#who wasn't a total and complete asshole. some of the concepts can be worthwhile but overall it's a wild way to raise your kids
howldean · 2 months
for the character ask… Bobby Singer
failed to gentle parent sam and dean, ineffectively unschooled them, raised his voice, picked a favorite kid, felt qualified to address sam's addiction while not addressing his own alcoholism
let me tell you why a character sucks
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decolonize-the-left · 2 years
so preface: the OP of that one post, everything they've said since your response, has been an asshole to you and I'm not ignoring that. that being said, the initial posts only, I think they're right. not in the sense that everything is going to just magically work itself out and we need to have pointless optimism, because that's stupid, but it's not quite what they're saying.
it's more, people aren't going to work towards a better future if they can't picture what that might look like. it's not just over-reliance on intellectualism, and it's not blind faith, there has to actually be something worth working towards, and we have to be able to at least imagine what that could look like to be able to work for it. the only thing "there is no hope, there is no future" can ever result in is everyone who cares getting burnt out and giving up.
"doomer" doesn't mean just acknowledging atrocities that are happening, it means giving up on the concept of anything improving, and at that point, there's no reason to even stay alive. activism has to, at some level, be based on hope that things can get better. not will, not probably will (or else we wouldn't need to do anything), but can.
anyway, sorry this is kind of a lot, I just had some thoughts. OP was still a dick to you, though
I get that.
I do.
I get that being able to conceive a future worth fighting for helps the fight seem worthwhile. I'm not and never did say otherwise.
My issue was with them calling doomers "unhealthy" and then getting snarky and racist with everyones response who didn't agree with that post.
It's unhelpful to just say "I worry about them" but it's twice as bad to say "I worry about them" while simultaneously showing the least sympathy and compassion physically possible to the people who try to explain how Impossible it is for some people to have optimism.
Like that's lib shit to me honestly. Like.. you're worried about doomers... But if your stupid little concern post is met with anything less than agreement you're gonna be a shit head to those very same people and tell theyre "incoherent" and how "dude you don't get it" and "moping around isn't doing anything"? Like??? Helloooooo?
Does that sound like someone with Any genuine concern or compassion for their target audience at all???
I get what they're saying. I just think it lacked substance. I think it was for show. And I think their actions proved that the post was more about them patting their own back for "being concerned" than it had Anything to do with them being Actually concerned about the mental health of their peers. And they've proven themselves to be completely out of their depth in that respect. They don't even know how to talk to people with that mindset so they shouldn't have done it in the first place.
Because how OP treated me and others is Not how you show concern or worry for people who only see the negatives. That wasn't the behavior of someone with a genuine concern for the mental health of folks who can't see anything positive. That wasn't the behavior of someone who actually cares. That wasn't the behavior of someone who's goal is to be helpful. Not at all. Not by a longshot.
Lowkey reminds me of the toxic moms in movies who tell their kids they're "ungrateful brats" when they don't worship her for cooking dinner.
That post wasn't for anyone but OP's ego. And the way they took replies so personally is proof of that. Going so far as to insult clearly read indigenous revolutionaries because I had the audacity to critique intellectualism and Marxism? Reducing that theory to "reading is evil"??? After I had JUST said nobody listens to native voices???
That's why I replied the way I did. I knew OP didn't mean it. And then they proved me right.
Whatever message they intended to be heard was lost in their total lack of heart behind it.
White leftists do So Much for clout and I'm so sick of everyone pretending to buy their fake woke bullshit and giving them the benefit of the doubt all the time
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