#who is the richest person in the world 2018
tomorrowusa · 6 months
Corporations pay their CEOs extravagantly while trying to cheat on taxes.
It would be one thing if, alongside the exorbitant executive pay, the quality of American CEO-ing was going up. But these executives are making off with bigger bags of boodle despite their persistent incompetence: Media executives keep running their businesses into the ground, tech firms are laying people off because of vibes, the planes keep nearly crashing, and examples of insane eye-popping greed—like Rite-Aid’s decision to claw back severance paid out to laid-off workers on the same day they handed their CEO a $20 million bonus—keep on coming. So it may come as no surprise that there’s a robust connection between the overindulged CEOs and the firms that are most flagrantly dodging their fair share of taxes. For a report released Wednesday, the Institute for Policy Studies teamed up with Americans for Tax Fairness to spelunk into the balance sheets at some of America’s best-known tax scofflaws between 2018 and 2022. What they found was pretty consistent: The firms took home high profits and lavished their top executives with exorbitant pay, all while stiffing Uncle Sam. The excess is stunning. “For over half (35) of these corporations,” the study reports, “their payouts to top corporate brass over that entire span exceeded their net tax payments.” An additional 29 firms managed this feat for “at least two of the five years in the study period.” Eighteen firms paid a grand total of zero dollars during that five-year span, 17 of which were given tax refunds. All in all, the 64 companies in the report “posted cumulative pre-tax domestic profits of $657 billion” during the study period, but “paid an average effective federal tax rate of just 2.8 percent (the statutory rate is 21 percent) while paying their executives over $15 billion.” Which firms are the worst of the worst? You can probably guess the company that tops the list because it’s the one run by The New Republic’s 2023 Scoundrel of the Year. During the five years of the study, Tesla took home $4.4 billion in profits as CEO Elon Musk carted off $2.28 billion in stock options, which, since his 2018 payday, have ballooned to nearly $56 billion—a compensation plan so outlandish that the Delaware Court of Chancery canceled it. Tesla has, during that same period of time, paid an effective tax rate of zero percent through a combination of carrying forward losses from unprofitable years and good old-fashioned offshore tax dodging.
Elon Musk is either the world's richest or second richest person. But he still wants more. Give him credit for pathological greed.
In all fairness, Musk is not alone when it comes to enriching himself while screwing workers.
What sort of innovations have these CEOs wrought from this well-remunerated period? T-Mobile’s Mike Sievert presided over the Sprint merger that led to $23.6 million in stock buybacks and 5,000 layoffs. Netflix’s Reed Hastings poured $15 billion in profit into jacking up subscription rates. Nextera Energy has devoted $10 million in dark money in a “ghost candidate scheme” to thwart climate change candidates. Darden Restaurants has been fighting efforts to raise the minimum wage. Metlife has been diverting government money meant to fund low-cost housing into other, unrelated buckraking ventures. And some First Energy executives from the study period are embroiled in a corruption scandal that’s so massive that even Musk might find it to be beyond the pale.
These oligarchs are going to spend lavishly to elect Republicans who would give them even bigger tax breaks.
Fortunately, they can't literally buy votes. If we return to old school grassroots precinct work then we can thwart the MAGA Republican puppets of billionaire oligarchs.
One to one contact is a more important factor than TV or online ads in convincing people to vote your way. It takes more effort, but democracy was not built by slacktivism in the first place.
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thelostexperiment · 1 year
DT timeline from fowl (theory/headcanon)
In the early 60's Bradford was still young with a full head of hair, met and teamed up with black heron, making f.o.w.l…
Some time a little later in the mid 60's Heron tried to get the formula for gummi-berry juice, meanwhile Scrooge just joined s.h.u.s.h. as a new philanthropist, he and Beakley beat Heron, and Bradford must have just found out his partner in crime just got defeated by those two.
Scrooge's big Christmas party probably happened in the late 70's that would be a whole new decade later for him to age into the state we see him at the Christmas party where he and Scrooge apparently first met face to face.
Ludwig Van Drake got kidnapped by f.o.w.l. sometime after the 70's or at least some time after the Christmas party. If they had the stone of what was at the time and didn't lose it yet. It would be very easy to fake someone's death by just leaving a lifeless clone of that person to be found. Before being kidnapped, he still trusted Bradford enough at the time for Bradford to easily lure him somewhere to capture him.
 Later in the early 90's is when Donald and Della come to stay with Scrooge and "The First Adventure". After which Bradford becomes Scrooge's new CFO, and starts his 30 year plan to get the papyrus of binding back. 
 Then either that year or some other year after that Dewy time travels back to meet his mom and uncle as kids for Christmas.
Around 2006, Scrooge built the Spear of Selene and Bradford told Della about it, basically instigating the Spear of Selene fiasco.
Beakley attempted to shut down f.o.w.l. once and for all but finds a baby duckling who she named Webby and goes into hiding at McDuck manner. This is possibly also when f.o.w.l. lost the Stone of what was. 
Possibly after that, Bradford causes Duckworth's death, either directly or indirectly.
August 12, 2017, the triplets meet their uncle Scrooge for the first time.(DuckTales 2017 officially started)
September 23, 2017, "The great dime chance!" 
April 2018, "The Beast in the Board Room!"
July 7, 2018, Black Heron made a second attempt at recreating gummi-berry juice but was stopped by Webby. 
August 11, 2018 "the last crash of the sunchaser!" 
August 18, 2018, Magical DeSpell was released, The Shadow war happened. Then Magica lost her magic. 
September 2018, "Countdown to Termination!"
December 24, 2018, "Last Christmas!" takes place. 
 May 13, 2019, Della returned to earth and reunited with (most) of her family. 
September 9, 2019, Timephoon.
September 11, 2019, Louie became the richest duck in the world. Bradford tricked him into releasing the zombie bombie, where Louie ended up cutting the funding to McDuck's satellites before giving the wealth back to scrooge.
September 12, 2019, The Moonvasion happened. And after that ended f.o.w.l. came back "from the shadows". 
April 4, 2020, the ducks found the lost journal of Isabella Finch. And f.o.w.l. was watching them.
April 4, 2020, "Quack Pack!" the ducks found the lamp of Alli Babah.
April 11, 2020, "Double-O-Duck in you only crash twice" the Intelli-ray was invented using the Third Eye Diamond.
April 18, 2020, The lost Harp of Mervana was found.
 September 21, 2020, "The Phantom and the Sorceress", Magica got her magic back.
 October 12, 2020, The Forbidden Fountain of the Foreverglades was found by the ducks.
October 19, 2020, "Let's Get Dangerous!" Bradford got outed as the leader of f.o.w.l.
October 26, 2020, Bradford distracts the Ducks as f.o.w.l. steals all the missing mysteries that were found.
November 2, 2020, the split sword of Swanstantine was recovered by the ducks from f.o.w.l.
November 23, 2020, the blessed bagpipes of clan McDuck was recovered by the Ducks.
March 1, 2021, The Ducks recovered the stone of what was, but f.o.w.l. was able to get back a piece of it.
 March 15, 2021, the events of "The Last Adventure" Happened happened. f.o.w.l. was defeated and Bradford got turned into a feral vulture by Magica.
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rjzimmerman · 27 days
Excerpt from this story from Truthout:
he top 10 asset management firms now control $50 trillion of global wealth. They answer to no one but the ultrarich — the 0.05 percent — whose fortunes they continue to expand. The rest of us pay the price. Investing in everything from fossil fuel companies to private prisons to weapons manufacturers, they provide the economic lifeblood for some of the most destructive forces in the world. This not only undermines democracy, but imperils our very survival.
In his new book out this September, Titans of Capital: How Concentrated Wealth Threatens Humanity (The Censored Press & Seven Stories Press), Peter Phillips takes us deep into the world of these transnational asset management firms and the people who run them: the “Titans.” He shows how they constitute a new global elite who wield nearly unchecked power.
