#who is perplexed by his fiance's determination
Shang Qinghua would be a huge Meng Yao/Jin Guangyao stan. send tweet
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cpirits · 6 days
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎… ⋙ ╰┈➤ WILLIAM MURDOCH HC
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"I rely on logic, not feelings to determine if a person is guilty" -S2x24
-- William first spoke freely about his crush on Julia was S1x11, right after he was shot with a crossbow and injured trying to protect a woman who could commune with spirits. (canon) -- He had a cane during his recovery, and hated using it, but still keeps it in a closet of his house. -- He's got a severe crush of Dr. Julia Ogden, but feels she is out of his league even though he flirts with her (so I don't consider their marriage in my muse's history.)
-- He doesn't drink (unless off duty, and even then light), smoke or do really any sort of promiscuous activity, but has read a few books, to which he tried deeply to forget but the words are stored forever in his brain. He might be curious about a lot, but unable to act on anything. -- Makes the sign of the cross over his chest when finding anyone/anything dead, to honor the deceased, he also does his best not to use God's name in vein.
-- He grew up in a poor family, and so knows what hard work can make a man into. He'd work himself into the ground if he didn't have friends who cared. -- He's not squeamish around dead bodies, and around Dr. Ogden who is constantly working with corpses, cutting organs, etc.
-- Murdoch wears coal on his eyes because it helps keep sun from them, and he's inspired by ancient Egyptians. He loves history. -- Keeps his late fiance in his memory a lot, mulling over loving, and losing her.
-- In S1x12 he caught up with, and lost an old friend from his boyhood. He deeply grieves the loss and hates to see anyone he cares about die. -- He cries only in secrecy, thinking from his church days that it's weakness showing, but as he grows he learns that it's okay for a man to cry openly. -- He like all members of the Constabulary are proficient in Horseback riding, as well as shooting guns, though Murdoch doesn't use a gun unless acting in self-defense. -- His favorite animals are Pigs -- Coffee is a drink that perplexes him, he doesn't like that it's so bitter, and prefers tea.
... this will be added to ...
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rowenmoncada · 6 years
ok yeah here’s rowen all over again too guys! he’s a lil mess and please love him!!! let me know if you want to plot with him (or re-plot with him) and if you’ve got any ideas adlksajflkdfj i’m a mess but! yeah! 
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&&. announcing his royal highness, ( rowen james moncada ), the ( 21 ) year old ( crown prince ) of ( malta ). he is often confused with ( tom holland ). some say that he is ( clueless & awkward ), but he is actually ( kind & spontaneous ). ( rowen ) is arranged to marry ( hailee steinfeld ).
he was born in malta but his days there were numbered there from the start. his mother chose to run away when he was just twenty days old, and the mystery of where she went would perplex journalists and international task forces alike.
the truth was that she married a con man. she’d been in love and her queen of malta hadn’t approved, so she ran away with him. they slipped through airport security under different names with dyed hair and fake glasses, and into a new life in nova scotia, canada.
rowen was raised there, in a house in the middle of nowhere. the first ten years of his life his parents shielded him, only allowing on neighbor to visit to skate on their backyard pond in the winter or to play street hockey in the summer.
to this day, that neighbor is his very best friend and the only person he still spends time with from his home. he even brought them along to malta the second he was stolen away from canada.
his mother died when he was fourteen. he thought it was strange that they didn’t hold a funeral and just had an urn on the counter. a famous woman of a different name died, too. they spoke on the television of her life, and the mystery of where she had gone for all these years. a tragedy. rowen would ignore it, not wanting to look at the woman who looked uncannily like his mother when he’d just lost her.
he never knew how his life was going to change when he turned 21. the whole point of running away was to get him out of the spotlight and into a normal life. but when they arrived at his door he had just returned from the police station. of course he’d gone out for his 21st with his best friend and of course they’d ended up in the drunk tank for public intoxication.
at first, they’d pushed his friend out of the main room of the apartment while he’d argued with the men in suits, but once they’d calmed down he could get the barest facts out of them.
he was a prince. a crown prince, who’d one day take the throne. his mother was once royal, and that same famous woman who’d died the same day. they needed him back in malta, as his grandmother was growing old and weary of ruling the country.
he was in shock the whole way there. his father disappeared into the ether, leaving only the number for a burner phone. his best friend followed him to malta to support him and rowen made sure they’re paid to be an advisor.
the excitement died when they began his “royal lessons” to become a proper person and not seem like some kind of idiot from north america. he learned languages and how to be perfect and when it was all over they gave him a “gift”.
it was a betrothal, to a girl he’d never met.
he lost his mind, screaming and lashing out against his grandmother and her court alike. this wasn’t what he wanted, it was never what he wanted. his mother was right to run away and protect him.
they decided it was time to send him away to meet his betrothed, and he sadly made his way onto the most beautiful island he’d ever seen.
he’s not… good at this yet, but one day he’ll have to be. basically, rowen’s trying his best and it’s not going well at all.
after the attacks, rowen was called back to Malta. After ignoring his grandmother for several weeks, and keeping in contact with his fiance, he finally was sent to Oslo when they determined that they couldn’t keep going on like this. 
Oslo is nice, and he hopes that he’ll be able to keep away from danger this time, maybe hell get to know some other people, too. 
the best friend: they’ve always been there for rowen. they were best friends from childhood and things have remained the same every since. when he left, he took them along. and they’ve been his shoulder to lean on every since. this world is new and confusing but it’s easier with them by rowen’s side.
please love me and plot with him
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kitsumiekat · 6 years
For Kingdom, For Her - Liam x OC, Maxwell x MC (7/?)
Book: The Royal Romance
Pairing: Liam x OC (Kina)
Rating: PG (NSFW for certain chapters)
Summary:  In the aftermath of the attack, the Unity Tour starts of at Fydelia. But Madeleine still nurses a deep grudge not only to the royal family, but to the new Duchess Riley, and point blank refuses to step in to help. Help comes in a different form… and one that absolutely distracts Liam in ways he never expected.
A/N: I was in Japan for two weeks and twas the best time of my life!!! <3 yes I’ve loved Japan since I was a kid so being able to go after 18 years of staring after that country is just simply... Ahhh. *sighs* And then work decided to kick me in the butt so... I’msorry this update was like, 2 months late! ;_; But now that TRR has wrapped up, I’m all the more determined to finish this (cause heartbroken Liam when my MC chose Maxwell is too much for me to bear. He is such a cinnamon roll.)
Tags: @decisso
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Kina was heading down the stairs the next morning, dressed for the gallery opening in her emerald green culotte’s and blue form fitting blouse. Her black platforms landed with a click on the final steps of the mansion, when Hana popped out into the hallway, her eyes lighting up when she saw her. 
“Come over Kina.”
The young Fydelian noble raised her brow when she caught the note of necessity in Hana’s voice.
Following her, Kina slipped in and quickly noted the worried looks of her friends as they surrounded a pale looking Francesco and a harried looking Hakim. 
“Riley said there was an emergency. What happened Francesco?” Liam asked.
“The gallery...” Francesco managed between catching his breathe from his sprint. “The gallery has been flooded! And it’s no accident.”
Gasps of aghast surprise came from around the group, shock suffusing them. Kina herself gaped, her brain grinding to a halt. They’ve all seen how hard Kiara and her family has worked for this gallery, and if it’s flooded... can the show go on?
“You think it was sabotage? But why would someone  want to do that?” Hakim asked, horror obvious in his voice.
“Wasn’t Bastien investigating the ‘Sons of Earth’ group?” Kina asked.
