#who left today and that i will never see again bc he's from scotland
heavenknowsffs · 8 months
I had my wattpad moment last night when the drummer of a band i went to shoot looked at me like 3 times in the eyes in between songs (when i was already in the crowd)
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midgardianweasley · 3 years
hello! welcome to fanfic writing for hp and mcu! I was wondering if I could make a request for Freddie! Maybe something fluffy where he’s becomes familiar with the muggle world bc of work and takes his pureblood gf to London for the first time and just gushes over how cute she is experiencing all the muggle stuff for the first time? Thank you!
hello my lovely! I had so much fun with this request. I hope you like it!<3
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Seeing the sights
Fred Weasley x fem!reader
Summary: Fred takes a week holiday from work, he’s been doing some travel over the last few months to muggle London and decides to take Y/N, who’s never experienced the muggle world, to see some of the popular sights.
Warnings: none :)
Word count: 1864 words
Message/ask if you want to be on the taglist <33
“Hey sweetheart! I’m home!” Fred announced to the quiet home, hanging up his coat and putting his wand down on the unit beside the front door. He briefly thought that maybe his girlfriend was out somewhere, however, that thought was quickly discarded when he heard footsteps running towards him and before he knew it, a body collided with his chest. After recovering from his stumble from the collision, he looked down to see a mop of Y/H/C hair just below his chin. He went to speak, before hearing a slight mumble.
“Sorry Darling, what was that?” He chuckled, holding her arms as she gently pulled away, looking up at him, she smiles before responding
“I missed you”
“I missed you too sweetheart, but, I come with good news!”
“Ooooh, I like good news! Tell me, tell me, tell me!” She claps her hands, excited for what Fred was about to reveal.
“Georgie and I have closed the shop for the next few days, he and Angelina are gonna be heading off to Scotland on holiday, so, I was thinking that you and I could take a trip to muggle London!” He spoke, excitement in his voice clear as day. He’d been going to muggle London on business with his brother a few times over the last couple of months and he’d seen some places he wanted to share with his girlfriend, a pureblood like himself, as she’s never experienced anything muggle related before that wasn’t taught in a classroom. He wanted to show her firsthand to let her have an insight on some of the things he’d seen.
“The place you’ve been telling me about?”
“Yeah! The place that has the awesome cake I was telling you about!”
“There’s gonna be cake?”
“There will be cake”
And those were the last words spoken before she ran off in a hurry again, reaching the cupboard in the hall of their shared home, to pull a suitcase down and beginning packing. Fred smiled, happy to see that the excitement he was feeling, was mutual.  
The couple had just arrived and settled themselves into their hotel in the heart of London when Y/N bounced over to the windows in their bedroom and opened the door of their balcony, giving them a full view of the city.
“Wow, it’s beautiful!” Y/N spoke, wrapping her hands around the new pair of arms that had found themselves around her waist. Fred gently kissed below her ear, enjoying the slight breeze outside, glad they had worn their jumpers as it was starting to become fall season.
“So I was thinking” He began, still giving her quick pecks, moving between her neck and her jawline. “We could either chill out for today and see the sights tomorrow, or, we could spend the rest of today out and about and just choose what to do tomorrow depending on how you feel today goes.”
She thought it over for a few minutes, trying to decide whether she wanted to save the tourist stuff for later in the trip or start exploring today, when looking out at the busy city, it was suddenly really obvious what she wanted to do.
“I wanna go and see what that thing is!” She jumped, struggling to contain how eager she was.
“The big circle thing over there?” He spoke, following where she was pointing.
“Ahh, that’s called the London Eye” Leading her inside and helping her put her coat back on
“Wait, what? But there’s no eyes? Can that thing see?!” She exclaimed. He laughed before explaining that it wasn’t a literal eye, before leading her out of the door and smiling at how clueless she was, almost forgetting that it was exactly how he and George were when they first visited. Thankfully this time, Fred remembered the key card to their room, learning from an unfortunate mistake he and his twin brother made that resulted in the pair sitting outside in the hall for forty minutes, waiting for someone to let them back in. Y/N watched Fred put the key into their door, confused as to what he was doing as she pulled out her wand. Upon turning and seeing her eyes flutter between her wand and the rectangular thing in his hand, he started to explain again.
“This is a little card we put in this machine attached to the door handle, it locks and opens the door for us whenever we swipe it in this little slot here.” He explains while demonstrating, taking great joy in her face morphing as she tries to understand.
“We can’t just use ‘Alohamora’?”
“No Love, it’s all done the muggle way here, remember?”
Not entirely sure of herself, Y/N puts her wand back into her coat pocket and watches as Fred does the same with the muggle key card.
After a walk in Hyde park and hearing Big Ben ring out, scaring Y/N almost half to death ultimately causing Fred to practically fall over from laughing so much, the pair found themselves in Trafalgar Square, a soon to be favourite of Y/N’s.
“Can you guess why we’re here?”
“Uhm, to look at the fountain?”
“Well, yes, that, but, look up and to your left”
Y/N did as Fred had told her and gasped in excitement, for what felt like the thousandth time, when spotting the big cake logo above the doorway. Putting the pieces together, she knew that this was the place where Fred had kept bringing back Y/F/C from his trips. Fred took his hands from his back, to reveal two boxes of her favourite cake that she had been craving since it was first mentioned. Y/N wasted no time in taking the box from his hand, thanking him and opening it up, not stopping to wonder how the hell he’d managed to go and get it when she could’ve sworn she was with him the whole time. Her attention was brought back to Fred when he held a plastic, wrapped fork in front of her face, saving her from getting any crumbs or icing on her outfit. She took it from his hands gently and the two of them started to eat their cakes, occasionally taking some from the other person with large smiles painted across their face.
The sun had almost set now, the city now starting to light up with rows of street lights, headlights from the cars of people returning home from work to their loved ones, further accompanied by the lights from overlooking apartments. Y/N stood in the middle of the streets that had started to calm, but not by much, and spun slowly on the spot, taking in the beauty of the night atmosphere. What she had failed to notice, was that all throughout the day, Fred had been giving her the same look. He was completely in awe of her fascination and how she thought everything was the most wonderful thing she had ever seen. He knew that the muggle world would be a new environment for her, causing him to feel slightly anxious when first raising the idea, but seeing her be so absorbed by everything, made him feel like his heart had grown double the size. Stopping on the spot, Y/N saw her boyfriend look like he was in a trance, making her shy under his gaze when realising he was staring at her.
“You okay Freddie?” She spoke, watching him blink a few times before stepping forward and hugging him, feeling slightly colder now that it was darkening. He noticed her shiver slightly, unwrapping his scarf from his neck and gently wrapping around hers, before holding her face in his hands, a soft smile on their faces.
“Never better, my love.” They pulled away from their hug, taking each other's hand, and walked towards the main event of the day, well, night time now. Waiting in line to hop on the ride, the two of them swung their arms back forth. ‘The eye looks so much bigger from down here’, Y/N thought, craning her neck to look at the top of the wheel, Fred not having to strain too much due to his height, but is still taken aback everytime he sees how tall it is, he chuckles to himself thinking that this must be how Y/N feels when looking up at him, not daring to voice his thought, knowing it would result in a slap to the chest, a light-hearted one, but it was better safe than sorry.
The line moved quickly until it was eventually the couple’s turn to walk into the pod-like thing, managing to have it all to themselves, the line not being as busy as it was during the day. When it started to move again, Y/N stumbled, holding onto Fred as she lost her balance slightly, not prepared for it to move so suddenly, causing the both of them to laugh at her clumsiness. Everytime they feel that they can’t possibly be happier than what they are or smile anymore than what they have, they’re proven wrong.
When they got to the top, an audible gasp fell from Y/N’s lips, if she thought that the views were pretty from the ground, seeing them from the top of this wheel was a whole other level. She walked closer to the glass, looking at all of the lights and tiny figures walking the streets. Sure, she’d gone flying on her Firebolt before and playing quidditch had given her a high view of a crowd before, but when flying, you can never really appreciate the views, especially not if you have a bludger flying towards you, something Fred had always made sure wouldn’t happen, knowing how painful it can be to be hit with one of those things. But with everything so still from where she was, there was no crowd screaming, no breeze whipping her hair in 50 directions, there was just serenity.
