#who's so selfish that he'll feel sorry for HIMSELF even as he's killing children
levitatingbiscuits · 2 years
I love the idea of Sith Obi-Wan being just as affable as Jedi Obi-Wan. He still banters with his opponents and his allies, he's still on a first name basis with everyone at the restaurants he frequents, he's still very well mannered, and animals still love him. You'd almost be able to forget he's a Sith, if not for the leonine eyes.
But occasionally he'll do something horrific, something measured and calculated to be as cruel as possible, but he'll still be ever so charming and polite. He might even reassure his victims that it's not personal, even if it's too perfectly tailored to what hurts them to be meant for anyone else.
And the thing is, it would be so easy to forget how dangerous he is, when he's so pleasant otherwise. He's nice right up until he's not, but by then it's too late to escape.
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best-enemies · 2 years
ok. you know what. ill bite. what are your thoughts on the master
Oh anon I have neverending thoughts about the Master. Took me a few days to write but I'm having a day off work, thank god. Sorry this is a long one but you asked for it lol here we go:
One, I have this personal meta that there were multiple factors that made the Master evil, all due to a) things that happened to him, be that trauma, betrayal, etc. b) the environment he grew up in, as in the Time Lord society in general. A society that dismissed feelings as weaknesses and treated mistakes as if they made one unworthy of dignity and at the same time turned a blind eye when necessary and swoop their dirt under the rug with corruption and murder, something they didn't seem that bothered by.
By the way, what I'm saying doesn't erase the Master's actions, he's fully responsible by what he does (and he owns it proudly!) and I'm not condoning those things (I shouldn't have to clarify that but you know how it is with fandom lol). But I mention this because, if you need an example, just take a look at the first Doctor, especially during his first serials, and how he was willing to kill a caveman with a rock (oh if that rings a bell lol) and has made some pretty selfish/poor decisions. But he changed, and he was willing to change. I don't think he was a bad person within his core, but those traces were a reflection of his upbringing and his culture. He kept choosing to be a good person, and that's what drives him, while the Master keeps choosing to be a bad person.
What drives the Master to be like this? Why does death and chaos and destruction give him so much bliss, even though he knows he'll suffer the consequences and they're mostly negative? Did he find comfort in those things or did it become so addicting that, as per the scene in the Timeless Children episode, it is a way to calm all the rage he can't/doesn't want to deal with (and not even those things work anymore)?
By the way, Verayne - aka one of my all time favorite authors - wrote a scene in this fic where the Master and the Doctor talk about it in bed and it's my favorite moment of them in this story (and one of the best scenes I've ever read in fanfiction). By the way I recommend all of Verayne's stories, they're fantastic and give some great insight on their relationship, especially Tensimm.
The topic of the nature of the Master is something I LOVE to discuss about. I've been a fan of the show for a decade and it's like I keep unfolding this character more and more. He's that interesting.
Two, there was an interesting moment from the War Master's first boxset that still lives in my mind rent-free. I can't remember exactly which audio, but he says that he's an observer, someone who sees the universe the way it is, a realist. That line just gets me. It actually says a lot about the Master as a survivor. For me it's actually a better description of him than someone who's just 'evil'. He knows the universe can be a terrible place, has lived through the worst, and thinks that the Doctor is living an illusion, that he doesn't see reality the way it is. That the good he sees in people is fake. That may be a reflection of his own experiences (not what his approaches might have helped). Or maybe the Doctor isn't deluded - he's just trying to prove a point to himself. That he's good. I mean, he is trying to be good every day and that that is what matters, but I'm trying to see it through the Master's eyes here so don't give up on me lol.
He knows the Doctor is lying to himself. Here's my whole point: the reason the Master exists is because he's here to make the Doctor confront himself. He's been in the Doctor's life ever since they were kids, he knows the Doctor better than anyone else. He's seen his best and his worst.
By his worst, I mean the side that the Doctor doesn't show anyone else, like his companions and friends in general. All they've got is glimpses of it. And they won't like or approve that side of him. And the Doctor knows that.
And that's why he hides it. But the Master is here to expose that side and to tell him that he likes it. He wants the Doctor to accept that side of himself because it's the one that's most like the Master. The reason why the Doctor is different from anyone else in the universe, the reason why he's special, is because out of everybody, he's the one that's most like the Master. As the Twelfth Doctor puts it: "She’s the only person I’ve ever met who’s even remotely like me."
Identity is important. Seeing yourself in someone is important. Because the Master needs to be understood, and to be seen, and as the Lumiat put it, like every beast, he just wants to be loved. He doesn't think he's wrong in his ways. He doesn't want the Doctor to heal him, he wants to be loved the way he is, a monster, because he loves the monster in the Doctor as well. And the Doctor loves the good person inside the Master, the one he knows that's still there. I mean... there was good in Missy. But a huge part of that was her love for the Doctor. That's why she tried at all.