“He thought they might’ve connected to that video on Five Kingdoms Day... but there were no leads.” Liam explained.
“Plus, don’t they want more outreach from Cordonia? If anything, they should support these events.” Riley continued with a perplexed look on her face.
“If not them, then who?” Hakim said, his face still distraught.
“The Liberation Core? Maybe this event was too much of a rallying point.” Liam mused.
“That’s all the motivation they need to ruin the party.” Drake snarled, his usual bad mood surfacing.
“I’ll have the King’s Guard secure the area at once.” 
“In the meantime...  the festival must be cancelled. The damage is extensive and impossible to repair in time.”
The mood was palpably sad at Francesco’s report, especially when Hakim stated how the sabotage would make the country look. Kina bit her lip as she watched Hakim pacing across the rug. What could they do? Already Liam was swamped with the news of his father returning due to failing health. When she saw his pinched, worried look, her mind was racing to find a solution.
“What if we don’t cancel?” she piped up
“Perhaps I have yet to convey the full extent of the flooding....” Francesco’s skeptical retort made her scowl. But when Kina’s eyes drifted to the hopeful faces of her friends, she barrelled on.
“No, listen. We can ... it can be part of the installation!” 
“Oh!” Riley jumped in, and Kina grinned. She knew the feisty American would catch on. “Like the something representing the rising tide of Cordonia’s future?”
“Despite waves, we sail on to greater tomorrows!” Kina continued, and the two dissolved into eager giggles, to which Liam grinned.
“That’s exactly the kind of message Cordonia needs to hear right now.”
“Oooh! I can spread the word on social media. Immersive, interactive new interaction, blah-blah one time only!” Maxwell jumped in. Riley nodded eagerly, her eyes encouraging to her fiance.
“The more exclusive it sounds the better.”
Watching as everyone quickly fell into roles to make this last minute heist a success, a sense of satisfaction swelled in her chest, the likes of which Kina had rarely, if ever felt before due to the stark coldness between whom she called her family members. Biting her lips as she watched everyone mete out plans between them, she took a few steps back, about to back away, when a hand caught her arms, and she blinked in surprise at Liam’s curious eyes.
“Where do you think you’re going?” he murmured, just as Hakim expressed his disbelief at the amount of effort everyone was putting in. Leaving Riley to expertly handle this, Kina instead, shrugged, when she felt Liam’s hand drop to close his fingers gently around her wrist.
“Back? You guys seem to have everything under control.” she responded with an uncertain smile.
“Then you better have another think coming.” Liam replied smoothly, grinning when he let his hands slip even lower, to clasp hers and give it a light squeeze. “Because you’re coming as my date.”
For the first time since joining the tour, Kina was nervously rifling through the clothes Riley peered at herself in the dress Kina had found for her in one of the boutique’s in the city. The color blocked dress ensured that Riley would blend right in with the artists, and presented a fine facade to the fine artists that the duchess was attempting to convince to attend her wedding.
But Kina was beginning to suspect she used up all of her artistic ability on that dress. As she rifled through the remaining dresses in the wardrobe, her heart sank lower and lower, she didn’t even notice the approach of Riley and Maxwell behind her.
Raising a brow, the playful younger sibling of the Beaumont house nudged his fiance. “What’s the matter with her? Should we get the doctor? Or Sir Toffee? Surely Sir Toffee’s fluff can cure anything.”
Riley rolled her eyes, smothering her amused smile at her future-husband’s banter, before approaching Kina gently.
“Kina? Do.... you need help? What’s the matter?”
Kina hesitated. How much should she tell? Technically, Riley had been one of Liam’s suitors before. Oh, she knew how completely in love Riley was with Maxwell now, but... what was one supposed to do in situations like this?
“I... Liam asked me to be his date to the exhibition.” she finally blurted out, unable to come up with a convincing lie in the short period of time. “And I can’t seem to find a dress proper enough. It’s just too... I mean, I’ve never wanted to mix with people of ... like them!” she finished, dryly laughing. The irony of the situation was amazing, to Kina anyway. She was born into the Fydelian nobility, yet Kina had never felt like she belonged. She knew she had a thing for Liam, but he was the King, if she already didn’t feel like she belonged in the class for nobility, who was she to even wish she could fit in with royalty?
Watching her downcasted face, Riley bit her lip, knowing somewhat what she felt like. Afterall, she was just a waitress in New York before Maxwell sponsored her social season, and she subsequently was granted a duchy. It’s not like Riley was entirely certain of her position yet, but she had the confidence of a sassy American to see her through, quite unlike the upbringing Kina has had to go through.
Looking up to meet Maxwell’s worried face, Riley waved at him to go on ahead, and waited till Maxwell closed the door behind him, before the New Yorker tilted Kina’s face up so their eyes met.
“We’ll find a dress together, okay? I’ll put in a call to Hana.”
“But she’s busy getting those boots for-”
“She’ll know what to do. Hana’s the most resourceful girl you’ll have ever met.”
Conversing with nobility was a task Liam was well used to. It was a lesson given to him since he was a child, as part of being the prince, even if he had been second in line then. When his brother abdicated, Liam’s lessons was only ramped up in intensity, but he had been a natural, given his great love for Cordonia and the wish to do everything good by her.
But today, he couldn’t help but feel distracted.
As more and more people filled in, their reactions mixed but mostly positive with their spin on the flood in the exhibition, Liam found his eyes drifting to the entrance, eagerly awaiting his date’s arrival. He didn’t know what had possessed him to boldly ask her earlier, but he never regretted a second of it. The young sister to Madeleine of Fydelia was an anomaly that Liam found himself attracted to as the days gone by. While he still nursed a hangover from Riley's rejection, the more time he spent with the quiet but capable Makeena of Fydelia, the more he found his eyes zeroing in on her instead of his former crush and love.
When the doors opened to reval Riley walking in with Hana and Maxwell, his eyes automatically landed on the new duchess and her blocked-out dress of varying colors. Riley turned heads as always, and as the duchess of Valtoria who had a huge responsibility on her shoulders in the tumultuous times that Cordonia faced now, she was rightly dressed.
But as she entered and approached Liam with a smile on her face, on the arms of Maxwell... the new King first realized that his heart no longer ached at seeing the sweet smiles his former love exchanged with her new fiance. 
And then she stepped aside and Liam's breathe caught. Unlike Riley, Kina's dress was an understatement. As the press secretary for the duchess,  it would not do well for Kina to outshine Riley in her dressage. But Hana had managed to pull it off beautifully. Small and petite in size, her heigh has been elevated by at least seven inches in the chunky black, strapped heels that she wore. The height made her legs look longer then usual, especially when the dress she wore ended just where it was decent, giving the impression that her legs went on forever.
The teal lace dress was body hugging, the neckline just low enough to show collarbones, and the sleeves ending just at above the elbows. Blonde hair was combed out and left loose around her shoulders. Paired off with a silver clutch, the only thing that gave away her position was the black wireless earpiece she wore - but even that enticed Liam. Everything about her screamed proper, but it simply made the King want to chomp at the reins to peel it off her.
Somehow managing to keep the decent smile on his face when all he wanted to do was to reach out to Kina and see what she looked like under the body-hugging teal number, Liam offered his arm to Kina, who flushed as she daintily placed her fingers on his, as if uncertain how one was to go about this. "You look beautiful." he murmured, completely ignoring the looks Riley and his friends shot  him, and zeroing his focus on Kina.
She bit her lip, an action that Liam cursed internally at, and decided then and there to look away. He was a royal figure, but he was also a man. There was only so much he could take.
