heavenknowsffs · 15 hours
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heavenknowsffs · 1 day
would you be able to do a romantic scene with jensen given how close you are?
‘it’d be awkward. jensen is pretty attracted to me, he wouldn’t be able to differentiate between me and cas. sometimes when we hug, i’m like your pelvis is a little close’
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heavenknowsffs · 1 day
English is not my first language so it helps to not miss out on dialogue
Why do people need subtitles to watch a show in English? I don't get it. What is wrong with the ears of young people?
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heavenknowsffs · 2 days
Thinking "there's still so many songs that will come out, so many concerts that i can go see and experience" honestly saved my life
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heavenknowsffs · 2 days
I talk a lot about “you haven’t even met everyone who will love you yet” as a way to offer hope for the future. But let’s also mention…
There are so many things you have yet to enjoy! New songs. New movies. New shows. Maybe new hobbies, new games, and new interests.
There is still so much for you to experience. So much that can still bring you joy.
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heavenknowsffs · 2 days
This is terrible but today when I was playing volleyball outside with some friends one of their children (18 months) was sort of ambling around on his stumpy little toddler legs and so we were all trying to be careful and like not spike the ball onto the baby but then he wandered over to his father, who picked him up bc dad reflexes, and then the ball got passed over to the dad and he sort of had a no thoughts moment and instinctively used his child to smack the volleyball over to the next person. Like he just swung the kid and used his legs like a baseball bat. I'm never going to forget his face of premature regret mid baby-manuever right when he realized what he was doing AND the instant he realized his wife saw it happen. Anyway the baby was fine he didn't make contact with the ball all that hard and he was just mad his dad wouldn't use him as a club again but I had to sit down because I laughed so hard I cried.
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heavenknowsffs · 2 days
A hummingbird thought a man’s orange hat was a flower [x]
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heavenknowsffs · 3 days
it’s monday i’m in the labyrinth
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heavenknowsffs · 3 days
saw a grown woman on tiktok snidely calling gen z the christopher columbus generation bc someone’s fifteen year old son ‘thought he’d discovered weezer’. newsflash every generation finds out about the music of the previous generation at some point it comes free with being fifteen. being annoying about music also comes free with being fifteen. a kid saying yeah i’ve just found this band nirvana have you ever heard of them should be a thing of joy
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heavenknowsffs · 4 days
the older I get, the more the technological changes I've lived through as a millennial feel bizarre to me. we had computers in my primary school classroom; I first learned to type on a typewriter. I had a cellphone as a teenager, but still needed a physical train timetable. my parents listened to LP records when I was growing up; meanwhile, my childhood cassette tape collection became a CD collection, until I started downloading mp3s on kazaa over our 56k modem internet connection to play in winamp on my desktop computer, and now my laptop doesn't even have a disc tray. I used to save my word documents on floppy discs. I grew up using the rotary phone at my grandparents' house and our wall-connected landline; my mother's first cellphone was so big, we called it The Brick. I once took my desktop computer - monitor, tower and all - on the train to attend a LAN party at a friend's house where we had to connect to the internet with physical cables to play together, and where one friend's massive CRT monitor wouldn't fit on any available table. as kids, we used to make concertina caterpillars in class with the punctured and perforated paper strips that were left over whenever anything was printed on the room's dot matrix printer, which was outdated by the time I was in high school. VHS tapes became DVDs, and you could still rent both at the local video store when I was first married, but those shops all died out within the next six years. my facebook account predates the iphone camera - I used to carry around a separate digital camera and manually upload photos to the computer in order to post them; there are rolls of undeveloped film from my childhood still in envelopes from the chemist's in my childhood photo albums. I have a photo album from my wedding, but no physical albums of my child; by then, we were all posting online, and now that's a decade's worth of pictures I'd have to sort through manually in order to create one. there are video games I tell my son about but can't ever show him because the consoles they used to run on are all obsolete and the games were never remastered for the new ones that don't have the requisite backwards compatibility. I used to have a walkman for car trips as a kid; then I had a discman and a plastic hardshell case of CDs to carry around as a teenager; later, a friend gave my husband and I engraved matching ipods as a wedding present, and we used them both until they stopped working; now they're obsolete. today I texted my mother, who was born in 1950, a tiktok upload of an instructional video for girls from 1956 on how to look after their hair and nails and fold their clothes. my father was born four years after the invention of colour televison; he worked in radio and print journalism, and in the years before his health declined, even though he logically understood that newspapers existed online, he would clip out articles from the physical paper, put them in an envelope and mail them to me overseas if he wanted me to read them. and now I hold the world in a glass-faced rectangle, and I have access to everything and ownership of nothing, and everything I write online can potentially be wiped out at the drop of a hat by the ego of an idiot manchild billionaire. as a child, I wore a watch, but like most of my generation, I stopped when cellphones started telling us the time and they became redundant. now, my son wears a smartwatch so we can call him home from playing in the neighbourhood park, and there's a tanline on his wrist ike the one I haven't had since the age of fifteen. and I wonder: what will 2030 look like?
