#whoops. is my bias on display calling out HOTD team black stans exclusively? too bad!
tybaltsjuliet · 6 months
I think 13, 22 and 23 have not been answered yet? Otherwise, 6, 7, 8?
13. worst blorbofication
the barricade boys from les mis are a rough one. i love a few of those guys but this fandom blorbo’d too close to the sun a LONG time ago.
also, the way that large parts of house of the dragon fandom are really, really intent on selling you their preferred team like they are trying to convince you to vote for rhaenyra for president. or, worse, when the words “The Rightful Heir” start getting thrown around.
but i think the most annoying and most rampant blorbofication is ABSOLUTELY what star wars guys have done to han solo.
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
hm. does paris and romeo’s duel at the capulet tomb count? it sure gets cut a hell of a lot! i think often about the story of how franco zeffirelli told leonard whiting that that scene was the best acting he’d done in the whole movie...right before telling him it was going on the cutting room floor.
oh, and - well, this is maybe less “ignoring” and more “moving the goalposts” - but the fact that in the disney live-action cinderella they were kind enough to throw the haters a bone and give ella what, in my opinion, is a sympathetic and understandable reason for not just running away from the tremaines, beyond “kind of unfeasible for a young woman with no references and no money to just take off in a vaguely Historical faery tale setting”...
because i made my mother and father a promise to cherish the place we were so happy. they loved our house, and now that they’re gone, i love it for them.
...which the haters then proceeded to decide was dumb and not good enough.
23. ship you’ve unwillingly come around to
oh, erik and christine, 100 percent. if 13-year-old swan could see my feelings on it now, she would have conniptions; we were VERY exclusive for monsieur le vicomte back then. but the gothic romance will alway worm its way into my heart eventually.
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