Peter Handel: Your new book, Titans of Capital, is a follow-up to your book, Giants: The Global Elite, which was published in 2018. Why did you feel the need to build on this earlier work?
Peter Phillips: Titans of Capital updates and expands Giants. Giants identified the 199 directors of the world’s 17 top asset-management companies, which between them managed more than $41.1 trillion in wealth. Now, five years later, in Titans of Capital, I examine the ongoing rapid concentration of global capital and how fewer and larger companies now manage the excess financial wealth for the 0.05 percent, the richest people in the world.
The number of trillion and multitrillion-dollar capital investment management companies has nearly doubled from 17 in 2017 to 31 in 2022, now collectively managing over $83 trillion. These firms hold the core of global capital wealth, with the top 10 managing $50 trillion in combined assets.
In tracing the path from Giants to Titans, I show how wealth inequality and power imbalances continue to grow and threaten everything from democracy to the environment to our personal health.
In Titans you don’t talk about the financial elite as an abstract entity. You give us specifics about who they are, what they do and how they operate politically. Who are the Titans and what should we understand about their impact on the world?
The Titans are the individuals who serve on the boards of directors of the 10 largest capital management companies in the world as of 2022: BlackRock, Vanguard Group, UBS Group, Fidelity Investments, State Street, Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan Chase, Amundi, Allianz/PIMCO and Capital Group.
The Titans hold the center of global capital in their hands. Governments, military, intelligence agencies, policy groups, corporate media, and other capitalists consider the Titans’ concentrated wealth to be a special interest that requires constant sociopolitical protection and support.
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reality-detective · 2 years
Rabbit Hole🐇👇
Remember, in 2018, there were Child Sex trafficking camps founded on Clinton Foundation property that Cemex had owned!
This is going to tie in a lot here!👇
Don’t forget Black And Veatch joined Cemex in their new Start up!
Who gave to McCain’s Foundation?👇
Black and Veatch built bio labs for DTRA in 2003!
Who funded that?👇
Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca, the NIH and Bill Gates (there is your Finger Lakes connection)
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Who is the owner of Cemex?👇
Carlos Slim
He is the 2nd largest stock holder on NY stock exchange!
Does that make sense why The NY Times hates Trump!
Who is fighting human trafficking?🤔
From 2010 to 2013, Slim was ranked as the richest person in the world by the Forbes business magazine.
Cemex offers blood in their concrete, cement and mortar!
Cemex is linked to the Rothschilds, Bronfmans and Clinton’s!
Where the Tuscon sex trafficking camps were found is where Johnathan Rothschild was mayor!
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This is Sara Bronfman!
She is the Heiress of the Bronfman fortune and invovled with NXIVM sex cult and with Haiti!
She launched a trade agreement between Canada and Libya!
Sara also took trips to Benghazi up until the attacks!
Fathom that!🤔
How long have they been laundering money thru the colleges? 🤔
Let me explain! 👇
McCain Institute partnered with ASU and Thorn(think Ashton Kutcher)
McCain Institute has a board of Trustees!
Guess who is on it?👇
Lady Lynn Forrester de Rothschild of Bronfman
McCain was involved with the ASU program with the Philanthropy and Service cirriculumn!
ASU paid the Clinton Foundation 500k!
And let's not forget 👇
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forkaround · 2 years
Top 3 Personal Favorite BLs of 2022
I would like to start by thanking everyone who replied to my 'What's the appeal of BL?' post. A friend had asked and I felt I hadn't given a satisfying answer but seeing all the reblogs and comments made my heart grow three sizes. These were things I knew to be true. These were things around me, abstract and translucent. And every answer made me so fucking happy. I could see hope. Thank You.
I got into BL this year and I can say, with ease that I've never been happier.
I am a writer. At 15 I had the idea for an epic fantasy. But things changed once I realized the female lead could end up with no one but this other female character. I steeled myself for a difficult battle because since this was gay this won't be published in India. (Back then there was still a ban on homosexuality. Section 377, if anyone's interested. A remnant of the British Raj. Lifted in 2018.) And I told myself this is going to be hard but it's fine. We can publish in the US. Parts of the story take place in the US anyway, and the rest is in another galaxy, so it's okay. We are fine.
At 20, I had an idea for a story where the female lead become the uncrowned Queen of India (Richest, most influential person in the country). Her motto was - Ambition isn't a bad word. I knew this won't be well received since a woman has ambition but I figured it won't be that bad. But I couldn't conceive of this character as anyone but a lesbian. And I knew this would never be made or rather published if she was the main character.
And in rolled the year 2022. I am 23. It's my 24th birthday and I am more excited for something else that's going to happen in two days than I am about it being my birthday and also the day I go to live, by myself, in Germany, miles from where my parents live. I can barely think about that.
All I am thinking about is -
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This show is fantastic and no one can deny this but to me it's much more than a show because it made me believe there was a market for my stories. That I could do this and the road ahead wasn't as difficult as I'd thought I'd be. And that was because of how much of a phenomenon Kinnporsche was. Still is, idk. It trended worldwide every week. It trended in India every week since Ep 4. Major Indian magazines wrote about it. And for once I thought, maybe India is ready.
Kinnporsche was also a personal phenomenon. I had Sundays blocked off in my Bullet Journal as Kinnporsche Brainrot days. I bought wine for the first time in my life in anticipation of the Vegaspete episode. This show spawned 7 WIPs and added umph to pre-existing projects like the Ambition one I mentioned before. I had the time of my life reading metas and my critical thinking and media analysis skill improved because of this fandom. The fanworks were the first time in my life I've been as invested in the fandom of the fandom as I've been in the media. It glitters like gold. And in-between the changing genres and political scheming, stage blocking and color theory, and tooth rotting fluff and sadomasochism I found hope.
And what Kinnporsche started multiplied with the things to come.
Old Fashion Cupcake
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I've mentioned I'm 24. I feel like I'm 40. I am a woman from a conservative country like India. I am queer but that's not the only thing about me that defies norms. And when you are young defying norms is a metric of success. When you go to college, though, things change and everything that you thought were things people were proud of, are suddenly not. All the talk of feminism and equal rights that had people clapping at 15 are all the same things that people snide at you about. It's the same with your family. And once you've finished college. The second that bachelor's degree hits your hand, the first question asked is - When are you going to start searching for a husband? And you've know for a while this is coming. And 25 feels like the end of the world. You can't imagine being 28, 30, 35, 40... And you've not even lived.
Then some guy, 5 years older than you, starts teaching his boss about some anti-aging thing. The boss is just like you, someone who hasn't lived and regrets it and you realize, a thought so powerful that your cry in the middle of the afternoon. There are as many years between me and Nozue as I've lived. It's not exact math but it shocks you down to your every cell. I feel old. But I'm not. Nozue is twice as old as me and I never thought him to be that old. And yes, life still sucks in many ways and yes, the rules of the universe are different for men and women but it also means my life doesn't end at 30. I won't be a haggard, old woman the moment the second hand moves to the next day on my birthday. Even if the world believes it - I don't have to. And it changes me coz all the things I thought I didn't have time for are suddenly things where I have all the time in the world. I have time for cute food. I have time for a cute cat. I have time to make my name. I have time to live.
And then comes something that makes me even more insane than I already am -
Love in the Air
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I know. I know. But this is the first time I've seen someone that makes me as insane as Payu does. And I don't mean the department god status or the cool look. I mean the complete balance and grace this guy has. Before him it was Peggy Carter who I thought was just amazing but it was Payu that solidified the idea of why. He defies every expectation put on him. Good guy? No, he has connections to the mafia and can make you vanish with a phone call. Bad guy then? Nope, he is nice to everyone and is a general pleasure to have around. Any bad guy aesthetics are things he is passionate about in a nerdy way. The Cool Guy? Nope, he looks cool sure but it's not his goal to be a cool guy. He wants to be a nice guy. It's being nice that is cool. Nice Guy (derogatory)? Nope, he tests Rain but is pleasantly surprised every time Rain does pass the test. Narcissistic? Nope, he will put his whole pride aside for the man he loves. He will get humiliated for him any day. He is a well adjusted, respected man who is into kink. No tragic backstory, no dark impulses. Just some guy. Who likes kink.