“Do you like it?” Fred broke the silence, eyes still focused on the girl beside him, watching her eyes go back and forth. He thought she hadn’t heard him she was so entranced, before she whispered a short “It’s incredible.” Another minute went by until she was pulling her eyes away and meeting with his, having to look up slightly. “I love it Fred. I love it all, today has been absolutely insane. Thank you so much.” She spoke softly, wrapping her arms around his torso and hugging him tight, but careful not to squeeze him. He returned the hug, arms wrapping around her shoulders and chin placed upon her head. A soft “you’re welcome darling” escaping him, careful to not break the peaceful silence they had.
And while Y/N was peacefully looking at the view, still wrapped up in Fred's scarf and his arms, her head felt empty with how peaceful the moment was, Fred felt the same, however, his head didn’t feel empty as he had one thought running through his head.
‘I’m going to marry this girl’
And thankfully, he had the ring in his back pocket ready to act on it.
Taglist: @horrorxweasley @dracofknmalfoy @gaycatlord-stuff
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itsadamcole · 4 years
christmas baby
fem!reader x drew mcintyre
reader goes into labor with drew’s baby, while drew is in the ring fighting for his wwe championship
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word count: 1.8k+
warnings: pregnancy, dad!drew (bc why not), fluffy
— day 8 lets gooo. i literally wrote this up yesterday during raw —
masterlist || request an imagine here
Drew’s POV
"The following match scheduled for one fall is for the WWE Championship. Introducing first the challenger, weighing in at 267 pounds, from Dublin, Ireland. Sheamus!" is announced as Sheamus stands across from me in the ring.
The crowd cheers and boos for my former best friend.
After the crowd calms down, Mike Rome says, "And his opponent, weighing in at 265 pounds, from Ayer, Scotland. He is the WWE Champion, Drew McIntyre!"
The crowd cheers for me and I hold up my title.
The referee takes my title and holds it up. I prepare myself for my match as the title is handed off.
The lights come up and the bell rings. Sheamus comes right after me, striking me with his fists. I try pushing him off me.
He starts yelling at me. "Come on, fella!" he shouts. "Hit me. I dare ya!"
So, that's what I do. I deliver the Glasgow Kiss to him and Sheamus stumbles backward, stunned.
I run at him, clotheslining him so he lands on his back in the ring. He lays by the ropes, using them to get up. I run at him but he pulls down the ropes and I go flying over them. I land on the ground outside the ring with a grunt.
Someone runs over to me and says so only I can hear, "Drew, we just got a call from your wife. Y/N just called from an ambulance. She's been in labor for a few hours but her water broke so she had to go to the hospital. She called 9-1-1 since she was alone. She waited as long as she could but she had to go to the hospital."
My eyes widen and Sheamus is looking over the ropes at me. He knows what this means.
I have to end this match and fast. I need to be there for the birth of my child.
Your POV
You scream in pain as another contraction hits. They've been getting closer and closer together over the past few hours. You wanted to wait for Drew to get home before you went to the hospital but your water broke so you had to go to the hospital. You have been progressing quickly. You were at six centimeters when you got here a half-hour ago.
When the due date got closer, Drew gave you the number of a WWE official and a close friend of Drew's. You were supposed to call when you went into labor and if Drew was at the arena. You felt contractions begin to start about two hours ago and waited as long as you could. Once your water broke and you were in the ambulance, you called.
It’s Christmas Eve. At the rate you’re going, you’ll be giving birth on Christmas Day.
As soon as you were settled in a room, you turned on USA Network. It's about forty minutes later and Sheamus is setting up for the Brogue Kick. This match has been really long and you aren't very happy about it. Drew was the main event and he wasn't on TV when you called.
You grip the sheets on the bed as you breathe your way through a contraction.
Sheamus hits the Brogue Kick on Drew and you gasp, eyes still on the TV.
"No," you say. "Drew, no."
You watch as Sheamus goes in for the cover. The referee counts to three and the bell rings.
The contractions get worse and you scream in pain.
Drew lost his title. He was supposed to retain. He purposefully lost his title.
A nurse comes in and checks on you. "How are you doing, honey?" she asks. "Everything okay?"
The nurse checks to see how dilated you are now as you nod and say, "Yeah, everything's okay. Um, I know I said I didn't want drugs but can I pretty please have an epidural?"
Your nurse laughs and says, "Of course. Someone will be in soon so administer it. You're also at about seven centimeters dilated. Can we call someone for you? Family? The father?"
"The father should be on his way any second," you glance up at the TV as Drew gives Sheamus a handshake.
The nurse looks at the TV and asks, "Wait, you're Mrs. Y/N McIntyre, aren't you?"
You nod and say, "Yep, that's me, and that's my husband." You nod at the TV as it goes off the air.
The nurse sits in a chair beside you and says, "My husband and sons love wrestling. They're huge fans of Drew's and I know that they're not happy that Drew lost his title."
You smile and say, "I'm not happy that Drew lost his title. I know he's in a rush to get here and that's why but he didn't have to give up his title."
The nurse laughs softly and says, "Well, I'm sure they'll give him a title run. When he gets here, we'll be sure to get him up here as soon as possible. It's still a few hours before the baby gets here."
An anesthesiologist comes into the room to give you the epidural. The nurse holds your hand as you're given the drugs. The epidural starts to kick in about ten minutes later, and you have several contractions between when the epidural is administered and when it actually kicks in.
It's close to an hour later when Drew shows up. He's wearing a black tank top with grey sweatpants. You can see his tights peeping out from the top of his sweatpants because they're hanging a little low.
"Are you still in your gear?" you ask.
Drew nods and takes your hand. "I had to get here as soon as I could," he says. "How far along 're ya?"
You say, "I'm close to eight centimeters. I still have an hour or two left to go before I give birth."
Drew kisses your hand and says, "I'm sorry I couldn't get here faster. Ya called right before my match and I wasn't given the news until the match started."
A contraction starts and you squeeze Drew's hand. You pant out, "You didn't have to lose your title to get here."
Your husband rests his other hand on top of yours are you breathe your way through the contraction. They've been the closest than they ever have been. They're about three minutes apart and lasting about a minute.
The epidural has helped the pain a little bit but not a lot because it hasn't fully kicked in.
"I wanted to," Drew says as the contraction stops. "We got lucky that Raw was here in Orlando this week. Next week, I'd be traveling to Michigan and right from there I'd be traveling to California. I wouldn’t have made it in time. It’s the one thing I always promised myself.”
You look at Drew and say, “Baby, I would have understood if you couldn’t be here. Your job pays the bills since I said I would be a stay at home parent.”
He leans down and kisses your sweaty forehead. “I promised ya that I’d be here, and I’ve never broken a promise when it comes to ya and our baby,” Drew says.
You smile as another contraction starts. You cry out in pain and hold Drew’s hand.
This continues for almost two hours. The contractions get worse and are closer together. The nurse checks your cervix every fifteen minutes when it dilates to nine centimeters.
You’re taken into a delivery room as soon as you hit ten centimeters.
Drew is given a plastic gown so he can come into the room with you. He stands by your bedside as two nurses get you prepared to give birth.
You’re covered in a thick layer of sweat and your hair is a mess. Hopefully this will all be worth it after all the pain you’ve gone through in the past several hours.
The doctor comes in and says, “Alright, Mrs. McIntyre. When the next contraction comes, I need you to begin pushing.”
You nod as the doctor gets set up. You look up at Drew and he looks down at you. He smiles at you.
A contraction hits and the doctor says, “Alright, push me me, Y/N.”
So you do. You push, and you push.
It’s close to two hours of pushing before the baby comes out.
The sounds of a baby crying makes you sigh with relief that the pain is over and that your baby boy is here.
As the doctor wraps your son in a light blue swaddle, you can see a head full of dark hair. The baby definitely has Drew’s dark hair.
Drew is handed your son and you look up, seeing your sweet boy’s sleeping face. Happy tears begin to fall down your face. You’re definitely still a little emotional.
“Do we have a name?” the doctor asks.
You nod and say, “We wanted to name him Archie John McIntyre.”
Archie was chosen because both you and Drew liked it, and it had some Scottish meaning. John is his middle name because it was your great-grandfather, grandfather, and dad’s middle name. You wanted to keep the tradition.
