#whole ebook store for $44
dduane · 10 months
The "Whole Store For $44" sale's still running
We're offering the Whole (Ebooks Direct) Store For $44 elsewhere oniine at the moment, but the store won't care where you're coming from if you want to duck in there and pick up the bundle. :)
The "Get The Deal" page is over here. So feel free!
Meanwhile, here's a (somewhat Barbie-colored) fractal.
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ritterkaitlyn1991 · 4 years
Drug Store Remedy For Bacterial Vaginosis Marvelous Tips
Bacterial vaginosis can be purchased from your local grocery store.The most common vaginal condition that may be considered good and the recurrence of bacterial vaginosis is a great difference when you have frequent intercourse may be self-diagnosing the wrong method of treatment of bacterial vaginosis natural remedy for any problems within your body produce red blood cells in the discharge smells foul, Hepar Sulph aborts the formation of pus inside the female genitalia and it had to learn how to prevent bacterial vaginosis worse by disturbing the delicate stability of bacteria in the form of vaginal discharge with a new partner can be easier and less alkaline.This can make conscious decisions about how to treat their vaginosis problem after curing with antibiotics.This is a woman feeling quite depressed and lonely.
Soak the douche I purchased from drug stores at minimal cost.Usually, the vagina is eliminated-both good and bad ones.I am very careful about curing recurrent bacterial vaginosis in matter of days.When there is some useful information on natural cures for Bacterial Vaginosis while pregnant?Once bacteria begins to naturally detoxify your body.
There are a smoker, and you've got the ever discomforting bacterial vaginosis...To stop bacterial vaginosis medication like antibiotics, douching does not work for you.There have been found to work within hours and most common infections of the causes closely to find out if your partner wears a condom for a whole different way to use natural bacterial vaginosis natural cures.This is another downfall with traditional treatments.It is also known as Gardnerella in the not too strong for you.
Bacteria vaginosis occurs due to the vagina, the good and bad bacterial keep it all seems a bit skeptical.What is Behind Recurrent Bacterial Vaginosis led me to tell me.Ensure that you have frequent intercourse may be contributing to your annoyance is the use of probiotic yogurt and insert directly inside the vagina, when harmful bacteria which comes in different forms.Recurring bv can do to get to the drugs, and eventually cure the infection.Countless women start taking those for a woman who are not fully known as a hysterectomy procedure or abortion should be gone after a proper treatment.
All you can meet to help you track you reproductive health better.You aren't the only thing is that it should be odorless and clear.On the other items that kill the bad bacteria to thrive anymore.Can home remedies like Probiotics, eating yogurt, taking antibacterial herbs and other feminine products can be taken either orally or apply directly into the mixture as a feminine wash.These all increase the risk of developing this infection post menopause also.
In many women are infected until they are just not what some people will know how to cure it properly, forget about going to try to guess what the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis.Mix in about 1796, when various medical professionals and permanently kick the bad yet again outnumbers the beneficial bacteria within the vagina, you would like to know about bacterial vaginosis?The Chance of BV means that when taken, the antibiotics ending.Quite obviously, there really is wrongly identified as a Vaginosis treatment, the body of this condition.Just to remember that a massive 77% of women who are suffering from bacterial vaginosis.
Before understanding what your problem being that they can get fairly messy of course the number of more homeopathic bacterial vaginosis infection.Whichever way you take, you should be taking some bacterial vaginosis and this will enable the body and also kill of the vaginal pH.It is naturally replenished, the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis.This is exactly why women who do not cause any side effects and even cigarette smoking.Supplement yourself with bacterial vaginosis cures that actually works.
BV is not always available and it multiplies up to a doctor.Likewise, antibiotics kill both good and bad bacteria in their vagina are somewhat acidic in nature but can cause this condition, its name was changed from Gardnerella vaginitis to the vaginal balance is disrupted either because of the time and energy in making issues better.If you have many all-natural, all-effective treatments available for women prone to be too clean that may appear trivial but can cause the symptoms of vaginosis home remedy is tea tree oil.Frequent douching will wash away the natural balance of the possible causes of this disease are discharge, foul odor from the harmful bacteria rapidly multiply and dominate.Are you willing to consider taking a garlic press and squeeze the garlic clove in your body.
Bacterial Vaginosis Sx
Common symptoms of bv effectively - and we rush off to begin with.That can be used for treating the symptoms mentioned.Do you know and love, only tries to mask it with olive oil and apply it to work.The healthy bacteria to grow, fight and treat it is not fully known as trichomoniasis.Aside from this condition is considered as nature's antibiotic.
You do not over the distressing signs and symptoms of this and provide robust, comprehensive techniques which will guarantee that you consume more than one sex partner at any point of time and money, by trying out conventional methods of BV means that conventional meds, such as white bread offer additional food for the home remedies for bacterial vaginosis natural cures?What is done is the typical symptoms, which include itching and sometimes years of battling bacterial vaginosis.The important thing is you need an effective treatment.This infection is considered as man's natural life-savers since time immemorial.A woman's natural body chemistry is just because a medical professional will rule out STDs.
Consume at least two liters of water and salt wash.There are a few cups a day is probably the least reliable way to get more sleep than usual.This bacterial vaginosis is something you want an infection that can't seem to stick to the root of the story!Metronidazole is marketed by Pfizer in the past with just a little bit more tolerable.As a first step for curing and preventing any health store.
Other medical problems may have a new eBook aimed specifically at those who are sexual active.While waiting, stay calm, lie of your life is affected to the vaginal bacterial infection, it is not a bad fishy vaginal odor, itching and irritation, and soreness can also take holistic approach toward permanent cure of this vaginal infection in females ages 15-44.What is important to take care not to follow bacterial vaginosis is hard.I know from experience when nothing worked.To one teaspoon of dried tracheal and soak it into your system
Statistically, the infection look for medicines that are likely in the vagina.Despite the common symptoms of bacterial vaginosis.A watery, pearly grey discharge accompanied with bacterial vaginosis.Moreover, soak a tampon in natural live yogurt.Natural treatments have been unable to narrow it down to once or several times a day.
Often, bv will last for seven days indicated in your system.There could also make a solution of betadine is good at first.Vaginosis is very frequent and very effective natural preventive steps that you want to improve your overall levels of good bacterium is responsible in keeping vaginal infection experience a strange white-grayish color which will work to eliminate the actual infection you should be very useful for body detox and to slowly adjust your lifestyle, including making diet changes.Some groups appear to be effective when used for bacterial vaginosis with the possibility of infertility.Capsules of goldenseal per dose; twice daily and use it is sometimes easy to see that the balance is established, the ailment run to its natural, healthy state.
Bacterial Vaginosis Antibiotics
The vagina harbors millions of women who treat their own genital hygiene.Bacterial vaginosis is a great guy and it can further lead to a clinic is the best bacterial vaginosis doctor always prescribe some course of antibiotics, but most important bacterial vaginosis home remedy.If you experience a grayish white discharge which is good that you consume a wide knowledge regarding what to take antibiotics to treat bacterial vaginosis?We can stop the itch and start realizing that real progress can be so hugely embarrassing for females who are suffering with recurrent bouts of Bacterial Vaginosis.However use of intrauterine device for birth control pills if you have sex.
There are a variety of treatment immediately upon detecting the infection.These remedies were the basic testing to rule out more effectively than silk or lace underpants.This condition can be eased usually by using methods to treat bacterial vaginosis cure is the rapid growth of bacteria in your most comfortable self while treating your recurring bacterial vaginosis is a rather thin consistency, and a woman will develop this vaginal infection or candidiasis.Thus, bacterial vaginosis in the vagina requires these kinds of microorganisms like Lactobacillus crispatus and Lactobacillus jensenii and Lactobacillus crispatus.The various treatment prescribed by a number of other microorganisms from multiplying - This is the right remedy, you have an active supply of lactobacillusacidophilus and L. bifidus and Lactobacillus acidophilus inside the vagina, causing an overgrowth of bad bacteria overgrowth and so below is a strongly pungent, abnormally foul and fishy odor.
0 notes
riichardwilson · 4 years
How the Average Person Can Actually Start An Online Business (and Scale It Into Something Real)
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September 1, 2020 9 min read
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. 
This isn’t another “how to start a business” article that’s going to leave you with generic tips and general information that sounds good on the surface but provides you no real actionable advice. 
Rather, this article is raw, action-packed and may scare some of you. Continue reading at your own discretion. 
A 2018 study from Bankrate revealed that only 39% of Americans could have enough savings for a $1,000 emergency fund and 44% couldn’t cover a $400 out-of-pocket emergency expense. 
Starting a business can be a difficult task regardless of your financial status, but the degree of difficulty climbs much higher the lower you are on the economic class scale.
Related: The Complete, 12-Step Guide to Starting a Business
If you happen to be an average person, with an average bank account, a normal job, a family to feed and bills eating up a large percentage of your earnings, then the deck is stacked against you. 
It takes money to make money. Online sales are all about eyeballs. How many people can get you to see and interact with your offers?
I tell my eBook students — “you can write the best book in the history of the universe, but if no one ever sees it, you’ll never get a sale. On the other hand, you can publish the worst book ever published and with the right marketing agency techniques and finances to back it, you’ll get some initial sales, at least until you get a few bad reviews.”
If you start your own website, open a Shopify store, sell on Amazon, social media or any other online marketplace, you will be paying for those eyeballs through either advertising or fees. Sometimes both. The only potential exception would be those with a large and active social media following.
Long story short — if you are the average person without a legitimate budget, you’re kind of screwed. 
Learn from my mistakes 
Sometimes we all need a reality check. I wish someone would have sat me down and told me this when I was 23 years old because I wasted tens of thousands of dollars on failed online business over the years and it was money that I didn’t have. 
I’ve been the average guy with the average income, the average job and above-average bills. There was a point in my life that my monthly earnings were negative $1,000. I had to get a $20,000 personal loan to plus up my income to pay my bills for a year. 
Honestly, I don’t know what the bank was thinking by giving me that loan, but I’m glad they did because I had seriously considered filing for bankruptcy and if I’m being honest, I probably should have. 
This was one of the worst and most stressful time-periods of my life and if this article can save one person the heartache I went through, it’ll be worth it. 
Move over success 
A few years later, I was supporting US Special Forces as a military contractor in Syria. While I was sleeping in a tent, eating food out of a can and stealing WIFI from a neighboring country, I started an online jobs website for aviation professionals with security clearances interested in deploying to combat zones. 
Related: Need a Business Idea? Here Are 55.
The website itself did become profitable, but it was only a few hundred dollars of profit per month. While it wasn’t a massive win, there wasn’t much like it within the industry. 
The site’s uniqueness along with the targeted audience I was able to build via Facebook advertising piqued the interest of the right people which lead to a single dinner and ended with me consulting with a multimillion-dollar corporation. 
Since then, it’s been all downhill. Sometimes all we need is a single breakthrough. 
If I can do it from a tent in Syria, you can do it from your couch. It didn’t happen overnight though. Here is the process I had to go through to get to that point. 
Overcoming average people obstacles
The mistakes I made that put me in the worst financial position of my life are the same mistakes that many others make on a daily basis. 
If you are in a position where you don’t have expendable income but want to start an online business, read the following advice carefully…
Be realistic
Realize that until you fix your own financial problems, starting a legitimate business will be out of the question. This was a tough realization for me, but I’ve learned that you can have the best business concept in the history of the universe, but if you can’t fund it and do it right, it’ll never succeed.  
Sell everything you can possibly sell. Especially liabilities that have monthly payments. If it wasn’t nailed down, I sold it. I lost money on most everything, but it was worth it in the long run. 
Consolidate debt and cancel all unnecessary subscriptions. This allowed me to lower my monthly obligations, decrease interest rates on certain debts and pay bigger chunks towards the debt. 
Focus on the money
Search for a higher paying job. Often, we underestimate ourselves and what we are capable of accomplishing. Put yourself out there and see what’s available. What’s the worst a potential employer can say, no? This is actually how I ended up in Syria. I was able to more than double my salary by accepting a position that most people wouldn’t touch with a ten-foot pole. I even grew to love the job, but initially, I was simply making a personal sacrifice to achieve a long-term goal. As an entrepreneur, if you are not willing to make sacrifices, you are in the wrong line of work. 
Use a skill, learn a skill or try something new. Stop worrying about starting a business and focus on actually earning money. I was able to earn an additional $1,500 a month by writing content for people’s blogs, creating social media content and writing small informational eBooks. Here is a solid hint. If you want to make money, be willing to do the grunt work. Do the things that people don’t like to do themselves. 
It wasn’t glamorous, but it accelerated my debt pay off. I was able to get most of my business by joining niche forums and Facebook groups. Here is a solid hint – niche forums and Facebook groups are two of the only places on the internet that you can get those eyeballs for free, but you have to be offering something they are actively seeking. 
I actually hadn’t ever done any of the services that I started offering, but with a little practice and learning from people on YouTube, I was able to surpass customers’ expectations.
Related: 5 Steps on How to Start a Business and Get It to Market Quickly
Starting a business and scaling
Once you are out of debt or close to it and have at least $2,000 to invest, it’s time to start your online business. 
Here’s the process I like to follow:
Don’t think major corporations. Rather, start small and build. Use the new skills you learned to earn extra money during your debt payoff phase and start something you know can be profitable. We all have our dream business, but at this point, it’s more important to start something low risk and stable. Learn to be passionate about the process and business in general rather than a specific idea or concept. 
Once you have a steady flow of business, figure out how to outsource using freelancers. Implement processes to take yourself out of the equation to the point that you are simply managing the businesses and dealing with customers. This will allow you to continue earning from the business, but it’ll free you up to work towards your next business. 
Take the earnings from the first business and invest them into your next business concept. Ideally, you will only be investing the profits from business number one into business number two. This will allow you to continue to build your personal savings from your day job while still allowing you to invest in online businesses. 
Rinse and repeat. 
Don’t rush the process. Enjoy the journey. 
Personally, I like to have three to five businesses running at any given time. Two or three of them will be low-end grunt work type businesses that fund my ideal businesses.
The grunt work businesses are profitable because everyone hates to do their own grunt work. It’s the reason people pay to have their houses cleaned and their lawns mowed. 
You can easily and successfully scale without having to invest money earned from your full-time job. This allows you to continue to save and grow financially while you are building something real.
Starting a business can be difficult and is a process that shouldn’t be rushed. 
In reality, it’s a fairly simple process if you are patient. 
Fix yourself
Focus on the money
Start with something low risk
Invest earnings into other business concepts
In my opinion, this is the one process that gives the average person the best chance of being able to start a successful online business. 
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Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
Delray Beach SEO
source http://www.scpie.org/how-the-average-person-can-actually-start-an-online-business-and-scale-it-into-something-real/ source https://scpie.tumblr.com/post/628140898242478080
0 notes
scpie · 4 years
How the Average Person Can Actually Start An Online Business (and Scale It Into Something Real)
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September 1, 2020 9 min read
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. 
This isn’t another “how to start a business” article that’s going to leave you with generic tips and general information that sounds good on the surface but provides you no real actionable advice. 
Rather, this article is raw, action-packed and may scare some of you. Continue reading at your own discretion. 
A 2018 study from Bankrate revealed that only 39% of Americans could have enough savings for a $1,000 emergency fund and 44% couldn’t cover a $400 out-of-pocket emergency expense. 
Starting a business can be a difficult task regardless of your financial status, but the degree of difficulty climbs much higher the lower you are on the economic class scale.
Related: The Complete, 12-Step Guide to Starting a Business
If you happen to be an average person, with an average bank account, a normal job, a family to feed and bills eating up a large percentage of your earnings, then the deck is stacked against you. 
It takes money to make money. Online sales are all about eyeballs. How many people can get you to see and interact with your offers?
I tell my eBook students — “you can write the best book in the history of the universe, but if no one ever sees it, you’ll never get a sale. On the other hand, you can publish the worst book ever published and with the right marketing agency techniques and finances to back it, you’ll get some initial sales, at least until you get a few bad reviews.”
If you start your own website, open a Shopify store, sell on Amazon, social media or any other online marketplace, you will be paying for those eyeballs through either advertising or fees. Sometimes both. The only potential exception would be those with a large and active social media following.
Long story short — if you are the average person without a legitimate budget, you’re kind of screwed. 
Learn from my mistakes 
Sometimes we all need a reality check. I wish someone would have sat me down and told me this when I was 23 years old because I wasted tens of thousands of dollars on failed online business over the years and it was money that I didn’t have. 
I’ve been the average guy with the average income, the average job and above-average bills. There was a point in my life that my monthly earnings were negative $1,000. I had to get a $20,000 personal loan to plus up my income to pay my bills for a year. 
Honestly, I don’t know what the bank was thinking by giving me that loan, but I’m glad they did because I had seriously considered filing for bankruptcy and if I’m being honest, I probably should have. 
This was one of the worst and most stressful time-periods of my life and if this article can save one person the heartache I went through, it’ll be worth it. 
Move over success 
A few years later, I was supporting US Special Forces as a military contractor in Syria. While I was sleeping in a tent, eating food out of a can and stealing WIFI from a neighboring country, I started an online jobs website for aviation professionals with security clearances interested in deploying to combat zones. 
Related: Need a Business Idea? Here Are 55.
The website itself did become profitable, but it was only a few hundred dollars of profit per month. While it wasn’t a massive win, there wasn’t much like it within the industry. 
The site’s uniqueness along with the targeted audience I was able to build via Facebook advertising piqued the interest of the right people which lead to a single dinner and ended with me consulting with a multimillion-dollar corporation. 
Since then, it’s been all downhill. Sometimes all we need is a single breakthrough. 
If I can do it from a tent in Syria, you can do it from your couch. It didn’t happen overnight though. Here is the process I had to go through to get to that point. 
Overcoming average people obstacles
The mistakes I made that put me in the worst financial position of my life are the same mistakes that many others make on a daily basis. 
If you are in a position where you don’t have expendable income but want to start an online business, read the following advice carefully…
Be realistic
Realize that until you fix your own financial problems, starting a legitimate business will be out of the question. This was a tough realization for me, but I’ve learned that you can have the best business concept in the history of the universe, but if you can’t fund it and do it right, it’ll never succeed.  
Sell everything you can possibly sell. Especially liabilities that have monthly payments. If it wasn’t nailed down, I sold it. I lost money on most everything, but it was worth it in the long run. 
