#who will you vote: jaden or jayden
puzzlevision · 2 years
Jaden Yuki 🤝 Jayden Shiba
Both (almost) having a similar first name, having a Japanese surname and associated with the color red
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captaincassianandorr · 8 months
Australian Survivor Recap: Ep 6
Episode 6 time! Hurricane Kelli hits the Titans beach! -inappropriate comments from Kelli already. -the big move Kirby tried to do , did not work at all. So now Kirby has tried to throw him under the bus and he knows about it. And now she's mad that he tried to do what she was doing to him? Lol -Meanwhile Hurricane Kelli has hit the beach. And of course she is telling the tribe everything about the advantage Feras found lol. -And Mark just rips open that chest like it's nothing. -Caroline is getting annoying to the V's and Mark but they're fine. They have an idol they can use that no one knows about. Unless of course they misplay it which could of course happen. -And this reward challenge is interesting. Difficult to do. -Feras saying about the middle eastern food not toasties lol. -Scott what are you doing? You're trying to play both sides? And now Kirby, Ri and Scott are considering themselves a group of three. -And now Feras gets another idol?? And Raymond and Feras' idol dance is so funny. -And the whole idol chaos. Do you think he has an idol or no? He does but just because he knows that, doesn't mean everyone else does. -How is Kelli going to sabotage this? BY SITTING OUT THE CHALLENGE? KELLI YOU HAD ONE JOB. -I like this challenge quite a lot. It's a good mix of strategy, and physical. -And somehow Titans still don't manage to win this immunity lol. -And Rebels win immunity! Hooray Titans are going to tribal. I'm curious how the Titans will vote. -And now the Titans want to vote Nathan out? I mean I know he's been on the outs/bottom since the first tribal but still. He could be of use to you in a challenge. -Jaden just coming up to Winna "I'm voting you," made me laugh. I love Jaden. He's so chill and real. He's not going to win lol. But I do enjoy him on my tv. -Wouldn't it make more sense for the Titans just to go Kelli and then they can scramble afterwards? -I do wonder if on a different season with a different tribe, and different people if Nathan might not have been safer and not on the outs. -I love Viola just straight up going "how dumb can you be? If we lose Nathan we lose our tribe's strength. -Viola is just <3 I love her. She's so strong. -I am curious about where this tribal is going. It'd be nice if I could actually hear what they were saying though. -Oh so now Kelli goes back even though she didn't actually succeed in the mission? Which was to sabotage the Titans. I mean the Titans ended up at tribal yes but that had nothing to do with Kelli. -Caroline is not that concerned but I do not know if this plan of Viola's is going to work or not. -Jaden never knows any plans? -Lol Nathan "I feel like I'm at my own funeral." I do really still wonder if he'd have been better off on another season. -And someone voted Jayden? -I am kind of with Viola in that I think Caroline is a smarter choice to vote out at this point. But then a swap could be just around the corner so you never know. -The editing scared me just then because it looked like Viola's face merged or morphed into Nathan's -WHO THE HELL VOTED FOR JAYDEN? -Interesting how all strong players/good challenge assets have been voted out first (minus Jess) or "popular" players who thought they were in the majority when it turned out they were in the minority. -And swapped tribes next week which could be interesting depending where the numbers will go. -Nathan lol. I wish he'd stayed longer just because he was dumb and it made it funny.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 5 years
Starcrossed Losers XV (Josh Wheeler xReader)
A/N: My eyes hurt from editing this thing so late at night, please enjoy 
Words: 4,700
Warnings: None!
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What’s up, I’m officially fucked.
I don’t know how to narrate everything as it went down, I don’t have superpowers and I didn’t see it from above, also I was too busy trying to not self combust while Josh was kissing me.
I’m stupid. You knew that don’t pretend this came as a surprise, I’m dumb. I gave up my last braincell for my overalls, I have nothing left. 
That’s not important right now, I’ll go back to tell you the story, just be warned: Things don’t get prettier.
So Josh just kissed me, I’m standing there avoiding physical contact until a voice inside my head (one that sounds a lot like Wesley) screams to me: MAKE YOUR MOVE!
I pull him down by the collar of his shirt and close my eyes tightly, kissing him back. All I can think right now is “Please, don’t regret this after it’s over” and I mean it for both of us. 
The problem is that I suffer a little bit of post-traumatic stress, so when He kissed my mind went: ‘Oh fuck he just did the same thing that Alex did, what if he doesn’t feel good after, what about me? How am I feeling?’ 