He became dear to me and looking at him is the reason I realized that in order to make my dreams come true I can't just hope and have talent, I need discipline and balance too. But I also need grace to understand others. Enter Parpai. He spotted something wrong with Sky from the few seconds he seemed lost in thought. His priority in the finale was to take care of Sky and not being his hero or being The Hero. He cared about nothing beyond Sky's wellbeing. This is a type of character I can honestly say I've never seen before. The maturity and emotional intelligence shown by Parpai blows me away each time.
The clock struck twelve and I broke my first bottle of Merlot. Here to to an amazing 2023, an insane 2023, a wonderful 2023 and a kind 2023. I end this with love and gratitude, thing that before this year I considered superfluous, especially gratitude. But I've felt more gratitude this year thanks to BLs/GLs/QLs than I thought I was capable off.
What I wanted to do at 15 hasn't changed but now I have hope it can happen and time to make it happen and the balance and grace I would need to help me achieve my 15 year old self's dreams. Coz after a decade of being told it was stupid or unimportant I get to have confidence that all that I felt, things that others didn't agree with are real. And that makes all the difference.
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Book Recommendations: Nonfiction Book Club Picks
Eat a Peach by David Chang
In 2004, David Chang opened a noodle restaurant named Momofuku in Manhattan's East Village, not expecting the business to survive its first year. In 2018, he was the owner and chef of his own restaurant empire, with 15 locations from New York to Australia, the star of his own hit Netflix show and podcast, was named one of the most influential people of the 21st century and had a following of over 1.2 million. In this inspiring, honest and heartfelt memoir, Chang shares the extraordinary story of his culinary coming-of-age.
Growing up in Virginia, the son of Korean immigrant parents, Chang struggled with feelings of abandonment, isolation and loneliness throughout his childhood. After failing to find a job after graduating, he convinced his father to loan him money to open a restaurant. Momofuku's unpretentious air and great-tasting simple staples - ramen bowls and pork buns - earned it rave reviews, culinary awards and before long, Chang had a cult following.
Momofuku's popularity continued to grow with Chang opening new locations across the U.S. and beyond. In 2009, his Ko restaurant received two Michelin stars and Chang went on to open Milk Bar, Momofuku's bakery. By 2012, he had become a restaurant mogul with the opening of the Momofuku building in Toronto, encompassing three restaurants and a bar.
Chang's love of food and cooking remained a constant in his life, despite the adversities he had to overcome. Over the course of his career, the chef struggled with suicidal thoughts, depression and anxiety. He shied away from praise and begged not to be given awards. In Eat a Peach, Chang opens up about his feelings of paranoia, self-confidence and pulls back the curtain on his struggles, failures and learned lessons. Deeply personal, honest and humble, Chang's story is one of passion and tenacity, against the odds.
Killers of the Flower Moon by David Grann
In the 1920s, the richest people per capita in the world were members of the Osage Indian Nation in Oklahoma. After oil was discovered beneath their land, the Osage rode in chauffeured automobiles, built mansions, and sent their children to study in Europe.
Then, one by one, they began to be killed off. One Osage woman, Mollie Burkhart, watched as her family was murdered. Her older sister was shot. Her mother was then slowly poisoned. And it was just the beginning, as more Osage began to die under mysterious circumstances.
In this last remnant of the Wild West - where oilmen like J. P. Getty made their fortunes and where desperadoes such as Al Spencer, “the Phantom Terror,” roamed - virtually anyone who dared to investigate the killings were themselves murdered. As the death toll surpassed more than twenty-four Osage, the newly created F.B.I. took up the case, in what became one of the organization’s first major homicide investigations. But the bureau was then notoriously corrupt and initially bungled the case. Eventually the young director, J. Edgar Hoover, turned to a former Texas Ranger named Tom White to try to unravel the mystery. White put together an undercover team, including one of the only Native American agents in the bureau. They infiltrated the region, struggling to adopt the latest modern techniques of detection. Together with the Osage they began to expose one of the most sinister conspiracies in American history.
Foreverland by Heather Havrilesky
If falling in love is the peak of human experience, then marriage is the slow descent down that mountain, on a trail built from conflict, compromise, and nagging doubts. Considering the limited economic advantages to marriage, the deluge of other mate options a swipe away, and the fact that almost half of all marriages in the United States end in divorce anyway, why do so many of us still chain ourselves to one human being for life?
In Foreverland, Heather Havrilesky illustrates the delights, aggravations, and sublime calamities of her marriage over the span of fifteen years, charting an unpredictable course from meeting her one true love to slowly learning just how much energy is required to keep that love aflame. This refreshingly honest portrait of a marriage reveals that our relationships are not simply "happy" or "unhappy," but something much murkier - at once unsavory, taxing, and deeply satisfying. With tales of fumbled proposals, harrowing suburban migrations, external temptations, and the bewildering insults of growing older, Foreverland is a work of rare candor and insight. Havrilesky traces a path from daydreaming about forever for the first time to understanding what a tedious, glorious drag forever can be.
Four Hundred Souls edited by Ibram X. Kendi
Curated by Ibram X. Kendi, author of the number one bestseller How To Be an Antiracist, and fellow historian Keisha N. Blain, Four Hundred Souls begins with the arrival of twenty enslaved Ndongo people on the shores of the British colony in mainland America in 1619, the year before the arrival of the Mayflower.
In eighty chronological chapters, the book charts the tragic and triumphant four-hundred-year history of Black American experience in a choral work of exceptional power and beauty.
Contributors include some of the best-known scholars, writers, historians, journalists, lawyers, poets and activists of contemporary America who together bring to vivid life countless new facets to the drama of slavery and resistance, segregation and survival, migration and self-discovery, cultural oppression and world-changing artistic, literary and musical creativity. In these pages are dozens of extraordinary lives and personalities, rescued from the archives and restored to their rightful place in America's narrative, as well as the ghosts of millions more.
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smqazi · 15 hours
With due apology to Allamah Sir Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Rahmatullah ‘alaih
Utho meri dunyaa ke ameeron ko jagaa do
Utho Meri Duniya Ke Ghareebon Ko Jaga Do
اٹھو میری دنیا کے غریبوں کو جگا دو
کاخِ اُمرا کے در و دیوار ہلا دو
Get up wake the poor people of my world
Shake the walls and windows of Rich people palaces
گرماؤ غلاموں کا لہو سوز یقیں سے
کُنجکشکِ فرومایہ کو شاہیں سے لڑا دو
Warm the blood of slaves with faith of hope
Prepare fearful sparrow to fight with the Falcon
جس کھیت سے دہقاں کو میسر نہیں روزی
اس کھیت کے ہر خوشہ گندم کو جلا دو 
Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) has blessed him with qualities, par excellence, which he has skillfully used to help the helpless, the needy, the poor and the simple people of Islamic Republic of Pakistan as a savior from the corruption of rotten VAGABOND politicians of all kinds since August 1947, for more than seventy (70) years.
Former President and PPP Co-Chairman Asif Ali Zardari said,”Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif of MNL have looted Pak Rs 2,000 billion of the country.” He along with his brother and all of his family members are still robbing this poor country.
Asif Ali Zardari Declared Assets: 
By comparison with the corrupt politicians of Pakistan, he is a world renowned personality, UNIQUE and ONE OF A KIND, Maa shaa Allah, Chashm-e-badd door, In shaa Allah.
Dear Future Prime Minister of Islamic Republic of Pakistan,, H.E. Imran Khan, Commander in chief of Armed Forces,, Colonel Tahir, ISI Chief, and DG. Rangers, As-Salam-alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu,
Please take care of all CORRUPT POLITICIANS in Pakistan and overseas, including but not limited to Bhuttos, Zaradarees, Shareer brothers, Judges, Lawyers, and Media Chiefs, ASAP, I am sure you can do it as long as you are in command of your respective Government Of Pakistan Departments..