Drew rocks little Archie back and forth and you let your son hold your finger.
“So,” Drew says, looking at you. “When are we trying again for another one?”
You glare up at your husband and say, “Not for a while. I cannot handle this pain again, Drew. At least getting hit with a chair won’t feel as bad since I literally pushed a baby out of me today.”
Your husband laughs and presses a kiss to your head. “I love ya, Y/N,” he says. “And I love this little life ya have birth to.”
Archie begins to fuss in Drew’s arms and you giggle, “Someone’s hungry. Give him to me.” You hold your arms out for Archie.
Drew hands Archie over to you and you breastfeed him.
A few hours later, you’re discharged. When you get home, you take a picture of Archie holding yours and Drew’s fingers.
Drew posts on his social media saying, “A future WWE champ was born today. He’s definitely coming for that title.”
You post on your socials saying, “What a Christmas present that we were given today. Baby Archie was born early this morning, on Christmas Day. We love you, Archie. Thank you for making us parents on Christmas.”
That night, Drew sleeps with his arms wrapped around your waist and you sleep facing the crib in your bedroom. You watch your son sleep.
A smile forms across your lips as you realize that this is your life now. You have a husband who loves you and a baby who is loved by both of you.
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swearronchanel · 6 years
Comments on the Call The Midwife Christmas special! *proceed with caution* 
Here we gooo
aw Lucille hey
That’s a cute baby 😭
You right Jenny Lee, if only I had a damn map of life lmao
Reggie!!! My harrrt
That paint probably is pure lead sjskks
Vi’s hair is rough
LMAO who is this old woman she is annoying already
go home shelgah is the new go home roger (if you know you know!! Lol from the show Sister, Sister)
new car in this bitchhh
shealgh’s yellow scarf and coat is cute af
the babs pic :(
their tree tho😍
Sister MJ annoyed to have to walk is a big mood
“our work is here” wow this is sad already
Phyllis already knows there’s something sus going on
“They gonna see everything you got” LMFAO LUCILLE
wow just kidding 😂😂
omg the Asian babies are so adorable
but what is up grandma from Balto
mama bear phyllis😭😭
sister MJ is like listen I’m the sweets and candy queen here back up
babs sweater omg 😢 I’m crying already
Phyllis omg stop Fuck my heart
GARBO OMG LIKE GRETA GARBO she was famous and famously gay I see what they did there najsksk amazing
oh shit morphine maybe not faking then lol that can f*ck u up 😂
Fred our pure ridiculous angel
Omg stop sister MJ 😭😭 when she dies it’s over man
Didn’t think the mother house would be by the beach/sea
My mom just made a funny ass remark but  it’s kinda mean I shant say
who is that woman tho?
LMAO sister Mildred is like sister E I’m kinda vibing with it 😂 but if she comes for Phyllis then I will have a problem
Sister J just SNAPPED 💀 she is not leaving poplar and that’s that !!
Omg this kid looks like my little cousin
My gal is already back at work!! grinding all day let’s get this bread
Ok I feel their annoyance but it’s true hospitals have a lot of upsides
like number one there are doctors there lmao
oh no😭😭 why is the kid left alone? that’s not fair 😭
Aw the little angels (lowkey reminds me of the best Christmas pageant ever LMAO again if u know, u know)
Trix’s coat!! A damn look
A damn BELL?? holy sh*t this convent is like a prison
sorry @ God but I would never
Fred wants to gather the orphans gifts omfg he is SOFT <3
Aw Mother Jesu (but also I don’t know what I imagined her as but this lady isn’t it)
Sister J will not go bc we would riot
*throws to ground* I felt that
it’s prob the stones I bet
Lucille looks so CUTE love the fit
Lucille and sister MJ together is always a sweet moment
The Turner’s new car is fire I love the color
Shelagh’s pink scarf is cute too, she got the whole rainbow. She has to make up for all the lost years of not being able to dress lol
ok but I have to say the three shades  of pink is bothering me, looking like a Scottish pepto bottle (or peppa pig😂)
📢📢📢 just bc she wants it doesn’t mean it’s right 📢📢📢
Another Mavis wow can they stop recycling names already Lmaoo sheesh it’s not that hard
throw a Gabby in the mix, or matter of fact cast me (imagine LMAO)
This is so sad omg, the little girl watching the others be adopted I can’t 😭😭
Ok sister winnie we see u with some vocals!
Oh shit TB yikess
“Sometimes love is not enough” ouch that shit ‘hurted’ :(
Oo k trixie 😍 we see u
sweetie was in Paris Yass as she should (but lol love how they ignore the fact she left bc she relapsed)
trixie running in her dress and stockings I can’t lmaoo but we love a fashionable midwife but imagine how gross her feet will be through those sheer nylons
not at all relevant but I remember tipsy-ly walking around the Brooklyn bridge barefoot after my hs prom and my feet looked like charcoal after 💀💀😂
My sister in law is cringing bc she’s currently 7 months pregnant and is imagining giving birth outside on the street
the Beverly sisters with rubber gloves 😂
Well that dress is ruined trixie 😂
How do they make those umbilical cords look so real?
the Barbara name tag😭
“It’s only a dress...” character growth ok, Beatrix has grown up 😢
I keep saying but I really can’t if shelagh adopts May
What is up with this pregnant lady who spooks like a dear?? (My sister in law said that lol)
no way she remembers something from 2 years old
Glad she finally is in pants tho lol, serving Laura Petrie looks
📢📢Everyone has a story.. 📢📢
My mom just said she wants those vintage tree icicles 😂
It’s been real sister W but bye bye
I remember reading that she was leaving so I’m not surprised
“I feel called to stay here and I don’t care who’s calling me” OK SIS !!! 📢 TELL EM
“Is your knocked elastic gone?”LMFAO aka don’t get your panties in a twistttt
A donkey I’m weakkkk
Patrick gave him Tim’s tree aww
LMAO Tim is pissed
This damn donkey lmaoo this is funny
ofc he likes candy😂
Shelagh and Sister J delivering a baby! This is pure
They said clever girl so take a shot
Another boy today!
It’ll be crazy fr if shelagh takes this little girl home, she’s already got two kids she doesn’t watch 😂
I’m triggered when I watch elections, takes me back to that horrible day in 2016..
Shelagh and sister J on the beach <3
BURGUNDY SLACKS YAS SHELAGH shawty got 2 pairssss
Patrick can mind his damn business ok
They’re bonding over smoking and I love IT
BEATRIX SERVING 60s DREAM LOOKS 😍 why doesn’t my hair look like that?
I’m also lowkey sad at the lack of Phyllis in this ep
“You come home with me” BYE MY EYES ARE SWEATING
Trixie looks so damn good & her hug with sister Winnie was cute
the Turner’s are now that family in “in takes two” who they say collected kids 😂😂
This is so cute but I can’t believe it!! And then their were 5 Turner’s!
Neal as one of the 3 kings I am a mess
Vanessa Redgrave PLS chill I can’t I’m shedding caucasian tears 😭😭
Val is also serving a look!
“we share the shift from darkness into light..” 😭😭❤️❤️ UGH MY HEART
That was so good I can’t wait to be able to watch season 8 in real time next month in LONDON!!
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beencaughts · 6 years
⌚️ ☢️ AND the heart symbol one bc i couldnt copy and paste it ly
⊰ v. princess and the moon ⊱
 [ ☢ ] the car broke down in an unfamiliar part of town, and our muses are lost.