"Ready to say a few words?" he addressed Riley, who quickly hid a laugh, and nodded.
"Lets do this."
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misssophiachase · 8 years
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Klaroline Infinity + Fusion
So this is my take on The Wedding Date, not sure if you've seen it but it's a great film. I have changed some of the circumstances to suit my story but the general premise is the same. Words in italics at the beginning are from the film, the title is a song from the soundtrack.
Also, Happy Birthday, lovely Camille (SweetyK and @my-light-into-the-darkness) this is dedicated to you! I know I always say this but you are one of the brightest lights in our fandom and have the awesome ability to keep up our spirits and bring us all together.
Synopsis: Caroline's cousin is getting married, the only problem is that she's marrying her ex-fiance. What's a girl to do in this awkward situation? Enter male escort Klaus Mikaelson...
Breathless (Full version)
The Roosevelt Hotel, New Orleans
Welcome Drinks: Wednesday PM
"Close your eyes. Close your eyes," he murmured, leaning in closer and making her fall back against the elevator wall, his dark blue eyes trained on her. "Close... your... eyes." Caroline hadn't known him long but she figured when he had to repeat himself Klaus Mikaelson meant business. She did as she was told, trying to ignore just how spicy his aftershave was as it infiltrated her nostrils.
"You're safe. You can relax. I'm not going to kiss you." If Caroline was being honest that wouldn't be an altogether bad thing if he did, those crimson lips had been hypnotising her since they first met at JFK the day before.
"He's going to be so sorry he lost you, so stop worrying. Forget the past. Forget the pain." Easier said than done she was tempted to reply but Caroline figured he wouldn't appreciate the interruption.
"And remember what an incredible woman you are. You do that and he'll realise what he lost." Caroline was breathless, not sure if it was his supposedly heartfelt words or his close proximity until she realised he did this for a living and was an expert. She finally peeled open one eye.
"Holy crap. You're worth every penny." She uttered, opening the other one. Caroline couldn't miss his amusement, a smirk tugging at those kissable lips.
"And don't you forget it," he boasted just as the elevator dinged indicating their arrival, Klaus finally moving out of her personal space and adjusting his tie in the mirror on the back wall. If there was one thing she was certain about it was that the man could wear a suit. She wondered what was underneath said suit but mentally scolded herself for even going there, he was a paid escort after all and nothing else. In four days time they'd go their separate ways.
Caroline shook her head trying to get rid of the residual dizziness. She was paying him to distract other people not her. She may have momentarily lost it as they rode the elevator to welcome drinks at the rooftop bar but she wasn't expecting him to get so up close and personal. Klaus was now holding the lift door open and looked over curiously as she smoothed her blonde tresses and took a deep breath.
"You look gorgeous, love," he smiled, those stray dimples she'd discovered by accident on the airplane making an unwelcome appearance given she needed to concentrate. She looked down at her black, Stella McCartney dress hoping that her last minute splurge on such an expense piece of apparel would pay dividends and make that ass wish he'd never broken her heart.
She walked out of the elevator and towards the brilliant, poolside bar. Talk about picturesque. It was a beautiful spring evening and the sun had begun to set in brilliant streaks of pinks and oranges across the sky. People were mingling and it didn't take Caroline long to pick out the future bride and groom in the crowd. They were talking to her Aunt Sarah, his arm slung familiarly around her shoulders, making Caroline's skin crawl.
"That dress just screams skanky ho," a familiar voice interrupted her thoughts. "It's quite fitting though really."
"Katherine," she chided.
"Hey, it's not like you weren't thinking the same thing, Care," she shot back. "I'm just willing to admit it aloud. Oh yummy, I did so good." She purred, perusing her date slowly. Klaus regarded the brunette, his perplexed expression not lost on Caroline.
"Klaus, this is Katherine Pierce and yes she's always that direct," she said. "She's the one who concocted this little plan."
"Well, given the way every female in this room is drooling, I'm pretty certain my plan is already having the desired effect."
"Nice to meet you, Katherine," he replied cordially, giving her a slight nod of acknowledgment. He really was well trained, if only he wasn't just like this because he was being paid. "How do you two know each other then?"
"We've been besties since I pushed her over for kissing Harry Mackenzie during a game of kiss chasey when we were five," she explained, making Klaus raise his eyebrows slightly. "Don't worry Romeo, I prefer brunettes, you're perfectly safe from my feminine clutches."
"I'm certainly relieved," he conceded. "So, given the obvious animosity towards the bride I'm wondering how you scored an invite to this wedding?"
"Hayley doesn't have any friends, not surprisingly, so she invited mine. Where is Bonnie by the way?" Caroline asked.
"Late as usual," she replied, rolling her eyes. "She has always wanted what Caroline has so inviting us to her ex-fiance's wedding is typical. I came here to support Caroline but if I'm being honest, I wanted to be present if and when that cow falls flat on her bony ass."
"You really do say exactly what you think," he commented. "Reminds me of my little sister."
"By the tone of your voice, I'm not sure being compared to your sister is a very good thing," she drawled.
"Katherine stop interrogating Klaus," Caroline hissed.
"Truthfully it's probably not the best compliment I could have given."
"I like him, that honesty is surprisingly refreshing," she chuckled. "Unlike your sleazy excuse for an ex-fiance. I'd pay to see him ass up too and so much more."
"What? I'm being so reserved right now, you have no idea about all the other scenarios that have been going through my mind. In fact, how about we play some games of our own at the Bachelorette Party tomorrow night?"
"Katherine, I told you I'm not interested. I intend to be the bigger person."
"Well, that's not difficult," she snorted. Before Caroline could respond her mother appeared. Given her sister was Hayley's mother she was determined to try and repair the family rift, not that Caroline blamed her but begging her to attend after her initial refusals had been a surprise. She'd always been the type of person to shy away from drama but she also wasn't one to defy her family. Hence part of the reason she was here and with the much needed support of an escort.
"Oh darling, you're here," she exclaimed, pulling her into her arms. If she was being honest, Caroline and her mother hadn't always been very close. She was always daddy's girl but after Bill died they'd attempted to bond. You could say it was still very much a work in progress. "And don't you look so pretty."
"Thanks mom," she answered awkwardly, feeling like she was five years old again.
"And who is this?" She asked, staring her date down. Caroline had endeavoured to prepare herself for the situation but it was still so weird. Caroline didn't like to lie, it wasn't in her make-up.
"I'm Klaus," he interrupted noting her brief silence. It was as if he could read her emotions. "Caroline's date."
"Well, it's nice to meet you Klaus," she smiled. "I had no idea you were seeing anyone, darling."
"I..," Caroline stuttered.
"We actually met at Central Park, my pet husky Bear wouldn't leave her alone. I figure that's the best endorsement I could ever hope to get," he joked, interrupting. Caroline couldn't believe how good he was at this lying thing, she really needed some tips.
"Isn't that so sweet, Liz?" Katherine cooed, her acting skills on point as usual.
"It is," Liz agreed. "I must say Caroline has always been so picky, so it's nice to see the two of you here together."
"I'm just honoured someone amazing like your daughter chose me, Mrs Forbes," he murmured, placing his arm protectively around her shoulders and pulling her closer. Caroline was trying to ignore the reverberations that were coursing through her body as he verbalised those thoughts. She had to keep reminding herself that he was actually her employee and nothing else.