Please also use your influence in and around the world including the British hierarchy, and get these BLLODY RASCALS, my late father used to called them using his British, English, Qaum Farosh and Zameer Farosh, including so called QA'ID of the Terrorist MQM extradited from his naano in London, U.K, and let the Military courts try him and if found guilty, all of them should be hanged, along with his MQM terrorists, in CHANDNI CHOWK of all big cities Pakistan,, one by one, ONE and ALL, to save the helpless, the needy, the poor and the simple people of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan from their atrocities, corruption, terror for all times to come, In shaa Allah. 
The time is NOW or NEVER, before it is too late. May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala give you all the courage, the strength and the wisdom to get it done while you are still in control, Ameen.
May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, Who saved your life for a purpose, give you the help to complete your MISSION and fulfill your promises made to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala inside the Holy Ka’bah in Makkah Mukarramah, and to His Last Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam), in his Hujrah Mubarak in Masjid-e-Nabwi in Madinah Munawwarah, Ameen, and may He bless you in both the worlds, Thumma Ameen yaa Rabbil ‘aalameen.
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afashionz · 16 days
Top Ten Richest Person of Pakistan – 2024
Are you curious about the richest individuals in Pakistan for 2024 and how they have accumulated their wealth? Here’s a look at the top ten wealthiest people in Pakistan, notable for their significant business accomplishments and political influence. These prominent figures have made substantial contributions to various sectors and have become well-known public personalities.
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Richest People in Pakistan for 2024
10. Malik Riaz Hussain Malik Riaz Hussain is a prominent Pakistani businessman and investor, known for founding Bahria Town, the largest privately-owned real estate development company in Asia. Born on February 8, 1954, in Rawalpindi, he is currently the seventh richest person in Pakistan with an estimated net worth of 3,000 billion Rupees. His wealth primarily stems from property investments.
9. Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif is a well-known Pakistani businessman and politician who has served as Prime Minister of Pakistan three times and as Chief Minister of Punjab twice. Born on December 25, 1949, in Lahore, he is a significant political figure with substantial wealth, accumulated through his business ventures and political career.
8. Asif Ali Zardari Asif Ali Zardari, a former President of Pakistan (2008-2013) and former chairperson of the Pakistan People’s Party, was born on July 26, 1955, in Karachi. His wealth comes from various business interests and his influential role in politics. He has been a member of the National Assembly since August 2018.
7. Mian Muhammad Mansha Mian Muhammad Mansha is a leading Pakistani business magnate and billionaire, known for founding and leading the Nishat Group, a major international conglomerate based in Lahore. Born on December 1, 1947, in Lahore, he is also recognized for being one of the highest tax payers in Pakistan. His name appeared in the Paradise Papers in 2017 due to links with offshore companies.
6. Muhammad Anwar Pervez Muhammad Anwar Pervez, a British-Pakistani businessman, is the founder and chairman of Bestway. According to the Sunday Times Rich List UK, his net worth was £3.09 billion in 2018, making him one of the wealthiest individuals of Pakistani origin. Born in Rawalpindi in March 1935, he moved to the UK at 21.
5. Sadruddin Hashwani Sadruddin Hashwani is a prominent Pakistani billionaire and writer, known for founding the Hashoo Group, which operates the Pearl-Continental Hotels & Resorts. Born on February 19, 1940, in Karachi, he is one of the wealthiest people in Pakistan with an estimated net worth of $8 billion.
4. Shahid Khan Shahid Khan, a Pakistani-American billionaire, is renowned for owning the Jacksonville Jaguars of the NFL and Fulham F.C. of the English Premier League. He is also the owner of Flex-N-Gate, an automobile parts manufacturer. Born on July 18, 1950, in Lahore, Khan's diverse investments have made him a prominent figure in both the business and sports worlds.
3. Abdul Razzak Yaqoob Abdul Razzak Yaqoob was a notable Pakistani gold bullion trader who founded ARY Gold and the ARY Media Group in the UAE. Born on May 7, 1944, in Karachi, he passed away on February 21, 2014. His legacy includes significant contributions to the gold industry and media.
2. Nasir Schon Nasir Schon, the owner and CEO of Schon Group, is a major business leader in Pakistan. With a net worth of $1 billion, Schon has made a mark in various business ventures. Born in Pakistan, he was one of the first in the country to own a Rolls-Royce luxury car, highlighting his significant wealth and success.
1. Jahangir Khan Tareen Jahangir Khan Tareen is currently the richest person in Pakistan. A politician and industrialist, he was born in Bangladesh in 1953 and later moved to Pakistan. Tareen holds an MBA from the USA and has been influential in both the business sector, with ownership of sugar mills and farmhouses, and in politics, serving as General Secretary of PTI and a member of the National Assembly. His recent position in the wealth rankings reflects his continued success and influence.
These individuals have played crucial roles in shaping Pakistan's business and political landscape, accumulating substantial wealth through their diverse ventures and influential positions
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drmaqazi · 26 days
! Allamah Sir Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Rahmatullah ‘alaih.
Utho meri dunyaa ke ameeron ko jagaa do
Utho Meri Duniya Ke Ghareebon Ko Jaga Do
اٹھو میری دنیا کے غریبوں کو جگا دو
کاخِ اُمرا کے در و دیوار ہلا دو
Get up wake the poor people of my world
Shake the walls and windows of Rich people palaces
گرماؤ غلاموں کا لہو سوز یقیں سے
کُنجکشکِ فرومایہ کو شاہیں سے لڑا دو
Warm the blood of slaves with faith of hope
Prepare fearful sparrow to fight with the Falcon
جس کھیت سے دہقاں کو میسر نہیں روزی
اس کھیت کے ہر خوشہ گندم کو جلا دو 
IMRAN KHAN NEEDS NO INTRODUCTION. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala has blessed him with qualities, par excellence, which he has skillfully used to help the helpless, the needy, the poor and simple people of Islamic Republic of Pakistan as a savior from the corruption of rotten vagabond politicians of all kinds since August 1947. I
Former President and PPP Co-Chairman Asif Ali Zardari Wednesday said Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has looted Rs 2,000 billion of the country.
Asif Ali Zardari Declared Assets: https://oregonsnt.org/wp-content/uploads/formidable/8/asif-ali-zardari-declared-assets.pdf
By comparison with the corrupt politicians of Pakistan, he is a world renowned personality, UNIQUE and ONE OF A KIND, Maa shaa Allah, Chashm-e-badd door, In shaa Allah.
Dear Future Prime Minister Imran Khan, Commander in chief of Armed Forces,, Colonel Tahir, ISI Chief, and DG. Rangers, As-Salam-alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu,
Please take care of all CORRUPT POLITICIANS, including but not limited to Phuttos, Sardaarees, Shareer brothers, Judges and Media Chiefs, ASAP, I am sure you can do it. 
Please also use your influence in and around the world including British hierarchy, and get these RASCALS, including so called QA'ID of the Terrorist MQM, extradited from his naano in London, U.K, and let the Military courts try him and if found guilty, all of them should be hanged, along with his MQM terrorists, in CHANDNI CHOWK of all big cities of Pakistan, ONE and ALL, to save the helpless, the needy, the poor and the simple people of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan from their atrocities, corruption, terror and for all times to come, In shaa Allah. 
The time is NOW or NEVER, before it is too late. May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala give you the courage, the strength and the wisdom to get it done while you can, In shaa Allah. 
May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, Who saved your life for a purpose, give you help to complete your MISSION and fulfill your promises made to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala and His Last Prophet Muhammad SallAllahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam, Ameen, and may He bless you in both the worlds, Thumma Ameen. 