The stinging of Luna’s arms and legs were becoming unbearable. Standing outside in the searing sun was not a part of her plans nor was it to be stuck in a random part of England all day. Luna hadn’t really known what hot was until today. When the hell did England get so hot anyway? Sweat adorned her figure from head to toe. Her long dark tresses stuck to her face and neck intolerably. Her were feet slightly swollen from walking around all day. Luna couldn’t quite comprehend how Prince managed to have the same symptoms as her but he looked a hundred times better. Luna was miserable, but she couldn’t complain (yet at the same time she could) when the most attractive man in whatever town they were in was right next to her even as annoyed as they both were. The sun hung low in the sky, sunset upon them. “Prince, we don’t know where the fuck we are. It’s getting dark. We’ve been walking around all day. I am sweating in places that I have never sweat before. Can we just go back to the car and risk being murdered by some fucking weirdo?” She asked after grabbing his hand to get his attention. The tension between them had been boiling all day with their usual snide comments intensified by the heat. Luna tried to hide her annoyance but her words were charged, and Prince was ready for them with words of his own. Usually, Luna wouldn’t have argued in the middle of the street, but she didn’t know any of these people so anger spilled out of her as they made their way back to his janky car. “I hate you so fucking much,” She mumbled, attempting to open the car door. It had only been opened an inch before it was slammed closed by her wonderful boyfriend. “What the hell is your problem?” Except Luna knew exactly what his problem was. Anytime she said those three words, it sent Prince over the edge. His reaction was almost frightening. Her body was trapped between Prince and the incredibly hot metal of his car. He lowered himself to look her in her eyes to question what she said, but she couldn’t bring herself to challenge him. Instead, she focused on the way his muscles tensed when he was angry. How ridiculously good he looked in his shirt. How ridiculously good he looked this whole day. The sun was down but she could feel herself growing hotter. Enveloped in the heat of the moment, Luna couldn’t stop the words spilling out of her mouth. “Who cares? Fuck me.” The Spaniard didn’t even wait for his response. Her lips were on his in an instant, her nails digging into his back in an attempt to pull him closer to her. Luna didn’t care about how sweaty and gross they both were — she needed him. Maybe the day wasn’t so bad if it ended in hot car sex.
⊰ v. no reason ⊱
Iola was so excited when she finally convinced Jason to take her to Scotland. They had spent most of their time in the city she grew up in and loved so much, and she really wanted to experience the same thing with Jason. They were on their way to Glasglow when their car slowed to a stop. Iola cursed under her breath, telling herself that the rental car place was going to get a piece of her mind when they finally reach their destination. The place where they stopped was rather busy — streams of people walking down the sidewalk and cars lining the streets. Iola joined her boyfriend in front of the car and closed the hood so he could focus on her. “We can find someone to fix the car while we enjoy the beautiful scenery of this random city or whatever they’re called here. There’s no reason to waste such a beautiful day stressed,” she smiled before taking Jason’s hand. It was nearly impossible for Jason and Iola to have a bad time when they were together. The couple could be stuck in the worst situation imaginable, and they would somehow find a way to make it bearable. Being stuck in a random town was barely an obstacle for them. There were so many cute shops. The architecture was beautiful. The sights were breathtaking. Iola would’ve been pissed at herself if they didn’t see any of this. She dug her toes in the cool grass at the park as she basked in the sunlight. “Wouldn’t you have been pissed if we sat around moping?” With her shoes in her hand, she spun around to face her boyfriend. She thought Jason looked so handsome while he watched her frolic around the green pasture. He had warned her before that Scotland was nothing but fields but clearly she didn’t mind it. It was a change from fast pace Chicago and LA, and Iola loved it. She plopped down next to Jason, resting her head on his lap. “I can’t believe you wanted to keep this place from me. Totally not cool,” Iola attempted to say in a Scottish accent but failed miserably. 
⊰ july 17th ⊱
Arianna and Zayn had only been dating for a couple of months when they decided they wanted to get away from everyone. There was so much drama going on in the house that they stuck to either one of their rooms anyway, so why not just ditch the show altogether for a little while? They had decided to drive to San Diego since it wasn’t too far from Los Angeles, but their car had stopped mid-drive. The two Brits had no idea where they were. Maybe they were somewhere in Anaheim? Who knew. Arianna couldn’t stop laughing as she and Zayn reminisced about everything. The moment they met, the moment they had sex for the first time, the moment Arianna could actually tolerate being around Zayn after he totally threw her under the bus for the sex thing —everything. They had already called Triple A, so they had nothing else to do. “I remember when I admitted I had a crush on you. I really put my foot in my mouth that day, but I still mean what I said. They’re all idiots for not wanting you. I should thank them, though, so thank you, idiots,” Arianna giggled, pulling her boyfriend in for a kiss. They spent the rest of their day in the car blasting music from their phones and singing along, dancing in their restrictive seats, and laughing about anything that could come to their mind until they were rescued. 
[ ⌚ ] my muse recalls their favorite memory with your muse.
⊰ v. princess and the moon ⊱
The darkness of the night surrounded Luna and Prince, a cool breeze wrapping itself around Luna’s barely dressed figure. It seemed a bit stupid to be sitting outside at the cusp of midnight when her dress barely went past her ass and her jacket was only there for fashion purposes, but nighttime seemed to be the only time of the day Luna and Prince were able to tolerate each other. Maybe it was the illusion of privacy that made them more comfortable around each other like no one else was watching them so they could indulge in their true feelings for one another. Her arms were wrapped tightly around her frame to preserve whatever body heat she had left, but it was no use. Her teeth were chattering loudly which happened to be the only noise filling the silence between them. Prince did make a comment about her going out half dressed but Luna just shook her head. “Less for you to take off,” the brunette pointed out nonchalantly. “Or is the problem that it’s less for other guys to imagine to take off?” She teases with a brow raise, Prince rolls his eyes. “The problem is that you’re fucking cold.” His words cause her to chuckle. The two of them finally reach his car and Prince opens the door for her to Luna’s surprise. Eventually, they’re sat in front of Luna’s flat with the radio filling, yet again, the silence between them, but that left Luna with her thoughts. She and Prince clearly had feelings for each other yet they were going absolutely nowhere. They still hadn’t defined whatever they were and anytime Luna brought it up he got defensive and changed the subject. “Prince,” she spoke softly. “What are we? And I don’t want some bullshit answer. I want to know how you feel about me.” Her words were quiet to match the atmosphere. Luna turned her body to face him, folding her legs underneath her as she waited for his response. And wait is what he made her do. Prince, in typical Prince fashion, ignored her while he finished his cigarette. After about 5 minutes, Luna felt triumphant. Why the hell did she think getting involved with her arch nemesis was remotely a good idea? Maybe he was doing all of this to fuck with her. He didn’t really like her and all of this was apart of some plan to humiliate her. The Spaniard wasn’t much of a crier —the only time being at her mother’s funeral — but as she slumped against her seat, she couldn’t quite help the tears welling up in her eyes because, fuck, she loved him. “Forget it,” she mumbled, turning to get out of the car but he stopped her. Their eyes locked — hers glistening from the tears that had yet to fall. 
“Luna? Luna!” Cass’s voice called out, snapping Luna back to reality. She turned to her best friend with a smile at the sight of her in her bridesmaid dress. “Cass, you look so beautiful, oh my god!” Luna tried to shake her head of the memory that suddenly came back to her to focus on the fact that she was 10 minutes away from getting married, but she couldn’t quite get it out of her head. It was her favorite memory of Prince. Yeah, she had been about to cry, but it was the first time Prince admitted his feelings. Not drunk, not high, not angrily, but looking Luna in her eyes and telling her how he felt. It was one of their most intimate and vulnerable moments. If it had never happened who knows if they would be here today. 
Luna attempted to blink her tears away at his words, but they refused to go away for a much different reason. She was relieved, happy. “Do you really mean that, Prince? Or are you going to take it all back tomorrow and pretend you never said it?” She wasn’t given much of a verbal response. Instead, Prince brought her face to his, reassuring her that he meant everything he said and kissed her. 
⊰ v. no reason ⊱
Iola checked out her figure in the mirror again. She didn’t know if this dress was the right one for their anniversary. The blonde had already decided the last nine didn’t make the cut, but she didn’t know if she should make it ten and make them any later for their date than they already were. “Babe, what do you think of this one?” Jason was obviously going to tell her that she looked amazing in anything she put on, so she decided to stick with the dress she had on to get a move on it. This was their fifth anniversary together, and Iola was extremely happy because it meant she was half-way there to marrying the love of her life. His dumb not-marrying-Iola-until-she-was-26 rule was the bane of her existence, but if that was what he wanted then she had no choice than to accept it. They were sat at dinner, laughing and reminiscing about all of their times together. It was amazing to think about the fact Iola had been with the same guy since was 16. Most people assumed that they were both too young to commit to each other, but Iola knew that there was no one else in the world for her than the man sitting in front of her. “My favorite memory of us that’s not when you finally slept with me?” She asked before thinking back to her favorite memory. 