"Well, aren't you a keeper. In fact, I have so many family members here who would just love to make your acquaintance, Klaus." Before Caroline could object he'd been dragged away. She felt sorry for him but on second thought she was paying for his services after all. She'd much prefer he schmoozed while she sat quietly in away in the corner.
"Caroline! It's so lovely to see you!" Hayley interrupted, throwing her arms around her. Caroline couldn't miss Katherine's raised eyebrows as she all but suffocated her.
"Yeah, uh thanks," was all she could manage. When things ended abruptly between her and Stefan they'd both been quick to deny any cheating claims when they announced their relationship only three months later, but Caroline knew the truth. It was all too much of a coincidence.
"This is going to be such an amazing five days, starting with the Bachelorette Party at Republic tomorrow," she squealed. It was taking all her willpower not to slap that silly smile off her face, it was the very least she deserved.
"Yeah, I hear that Republic is a burlesque club, I'm assuming you're going to wow us with some of the pole dancing skills you've acquired from working at that strip club," Katherine interrupted, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Oh Katherine you're hilarious, I know I invited you to my wedding for a reason," she giggled. "I better get back to my other guests, I'll speak to you both later." Before either could reply, she'd sauntered away and was latching herself onto another poor relative, she always did love being the centre of attention.
"I vote we take a picture of her mid pole dance and post it on social media."
"Katherine," she growled. "I told you, I'm trying to be the bigger person here so no unauthorised photography of any kind, promise me."
"You're no fun," she mumbled. "I have every intention of letting loose tomorrow night and I can't be responsible for my possibly drunken and unkind remarks. Uh, hello Caroline?" She'd been a little distracted watching intently as Klaus was interrogated by her immediate family. Given what she knew about him he was more than capable but Caroline couldn't help but be a little anxious about the whole situation.
"Yeah," she replied, unconvincingly.
"He can handle this," Katherine offered, looking over at Klaus. "In fact, I'm pretty certain they are trying not to openly flirt with him right now. It's those dimples I tell you."
"Or those lips," she murmured, thinking that she had already been equally affected, not that she'd ever admit that aloud. "All I know is that I need a stiff drink, like right now."
W Hotel - New Orleans
Post Bachelorette Party - Friday AM
The hotel room door slammed shut waking Klaus from his deep slumber. He opened his eyes and searched the dark room trying to gain his bearings. After a moment of uncertainty he realised he was in their hotel room in New Orleans. It was an occupational hazard but for some reason he still felt slightly confused.
Klaus had always wanted to be a corporate attorney growing up and never imagined he'd ever take this particular career path back then. He'd been struggling with his college tuition costs and found the escort business to be an easy way to make the cash he needed quickly. Once he'd graduated, Klaus had gone on to work as a lawyer but found himself frustrated by its inflexibility and the fact he could earn more being a full time escort.
Some would consider what he did to be morally questionable but Klaus knew he was helping people in his own way. Plus it also gave him an excuse not to have to emotionally invest in a real relationship. He'd been there once before and had no intention of ever getting hurt like that again. It wasn't until he'd heard her voice over the phone that Klaus had felt something.
She was beautiful as he found out at JFK but it wasn't just that. When she called initially, Klaus had immediately sensed her fragile tone. It wasn't unusual given most people who used his services had some emotional baggage, but to Klaus she also sounded strangely hopeful and that had stuck with him. Her innocence was charming but it was her deep convictions and that rare but playful element of feistiness she showed which had slightly thown him off his game. He didn't do weddings as a strict rule for personal reasons but she'd convinced him otherwise and here he was playing the role of the perfect wedding date.
When they'd first arrived in their room a few days earlier, she'd been adorably coy and equally distracted pretending that they weren't in fact sharing a bed. Klaus knew she would have preferred separate rooms but it was necessary to keep up their facade.
Caroline had left for the bachelorette party earlier, his jaw had just about dropped and Klaus was trying not to stare at just how amazing she looked poured into a white, fitted, dress highlighting her spring tan. The bride to be had absolutely nothing on her. Klaus would be lying if she hadn't crossed his mind multiple times over the course of the evening. He'd begrudgingly agreed to go to the Bachelor Party, regretting it immediately when he found himself surrounded by Stefan, his insufferable brother Damon and his drunk college mates at the Omni Bar.
"So, you're the new guy?" Stefan had asked, slurring as he said it. Klaus had noticed him eyeing him from across the bar for most of the evening. They'd so far only exchanged curt greetings and Klaus had no intention of talking to him any further after how he treated Caroline.
"New guy?" Klaus said, feigning innocence.
"Caroline's latest distraction to try and get over me."
"Sounds like somebody who obviously spends way too much time in the mirror doing his hair and his over inflated ego is jealous."
"Why would I be jealous, have you seen my wife to be?" Just when Klaus didn't think he could hate this guy anymore he had to go and prove him wrong.
"She's got nothing on Caroline and you and I both know that, mate. You can't buy the sort of grace, intelligence and beauty she possesses." Stefan was silent momentarily almost like he was trying to work out how to rebut something he knew was true.
"Fellas?" Damon, interrupted throwing his arms around them both. 'Are we playing nice? How about another drink?"
"Suddenly I'm not so thirsty anymore," Klaus responded. He'd left shortly after, what Caroline saw in that idiot he'd never understand. He was just happy that she wasn't marrying him.
"Someone's being boring," she sing songed, making her way into the bedroom. Klaus could tell by her slurring that she was indeed plastered. "Wake up, sleepy head!" Before he could utter some response about waking him the bedside lamp had been turned on, illuminating the room. Klaus attempted to bury his head under the pillow but his drunken roommate pulled it away from him.
"Someone's being a tad inconsiderate," he growled, attempting to wrestle the pillow from her playful grasp but failing. He was also trying to ignore just how beautiful she still looked after a big night her blonde waves slightly messy but at the same time sexy as hell. He also couldn't ignore the swell of her creamy breasts peeking out teasingly from her dress from this angle.
"How about if I make it up to you? You know I learnt some moves tonight that I think you might like," she teased. Klaus was initially excited and every fibre of his being was trying to stop imagining her naked. She pushed down her dress strap slowly and this was when he knew he had to intervene even when every part of his body was screaming for her to continue.
"No, we shouldn't do this, Caroline."
"You don't want me," she rasped drunkenly. They'd only met a few days ago but Klaus knew this wasn't the real Caroline. Her emotions were all over the place, not that he blamed her and the added alcohol wasn't helping things either. His instincts were willing him to move closer, kiss those pink lips and then wrap his arms around her but it wasn't professional and Klaus knew it.
"How about a bedtime story instead?" He offered, her surprised expression not lost on Klaus. "I happen to know this amazing story about a girl named Cinderella and some dwarfs, possibly seven."
"Cinderella and the seven dwarfs? I think you've got your fairy tales mixed up."
"Hey! Who's telling this bedtime story? Anyway, call it creative license. I might even get a little crazy and throw in a big, bad wolf," he smiled. "Interested at all, love?"
"Strangely, yes," she chuckled. "Let me change and I'll be right with you."
The Creole Queen - Mississippi River
Rehearsal Dinner - Friday PM
Caroline rested against the railing as the riverboat slowly made its way down the Mississippi. She shouldn't have been surprised that Hayley chose to have her rehearsal dinner on a boat, she always liked to make a statement. Although you couldn't get more New Orleans than this and she had to admit the passing scenery was pretty and better than what was inside for sure. She'd been seated at that dinner table desperate to escape, much like the rest of this wedding circus.