So we see how the Timeless Child thing hurt the Master. That was one aspect of it. One, was because the Master is proud, and that's his biggest capital sin. He believes that now, the Doctor is greater than him. Two, he thought that he had someone in the universe who was just like him, whom he shared a history with, so that there was something in his life that mattered. Their history mattered. But now he thinks it doesn't anymore, because the Doctor has had a history before him, and therefore he's just a spec of dust in the Doctor's life now, just like the humans, a passenger.
He throws that anger at the Doctor because the Doctor always thought of themselves as special (and in the Master's vision, he'd always thought he was more special than the Master too), and now it was true, and the Master feels like nothing. It hurts him deeply that, in his mind, he no longer holds the importance in the Doctor's life that the Doctor has in his. And I think that he's angry at his own feelings for the Doctor, perhaps blaming himself, but he can't help but try to attract the Doctor's attention at all costs, because he needs it, he's addicted and maybe she'll give it to him and he'll have some importance in her life. Maybe if he does something grand enough, if he's the one to kill the Doctor, it'll be worth it. He'll be the one to have killed the Timeless Child, the Doctor. Now imagine how much it hurt so that he asked her to kill him too, to die with him. Maybe that's how he figures they can finally be together. Who knows.
I added some tags to this post, which I very much agree with, with my words about how the Doctor can be very controlling about their relationship, trying to make the Master something he isn't so he can feel not guilty about loving him.
Aaand here's my thoughts about The Doctor Falls and the scene I believe to be the most important Thoschei moment.
I also wrote this about the Master and how his jealousy plays out in his feelings for the Doctor, and I mean not only by wanting him but wanting what he has.
Long story short: the Master is a romantic he just takes bad flirting to a whole different level (destroying galaxies to get his crush's attention)
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greycaelum · 3 years
Hi there it's been a while I haven't receive your update, I hope you are in a good term. I'm anticipating your kaleidoscope series. What do you think if Gojo get sealed shortly after knowing that lil mochi would have a sibling.
Hello! I am fine, thank you for being so thoughtful, I hope you're doing well too! I actually have a draft to publish but I wanna post it with the others I'm finishing—I'm doing my best to be done with that part 2 so fingers cross what I'll do with them.
A sibling huh? I was thinking of that for a long time now... To be honest—in my selfish dream I don't wanna give Kouki a sibling while things are going shit—but who knows... There are things that cannot be foreseen.
(Lemme just insert: I'm very sorry but whenever I remember Satoru is locked in the Prison Realm I can't help but remember he don't have anything inside to eat, unless skeletons inside have a kitchen which is ridiculous, I know—even if inside bodily functions are temporarily suspended to function—but an image of a malnourished Satoru genuinely haunts me. (╥﹏╥)
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As for Satoru I can see him:
• First and foremost—he was beyond ecstatic when you showed him the six pregnancy kit all positive—he finally hit the jackpot! After trying to always do it on his free time—you're sleepy? Ok let Satoru do all the work, his honey just have to relax, all your wants and needs and Kouki finally having a little sibling!
"Kikufuku, do you want a little sister or brother?" Satoru asked Kouki who won't stop clinging on you after knowing he's gonna have a sibling.
"Can we have both?"
"Why both?" You asked stroking your son's head pressing against your not yet showing belly.
"Because, Kou..." Kouki thought for a while and run to Satoru jumping up and down asking for carry.
"Because we're family."
Satoru melted at his son hugging him, and to think another little mochi is going to be part of the little haven.
• It was supposed to be—until all of this came running down.
• He's thinking day and night of you and Kouki and the little munchkin—did Yūta reach you in time? He trusts his student will raise heaven and hell to keep you and his son safe. But...even the strongest feel helpless. Just anyone dare to lay their hands on his family—killing is not an option, oh no it's a matter or how—he's not a shallow believer killing is the best revenge, trust Satoru to use his wide imagination what to do. He must calm down, he needs to be level-headed, anger is useless in this situation.
• When he's closes his eyes he can only see you and Kouki. Do you know what scares him the most? It's not the darkness and the suffocating stench corpse filled box but the image of you crying yourself to sleep on the cold bed, his son looking for him and the precious mochi inside you makes his heart quiver.
• The growing little treasure in you—it must be crazy that you're the one pregnant but he's the one craving to run his palms over your growing belly. It was the highlight of your pregnancy for Satoru, to run his hands on your growing belly, to revel in the heartbeat and warmth from you and watch the growing life in you, what makes it more wonderful is that he's going to do it with Kouki, or supposedly it was, until he's sealed in this neverending darkness—Satoru yearns for his family. He promised you and Kouki a family date to buy baby clothes—it seems it has to be moved back.