Iola had spent months trying to find the perfect prom dress — practically the whole school year. Prom was a big deal in every American girl’s life, and it had to be perfect. She knew that Jason was going to be her date, so she wanted to wear something that would blow him away. All Iola wanted to do was impress Jason whenever she had the chance, and this was her big moment. She knew he felt weird about going to a high school dance, but the fact that he was still willing to be her date made her happy. She just wanted to return the favor. “How do I look?” Iola asked her mom as she walked out in her dress. Her long blonde tresses were dressed in curls as they cascaded over her shoulders. Iola didn’t have much time to admire herself when she heard the doorbell, suddenly feeling extremely nervous. Her hands were shaky as she exited her bedroom. Iola, he’s your boyfriend. Why are you so nervous? she tried to assure herself, but when her eyes landed her boyfriend she got all the more nervous. He looked dashing in his suit. Iola wondered to herself how she got so lucky. She honestly couldn’t get down those stairs fast enough to Jason. “You look amazing, babe,” she said in awe. They did the typical prom stuff: putting on the corsage and boutonniere, taking pictures, and bidding her family adieu. Her cheeks were a bright red by the time they reached the dance from all of the compliments Jason wouldn’t stop giving her. “You flatter me too much, honey,” Iola giggled as they walked into the venue. The night was going well. Iola and her friends were chatting about graduation and college, taking pictures, and dancing. Her friends were suggestive because they knew Iola was still a virgin, and it was the stereotypical thing to lose your virginity on Prom night. Iola chose to ignore her friends. They were horny teenagers, but Iola was in love. She was willing to wait for Jason if that’s what he wanted to do. There was no rush for her anymore since she was 18 and there was no more changing his mind about it. Now it was all about when it was the right time. “Will the most wonderful guy in the world dance with me to this painfully slow song?” The blonde asked, holding out her manicured hand for him to take. Her green hues were filled with contentment and love as she swayed to the music with Jason. “Thank you for coming with me tonight. I know that it must be weird, so I am really thankful that you’re here. I love you.” She kissed him softly before resting her head on his shoulder, spending the rest of the night having fun with Jason. 
⊰ july 17th ⊱
Arianna had taken a trip by herself to gather her thoughts. She just needed to get away from everything. Ari couldn’t stand sitting in her home anymore. It was a big house but she often felt alone in it. Zayn was home yet he wasn’t really. It was the same for her, so she needed to get away to clear her head. Ari attempted to focus on the book in her hand but her mind couldn’t stop racing. Throwing it to the side, she opted to take a walk on the beach instead. She couldn’t stop thinking about her fiancé and all of the good times they had before their son died. A slight smile tugged at her lips when she thought about the day she had told him she was pregnant. They were both so happy at the thought that they’d be starting their own family especially Arianna. 
Ari’s leg bounced up and down nervously as she waited for Zayn to come home. How was she supposed to tell him? Should she go romantic? Classic? Random? She hadn’t really thought it through since she had only found out a couple days ago. The only person who knew was Serenity. It was actually quite funny because the day she found out, his brother had told her that she was going to find out that she was pregnant then. She chuckled to herself but looked towards the door once she heard the door open. Arianna greeted her fiancé with a kiss, a smile never leaving her face. They started their conversation as usual, but Arianna knew she had to just come out and tell him. “I have a question,” the blonde says nonchalantly. “Are you still opposed to the name Starburst? Because hear me out. Imagine holding a small baby child and it’s having sweet baby dreams. I don’t know about you, but what I’m picturing in my head looks like a Starburst.” Obviously, Zayn was against the name that Arianna always joked about naming her first kid. He told her that they were setting their future kid up for failure and that only made her chuckle. “I don’t think eight months is that far into the future,” she muttered, her eyes gaging for his reaction. It took him a while to catch on to what she was saying but by the time he fully grasped what she was saying, Arianna’s smile reached her eyes. “Yeah, I’m really pregnant!” She was swept into her fiancé’s arms, their laughter flooding their kitchen. Arianna really thought she couldn’t have been happier than in that moment. Was there a better feeling than knowing you were about to start a family with the love of your life? There was going to be a person living and existing and they were a product of their love. 
Arianna couldn’t help the lone tear that strolled down her cheek at the memory. She hoped that one day she and Zayn could go back to being that happy.
⊰ v. what if ⊱
It had been years since Arianna and Ashton decided to rekindle whatever they had in the GYHAB house. Yeah, she had ended up with Zayn, but after getting cheated on three times, Arianna had to end it while they were still on the show. She knew that she deserved better but she knew she wasn’t going to find it there, so she left the show soon after her breakup with Zayn. It was a bit random the way Arianna and Ashton ended up crossing paths again, but she was happy it happened. 
“I’m actually unemployed and hating on MTV. I don’t know why they would invite me to their awards show but here I am,” Arianna joked with the people she managed to keep in contact with from the show. While Arianna was grateful for the opportunities and experiences the show gave her, they did it at the expense of her personal life. Ari had never lower than when the producers turned her relationship with Cody to shit. When she found out that even though Zayn and Arianna had wanted to sleep together, it was ultimately because of a task or consequence or whatever. Hell, Ashton leaving probably had something to do with them too. The thought of her favorite Aussie made her smile sadly because if he had stayed, maybe her love life wouldn’t feel so hopeless. She missed him so much she could still hear his voice in her head. Or Arianna was delusional enough to think that she did because all of her friends turned to greet him and the other 5SOS members. Arianna hadn’t seen him in a year and a half. They were probably two different people than when they liked each other. “Hey,” she greeted softly, the awkwardness in her tone loud and clear. Ashton attempted to lighten the mood between them with some small talk, but Arianna couldn’t help but feel somewhat angry at him. “Sorry that I’m being so awkward. It’s almost like I’m not 100% over you disappearing without a word before we were supposed to go on our first and after we slept together.” He pointed out that she didn’t have much room to talk because she was in between guys at the same time which just made her laugh because he did have a point. This lead to them having an hour-long conversation about everything that happened between them. “I was totally going to go to the after party because you know I’m such a party animal, but if you’re up for it, I’m still willing to go on that date with you.” Arianna was taking a shot in the dark here. They hadn’t been talking that long at all, but Ari had a gut feeling that she couldn’t let Ashton go again. She didn’t know why but she just couldn’t. And she didn’t. Their first date was amazing. The blue-eyed girl hadn’t really been on a first date before but she was happy it was with Ashton. The two of them grabbed some pizza and walked around to see the sights of New York. It was a very romantic city at night. They sat in Central Park, watching over the city. “Shouldn’t you be getting back? I don’t want your band members to think I’ve kidnapped you,” she laughed, meeting his gaze. Call it cheesy, but as they looked at each other it was if there was something pulling Arianna towards Ashton. Their faces were mere centimeters apart “Am I totally crazy for this?” But she wasn’t given an answer. Instead, she was given a kiss.
Arianna smiled at the memory because if MTV hadn’t invited her unemployed and angry ass to their awards ceremony, who knows when Arianna and Ashton would’ve talked again if at all. “Mum, watch me!” the eldest of her twins called out to her. “I’m watching! Go on!” She called back. Their daughter was sitting on Ashton’s lap cheering on her brother and his little league team. She looked over at Ash, taking her hand into his, and thinking about how amazing her life turned out. 
[ ღ ] my muse makes an attempt to cheer your muse up.