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adinathgirhe-blog · 7 months
Ivana Alawi Net Worth 2024- Age, Bio, Real Name, Height & More
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Ivana Alawi is one of the most popular social media influencers in the Philippines. She is an actress, model, YouTuber, and singer who has starred in several hit television shows and movies, such as Ang Probinsyano, Sino ang Maysala?, and Sitsit. She is also the founder of her skincare brand, Ivana Skin, which offers a range of products for different skin types and needs. She has won several awards and recognitions for her beauty and talent, such as the PMPC Star Awards for Television and the TC Candler list of the most beautiful faces in the world. In this article, we will explore Ivana Alawi’s net worth and biography, and learn more about her personal and professional life.
Ivana Alawi Net Worth 2024
Ivana Alawi is one of the richest celebrities in the Philippines, thanks to her multiple sources of income. As of 2024, her net worth is estimated to be around $10 million. However, some sources claim that her net worth could be as high as $31.53 million, depending on the income sources and calculations. Ivana Alawi earns money from her acting, modeling, YouTube, and business ventures, as well as from her inheritance from her late father. She is the founder of her skincare brand, Ivana Skin, which offers a range of products for different skin types and needs. She also has more than 10 million followers across her various social media channels, which allows her to charge a high price for sponsored posts. She owns a mansion in Bahrain and a farm in Bulacan, which add to her assets and wealth. Ivana Alawi is undoubtedly one of the most successful and influential stars in the country. Ivana Alawi Bio in short: - Real NameMariam Sayed Sameer Marbella Al-Alawi - Age28 (as of 2024) - Height5 ft 6 in or 168 cm - NationalityFilipino-Moroccan - FatherSamier Al-Alawi - MotherFatima Marbella - SiblingsHashim, Amira, and Mona - Net worth in dollarsAround $10 million - Net worth per monthAround $70,000 - Net worth in pesoAround 555 million pesos Also Read: Top 10 Richest Vloggers in the Philippines 2024 Cong TV Net Worth- Real Name, Age, Wife & More
Ivana Alawi Early life and education
Ivana Alawi was born on December 25, 1996, in Manila, Philippines. Her real name is Mariam Sayed Sameer Marbella Al-Alawi. She is the third of four children of a Filipino mother and a Moroccan father. She grew up in Bahrain, where she attended an international school and learned to speak English, Arabic, and Tagalog. She also developed an interest in acting and singing at a young age.
Ivana Alawi Career
Ivana Alawi started her career as a contestant on the sixth season of StarStruck, a Philippine talent reality show, in 2015. She was signed by GMA Artist Center but did not make it to the final cut. She then moved to ABS-CBN, where she appeared in several television shows and movies, such as Araw Gabi, Ang Probinsyano, Sino ang Maysala?, Open, and 3pol Trobol: Huli Ka Balbon! She won the Best New Female TV Personality award at the PMPC Star Awards for Television in 2019 for her role in Sino ang Maysala. In 2018, Ivana Alawi launched her self-titled YouTube channel, where she uploads vlogs, pranks, challenges, and other entertaining content. She quickly gained popularity and became one of the most subscribed Filipino celebrities on YouTube, with over 17.6 million subscribers and 1.5 billion views as of 2024. She was honored by Google as the Top YouTube Content Creator in the Philippines for two consecutive years. She also ventured into music, releasing her debut single “Sana All” in 2020 under Star Music. In 2020, Ivana Alawi starred in the horror thriller movie Sitsit, which was a box office hit. She also founded her skincare brand, Ivana Skin, which offers a range of products for different skin types and needs. She was ranked fourth on the 100 Most Beautiful Faces in the World list by TC Candler in 2021, making her the highest-ranked Filipino on the list.
Ivana Alawi Personal life
Ivana Alawi holds dual citizenship in the Philippines and Morocco. She inherited all of her father’s money after he died in 2018. She has three siblings, including former child actress Mona Alawi, who often appears on her YouTube videos. She owns a mansion in Bahrain and a farm in Bulacan, where she plans to build her dream house. She is currently in a relationship with a non-showbiz person, whom she confirmed on January 3, 2024. She was previously linked to actor Kit Thompson, but they denied being romantically involved. She also faced rumors of having an affair with politician Albee Benitez, but he publicly apologized and denied the allegations. FAQs: What is ivana alawi net worth per month?Ivana Alawi earns around $70,000 per month from her various sources of income, such as YouTube, endorsements, acting, and her skincare brand.How rich is Ivana Alawi?Ivana Alawi’s net worth is estimated to be around $10 million. However, some sources claim that her net worth could be as high as $31.53 million, depending on the income sources and calculations3.What is Ivana Alawi net worth in pesos?Ivana Alawi’s net worth in pesos is approximately 555 million pesos.How old is Ivana Alawi?Ivana Alawi is 27 years old, born on December 25, 1996.What is the real name of Ivana Alawi?Ivana Alawi’s real name is Mariam Sayed Sameer Marbella Al-Alawi.What is the height of Ivana Alawi?Ivana Alawi’s height is 5 feet 6 inches or 168 cm.How much does Ivana Alawi earn from YouTube?Ivana Alawi revealed that she earns P200,000 to P500,000 per vlog on YouTube. Conclusion: Ivana Alawi is a Filipino actress, model, YouTuber, and singer who has achieved remarkable success and fame in the entertainment industry. She is one of the richest and most influential celebrities in the Philippines, with a net worth of around $10 million as of 2024. She is also one of the most beautiful faces in the world, according to TC Candler. She has a diverse and impressive career, as well as a personal and professional life that is full of interesting facts and stories. Ivana Alawi is truly an inspiration and a role model for many people who aspire to follow their dreams and passions. What do you think of Ivana Alawi’s net worth and biography? Let us know in the comments below. Read the full article
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speedyposts · 8 months
Why has a court blocked Elon Musk’s $56bn Tesla pay?
A Delaware judge has scrapped a $55.8bn compensation package for Tesla boss Elon Musk after years of legal arguments about his pay. Tesla stocks dropped 2 percent after the ruling before recovering to close at just over $187 a share.
Wednesday’s ruling came after a shareholder sued Tesla directors in 2018 in the Delaware Court of Chancery, claiming that Musk was overcompensated. The pay package, agreed in 2018 to be paid out over 10 years after Musk hit certain targets, was the biggest in United States corporate history. It contributed to Musk’s standing as the world’s richest man as the CEO hit the dozen targets set by 2023. Musk may appeal the ruling but has not indicated whether he will.
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Speaking in court, Judge Kathaleen McCormick said the amount was “unfathomable” and blamed Tesla’s leadership for not properly informing shareholders about it.
The ruling saw Musk drop a notch on the world’s richest people list by Forbes, becoming the world’s second richest person after Bernard Arnault, boss of the French fashion and cosmetics empire LVMH.
Here’s what we know about Musk’s pay deal and why it was controversial:
Musk, who founded Tesla in 2003, does not receive a salary from the electric carmaker. He agreed to the $56bn compensation package in 2018 to cover a period of 10 years. 
The deal awarded Musk stock worth about 1 percent of Tesla’s equity each time the company achieved one of its operational and financial goals, such as ambitious aims set in 2018 to increase the Tesla market cap from $59bn to $650bn within 10 years. This meant hitting targets set for Tesla’s share price and the company’s profitability. Musk hit all 12 targets set by Tesla by 2023.
The package helped boost Musk’s personal worth and made him the highest paid CEO in the US. According to Forbes, the tycoon was worth from $198bn to $220bn in November.
Tesla is currently worth $596bn and is ranked the ninth largest US company by valuation.
Tesla’s lawyers argued that the pay package was designed to incentivise Musk as the company increased production of its Tesla Model 3. The CEO, a controversial figure because of his public takes on world affairs, is also head of the spacecraft company SpaceX and social media site X, formerly Twitter.
Richard Tornetta, an individual Tesla shareholder, filed the lawsuit against Musk and senior Tesla executives in 2018, arguing that the package was excessive and the board had not acted independently.
Tornetta, a drummer who was once in the heavy metal band Dawn of Correction, owned just nine of Tesla’s 3.1 billion shares in 2018 when he filed the suit. His shares are worth about $1,700 today. According to the court, Tornetta’s lawyers will be compensated by Tesla.