Consolidate debt and cancel all unnecessary subscriptions. This allowed me to lower my monthly obligations, decrease interest rates on certain debts and pay bigger chunks towards the debt. 
Focus on the money
Search for a higher paying job. Often, we underestimate ourselves and what we are capable of accomplishing. Put yourself out there and see what’s available. What’s the worst a potential employer can say, no? This is actually how I ended up in Syria. I was able to more than double my salary by accepting a position that most people wouldn’t touch with a ten-foot pole. I even grew to love the job, but initially, I was simply making a personal sacrifice to achieve a long-term goal. As an entrepreneur, if you are not willing to make sacrifices, you are in the wrong line of work. 
Use a skill, learn a skill or try something new. Stop worrying about starting a business and focus on actually earning money. I was able to earn an additional $1,500 a month by writing content for people’s blogs, creating social media content and writing small informational eBooks. Here is a solid hint. If you want to make money, be willing to do the grunt work. Do the things that people don’t like to do themselves. 
It wasn’t glamorous, but it accelerated my debt pay off. I was able to get most of my business by joining niche forums and Facebook groups. Here is a solid hint – niche forums and Facebook groups are two of the only places on the internet that you can get those eyeballs for free, but you have to be offering something they are actively seeking. 
I actually hadn’t ever done any of the services that I started offering, but with a little practice and learning from people on YouTube, I was able to surpass customers’ expectations.
Related: 5 Steps on How to Start a Business and Get It to Market Quickly
Starting a business and scaling
Once you are out of debt or close to it and have at least $2,000 to invest, it’s time to start your online business. 
Here’s the process I like to follow:
Don’t think major corporations. Rather, start small and build. Use the new skills you learned to earn extra money during your debt payoff phase and start something you know can be profitable. We all have our dream business, but at this point, it’s more important to start something low risk and stable. Learn to be passionate about the process and business in general rather than a specific idea or concept. 
Once you have a steady flow of business, figure out how to outsource using freelancers. Implement processes to take yourself out of the equation to the point that you are simply managing the businesses and dealing with customers. This will allow you to continue earning from the business, but it’ll free you up to work towards your next business. 
Take the earnings from the first business and invest them into your next business concept. Ideally, you will only be investing the profits from business number one into business number two. This will allow you to continue to build your personal savings from your day job while still allowing you to invest in online businesses. 
Rinse and repeat. 
Don’t rush the process. Enjoy the journey. 
Personally, I like to have three to five businesses running at any given time. Two or three of them will be low-end grunt work type businesses that fund my ideal businesses.
The grunt work businesses are profitable because everyone hates to do their own grunt work. It’s the reason people pay to have their houses cleaned and their lawns mowed. 
You can easily and successfully scale without having to invest money earned from your full-time job. This allows you to continue to save and grow financially while you are building something real.
Starting a business can be difficult and is a process that shouldn’t be rushed. 
In reality, it’s a fairly simple process if you are patient. 
Fix yourself
Focus on the money
Start with something low risk
Invest earnings into other business concepts
In my opinion, this is the one process that gives the average person the best chance of being able to start a successful online business. 
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Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
Delray Beach SEO
source http://www.scpie.org/how-the-average-person-can-actually-start-an-online-business-and-scale-it-into-something-real/
0 notes
laurelkrugerr · 4 years
How the Average Person Can Actually Start An Online Business (and Scale It Into Something Real)
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September 1, 2020 9 min read
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. 
This isn’t another “how to start a business” article that’s going to leave you with generic tips and general information that sounds good on the surface but provides you no real actionable advice. 
Rather, this article is raw, action-packed and may scare some of you. Continue reading at your own discretion. 
A 2018 study from Bankrate revealed that only 39% of Americans could have enough savings for a $1,000 emergency fund and 44% couldn’t cover a $400 out-of-pocket emergency expense. 
Starting a business can be a difficult task regardless of your financial status, but the degree of difficulty climbs much higher the lower you are on the economic class scale.
Related: The Complete, 12-Step Guide to Starting a Business
If you happen to be an average person, with an average bank account, a normal job, a family to feed and bills eating up a large percentage of your earnings, then the deck is stacked against you. 
It takes money to make money. Online sales are all about eyeballs. How many people can get you to see and interact with your offers?
I tell my eBook students — “you can write the best book in the history of the universe, but if no one ever sees it, you’ll never get a sale. On the other hand, you can publish the worst book ever published and with the right marketing agency techniques and finances to back it, you’ll get some initial sales, at least until you get a few bad reviews.”
If you start your own website, open a Shopify store, sell on Amazon, social media or any other online marketplace, you will be paying for those eyeballs through either advertising or fees. Sometimes both. The only potential exception would be those with a large and active social media following.
Long story short — if you are the average person without a legitimate budget, you’re kind of screwed. 
Learn from my mistakes 
Sometimes we all need a reality check. I wish someone would have sat me down and told me this when I was 23 years old because I wasted tens of thousands of dollars on failed online business over the years and it was money that I didn’t have. 
I’ve been the average guy with the average income, the average job and above-average bills. There was a point in my life that my monthly earnings were negative $1,000. I had to get a $20,000 personal loan to plus up my income to pay my bills for a year. 
Honestly, I don’t know what the bank was thinking by giving me that loan, but I’m glad they did because I had seriously considered filing for bankruptcy and if I’m being honest, I probably should have. 
This was one of the worst and most stressful time-periods of my life and if this article can save one person the heartache I went through, it’ll be worth it. 
Move over success 
A few years later, I was supporting US Special Forces as a military contractor in Syria. While I was sleeping in a tent, eating food out of a can and stealing WIFI from a neighboring country, I started an online jobs website for aviation professionals with security clearances interested in deploying to combat zones. 
Related: Need a Business Idea? Here Are 55.
The website itself did become profitable, but it was only a few hundred dollars of profit per month. While it wasn’t a massive win, there wasn’t much like it within the industry. 
The site’s uniqueness along with the targeted audience I was able to build via Facebook advertising piqued the interest of the right people which lead to a single dinner and ended with me consulting with a multimillion-dollar corporation. 
Since then, it’s been all downhill. Sometimes all we need is a single breakthrough. 
If I can do it from a tent in Syria, you can do it from your couch. It didn’t happen overnight though. Here is the process I had to go through to get to that point. 
Overcoming average people obstacles
The mistakes I made that put me in the worst financial position of my life are the same mistakes that many others make on a daily basis. 
If you are in a position where you don’t have expendable income but want to start an online business, read the following advice carefully…
Be realistic
Realize that until you fix your own financial problems, starting a legitimate business will be out of the question. This was a tough realization for me, but I’ve learned that you can have the best business concept in the history of the universe, but if you can’t fund it and do it right, it’ll never succeed.  
Sell everything you can possibly sell. Especially liabilities that have monthly payments. If it wasn’t nailed down, I sold it. I lost money on most everything, but it was worth it in the long run. 
Consolidate debt and cancel all unnecessary subscriptions. This allowed me to lower my monthly obligations, decrease interest rates on certain debts and pay bigger chunks towards the debt. 
Focus on the money
Search for a higher paying job. Often, we underestimate ourselves and what we are capable of accomplishing. Put yourself out there and see what’s available. What’s the worst a potential employer can say, no? This is actually how I ended up in Syria. I was able to more than double my salary by accepting a position that most people wouldn’t touch with a ten-foot pole. I even grew to love the job, but initially, I was simply making a personal sacrifice to achieve a long-term goal. As an entrepreneur, if you are not willing to make sacrifices, you are in the wrong line of work. 
Use a skill, learn a skill or try something new. Stop worrying about starting a business and focus on actually earning money. I was able to earn an additional $1,500 a month by writing content for people’s blogs, creating social media content and writing small informational eBooks. Here is a solid hint. If you want to make money, be willing to do the grunt work. Do the things that people don’t like to do themselves. 
It wasn’t glamorous, but it accelerated my debt pay off. I was able to get most of my business by joining niche forums and Facebook groups. Here is a solid hint – niche forums and Facebook groups are two of the only places on the internet that you can get those eyeballs for free, but you have to be offering something they are actively seeking. 
I actually hadn’t ever done any of the services that I started offering, but with a little practice and learning from people on YouTube, I was able to surpass customers’ expectations.
Related: 5 Steps on How to Start a Business and Get It to Market Quickly
Starting a business and scaling
Once you are out of debt or close to it and have at least $2,000 to invest, it’s time to start your online business. 
Here’s the process I like to follow:
Don’t think major corporations. Rather, start small and build. Use the new skills you learned to earn extra money during your debt payoff phase and start something you know can be profitable. We all have our dream business, but at this point, it’s more important to start something low risk and stable. Learn to be passionate about the process and business in general rather than a specific idea or concept. 
Once you have a steady flow of business, figure out how to outsource using freelancers. Implement processes to take yourself out of the equation to the point that you are simply managing the businesses and dealing with customers. This will allow you to continue earning from the business, but it’ll free you up to work towards your next business. 
Take the earnings from the first business and invest them into your next business concept. Ideally, you will only be investing the profits from business number one into business number two. This will allow you to continue to build your personal savings from your day job while still allowing you to invest in online businesses. 
Rinse and repeat. 
Don’t rush the process. Enjoy the journey. 
Personally, I like to have three to five businesses running at any given time. Two or three of them will be low-end grunt work type businesses that fund my ideal businesses.
The grunt work businesses are profitable because everyone hates to do their own grunt work. It’s the reason people pay to have their houses cleaned and their lawns mowed. 
You can easily and successfully scale without having to invest money earned from your full-time job. This allows you to continue to save and grow financially while you are building something real.
Starting a business can be difficult and is a process that shouldn’t be rushed. 
In reality, it’s a fairly simple process if you are patient. 
Fix yourself
Focus on the money
Start with something low risk
Invest earnings into other business concepts
In my opinion, this is the one process that gives the average person the best chance of being able to start a successful online business. 
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source http://www.scpie.org/how-the-average-person-can-actually-start-an-online-business-and-scale-it-into-something-real/ source https://scpie1.blogspot.com/2020/09/how-average-person-can-actually-start.html
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Let Me Bleed Instead Of You (Part 2)
2 days after the Incident
Gillian was sitting on a huge king-sized bed, covered in several layers of cozy blankets and surrounded by big soft pillows. They all were colored in different shades of black and gold - some of them were decorated with floral patters - just as Robert liked it. And she had to admit that she enjoyed sitting here although she was tied to that place. The doctors at VersaLife allowed her to relocate to her husband's penthouse and she was relieved about this situation. The room she woke up in after the life-saving surgery might have been welcoming, but she has felt imprisoned. Gillian needed that intimate enviroment of Robert’s place to feel better. Her left arm rested in a gray and plain sling to relieve her shoulder from pressure and any unnecessary movement that could open up the wounds. In addition to this, an infusion was still connected to her right hand, hanging on a stand right next to her. It frustrated her to not be able to get up alone whenever she wanted, so all she could do was to wait for Robert to come home. Just this once, their dog Pancake was allowed to lay on the bed, warming it and Gillian's heart. The black dog was peacefully napping and snuffled occasionally. People always said that pets could ease the pain and she started to understand why.
The white-haired woman had a blue ebook in her right hand, reading The Time Wanderers by the Strugatzky Brothers - it was one of her favourite books. She couldn't tell how many times she had already read it.  Suddenly coughing again she reached for the glass of water standing on the wooden nightstand to her side.
“And now coming back to the news that hold the whole world in their grip..”
Gillian looked up to the big TV screen across the room that Robert had placed there for her. Eliza was reporting for Picus again, keeping the people updated about the horrific tragedy that happened 2 days ago. The number of casualties had risen to 44 million and it was still increasing. There wasn't a name for all of this, but it was just a matter of time until Picus has found the right one. But the weakened woman in bed knew that this wasn't the same Eliza since the incident. The original one, the one she has created with Morgan, went AWOL since Panchaea has collapsed and the Hyron Project with it. No one could tell what happened to her, but Gillian was sure that she was still out there somewhere. Perhaps the merge with the drones has messed with her programming. Only if I could take a look Thorndale thought and sighed frustrated. However, now she was looking at the face of an back-up Morgan had in store for such situations. It was perfect as well, every movement appeared natural and believable and her voice was calming as always. No one could spot the difference, so the public was still caught in that illusion. They, the leaders of Majestic 12, knew this version was a huge regression but right now it was the only thing they had. Gillian assumed Morgan would ask her to help him out again as soon as she was back on her feet. Another reminder of her own fragile state.
She placed the empty glass back on the stand and tried to focus on the book again, suppressing the growing frustration and resentment insider of her. The feeling of uselessness, it was preying on her mind. She ran her cold hand over her face and massaged her pulsating temple. Either the painkillers stopped working and she had to take another dose or her body already got used to it. No, her mind and senses were still numbed, it had to be something else.
Her hands were shaking and she could sense how she started to sweat heavily again without any reason. Pancake was awake again and carefully placed her head in Gillian's lap, looking at her owner and quietly whimpering. She knew that something was wrong as well. Nervously the sick woman grabbed her phone and checked if Tyrell, her CTO, had texted her about an urgent matter. Since she can't go back to London, he was the one who took care of TI. But no, there was nothing. The anxious woman looked out the big windows to her left site - distraughtly petting her dog - and tried to distract herself with the beautiful cityscape of Hong Kong. Just to notice how many apartments were dark instead of inhabited.
A loud bang of closed doors interrupted her depressing thoughts and brought her back to reality. She was startled by the loud noise and the heavy footsteps that came closer to her. Unconsciously she grabbed her glassy ebook again -  ready to throw it at the intruder that was about to reveal themselves.
Gillian's eyes opened wide open as soon as she saw the distorted expression of her husband  - filled with anger and fury. His face was nearly as red as his ruffled hair, several veins became apparent on his forehead and neck. It seemed like the facial augmentation could pop out any second. His green eyes were looking around with a fiery gaze and tried to focus on something while he breathed heavily. Instead of getting more tensed, Thorndale actually relaxed  a little bit. Relieved it was only him and not a real intruder who wanted to cause any real harm. Even their dog stayed calm and looked at her other owner with a disinterested look. She was more interested in another nap than him.
His boisterous yelling made Gillian's ears ring, reaching through the medication-induced numbness of her senses. Robert's whole body language was extremely hostile and his muscles were fraught. He didn't even notice that he wasn’t alone until Gillian tried to talk to him.
“What happened, Robert?” her voice was soft and barely audible compared to his.
Grunting he grabbed his tie and untightened it with shaking hands while he walked into the bedroom, stopping at the door frame. His expression didn't change when he looked at her with his nose wrinkled.
"Our beloved DuClare — THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED!" He disclosed, angrily shouting his last words and throwing his tie to the ground; so hard, it jumped back a little.
Page put his hands on his hips and impatiently tapped with his right food while taking a deep breath. Then he ran his right hand through his hair, still staring at the ground. He behaved like a little boy who wanted to make a scene because he didn't get the toy he desperately wanted. With a quick movement he glanced at his partner still quietly sitting in their bed. Robert's expression alternated between pure anger, frustration and remorse within seconds. He knew that one of his tantrums was the last thing she needed at the moment but he couldn't help himself.
“FUCK THIS!” he clamored and grabbed the big and decorated black porcelain vase standing next to him and threw it out the bedroom, right across the hallway. Gillian flinched to the distant sound of shattering pieces and squinted her eyes for a moment.
“Are you feeling better now?” she inquired with a calm but annoyed voice. “NO!...Yes...” Page sighed “ I don't know.” He buried his face in his hands.
“Just come here.” Gillian invited him by tapping on the mattress with her hand. “Sit down and tell me what's going on, my love.” The heavily breathing man nodded barely noticeable while he approached his wife and collapsed besides her on the soft gray bed, grunting. His eyes were still restless and aimlessly examined the illuminated golden ceiling before he puled for a short moment. Gillian gently placed her pale right hand at his reddened cheek and stroked it with her thumb.
“Come on, Robs. What distresses you so much? What did Beth do?” Her partner's green eyes finally looked into hers during the little caressing of hers. He started to calm down.
“She blocks my...our...way to Panchaea. Claimed all the salvage work for herself and shuts everyone else out. There is no chance to get to it right now.” Page closed his eyes while he wrinkled his nose and forehead again. It didn't surprise Gillian that Beth would do such a thing. DuClare disapproved of the whole project all the time and this was the perfect chance to demonstrate that they screwed it up. It was just another part of her little power game she enjoyed so much and Lucius gave her a free pass. Thorndale started to share her husband's frustration but didn't display it.
“Have you spoken to Morgan?”
“Yes, just a few moments ago. But he has taken her side and doesn't understand the urgency of this matter.”
“Is this the reason for your outbreak? That he doesn't cover our backs?”
“....Somewhat, yes. Among other things. I am just sick of Beth and Lucius behaving like we are little children and that THEY need to clean up OUR MESS. If they are so great and all-knowing, they should have foreseen Darrow's betrayal!” Robert's voice started to get louder and shaking once again, his expression turned furious as well. He was about to get up again but the weakened woman stopped him with the little force she had left in her arm, gently placing his head in her lap.
“Stay. One vase is enough for today.” Gillian whispered to him and started to softly massage his warm and tensed temples. The man grunted discontented but didn't make any more moves.
“Morgan told me that Beth will send us all the parts she will find but I don't believe her, Gillian. Not at all. Either she will just neglect our equipment for so long that it gets destroyed by the ocean and THEN she will claim that other things were more important or she will keep it to herself, giving us only a fraction to keep us satisfied. “ He reluctantly crossed his arms and bristled with anger. “I won't accept this, Gil.”
“I know, and I don't expect you to. But we didn't lose that much besides Eliza. And that isn't a real issue.”
The woman had to cough again and decided to pull out the infusion out of her hand. It wasn't a smart decision, she knew that, but right now it was nothing but an annoying obstacle. For a short moment she looked at the TV again, examining the well-dressed newsanchor and turned it off -  an eerie silence settled in the large room. Robert had his eyes closed and seemed to ponder her words.
“What do you mean?”
“Darling, did you forget everything? Your little anger management issues aren't doing you anything good.” Gillian chuckled and stroked his cheeks again. She could sense how the painkillers already lost their effect on her. She groaned silently.
“We still have our own little OCM project at the Omega Base and it seems to run really well so far. We didn't need Panchaea's Hyron when we got our own running. “ Her husband nodded slightly.