It also didn't help that she'd been seated so close to Klaus all evening, especially after throwing herself at him. Caroline still couldn't believe she'd done that, yes she was drunk but it still didn't make what she did any better. As she woke up with a blinding headache and dry mouth the events of the previous night had flooded back and she froze with fear, hoping to god that Klaus wasn't lying beside her. She'd been relieved to realise he'd already gone out for his morning jog. Caroline had gotten ready as fast as she could given her hangover and had left the room determined to get some space between them.
"Do you think anyone would notice if I pushed Hayley overboard?" Caroline shook her head and turned around.
"You have been around Katherine too long," she drawled, looking into her friend's familiar brown eyes.
"You may be right but I still think the idea has merit. If we're lucky maybe Stefan and his stupid hero hair will follow her overboard."
"One can hope," she sighed.
"What's wrong, Care? Well, you know besides the obvious, unholy ex-fiance slash cousin union?"
"I think that's enough to be upset about don't you?"
"Probably but that doesn't explain why you've barely spoken to your supposed date all through dinner, not only that you could hardly even look him the eye. Given just how pretty that face is, I have no idea how you can not stare."
"You really have been around Katherine too long," she quipped.
"Did he do or say something wrong? I hope he's keeping things professional."
"No, that was all me doing wrong things and being completely unprofessional," she mumbled, the embarrasment of earlier that morning rushing back all over again.
"Well, that was a guess but now I'm intrigued. What the hell happened? You my dear are the epitome of professional."
"You know how we were ridiculously drunk last night..."
"I can't exactly remember it so I suppose the answer to that is a definite yes."
"I sort of came back to the hotel and propositioned him," she whispered, too ashamed to admit her drunken actions any louder. "I may have even tried to pull out some burlesque moves."
"Oh sweetie, now that explains the whole non communication thing tonight."
"It was mortifying Bonnie," she whined. "Granted I was too drunk at the time to fully realise just how embarrasing the situation was but as soon as I woke up this morning it hit me, along with that unattractive hangover."
"Maybe it wasn't as bad as you think. What exactly happened? What did he say? What did he do? What did you do?"
"Could you ask any more questions, Bonnie? He just said we couldn't do it and then offered to read me a bedtime story instead."
"Okay, that response I wasn't expecting. A bedtime story? What are you, five?"
"It was actually kind of adorable and funny, especially given I'd just thrown myself at him and he'd had to reject me. Klaus has some interesting takes on fairytales that's for sure. I'd say that's the last time I'm going to drink but god knows I need it to deal with this whole wedding situation."
"Adorable and funny? Oh, I see what this is, you like him."
"I don't."
"Yes because I proposition people I don't like all the time. Come on Caroline, you'd have to be blind not to find the guy attractive."
"He's my escort, you know the guy I'm paying for his services..."
"Who also happens to be coming this way," she warned gesturing behind Caroline. "I'll make myself scarce."
"Bonnie, please don't leave me alone," she pleaded.
"You're going to have to clear the air sometime, Care," she whispered, sending him a smile and walking away. Some friend she was leaving Caroline to fend for herself.
"So, this is where the party is?" He asked, joining her by the railing, his arm accidentally grazing hers in the process. Caroline shivered involuntarily, moving it away quickly. "Are you okay, love?"
"Uh yeah just a little cold I guess," she replied feebly. Given the current temperature it was probably a story too difficult to believe.
"I'd give you my jacket if I had one."
"Such a gentleman, is that all part of your escort services?"
"Hey, I resent that," he scoffed. "I would give you my jacket even if I wasn't an escort. You know chivalry isn't completely dead, Caroline."
"Is this the part where you say that romance is still well and truly alive too?"
"Romance is another matter entirely, I'm not sure I'm the best person to talk about it," he admitted.
"Well, given my past and the fact that my former fiance and cousin cheated on me and now I'm a guest at their wedding, I wouldn't have any clue about that sort of thing."
"It's not your fault, love."
"Well, excuse me if I don't feel partially responsible for not seeing what was in front of my face the entire time," she murmured. "Which also kind of takes me to the elephant in the room. I'm sorry that I tried..."
"Don't," he interrupted holding his hand to her lips. "You have nothing to be ashamed about. The fact you have come here even after everything that happened and can be so strong is inspirational. You are one of the stongest women I've ever met, Caroline Forbes."
"I wouldn't go that far," she murmured, her cheeks flushing slightly.
"I would," he reiterated, their gazes locked, blue eyes on blue. Caroline knew she was in trouble all over again. Why did she have to hire such an attractive date? "It's not that I don't find you attractive, because I do so much. In fact, it's killing me not to tell you that I really..."
"You're only saying that because I made a fool of myself last night." She looked at him wordlessly.
"You have to undertsand that I need to be professional in my work. But I can't help..." They stared at each other for a prolonged period before some unwanted noise from nearby interrupted their reverie.
Before Caroline could reply to the obvious sexual tension, a very familiar brunette approached them in all her glory. "I may kill myself from this prolonged pain, why isn't this unholy union final yet? I have way more important things I could be doing right now."
"You and me both," Caroline joked, excited to see the equally pleased face on her fake date. "Maybe we should all be jumping overboard."
"I don't like cold water," Katherine offered, looking into the river below. "Plus my hair doesn't look so good wet."
"I'm with you Katherine, these curls are an absolute bastard to control, you have no idea," he joked. His crimson lips turned into an adorable smile. When he said he was attracted to her Caroline wasn't quite sure what to take from it. After last night she had every intention of being well behaved, unfortunately his expression though was telling her something very different.
The Chicory - St Peters Street, New Orleans
Wedding - Saturday PM
"What the hell is going on?" Bonnie whispered to Katherine, their looks turning to Caroline seated nearby.
The groom was standing at the makeshift altar in the converted warehouse but his bride hadn't shown yet making the crowd whisper in interest. Obviously in Katherine and Bonnie's case they were overjoyed by the bride possibly leaving her groom at the altar. Caroline was silent trying to focus on the unfolding events but her thoughts were on the guy next to her. He was apparently attracted but couldn't act on those feelings given their working relationship even if his brief touches and looks were telling Caroline otherwise.
Caroline respected professionalism but was having trouble trying not to touch or talk to him. The fact he was taking her attention away from the wedding was a gift in itself, even if nothing would ever eventuate. The bride eventually made her way up the aisle in a white, meringue, type dress. Caroline barely noticing if she was being honest. The rest of the ceremony went much the say way, until the vows.
"It's time for the vows," the priest said. "Now repeat after me, I Stefan take you Hayley..." Caroline fought the urge to roll her eyes hoping this would be over soon so she could have some much needed champagne.
"I Stefan, take you Caroline..." Surely she heard that wrong but given the surprised response from the guests around her it was most definitely her name he uttered. Klaus looked at her, placing his hand over hers obviously trying to provide some comfort. By the astonished reaction from Bonnie and Katherine nearby, Caroline knew they were excited by his very public and humiliating mistake.
Caroline knew at that moment she didn't care, her thoughts were squarely focused on Klaus as his blue eyes gazed into hers. Even as the bride-to-be stormed away from the altar leaving a very embarrased groom in her wake. Right now it was all about those crimson lips, those eyes and those dimples.
"Well, this is all sorts of awkward. It's certainly a wedding I'll never forget" he chuckled, his hand still on hers. "For a number of reasons."
"I know. What could be better than this?" Katherine asked, Caroline was trying to ignore the feeling the warmth his hand was causing and the way he was staring at her, his gaze unwavering.
"I think stealing some of that cake before we get out of here," Bonnie offered. "It looks absolutely delicious."