The answer is: I’m terrified. I feel so many things, great things, beautiful things, but I’m scared shitless.
After he steps back, eyeing me up like he’s waiting for a reaction.
I’m trying to collect myself. I’m panicking, What the fuck did just happened?
“Shit,” It’s the first thing that Josh says.
I keep my eyes closed, I feel that I will start crying if I look at him. It won’t be a sad cry, it’s more like I’m so scared of what I’m feeling right now I regret every decision I’ve ever taken. I don’t wanna hurt Josh by saying something I don’t mean just cause I’m scared, my whole body is shaking and I’m so cold that I’m not even blushing, I can’t move.
“Y/N?” Josh takes another step back, I hear him a bit further away than before, “Are you... are you okay?”
I take a deep breath, I have to be brave. I slowly open my eyes but keep them fixed on the ground where Josh is standing, all I can see it’s his shoes.
“I’m fine,” I rasp, “... I could use a moment to calm down”
“I blew it,” Josh’s feet move, walking in circles, “Y/N I’m sorry, I’m so sorry please don’t get mad, I did it without thinking. I mean I was thinking but fuck I just wanted to kiss you, I-”
“Josh,” I speak up, closing my eyes again and holding the bridge of my nose, ‘Please don’t say you regret it. Don’t say you don’t have feelings for me’, “you don’t get it”
His footsteps come into a halt.
“Then explain it to me,” He says softly.
“Y/N! Josh!” I look up and I meet Angelica’s glare, “Don’t fucking disappear like that!”
“Sorry, An,” I apologize, walking over to her and putting a hand on her shoulder for comfort, “we’re making sure the limits of the mall are safe again, you know, from bombs or something”
“They didn’t put things, they took them,” She says, fuming, “you need to come back inside right now”
“Okay,” I frown.
“We’re right behind you,” Josh is standing next to me. I feel a shiver run down my spine.
Angelica nods and goes back to the mall without even noticing how stiff Josh and I look. I turn to him, still not able to look at him in the eyes.
“I’m not upset... many things happened tonight and I think we should take care of that first. Don’t you?”
“Totally, I agree” Josh replies, I know he’s lying.
“Let’s go back,” I mumble, walking away.
Okay, then Josh likes me and I like him back. Why am I scared? 
I’m scared cause this takes my freedom away, if I take it all in that means I’ll stay with Josh, cause I like him. There are things that I’ll never be able to change, if I start something with Josh I’ll do everything to make him happy. Everything. 
My loyalty scares me.
I have to learn how to control that part of me, to not give myself away so easily. What if he tries and fails to be a better man? I’ll be in love with an asshole, I’ll be blind to his acts. 
Or... maybe I won’t. 
Josh doesn’t try to follow me when we enter the mall, he goes to the mattress store and says something about changing his clothes. I do the same. 
I feel safe with my overalls back on, instead of my lime-green skates I put on the baby-blue sneakers, and since it’s still late and I’m freezing I look around for a jacket, I find a black hoodie. I think it’s a man’s hoodie since it reaches my butt and the sleeves are gigantic. It makes me feel safe though, so I keep it.
My hair feels odd so I tie it and then make my way back to the main hall. Most of the kids are there, picking up some things and sharing sad looks of weariness.
“Y/N?” I look to my left, a girl that I think it’s Leila approaches me, she has a deep cut above her eyebrow, “Can you help me?”
“Sure,” I give her a small smile, “let me find Alex and I’ll meet you back in the pharmacy, okay?”
She nods and walks away, I feel a different kind of fear as I watch her go. These kids are sort of our responsibility now, all of them. They almost died because of some stupid beef Turbo has with Wesley and Josh, that’s not right. 
Did we save these kids, or did we just turn them into Turbo’s next target?
I find Alex already in the pharmacy, he’s curing kids, still wearing his suit. When he notices me I see relief in his eyes, maybe he thought that I had been taken. Either way, I’m here and ready to help.
Leila appears soon after, I ask her to sit on the bench in front of me and I start to clean her cut.
“Are you alright, Al?” I ask while looking for bandaids.
“I could ask you the same thing,” He replies, finishing up with a kid and waiting for the next to sit, “How’s your hand?”
“Not that bad,” I’m honest this time, it’s not hurting as much as the side of my head Maya so kindly stepped on, “I didn’t get to use it much”
“I’m fine,” Ales shrugs, “a few bruises but nothing I can’t handle.”