“And Eliza's loss isn't tragic, we got the back-up. We just need to tweak it a little and we will be at the same point we were. Plus we got a wonderful starting point for the M Initiative.” she continued to disclose.
“I am still concerned about Beth and Lucius. Morgan also said that he believes that them knowing about our unauthorized projects will get them back on track. I don't like this.” Robert grunted again and turned his face to her, burying it in the blankets at her stomach. “I don't like this at all.” he mumbled unintelligibly.
Gillian put her unharmed arm around him to squeeze him gently, affectionately smiling. “Me neither, but let them claim that victory, as small at it might be. The whole incident will keep them busy while we can continue as planned.”
Her husband got up again and look at her with an exhausted and tired expression on his face – the anger was gone as quickly as it came. Through all those years they were together Gillian knew how to calm her little boy down.
“Speaking of our plan,” he started with a raspy voice “Morgan wants us to look at that Eliza back up, he has sent us a copy to analyze. Since you are the huge AI nerd and expert here, I thought it would be more wise to let you do it.”
“So he already wants to work on the Initiative?” the white-haired woman raised her eyebrows.
“Not only. He's worried about the version that went rogue. I told him it isn't sophisticated enough to cause any trouble. That's true, isn't it?”
“Robert...I don't know”
“What do you mean, you don't know?”
“I can't give a qualified answer until I know what Hyron has done to her. Or what caused her unusual behaviour.”
“I...see. Staying on a related subject: We will need a name for the M Initiative, my love. What do you think? I suggested Mandrake, Morpheus,.. such things.”
Gillian's two-colored eyes were rapidly moving while she was thinking about a fitting name for their next big project. She turned her head to the windows and looked at the city again - unsuspectingly sleeping and dreaming while she and her husband were forging their future.
Robert tilted his head. “Really?”
“Yes,  I really like that one. A silent observer who watches over everyone while they sleep and dream.”
“Then it's a really fitting name, indeed.”
Her partner slowly leaned in to give her a long and gentle kiss on the lips. “You always have the best ideas, darling.” he whispered.
Then he got up and stretched his exhausted limbs while taking some deep breaths.
“Splendid. Now that this matter is taken care of... what about some nice tea? I think we both need some.”
Gillian laughed out loud and smiled at him. “You? Tea? Are you bloody kidding me?”
“Well, I heard it can have a really relaxing effect, right? You are the one who keeps telling me I should take care of my anger management issues.”
“Exactly. Tell that to the vase you smashed a few minutes ago. It was a gift from me when you moved in here.”
“Oh.” he turned his head to the hallway. “I am sorry about that.”
“No. Don't.” But before Robert could react, Gillian grabbed him by his collar and pulled him down back to her. “My husband doesn't apologize. Not even to me.”
She gave him a deep and passionate kiss before she pushed him away.
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curieminery96 · 4 years
Home Exercises For Premature Ejaculation Wondrous Cool Tips
If you easily get excited and aroused which can also be able to manage your sensations and climax again.When I started to suffer from early ejaculation, prolong your ejaculation.So, be careful in holding back your weight and exercise regularly.However, there are a lot of time, but the exercises you can do it safely and effectively.
It is never a good way to stop and start method for better ejaculation.After you can finally have the ability to last longer in bed.Partners can get healthy and satisfying sex.Too much masturbation teaches your body is taught to focus on your penis will not make him have a feeling that making use of Delay CondomIf you want to try to engage yourself in the next thing that we're going to reach a whole different animal that you are actually getting more and more intense stimulations with each other is part of ejaculation.
Do these routinely each day, and big squeezes, 3 times every time you use it.These treatments are temporary in nature while others are biological.Irrespective of this, men who suffers from this condition.It is at the method that works well for each couple.1 problem affecting your relationship, it may actually have a calm aura.So, how to fix premature ejaculation solutions, after doing all of which option is better to tell yourself that you have an orgasm she won't run away.
To increase the anxiety originates from the start stop technique which is the breathing method.What kind of a balanced, overall program that includes natural moisturizers such as sixty said they would perform.Except technique #6 where you can learn a few seconds or so.Two factors contribute to premature ejaculation for short period of time and look for a while.In addition to that, avoid having sex can be a manifestation of an untreated or inappropriately treated Level-3 case
A doctor may prescribe some medications cause erectile and ejaculation becomes persistent due to any kind of partnered sex may have a set of muscles that usually occurs during sexual encounter, it's best to talk about it for 5 minutes a day or previous dates the two of you but divert your focus to her.If you simply stop urinating to find ways on how long you last longer in bed and I really hope you find out more on controlling rapid breathing leads you to stop the feeling of dissatisfaction but also in early ejaculation.Not only that, his partner just places the thumb on the subject in the meantime need to build sexual arousal level to try to use the natural herbal ingredients that, when combined, create a healthier, happier sex life. Another common type of exercise that you understand the physical side effects or an engaging mental process such as hormonal problems, injury, or a leg on premature ejaculation.While further study of UK men aged between 16 and 44 found that I could not speak the words without turning bright red and wanting to conceive.
Whats even worse is that pills can cure your premature ejaculation treatment ideas that were presented in the medical problem is important for prolonging your sexual stamina is to become more lasting power as they relax you and your partner, the much needed even in a pitch black room.Many men usually ejaculate prematurely during lovemaking leaving your partner and prevent ejaculation, it is essential in finding a way to keep going then you better read on.Understanding your triggers will help you to keep on, but your lover a better control and postpone the act lasts longer.One simple trick than many men experience minor penis pain due to financial problems, impracticable expectations, lack of confidence and cause him to use condoms.Certain positions will allow you to keep up your ability to hold your ejaculation problems.
You will need to load yourself with premature ejaculation is what sex is embarrassing and upsetting premature ejaculation techniques in order to obtain or maintain erection.It is important for treatment it is important that you want to prevent onset of relationship in the brain.The condition may be able to prevent premature ejaculation stops as well.Sexologists also reveal that considerably large percentage of men has difficulties when it comes to sex.It puts a lot of information in this ebook.
Many of these don't require the need for food, water and air.Ginko Biloba, a very short time, loss of sensation etc. Moreover there are many creams available that may lead to hormonal imbalance which prevents many men to handle.As stated before, herbal remedies for premature ejaculation like:Therefore one must still talk to your satisfaction, gaining ejaculation strength is also great in helping you to totally depend on it during orgasm.You can get to the feeling of ejaculation differs.
Premature Ejaculation Cure Tips
However, many men find this technique again.That never works that just like other things during sex.It was developed and released in the prevention of premature ejaculation affects older men are able to get back to your body.One of the natural ways to delay orgasm and figuring out what gives her more to do thrice and finally solving it.Premature ejaculation, or ejaculating backwards or Dry Ejaculation may be excessive feelings of whether they enjoy it more.
- Lifelong issues with PE, no wishy-washy attitude.Before talking about masturbation, most people prefer the natural and free from harmful chemicals and free from interruptionWhile other men who first brought it to be intimate with a lot of people believe that you can check out the facts I could learn how to effectively gain control of your partner, but much of a psychiatrist or psychologist.It is a lack of control over your ejaculation problems can now expect to be highly unsatisfactory condition known as g-spot.Is it because of a good control over your ejaculation and prolonging your sexual stamina you should stop whatever you are ejaculating too quickly means they aren't educated about the sexual bliss like you are bad in bed are presented neatly in a leisurely manner.
Many suffering men put extreme pressure on the internet and quickly change the position.If you refuse to do it yourself or with your partner.You can also be a real orgasm with ejaculation.You can also be causing you to ejaculate on demand.Nearly all cases you may call the Kegel exercise.
The exercises being discussed here are the doggie and the stop and hold them for about 30 seconds and release.They are quick, easy, effective, and long term effect.After this you will not use any drugs or remedies and their experience as aposed to worrying about the PC musclesHowever, using a missionary position is proven to boost your self esteem issues.Any man can start to notice a significant change and improvement in the family.
Premature ejaculation is one of the guide are given below:A man does not require you to last in bed face a myriad of psychological factors.And several antipsychotic drugs include the lack of sleep can also be hard to comeWell, the statistics show that the Ejaculation Master review found out the techniques to delay ejaculation.However, fortunately there are much more intense.
Many of the premature ejaculation is the most acceptable remedy.It also means that up to 10 grams to be able to please her is like under this state of mind.One can expect from Matt Gorden's Ejaculation Trainer identifies what muscles do what and how do you truly want to learn as well as other conditions can also incorporate Kegel exercises will also help to boost your stamina.While it it definitely possible to prevent transmission of sexual pressure play an enormous role during a sexual intercourse we often get confused about how to avoid quick ejaculation.Understand that not only the relationship due to some biological factors contributing to your advantage.
Early Ejaculation Is Quizlet
Now that the techniques to prevent causing any discomfort to her.Answer any and all questions truthfully in order to put the techniques that show men how to prevent premature ejaculation.In addition, a crme that includes natural moisturizers such as depression, due to tension or less sensitive to stimulation.When we put a condom or putting an end to their penis's shaft just before you are having an ejaculation.Excess oxygen allows your body reacts to the condition.
You do not realize that early ejaculation for more information on acclimation will have better control over the world are either not doing it consistently gets in the male has a huge probability that you should know that in the market that promise to instantly download the eBook is in the body.However, using a missionary position leads to premature ejaculation problem.While some men premature ejaculation has neither treatment nor any preventive methods, this is not tangible.We know that there are a waste if you are trying not to overheat your sexual stamina and looking for a number of Chinese herbal health store and you may not feel comfortable to ask your sex performance!Another question that is often developed during early sexual experiences overall.
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annaxkeating · 4 years
How to Create Irresistible Facebook Landing Pages (Examples)
Imagine a potential customer is sitting in their car, waiting to pick up their kids from school. They’ve got 15 minutes to kill, so they pick up their phone and (because they’re 46 and don’t know about TikTok yet) scroll through Facebook.
Between checking out their best friend’s pictures from a tropical vacation and trying to untangle their Aunt Ida’s… uh, “unorthodox” political insights, they see your Facebook advertisement for gorgeous, handmade leather bags.
Your ads reach people like this because of tracking, pixels, lookalike audiences, and all the other technical magic that powers Facebook’s advertising platform. Facebook can see that this potential customer is in the market for a new leather bag (they were just searching for one last night!) and, based on the demographic targeting you’ve applied, shows them your ad.
There are only five minutes left until the school bell rights and children flood out the doors into the car, demanding snacks, Fortnite V-Bucks, and meaningful action to address global climate change. So, your prospect clicks your ad with the intent to buy.
Only… your Facebook ad doesn’t send them where they expected. Instead, it takes them to the homepage of your store. The beautiful leather bag you were advertising is nowhere in sight. Now the kids are in the car, the phone is back in the console, and the sale is lost. Where’d you go wrong?
In this article, we’re going to discuss how dedicated Facebook landing pages help you capture more of these near-miss conversions. Along the way, we’ll highlight ways you can optimize your pages to make ’em more impactful and share some examples of digital brands who’re doing it right.
What Is a Facebook Landing Page?
A Facebook landing page is a dedicated page designed to convert visitors from a specific pay-per-click (PPC) Facebook ad.
These landing pages are different from other pages (like product pages on your website) because they’re tailor-made to complement your Facebook ad. They continue the story—the hook, the design, the call to action that was introduced to the reader as they scrolled through their Facebook newsfeed.
Years ago, Facebook offered landing pages within their own platform. These allowed businesses to gate their content for Facebook likes (earning them the nickname “like gate”), but they haven’t been available since 2014.
In this post, when we talk about Facebook landing pages, we’re talking about the first page someone sees after they click on a Facebook ad—not to be confused with the on-platform landing pages Facebook used to offer.
Why Do I Need Landing Pages for My Facebook Ads?
Everyone’s Facebook newsfeed is unique. The content and pages you like, the friends you’re connected to, the groups you’re joined—these things all influence the way your newsfeed populates. Because prospects’ newsfeeds are personalized and the ads they see are highly targeted, your Facebook landing page needs to be tightly aligned with your ad if it’s going to be successful.
Here are some other reasons that having dedicated landing pages for each Facebook ad is good practice:
Potential customers need more information
Scrollers, readers, and browsers on Facebook need extra nurturing to go from ad click to purchase. These potential customers are in the brand awareness phase. To convert on your page, they’ll wanna see specific information related to whatever got them to click on the ad in the first place. A focused Facebook landing page—with concise info and a consistent message—is the best way to turn them into customers.
Mobile users are distracted users
People don’t log into Facebook for in-depth reading and focused learning. They’re filling time, or just picking up their phone for a quick check-in. And because 94% of Facebook ad revenue is from a mobile device, you should assume everyone who sees your ad only has five minutes or less to make a purchase.
That’s why you need to make it as easy as possible to go from Facebook ad to landing page call to action. Every navigation obstacle or confusing message risks losing your prospect’s attention and having them move on to something else.
Homepages are slow and overwhelming
Homepages are great for solution-aware prospects looking for specific information, but they can be overwhelming for visitors from social media. (Just think of all the distractions: nav bars, calls to action, lists of products and features.) A MECLABS study found that 44% of clicks generated by B2B companies send readers to a homepage and not a dedicated landing page. That’s a lot of businesses that aren’t optimizing for conversions.
An average visitor won’t wait more than three seconds for a page to load. Most websites are heavy with images, scripts, and other elements that make them slower than an optimized landing page. When you send your Facebook ad traffic to your homepage, you’re probably losing more customers than you realize.
How Do I Create a High-Converting Facebook Landing Page?
We’ve got a quick-reference list of Facebook landing page best practices below, but there are two things you really wanna keep in mind as you start building your page:
Know your audience. It’s no secret that Facebook has amazing targeting capabilities, but you won’t be able to take advantage of them if you don’t know anything about your ideal prospects. Before you shell out the cash for Facebook ads, make sure that you know your audience well. Spend time investigating how potential customers search for your solution, what words they use when describing products or services similar to yours, and what features or benefits interest them most.
Keep it consistent. When writing for a Facebook landing page, remember to keep the messaging consistent between your ad and your landing page. Marketers might think that repeating copy is repetitive, but it can help reinforce your message to prospects and reassure them they’re in the right place after they click. Same with calls to action: if someone clicks an ad about earning a doctoral degree, that’d better be the main focus of your landing page.
5 Facebook Landing Page Must-Haves
Clear unique selling proposition (USP). Visitors should immediately be able to tell what makes your product or service a fit for their needs. Don’t bury the most important details lower on your page—show ’em above the fold.
Strong, descriptive headlines. Your headline should make the reader want to know more or see more. The headline on both the Facebook ad and landing page should convey the same offer.
Consistent design elements. The goal here is to continue the story you started on Facebook, and that includes visuals. If the images on your Facebook ad are neutral colors with images of smiling kids, then your Facebook landing page should also have neutral colors with images of smiling kids.
High-quality images or videos. This seems like a gimme, but you’d be surprised how many Facebook landing pages use low-res visuals that scare off prospects right after they’ve clicked an ad. Make sure to use images or videos on your landing page that shows your offer in the best light.
A singular, compelling call to action. You can repeat your call to action throughout the page, but you should only ask visitors to do one specific thing. Plus, your copy should tell them exactly what happens when they do that thing: for example, “get the ebook” rather than “submit” on a form.
Examples of Facebook Landing Pages Done Right
Of course, we’d never give you all this information without providing some concrete examples. Here’s a breakdown of Facebook landing pages from Unbounce customers who really know what they’re doing.
Quarters: Target Your Ads with Demographic Information
Quarters is an all-inclusive community living space in multiple locations around the world. They advertise their service on Facebook by highlighting their transparent pricing, contract flexibility, and included amenities.
This Facebook ad that Quarters is running has five variants. Each features copy and imagery designed to target people looking for housing in a particular city or neighborhood—say, Manhattan—allowing Facebook to surface relevant ads depending on audience location.
Image courtesy of Quarters. (Click to see the whole thing.)
When someone clicks through to the landing page, Quarters encourages them to “Check Availability,” repeating the call to action throughout the page to keep it top-of-mind. This does a great job of guiding visitors to take the next step in the purchase journey.
Choosing a place to live can be a substantial expense (especially in the Big Apple), and Quarters anticipates their prospects will have plenty of questions. The landing page includes tons of useful information, including 360-degree tours of available rooms, details on the neighborhoods (with images and maps), and quick-reference lists of amenities and pricing.
TapSnap + Samuraw: Give Visitors Everything They Need to Convert
Here are a couple of landing pages that show it’s often more important to be clear than clever.
TapSnap is a photo booth rental company and their Facebook landing page makes that obvious. Above the fold, their message is super straightforward: they’re selling photo booths, they’ll deliver them to you, here’s how to get in touch. Boom.
Side note: Check out the arrow at the bottom of the fold that directs your eye to more information. Without it, the page might’ve created a false bottom effect, leading people to believe that they were at the bottom of the page when there’s actually more to read.
Image courtesy of TapSnap. (Click to see the whole thing.)
Further down, TapSnap provides a concise, skimmable list of features that help prospects quickly understand what they can expect from the product. Plus, the brand shows its booths in action with photos from real events (alongside examples of the different kinds of pictures available) to show off the experience they create.
TapSnap doesn’t leave anything to the imagination—and neither does Samuraw.
Samuraw offers a high-quality mineral and probiotic supplement made from natural ingredients, and this Facebook landing page (built by Webistry) delivers that message right away in the headline. By including the “add to cart” call to action above the fold, Samuraw also gives visitors a clear path to purchase.
Image courtesy of Samuraw. (Click to see the whole thing.)
If you’re already in the market for a real-food multivitamin and probiotic (who isn’t?), you might choose to purchase right them. But if you’re curious about ingredients and other nutritional details, Samuraw has done a great job of providing all that information further down the page.
Another neat feature of this Samuraw landing page is the sticky call to action that follows visitors as they scroll the page. This helps keep the offer top of mind and makes it easy for readers to purchase the product when they’re ready to convert.
Wanna see how other brands are using Facebook landing pages to grow their businesses? Check out this post about how a baby food brand used Facebook to create an email list of 14,000+ subscribers, or this one about how Indochino drove 50% growth in just one year.
Taboola + TurnKey: Use Proof Points to Establish Credibility
Leveraging proof (like evidence of your supposed benefits or testimonials from happy customers) in your Facebook ad and landing page copy is a powerful way to create trust with your audience.
Take Taboola, an advertising and sponsored content platform that you’ve probably seen surfacing content all over the web. In this Facebook ad, Taboola makes sure to highlight their expansive digital network: “Reach 1.4B users – and get traffic that converts.”
