#why 18plus is fucking ridiculous
rain-jay · 7 years
Today I want to talk about something of great importance to me and that is sexuality. No, I'm not talking about what sex you would rather screw or whether you prefer not to at all but rather when you feel you are ready to bump uglies. Now this has a lot to do with America and how Americans think and how it bleeds into the minds of people where I live and its frankly annoying as I am constantly told to abide by /American/ law when I don't even live in America. I am first of all going to talk about sex-ed. Since I was 11 (yes that young) I have been taught about puberty, STDs, protection, condoms, relationships, periods, bra sizes, hygiene etc. I'm still getting it shoved down my throat to this day, its not a bad thing that we are constantly taught how to have safe sex and from a young age as well. We were NOT taught not to have sex we were taught that having sex is fine as long as you use protection and are in a safe environment and that you both trust each other and consent. As long as you are comfortable and safe it is fine. Remember that, it is important and is what my schooling has taught me. Now, I will never have sex with a man for I like women so the only thing I need to worry about is whether or not my partner has STDs which I would make sure she is tested for the same with myself before we engaged in any sexual activity. I am mature enough to know that and 2 years ago I would have still been able to relay that information. 2 years ago however I can say that I would not have been ready to have sex as I just didn't feel like I was emotionally ready and that is okay but some people in my year group were and that is also okay because its just how they feel. Now I can say that everyone I know who is around about my age has not had sex irresponsibly, condoms are free from your doctor as well as sexual clinics and are also the same price as women's sanitary products which are about £1.50 from out of a shop. When my sister, who is 27, was at school there was always about 6 girls in her year that were pregnant all at once and at a young age and ultimately ended up not completing their education. I do not agree with 14-15 year olds getting pregnant. If they manage to raise their child and have a good life that they enjoy then I applaud them and they should be congratulated because that must be extremely difficult to do. I don't agree with it because the risk of not have a fulfilling life is far too great. I actually don't believe anyone should make the final decision to have children under the age of 24 because at that age the decision making part of the brain has fully developed and people are likely to make more sensible decisions and are less likely to fuck things up and usually people are on the right track about then. You might disagree and say 'that is far too high' or 'an age limit shouldn't be put on when people are deciding to have children that is wrong blah, blah, blah' but actually I have not said that people cannot have sex until they are 24 but rather they shouldn't have unprotected sex or make such life changing decisions until then, I think if there should be an age limit for anything of that nature, 24 should be the minimum age simply because it makes more sense and is backed up by a fact just as I believe that laws should be based off of fact. The 18 age limit is actually highly influenced by religious beliefs and not by anything factual which is outdated now. However, I also believe that giving young people more freedoms and responsibilities makes them into more respectful and responsible adults even before 24, when that part of the brain has fully developed, and that lowering age limits is also a good thing as it teaches young people gradually how to handle responsibilities rather than dumping them all on them on the day of their 18th birthday the same as they should be able to explore their sexualities and sex in general whenever they feel the time is right or when they develop a libido and a curiosity for it, I think it should be encouraged rather than people going 'no you're not 18! You're just a baby! You're too young! You can't say that! You can't do that! Too young! Too young!' Well no, they're not because when they have became interested in that aspect of being a human being and want to learn more about it and explore it then they are no longer too young but are the perfect age to start slowly learning what all of this new stuff is and how to deal with it and how to navigate it smartly. Frankly, the 18+ age limit for any sexual content does not make any sense this also proves that the '18+ stigma' is fucking ridiculous and if anything should have an age limit, the limit should be 24 not 18. 