#who was....v smoll rip
abra-ka-dammit ยท 2 years
sometimes i think abt my first job and get mad again for the various shittinesses it had
for instance we had no PTO despite being full time, so when i caught a flu from there bc someone was working sick, i kept going in anyways and probably got others sick, bc we all interacted with the same handful of mobile devices for testing (software QA) and no amount of hand sanitizer will save you from the airborne spit flecks
and i ended up getting a sinus infection and it just got worse and worse until i just literally couldnt get out of bed one day, and they STILL got annoyed like i was being lazy or something even tho they saw day by day how much obviously worse i was feeling
eventually, in the last few months of my time there, i got called into the office to talk about concerns about my attendance, like i was in jr high or something, bc i--get this--averaged 1.5 days absent a month (usually for migraines)
like jesus christ. people get sick. expecting them to work every weekday for the rest of time aside from the like 4 required national holidays is unrealistic, and shouldnt be expected! and we shouldnt have to financially suffer bc we had to take a few days off to rest through an illness--they only paid me 9.50/hr for the first like 6 months to begin with so each day off was a big hit to the paycheck and it was just inhumane
anyways they moved to another state and they have two kinds of reviews on google maps:
1 - people vaguely saying it's a great place to work
2 - people detailing why it's an awful place to work including telling us that they make new employees leave good google maps reviews
fuck that place for real tho
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