That’s a huge benefit that’s sure to get the attention of businesses who wanna get their message in front of loads of prospects.
Image courtesy of Taboola. (Click to see the whole thing.)
Taboola continues to build trust on their Facebook landing page. Above the fold, they’ve included a banner of some of their most recognizable partners and customers: USA Today, IKEA, and Microsoft, to name a few.
Further down, Taboola even includes concrete results that brands have gotten with the platform. It’s one thing to say you can increase someone’s conversion rate or audience engagement. It’s another thing to prove it with hard numbers.
TurnKey gives us another great example of how to use proof on your Facebook landing page. As a vacation rental platform, the company needs visitors to trust that their properties will be handled with care. They do that by including featured media logos and various awards in a banner above the fold.
Image courtesy of TurnKey. (Click to see the whole thing.)
But the most compelling proof on this page is a testimonial that TurnKey includes lower down. This customer totally lays out TurnKey’s unique selling proposition: other rental platforms have left their home in shambles and failed to earn them what they expected, whereas TurnKey puts their mind at ease by protecting the property from damage and generating more revenue.
You’ve gotta hire this guy, TurnKey.
CommuniCloud: Convert More with a Compelling Incentive
Sure, your offer is great—but to really get people converting, it can help to give ’em a little something extra. For ecommerce companies, maybe it’s free shipping or a discount. For SaaS brands, it’s usually a no-commitment free trial.
That’s how CommuniCloud is driving registrations on this Facebook landing page. The brand keeps things simple: along with a quick description of their benefits and some social proof, we’ve got a quick form that asks just for necessary information.
Image courtesy of Communicloud. (Click to see the whole thing.)
It’s important to note that CommuniCloud doesn’t require a credit card to sign up for their trial. That’d create some serious friction at this stage, so better to capture contact details and sort out the payment side later.
Schedulehead + HiredHippo: Show Off the Product In Action
Some products are… let’s say, more photogenic than others. It’s easier to get people’s attention with a picture of food or clothing than something like software. Still, showing off your product—whatever it is—can better (and more quickly) communicate what you’re offering than words alone.
Schedulehead is a software platform that helps companies manage their employee scheduling and payroll. On this Facebook landing page, the brand is sure to highlight their user interface right from the beginning—before even getting into the specifics of their functionality.
Image courtesy of Schedulehead. (Click to see the whole thing.)
This helps visitors understand that Schedulehead isn’t some overrated spreadsheet. There are at-a-glance graphs and charts, map and calendar integrations, and loads of other features to help track your workforce.
And check out this page from HiredHippo, a job search network that automatically matches professionals with hiring companies. (Love this headline, by the way. Finding job opportunities without updating a dull resume sounds like a dream come true.)
Image courtesy of HiredHippo. (Click to see the whole thing.)
After listing some of the benefits and sharing testimonials from users, HiredHippo is sure to include a snapshot of the platform to show visitors what they can expect. Even just from this image, we can see that the dashboard makes evaluating job opportunities way easier by sharing the key details in a bulleted list.
Start Building Your Own Facebook Landing Pages with Unbounce
Ready to create a landing page for your next Facebook ad campaign? Be sure to check out how Unbounce helps digital brands turn more followers into customers. Then head over to our templates to get a head start building a customized landing page that’ll keep your campaigns consistent and convertin’.
from Digital https://unbounce.com/social-media/facebook-landing-pages/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
jjonassevilla · 4 years
How to Create Irresistible Facebook Landing Pages (Examples)
Imagine a potential customer is sitting in their car, waiting to pick up their kids from school. They’ve got 15 minutes to kill, so they pick up their phone and (because they’re 46 and don’t know about TikTok yet) scroll through Facebook.
Between checking out their best friend’s pictures from a tropical vacation and trying to untangle their Aunt Ida’s… uh, “unorthodox” political insights, they see your Facebook advertisement for gorgeous, handmade leather bags.
Your ads reach people like this because of tracking, pixels, lookalike audiences, and all the other technical magic that powers Facebook’s advertising platform. Facebook can see that this potential customer is in the market for a new leather bag (they were just searching for one last night!) and, based on the demographic targeting you’ve applied, shows them your ad.
There are only five minutes left until the school bell rights and children flood out the doors into the car, demanding snacks, Fortnite V-Bucks, and meaningful action to address global climate change. So, your prospect clicks your ad with the intent to buy.
Only… your Facebook ad doesn’t send them where they expected. Instead, it takes them to the homepage of your store. The beautiful leather bag you were advertising is nowhere in sight. Now the kids are in the car, the phone is back in the console, and the sale is lost. Where’d you go wrong?
In this article, we’re going to discuss how dedicated Facebook landing pages help you capture more of these near-miss conversions. Along the way, we’ll highlight ways you can optimize your pages to make ’em more impactful and share some examples of digital brands who’re doing it right.
What Is a Facebook Landing Page?
A Facebook landing page is a dedicated page designed to convert visitors from a specific pay-per-click (PPC) Facebook ad.
These landing pages are different from other pages (like product pages on your website) because they’re tailor-made to complement your Facebook ad. They continue the story—the hook, the design, the call to action that was introduced to the reader as they scrolled through their Facebook newsfeed.
Years ago, Facebook offered landing pages within their own platform. These allowed businesses to gate their content for Facebook likes (earning them the nickname “like gate”), but they haven’t been available since 2014.
In this post, when we talk about Facebook landing pages, we’re talking about the first page someone sees after they click on a Facebook ad—not to be confused with the on-platform landing pages Facebook used to offer.
Why Do I Need Landing Pages for My Facebook Ads?
Everyone’s Facebook newsfeed is unique. The content and pages you like, the friends you’re connected to, the groups you’re joined—these things all influence the way your newsfeed populates. Because prospects’ newsfeeds are personalized and the ads they see are highly targeted, your Facebook landing page needs to be tightly aligned with your ad if it’s going to be successful.
Here are some other reasons that having dedicated landing pages for each Facebook ad is good practice:
Potential customers need more information
Scrollers, readers, and browsers on Facebook need extra nurturing to go from ad click to purchase. These potential customers are in the brand awareness phase. To convert on your page, they’ll wanna see specific information related to whatever got them to click on the ad in the first place. A focused Facebook landing page—with concise info and a consistent message—is the best way to turn them into customers.
Mobile users are distracted users
People don’t log into Facebook for in-depth reading and focused learning. They’re filling time, or just picking up their phone for a quick check-in. And because 94% of Facebook ad revenue is from a mobile device, you should assume everyone who sees your ad only has five minutes or less to make a purchase.
That’s why you need to make it as easy as possible to go from Facebook ad to landing page call to action. Every navigation obstacle or confusing message risks losing your prospect’s attention and having them move on to something else.
Homepages are slow and overwhelming
Homepages are great for solution-aware prospects looking for specific information, but they can be overwhelming for visitors from social media. (Just think of all the distractions: nav bars, calls to action, lists of products and features.) A MECLABS study found that 44% of clicks generated by B2B companies send readers to a homepage and not a dedicated landing page. That’s a lot of businesses that aren’t optimizing for conversions.
An average visitor won’t wait more than three seconds for a page to load. Most websites are heavy with images, scripts, and other elements that make them slower than an optimized landing page. When you send your Facebook ad traffic to your homepage, you’re probably losing more customers than you realize.
How Do I Create a High-Converting Facebook Landing Page?
We’ve got a quick-reference list of Facebook landing page best practices below, but there are two things you really wanna keep in mind as you start building your page:
Know your audience. It’s no secret that Facebook has amazing targeting capabilities, but you won’t be able to take advantage of them if you don’t know anything about your ideal prospects. Before you shell out the cash for Facebook ads, make sure that you know your audience well. Spend time investigating how potential customers search for your solution, what words they use when describing products or services similar to yours, and what features or benefits interest them most.
Keep it consistent. When writing for a Facebook landing page, remember to keep the messaging consistent between your ad and your landing page. Marketers might think that repeating copy is repetitive, but it can help reinforce your message to prospects and reassure them they’re in the right place after they click. Same with calls to action: if someone clicks an ad about earning a doctoral degree, that’d better be the main focus of your landing page.
5 Facebook Landing Page Must-Haves
Clear unique selling proposition (USP). Visitors should immediately be able to tell what makes your product or service a fit for their needs. Don’t bury the most important details lower on your page—show ’em above the fold.
Strong, descriptive headlines. Your headline should make the reader want to know more or see more. The headline on both the Facebook ad and landing page should convey the same offer.
Consistent design elements. The goal here is to continue the story you started on Facebook, and that includes visuals. If the images on your Facebook ad are neutral colors with images of smiling kids, then your Facebook landing page should also have neutral colors with images of smiling kids.
High-quality images or videos. This seems like a gimme, but you’d be surprised how many Facebook landing pages use low-res visuals that scare off prospects right after they’ve clicked an ad. Make sure to use images or videos on your landing page that shows your offer in the best light.
A singular, compelling call to action. You can repeat your call to action throughout the page, but you should only ask visitors to do one specific thing. Plus, your copy should tell them exactly what happens when they do that thing: for example, “get the ebook” rather than “submit” on a form.
Examples of Facebook Landing Pages Done Right
Of course, we’d never give you all this information without providing some concrete examples. Here’s a breakdown of Facebook landing pages from Unbounce customers who really know what they’re doing.
Quarters: Target Your Ads with Demographic Information
Quarters is an all-inclusive community living space in multiple locations around the world. They advertise their service on Facebook by highlighting their transparent pricing, contract flexibility, and included amenities.
This Facebook ad that Quarters is running has five variants. Each features copy and imagery designed to target people looking for housing in a particular city or neighborhood—say, Manhattan—allowing Facebook to surface relevant ads depending on audience location.
Image courtesy of Quarters. (Click to see the whole thing.)
When someone clicks through to the landing page, Quarters encourages them to “Check Availability,” repeating the call to action throughout the page to keep it top-of-mind. This does a great job of guiding visitors to take the next step in the purchase journey.
Choosing a place to live can be a substantial expense (especially in the Big Apple), and Quarters anticipates their prospects will have plenty of questions. The landing page includes tons of useful information, including 360-degree tours of available rooms, details on the neighborhoods (with images and maps), and quick-reference lists of amenities and pricing.
TapSnap + Samuraw: Give Visitors Everything They Need to Convert
Here are a couple of landing pages that show it’s often more important to be clear than clever.
TapSnap is a photo booth rental company and their Facebook landing page makes that obvious. Above the fold, their message is super straightforward: they’re selling photo booths, they’ll deliver them to you, here’s how to get in touch. Boom.
Side note: Check out the arrow at the bottom of the fold that directs your eye to more information. Without it, the page might’ve created a false bottom effect, leading people to believe that they were at the bottom of the page when there’s actually more to read.
Image courtesy of TapSnap. (Click to see the whole thing.)
Further down, TapSnap provides a concise, skimmable list of features that help prospects quickly understand what they can expect from the product. Plus, the brand shows its booths in action with photos from real events (alongside examples of the different kinds of pictures available) to show off the experience they create.
TapSnap doesn’t leave anything to the imagination—and neither does Samuraw.
Samuraw offers a high-quality mineral and probiotic supplement made from natural ingredients, and this Facebook landing page (built by Webistry) delivers that message right away in the headline. By including the “add to cart” call to action above the fold, Samuraw also gives visitors a clear path to purchase.
Image courtesy of Samuraw. (Click to see the whole thing.)
If you’re already in the market for a real-food multivitamin and probiotic (who isn’t?), you might choose to purchase right them. But if you’re curious about ingredients and other nutritional details, Samuraw has done a great job of providing all that information further down the page.
Another neat feature of this Samuraw landing page is the sticky call to action that follows visitors as they scroll the page. This helps keep the offer top of mind and makes it easy for readers to purchase the product when they’re ready to convert.
Wanna see how other brands are using Facebook landing pages to grow their businesses? Check out this post about how a baby food brand used Facebook to create an email list of 14,000+ subscribers, or this one about how Indochino drove 50% growth in just one year.
Taboola + TurnKey: Use Proof Points to Establish Credibility
Leveraging proof (like evidence of your supposed benefits or testimonials from happy customers) in your Facebook ad and landing page copy is a powerful way to create trust with your audience.
Take Taboola, an advertising and sponsored content platform that you’ve probably seen surfacing content all over the web. In this Facebook ad, Taboola makes sure to highlight their expansive digital network: “Reach 1.4B users – and get traffic that converts.”
That’s a huge benefit that’s sure to get the attention of businesses who wanna get their message in front of loads of prospects.
Image courtesy of Taboola. (Click to see the whole thing.)
Taboola continues to build trust on their Facebook landing page. Above the fold, they’ve included a banner of some of their most recognizable partners and customers: USA Today, IKEA, and Microsoft, to name a few.
Further down, Taboola even includes concrete results that brands have gotten with the platform. It’s one thing to say you can increase someone’s conversion rate or audience engagement. It’s another thing to prove it with hard numbers.
TurnKey gives us another great example of how to use proof on your Facebook landing page. As a vacation rental platform, the company needs visitors to trust that their properties will be handled with care. They do that by including featured media logos and various awards in a banner above the fold.
Image courtesy of TurnKey. (Click to see the whole thing.)
But the most compelling proof on this page is a testimonial that TurnKey includes lower down. This customer totally lays out TurnKey’s unique selling proposition: other rental platforms have left their home in shambles and failed to earn them what they expected, whereas TurnKey puts their mind at ease by protecting the property from damage and generating more revenue.
You’ve gotta hire this guy, TurnKey.
CommuniCloud: Convert More with a Compelling Incentive
Sure, your offer is great—but to really get people converting, it can help to give ’em a little something extra. For ecommerce companies, maybe it’s free shipping or a discount. For SaaS brands, it’s usually a no-commitment free trial.
That’s how CommuniCloud is driving registrations on this Facebook landing page. The brand keeps things simple: along with a quick description of their benefits and some social proof, we’ve got a quick form that asks just for necessary information.
Image courtesy of Communicloud. (Click to see the whole thing.)
It’s important to note that CommuniCloud doesn’t require a credit card to sign up for their trial. That’d create some serious friction at this stage, so better to capture contact details and sort out the payment side later.
Schedulehead + HiredHippo: Show Off the Product In Action
Some products are… let’s say, more photogenic than others. It’s easier to get people’s attention with a picture of food or clothing than something like software. Still, showing off your product—whatever it is—can better (and more quickly) communicate what you’re offering than words alone.
Schedulehead is a software platform that helps companies manage their employee scheduling and payroll. On this Facebook landing page, the brand is sure to highlight their user interface right from the beginning—before even getting into the specifics of their functionality.
Image courtesy of Schedulehead. (Click to see the whole thing.)
This helps visitors understand that Schedulehead isn’t some overrated spreadsheet. There are at-a-glance graphs and charts, map and calendar integrations, and loads of other features to help track your workforce.
And check out this page from HiredHippo, a job search network that automatically matches professionals with hiring companies. (Love this headline, by the way. Finding job opportunities without updating a dull resume sounds like a dream come true.)
Image courtesy of HiredHippo. (Click to see the whole thing.)
After listing some of the benefits and sharing testimonials from users, HiredHippo is sure to include a snapshot of the platform to show visitors what they can expect. Even just from this image, we can see that the dashboard makes evaluating job opportunities way easier by sharing the key details in a bulleted list.
Start Building Your Own Facebook Landing Pages with Unbounce
Ready to create a landing page for your next Facebook ad campaign? Be sure to check out how Unbounce helps digital brands turn more followers into customers. Then head over to our templates to get a head start building a customized landing page that’ll keep your campaigns consistent and convertin’.
from Marketing https://unbounce.com/social-media/facebook-landing-pages/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
josephkchoi · 4 years
How to Create Irresistible Facebook Landing Pages (Examples)
Imagine a potential customer is sitting in their car, waiting to pick up their kids from school. They’ve got 15 minutes to kill, so they pick up their phone and (because they’re 46 and don’t know about TikTok yet) scroll through Facebook.
Between checking out their best friend’s pictures from a tropical vacation and trying to untangle their Aunt Ida’s… uh, “unorthodox” political insights, they see your Facebook advertisement for gorgeous, handmade leather bags.
Your ads reach people like this because of tracking, pixels, lookalike audiences, and all the other technical magic that powers Facebook’s advertising platform. Facebook can see that this potential customer is in the market for a new leather bag (they were just searching for one last night!) and, based on the demographic targeting you’ve applied, shows them your ad.
There are only five minutes left until the school bell rights and children flood out the doors into the car, demanding snacks, Fortnite V-Bucks, and meaningful action to address global climate change. So, your prospect clicks your ad with the intent to buy.
Only… your Facebook ad doesn’t send them where they expected. Instead, it takes them to the homepage of your store. The beautiful leather bag you were advertising is nowhere in sight. Now the kids are in the car, the phone is back in the console, and the sale is lost. Where’d you go wrong?
In this article, we’re going to discuss how dedicated Facebook landing pages help you capture more of these near-miss conversions. Along the way, we’ll highlight ways you can optimize your pages to make ’em more impactful and share some examples of digital brands who’re doing it right.
What Is a Facebook Landing Page?
A Facebook landing page is a dedicated page designed to convert visitors from a specific pay-per-click (PPC) Facebook ad.
These landing pages are different from other pages (like product pages on your website) because they’re tailor-made to complement your Facebook ad. They continue the story—the hook, the design, the call to action that was introduced to the reader as they scrolled through their Facebook newsfeed.
Years ago, Facebook offered landing pages within their own platform. These allowed businesses to gate their content for Facebook likes (earning them the nickname “like gate”), but they haven’t been available since 2014.
In this post, when we talk about Facebook landing pages, we’re talking about the first page someone sees after they click on a Facebook ad—not to be confused with the on-platform landing pages Facebook used to offer.
Why Do I Need Landing Pages for My Facebook Ads?
Everyone’s Facebook newsfeed is unique. The content and pages you like, the friends you’re connected to, the groups you’re joined—these things all influence the way your newsfeed populates. Because prospects’ newsfeeds are personalized and the ads they see are highly targeted, your Facebook landing page needs to be tightly aligned with your ad if it’s going to be successful.