"How about you guys get your sugar fix on while we have a little chat," she murmured, her eyes still trained on Klaus. Katherine and Bonnie shared knowing glances and followed the rest of the guests out of the room.
"Given the wedding's over in more ways than one, I think it's about time we ended this contract, don't you?"
"You realise I'm still charging you right," he said watching her shocked face. "But I'll give you a discount."
"Lucky me."
"I was just kidding," he replied, placing his arm around her and pulling her closer to him. "I think meeting you has been payment enough, love."
46 notes · View notes
It had been a rough couple of days for both of them. Between being sent to both their homes in succession and celebrating at the mansion, it was not only three extended, intense parties they had had to attend, but also constant socialization and practically no time to themselves.
At least that was the part that had been harder for Marth - having to sneak subtle kisses and deliver impersonal wishes because there was always a pair of eyes or ears bound to witness their interactions. He wouldn’t have been surprised, however, if the omnipresence of liquors and games and food were what got the best of Ike in the end.
But here they were, finally crashing back in the room Marth mistakenly tended to consider home nowadays. Though he felt deeply deprived of affection and had spent the last days longing for the moment he could whisper true, heartfelt promises to his fiance, his energy levels dictated that a good night of sleep should be his only goal for now.
And it seemed Ike might agree; while Marth weakly dragged himself onto the mattress after changing into looser clothes, the mercenary was sitting on the opposite side, slouched in such a way that from Marth’s viewpoint he seemed to be downright sleeping in that position. 
There was more than exhaustion at work here - it only took him a few more seconds to realize. Some sort of sadness - not disappointment, or even nostalgia… maybe insecurity ?
It rendered Marth perplexed for barely a minute, and then his memory worked on fishing out some of the things he’d heard over the past days: comments, remarks, all seemingly more harmless than the last to someone who doesn’t pay attention - to someone who isn’t the one receiving them. But in times where everyone is wishing everyone the best and sharing how they plan to improve over the year to come, a few ‘harmless’ comments pointing out one’s flaws could be all it took to sap the spirit.
“Interesting, those New Year’s resolutions, don’t you think ?” Marth began, closing the distance between them. He knelt behind Ike, just so he could wrap his arms around his waist and rest his chin on his shoulder.
“I used to think a man should not wait for a whole year’s passing before trying to better himself,” the prince stated, punctuating his sentence with a humorless scoff. He briefly nuzzled the broad shoulder, and left it with a quick kiss to continue, “It sounded so vain, even as it remained only among my thoughts. Everyone seemed so happy and proud to be challenging themselves to improve in some way…”
He tightened his hold on Ike for a short moment, and then let go altogether, freeing his hands so he could place them against the other’s back and gently press his thumbs over the shoulder blades in a circular movement. “It makes you think, hm ? What goal would you set for yourself, if you had one thing to work on throughout an entire year…”
He pushed his hands higher, now massaging just below Ike’s neck. “I would bet a good fortune that you’ve given it some thoughts,” he affirmed with confidence, crooked smile taking over for a few breaths. He lifted his head off of Ike’s shoulder to kiss the back of his neck while his hands trailed down to ease tension out of the lower half of his back. 
“Spend more time with your sister. Train some more and make everyone proud. Maybe learn to read and even study to better help with the paperwork management of your company,” Marth guessed distractedly, more determined to get Ike to give in and relax under his ministrations than to have him admit what his potential resolution could be. “I dare even be so bold as to theorize some might have involved me, yes ?” he asked rhetorically, leaving no time for Ike to answer; “Get me to eat more, work less, something along the lines ?”
He let out a soft, quiet laugh - one so full of warmth and fondness, like he fell in love with Ike again just trying to guess his resolutions. “All very selfless intentions,” he commented lightly, smile audible in his voice. He wanted to see the other’s face, but his eyes were busy taking note of which spots made him go the limpest through his careful rubdown. “Since even in this situation, you won’t do anything for yourself, could you please do me a favor ?”
His nose partially disappeared into dark blue hair, as Marth pleaded by his ear, “This year, work on giving yourself more credit. Work on accepting that you fixed your world. Work on admitting that your deeds were astounding and unprecedented. Work on looking how far you’ve come. Work on remembering that it is your courage, your spirit, your values that got you through your challenges - not statesmanship or education. And if you truly refuse to look upon the heroic chapters of your story, the great tales of a young commander and fighter for justice - then at least accept the simple things you have achieved as a person. Everything that I am, or rather everything that I now allow myself to be- I owe it to you. You are entitled to my gratitude for making me as happy as I am. You have flaws, but you achieve perfection within their limits. That is more virtue than I have ever been blessed to witness. This year, please work on letting me show you how perfectly imperfect you are.”
It was the start of the new year, and as per the norm, the new year was ushered in by all manner of merriment. The competitors were allowed to go back to their respective worlds to celebrate – or not – in their own ways, with their own family and friends. They were then brought back to the Mansion, where another, last hurrah of a party was thrown. It was three different events for both Ike and Marth; they went to Archanea, to Tellius, and then back to the Mansion to celebrate. Three large, admittedly sometimes a little too wild parties crammed into a few days; the socializing and games, drinking and eating, and everything in between that happened was incredible, but nonetheless exhausting.
Especially considering that, with all the other people around, they never really got to have any time together. 
Finally back in their room, content to relax their social guards and just be together – as tired as they were – Ike had doggedly stripped down to just his underclothes, and then promptly slumped himself up against the headboard of the bed. He wanted nothing more than to just curl up around his person and fall asleep to some soft, dozy affections, but a few things kept bumping around in his head, making him restless despite how exhausted he was.
It was funny how people always had something to say, even about others’ potential thoughts for how to improve themselves in the future.
Ike didn’t mind telling his goals for the next year to others when asked, and he didn’t usually care if those people had an opinion on it. But, going through three separate events where these resolutions were the topic of the night – for those sober enough to discuss them seriously, that is – it got just a tad bit demoralizing hearing certain thoughts repeated in different ways by different people.
He just didn’t think so many people would have something to say about his life and where it might possibly go…
The mercenary was pulled from his thoughts when he felt the mattress shift behind him from Marth’s light weight, lithe arms coming to rest about his waist and a chin pressing comfortably against his shoulder.
A soft, “Mmn,” was all the sound that Ike made to Marth’s statement, taking a deep but slow breath when the Altean nuzzled his shoulder.
Leave it to Marth to be able to read him so easily.
“I...yeah, I’ve thought about it some,” Ike replied in a muted voice, almost catching Marth’s arms before he could pull away, relaxing a bit more when he felt fingers rubbing into the sore muscles in his shoulders. “Hard not to after a few dozen people ask...” 
Not that he hadn’t been thinking about what he wanted to do with his life now -- now that he had so much to look forward to, now that he knew what direction he was supposed to go.
He sighed contently at the kiss to his neck, arching his back tiredly when Marth’s hands moved their blessed attentions to his lower back. Even with the time off, not training or fighting, Ike still managed to knot up muscles in his back pretty darn well. Marth was quite adept at getting them to relax once more.
Ike lapsed into silence as Marth guessed what his resolutions could be -- a small smile edging onto his face when each one was practically guessed to perfection. Either he really was plain old easy to read, or Marth truly did know him well. “Of course there are quite a few that involve you...I want to be my best for you, and I want to look after you and support you as you deserve, Marth...You, uh, pretty much got ‘em all right there, you know. You’re too smart sometimes, but all it does is amaze me further,” he added, once he got a chance to put something in edgewise.