• He wants and needs to be there for you and Kouki. While staring at the abyss his pastime is reminiscing his memory of how needy and clingy you were during your pregnancy with Kou. All your frustrations and questionable craving, it should be him to fulfill all your requests and whims of the mother of his children, it should've been him.
• How much time have past? He don't know, and the more he thinks the heavier his heart beats thinking of you doubting he'll come home—thinking of you struggling to tell Kouki and the precious growing mochi that their father is nowhere to be found—
• Satoru have said it himself—it's a sin to rob the youth of young people—he must not rob his children the chance to have a father watching over them.
• "Wait for me, I'm coming home to you whatever it costs me."
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• For what Satoru said, it's a reference to the Episode 6—he told Shoko, the reason why Yūji will come back in action at Goodwill Event.
Thank you so much for supporting Kaleidoscope Series! (つ≧▽≦)つ I hope this was able to satisfy your curiosity~ ✨💛✨
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getitinbusan · 4 years
Destination: Jungkook
A super soft wedding fic from the Golden Closet Universe and the companion piece to September 1st
mood board & playlist
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Happy 24th birthday to the love of my life 💜 I wish I could give you more than words you'll never see.
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Nerves always took over your stomach during landing. That,  coupled with the reason for the flight and you were an anxious mess.
The plane had begun its long slow descent, "You look kind of green are you okay?" Your best friend squeezed your hand. 
"It's just...usually Guk does this thing...he sings to me and rubs my neck when we land."
She looked at you and shook her head, "Yeah, I'm not gonna do that."  
You laughed, "I don't think you're taking your maid of honor duties very seriously." 
"Ughh, I can't believe you're getting married before me." She sighed, "It's not fair, Yoongi and I are the ones who introduced you. It should be us." 
You couldn't help the grin that formed on your lips. Sworn to secrecy, she had no idea you'd gone shopping with Yoongi, the ring had been in his pocket for weeks. "It'll be you soon babe, maybe this weekend will inspire him."     
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Checking the key card you stopped at 303. Why you couldn't stay in the same room together was beyond you. 
The door was just about to click closed when his running footsteps echoed through the empty hallway. Strong arms wrapped around you and soft lips fell on yours. He did his trademark hum while he kissed you, his happy song for his happy place. 
"I can't believe how much I've missed you."
Pulling him closer you inhaled him in. He was the scent of home that had been lacking for the last four days.
His smile got bigger until his dimples finally showed up, "It's late are you tired?"  He tucked your hair behind your ear, "We've got a pretty big day tomorrow." 
"Can I just enjoy you alone for a few minutes?" 
"Is everything okay?" He sat on the edge of the bed and pulled you onto his lap. 
Nuzzling into his neck you curled into him. "It's so stupid." 
"Tell me," he rubbed circles on your back. 
"I'm happy and I love you so much but I'm terrified and nervous and I haven't been able to talk to you about it because you've been here planning the perfect wedding for me ... and I'm selfish because I just wanted you to hold me and tell me it was all going to be okay."
He sighed in relief, "Of course it's going to be okay," he gently laid a kiss on top of your head. "Don't you know every fairy tale ends with and they lived happily ever after?" 
You couldn't help but smile, Jungkook was such a hopeless romantic. "Why can't we stay in the same room tonight?" 
Changing the mood he tickled you while pulling you back into the bed, "Because it's bad luck, and it would ruin the surprise." 
"We live together, I've seen you naked a million times so unless you've been hiding something really well I don't think I'll be surprised."
Just being back in his arms draped you in a sense of calm. His loud heart beat accompanied by the rise and fall of his steady breath lulled you into a much needed sleep. 
Your eyes crept open and looked at the clock, only 11:43. Laying your head back down you looked at Jungkook snoring peacefully. As much as you longed to keep him here until morning you knew he was superstitious. Leaning in to wake him with a kiss he  smiled and pulled you back against his chest. 
"Hey sleepy head."
He groaned under you as you poked him.
"You'd better get out of my room Jungkook, it's almost midnight."
Sitting up he rubbed his eyes and checked the time, "Shit."
He grabbed your hands in his and walked to the door.
"I guess I'll see you in a few hours?" 
Wrapping your arms around him tightly you really didn't want to let him leave.
"Nothing to be nervous about. You've got a dress right?"
You nodded.
"Then all I need you to do is show up." He kissed your forehead and stepped into the hallway. 
"Jungkook" he turned back, "I'll see you soon." 
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You were glad that from the moment your feet hit the floor there was a barrage of things to be done. Mimosa's with a massage, nails, hair, makeup. Jungkook had made sure you wanted for nothing. 