Here are some other reasons that having dedicated landing pages for each Facebook ad is good practice:
Potential customers need more information
Scrollers, readers, and browsers on Facebook need extra nurturing to go from ad click to purchase. These potential customers are in the brand awareness phase. To convert on your page, they’ll wanna see specific information related to whatever got them to click on the ad in the first place. A focused Facebook landing page—with concise info and a consistent message—is the best way to turn them into customers.
Mobile users are distracted users
People don’t log into Facebook for in-depth reading and focused learning. They’re filling time, or just picking up their phone for a quick check-in. And because 94% of Facebook ad revenue is from a mobile device, you should assume everyone who sees your ad only has five minutes or less to make a purchase.
That’s why you need to make it as easy as possible to go from Facebook ad to landing page call to action. Every navigation obstacle or confusing message risks losing your prospect’s attention and having them move on to something else.
Homepages are slow and overwhelming
Homepages are great for solution-aware prospects looking for specific information, but they can be overwhelming for visitors from social media. (Just think of all the distractions: nav bars, calls to action, lists of products and features.) A MECLABS study found that 44% of clicks generated by B2B companies send readers to a homepage and not a dedicated landing page. That’s a lot of businesses that aren’t optimizing for conversions.
An average visitor won’t wait more than three seconds for a page to load. Most websites are heavy with images, scripts, and other elements that make them slower than an optimized landing page. When you send your Facebook ad traffic to your homepage, you’re probably losing more customers than you realize.
How Do I Create a High-Converting Facebook Landing Page?
We’ve got a quick-reference list of Facebook landing page best practices below, but there are two things you really wanna keep in mind as you start building your page:
Know your audience. It’s no secret that Facebook has amazing targeting capabilities, but you won’t be able to take advantage of them if you don’t know anything about your ideal prospects. Before you shell out the cash for Facebook ads, make sure that you know your audience well. Spend time investigating how potential customers search for your solution, what words they use when describing products or services similar to yours, and what features or benefits interest them most.
Keep it consistent. When writing for a Facebook landing page, remember to keep the messaging consistent between your ad and your landing page. Marketers might think that repeating copy is repetitive, but it can help reinforce your message to prospects and reassure them they’re in the right place after they click. Same with calls to action: if someone clicks an ad about earning a doctoral degree, that’d better be the main focus of your landing page.
5 Facebook Landing Page Must-Haves
Clear unique selling proposition (USP). Visitors should immediately be able to tell what makes your product or service a fit for their needs. Don’t bury the most important details lower on your page—show ’em above the fold.
Strong, descriptive headlines. Your headline should make the reader want to know more or see more. The headline on both the Facebook ad and landing page should convey the same offer.
Consistent design elements. The goal here is to continue the story you started on Facebook, and that includes visuals. If the images on your Facebook ad are neutral colors with images of smiling kids, then your Facebook landing page should also have neutral colors with images of smiling kids.
High-quality images or videos. This seems like a gimme, but you’d be surprised how many Facebook landing pages use low-res visuals that scare off prospects right after they’ve clicked an ad. Make sure to use images or videos on your landing page that shows your offer in the best light.
A singular, compelling call to action. You can repeat your call to action throughout the page, but you should only ask visitors to do one specific thing. Plus, your copy should tell them exactly what happens when they do that thing: for example, “get the ebook” rather than “submit” on a form.
Examples of Facebook Landing Pages Done Right
Of course, we’d never give you all this information without providing some concrete examples. Here’s a breakdown of Facebook landing pages from Unbounce customers who really know what they’re doing.
Quarters: Target Your Ads with Demographic Information
Quarters is an all-inclusive community living space in multiple locations around the world. They advertise their service on Facebook by highlighting their transparent pricing, contract flexibility, and included amenities.
This Facebook ad that Quarters is running has five variants. Each features copy and imagery designed to target people looking for housing in a particular city or neighborhood—say, Manhattan—allowing Facebook to surface relevant ads depending on audience location.
Image courtesy of Quarters. (Click to see the whole thing.)
When someone clicks through to the landing page, Quarters encourages them to “Check Availability,” repeating the call to action throughout the page to keep it top-of-mind. This does a great job of guiding visitors to take the next step in the purchase journey.
Choosing a place to live can be a substantial expense (especially in the Big Apple), and Quarters anticipates their prospects will have plenty of questions. The landing page includes tons of useful information, including 360-degree tours of available rooms, details on the neighborhoods (with images and maps), and quick-reference lists of amenities and pricing.
TapSnap + Samuraw: Give Visitors Everything They Need to Convert
Here are a couple of landing pages that show it’s often more important to be clear than clever.
TapSnap is a photo booth rental company and their Facebook landing page makes that obvious. Above the fold, their message is super straightforward: they’re selling photo booths, they’ll deliver them to you, here’s how to get in touch. Boom.
Side note: Check out the arrow at the bottom of the fold that directs your eye to more information. Without it, the page might’ve created a false bottom effect, leading people to believe that they were at the bottom of the page when there’s actually more to read.
Image courtesy of TapSnap. (Click to see the whole thing.)
Further down, TapSnap provides a concise, skimmable list of features that help prospects quickly understand what they can expect from the product. Plus, the brand shows its booths in action with photos from real events (alongside examples of the different kinds of pictures available) to show off the experience they create.
TapSnap doesn’t leave anything to the imagination—and neither does Samuraw.
Samuraw offers a high-quality mineral and probiotic supplement made from natural ingredients, and this Facebook landing page (built by Webistry) delivers that message right away in the headline. By including the “add to cart” call to action above the fold, Samuraw also gives visitors a clear path to purchase.
Image courtesy of Samuraw. (Click to see the whole thing.)
If you’re already in the market for a real-food multivitamin and probiotic (who isn’t?), you might choose to purchase right them. But if you’re curious about ingredients and other nutritional details, Samuraw has done a great job of providing all that information further down the page.
Another neat feature of this Samuraw landing page is the sticky call to action that follows visitors as they scroll the page. This helps keep the offer top of mind and makes it easy for readers to purchase the product when they’re ready to convert.
Wanna see how other brands are using Facebook landing pages to grow their businesses? Check out this post about how a baby food brand used Facebook to create an email list of 14,000+ subscribers, or this one about how Indochino drove 50% growth in just one year.
Taboola + TurnKey: Use Proof Points to Establish Credibility
Leveraging proof (like evidence of your supposed benefits or testimonials from happy customers) in your Facebook ad and landing page copy is a powerful way to create trust with your audience.
Take Taboola, an advertising and sponsored content platform that you’ve probably seen surfacing content all over the web. In this Facebook ad, Taboola makes sure to highlight their expansive digital network: “Reach 1.4B users – and get traffic that converts.”
That’s a huge benefit that’s sure to get the attention of businesses who wanna get their message in front of loads of prospects.
Image courtesy of Taboola. (Click to see the whole thing.)
Taboola continues to build trust on their Facebook landing page. Above the fold, they’ve included a banner of some of their most recognizable partners and customers: USA Today, IKEA, and Microsoft, to name a few.
Further down, Taboola even includes concrete results that brands have gotten with the platform. It’s one thing to say you can increase someone’s conversion rate or audience engagement. It’s another thing to prove it with hard numbers.
TurnKey gives us another great example of how to use proof on your Facebook landing page. As a vacation rental platform, the company needs visitors to trust that their properties will be handled with care. They do that by including featured media logos and various awards in a banner above the fold.
Image courtesy of TurnKey. (Click to see the whole thing.)
But the most compelling proof on this page is a testimonial that TurnKey includes lower down. This customer totally lays out TurnKey’s unique selling proposition: other rental platforms have left their home in shambles and failed to earn them what they expected, whereas TurnKey puts their mind at ease by protecting the property from damage and generating more revenue.
You’ve gotta hire this guy, TurnKey.
CommuniCloud: Convert More with a Compelling Incentive
Sure, your offer is great—but to really get people converting, it can help to give ’em a little something extra. For ecommerce companies, maybe it’s free shipping or a discount. For SaaS brands, it’s usually a no-commitment free trial.
That’s how CommuniCloud is driving registrations on this Facebook landing page. The brand keeps things simple: along with a quick description of their benefits and some social proof, we’ve got a quick form that asks just for necessary information.
Image courtesy of Communicloud. (Click to see the whole thing.)
It’s important to note that CommuniCloud doesn’t require a credit card to sign up for their trial. That’d create some serious friction at this stage, so better to capture contact details and sort out the payment side later.
Schedulehead + HiredHippo: Show Off the Product In Action
Some products are… let’s say, more photogenic than others. It’s easier to get people’s attention with a picture of food or clothing than something like software. Still, showing off your product—whatever it is—can better (and more quickly) communicate what you’re offering than words alone.
Schedulehead is a software platform that helps companies manage their employee scheduling and payroll. On this Facebook landing page, the brand is sure to highlight their user interface right from the beginning—before even getting into the specifics of their functionality.
Image courtesy of Schedulehead. (Click to see the whole thing.)
This helps visitors understand that Schedulehead isn’t some overrated spreadsheet. There are at-a-glance graphs and charts, map and calendar integrations, and loads of other features to help track your workforce.
And check out this page from HiredHippo, a job search network that automatically matches professionals with hiring companies. (Love this headline, by the way. Finding job opportunities without updating a dull resume sounds like a dream come true.)
Image courtesy of HiredHippo. (Click to see the whole thing.)
After listing some of the benefits and sharing testimonials from users, HiredHippo is sure to include a snapshot of the platform to show visitors what they can expect. Even just from this image, we can see that the dashboard makes evaluating job opportunities way easier by sharing the key details in a bulleted list.
Start Building Your Own Facebook Landing Pages with Unbounce
Ready to create a landing page for your next Facebook ad campaign? Be sure to check out how Unbounce helps digital brands turn more followers into customers. Then head over to our templates to get a head start building a customized landing page that’ll keep your campaigns consistent and convertin’.
How to Create Irresistible Facebook Landing Pages (Examples) published first on https://nickpontemrktg.wordpress.com/
0 notes
kennethmontiveros · 4 years
How to Create Irresistible Facebook Landing Pages (Examples)
Imagine a potential customer is sitting in their car, waiting to pick up their kids from school. They’ve got 15 minutes to kill, so they pick up their phone and (because they’re 46 and don’t know about TikTok yet) scroll through Facebook.
Between checking out their best friend’s pictures from a tropical vacation and trying to untangle their Aunt Ida’s… uh, “unorthodox” political insights, they see your Facebook advertisement for gorgeous, handmade leather bags.
Your ads reach people like this because of tracking, pixels, lookalike audiences, and all the other technical magic that powers Facebook’s advertising platform. Facebook can see that this potential customer is in the market for a new leather bag (they were just searching for one last night!) and, based on the demographic targeting you’ve applied, shows them your ad.
There are only five minutes left until the school bell rights and children flood out the doors into the car, demanding snacks, Fortnite V-Bucks, and meaningful action to address global climate change. So, your prospect clicks your ad with the intent to buy.
Only… your Facebook ad doesn’t send them where they expected. Instead, it takes them to the homepage of your store. The beautiful leather bag you were advertising is nowhere in sight. Now the kids are in the car, the phone is back in the console, and the sale is lost. Where’d you go wrong?
In this article, we’re going to discuss how dedicated Facebook landing pages help you capture more of these near-miss conversions. Along the way, we’ll highlight ways you can optimize your pages to make ’em more impactful and share some examples of digital brands who’re doing it right.
What Is a Facebook Landing Page?
A Facebook landing page is a dedicated page designed to convert visitors from a specific pay-per-click (PPC) Facebook ad.
These landing pages are different from other pages (like product pages on your website) because they’re tailor-made to complement your Facebook ad. They continue the story—the hook, the design, the call to action that was introduced to the reader as they scrolled through their Facebook newsfeed.
Years ago, Facebook offered landing pages within their own platform. These allowed businesses to gate their content for Facebook likes (earning them the nickname “like gate”), but they haven’t been available since 2014.
In this post, when we talk about Facebook landing pages, we’re talking about the first page someone sees after they click on a Facebook ad—not to be confused with the on-platform landing pages Facebook used to offer.
Why Do I Need Landing Pages for My Facebook Ads?
Everyone’s Facebook newsfeed is unique. The content and pages you like, the friends you’re connected to, the groups you’re joined—these things all influence the way your newsfeed populates. Because prospects’ newsfeeds are personalized and the ads they see are highly targeted, your Facebook landing page needs to be tightly aligned with your ad if it’s going to be successful.
Here are some other reasons that having dedicated landing pages for each Facebook ad is good practice:
Potential customers need more information
Scrollers, readers, and browsers on Facebook need extra nurturing to go from ad click to purchase. These potential customers are in the brand awareness phase. To convert on your page, they’ll wanna see specific information related to whatever got them to click on the ad in the first place. A focused Facebook landing page—with concise info and a consistent message—is the best way to turn them into customers.
Mobile users are distracted users
People don’t log into Facebook for in-depth reading and focused learning. They’re filling time, or just picking up their phone for a quick check-in. And because 94% of Facebook ad revenue is from a mobile device, you should assume everyone who sees your ad only has five minutes or less to make a purchase.
That’s why you need to make it as easy as possible to go from Facebook ad to landing page call to action. Every navigation obstacle or confusing message risks losing your prospect’s attention and having them move on to something else.
Homepages are slow and overwhelming
Homepages are great for solution-aware prospects looking for specific information, but they can be overwhelming for visitors from social media. (Just think of all the distractions: nav bars, calls to action, lists of products and features.) A MECLABS study found that 44% of clicks generated by B2B companies send readers to a homepage and not a dedicated landing page. That’s a lot of businesses that aren’t optimizing for conversions.
An average visitor won’t wait more than three seconds for a page to load. Most websites are heavy with images, scripts, and other elements that make them slower than an optimized landing page. When you send your Facebook ad traffic to your homepage, you’re probably losing more customers than you realize.
How Do I Create a High-Converting Facebook Landing Page?
We’ve got a quick-reference list of Facebook landing page best practices below, but there are two things you really wanna keep in mind as you start building your page:
Know your audience. It’s no secret that Facebook has amazing targeting capabilities, but you won’t be able to take advantage of them if you don’t know anything about your ideal prospects. Before you shell out the cash for Facebook ads, make sure that you know your audience well. Spend time investigating how potential customers search for your solution, what words they use when describing products or services similar to yours, and what features or benefits interest them most.
Keep it consistent. When writing for a Facebook landing page, remember to keep the messaging consistent between your ad and your landing page. Marketers might think that repeating copy is repetitive, but it can help reinforce your message to prospects and reassure them they’re in the right place after they click. Same with calls to action: if someone clicks an ad about earning a doctoral degree, that’d better be the main focus of your landing page.
5 Facebook Landing Page Must-Haves
Clear unique selling proposition (USP). Visitors should immediately be able to tell what makes your product or service a fit for their needs. Don’t bury the most important details lower on your page—show ’em above the fold.
Strong, descriptive headlines. Your headline should make the reader want to know more or see more. The headline on both the Facebook ad and landing page should convey the same offer.
Consistent design elements. The goal here is to continue the story you started on Facebook, and that includes visuals. If the images on your Facebook ad are neutral colors with images of smiling kids, then your Facebook landing page should also have neutral colors with images of smiling kids.
High-quality images or videos. This seems like a gimme, but you’d be surprised how many Facebook landing pages use low-res visuals that scare off prospects right after they’ve clicked an ad. Make sure to use images or videos on your landing page that shows your offer in the best light.
A singular, compelling call to action. You can repeat your call to action throughout the page, but you should only ask visitors to do one specific thing. Plus, your copy should tell them exactly what happens when they do that thing: for example, “get the ebook” rather than “submit” on a form.
Examples of Facebook Landing Pages Done Right
Of course, we’d never give you all this information without providing some concrete examples. Here’s a breakdown of Facebook landing pages from Unbounce customers who really know what they’re doing.
Quarters: Target Your Ads with Demographic Information
Quarters is an all-inclusive community living space in multiple locations around the world. They advertise their service on Facebook by highlighting their transparent pricing, contract flexibility, and included amenities.
This Facebook ad that Quarters is running has five variants. Each features copy and imagery designed to target people looking for housing in a particular city or neighborhood—say, Manhattan—allowing Facebook to surface relevant ads depending on audience location.
Image courtesy of Quarters. (Click to see the whole thing.)
When someone clicks through to the landing page, Quarters encourages them to “Check Availability,” repeating the call to action throughout the page to keep it top-of-mind. This does a great job of guiding visitors to take the next step in the purchase journey.
Choosing a place to live can be a substantial expense (especially in the Big Apple), and Quarters anticipates their prospects will have plenty of questions. The landing page includes tons of useful information, including 360-degree tours of available rooms, details on the neighborhoods (with images and maps), and quick-reference lists of amenities and pricing.
TapSnap + Samuraw: Give Visitors Everything They Need to Convert
Here are a couple of landing pages that show it’s often more important to be clear than clever.
TapSnap is a photo booth rental company and their Facebook landing page makes that obvious. Above the fold, their message is super straightforward: they’re selling photo booths, they’ll deliver them to you, here’s how to get in touch. Boom.
Side note: Check out the arrow at the bottom of the fold that directs your eye to more information. Without it, the page might’ve created a false bottom effect, leading people to believe that they were at the bottom of the page when there’s actually more to read.
Image courtesy of TapSnap. (Click to see the whole thing.)
Further down, TapSnap provides a concise, skimmable list of features that help prospects quickly understand what they can expect from the product. Plus, the brand shows its booths in action with photos from real events (alongside examples of the different kinds of pictures available) to show off the experience they create.
TapSnap doesn’t leave anything to the imagination—and neither does Samuraw.
Samuraw offers a high-quality mineral and probiotic supplement made from natural ingredients, and this Facebook landing page (built by Webistry) delivers that message right away in the headline. By including the “add to cart” call to action above the fold, Samuraw also gives visitors a clear path to purchase.
Image courtesy of Samuraw. (Click to see the whole thing.)
If you’re already in the market for a real-food multivitamin and probiotic (who isn’t?), you might choose to purchase right them. But if you’re curious about ingredients and other nutritional details, Samuraw has done a great job of providing all that information further down the page.
Another neat feature of this Samuraw landing page is the sticky call to action that follows visitors as they scroll the page. This helps keep the offer top of mind and makes it easy for readers to purchase the product when they’re ready to convert.
Wanna see how other brands are using Facebook landing pages to grow their businesses? Check out this post about how a baby food brand used Facebook to create an email list of 14,000+ subscribers, or this one about how Indochino drove 50% growth in just one year.