⊰ v. princess and the moon ⊱
Luna sat comfortably on the cool marble floor, leaning over acrylic plastic to wipe away the crimson sheathing her boyfriend’s skin. She was unsure of how to react when her string of curses about how stressful school was becoming was cut short as her eyes laid on Prince covered in bruises and blood sitting on her couch. That was what came with being a drug dealer, but Luna never thought she’d see the day where Prince was in this condition. There was no one who could even begin to imagine him like this. The heat from the water he stood in radiated through her skin as she treated his wounds, placing kisses after she was done before moving to the next where she would repeat the process. Luna had started to become damp from the running water, but taking care of Prince trumped her peeve about wearing wet clothes. “Dios mío, novio, you have to be careful. As much as I like taking care of you, I don’t like doing it like this,” she spoke softly, placing a kiss of equal measure to his cheek. “Don’t take too long in here. I have a paper due in five hours, and I’m still not done healing your battle wounds,” she smiled, giving him a playfully threatening look as she retreated to her bedroom. Her mind seemed to be at a million different places, and it was now Luna realized that Prince had priority over all of those things. School, work, even her family — Prince was the most important. Even now, she was willing to get an F on her paper in order to make sure that he was okay. Her laptop sat atop her thighs, three of the five pages being done with an hour and a half to finish when Prince finally emerged from the shower dressed in the sweatpants she had left for him. “I was beginning to think you drowned in there,” Luna joked lightly, sitting her computer aside to grab the first-aid kit instead. “You know, I used to have to do this a lot for my brother,” she muttered as her hands busied themselves in finishing her earlier job. “After he got into that gang stuff, he used to come home all beaten up.” Luna couldn’t bring herself to finish the story, but she was only speaking to fill the silence between them. Maybe her stories about her brother would somehow cheer him or make him feel better. Her hazel eyes locked in with his, giving him a small smile, leaning in so their lips were mere centimeters apart. Her hand made its way to his jaw, her thumb hovering lightly over the mark that rested at the corner of his mouth. “Mire este, this is going to scar, babe.” A smile had overtaken her features and a laugh shook her body, pulling away from Prince. “I tried to pull a you on you, but I just couldn’t take myself seriously.” Luna was really trying her best to get him to at least crack a smile but decided to give up as she leaned in to press a kiss to his bruised temple. She encouraged him to lay in between her legs with his head resting on her chest while she attempted to finish her paper, deciding that if he wanted to tell her what happened today, he’d do it whenever he felt like it (also known as when he thinks Luna stops feeling sorry for him.)
⊰ v. no reason ⊱
Maybe Iola had overreacted when Jason had admitted to her that he had slept with someone else when they were broken up but she couldn’t help it. Blame it on the fact that she was a Scorpio and they were notorious for being jealous and possessive assholes. She couldn’t stand the thought of someone having Jason in that way because when they were broken up that’s how she felt. Iola had plenty of opportunities to hook up with other guys at college but every time she thought about Jason. She thought about how she only wanted to share that part of her with him. He was the only one deserving of it. Iola had just gotten back from the hospital, having needed to get stitches because she accidentally broke the ceramic mug in her hand when he dropped the bomb on her. In hindsight, she should’ve known squeezing it to contain her anger was only going to make the situation worse. The faux-blonde knew that Jason wouldn’t be talking to her, but she really wanted to fix things with him. “Jason,” Iola started, however, he just ignored her. She had changed into one of his shirts, the end of it dancing around her thighs. Iola laid down on her stomach on their bed to face Jason even though he was obviously trying to ignore her. “I know you probably don’t want to speak to me — and you don’t have to — but I just wanted to say that I’m sorry. When you told me that you slept with someone else, it made me scared. Like maybe you found someone that you loved just as much as me. Maybe someone better. I shouldn’t have projected the way I feel onto you. When we weren’t together, I felt like I didn’t want anyone else because you were the only person. You were and are the only person that loved me for me and not for what I could give to you. I couldn’t let anyone else in like that, but that doesn’t mean you had to or have to feel the same way I did, so I’m sorry.” She got up to get something out of her purse and left it next to him before she headed to the living room. It had been a gift card to some local art store. She thought it would cheer him up a bit because she had done the same thing after their “first date.” Iola had insisted on taking him out to replace everything she accidentally destroyed but he didn’t ask for much. So she decided to secretly get him a gift card to the store and slip it into the sketchbook that he did pick. She had left on a note on the inside telling him that they were even, but if he really wanted to make it up to her then he could text her and take her on a real date. It was quite bold of her, but Iola knew even then that she wanted him. Her note this time consisted of a simple sorry and if he would let her make it up to him by taking him out.
⊰ july 17th ⊱
Arianna was terrible when it came to staying mad at Zayn. He would fuck up but in the end, she was always there to coddle him for the mistakes he made. Zayn had said something during an argument about regretting proposing to her which sent her over the edge. No one had asked him to propose to her. He had done it because he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, right? Regardless, Zayn’s words hurt and with everything else going on in their life right now, Arianna had had enough. Louis had mentioned a few days ago that he was going back home to see his family and invited her, and now she was going to take him up on his offer. Zayn, of course, tried to convince her to stay but when she told him no, he got more desperate. He started saying things that made her feel sorry for him, and so now here she was with him wrapped up in her arms. “I love you, Zayn, I’ll be back,” Arianna tried to reassure him. “I just need some space to clear my head. But I’ll come back; I always come back.” She rubbed soothing circles on his back, completely disregarding that Zayn was the one who fucked up in the first place. Arianna figured that she loved Zayn and never wanted to see him upset even if it was from her reaction to his actions. It was a horrible trait that she needed to fix. She placed small kisses to his forehead before letting him go to grab her bags. “Just remember I love you, okay?” Arianna said before giving him one final kiss and walking out of their front door.
⊰ v. what if ⊱
The crackling sound of silence filled the room as Arianna and Ashton simply looked at each other. Arianna didn’t mean for things with him to go as far as they did. What happened between them that day Ari showed up at his door was never meant to happen again, but it did. Ari began having an affair. She thought that they were being low key about it, but when Zayn had spotted a hickey on her, and she was left with no choice except, to tell the truth, all of her fears had become a reality. Ari didn’t know about the future of her marriage which should’ve been her main concern, but hearing about what her husband had gone out and done made it seem less important. Ashton was there for her whenever her relationship became too much to handle, and she felt it was her obligation to take care of him. There were times Ashton would get in his feelings about his affair with Arianna. She knew that it was wrong for her to give Ashton false hope about them ending up together especially now that Zayn knew and she was still coming around, but in her defense, she never said that she would even leave her husband for him. She would only run to him when her marriage turned to shit and sleep with him with the occasional non-sexual encounter. Who would possibly get the wrong idea about that? Arianna knew she was a shitty person, so she tried her best to make him feel better. She had brought by all of his favorite stuff, hoping he would it get him out of his rut. “Look who brought you vegemite?” She said cheerfully, finally breaking the silence. Arianna cuddled into Ashton’s side before throwing on his favorite movie. Nothing Arianna was doing was working but at least she was trying, right? She frowned softly to herself before taking Ashton’s hands to make him look at her. “I know I’m the world’s worst person in the world, but I just want what’s best for you and to see you happy. I wanted to have my cake and eat it too. I’ll leave if you want me to. I’ll do anything if it’ll make you feel better.”
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sussex-nature-lover · 4 years
Wednesday 24th February 2021
From the Patio
I’m waiting for my outdoor potted bulbs to leap into action. One double container of Hyacinths failed, the other double - quite strangely - had one bulb flower a couple of weeks back (that perished in the snow) and the other is at about the same level as these are. The bulb in the ground is quite a bit behind the times, which is to be expected of course.
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Someone has been making rather a mess with the compost and for once I’m not blaming Nutsy. I think this is the culprit below. Hopping on and off the bits and pieces and spilling soil by accident. Of course if a giant sunflower pops up in the Summer, or even a little weedy one, I’ll revise that opinion for sure.
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We’ve made some new feeding stations and they quickly proved popular
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We used a few logs which are too big for the burner and a mix of either seed or fruit suet, chopped up, or both. I think they make a good backdrop for photos. The towers and hanging feeders fulfil a purpose but don’t give such a clear view of the birds.
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I think it was quite obvious what to do, wasn’t it? The Blue Tit looked very quizzical. 
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Blue Tit
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The female Pheasants like their new tables. Although standing in the water pot is somewhat unconventional and not to be encouraged.
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The new settings are nice, but not as attractive as this one below
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Guest Photo credit again to Ms NW tE in SE London. Robin looking absolutely splendid in its Spa
I love everything about this photo. It’s one to be proud of. The colours, the background, the composition and of course the subject matter. 
This week both Crow and I have seen big Bees out and about when there’s been a bit of sunshine. There was a very nice and Spring-like spell yesterday.
Today we were awake just before 6am and could hear some calling, perhaps a Robin, it was a bit further away from the window so hard to make it out properly. As we lay in bed drinking our tea we had rooftop visits from Blackbird, Starling and Blue Tit. Mid morning I saw a very brief visit from a singular Goldfinch. That’s the second day running.
