couldn't find much being the first day, but I did meet someone who could help us. His name is Katsuki Bakugo. He has quite the temper and ego. Paired with his quirk, he could be a fierce ally."
"Good job y/n. Gain the boy's trust, and he will soon join us. Now go home and get some rest, I'm sure you've had a long day."
"Yes Sensei," I say bowing to the computer. Turning around to face Shigaraki, "See you soon Dry Skin." Leaving the bar I was excited about tomorrow. I couldn't wait to impress Sensei. This was my first real assignment and would be a very important one.
Time Skip
After our core classes, we went to hero training. Aizawa explained to us that we would be doing real combat today and gave us our costumes. I looked up at Bakugo who glared at me. It's on pretty boy. Putting on my costume, it felt great. It was my "hero costume" but would soon be a villain costume. I slipped on the fishnet leggings first, then the small suit. The skin-tight black suit didn't cover much. It didn't have sleeves or legs and had a collar that went up to form a turtleneck. I kept the zipper in the front zipped down to form a V-Neck. The fabric was a sort of leather but was more durable, I couldn't quite figure it out. I shrugged and slipped on my thigh-high black boots. They had a slight heel that almost worked like a cleat to give me more traction as I ran. It was then that I saw the f/c lines going down the side of the suit. The small belt around my waist would be good for holding different weapons when I would actually need the suit, but for now, it had no use so I left it in the case. I slipped on the fingerless gloves and looked in the mirror. Honestly, it looked hot.
I walked to the training ground to see All Might. It took a lot not to kill him then and there, but I knew I would never hear the end of it from Shigiraki. He informed us that we would be on teams of two, with one team of three. One team would be heros and the other villains. The heros had to catch the villains or get the weapon the villains were hiding, and the villains had to outlast the heros or capture them. All Might pulled for slots, and I was paired with a girl named Uraraka.
"Hi, I'm Ochaco Uraraka!"
"Oh hi, I'm y/n l/n. This looks like it will be fun!" All Might revealed that we would be the heros, with Bakugo and Iida as the villains. Funny. Uraraka and I made our way over to the building we would be fighting in. "So based on his personality, I think that Bakugo will split and come after one of us. I'll distract him and you can go get the weapon."
"Sounds like a plan! Let's do this!" I could tell how excited Uraraka was. She was so positive it made me want to throw up. All Might told us that it was time to begin, and we went inside. Just as I thought, Bakugo appeared around the corner.
"Remember how I said I would beat you yesterday? I was serious." He came running at me as Uraraka ran away to find the weapon. I let him get close to me with a powerful right hook as I charged up a bit. As he swung at me, I used my quirk to run behind him and dodge him. Before he could figure out where I was, I jumped into the air and came down planting my feet into his back. The force caused a dent in the floor. I placed one foot on his back and one on the ground as I leaned into his ear.
"What was that again? You talk a lot of game for someone so slow." He turned his body under my foot and shot a blast that sped to avoid. This game of cat and mouse went on for a while. I hoped this boy would show that he had enough power to outsmart me, but all it took was a little speed to get him running in circles. He threw one shot at me and I sped behind him, coming face to face with another blast. The idiot finally figured it out. The blast launched me against the wall. He walked over to me with a smirk.
"You have a lot of talk for someone with one move." he leaned down and stuck out a hand mocking me. "Do you need help up princess?" There was a hint of victory in his eyes. I lifted my arm with a smirk, shooting a bolt of lightning at him. I stood up and walked over to him.
"Need help princess?" He blasted himself up off the ground and pinned me against the wall behind us. He stared into my eyes. He was closer than I think he wanted to be as a slight showing of pink appeared on his face. All I have to do is get this tape around your hand and I win Pretty Boy. I grabbed the tape out of my pocket staring into his eyes. I leaned forward and with one hand, I pulled his face towards mine and kissed him. The warmth of his lips on mine felt... good. I could've stayed like that for a while, but I had a job to do. Before he could figure out what was happening, I wrapped the tape around his hands. "Gotcha."
As his face pulled away from mine, I could see in his eyes that he enjoyed the kiss, but I could also see how mad he was. "You're a dirty bitch you know that?"
"Yeah yeah, I had to find some way to get you out of my way while I win this thing." As I walked away I couldn't help but blush. I'm supposed to be using this guy, but honestly, I was falling for him.
Time Skip
After watching our other classmates go, we walked back to the locker rooms to change. Bakugo had stayed quiet after our match and didn't really talk to anyone. I couldn't help but care a little, walking up to him. "Are you ok? You've been quiet for a while." For the first time in a long time, I wasn't faking caring.
"Why would you care?" He snapped back. Maybe I hurt him more than I thought I had.
"Just 'cause I'm an asshole doesn't mean I have feelings. I'm sorry about the ki-"
"Shut up," he cut me off, "don't act like you care about me. You're nothing but a bug in my way. Take your slutty costume and get out of my face." His words stung. This was the first boy who had changed how I acted, even just for a second. What am I doing? I couldn't care less about him. Right? I stepped back and staring at the ground as I walk. I saw him look back and walk next to me again. "Sorry." The word nearly knocks me over. "I had no right to yell at you like that. I didn't mean to hurt you." We walk in silence for a moment.
"Do you want to come to my house after school?" I'm not sure what his answer will be, but I hope it's a yes.
"Tch. Sure." That was all he said before walking away into the locker room.
a/n: sorry about the bad fighting. I'm not very good at writing fights.
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