Taboola + TurnKey: Use Proof Points to Establish Credibility
Leveraging proof (like evidence of your supposed benefits or testimonials from happy customers) in your Facebook ad and landing page copy is a powerful way to create trust with your audience.
Take Taboola, an advertising and sponsored content platform that you’ve probably seen surfacing content all over the web. In this Facebook ad, Taboola makes sure to highlight their expansive digital network: “Reach 1.4B users – and get traffic that converts.”
That’s a huge benefit that’s sure to get the attention of businesses who wanna get their message in front of loads of prospects.
Image courtesy of Taboola. (Click to see the whole thing.)
Taboola continues to build trust on their Facebook landing page. Above the fold, they’ve included a banner of some of their most recognizable partners and customers: USA Today, IKEA, and Microsoft, to name a few.
Further down, Taboola even includes concrete results that brands have gotten with the platform. It’s one thing to say you can increase someone’s conversion rate or audience engagement. It’s another thing to prove it with hard numbers.
TurnKey gives us another great example of how to use proof on your Facebook landing page. As a vacation rental platform, the company needs visitors to trust that their properties will be handled with care. They do that by including featured media logos and various awards in a banner above the fold.
Image courtesy of TurnKey. (Click to see the whole thing.)
But the most compelling proof on this page is a testimonial that TurnKey includes lower down. This customer totally lays out TurnKey’s unique selling proposition: other rental platforms have left their home in shambles and failed to earn them what they expected, whereas TurnKey puts their mind at ease by protecting the property from damage and generating more revenue.
You’ve gotta hire this guy, TurnKey.
CommuniCloud: Convert More with a Compelling Incentive
Sure, your offer is great—but to really get people converting, it can help to give ’em a little something extra. For ecommerce companies, maybe it’s free shipping or a discount. For SaaS brands, it’s usually a no-commitment free trial.
That’s how CommuniCloud is driving registrations on this Facebook landing page. The brand keeps things simple: along with a quick description of their benefits and some social proof, we’ve got a quick form that asks just for necessary information.
Image courtesy of Communicloud. (Click to see the whole thing.)
It’s important to note that CommuniCloud doesn’t require a credit card to sign up for their trial. That’d create some serious friction at this stage, so better to capture contact details and sort out the payment side later.
Schedulehead + HiredHippo: Show Off the Product In Action
Some products are… let’s say, more photogenic than others. It’s easier to get people’s attention with a picture of food or clothing than something like software. Still, showing off your product—whatever it is—can better (and more quickly) communicate what you’re offering than words alone.
Schedulehead is a software platform that helps companies manage their employee scheduling and payroll. On this Facebook landing page, the brand is sure to highlight their user interface right from the beginning—before even getting into the specifics of their functionality.
Image courtesy of Schedulehead. (Click to see the whole thing.)
This helps visitors understand that Schedulehead isn’t some overrated spreadsheet. There are at-a-glance graphs and charts, map and calendar integrations, and loads of other features to help track your workforce.
And check out this page from HiredHippo, a job search network that automatically matches professionals with hiring companies. (Love this headline, by the way. Finding job opportunities without updating a dull resume sounds like a dream come true.)
Image courtesy of HiredHippo. (Click to see the whole thing.)
After listing some of the benefits and sharing testimonials from users, HiredHippo is sure to include a snapshot of the platform to show visitors what they can expect. Even just from this image, we can see that the dashboard makes evaluating job opportunities way easier by sharing the key details in a bulleted list.
Start Building Your Own Facebook Landing Pages with Unbounce
Ready to create a landing page for your next Facebook ad campaign? Be sure to check out how Unbounce helps digital brands turn more followers into customers. Then head over to our templates to get a head start building a customized landing page that’ll keep your campaigns consistent and convertin’.
How to Create Irresistible Facebook Landing Pages (Examples) published first on http://nickpontemktg.blogspot.com/
0 notes
itsjessicaisreal · 4 years
How to Create Irresistible Facebook Landing Pages (Examples)
Imagine a potential customer is sitting in their car, waiting to pick up their kids from school. They’ve got 15 minutes to kill, so they pick up their phone and (because they’re 46 and don’t know about TikTok yet) scroll through Facebook.
Between checking out their best friend’s pictures from a tropical vacation and trying to untangle their Aunt Ida’s… uh, “unorthodox” political insights, they see your Facebook advertisement for gorgeous, handmade leather bags.
Your ads reach people like this because of tracking, pixels, lookalike audiences, and all the other technical magic that powers Facebook’s advertising platform. Facebook can see that this potential customer is in the market for a new leather bag (they were just searching for one last night!) and, based on the demographic targeting you’ve applied, shows them your ad.
There are only five minutes left until the school bell rights and children flood out the doors into the car, demanding snacks, Fortnite V-Bucks, and meaningful action to address global climate change. So, your prospect clicks your ad with the intent to buy.
Only… your Facebook ad doesn’t send them where they expected. Instead, it takes them to the homepage of your store. The beautiful leather bag you were advertising is nowhere in sight. Now the kids are in the car, the phone is back in the console, and the sale is lost. Where’d you go wrong?
In this article, we’re going to discuss how dedicated Facebook landing pages help you capture more of these near-miss conversions. Along the way, we’ll highlight ways you can optimize your pages to make ’em more impactful and share some examples of digital brands who’re doing it right.
What Is a Facebook Landing Page?
A Facebook landing page is a dedicated page designed to convert visitors from a specific pay-per-click (PPC) Facebook ad.
These landing pages are different from other pages (like product pages on your website) because they’re tailor-made to complement your Facebook ad. They continue the story—the hook, the design, the call to action that was introduced to the reader as they scrolled through their Facebook newsfeed.
Years ago, Facebook offered landing pages within their own platform. These allowed businesses to gate their content for Facebook likes (earning them the nickname “like gate”), but they haven’t been available since 2014.
In this post, when we talk about Facebook landing pages, we’re talking about the first page someone sees after they click on a Facebook ad—not to be confused with the on-platform landing pages Facebook used to offer.
Why Do I Need Landing Pages for My Facebook Ads?
Everyone’s Facebook newsfeed is unique. The content and pages you like, the friends you’re connected to, the groups you’re joined—these things all influence the way your newsfeed populates. Because prospects’ newsfeeds are personalized and the ads they see are highly targeted, your Facebook landing page needs to be tightly aligned with your ad if it’s going to be successful.
Here are some other reasons that having dedicated landing pages for each Facebook ad is good practice:
Potential customers need more information
Scrollers, readers, and browsers on Facebook need extra nurturing to go from ad click to purchase. These potential customers are in the brand awareness phase. To convert on your page, they’ll wanna see specific information related to whatever got them to click on the ad in the first place. A focused Facebook landing page—with concise info and a consistent message—is the best way to turn them into customers.
Mobile users are distracted users
People don’t log into Facebook for in-depth reading and focused learning. They’re filling time, or just picking up their phone for a quick check-in. And because 94% of Facebook ad revenue is from a mobile device, you should assume everyone who sees your ad only has five minutes or less to make a purchase.
That’s why you need to make it as easy as possible to go from Facebook ad to landing page call to action. Every navigation obstacle or confusing message risks losing your prospect’s attention and having them move on to something else.
Homepages are slow and overwhelming
Homepages are great for solution-aware prospects looking for specific information, but they can be overwhelming for visitors from social media. (Just think of all the distractions: nav bars, calls to action, lists of products and features.) A MECLABS study found that 44% of clicks generated by B2B companies send readers to a homepage and not a dedicated landing page. That’s a lot of businesses that aren’t optimizing for conversions.
An average visitor won’t wait more than three seconds for a page to load. Most websites are heavy with images, scripts, and other elements that make them slower than an optimized landing page. When you send your Facebook ad traffic to your homepage, you’re probably losing more customers than you realize.
How Do I Create a High-Converting Facebook Landing Page?
We’ve got a quick-reference list of Facebook landing page best practices below, but there are two things you really wanna keep in mind as you start building your page:
Know your audience. It’s no secret that Facebook has amazing targeting capabilities, but you won’t be able to take advantage of them if you don’t know anything about your ideal prospects. Before you shell out the cash for Facebook ads, make sure that you know your audience well. Spend time investigating how potential customers search for your solution, what words they use when describing products or services similar to yours, and what features or benefits interest them most.
Keep it consistent. When writing for a Facebook landing page, remember to keep the messaging consistent between your ad and your landing page. Marketers might think that repeating copy is repetitive, but it can help reinforce your message to prospects and reassure them they’re in the right place after they click. Same with calls to action: if someone clicks an ad about earning a doctoral degree, that’d better be the main focus of your landing page.
5 Facebook Landing Page Must-Haves
Clear unique selling proposition (USP). Visitors should immediately be able to tell what makes your product or service a fit for their needs. Don’t bury the most important details lower on your page—show ’em above the fold.
Strong, descriptive headlines. Your headline should make the reader want to know more or see more. The headline on both the Facebook ad and landing page should convey the same offer.
Consistent design elements. The goal here is to continue the story you started on Facebook, and that includes visuals. If the images on your Facebook ad are neutral colors with images of smiling kids, then your Facebook landing page should also have neutral colors with images of smiling kids.
High-quality images or videos. This seems like a gimme, but you’d be surprised how many Facebook landing pages use low-res visuals that scare off prospects right after they’ve clicked an ad. Make sure to use images or videos on your landing page that shows your offer in the best light.
A singular, compelling call to action. You can repeat your call to action throughout the page, but you should only ask visitors to do one specific thing. Plus, your copy should tell them exactly what happens when they do that thing: for example, “get the ebook” rather than “submit” on a form.
Examples of Facebook Landing Pages Done Right
Of course, we’d never give you all this information without providing some concrete examples. Here’s a breakdown of Facebook landing pages from Unbounce customers who really know what they’re doing.
Quarters: Target Your Ads with Demographic Information
Quarters is an all-inclusive community living space in multiple locations around the world. They advertise their service on Facebook by highlighting their transparent pricing, contract flexibility, and included amenities.
This Facebook ad that Quarters is running has five variants. Each features copy and imagery designed to target people looking for housing in a particular city or neighborhood—say, Manhattan—allowing Facebook to surface relevant ads depending on audience location.
Image courtesy of Quarters. (Click to see the whole thing.)
When someone clicks through to the landing page, Quarters encourages them to “Check Availability,” repeating the call to action throughout the page to keep it top-of-mind. This does a great job of guiding visitors to take the next step in the purchase journey.
Choosing a place to live can be a substantial expense (especially in the Big Apple), and Quarters anticipates their prospects will have plenty of questions. The landing page includes tons of useful information, including 360-degree tours of available rooms, details on the neighborhoods (with images and maps), and quick-reference lists of amenities and pricing.
TapSnap + Samuraw: Give Visitors Everything They Need to Convert
Here are a couple of landing pages that show it’s often more important to be clear than clever.
TapSnap is a photo booth rental company and their Facebook landing page makes that obvious. Above the fold, their message is super straightforward: they’re selling photo booths, they’ll deliver them to you, here’s how to get in touch. Boom.
Side note: Check out the arrow at the bottom of the fold that directs your eye to more information. Without it, the page might’ve created a false bottom effect, leading people to believe that they were at the bottom of the page when there’s actually more to read.
Image courtesy of TapSnap. (Click to see the whole thing.)
Further down, TapSnap provides a concise, skimmable list of features that help prospects quickly understand what they can expect from the product. Plus, the brand shows its booths in action with photos from real events (alongside examples of the different kinds of pictures available) to show off the experience they create.
TapSnap doesn’t leave anything to the imagination—and neither does Samuraw.
Samuraw offers a high-quality mineral and probiotic supplement made from natural ingredients, and this Facebook landing page (built by Webistry) delivers that message right away in the headline. By including the “add to cart” call to action above the fold, Samuraw also gives visitors a clear path to purchase.
Image courtesy of Samuraw. (Click to see the whole thing.)
If you’re already in the market for a real-food multivitamin and probiotic (who isn’t?), you might choose to purchase right them. But if you’re curious about ingredients and other nutritional details, Samuraw has done a great job of providing all that information further down the page.
Another neat feature of this Samuraw landing page is the sticky call to action that follows visitors as they scroll the page. This helps keep the offer top of mind and makes it easy for readers to purchase the product when they’re ready to convert.
Wanna see how other brands are using Facebook landing pages to grow their businesses? Check out this post about how a baby food brand used Facebook to create an email list of 14,000+ subscribers, or this one about how Indochino drove 50% growth in just one year.
Taboola + TurnKey: Use Proof Points to Establish Credibility
Leveraging proof (like evidence of your supposed benefits or testimonials from happy customers) in your Facebook ad and landing page copy is a powerful way to create trust with your audience.
Take Taboola, an advertising and sponsored content platform that you’ve probably seen surfacing content all over the web. In this Facebook ad, Taboola makes sure to highlight their expansive digital network: “Reach 1.4B users – and get traffic that converts.”
That’s a huge benefit that’s sure to get the attention of businesses who wanna get their message in front of loads of prospects.
Image courtesy of Taboola. (Click to see the whole thing.)
Taboola continues to build trust on their Facebook landing page. Above the fold, they’ve included a banner of some of their most recognizable partners and customers: USA Today, IKEA, and Microsoft, to name a few.
Further down, Taboola even includes concrete results that brands have gotten with the platform. It’s one thing to say you can increase someone’s conversion rate or audience engagement. It’s another thing to prove it with hard numbers.
TurnKey gives us another great example of how to use proof on your Facebook landing page. As a vacation rental platform, the company needs visitors to trust that their properties will be handled with care. They do that by including featured media logos and various awards in a banner above the fold.
Image courtesy of TurnKey. (Click to see the whole thing.)
But the most compelling proof on this page is a testimonial that TurnKey includes lower down. This customer totally lays out TurnKey’s unique selling proposition: other rental platforms have left their home in shambles and failed to earn them what they expected, whereas TurnKey puts their mind at ease by protecting the property from damage and generating more revenue.
You’ve gotta hire this guy, TurnKey.
CommuniCloud: Convert More with a Compelling Incentive
Sure, your offer is great—but to really get people converting, it can help to give ’em a little something extra. For ecommerce companies, maybe it’s free shipping or a discount. For SaaS brands, it’s usually a no-commitment free trial.
That’s how CommuniCloud is driving registrations on this Facebook landing page. The brand keeps things simple: along with a quick description of their benefits and some social proof, we’ve got a quick form that asks just for necessary information.
Image courtesy of Communicloud. (Click to see the whole thing.)
It’s important to note that CommuniCloud doesn’t require a credit card to sign up for their trial. That’d create some serious friction at this stage, so better to capture contact details and sort out the payment side later.
Schedulehead + HiredHippo: Show Off the Product In Action
Some products are… let’s say, more photogenic than others. It’s easier to get people’s attention with a picture of food or clothing than something like software. Still, showing off your product—whatever it is—can better (and more quickly) communicate what you’re offering than words alone.
Schedulehead is a software platform that helps companies manage their employee scheduling and payroll. On this Facebook landing page, the brand is sure to highlight their user interface right from the beginning—before even getting into the specifics of their functionality.
Image courtesy of Schedulehead. (Click to see the whole thing.)
This helps visitors understand that Schedulehead isn’t some overrated spreadsheet. There are at-a-glance graphs and charts, map and calendar integrations, and loads of other features to help track your workforce.
And check out this page from HiredHippo, a job search network that automatically matches professionals with hiring companies. (Love this headline, by the way. Finding job opportunities without updating a dull resume sounds like a dream come true.)
Image courtesy of HiredHippo. (Click to see the whole thing.)
After listing some of the benefits and sharing testimonials from users, HiredHippo is sure to include a snapshot of the platform to show visitors what they can expect. Even just from this image, we can see that the dashboard makes evaluating job opportunities way easier by sharing the key details in a bulleted list.
Start Building Your Own Facebook Landing Pages with Unbounce
Ready to create a landing page for your next Facebook ad campaign? Be sure to check out how Unbounce helps digital brands turn more followers into customers. Then head over to our templates to get a head start building a customized landing page that’ll keep your campaigns consistent and convertin’.
from Marketing https://unbounce.com/social-media/facebook-landing-pages/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
samanthasmeyers · 4 years
How to Create Irresistible Facebook Landing Pages (Examples)
Imagine a potential customer is sitting in their car, waiting to pick up their kids from school. They’ve got 15 minutes to kill, so they pick up their phone and (because they’re 46 and don’t know about TikTok yet) scroll through Facebook.
Between checking out their best friend’s pictures from a tropical vacation and trying to untangle their Aunt Ida’s… uh, “unorthodox” political insights, they see your Facebook advertisement for gorgeous, handmade leather bags.
Your ads reach people like this because of tracking, pixels, lookalike audiences, and all the other technical magic that powers Facebook’s advertising platform. Facebook can see that this potential customer is in the market for a new leather bag (they were just searching for one last night!) and, based on the demographic targeting you’ve applied, shows them your ad.
There are only five minutes left until the school bell rights and children flood out the doors into the car, demanding snacks, Fortnite V-Bucks, and meaningful action to address global climate change. So, your prospect clicks your ad with the intent to buy.
Only… your Facebook ad doesn’t send them where they expected. Instead, it takes them to the homepage of your store. The beautiful leather bag you were advertising is nowhere in sight. Now the kids are in the car, the phone is back in the console, and the sale is lost. Where’d you go wrong?
In this article, we’re going to discuss how dedicated Facebook landing pages help you capture more of these near-miss conversions. Along the way, we’ll highlight ways you can optimize your pages to make ’em more impactful and share some examples of digital brands who’re doing it right.
What Is a Facebook Landing Page?
A Facebook landing page is a dedicated page designed to convert visitors from a specific pay-per-click (PPC) Facebook ad.
These landing pages are different from other pages (like product pages on your website) because they’re tailor-made to complement your Facebook ad. They continue the story—the hook, the design, the call to action that was introduced to the reader as they scrolled through their Facebook newsfeed.
Years ago, Facebook offered landing pages within their own platform. These allowed businesses to gate their content for Facebook likes (earning them the nickname “like gate”), but they haven’t been available since 2014.
In this post, when we talk about Facebook landing pages, we’re talking about the first page someone sees after they click on a Facebook ad—not to be confused with the on-platform landing pages Facebook used to offer.
Why Do I Need Landing Pages for My Facebook Ads?