You had no idea what to expect, you'd heard vague phone calls and caught small glimpses when he was planning but he'd really kept you in the dark.
Jungkook loved surprises and to his credit he was tremendously good at them. He wanted you to have a perfect stress free wedding giving you only two tasks,
1. find a dress
2. show up and say I do
The door swung open and your best friend stood grinning from ear to ear. 
"I know I'm your maid of honor but I hate you so much right now," she pouted. "I don't know how anyone will ever top what Jungkook has done for you down there." 
You laughed and it felt good to break the tension. "You specifically mean Yoongi topping it for you? Don't worry he already asked for my help."
Her jaw almost hit the floor. 
"Shit, damnit, I didn't say that! Don't tell him you know, he'll kill me!" 
Dancing around the room she squealed in happiness. "Would you be mad if I asked Jungkook to plan it?" 
"Is it that good? Is he already down there, did you see him?"
She nodded, "Everything is amazing, and he's so happy and he looks so handsome" 
You exhaled deeply, "I guess there's only one thing left to do."
She threw open the door, "Let's go get you married!" 
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Sunset in Jeju, there wasn't a more perfect time or place.
Wooden boards lay across the sand leading to the exact spot Jungkook had proposed. There, up the row of candles under the fairy light arch stood the man who would be your husband.
Nothing but him existed beyond that. All you could see was his handsome face and small nervous smile, his hands wringing together to keep from fidgeting and  the reddening of his ears as you got closer. 
Surrendering the bouquet you had to touch him, you needed his hands in yours. Steady and firm, together you grounded each other. 
"Y/N,  People think our story started on a rain soaked camping trip. I don't believe that's true, that's just where it got good. Our story began in the stars,  It's the only possible way to explain how much I already knew I loved you. I promise to fill your life with happiness, love, and blanket forts for as long as you'll let me. Y/N, I love you so much and can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.
"Jungkook,  Not a day goes by that you don't make me fall in love with you a little more. Not a day that you don't make me laugh or that you make me feel loved, and from here on out there will not be a day that we'll be apart. I can't wait to see what our future holds, and I hope that 50 years from now our grown children will think we're crazy because we're still building forts in our living room.  All that matters in my life is that I get to love you. Jungkook, you'll always be my iron man and I love you 3000." The tears started but he managed a laugh at your private joke.
You swept his tears away with a brush of your thumbs and he kissed you. Husband and wife. 
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Everyone was gone. The last goodbye was said and you made your way back to the reception area. 
You stopped to watch him. He was sitting by himself, a smile on his face staring up into the sky. Your husband was so beautiful.
Walking towards him you caught his eye and his face lit up like all the stars in heaven. You held out your hand, "One more dance?" 
He wrapped his arms around you and you swayed together under the night sky. Waves rolled in place of music and the moon shone a personal spotlight down on you.
"Today was perfect Jungkook"
"It's not over," he stopped to lay a sweet kiss on your lips before smiling and taking your hand. 
Walking through the sand he led you to the seaside suite and slid the door open.
"This is the part where I'm supposed to pick you up and carry you inside." 
You couldn't help but laugh, "Are you asking me or warning me?"
"Close your eyes"
"So warning me?"
"Please Y/N."
Sweeping you up he carried you into the room and set you down. 
There in front of you the entire room was draped in white sheets and hanging lights. The bed sat inside the biggest fort you'd ever seen.
In complete awe you turned to look at him, tears in your eyes yet smiling from ear to ear. He knew he did good.
"Jungkook this is amazing!" 
He was so excited to show off.
"And look," he pointed to the tray beside the fireplace. "We've got champagne and all the stuff to make S'mores."
He buzzed around the room pointing out all the little details. 
"Jungkook, you forgot one thing." 
His face fell as he tried to figure out what important thing he'd missed. 
"What did I forget?"
Walking towards him your hands ran down his crisp shirt and undid his belt. 
"The part where you're supposed to make love to your wife for the first time…" 
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Waking up to walls of white sunlight while wrapped naked against your husband's warm body you'd never felt more content. His dark hair was wild against the pillow and you couldn't help but stare and wonder how you were chosen to be the luckiest person alive. 
Soft snores let you know he wasn't deep in his sleep and he easily woke when you kissed his swollen lips. 
"Hey," he smiled, "what time is it?" 
Pulling the sheets off it was exactly what you'd hoped to find. Despite the evening's satisfaction his cock stood firm, thick and ambitious. 
"More?" he questioned with a smile.
You nodded while straddling his hips. "Sorry, I guess this is your life now." 
He sat up to wrap his arms tightly around you as you took him in. Bare chests pressed together and the feeling of your hearts beating in unison.
He kissed his way up your neck,  "And what a great life it's going to be." 
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