“You should change, we’ll be here for a while,” I tilt my head, watching as most of the kids form a line, all to get their wounds treated.
“I’m not uncomfortable”
“You’ll be, eventually,” I give him a severe look, “c’mon, I can handle this on my own for a while, the kids won’t go anywhere... I won’t go anywhere”
“...Okay,” He sighs, nodding towards the boy in front of him to let him know he’s done curing his cuts, “I’ll be back soon”
“Sweet,” I respond without paying much attention.
The line moves slowly as I clean and take care of cuts, bruises, and even a few broken fingers. Those were tricky, luckily Alex came back and used his boy scout skills to make several splints. That took us most of the night. Once we were done I saw Alex’s intentions of asking me if I had taken a decision so I escaped with the excuse of counting our supplies things that were lost. I did the same with the people.
I finished the list and handed it to Angelica. 
The final result was this:
They took our food and water, along with Jayden, girl Jaden, Gabriel, Zoey, Carly, other gay Josh, and Jayden. Angelica said she would go tell Josh so I decided to go over to where Eli and Wesley are and have a chat with them before things get uglier.
“I don’t think you understand exactly how much you just fucked our group,” I say as soon as I get to them.
“No no, I don’t think you understand how fucking dumb locking us up is,” Eli retorts, “We were just trying to protect the kids”
“By killing a guy?” I scoff, “That’s not fair to Josh”
“Who cares?” He asks, “Josh never did shit for us, did he? I had the mall first! He didn’t find them a home, he just took it from me”
“You’re still not over that?” I roll my eyes, “You almost kill Josh over the stupid mall? Seriously?”
“No. I almost kill Josh because that was the right thing to do, considering that Turbo has the strong, fully armed tribe”
“You have no morals. Who cares if Turbo had all that? He still lost, you know. We wouldn’t have had to fight if Wesley had spoken earlier,” I look over at Wesley, who is deadly quiet, “Josh would’ve understood. He would’ve helped you find a solution.”
“Josh being nice to you doesn’t mean he’s like that with everybody,” He replies indifferent, “maybe he would’ve tried to help me, but this wasn’t his problem, it was mine”
“When Sam was missing it was only Josh’s problem and you helped him find her”
Wesley shifts uncomfortably in his place, not looking at me.
“Y/N, You don’t get it.”
“You’re right, I don’t,” I say harshly, “I thought you had changed, Wesley. I was wrong, you’re still backing up the wrong people. And Eli,” I look at the boy, sincere hurt spreading on my chest, “I voted for you, you know? I never forgot it was you who got the mall first, I was thankful for that”
Eli avoids my stare, he maintains his attitude of not giving a shit, but I notice that his fists are tightly closed.
Angelica’s voice gets closer and I turn around to see her with Josh beside her. He looks terrible, I just hope is not my fault.
“Don’t blame us,” Eli interrupts their chat, “we tried murdelizing Josh so this wouldn’t happen”
“That’s a confession,” Says the girl that I think it’s Jessica.
“I didn’t say blit,” Eli frowns.
“You said you tried to kill Josh,” Angelica adds.
“Not what I said”
“It is”
“The you misheard me”
“I recorded it”
As they argue I keep my eyes fixed on them until Josh’s stare is impossible to ignore. I turn to him with my voice caught in my throat, unable to say anything, a joke, or a comforting phrase. Josh is frowning but is more a worried frown than an angry one. 
He probably has a lot in his head right now, disappointed that things aren’t going how he wanted. Well Wheeler, that’s another thing we have in common.
“If you’re looking for bad hombres then look around,” Eli’s voice brings me back and makes me look away from Josh, “these kids are here illegally. They didn’t come through an authorized port of entry. They didn’t apply for asylum. This is an invasion”
“You are so not helping yourself right now,” I reply, stepping closer to him as Josh steps away to see Wesley, “these kids could save your ass from being kicked out”
“You can’t kick me out of MY mall!” He defends.
“The mall is not yours only!” I exclaim, “We all deserve to be here!”
“You didn’t put all the safety traps, I did. You didn’t make sure everything was still working when the nuke dropped. I did,” He leans closer, “I have the right to stay”
What upsets me the most is that he has a point, we kind of invade his place. Although it’s big enough for all of us and he should be less whiny about it, he did make all the hard work for us.