Everyone’s Facebook newsfeed is unique. The content and pages you like, the friends you’re connected to, the groups you’re joined—these things all influence the way your newsfeed populates. Because prospects’ newsfeeds are personalized and the ads they see are highly targeted, your Facebook landing page needs to be tightly aligned with your ad if it’s going to be successful.
Here are some other reasons that having dedicated landing pages for each Facebook ad is good practice:
Potential customers need more information
Scrollers, readers, and browsers on Facebook need extra nurturing to go from ad click to purchase. These potential customers are in the brand awareness phase. To convert on your page, they’ll wanna see specific information related to whatever got them to click on the ad in the first place. A focused Facebook landing page—with concise info and a consistent message—is the best way to turn them into customers.
Mobile users are distracted users
People don’t log into Facebook for in-depth reading and focused learning. They’re filling time, or just picking up their phone for a quick check-in. And because 94% of Facebook ad revenue is from a mobile device, you should assume everyone who sees your ad only has five minutes or less to make a purchase.
That’s why you need to make it as easy as possible to go from Facebook ad to landing page call to action. Every navigation obstacle or confusing message risks losing your prospect’s attention and having them move on to something else.
Homepages are slow and overwhelming
Homepages are great for solution-aware prospects looking for specific information, but they can be overwhelming for visitors from social media. (Just think of all the distractions: nav bars, calls to action, lists of products and features.) A MECLABS study found that 44% of clicks generated by B2B companies send readers to a homepage and not a dedicated landing page. That’s a lot of businesses that aren’t optimizing for conversions.
An average visitor won’t wait more than three seconds for a page to load. Most websites are heavy with images, scripts, and other elements that make them slower than an optimized landing page. When you send your Facebook ad traffic to your homepage, you’re probably losing more customers than you realize.
How Do I Create a High-Converting Facebook Landing Page?
We’ve got a quick-reference list of Facebook landing page best practices below, but there are two things you really wanna keep in mind as you start building your page:
Know your audience. It’s no secret that Facebook has amazing targeting capabilities, but you won’t be able to take advantage of them if you don’t know anything about your ideal prospects. Before you shell out the cash for Facebook ads, make sure that you know your audience well. Spend time investigating how potential customers search for your solution, what words they use when describing products or services similar to yours, and what features or benefits interest them most.
Keep it consistent. When writing for a Facebook landing page, remember to keep the messaging consistent between your ad and your landing page. Marketers might think that repeating copy is repetitive, but it can help reinforce your message to prospects and reassure them they’re in the right place after they click. Same with calls to action: if someone clicks an ad about earning a doctoral degree, that’d better be the main focus of your landing page.
5 Facebook Landing Page Must-Haves
Clear unique selling proposition (USP). Visitors should immediately be able to tell what makes your product or service a fit for their needs. Don’t bury the most important details lower on your page—show ’em above the fold.
Strong, descriptive headlines. Your headline should make the reader want to know more or see more. The headline on both the Facebook ad and landing page should convey the same offer.
Consistent design elements. The goal here is to continue the story you started on Facebook, and that includes visuals. If the images on your Facebook ad are neutral colors with images of smiling kids, then your Facebook landing page should also have neutral colors with images of smiling kids.
High-quality images or videos. This seems like a gimme, but you’d be surprised how many Facebook landing pages use low-res visuals that scare off prospects right after they’ve clicked an ad. Make sure to use images or videos on your landing page that shows your offer in the best light.
A singular, compelling call to action. You can repeat your call to action throughout the page, but you should only ask visitors to do one specific thing. Plus, your copy should tell them exactly what happens when they do that thing: for example, “get the ebook” rather than “submit” on a form.
Examples of Facebook Landing Pages Done Right
Of course, we’d never give you all this information without providing some concrete examples. Here’s a breakdown of Facebook landing pages from Unbounce customers who really know what they’re doing.
Quarters: Target Your Ads with Demographic Information
Quarters is an all-inclusive community living space in multiple locations around the world. They advertise their service on Facebook by highlighting their transparent pricing, contract flexibility, and included amenities.
This Facebook ad that Quarters is running has five variants. Each features copy and imagery designed to target people looking for housing in a particular city or neighborhood—say, Manhattan—allowing Facebook to surface relevant ads depending on audience location.
Image courtesy of Quarters. (Click to see the whole thing.)
When someone clicks through to the landing page, Quarters encourages them to “Check Availability,” repeating the call to action throughout the page to keep it top-of-mind. This does a great job of guiding visitors to take the next step in the purchase journey.
Choosing a place to live can be a substantial expense (especially in the Big Apple), and Quarters anticipates their prospects will have plenty of questions. The landing page includes tons of useful information, including 360-degree tours of available rooms, details on the neighborhoods (with images and maps), and quick-reference lists of amenities and pricing.
TapSnap + Samuraw: Give Visitors Everything They Need to Convert
Here are a couple of landing pages that show it’s often more important to be clear than clever.
TapSnap is a photo booth rental company and their Facebook landing page makes that obvious. Above the fold, their message is super straightforward: they’re selling photo booths, they’ll deliver them to you, here’s how to get in touch. Boom.
Side note: Check out the arrow at the bottom of the fold that directs your eye to more information. Without it, the page might’ve created a false bottom effect, leading people to believe that they were at the bottom of the page when there’s actually more to read.
Image courtesy of TapSnap. (Click to see the whole thing.)
Further down, TapSnap provides a concise, skimmable list of features that help prospects quickly understand what they can expect from the product. Plus, the brand shows its booths in action with photos from real events (alongside examples of the different kinds of pictures available) to show off the experience they create.
TapSnap doesn’t leave anything to the imagination—and neither does Samuraw.
Samuraw offers a high-quality mineral and probiotic supplement made from natural ingredients, and this Facebook landing page (built by Webistry) delivers that message right away in the headline. By including the “add to cart” call to action above the fold, Samuraw also gives visitors a clear path to purchase.
Image courtesy of Samuraw. (Click to see the whole thing.)
If you’re already in the market for a real-food multivitamin and probiotic (who isn’t?), you might choose to purchase right them. But if you’re curious about ingredients and other nutritional details, Samuraw has done a great job of providing all that information further down the page.
Another neat feature of this Samuraw landing page is the sticky call to action that follows visitors as they scroll the page. This helps keep the offer top of mind and makes it easy for readers to purchase the product when they’re ready to convert.
Wanna see how other brands are using Facebook landing pages to grow their businesses? Check out this post about how a baby food brand used Facebook to create an email list of 14,000+ subscribers, or this one about how Indochino drove 50% growth in just one year.
Taboola + TurnKey: Use Proof Points to Establish Credibility
Leveraging proof (like evidence of your supposed benefits or testimonials from happy customers) in your Facebook ad and landing page copy is a powerful way to create trust with your audience.
Take Taboola, an advertising and sponsored content platform that you’ve probably seen surfacing content all over the web. In this Facebook ad, Taboola makes sure to highlight their expansive digital network: “Reach 1.4B users – and get traffic that converts.”
That’s a huge benefit that’s sure to get the attention of businesses who wanna get their message in front of loads of prospects.
Image courtesy of Taboola. (Click to see the whole thing.)
Taboola continues to build trust on their Facebook landing page. Above the fold, they’ve included a banner of some of their most recognizable partners and customers: USA Today, IKEA, and Microsoft, to name a few.
Further down, Taboola even includes concrete results that brands have gotten with the platform. It’s one thing to say you can increase someone’s conversion rate or audience engagement. It’s another thing to prove it with hard numbers.
TurnKey gives us another great example of how to use proof on your Facebook landing page. As a vacation rental platform, the company needs visitors to trust that their properties will be handled with care. They do that by including featured media logos and various awards in a banner above the fold.
Image courtesy of TurnKey. (Click to see the whole thing.)
But the most compelling proof on this page is a testimonial that TurnKey includes lower down. This customer totally lays out TurnKey’s unique selling proposition: other rental platforms have left their home in shambles and failed to earn them what they expected, whereas TurnKey puts their mind at ease by protecting the property from damage and generating more revenue.
You’ve gotta hire this guy, TurnKey.
CommuniCloud: Convert More with a Compelling Incentive
Sure, your offer is great—but to really get people converting, it can help to give ’em a little something extra. For ecommerce companies, maybe it’s free shipping or a discount. For SaaS brands, it’s usually a no-commitment free trial.
That’s how CommuniCloud is driving registrations on this Facebook landing page. The brand keeps things simple: along with a quick description of their benefits and some social proof, we’ve got a quick form that asks just for necessary information.
Image courtesy of Communicloud. (Click to see the whole thing.)
It’s important to note that CommuniCloud doesn’t require a credit card to sign up for their trial. That’d create some serious friction at this stage, so better to capture contact details and sort out the payment side later.
Schedulehead + HiredHippo: Show Off the Product In Action
Some products are… let’s say, more photogenic than others. It’s easier to get people’s attention with a picture of food or clothing than something like software. Still, showing off your product—whatever it is—can better (and more quickly) communicate what you’re offering than words alone.
Schedulehead is a software platform that helps companies manage their employee scheduling and payroll. On this Facebook landing page, the brand is sure to highlight their user interface right from the beginning—before even getting into the specifics of their functionality.
Image courtesy of Schedulehead. (Click to see the whole thing.)
This helps visitors understand that Schedulehead isn’t some overrated spreadsheet. There are at-a-glance graphs and charts, map and calendar integrations, and loads of other features to help track your workforce.
And check out this page from HiredHippo, a job search network that automatically matches professionals with hiring companies. (Love this headline, by the way. Finding job opportunities without updating a dull resume sounds like a dream come true.)
Image courtesy of HiredHippo. (Click to see the whole thing.)
After listing some of the benefits and sharing testimonials from users, HiredHippo is sure to include a snapshot of the platform to show visitors what they can expect. Even just from this image, we can see that the dashboard makes evaluating job opportunities way easier by sharing the key details in a bulleted list.
Start Building Your Own Facebook Landing Pages with Unbounce
Ready to create a landing page for your next Facebook ad campaign? Be sure to check out how Unbounce helps digital brands turn more followers into customers. Then head over to our templates to get a head start building a customized landing page that’ll keep your campaigns consistent and convertin’.
from Marketing https://unbounce.com/social-media/facebook-landing-pages/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
roypstickney · 4 years
How to Create Irresistible Facebook Landing Pages (Examples)
Imagine a potential customer is sitting in their car, waiting to pick up their kids from school. They’ve got 15 minutes to kill, so they pick up their phone and (because they’re 46 and don’t know about TikTok yet) scroll through Facebook.
Between checking out their best friend’s pictures from a tropical vacation and trying to untangle their Aunt Ida’s… uh, “unorthodox” political insights, they see your Facebook advertisement for gorgeous, handmade leather bags.
Your ads reach people like this because of tracking, pixels, lookalike audiences, and all the other technical magic that powers Facebook’s advertising platform. Facebook can see that this potential customer is in the market for a new leather bag (they were just searching for one last night!) and, based on the demographic targeting you’ve applied, shows them your ad.
There are only five minutes left until the school bell rights and children flood out the doors into the car, demanding snacks, Fortnite V-Bucks, and meaningful action to address global climate change. So, your prospect clicks your ad with the intent to buy.
Only… your Facebook ad doesn’t send them where they expected. Instead, it takes them to the homepage of your store. The beautiful leather bag you were advertising is nowhere in sight. Now the kids are in the car, the phone is back in the console, and the sale is lost. Where’d you go wrong?
In this article, we’re going to discuss how dedicated Facebook landing pages help you capture more of these near-miss conversions. Along the way, we’ll highlight ways you can optimize your pages to make ’em more impactful and share some examples of digital brands who’re doing it right.
What Is a Facebook Landing Page?
A Facebook landing page is a dedicated page designed to convert visitors from a specific pay-per-click (PPC) Facebook ad.
These landing pages are different from other pages (like product pages on your website) because they’re tailor-made to complement your Facebook ad. They continue the story—the hook, the design, the call to action that was introduced to the reader as they scrolled through their Facebook newsfeed.
Years ago, Facebook offered landing pages within their own platform. These allowed businesses to gate their content for Facebook likes (earning them the nickname “like gate”), but they haven’t been available since 2014.
In this post, when we talk about Facebook landing pages, we’re talking about the first page someone sees after they click on a Facebook ad—not to be confused with the on-platform landing pages Facebook used to offer.
Why Do I Need Landing Pages for My Facebook Ads?
Everyone’s Facebook newsfeed is unique. The content and pages you like, the friends you’re connected to, the groups you’re joined—these things all influence the way your newsfeed populates. Because prospects’ newsfeeds are personalized and the ads they see are highly targeted, your Facebook landing page needs to be tightly aligned with your ad if it’s going to be successful.
Here are some other reasons that having dedicated landing pages for each Facebook ad is good practice:
Potential customers need more information
Scrollers, readers, and browsers on Facebook need extra nurturing to go from ad click to purchase. These potential customers are in the brand awareness phase. To convert on your page, they’ll wanna see specific information related to whatever got them to click on the ad in the first place. A focused Facebook landing page—with concise info and a consistent message—is the best way to turn them into customers.
Mobile users are distracted users
People don’t log into Facebook for in-depth reading and focused learning. They’re filling time, or just picking up their phone for a quick check-in. And because 94% of Facebook ad revenue is from a mobile device, you should assume everyone who sees your ad only has five minutes or less to make a purchase.
That’s why you need to make it as easy as possible to go from Facebook ad to landing page call to action. Every navigation obstacle or confusing message risks losing your prospect’s attention and having them move on to something else.
Homepages are slow and overwhelming
Homepages are great for solution-aware prospects looking for specific information, but they can be overwhelming for visitors from social media. (Just think of all the distractions: nav bars, calls to action, lists of products and features.) A MECLABS study found that 44% of clicks generated by B2B companies send readers to a homepage and not a dedicated landing page. That’s a lot of businesses that aren’t optimizing for conversions.
An average visitor won’t wait more than three seconds for a page to load. Most websites are heavy with images, scripts, and other elements that make them slower than an optimized landing page. When you send your Facebook ad traffic to your homepage, you’re probably losing more customers than you realize.
How Do I Create a High-Converting Facebook Landing Page?
We’ve got a quick-reference list of Facebook landing page best practices below, but there are two things you really wanna keep in mind as you start building your page:
Know your audience. It’s no secret that Facebook has amazing targeting capabilities, but you won’t be able to take advantage of them if you don’t know anything about your ideal prospects. Before you shell out the cash for Facebook ads, make sure that you know your audience well. Spend time investigating how potential customers search for your solution, what words they use when describing products or services similar to yours, and what features or benefits interest them most.
Keep it consistent. When writing for a Facebook landing page, remember to keep the messaging consistent between your ad and your landing page. Marketers might think that repeating copy is repetitive, but it can help reinforce your message to prospects and reassure them they’re in the right place after they click. Same with calls to action: if someone clicks an ad about earning a doctoral degree, that’d better be the main focus of your landing page.
5 Facebook Landing Page Must-Haves
Clear unique selling proposition (USP). Visitors should immediately be able to tell what makes your product or service a fit for their needs. Don’t bury the most important details lower on your page—show ’em above the fold.
Strong, descriptive headlines. Your headline should make the reader want to know more or see more. The headline on both the Facebook ad and landing page should convey the same offer.
Consistent design elements. The goal here is to continue the story you started on Facebook, and that includes visuals. If the images on your Facebook ad are neutral colors with images of smiling kids, then your Facebook landing page should also have neutral colors with images of smiling kids.
High-quality images or videos. This seems like a gimme, but you’d be surprised how many Facebook landing pages use low-res visuals that scare off prospects right after they’ve clicked an ad. Make sure to use images or videos on your landing page that shows your offer in the best light.
A singular, compelling call to action. You can repeat your call to action throughout the page, but you should only ask visitors to do one specific thing. Plus, your copy should tell them exactly what happens when they do that thing: for example, “get the ebook” rather than “submit” on a form.
Examples of Facebook Landing Pages Done Right
Of course, we’d never give you all this information without providing some concrete examples. Here’s a breakdown of Facebook landing pages from Unbounce customers who really know what they’re doing.
Quarters: Target Your Ads with Demographic Information
Quarters is an all-inclusive community living space in multiple locations around the world. They advertise their service on Facebook by highlighting their transparent pricing, contract flexibility, and included amenities.
This Facebook ad that Quarters is running has five variants. Each features copy and imagery designed to target people looking for housing in a particular city or neighborhood—say, Manhattan—allowing Facebook to surface relevant ads depending on audience location.
Image courtesy of Quarters. (Click to see the whole thing.)
When someone clicks through to the landing page, Quarters encourages them to “Check Availability,” repeating the call to action throughout the page to keep it top-of-mind. This does a great job of guiding visitors to take the next step in the purchase journey.
Choosing a place to live can be a substantial expense (especially in the Big Apple), and Quarters anticipates their prospects will have plenty of questions. The landing page includes tons of useful information, including 360-degree tours of available rooms, details on the neighborhoods (with images and maps), and quick-reference lists of amenities and pricing.
TapSnap + Samuraw: Give Visitors Everything They Need to Convert
Here are a couple of landing pages that show it’s often more important to be clear than clever.
TapSnap is a photo booth rental company and their Facebook landing page makes that obvious. Above the fold, their message is super straightforward: they’re selling photo booths, they’ll deliver them to you, here’s how to get in touch. Boom.
Side note: Check out the arrow at the bottom of the fold that directs your eye to more information. Without it, the page might’ve created a false bottom effect, leading people to believe that they were at the bottom of the page when there’s actually more to read.
Image courtesy of TapSnap. (Click to see the whole thing.)
Further down, TapSnap provides a concise, skimmable list of features that help prospects quickly understand what they can expect from the product. Plus, the brand shows its booths in action with photos from real events (alongside examples of the different kinds of pictures available) to show off the experience they create.
TapSnap doesn’t leave anything to the imagination—and neither does Samuraw.
Samuraw offers a high-quality mineral and probiotic supplement made from natural ingredients, and this Facebook landing page (built by Webistry) delivers that message right away in the headline. By including the “add to cart” call to action above the fold, Samuraw also gives visitors a clear path to purchase.
Image courtesy of Samuraw. (Click to see the whole thing.)
If you’re already in the market for a real-food multivitamin and probiotic (who isn’t?), you might choose to purchase right them. But if you’re curious about ingredients and other nutritional details, Samuraw has done a great job of providing all that information further down the page.