Gregory Varallo, Tornetta’s lawyer, argued that Tesla shareholders were not informed how easily Tesla’s financial goals would be achieved when they voted on the package and Musk, who owns more than 411 million shares (just over 12 percent), did not need further incentives.
Varallo also said the board did not disclose that Musk had designed the pay package himself or how close Musk was to some of Tesla’s payment committee members, such as Antonio Gracias and Ira Ehrenpreis, who the CEO has had personal and business relationships with for several years.
When it was announced, the deal sparked debate about widening pay inequalities at US companies and drew criticism from organisations such as the California State Teachers’ Retirement System, a major pension fund and a holder of Tesla shares.
Researchers said US CEOs were paid 399 times more than the average worker in 2021.
Outside the US, pay disparities are also pervasive. The High Pay Centre analysed 350 companies in the United Kingdom in 2022 and found that the difference in average pay between CEOs and other employees had hit a ratio of 57 to 1. At some companies, the pay gap between CEOs and the lowest-income workers was as high as 75 to 1.
In a poll carried out by the organisation, 76 percent of respondents said CEOs should not earn more than 20 times the pay of middle- and low-income colleagues. Oil giant British Petroleum and shoe retailer JD recorded the widest pay gaps.
What did the judge say and what happens to the package now? 
In her 201-page opinion, McCormick said Tesla’s board had failed to protect shareholders.
She noted that the Tesla executives who voted for the package were well known to Musk although the CEO and his brother, Kimbal Musk, a major shareholder, recused themselves from the vote.
“Swept up by the rhetoric of ‘all upside,’ or perhaps starry eyed by Musk’s superstar appeal, the board never asked the $55.8 billion question: Was the plan even necessary for Tesla to retain Musk and achieve its goals?” the judge wrote.
Tesla must submit a new pay package to McCormick at a yet undefined time. The judge will then approve and finalise the ruling.
Musk’s lawyers may appeal although it’s not yet clear if that will happen.
Musk conducted a poll on X on Wednesday, asking users if Tesla should change its state of registration to Texas, where the company’s headquarters is located. More than 1.1 million people responded with 87 percent in favour of the move.
“Tesla will move immediately to hold a shareholder vote to transfer state of incorporation to Texas,” Musk wrote.
Musk did not reveal a timeline for the shareholder vote and eventual transfer. The CEO said in January that he was seeking to double his Tesla stake to 25 percent after he sold shares to pay hefty bills like his $44bn purchase of Twitter in 2022.
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rarenews7 · 7 years
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The vessel RIX STREAM, IMO 9111125, a general cargo ship sailing under Cyprus flag, is owned by the Latvian company RIX SHIPMANAGEMENT SIA, a company owned by Andrey Naumenko. Naumenko and some of his shipping companies are profiled in Paradise Papers, and is linked to several other RIX-companies, and of those that for this case is more interesting is the UK LLP companies Naumenko is linked to; RIX SHIPPING AND CHARTERING LLP and SILVERSTAR NETWORKS LLP.
These two UK companies have a common denominator; some of the controlling companies of several “laundromat” companies are very well-known over the last 10 years:
For Norwegians, maybe the most well-known case is the Seadrill sale of the West Juno rig, where the UK company HIGHWAY INVESTMENT PROCESSING LLP (“controlled” by IRELAND & OVERSEAS ACQUISITIONS, MILLTOWN CORPORATE SERVICES, ASTARTA INC, PILON INC, all offshore companies), which was an intermediary in a money laundering and corruption scheme involving Seadrill, West Juno and CHERNOMORNOEFTEGAZ.
Companies such as IRELAND & OVERSEAS ACQUISITIONS, MILLTOWN CORPORATE SERVICES , INTRAHOLD and MONOHOLD are also linked to several front persons, or “proxies”, some of the most well-known linked to these companies are Latvian Erik Vanagels and Stan Gorin, as well as Juri Vitman and Danny Banger. These companies and proxies “controls” hundreds of other front companies that has been involved in different money laundering, sanction evasion, corruption, illegal arms trade all over the world.
RIX has had these companies previously registered as Directors of Naumenko´s companies. In addition, they separately have other “laundromat” companies linked to them. SILVERSTAR has UNIWELL INC and TALLBERG LTD, and RIX has PRIMECROSS INC and FORMOND INC, also linked to money laundering, tax evasion, corruption, illegal arms trade and fraud schemes all over the world.
RIX STREAM route has been from Ventspils in Latvia to Oslo, what they are shipping is unclear, however, a company with this history should be subject for scrutiny both by banks and enforcements. Scrutiny of RIX STREAM from Norwegian enforcement has to wait, the company is already on its way and recently in the Danish port Frederiksværk.
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Source: Marinetraffic.com
Another RIX group ship, RIX RIVER, IMO 9065948 is still in Norway at the moment, but on its way out from the port of Mo i Rana.
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Source: Marinetraffic.com
Putin´s crony
The Russian vessel RUISH 2, IMO 9317016, is owned by the Russian company VOLGA SHIPPING which is part of VOLGAFLOT. VOLGA is owned by the Russian oligarch Vladimir Lisin, a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, and one of the richest in Russia and maybe most known as the beneficial owner of NMLK.
Lisin was also named on the “Putin List” that the US Treasury published in 2018, many on this list are today sanctioned by the US. Lisin is also an associate of US sanctioned Oleg Deripaska, and other high profiled Russian individuals such as the Cherney brothers and oligarchs such as Iskander Makhmudov through TRANS WORLD GROUP “TWG”. Makhmudov recently got Norwegian headlines when the Norwegian company BERGEN ENGINES was about to be acquired by the Russian company TRANSMASHHOLDING, which is linked to Makhmudov.
Vladimir Lisin has also been Chairman and Director of the Russian UNITED SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION, which is sanctioned by the US. Member of the Board of UNITED SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION, and Deputy Minister of Defence, Alexey Krivoruchko, who is also sanctioned by the US, is a former business partner of Iskander Makhmudov as former co-owners of KALASHNIKOV CONCERN, also a US sanctioned entity.
Lisin is also reported to has/have stakes in the US sanctioned CHERNOMORNOEFTEGAZ (also CHORNOMORNAFTOGAZ). To add a final note to this, SEADRILL and the sale of the West Juno rig to HIGHWAY INVESTMENT PROCESSING LLP mentioned above in this post, is linked to CHERNOMORNONEFTEGAZ as the West Juno rig was supplied to them.
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Source: Marinetraffic.com
Learning points from this?
With international shipping, Norway is not only exposed to risk outside Norway, any NORWEGIAN financial institution that have customers that are doing business with RIX and or VOLGA SHIPPING, should scrutinize these payments and request underlying documents supporting the transactions.
DISCLAIMER: Information in this post is based on open source information, available to anyone to verify or dispute. Deviating information can occur. I don’t accuse any of the companies and or individuals in this post of wrongdoing Assessment and conclusions of findings is to anyone for themselves to make. This post is merely for information sharing.