“I trusted you,” Josh speaks behind me, “we were friends”
“You know how you’d do anything for Sam Dean or Y/N?” Wesley asks, “I get that”
I try to ignore the fact that he added me into the question like I’m on the same level as Sam, like Josh is that interested in me. Right now it causes me nothing but distress.
“It’s just,” He continues, “you don’t know Turbo the way I do”
“What else have you lied to me about?” Josh asks bitterly.
Something weird happens, it’s brief but I notice. Wesley looks at Angelica and I see her flinch, she steps in to interrupt them.
They’re hiding something.
“We should make sure Triumph is still locked up,” She says, “I’ll go check”
“Alright,” Josh mumbles.
“You can’t go alone,” I interrupt, “I’ll go with you”
“No, we need you here,” She shakes her head, then leaves without waiting for a response.
“Who?” I ask in confusion.
“What are we gonna do about them?” Asks Jessica.
“Why are you asking this dope?” Eli sneers, “Josh is such a wuss, his cock dropped off, hitchhiked to San Diego and is now getting his realtor’s license, all just to get away from Josh”
“Sometimes I wonder how were you so smart to put all those traps when all that comes from your mouth is so disgustingly stupid,” I say tiredly.
Josh gives him one exasperated look before turning back to Jessica.
“Why are you asking me?”
“I was asking to the both of you,” Jessica says, now looking at me as well, “we trust you”
Josh and I share the same startled look, he’s the first one to react.
“I don’t know what to do about these assholes,” He half-laughs, “look I’m not a judge or a lawyer. I’m just a kid, same as Turbo except... Turbo’s a spoiled brat who throws temper tantrums.”
“I still can’t believe he did all of this just cause he had a jealous fit,” I cross my arms, “he hurt innocent kids cause he thought Wesley was cheating, what kind of sick idiot does that?”
“He is never gonna leave me or us alone,” He looks back at me, “I don’t know if you saw her, but Maya was with him too. She’ll do anything to get back at you”
“I know,” I nod, feeling my mouth dry, “she tried to kill me last night, if it wasn’t for Alex...”
“I know,” Now he’s the one avoiding my eyes, “I don’t know how, but we need to take him out for good”
“Tyler told me Turbo got hurt by one of his weapons,” I reply, “that means we are not the only ones trying to get rid of him”
“What are you suggesting?” Jessica asks.
“I... I don’t know,” I’m frustrated with all these roads that take us nowhere, “we could look for a way to reach the right person, talk to them and convinced them to help... I just don’t know how or who”
“What about Wesley and Eli?” 
“I think...” I look over my shoulder to see my former friends.
I know I don’t have the courage to kick them out, not after Wesley got the medicines I needed to cure Josh and Eli’s right about how he arrived at the mall first.
“I think we have enough problems, better to lock them here instead of kicking them out. Keep your enemies close, right?”
I hear a few whispers of agreement and I feel a wave of relief washing over me. One less thing to worry about.
“Jessica, could you stay and keep an eye on them?” I ask, “I’ll send Alex your way in a moment with food for them and more indications”
“Okay,” She nods, sitting in front of the store. 
The rest of the kids scatter and I’m left with Josh, who is back with the intense stare. I feel calm enough to talk now. I’m still afraid, but it’s better if I also fix this once and for all.
“Can we talk?” I turn to him suddenly, making him jump.
“Yes,” He replies, quickly taking my good hand and walking to where the storage elevator is.
Once we’re there he lets go of my hand and stands as far as he can, I get the message that he thinks that I’m mad, or maybe he’s the one who’s mad.
“Listen I-”
“I don’t want-”
We speak at the same time and we stop, waiting for the other to start again, then I nod to him so he can speak first. Josh takes a deep breath.
“I shouldn’t have kissed you without asking first,” He says, “I let my emotions take over me again and before I knew it I was kissing you. I’ll understand if you want to stay away from me for a while, or if you want to go somewhere else with Alex.”
He’s not looking at me and his arms are crossed. He’s defensive because he thinks I’ll reject him. 
I don’t know if I’m going to reject him.
“Things are complicated,” I nod, “not only between us, is complicated outside too. Turbo wants your head and Maya wants mine, they’re working together against us. If you really think about it the kiss is the least of our problems”
I try to make him laugh but I fail miserably. Josh is really upset about this whole incident.