Head lolling, a slight moan of contentment building up in his throat at the massage he was being treated to, Ike hummed, “...You know I could...never say no to doing something for you to the best of my ability...”
He straightened up just a smidge when Marth spoke into his ear, face heating up as he fought to keep his emotions in check as his person voiced his favor. “I -- Hn, Marth...Barely even into the new year, and you’re already gettin’ me soft. I...It’s not going to be easy, I’m gonna need your help, but...I’ll do my best. This’ll be one of my...priority goals, I promise. Just...be patient with me sometimes; not always easy to see the things that you see in me, love.”
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misssophiachase · 8 years
Klaroline Infinity + Fusion
So this is my take on The Wedding Date, not sure if you've seen it but it's a great film. I have changed some of the circumstances to suit my story but the general premise is the same. Words in italics at the beginning are from the film, the title is a song from the soundtrack. This is part 1, I'll try to get out part two possibly by the end of the day if you like this.
Also, Happy Birthday, lovely Camille (@my-light-into-the-darkness) this is dedicated to you! I know I always say this but you are one of the brightest lights in our fandom and have the awesome ability to keep up our spirits and bring us all together. I know I promised you another drabble but this one was closer to being finished in the alloted time frame but will get you the 3 Musketeers one as soon as I can. Hope you enjoy.
Synopsis: Caroline's cousin is getting married, the only problem is that she's marrying her ex-fiance. What's a girl to do in this awkward situation? Enter male escort Klaus Mikaelson...
Breathless: Part 1
The Roosevelt Hotel, New Orleans
Welcome Drinks: Wednesday PM
"Close your eyes. Close your eyes," he murmured, leaning in closer and making her fall back against the elevator wall, his dark blue eyes trained on her. "Close... your... eyes." Caroline hadn't known him long but she figured when he had to repeat himself Klaus Mikaelson meant business. She did as she was told, trying to ignore just how spicy his aftershave was as it infiltrated her nostrils.
"You're safe. You can relax. I'm not going to kiss you." If Caroline was being honest that wouldn't be an altogether bad thing if he did, those crimson lips had been hypnotising her since they first met at JFK the day before.
"He's going to be so sorry he lost you, so stop worrying. Forget the past. Forget the pain." Easier said than done she was tempted to reply but Caroline figured he wouldn't appreciate the interruption.
"And remember what an incredible woman you are. You do that and he'll realise what he lost." Caroline was breathless, not sure if it was his supposedly heartfelt words or his close proximity until she realised he did this for a living and was an expert. She finally peeled open one eye.
"Holy crap. You're worth every penny." She uttered, opening the other one. Caroline couldn't miss his amusement, a smirk tugging at those kissable lips.
"And don't you forget it," he boasted just as the elevator dinged indicating their arrival, Klaus finally moving out of her personal space and adjusting his tie in the mirror on the back wall. If there was one thing she was certain about it was that the man could wear a suit. She wondered what was underneath said suit but mentally scolded herself for even going there, he was a paid escort after all and nothing else. In four days time they'd go their separate ways.
Caroline shook her head trying to get rid of the residual dizziness. She was paying him to distract other people not her. She may have momentarily lost it as they rode the elevator to welcome drinks at the rooftop bar but she wasn't expecting him to get so up close and personal. Klaus was now holding the lift door open and looked over curiously as she smoothed her blonde tresses and took a deep breath.
"You look gorgeous, love," he smiled, those stray dimples she'd discovered by accident on the airplane making an unwelcome appearance given she needed to concentrate. She looked down at her black, Stella McCartney dress hoping that her last minute splurge on such an expense piece of apparel would pay dividends and make that ass wish he'd never broken her heart.
She walked out of the elevator and towards the brilliant, poolside bar. Talk about picturesque. It was a beautiful spring evening and the sun had begun to set in brilliant streaks of pinks and oranges across the sky. People were mingling and it didn't take Caroline long to pick out the future bride and groom in the crowd. They were talking to her Aunt Sarah, his arm slung familiarly around her shoulders, making Caroline's skin crawl.
"That dress just screams skanky ho," a familiar voice interrupted her thoughts. "It's quite fitting though really."
"Katherine," she chided.
"Hey, it's not like you weren't thinking the same thing, Care," she shot back. "I'm just willing to admit it aloud. Oh yummy, I did so good." She purred, perusing her date slowly. Klaus regarded the brunette, his perplexed expression not lost on Caroline.
"Klaus, this is Katherine Pierce and yes she's always that direct," she said. "She's the one who concocted this little plan."
"Well, given the way every female in this room is staring at your date, I'm pretty certain my plan is already having the desired effect."
"Nice to meet you, Katherine," he replied cordially, giving her a slight nod of acknowledgment. He really was well trained, if only he wasn't just like this because he was being paid. "How do you two know each other then?"
"We've been besties since I pushed her over for kissing Harry Mackenzie during a game of kiss chasey when we were five," she explained, making Klaus raise his eyebrows slightly. "Don't worry Romeo, I prefer brunettes, you're perfectly safe from my feminine clutches."
"I'm certainly relieved," he conceded. "So, given the obvious animosity towards the bride I'm wondering how you scored an invite to this wedding?"
"Hayley doesn't have any friends, not surprisingly, so she invited mine. Where is Bonnie by the way?" Caroline asked.
"Late as usual," she replied, rolling her eyes. "She has always wanted what Caroline has so inviting us to her ex-fiance's wedding is typical. I came here to support Caroline but if I'm being honest, I wanted to be present if and when that cow falls flat on her bony ass."
"You really do say exactly what you think," he commented. "Reminds me of my little sister."
"By the tone of your voice, I'm not sure being compared to your sister is a very good thing," she drawled.
"Katherine stop interrogating Klaus," Caroline hissed.
"Truthfully it's probably not the best compliment I could have given."
"I like him, that honesty is surprisingly refreshing," she chuckled. "Unlike your sleazy excuse for an ex-fiance. I'd pay to see him ass up too and so much more."
"What? I'm being so reserved right now, you have no idea about all the other scenarios that have been going through my mind. In fact, how about we play some games of our own at the Bachelorette Party tomorrow night?"
"Katherine, I told you I'm not interested. I intend to be the bigger person."
"Well, that's not difficult," she snorted. Before Caroline could respond her mother appeared. Given her sister was Hayley's mother she was determined to try and repair the family rift, not that Caroline blamed her but begging her to attend after her initial refusals had been a surprise. She'd always been the type of person to shy away from drama but she also wasn't one to defy her family. Hence part of the reason she was here and with the much needed support of an escort.
"Oh darling, you're here," she exclaimed, pulling her into her arms. If she was being honest, Caroline and her mother hadn't always been very close. She was always daddy's girl but after Bill died they'd attempted to bond. You could say it was still very much a work in progress. "And don't you look so pretty."
"Thanks mom," she answered awkwardly, feeling like she was five years old again.
"And who is this?" She asked, staring her date down. Caroline had endeavoured to prepare herself for the situation but it was still so weird. Caroline didn't like to lie, it wasn't in her make-up.
"I'm Klaus," he interrupted noting her brief silence. It was as if he could read her emotions. "Caroline's date."
"Well, it's nice to meet you Klaus," she smiled. "I had no idea you were seeing anyone, darling."
"I..," Caroline stuttered.
"We actually met at Central Park, my pet husky Bear wouldn't leave her alone. I figure that's the best endorsement I could ever hope to get," he joked, interrupting. Caroline couldn't believe how good he was at this lying thing, she really needed some tips.
"Isn't that so sweet, Liz?" Katherine cooed, her acting skills on point as usual.