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ailtrahq · 1 year
One of the most shocking news from 2022 was Elon Musk taking over Twitter for $43B. In a recent turn of events, the SEC is now compelling the world’s richest man – Elon Musk, to testify himself, which he has been delaying since the previous month. Recap of What Led to ThisSince May 2022, the U.S. SEC has been looking into Musk’s acquisition of Twitter, verifying if Musk has abided by all the security laws during this deal. Consequently, a subpoena was issued, and Musk agreed to appear on September 15 to provide testimony at the SEC’s San Francisco office. But two days prior, Musk made “several spurious objections” and informed the SEC he would not be present. SEC’s Statement in its Thursday FilingThe SEC reported in its Thursday filing that Musk rejected its suggestions to do the deposition in Texas in November or October. The SEC claimed that one of his arguments was that the SEC was attempting to “harass” him and that his attorney wanted time to analyze any possibly pertinent information in a biography of Musk that was released last month. The complaint states that Musk furnished the SEC with the investigation materials and testified via video conference in July of last year.The SEC and Musk have been at odds ever since Musk announced in a 2018 tweet that he was planning to take his electric vehicle company Tesla (TSLA.O) private and had cash lined up. Thursday’s filing marks their most recent exchange. Since then, Musk has criticized the SEC numerous times, leading to the opening of numerous investigations into him over time.Musk stated in a post on X that “A comprehensive overhaul of these agencies is sorely needed, along with a commission to take punitive action against those individuals who have abused their regulatory power for personal and political gain. Can’t wait for this to happen”.Former SEC employee and Moses & Singer associate Howard Fischer referred to Musk’s decision to skip the September testimony as remarkable. The complaint on Thursday adds to Musk’s legal problems. According to prior reports from Reuters, the Justice Department is looking into Tesla’s self-driving claims. According to a source, federal prosecutors in New York have also started an inquiry into Musk’s corporate benefits and statements about the driving range of his vehicles.!function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments); if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window,document,'script', ' fbq('init', '887971145773722'); fbq('track', 'PageView');
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nonhleq23 · 1 year
What needs to be done? Future Occupational Therapy roles towards dismantling injustice?
According to Frank Kronenberg, the Idea of Occupational Therapy is too Radical and Powerful to be Contained by a Profession. Recently, theorists in occupational therapy and occupational science called for contextually situated practice which includes the environment but goes beyond the physical environment, as well as socio-cultural conditions and practices at a micro level(Ramugondo, 2018).Occupational therapy is broad
Injustices in society can manifest in many different areas of social life, including in the workplace, the education system, and the criminal justice system.The people who are most susceptible to it are minorities and oppressed social groups, including people already suffering from poverty and ethnic minorities.
There are many injustices that exist in today’s world but I will only focus on 3:
1.Rural health access
According to the constitutional law of South Africa, section 27 everyone has a right to access quality health care services. Some of the factors that influences the lack of access to health care services in rural areas is distance. Means to reach and utilize services often becomes a problem, such as transportation to services that may be located at a distance, and the ability to take some time off at work to access health services.
At Cato crest community, I encountered a lot of challenge when wanting to book patients because I had to consider their context, in terms of transportation whether they used an uber to come to the clinic and how much they spent so that I can be able to set realistic bookings. Which shows that some patients may be keen to attend therapy session but because of finances or lack of transportation to the clinic they may be hesitant to come. Some didn’t want to miss work so what they mentioned that they took some time of at work to come to the clinic or if they couldn’t, they preferred to arrive at least late due to no work ”no pay policy at work”. Rain also limited them access to health care because they missed appointments at the clinic because they can’t access the road, which negatively affects their health management and right to access health care services. Some mentioned that they don’t like waking up early in the morning and waiting in the long cues at the clinic so whenever I ask them to come they always considered that.
Often, it is hard to get doctors to move to rural areas, exacerbating the shortage of healthcare providers. So if we as health care providers can encourage the government to create more job opportunities in rural areas so that more health care professionals can be available at the communities. Even if health professional wish to conduct home visits it becomes a challenge because you need to consider your safety and you may never know what going to happen once you enter your client home because people are not afraid to still even the equipment that we use during therapy session which makes it so difficult to bring therapy service to people. However, at Cato Manor it is better to say they are fortunate because we do come to the community and treat at the library to reduce waiting in the long cue and reduce travelling costs.
According to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), over 1.3 billion people worldwide live in poverty, making it one of the most pressing global issues of our time. Poverty forces people to live in dangerous and unhealthy conditions, without access to basic services or opportunities for personal development. Despite South Africa being ranked 38th in the "ranking of the richest countries with net financial assets per capita of $8,385 (R140,200)",[48] Major causes of poverty, precipitated by a history of apartheid, involve disparities in the distribution of resources, coupled with poor educational opportunities. Black people have also had poor access to job opportunities and health care—known catalysts in the generation and cycle of poverty. In response to these challenges, South Africa initiated the so-called Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) to participate in job creation and promoting equitable policies in employment practices. The government has also endeavoured to improve schools, provide health care for the poor, children (ages 6 and below) and pregnant women. (Robinson, 1991)
In Cato Crest community, I saw a lot of sewage which is caused by the people in the community however, there were many people of the community who are employed under the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) which increased lot of job opportunities as many people were employed, reduces pollution within the community and reduces poverty at home. Mayville primary and high school has access to resources such as books, however due to a crime and negligence being a factor, books get lost often and each student can’t own a book which means that children are now limited an opportunity to read after school because of shortage of books. Recently Mayville secondary school was robbed, they took the school resources such as computer and teachers cell phones which shows that “people are hungry”. At the end of the day, it is the school resources that is going to assist their brothers and sisters that are going to change their home situation but with the crime rates that is going to be highly affected.
In terms of the ways to reduce poverty is to upskill people within the community so that they can utilize their skills to generate income for themselves because at the end of the day, the government can create as many job opportunities in the world but if you don’t have the people don’t have the necessary skill that is required for the jobs it going to be useless.
3.Disability discrimination
It occurs when people with disabilities face uneven work or housing situations, or when they are denied access to public services such as transportation or government facilities. People with disability also have right (The convention on the rights of persons with disabilities: A comprehensive instrument to promote social inclusion 2012)
In Cato Crest community, people with disabilities have access to community transport such as taxis, they are able to access an uber with no discrimination. However, the most common issue is unable to travel from the house to road as they have a limited space that can’t have access to wheelchair which is very challenging for them and the caregivers because they have to carry them from the house to the road. These could also be the factor to them unable to access health care services as the caregiver may develop back pain and end up not being able to take them to the clinic.