“It’s the only thing that I really care about,” He replies, “Y/N when I met you things were different and we wanted different things, we didn’t mean to stay. Things happened and we started talking and... maybe I changed my mind”
“What do you mean?” I say, though I definitely know the answer.
“I like you,” He looks up, “really like you. I like being around you, I feel like I have someone that gets me and I get you. Things just seem... easy”
I feel weird, I could hug him forever but also I’m about to have a breakdown. 
“How long have you felt this way?” I say with a shaky breath.
“Long enough to know is real,” Josh shrugs, “I was going to ask you to the dance and all... but Alex did it first.”
Before I can reply, Josh starts rambling.
“I don’t know why I’m telling you this when I know you don’t like me, it’s stupid. Alex is here now and all I’m doing is making you uncomfortable. You were being a good friend and I was stupid enough to think that maybe there was something going on between us-”
“You’re right,” I interrupt him, “I mean, you’re wrong about me not liking you. You’re right about the something between us.”
“What?” His arms fall to his sides.
“I have a massive crush on you, Josh.”
Saying it outside my head is weird, this is the first time I’ve ever confessed directly to a boy. It took me a while but I’m doing it... now what?
“You do?” He frowns.
“I was already into you when you recovered from your severed finger,” I chuckle nervously, “and I chose that stupid song for the soundtrack of our lives cause it made me think of us”
“It did?” Josh’s brain has short-circuited, considering he’s only capable of saying two words every time he opens his mouth.
“It’s cheesy” I shrug, “I thought that you’d understand what I was trying to say but I guess I was being too cryptid. Who could’ve guessed that anyway? I was just being dramatic. My head is too full of fanfic crap”
“I...” Josh struggles to find words, I’ve noticed that happens when he’s under a lot of stress, “wait, give me a minute”
“Alright,” I move closer, “don’t pass out right now, we’re in the middle of something here”
“Yeah, I know sorry” He bends over to support his hands on his knees, “I’m just trying to understand how am I such an idiot”
“I was oblivious too,” I add, trying to calm him down.
“I thought you and Alex were dating now”
“But I told you we were just friends,” I giggle. 
I’m obviously so nervous that I’m about to pee my overalls. 
...That’s something I never thought I would say.
“You went to the dance with him and got matching outfits. Who does that?” He inquires, “I thought that maybe after everything that happened you decided to give him a second chance" 
“Holy shit,” I gasp, “Alex and I love being dramatic, the matching outfits is something common between us... this is our second chance, Josh. Alex and I are giving our friendship a second chance”
“So... you’re not dating him?”
“I am not”
“But when I kissed you...”
I know it’s the worst time to think about the soundtrack of my life, but at the back of my head, I keep hearing the chorus of this one, product of our bizarre conversation.
“I kissed you back,” I admit, suddenly our mutual anxiety makes this conversation easier, “you know how I feel about being tied to someplace, or someone, if I’m being honest I got scared, I felt all these things and I don’t know how to deal with them. Worse yet, I didn’t know how you would react after. Alex told me he knew he didn’t like me after he kissed me, you did the same thing so I was afraid because...”
“I know I'll stay, I know I'll stay Right there with you...”
“That I would realize I’m not into you?” I look away, he steps closer and then his fingertips touch my skin, “Y/N, when I kissed you I felt a lot of things. All of them were positive.”
“That’s good to hear,” I reply in a high-pitched voice.
“You’re still scared about what could happen if we... you know, if we start something?” Josh asks me, I feel his hand moving from my wrist to my shoulder.
“If I don't know The wind will carry me So just hold tight”
“I don’t know,” I look down to his lips and then back up at his eyes.
“Okay, here’s a thought,” He says lowly, “What if we just don’t think about it? What if we just... do it”
I have few seconds to respond to that, I use them hurriedly, forcing something out of my mouth.
“It sounds difficult,” I feel my heart thumping against my ribcage, “but I’m kind of tired of boys stealing kisses from me and never coming back”
“It’s your choice,” His breathing is slow, his hand is softly touching my cheek, moving little hairs away from my face “whatever you want, I’ll follow”
We hear rushed steps towards us and I jump back. I was supposed to send Alex to Jessica.
“Fuck, I have to send Alex with Jessica,” I pass a hand over my face, trying to get rid of the fuzzy feeling in my brain. 
Angelica and Crumble appear, they’re on their way to see Triumph.
“Hi losers,” Angelica watches us carefully, “were you making out in here?”