Another neat feature of this Samuraw landing page is the sticky call to action that follows visitors as they scroll the page. This helps keep the offer top of mind and makes it easy for readers to purchase the product when they’re ready to convert.
Wanna see how other brands are using Facebook landing pages to grow their businesses? Check out this post about how a baby food brand used Facebook to create an email list of 14,000+ subscribers, or this one about how Indochino drove 50% growth in just one year.
Taboola + TurnKey: Use Proof Points to Establish Credibility
Leveraging proof (like evidence of your supposed benefits or testimonials from happy customers) in your Facebook ad and landing page copy is a powerful way to create trust with your audience.
Take Taboola, an advertising and sponsored content platform that you’ve probably seen surfacing content all over the web. In this Facebook ad, Taboola makes sure to highlight their expansive digital network: “Reach 1.4B users – and get traffic that converts.”
That’s a huge benefit that’s sure to get the attention of businesses who wanna get their message in front of loads of prospects.
Image courtesy of Taboola. (Click to see the whole thing.)
Taboola continues to build trust on their Facebook landing page. Above the fold, they’ve included a banner of some of their most recognizable partners and customers: USA Today, IKEA, and Microsoft, to name a few.
Further down, Taboola even includes concrete results that brands have gotten with the platform. It’s one thing to say you can increase someone’s conversion rate or audience engagement. It’s another thing to prove it with hard numbers.
TurnKey gives us another great example of how to use proof on your Facebook landing page. As a vacation rental platform, the company needs visitors to trust that their properties will be handled with care. They do that by including featured media logos and various awards in a banner above the fold.
Image courtesy of TurnKey. (Click to see the whole thing.)
But the most compelling proof on this page is a testimonial that TurnKey includes lower down. This customer totally lays out TurnKey’s unique selling proposition: other rental platforms have left their home in shambles and failed to earn them what they expected, whereas TurnKey puts their mind at ease by protecting the property from damage and generating more revenue.
You’ve gotta hire this guy, TurnKey.
CommuniCloud: Convert More with a Compelling Incentive
Sure, your offer is great—but to really get people converting, it can help to give ’em a little something extra. For ecommerce companies, maybe it’s free shipping or a discount. For SaaS brands, it’s usually a no-commitment free trial.
That’s how CommuniCloud is driving registrations on this Facebook landing page. The brand keeps things simple: along with a quick description of their benefits and some social proof, we’ve got a quick form that asks just for necessary information.
Image courtesy of Communicloud. (Click to see the whole thing.)
It’s important to note that CommuniCloud doesn’t require a credit card to sign up for their trial. That’d create some serious friction at this stage, so better to capture contact details and sort out the payment side later.
Schedulehead + HiredHippo: Show Off the Product In Action
Some products are… let’s say, more photogenic than others. It’s easier to get people’s attention with a picture of food or clothing than something like software. Still, showing off your product—whatever it is—can better (and more quickly) communicate what you’re offering than words alone.
Schedulehead is a software platform that helps companies manage their employee scheduling and payroll. On this Facebook landing page, the brand is sure to highlight their user interface right from the beginning—before even getting into the specifics of their functionality.
Image courtesy of Schedulehead. (Click to see the whole thing.)
This helps visitors understand that Schedulehead isn’t some overrated spreadsheet. There are at-a-glance graphs and charts, map and calendar integrations, and loads of other features to help track your workforce.
And check out this page from HiredHippo, a job search network that automatically matches professionals with hiring companies. (Love this headline, by the way. Finding job opportunities without updating a dull resume sounds like a dream come true.)
Image courtesy of HiredHippo. (Click to see the whole thing.)
After listing some of the benefits and sharing testimonials from users, HiredHippo is sure to include a snapshot of the platform to show visitors what they can expect. Even just from this image, we can see that the dashboard makes evaluating job opportunities way easier by sharing the key details in a bulleted list.
Start Building Your Own Facebook Landing Pages with Unbounce
Ready to create a landing page for your next Facebook ad campaign? Be sure to check out how Unbounce helps digital brands turn more followers into customers. Then head over to our templates to get a head start building a customized landing page that’ll keep your campaigns consistent and convertin’.
0 notes
reviewandbonuss · 4 years
How to Create Irresistible Facebook Landing Pages (Examples)
Imagine a potential customer is sitting in their car, waiting to pick up their kids from school. They’ve got 15 minutes to kill, so they pick up their phone and (because they’re 46 and don’t know about TikTok yet) scroll through Facebook.
Between checking out their best friend’s pictures from a tropical vacation and trying to untangle their Aunt Ida’s… uh, “unorthodox” political insights, they see your Facebook advertisement for gorgeous, handmade leather bags.
Your ads reach people like this because of tracking, pixels, lookalike audiences, and all the other technical magic that powers Facebook’s advertising platform. Facebook can see that this potential customer is in the market for a new leather bag (they were just searching for one last night!) and, based on the demographic targeting you’ve applied, shows them your ad.
There are only five minutes left until the school bell rights and children flood out the doors into the car, demanding snacks, Fortnite V-Bucks, and meaningful action to address global climate change. So, your prospect clicks your ad with the intent to buy.
Only… your Facebook ad doesn’t send them where they expected. Instead, it takes them to the homepage of your store. The beautiful leather bag you were advertising is nowhere in sight. Now the kids are in the car, the phone is back in the console, and the sale is lost. Where’d you go wrong?
In this article, we’re going to discuss how dedicated Facebook landing pages help you capture more of these near-miss conversions. Along the way, we’ll highlight ways you can optimize your pages to make ’em more impactful and share some examples of digital brands who’re doing it right.
What Is a Facebook Landing Page?
A Facebook landing page is a dedicated page designed to convert visitors from a specific pay-per-click (PPC) Facebook ad.
These landing pages are different from other pages (like product pages on your website) because they’re tailor-made to complement your Facebook ad. They continue the story—the hook, the design, the call to action that was introduced to the reader as they scrolled through their Facebook newsfeed.
Years ago, Facebook offered landing pages within their own platform. These allowed businesses to gate their content for Facebook likes (earning them the nickname “like gate”), but they haven’t been available since 2014.
In this post, when we talk about Facebook landing pages, we’re talking about the first page someone sees after they click on a Facebook ad—not to be confused with the on-platform landing pages Facebook used to offer.
Why Do I Need Landing Pages for My Facebook Ads?
Everyone’s Facebook newsfeed is unique. The content and pages you like, the friends you’re connected to, the groups you’re joined—these things all influence the way your newsfeed populates. Because prospects’ newsfeeds are personalized and the ads they see are highly targeted, your Facebook landing page needs to be tightly aligned with your ad if it’s going to be successful.
Here are some other reasons that having dedicated landing pages for each Facebook ad is good practice:
Potential customers need more information
Scrollers, readers, and browsers on Facebook need extra nurturing to go from ad click to purchase. These potential customers are in the brand awareness phase. To convert on your page, they’ll wanna see specific information related to whatever got them to click on the ad in the first place. A focused Facebook landing page—with concise info and a consistent message—is the best way to turn them into customers.
Mobile users are distracted users
People don’t log into Facebook for in-depth reading and focused learning. They’re filling time, or just picking up their phone for a quick check-in. And because 94% of Facebook ad revenue is from a mobile device, you should assume everyone who sees your ad only has five minutes or less to make a purchase.
That’s why you need to make it as easy as possible to go from Facebook ad to landing page call to action. Every navigation obstacle or confusing message risks losing your prospect’s attention and having them move on to something else.
Homepages are slow and overwhelming
Homepages are great for solution-aware prospects looking for specific information, but they can be overwhelming for visitors from social media. (Just think of all the distractions: nav bars, calls to action, lists of products and features.) A MECLABS study found that 44% of clicks generated by B2B companies send readers to a homepage and not a dedicated landing page. That’s a lot of businesses that aren’t optimizing for conversions.
An average visitor won’t wait more than three seconds for a page to load. Most websites are heavy with images, scripts, and other elements that make them slower than an optimized landing page. When you send your Facebook ad traffic to your homepage, you’re probably losing more customers than you realize.
How Do I Create a High-Converting Facebook Landing Page?
We’ve got a quick-reference list of Facebook landing page best practices below, but there are two things you really wanna keep in mind as you start building your page:
Know your audience. It’s no secret that Facebook has amazing targeting capabilities, but you won’t be able to take advantage of them if you don’t know anything about your ideal prospects. Before you shell out the cash for Facebook ads, make sure that you know your audience well. Spend time investigating how potential customers search for your solution, what words they use when describing products or services similar to yours, and what features or benefits interest them most.
Keep it consistent. When writing for a Facebook landing page, remember to keep the messaging consistent between your ad and your landing page. Marketers might think that repeating copy is repetitive, but it can help reinforce your message to prospects and reassure them they’re in the right place after they click. Same with calls to action: if someone clicks an ad about earning a doctoral degree, that’d better be the main focus of your landing page.
5 Facebook Landing Page Must-Haves
Clear unique selling proposition (USP). Visitors should immediately be able to tell what makes your product or service a fit for their needs. Don’t bury the most important details lower on your page—show ’em above the fold.
Strong, descriptive headlines. Your headline should make the reader want to know more or see more. The headline on both the Facebook ad and landing page should convey the same offer.
Consistent design elements. The goal here is to continue the story you started on Facebook, and that includes visuals. If the images on your Facebook ad are neutral colors with images of smiling kids, then your Facebook landing page should also have neutral colors with images of smiling kids.
High-quality images or videos. This seems like a gimme, but you’d be surprised how many Facebook landing pages use low-res visuals that scare off prospects right after they’ve clicked an ad. Make sure to use images or videos on your landing page that shows your offer in the best light.
A singular, compelling call to action. You can repeat your call to action throughout the page, but you should only ask visitors to do one specific thing. Plus, your copy should tell them exactly what happens when they do that thing: for example, “get the ebook” rather than “submit” on a form.
Examples of Facebook Landing Pages Done Right
Of course, we’d never give you all this information without providing some concrete examples. Here’s a breakdown of Facebook landing pages from Unbounce customers who really know what they’re doing.
Quarters: Target Your Ads with Demographic Information
Quarters is an all-inclusive community living space in multiple locations around the world. They advertise their service on Facebook by highlighting their transparent pricing, contract flexibility, and included amenities.
This Facebook ad that Quarters is running has five variants. Each features copy and imagery designed to target people looking for housing in a particular city or neighborhood—say, Manhattan—allowing Facebook to surface relevant ads depending on audience location.
Image courtesy of Quarters. (Click to see the whole thing.)
When someone clicks through to the landing page, Quarters encourages them to “Check Availability,” repeating the call to action throughout the page to keep it top-of-mind. This does a great job of guiding visitors to take the next step in the purchase journey.
Choosing a place to live can be a substantial expense (especially in the Big Apple), and Quarters anticipates their prospects will have plenty of questions. The landing page includes tons of useful information, including 360-degree tours of available rooms, details on the neighborhoods (with images and maps), and quick-reference lists of amenities and pricing.
TapSnap + Samuraw: Give Visitors Everything They Need to Convert
Here are a couple of landing pages that show it’s often more important to be clear than clever.
TapSnap is a photo booth rental company and their Facebook landing page makes that obvious. Above the fold, their message is super straightforward: they’re selling photo booths, they’ll deliver them to you, here’s how to get in touch. Boom.
Side note: Check out the arrow at the bottom of the fold that directs your eye to more information. Without it, the page might’ve created a false bottom effect, leading people to believe that they were at the bottom of the page when there’s actually more to read.
Image courtesy of TapSnap. (Click to see the whole thing.)
Further down, TapSnap provides a concise, skimmable list of features that help prospects quickly understand what they can expect from the product. Plus, the brand shows its booths in action with photos from real events (alongside examples of the different kinds of pictures available) to show off the experience they create.
TapSnap doesn’t leave anything to the imagination—and neither does Samuraw.
Samuraw offers a high-quality mineral and probiotic supplement made from natural ingredients, and this Facebook landing page (built by Webistry) delivers that message right away in the headline. By including the “add to cart” call to action above the fold, Samuraw also gives visitors a clear path to purchase.
Image courtesy of Samuraw. (Click to see the whole thing.)
If you’re already in the market for a real-food multivitamin and probiotic (who isn’t?), you might choose to purchase right them. But if you’re curious about ingredients and other nutritional details, Samuraw has done a great job of providing all that information further down the page.
Another neat feature of this Samuraw landing page is the sticky call to action that follows visitors as they scroll the page. This helps keep the offer top of mind and makes it easy for readers to purchase the product when they’re ready to convert.
Wanna see how other brands are using Facebook landing pages to grow their businesses? Check out this post about how a baby food brand used Facebook to create an email list of 14,000+ subscribers, or this one about how Indochino drove 50% growth in just one year.
Taboola + TurnKey: Use Proof Points to Establish Credibility
Leveraging proof (like evidence of your supposed benefits or testimonials from happy customers) in your Facebook ad and landing page copy is a powerful way to create trust with your audience.
Take Taboola, an advertising and sponsored content platform that you’ve probably seen surfacing content all over the web. In this Facebook ad, Taboola makes sure to highlight their expansive digital network: “Reach 1.4B users – and get traffic that converts.”
That’s a huge benefit that’s sure to get the attention of businesses who wanna get their message in front of loads of prospects.
Image courtesy of Taboola. (Click to see the whole thing.)
Taboola continues to build trust on their Facebook landing page. Above the fold, they’ve included a banner of some of their most recognizable partners and customers: USA Today, IKEA, and Microsoft, to name a few.
Further down, Taboola even includes concrete results that brands have gotten with the platform. It’s one thing to say you can increase someone’s conversion rate or audience engagement. It’s another thing to prove it with hard numbers.
TurnKey gives us another great example of how to use proof on your Facebook landing page. As a vacation rental platform, the company needs visitors to trust that their properties will be handled with care. They do that by including featured media logos and various awards in a banner above the fold.
Image courtesy of TurnKey. (Click to see the whole thing.)
But the most compelling proof on this page is a testimonial that TurnKey includes lower down. This customer totally lays out TurnKey’s unique selling proposition: other rental platforms have left their home in shambles and failed to earn them what they expected, whereas TurnKey puts their mind at ease by protecting the property from damage and generating more revenue.
You’ve gotta hire this guy, TurnKey.
CommuniCloud: Convert More with a Compelling Incentive
Sure, your offer is great—but to really get people converting, it can help to give ’em a little something extra. For ecommerce companies, maybe it’s free shipping or a discount. For SaaS brands, it’s usually a no-commitment free trial.
That’s how CommuniCloud is driving registrations on this Facebook landing page. The brand keeps things simple: along with a quick description of their benefits and some social proof, we’ve got a quick form that asks just for necessary information.
Image courtesy of Communicloud. (Click to see the whole thing.)
It’s important to note that CommuniCloud doesn’t require a credit card to sign up for their trial. That’d create some serious friction at this stage, so better to capture contact details and sort out the payment side later.
Schedulehead + HiredHippo: Show Off the Product In Action
Some products are… let’s say, more photogenic than others. It’s easier to get people’s attention with a picture of food or clothing than something like software. Still, showing off your product—whatever it is—can better (and more quickly) communicate what you’re offering than words alone.
Schedulehead is a software platform that helps companies manage their employee scheduling and payroll. On this Facebook landing page, the brand is sure to highlight their user interface right from the beginning—before even getting into the specifics of their functionality.
Image courtesy of Schedulehead. (Click to see the whole thing.)
This helps visitors understand that Schedulehead isn’t some overrated spreadsheet. There are at-a-glance graphs and charts, map and calendar integrations, and loads of other features to help track your workforce.
And check out this page from HiredHippo, a job search network that automatically matches professionals with hiring companies. (Love this headline, by the way. Finding job opportunities without updating a dull resume sounds like a dream come true.)
Image courtesy of HiredHippo. (Click to see the whole thing.)
After listing some of the benefits and sharing testimonials from users, HiredHippo is sure to include a snapshot of the platform to show visitors what they can expect. Even just from this image, we can see that the dashboard makes evaluating job opportunities way easier by sharing the key details in a bulleted list.
Start Building Your Own Facebook Landing Pages with Unbounce
Ready to create a landing page for your next Facebook ad campaign? Be sure to check out how Unbounce helps digital brands turn more followers into customers. Then head over to our templates to get a head start building a customized landing page that’ll keep your campaigns consistent and convertin’.
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dduane · 1 year
For the holidays: get Diane Duane’s whole (ebook) store for $44!
 With the Shortest Day upon us (in the northern hemisphere anyway), and the festive season in full swing, we thought it’d be nice to give folks a year’s-end chance to grab a whole pile of ebooks—more than two million words’ worth*—for not a whole lot of money.
Maybe you want to give somebody a gift of lots of reading. Or maybe you want to give yourself a present. (And why shouldn’t you? After the last couple of years everybody’s had, you certainly deserve something nice!) There’s a list at the Ebooks Direct “I Want Everything You’ve Got” page of all the goodies you’ll get... including the updated/revised New Millennium editions of DD’s award-winning Young Wizards series, and the groundbreaking (and also award-winning) Middle Kingdoms LGBTQ-centered fantasy series.  
As always, all our books are DRM-free and can be moved from device to device at your pleasure. If your computer or e-reader crashes, if you change platforms, or if you just plain lose your ebook files, we’re happy to replace them for you free. (And why not? You’ve already paid for them once. It’s not like we’ve got a space program to support or anything...) And if you want to send one of these packages as a gift, just email our support address and we’ll sort that out for you.
So if you want to take advantage of it and get our whole ebook store for $44, here’s all you need to do.
Go to the following page and follow the directions—
(Our apologies in advance to our UK friends, whom we can’t include in this offer due to Brexit. More info about that over here.)
Meanwhile,thanks for your interest! (And to those who decide to avail of this offer, thanks in advance for your support of small independent online book businesses.** It’s much appreciated.)
*Oh, all right. 2,685,698 words...
**Especially from the author who’s going to have to go have a spinal MRI right after the New Year. Looks like a few decades spent in a typing chair can take their toll...
ETA AGAIN: Having bumped this.,.. please note that the discount is still in place. We’ll put something more detailed up about this tomorrow. But since @neil-gaiman was kind enough to reblog it, it seemed likely that the post would be in circulation for a while... and so we left the discount running. ...Hey, it’s still the holidays, right?
(....Also: if over the last few days you somehow paid $55 for the package instead of $44, contact the store (quoting your order number) and we’ll refund you the $11.)
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