At the end of the day we all human and humanity is the only to deal with the disability discrimination because if you not taught humanity and respecting others, you won’t see people with disability as your fellow brothers and sister. You will only view them as being different from us and some people need to be taught that being unique is the best! As future occupational therapist we have a huge role to play in advocating for our client with disability in terms of removing the stigma that people have by educating the caregivers and people in the community about the disability so that they won’t feel ashamed or embarrassed if they have a child who is disabled(Maria Galheigo, 2011)
Maria Galheigo, S. (2011). What needs to be done? occupational therapy responsibilities and challenges regarding human rights. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 58(2), 60–66. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1440-1630.2011.00922.x
Healing work: Intersections for decoloniality - taylor & francis online. (n.d.-a). https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14473828.2018.1523981
Ramugondo, E. (2018). Healing work: Intersections for Decoloniality. World Federation of Occupational Therapists Bulletin, 74(2), 83–91. https://doi.org/10.1080/14473828.2018.1523981
Robinson, W. A. (1991). Federal efforts to provide for at-risk children. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 2(1), 202–208. https://doi.org/10.1353/hpu.2010.0457
The convention on the rights of persons with disabilities: A comprehensive instrument to promote social inclusion. (2012). Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities, 126–148. https://doi.org/10.1017/cbo9781139035668.011
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productsreviewings · 1 year
Jim Ratcliffe was knighted in 2018.Valerie Hatche/AFP by way of Getty Photographs Jim Ratcliffe is considered one of Britain's richest males price greater than $11 billion based on Bloomberg. A lifelong Manchester United fan, the 70-year-old is a fan of the soccer crew. From proudly owning a biking crew to sponsoring the Mercedes-AMG Petronas F1 crew, this is a have a look at his life. Jim Ratcliffe is the founder and CEO of Inos, one of many world's largest chemical corporations.Getty/Bertrand GuaySupply: IneosA lifelong Manchester United fan, Ratcliffe submitted for the soccer crew this week.Getty/Katherine IvilleSupply: BBCHe promised to "return Manchester to Manchester United".Picture by Peter Byrne/PA by way of Getty PhotographsSupply: BBCRatcliffe is competing towards Qatar's Sheikh Jassim bin Hamad Al Thani, who submitted a revised bid for the membership on Saturday, and Finnish entrepreneur Tomas Ziliakas, per BBC Sport.Picture by Peter Byrne/PA by way of Getty PhotographsSupply: BBCPreliminary bids had been regarded as round $4.2 billion, based on Sky Sports activities Information. The Glazer household, which purchased Manchester in 2005 for round £800 million, are believed to be looking for between £5 billion and £6 billion ($6.1 billion to $7.3 billion).Getty/Lawrence GriffithsSupply: Sky Sports activitiesThe 70-year-old magnate is price greater than $11 billion, based on Bloomberg, and made his fortune within the chemical trade.Brian Lennon/Getty PhotographsSupply: Bloomberg Billionaires IndexRatcliffe, who lives in Monaco, additionally owns an property in Hampshire, England.Getty PhotographsSources: Hampshire Stay, The GuardianRatcliffe was born in Manchester and lived in public housing till the age of 10.Dennis Tangney/Getty PhotographsSupply: HeadspaceAt 18, Ratcliffe went to the College of Birmingham to review chemical engineering earlier than doing an MBA at London Enterprise Faculty.Getty PhotographsSupply: BloombergAfter graduating in 1974, he labored as an engineer for ExxonMobil-owned oil corporations Esso and BP earlier than becoming a member of cloth and chemical producer Courtaulds.Artistic Contact Imaging Ltd/NurPhoto by way of Getty PhotographsSupply: Headspace, BBCHe was headhunted by the personal fairness agency Introduction in 1989 and started in search of funding alternatives.Valerie Hatche/AFP by way of Getty PhotographsSupply: Bloomberg, HeadspaceHe joined forces with former chemical government John Hollwood and purchased BP's chemical division in 1992. Two years later it listed on the London Inventory Change and was valued at £100 million (about $150 million on the time).AP Picture/Kirsty WigglesworthSupply: BBCThe enterprise turned Inspec with Holwood as chairman and Ratcliffe as CEO.Valerie Hatche/AFP by way of Getty PhotographsSupply: BBCIn 1998, Ratcliffe arrange his personal agency, Ineos.Rafael Henrique/Sopa Photographs/Lightrocket by way of Getty PhotographsSupply: BBCRatcliffe is almost all shareholder and doesn't resolve to drift the corporate, which permits him to maneuver ahead with the deal shortly.ReutersSupply: BBCIn 2016 Ineos was criticized by inexperienced teams after it imported its first cargo of US shale gasoline, derived from fracking, into the UK.Thomson ReutersSupply: BBCRatcliffe was knighted in 2018, making him Sir Jim, however reportedly moved in 2020 to Monaco, which doesn't levy private or capital positive aspects tax. He declined to substantiate the transfer however informed the BBC he was attempting to "give again to the UK" and invested billions within the nation.John Grime/Lightrocket/Getty PhotographsSupply: BBCRatcliffe started interested by constructing a 4x4 after Land Rover introduced the discontinuation of the Defender in 2016.InosSupply: Occasions of LondonHe went forward with the thought and the Ineos Grenadier begins at £55,000 ($67,000). "It is a mixture of British know-how and German engineering," he informed The Occasions of London.InosSupply: Inos Grenadier.
The Occasions of LondonIn 2017, Ratcliffe purchased luxurious motorbike put on producer Belstaff, whose jackets had been as soon as worn by actors Steve McQueen and David Beckham.Britney FieldsSupply: BBCIn 2019 Ratcliffe biking crew purchased Group Sky and renamed it Enos Grenadiers.Group Ineos Grenadiers trip Pinarello bikes.Michael Steele/Getty PhotographsSupply: Ineos GrenadiersIn 2020, Ineos signed a partnership with Formulation One, with Mercedes-AMG sponsoring Petronas. "They've constantly demonstrated that they're on the forefront of technological innovation and human efficiency," Ratcliffe mentioned on the time.Brian Lennon/Getty PhotographsSupply: IneosInos owns a 3rd of the crew with the Mercedes-Benz Group and Toto Wolff.Emilio Morenatti - Poole/Getty PhotographsSupply: IneosIn 2017 Ratcliffe turned the proprietor of Swiss Tremendous League facet FC Lausanne-Sport and two years later French soccer membership Good.Valerie Hatche/AFP by way of Getty PhotographsSupply: IneosRatcliffe supported a luxurious clubhouse on the French ski resort of Courchevel, the place he and his daughter have skied for years.Valerie Hatche/AFP by way of Getty Photographs; Peter Turnley/Corbis/VCG by way of Getty Photographs;Supply: The GuardianHe additionally reportedly owns a superyacht named Hampshire II in-built 2012.Valerie Hatche/AFP by way of Getty PhotographsSupply: Superyacht Fan.He tried however failed to accumulate Chelsea FC final yr when Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich was compelled to promote the crew after Russia invaded Ukraine.Clive Mason/Getty PhotographsSupply: BBCLearn the unique article on Enterprise Insider
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smqazi · 15 hours
With due apology to Allamah Sir Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, Rahmatullah ‘alaih
Utho meri dunyaa ke ameeron ko jagaa do
Utho Meri Duniya Ke Ghareebon Ko Jaga Do
اٹھو میری دنیا کے غریبوں کو جگا دو
کاخِ اُمرا کے در و دیوار ہلا دو
Get up wake the poor people of my world
Shake the walls and windows of Rich people palaces
گرماؤ غلاموں کا لہو سوز یقیں سے
کُنجکشکِ فرومایہ کو شاہیں سے لڑا دو
Warm the blood of slaves with faith of hope
Prepare fearful sparrow to fight with the Falcon
جس کھیت سے دہقاں کو میسر نہیں روزی
اس کھیت کے ہر خوشہ گندم کو جلا دو 
Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) has blessed him with qualities, par excellence, which he has skillfully used to help the helpless, the needy, the poor and the simple people of Islamic Republic of Pakistan as a savior from the corruption of rotten VAGABOND politicians of all kinds since August 1947, for more than seventy (70) years.
Former President and PPP Co-Chairman Asif Ali Zardari said,”Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif of MNL have looted Pak Rs 2,000 billion of the country.” He along with his brother and all of his family members are still robbing this poor country.
Asif Ali Zardari Declared Assets: 
By comparison with the corrupt politicians of Pakistan, he is a world renowned personality, UNIQUE and ONE OF A KIND, Maa shaa Allah, Chashm-e-badd door, In shaa Allah.
Dear Future Prime Minister of Islamic Republic of Pakistan,, H.E. Imran Khan, Commander in chief of Armed Forces,, Colonel Tahir, ISI Chief, and DG. Rangers, As-Salam-alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu,
Please take care of all CORRUPT POLITICIANS in Pakistan and overseas, including but not limited to Bhuttos, Zaradarees, Shareer brothers, Judges, Lawyers, and Media Chiefs, ASAP, I am sure you can do it as long as you are in command of your respective Government Of Pakistan Departments..
Please also use your influence in and around the world including the British hierarchy, and get these BLLODY RASCALS, my late father used to called them using his British, English, Qaum Farosh and Zameer Farosh, including so called QA'ID of the Terrorist MQM extradited from his naano in London, U.K, and let the Military courts try him and if found guilty, all of them should be hanged, along with his MQM terrorists, in CHANDNI CHOWK of all big cities Pakistan,, one by one, ONE and ALL, to save the helpless, the needy, the poor and the simple people of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan from their atrocities, corruption, terror for all times to come, In shaa Allah. 
The time is NOW or NEVER, before it is too late. May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala give you all the courage, the strength and the wisdom to get it done while you are still in control, Ameen.
May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, Who saved your life for a purpose, give you the help to complete your MISSION and fulfill your promises made to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala inside the Holy Ka’bah in Makkah Mukarramah, and to His Last Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam), in his Hujrah Mubarak in Masjid-e-Nabwi in Madinah Munawwarah, Ameen, and may He bless you in both the worlds, Thumma Ameen yaa Rabbil ‘aalameen.
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