We’ve been mostly eating fish but last night had the chicken recipe I like so much from my Tagine recipe book. The one with shallots, garlic, green olives and preserved lemons. It’s extremely tasty. We had some vegetable cous cous and sugar snap peas with it. A lot of people seem to dislike cous cous, but I always enjoy it, whether with a main meal or as a salad dish when we have BBQs. Mmmmm BBQ, it won’t be too long now.
Can you name this three birds?
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Of course you can, but in reality it’s a device, just to show off a very bad photograph of the very welcome returner to the garden.
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It was the other day actually but I hadn’t got around to writing about the Lewis Chessmen, which I find interesting. As you know I do enjoy my historical investigations.
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The 11th century Chess pieces the Lewis Chessmen made from walrus tusk and found on the beach in the parish of Uig on the Isle of Lewis (Hebrides) and now in the British Museum, were found in 1831 buried in a sandbank in the Isle of Lewis, the largest island of the outer Hebrides in Scotland.  The sea carried away the sandbank uncovering a mysterious building (a small brick oven) that had been buried under the sand.
 Carved of walrus ivory, they may have come from Iceland, although recent investigation suggests that the Lewis Chessmen may have originated in Trondheim, the medieval capital city of Norway, and home to the Norsemen during the eleventh and twelfth centuries who were the overlords of the isle of Lewis.
 It seems that they brought the Chessmen with them from Norway when they voyaged to the island. Some authorities date them to the 12th century. There were four sets, not all complete. According to legend, they were stolen by a sailor from a ship anchored in Loch Hamnaway soon after the year 1600.
 A shepherd known as Ghillie Ruadh murdered the sailor to get the treasure, but fearing discovery, carefully buried the pieces. A few years later he was hanged in Stornoway for another crime, and is said to have made a dying confession to the murder of the sailor.
 A local peasant, Calum nan Sprot, working nearby found what he concluded to be a collection of elves and gnomes. The superstitious highlander flung down his spade and fled home in horror. Superstition in the Isle of Lewis had survived in a powerful form.
 Thus, when the peasant first looked at the group of singular little ivory figures, it was natural that they should appear as the pigmy sprites of Celtic folklore. However, he was induced by his wife to return to the spot and take the figures home.
 He sold them to a local collector who realized they were Chessmen pieces. There were 78 pieces in all, belonging to eight or more sets. 67 are now in the British Museum and the rest in the
National Museum in Edinburgh
 Experts are unanimous in regarding them as "The most astonishing collection of ancient Chessmen in existence".
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image via @FrankOnTheRadio Twitter account
And if you’re wondering what set me off on that subject, it was the fact that in the recent snow, people were fashioning their own snowmen in the style of the chess pieces. Apparently it’s been a thing for a few years.
If you didn’t know
Where did chess originate? Chess originated in India after 500 BC and had arrived in Christian Europe via the Islamic world by at least the AD 990s. The original Indian and Islamic game was adapted to reflect medieval European society, so that the Indian war elephant was replaced with the figure of the bishop. The rooks biting their shields resemble the Viking berserkers of Norse myth, while the pose of the queens is derived from depictions of the grieving Virgin Mary. The pawns, lacking any human features, reflect the abstract pieces used in the Islamic version of the game.
More on this link
On the birdbath are (from our left to right) a House Sparrow, Blue Tit and Ta Daah, a Goldfinch. The first since last Summer.
I snatched up the camera, but too slow to focus before it flew: they never seem to stay long at all and only come to drink, not feed - the opposite of the Long Tailed Tits with their ‘flying visits’ They only feed and I’ve never seen one drink. 
Despite the fuzzy photo I was thrilled to see it and it is proof they’re still around, Hoorah.
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Photo from the archive. Four Goldfinch together, a record. Hope to see more of these lovely birds this year
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Blind Love
A/N: Thanks to @centerhabit​ for requesting this! I am so happy with how it turned out despite the fact that I've been so busy these past few weeks I was only able to chip away on this little by little. It hasn't been beta'd so please excuse any typos, I am so very tired. 
 centerhabit said: Would u mind making a Sherlock X reader where she's blind and he thinks she doesn't know who he is when they're on a date. When she tells him the truth that she knew he was Sherlock Holmes all along he's surprised. She kept her knowing his identity a secret tho bc he didn't want to take her case but it was only bc it brought bad memories for him??? But they still live happily ever after??? Hope that's ok!
“Unfortunately, I can’t take your case Miss L/N,” Sherlock said, causing the woman in front of him to frown.
“But…” the woman started.
“I’m sorry,” he said, cutting her off. She pursed her lips and closed her eyes, trying hard to reign in her disappointment.
“I understand,” she said at last. “Thank you for seeing me.”
“Best of luck,” Sherlock added, somewhat uncomfortably, as the disappointed client rose and exited his flat.
He watched her leave from his windows high above Baker Street; watched her out on the sidewalk, watched her getting her bearings, watched her turn and head North. Then, he moved. Grabbing his coat and descending the stairs until he, too, was out on the sidewalk, heading North. He stayed several yards behind her, although it probably wasn’t necessary to keep such a distance. One could afford a mild degree of sloppiness when tailing a blind woman.
She moved gracefully, so much more gracefully than most full-sighted women. She swept her cane out in front of her in small semi circles and Sherlock watched on, impressed, as she navigated her way to a small cafe several blocks from his Baker Street flat.
She’d come to him wanting answers about the accident that resulted in the loss of her sight. She’d been a manager at a bank on the Strand when it had been robbed at gunpoint. She’d hesitated a beat when they asked her to open the vault and she’d swiftly received a rifle butt to the back of the head, causing a bleed in her skull that damaged both retinal nerves.
Sherlock remembered her case. Scotland Yard had come to him asking for assistance in capturing the bank robbers, but he’d been busy. He’d dismissed the detectives, telling them that their case was of no interest to him. A week later, they’d struck again, and Y/N had been attacked. He’d read the police reports about her attack and her injury. He remembered thinking she was stupid to do anything other than comply with their orders and he hadn’t thought of the case again, until today.
As she sat in the living room of his flat that afternoon, however, he suddenly felt guilty for thinking she was stupid. She was well spoken, clearly highly educated. She had a small smudge of periwinkle blue paint on the inside of her left wrist as well as underneath the fingernails on her thumb and forefinger. She’d clearly been holding a paintbrush earlier in the day and he wondered why a blind woman would bother painting.
As she spoke, he quickly recalled the case and he realized that if he’d had taken it on back then, perhaps this woman would still have her sight. Perhaps if he had taken the case, she would actually be able to see the pictures she was still trying to paint. Feeling sick, he’d sent her on her way.
Now, here he was, following her into the cafe. He slid into a table towards the rear of the restaurant and pulled out his phone, pretending to be preoccupied with something on his screen, stealing glances at her as she sat, waiting.
Moments later, a waiter approached her, carrying a large Americano and setting it in front of her.
“Hey, Alan,” she said, smiling. “Thanks!”
“You’re welcome, Y/N,” he replied. “Anything else today?” “Nothing right now,” she said, handing him a few bills. “Keep the change!”
 Although he had never been a blind person, Sherlock knew that routine was vital to one’s existence. The same items stored the same spots, the same color clothes folded in the same drawers, the same order at the same cafe. With very little effort, Sherlock figured out her routine.
 John would say that it was stalking, which is why Sherlock didn’t tell his friend about his frequent his visits to the cafe. Or the long walks along the Thames. Or through Hyde Park.
He didn’t know how to explain to his friend that he was captivated by her. She was both intimately tuned into to her surroundings while at the same time painfully unaware. Spending time with her, well, a ways behind her, was like seeing the world through a fresh set of eyes. He watched her inhale the air by the river and wondered when he had stopped noticing the earthy, damp scent. He watched her bypass a rather mean looking dog only to stop a few paces further to pet a sweet, playful puppy and wondered with amazement how she could tell the difference. He learned that she loved the rose gardens of Hyde Park, even though smelling the flowers often meant her fingers got pricked by thorns, and that she loved to trace her hands along the carvings of the Rima sculpture there, as well.
They were having coffee at her cafe one day, separate tables, of course, when Sherlock realized that Alan, the barista who usually took care of her, was not there. He watched on, his anxiety growing as no one came to wait on her. Finally, he rose and approached the counter and ordered two large Americanos. He paid and turned, approaching her table.