18 year olds are no more smarter than 16 year olds, you can barely tell them apart and some 18 year olds are still stupider than some 14-15 year olds I know. The 18+ age limit is an absolute joke and shouldn't be a thing in this day and age. I do not think that a law should tell someone when they are ready for sex. There should definitely be a law put in place to prevent child predators but when someone is smart enough to make their own decisions then I don't think a law should tell them whether or not they are too young to think for and express themselves. I hope I am making sense with all of this because I have no clue if I am. I think people should be able to have sex and explore their sexualities and be able to watch porn and be interested in learning more about sex and sexuality as they go through their teen years as there is no shame in it. I think that is far healthier than telling them that they can't do anything until a certain age. My general age group have had a different education than previous generations and they started drilling 'safe sex' into our heads as soon as puberty started and girls started getting boobs and their periods and guys started getting hair everywhere. My general age group take good care of themselves and are more responsible than what my sister's age group was 10 years ago which shows what impact sex education and sexual liberty can have. This whole 'you must be 18 for everything', 'sex before marriage is bad and will ruin your life and you will be a whore' has very negative effects and teaches young people exactly nothing. People will have sex and watch porn before they are 18 and there is nothing you can do about it, you don't automatically go through years of puberty on the day of your 18th birthday. You don't automatically develop critical thinking and become 120% smarter all in 1 day. People get horny and curious and do not have to be 18 to do so. They should not be discouraged for exploring their sexuality and their desire to have sex just because they're 'not old enough' as it is just a part of being a human and going through those stages of growth in your life. Many people are ready before they are 18 and some are still not ready when they are as old as 25 and that is okay. Its when they are ready not when everyone else decides that they are. And this is where I come to my issue. Why is it that anyone who lives in my country is considered an adult at 16. They can move out, start driving lessons, have a baby, have sex, get married and yes watch porn but if they so much as look at a nsfw blog on Tumblr they're suddenly offending loads of people. Why can one do all of that but not look at a drawing of Jasper in lingerie or talk about sex toys, kinks and just generally exploring their sexuality? Does that sound stupid? Good, because it is. I have even had people tell me that if I'm under 18 or 21 even, I'm not allowed to swear. I'm Scottish mate, I've cursed like a sailor since I was like 12 don't get me started, there is no such thing as a Scottish person in the working class not having a mouth on them. Its so ridiculous and its mostly Americans that do it and it really fucks me off. Don't force me or anyone else in my country to comply to /your/ rules, since when was I American? Since when did I or anyone else outside of America have to abide by your backwards laws? It doesn't help that it constantly switches between 18 and 21 make up your fucking minds you utter weapons. This happens more than one would think. The amount of blogs that are sex positive but will spit like a cobra if you dare join in a discussion and are under 18. Suddenly you are af etus who doesn't know anything and suddenly sex is a taboo thing that shouldn't be talked about. Mate, your being a hypocrite and are just as bad as the conservatives that run your country. You can't claim to be sex positive and not let 'minors' join in on discussions and ask questions, you are being the exact opposite of who you say you are. When you say you are sex positive then enclude everyone you trolop. I don't actually tell people my age as it is frankly none of their fucking business, right now you don't know how old I am. All I will ever tell you is 'old enough for university' or 'I am a student' and that should be enough. Asking for someone's age is just as ridiculous as asking for my shoe size or hair colour, its none of your business that's what it is just give me my Yellow Diamond porn nosey. I'm old enough to think critically and have an intelligent conversation and that is all that should matter not whether or not I am at the magical number that is 18 or not. Now I know it is guaranteed that some people will make the argument that these blogs could get into trouble for having minors that follow them and for that I say 1) not everyone is American 2) there is no way to prove it and if you do have their personal information then you have broken a more serious law and 3) your authorities don't fucking care. Do you honestly think that the authorities care about that? If you do then you're a fucking mongoloid. When the government watch what you are doing on the internet they are generally looking for terrorists or people who want to kill other people and psychopaths they don't care about some 16-17 year old wanking off to a fanfiction or watching porn hub or looking at Tracer's arse in her hot pants, they honestly don't look at it. There is so much traffic with the internet that they don't bat an eyelash at it as it is doing no harm and it is not what they are looking for, it is not in their database of 'what to check'. It does not have the keywords 'bomb' and 'kill' or have violent slurrs in it, its just some 16 year old lonely nerd using the internet to their advantage, they don't give a fuck, its not their job to give a fuck. And that is where I end this post. My name is Rain, this was my rant and I hope you hated it. Its 1am and I need my bed.
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