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heavenknowsffs · 4 days
<3 <3 não consigo elaborar nada novo hoje mas tenho, claro, uma playlist do 25 de abril para partilhar <3 e uma playlist revolucionária
@kiironekolady @msisoverthegardenwall @draconicrose @tuxedosaiyan @momo-de-avis @insanityisfine @portuguesedisaster @2wistedthoughts @blocodeespantamentos @garrettwrites @batknightofshadows @vang0bus @vulto-cor-de-rosa @facanamante1ga @kickassfu @idroveatank @maizixie @redrobibin @anditwentlikethis @monsterstaybroken @bitter-sweet-cinnamon @maevemills
Reminder para elaborarem se quiserem, alguma coisa que gostassem de fazer (música, arte, gifs, textos, poemas, partilhar algo de um livro sobre o tema, etc) para comemorar os 50 anos dos 25 de Abril com #venham+5entacravos. Partilhem com outros que possam querer também participar.
25 de Abril, sempre!
Fascismo nunca mais!
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heavenknowsffs · 4 days
Happy 25th of april we sang Grândola vila morena in the street at midnight and there were fireworks and i almost cried
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heavenknowsffs · 4 days
Reportagem e Entrevista: Joana Guerra, Domus Municipalis Bragança
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A Domus Municipalis, ex-líbris da cidade de Bragança, acolheu na passada quinta-feira, 18 de Abril, o concerto de Joana Guerra, violoncelista, compositora e cantora. O local ideal para um concerto intimista, a sua estrutura de pedra tradicional enfatizando a acústica. Joana Guerra apresentou-se a solo, acompanhada pelo seu violoncelo, instrumento elementar no repertório da artista lisboeta.
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O concerto iniciou às 21h30 com a música "White Animal", cantada em inglês, que integra o quarto álbum a solo da cantora "Chão Vermelho". Caracterizada por um estilo único, Joana Guerra mais do que música, é uma performer, e, misturando sons tradicionais com inovação e alguma dose de improviso, presenteou o público com um espetáculo rico capaz de o transportar para um mundo completamente novo. A artista experimental exibiu uma série de músicas instrumentais e cantadas, não só em português, como em inglês, recorrendo também ao uso de pedais e efeitos loop que enriqueceram a experiência da plateia. O momento alto da noite deu-se quando a artista deitou o violoncelo nos seus braços, à imagem de Pietà, e debruçando-se sobre ele, a sua voz chorou, mostrando um amor como que maternal pelo instrumento. Para acabar o concerto com chave de ouro, Joana Guerra tocou a sua já conhecida performance de “Trans humano Viver”.
A plateia estava cheia, as pessoas de olhos vidrados e presas à sua voz, tal canto ancestral. E no final, os aplausos foram feitos de pé.
Após o concerto e em conversa com a artista, Joana Guerra dá o seu parecer sobre o espetáculo. “Há que ressalvar este espaço especial. O concerto correu muito bem e eu achei que o público estava bastante compenetrado e com energia. Estávamos em simbiose, e esta troca, dar e receber, é especial para quem está em palco, principalmente estando sozinha. O artista dá e recebe esta energia, invisível, mas que se sente, e senti essa comunhão conjunta que é o importante num concerto”. Quanto a projetos futuros, Joana confessa, “Álbum a solo para já, não. Fui mãe recentemente e nesta fase da minha vida estou focada em colaborações. Irá ser lançado em Maio um novo disco em conjunto com duas artistas sonoras, a artista croata Manja Ristić e a sul-americana Veronica Cerrotta. Mais para o final do ano sairá um dueto com o trompetista Yaw Tembe, que já está gravado, e falta apenas a produção. A solo sinto que estou já a começar a ouvir o chamamento, quando estiver pronta, com mais ideias, irei avançar. Está a ser um ano surpreendentemente bom”. Joana acrescenta que o que influencia a sua criatividade é “a vida, as pessoas, as histórias, a leitura, as outras artes performativas que eu gosto muito, como dança e teatro, com as quais já trabalhei. A vida vai-nos dando sempre pequenos sinais e às vezes estamos um pouco distraídos, mas eu sou como uma esponja, absorvo e fico com estas situações em mim, que depois posso reconstrui-las de outra forma. E ao instrumento em si, o seu som. Caracteriza-me esta vontade de experimentar, ir sempre mais além, além do que já sei fazer, quero sempre deitar uma barreira abaixo e isso é que me motiva".
Fica desta experiência, um espetáculo pleno de energia, marcado por boa música, que harmonizou com o leve vento que entrava pelas portadas do edifício histórico brigantino.
Num local onde já se governou a cidade, à sombra do imponente castelo, dois monarcas dominaram: o Rei da noite Violoncelo e a sua Rainha, Joana Guerra.
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Texto: Cristiana Baptista
Fotos: João Lourenço
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heavenknowsffs · 5 days
My hair looks like absolute shit i need to DYE IT
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heavenknowsffs · 6 days
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heavenknowsffs · 6 days
Daily affirmations
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heavenknowsffs · 7 days
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Cornelius Gemma, De prodigiosa specie, naturaque Cometae, 1578
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