“Get out of here,” Josh huffs, I can see him blushing.
“I was just asking,” Angelica rolls her eyes, “see ya in a bit, Crumble is coming with me”
“Be careful,” I reply.
They walk out and Josh and I share a look. The moment is hella ruined, yet there’s this buzzing feeling around us, one that the experts would call: Sexual Tension.
“We should go back,” I mumble, pointing over my shoulder with my thumb.
“Yeah,” Josh sighs, then he walks past me and smiles briefly.
I smile back.
I don’t know what’s going on inside my body but sure is something big, I don’t even feel like I have organs in there anymore. More like a mush of melted butterflies... that does not sound nice at all. I’m so sorry. I was trying to explain with other words that I’m freaking out.  
Not relevant! The point is... I think Josh and I are almost a... couple?
I won’t put a label on it yet, I’ll just wait and see what happens from here.
And what happens from here will surprise you! Click on the next page to find out.
Bad joke? I’m sorry, I do awful jokes when I’m nervous.
I go over to Alex and tell him he needs to stay and watch over Wesley and Eli while we find a way to fix this. My indications come with a list of four kids that will take turns with him so they can take long breaks. It has my signature at the bottom, so they know he’s not making things up. Then he asks me about Josh.
“I talked to him but I don’t actually know if something will happen between us”
“But?” He smiles, “C’mon! I know that face, something happened”
“He kissed me last night,” I cut him off before he starts screaming, “We aren’t together! I think we’re not. It’s complicated.”
“You will be,” He smirks, “it’s just a matter of time, I can see it. There’s no way he won’t fall in love with you”
“Shut up, nerd.”
“Fair enough,” He shrugs, “mark my words though”
“Go with Jessica.”
“Fine. See ya,” Alex looks over my shoulder and his smile grows, “enjoy your date”
“My what?” I frown, turning around I see Josh walking up to me. I roll my eyes, “Alex for fuck’s sake...”
He’s gone now, so he doesn’t hear me. Josh stops in front of me and puts his skateboard on the table on my right.
“Is it broken?” I ask, leaning closer to examine it.
Josh shakes his head.
“I’m just restoring a few parts”
“How long have you had it?”
“Since the nuke, about... Seven months?”
“I see,” I settle with just standing there next to him. It’s enough, I don’t even feel awkward about it. 
I should though, I’m staring at him like a creep. Luckily he doesn’t seem to mind and starts to make small talk. We chat casually and act like nothing’s changed. 
My brain doesn’t agree with us since its screaming “KISS HIM! KISS HIM! I LOVE HIS FACE!”
It’s embarrassing and I’m glad he can’t read minds. 
You can read mine though, so uh, I’m sorry for that.
KJ appears beside us, I see her struggle with something and I’m about to ask what’s wrong when she speaks. In English.
“You’re right. Turbo needs to go.”
I look at her with wide eyes, Josh looks up, slowly realizing who is talking to him.
“And now it’s the perfect time to do it. When he’s injured, hit by an arrow during the battle,” She speaks quickly, like she doesn’t want the rest of the kids to hear her, “Unfortunately, these mall kids are pure priss. They’re not even the kids who got picked last kickball. No, these are the kids who had a doctor’s note to get out of gym because they’re allergic to dander”
Josh takes a second to process what’s happening, then he asks:
“You speak English?”
“We are in America,” KJ replies matter of factly.
“English?” He replies, raising his voice.
“Josh!” I exclaim, looking around.
“You knew this?” He looks over at me, utterly confused.
“Yes?” I say nervously, “She didn’t want anyone to know so I kept it a secret...”
“That was nice of you,” KJ smiles politely, then looks back at Josh, “we all do what we need to survive. Suburban whities ignore anyone who doesn’t look and sound like you. People say anything around me because they think I don’t understand shit and that nets me information”
“That’s better than hiding in giant trash containers,” I agree.
“What?” Josh looks over at me.
“That’s how I used to spy on people.”
“Intel is the only currency that anyone can trade on,” KJ continues, ignoring my comment, “You wanna take out Turbo? You need a tribe with skills”
Josh stares at her for a few seconds.
“English?” He asks again, loudly.
KJ sighs heavily and rolls her eyes. I grab him by the arm and pull him with me, then I put my other hand on KJ’s shoulder and take them to a more private area.
“This will take a while...”
@letsbloodmagic @slythermyg @loving-u-3000​
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