“One large Americano,” he said, placing it in front of her the way Alan always did.
“Thank you!” she said with a smile. “Alan must be off today.”
“It would appear so,” Sherlock answered.
“Here you go,” she said, handing him her payment.
“I don’t work here. This is just… my treat,” He replied. “I insist.” “Well then at least join me?” she asked, reaching out with her foot underneath the table and pushing the chair opposite her out from under the table. Sherlock looked at it for a long second before replying.
“Thank you,” he said, taking a seat.
“I’m Y/N,” she said, holding out her hand.
“William,” Sherlock replied, telling himself that it wasn’t really a lie.
“Nice to meet you,” she said, still smiling. For a moment, Sherlock took advantage of her not being able to see him and took in the beauty of her face and smile. He’d grown quite fond of the sight from afar, but to be this close to it was nearly intoxicating. “So tell me, do you often buy blind girls their coffees?” Sherlock chuckled.
“This,” he said, relaxing a bit, “Is a first.”
The conversation flowed easily between them, surprising Sherlock. He’d intentionally kept his distance from her physically, but he hadn’t realized until now how close to her he’d begun to feel.
“I usually walk along the river in the afternoons,” she said, when she’d finished her coffee, “But it’s going to rain.” Sherlock glanced out the front window of the cafe and saw that indeed, the skies had grown dark and rather ominous looking.
“How could you tell?” Sherlock asked before he could stop himself.
“There are other ways to observe than just using your eyes,” she said, her smile making his heart feel light. “Would you care to join me for a walk through the museum?” Sherlock stared at her, wondering what a blind woman could enjoy at a museum.
“I would, actually,” he said at last. They stood and she led the way from the cafe, easily navigating her way through the streets as she chatted happily to him, explaining just how she could tell the change in the weather.
They arrived at the museum and had gotten safely inside just as the skies opened up and the rain began. Y/N carefully reached out and took his arm.
“Is this alright?” she asked, tentatively. Sherlock’s mouth suddenly felt dry and he nodded. “Was that a yes?” She teased. He cleared his throat.
“Yes,” he answered at last.
“Ok,” she said. “You lead the way. Tell me what you see. Describe it to me as if I were blind.”
“You are blind,” he said, confused.
“I know,” she laughed and he realized she was teasing him again. They moved from exhibit to exhibit, Sherlock carefully and concisely describing each work of art in as much detail as he was capable of. Y/N hung on his arm, enrapt, listening to his deep voice and gentle tone, fascinated at being able to see things through his eyes.
“I never used to come here when I could see,” she said as they neared the end of their trip. “I regret that. I come now and wander around, listen to other people seeing these amazing works of art.” She stopped and looked up at him, her beautiful eyes gazing at him, but not seeing him. “But no one has ever described them the way that you did. It was almost like seeing again.”
The rain had stopped and Sherlock waited until she got on the bus headed towards her home. He barely slept at all that night, thinking of the feeling of her arm looped through his, the warmth of her body pressed against his own, the look of wonder on her face, as if the art before them was coming to life in her mind's eye.
She didn’t seem surprised at all when he joined her at her table with her coffee the next day.
“Aquarium?” he asked and her face lit up.
They walked down the long halls, past the big tanks, pausing so Sherlock could tell her what each contained. She rested her head against his arm while he spoke, using all her remaining sense to enjoy everything about being with him. The feel of his rough jacket against her cheek, the deep timbre of his voice, the scent of his soap, laundry detergent, shaving cream and aftershave.
Eventually, they wandered into a brightly lit room filled with people. Against the back wall was a large tank, sitting only about three feet tall with an open top. As they grew closer, Sherlock could see people actually reaching in as large fish swam around. His eye landed on a sign explaining the exhibit and when he realized where they were, he could barely contain his excitement. He turned to Y/N.
“Would you like to pet a stingray?” he asked.
“Can I?” she gasped. Instead of answering, he led her right up to the tank. He gripped her wrist and carefully lowered her hand into the water and held it still. Moments later, a large sting ray fluttered by, its smooth skin brushing against Y/N’s sensitive palm. He watched her expressions change from shock to delight and couldn’t contain the laugh that escaped his lips.
“Here comes another,” he warned and she stretched out her fingers as another large ray saw by.
“They almost feel like velvet,” she giggled. “But slimy.” Sherlock released his grip on her and held out his own hand, allowing the rays to swim beneath it.
“You’re right, I wouldn't have expected that,” he chuckled. They pulled their hands from the water and still smiling, the dried off on the paper towels provided. Y/N allowed Sherlock to guide her away from the exhibit. Her ears strained for sounds of other patrons and when she was sure they were alone she stopped. He turned to see why she had  walking and she moved her hands to the front of his coat, feeling her way up the lapels, letting them guide her up toward his shoulders, then his neck until her fingertips found the line of his jaw. She couldn't see him, but she’d felt his warmth, heard his voice, inhaled his scent and as her lips found his, she could finally taste his kiss.
It was sweet and gentle and she wanted to savor every second of it. All her other senses heightened as his arms encircled her waist, drawing her in against him, his hands cupping her face, holding her lips to his.
“Y/N, I have something to tell you,” he said as he pulled away. His heart was hammering in his chest and he wanted nothing more than to kiss her again. He had to get the truth out first.
“Is it that your name is Sherlock Holmes and you’ve been stalking me for weeks?” she asked, a playful smiling tugging at the corners of her mouth. He gaped at her.
“What…? How…?” he stammered, stunned.
“Come on,” she said, shoving him gently. “I’m blind, which means my other sense are much sharper. I recognized your voice, the smell of your laundry detergent mixed with your soap and aftershave was all over your flat, the rhythm of your gait…”
“This whole time, you knew?” he asked, feeling less stunned and more impressed with each passing second.
“Yes, I caught your scent on a breeze down by the river the day I left your flat,” she admitted. “It made me feel comforted somehow, knowing you were with me.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Sherlock asked, bringing his fingertips up to gently brush across her cheek, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
“I was just happy to be around you,” she admitted. “And I was secretly hoping your presence meant you were working on my case,” she said tentatively. Sherlocks heart sank.
“Your case…” he said, swallowing down the lump in his throat. Taking her hand in his, he led her over to a bench and sat down beside her. He looked at her for a long moment, realizing that what he was about to tell her would serve to end this strange relationship just as it was beginning. “You deserve to know that it’s my fault you are blind.” He watched her brow winkle in confusion as the smile disappeared from her face.
“What… what do you mean?” she asked, her voice only a whisper.
“I was asked to take the case,” he said, his throat tight and his mouth dry. “I turned it down, I thought it wasn’t as interesting at the time…”
“Sherlock,” she breathed, but he cut her off.
“If I had taken the case, I could have stopped them before...before…” he stopped, his voice about to betray his anguish. She reached out and placed a hand on his cheek and he closed his eyes as he leaned into her touch.
“This was not your fault,” she said, quietly but firmly. “I’m not angry about being blind, Sherlock. I could have died that day. I could have suffered brain damage.” Sherlock opened his eyes and saw her smile. “I never knew what a rain storm smelled like. I never noticed the sound my paint brush makes on dry canvas. There are so many beautiful things in this world I was blind to when I had my sight. What happened to me was terrible, but it is not a tragedy. I may have lost my sight, but that doesn’t mean I can no longer see.” Sherlock swallowed hard.
“What do you see?” He asked gently and her smile widened She leaned in closer, pausing when she felt his warm breath on her skin.
“I see you, Sherlock Holmes,” she said before pressing your lips to his. When she finally pulls away, the ache in Sherlock’s chest has almost vanished. “And I’d like to continue seeing you… if you’ll let me.”
“I’d like that,” he replied, realizing just how much he actually would, indeed, like that.
“Good,” she said, standing and reaching out for him. He took her hand and placed it on the crook of his arm.
“What would you like to see now?” he asked. She smiled and leaned in close, whispering in his ear.
“How about your flat?” she said, smiling wickedly.
“But there’s really nothing to see…” he said, stopping when her expression registered with him. “Oh. Well. Yes. I can show you my flat. That sounds… yes.”
“Lead the way,” she teased, thinking about the different ways she could use all her remaining sense to experience Sherlock Holmes.
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