"It is," Liz agreed. "I must say Caroline has always been so picky, so it's nice to see the two of you here together."
"I'm just honoured someone amazing like your daughter chose me, Mrs Forbes," he murmured, placing his arm protectively around her shoulders and pulling her closer. Caroline was trying to ignore the reverberations that were coursing through her body as he verbalised those thoughts. She had to keep reminding herself that he was actually her employee and nothing else.
"Well, aren't you a keeper. In fact, I have so many family members here who would just love to make your acquaintance, Klaus." Before Caroline could object he'd been dragged away. She felt sorry for him but on second thought she was paying for his services after all. She'd much prefer he schmoozed while she sat quietly in away in the corner.
"Caroline! It's so lovely to see you!" Hayley interrupted, throwing her arms around her. Caroline couldn't miss Katherine's raised eyebrows as she all but suffocated her.
"Yeah, uh thanks," was all she could manage. When things ended abruptly between her and Stefan they'd both been quick to deny any cheating claims when they announced their relationship only three months later, but Caroline knew the truth. It was all too much of a coincidence.
"This is going to be such an amazing five days, starting with the Bachelorette Party at Republic tomorrow," she squealed. It was taking all her willpower not to slap that silly smile off her face, it was the very least she deserved.
"Yeah, I hear that Republic is a burlesque club, I'm assuming you're going to wow us with some of the pole dancing skills you've acquired from working at that strip club," Katherine interrupted, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Oh Katherine you're hilarious, I know I invited you to my wedding for a reason," she giggled. "I better get back to my other guests, I'll speak to you both later." Before either could reply, she'd sauntered away and was latching herself onto another poor relative, she always did love being the centre of attention.
"I vote we take a picture of her mid pole dance and post it on social media."
"Katherine," she growled. "I told you, I'm trying to be the bigger person here so no unauthorised photography of any kind, promise me."
"You're no fun," she mumbled. "I have every intention of letting loose tomorrow night and I can't be responsible for my possibly drunken and unkind remarks. Uh, hello Caroline?" She'd been a little distracted watching intently as Klaus was interrogated by her immediate family. Given what she knew about him he was more than capable but Caroline couldn't help but be a little anxious about the whole situation.
"Yeah," she replied, unconvincingly.
"He can handle this," Katherine offered, looking over at Klaus. "In fact, I'm pretty certain they are trying not to openly flirt with him right now. It's those dimples I tell you."
"Or those lips," she murmured, thinking that she had already been equally affected, not that she'd ever admit that aloud. "All I know is that I need a stiff drink, like right now."
W Hotel - New Orleans
Post Bachelorette Party - Friday AM
The hotel room door slammed shut waking Klaus from his deep slumber. He opened his eyes and searched the dark room trying to gain his bearings. After a moment of uncertainty he realised he was in their hotel room in New Orleans. It was an occupational hazard but for some reason he still felt slightly confused.
Klaus had always wanted to be a corporate attorney growing up and never imagined he'd ever take this particular career path back then. He'd been struggling with his college tuition costs and found the escort business to be an easy way to make the cash he needed quickly. Once he'd graduated, Klaus had gone on to work as a lawyer but found himself frustrated by its inflexibility and the fact he could earn more being a full time escort.
Some would consider what he did to be morally questionable but Klaus knew he was helping people in his own way. Plus it also gave him an excuse not to have to emotionally invest in a real relationship. He'd been there once before and had no intention of ever getting hurt like that again. It wasn't until he'd heard her voice over the phone that Klaus had felt something.
She was beautiful as he found out at JFK but it wasn't just that. When she called initially, Klaus had immediately sensed her fragile tone. It wasn't unusual given most people who used his services had some emotional baggage, but to Klaus she also sounded strangely hopeful and that had stuck with him. Her innocence was charming but it was her deep convictions and that rare but playful element of feistiness she showed which had slightly thown him off his game. He didn't do weddings as a strict rule for personal reasons but she'd convinced him otherwise and here he was playing the role of the perfect wedding date.
When they'd first arrived in their room a few days earlier, she'd been adorably coy and equally distracted pretending that they weren't in fact sharing a bed. Klaus knew she would have preferred separate rooms but it was necessary to keep up their facade.
Caroline had left for the bachelorette party earlier, his jaw had just about dropped and Klaus was trying not to stare at just how amazing she looked poured into a white, fitted, dress highlighting her spring tan. The bride to be had absolutely nothing on her. Klaus would be lying if she hadn't crossed his mind multiple times over the course of the evening. He'd begrudgingly agreed to go to the Bachelor Party, regretting it immediately when he found himself surrounded by Stefan, his insufferable brother Damon and his drunk college mates at the Omni Bar.
"So, you're the new guy?" Stefan had asked, slurring as he said it. Klaus had noticed him eyeing him from across the bar for most of the evening. They'd so far only exchanged curt greetings and Klaus had no intention of talking to him any further after how he treated Caroline.
"New guy?" Klaus said, feigning innocence.
"Caroline's latest distraction to try and get over me."
"Sounds like somebody who obviously spends way too much time in the mirror doing his hair and his over inflated ego is jealous."
"Why would I be jealous, have you seen my wife to be?" Just when Klaus didn't think he could hate this guy anymore he had to go and prove him wrong.
"She's got nothing on Caroline and you and I both know that, mate. You can't buy the sort of grace, intelligence and beauty she possesses." Stefan was silent momentarily almost like he was trying to work out how to rebut something he knew was true.
"Fellas?" Damon, interrupted throwing his arms around them both. 'Are we playing nice? How about another drink?"
"Suddenly I'm not so thirsty anymore," Klaus responded. He'd left shortly after, what Caroline saw in that idiot he'd never understand. He was just happy that she wasn't marrying him.
"Someone's being boring," she sing songed, making her way into the bedroom. Klaus could tell by her slurring that she was indeed plastered. "Wake up, sleepy head!" Before he could utter some response about waking him the bedside lamp had been turned on, illuminating the room. Klaus attempted to bury his head under the pillow but his drunken roommate pulled it away from him.
"Someone's being a tad inconsiderate," he growled, attempting to wrestle the pillow from her playful grasp but failing. He was also trying to ignore just how beautiful she still looked after a big night her blonde waves slightly messy but at the same time sexy as hell. He also couldn't ignore the swell of her creamy breasts peeking out teasingly from her dress from this angle.
"How about if I make it up to you? You know I learnt some moves tonight that I think you might like," she teased. Klaus was initially excited and every fibre of his being was trying to stop imagining her naked. She pushed down her dress strap slowly and this was when he knew he had to intervene even when every part of his body was screaming for her to continue.
"No, we shouldn't do this, Caroline."
"You don't want me," she rasped drunkenly. They'd only met a few days ago but Klaus knew this wasn't the real Caroline. Her emotions were all over the place, not that he blamed her and the added alcohol wasn't helping things either. His instincts were willing him to move closer, kiss those pink lips and then wrap his arms around her but it wasn't professional and Klaus knew it.
"How about a bedtime story instead?" He offered, her surprised expression not lost on Klaus. "I happen to know this amazing story about a girl named Cinderella and some dwarfs, possibly seven."
"Cinderella and the seven dwarfs? I think you've got your fairy tales mixed up."
"Hey! Who's telling this bedtime story? Anyway, call it creative license. I might even get a little crazy and throw in a big, bad wolf," he smiled. "Interested at all, love?"
"Strangely, yes," she chuckled. "Let me change and I'll be right with you."
To be continued...
To be continued...
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