#why ain't it beautiful? [ zora ]
tickingdial · 1 year
"No offense. you’re good, but you’ll never be better than me."
She'd have to try again.
Again, and again trying to beat her - by now, she had gotten herself caught up in trying to take the hit again on Calamitas, this time having opted for a type of sniper approach as the rifle rang.. and subsequently was likely parried or melted through even with her epithet working through the shield. Should've put on the silencer.
Then, the reply.
She lunges off out of the hiding spot she had, a boomerang launching out of her poncho as she made an approach to try and best her, once again!
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Knowing her chances from last time though, likely not the most sucessful.
RESULT: 1d20 (1) Total: 1
She tripped over her own feet somehow as an approach. Anger made her fumble her feet, and now, on the ground.
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bowandcurtsey · 1 year
Hwllo I love your pregnancy simulator headcanons you did for zora and nozel
Could you please do one for fuegoleon too?
Hiya sweetie! Thank you for requesting this! I foresee I have a mutual that would love this too hehe. I'll add in Yami for this too, cause I'm missing him a little. Haven't done his request in quite in awhile. („• ᴗ •„)
Here's the link to the request for Nozel, Patri and Zora There's another one for Finral
Fuegoleon | Yami x f! reader
Fuegoleon Vermillion
Being the righteous gentleman he is, he agreed to it immediately. Salamander shook its head. He felt that he should know exactly what kind of pain you were going through, since you had your third child on the way.
You paste the stimulator on, for him. You started at level 3.
"I don't feel much honey. Feels a little ticklish."
You pressed level 5. "This is where the dilation starts, how is it?"
"okay. bearable." He walked around with the stimulator.
You pressed on 7. "we're now waiting for the right time to push~"
"Mhmm." he grunted a little, starting to feel the pain, "I think I need to sit down a little.."
He sat down with a huff and took deep breaths in and out.
You pressed 8.
"are we pushing yet, honey?" he said in between his breaths.
"nope. we're only at level 8, Fue. The dilation is not enough yet."
"Level 8?!"
You pressed 10. Fue had to sit forward and clench his fist and clutch the arm rest of the chair.
"Now you push!" you exclaimed
"honey.." he groaned, his breathing becoming laboured. "how do.. you-"
His hands reached to grab on the stimulator.
"how long-.." his sentence was more incoherent now, but you understood what he was asking
"er. usually the contractions come every 10 minutes or so and it stops after awhile..."
He was huffing and puffing, meaning that the contractions were off for now.
"And it childbirth could last like this for hours~" you reminded him.
You told him to lay down on the bed. As the contractions came, he curled his body a little.
"That wouldn't do, honey. You have to open your legs to push!" you teased him.
He tried to roll back on his back, his face muscles squirmed and tensed up. You could even see his forehead covered in sweat.
You turned the stimulator off when the contraction subsided again.
"Honey. I'm sorry you're going through this for the third time..." his face was so guilt stricken, "You're amazing for giving me 3 beautiful kids. I promise to never let them misbehave or bully you. They have to be nice to you at all times."
You laughed. Well, it gets easier one after the other, love." You grabbed a handkerchief to wipe off his sweat.
"I love you wifey." He caressed your face.
Yami Sukehiro
"no. I ain't doing that baby." he gave you the look.
"yes. you're doing it." you insisted.
Of course Yami Sukehiro could never say no to anything you wanted. He was wrapped around your pinky.
He gave a sigh as you paste the stimulator on him.
"baby. How about you press 10 right away?" Yami challenged. "Just get it over and done with."
"no?" you raised an eyebrow at him, "you have to experience the slow and gradual pain"
"you sound sick in the mind when you say that out loud, baby" he gave you a dead panned face.
"Excuse me, we woman experience this for hours. Some take 12 or more hours! I'll just let you feel the pain for a few minutes."
"okay, okay..." he was defeated, once again.
You pressed 4.
"You feel anything?"
You pressed 6. "Dilation starts about now."
"So we're going push now?"
"no? Just a waiting game."
"I feel like might punch someone in the face if they made din right now"
You gave a little laugh, but you were impressed by your man's tolerance.
You pressed on 8.
Yami took a deep breath in and let it out slowly.
"Painful, huh." you cocked your brow and tilted your head to the side.
"I could understand why you women get upset randomly feeling this. I feel like yeeting Asta Luck and Magna right now just to let off some steam."
"Yami!" you rolled your eyes at him, "anyway, you can lie down if it's uncomfortable."
He lay down on your bed making himself comfortable. You were really impressed. This man had high tolerance to pain.
"ready for 10?"
"You mean it's not level 10 yet?"
"what the fuck." he cursed, "okay just go."
You pressed on 10. Yami spewed a chain of curse words as the contractions came on. He scratched his head roughly.
"I don't get it, baby." he grunted.
"Get what?"
"You cry and yell at all the fuckin roaches and you go through this?"
"Hey!" you smacked his biceps
"Yeah, you can hit me now, cause I ain't feeling anything except this fucking shit."
You laughed. He must be really feeling the pain now, seeing the amount of vulgarities he was spewing.
Whenever the contractions went off, he relaxed awhile and when it came again, he was grabbing at the pillows and cursing.
"Get this damn baby out already." his face looked like he was having a bad constipation.
"Baby, remember when we had our first child, I took 8 hours?"
He eyes darted to look at you, realising all the pain you were in for that long back then.
"Yeah." you nodded your head at him, seeing that he understood what you were getting at.
"I'm sorry princess. From now onwards I'll yeet them if they misbehave, god damn it."
"You'll yeet your precious d/n?" you gave him a smirk, knowing that his little princess was his weak spot.
He paused to think for awhile, "okay you can yeet that little monkey and me out together."
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miyuhpapayuh · 1 year
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“It's about time somebody tall, dark and fine stumbled your way,” Zora’s best friend, Nique, chats into the phone.
“And in the flower shop of all places?? Sounds like heaven to little miss botanical girl!”
“You know, I could really hang up.”
“Who else would you spill your bullshit to, Z?”
“My mama.”
“Girl, please. Pam ain't listenin’ to you blab about another man, and I can bet on it.”
“Did you just call my mama by her first name?” She laughs.
“Don't tell her, she'd skin me.” Nique snickers.
Sparking up her blunt, heavily pulling and exhaling, she laughs at her friend. “I should tell her, especially since you tryna clown.”
“Okay, alright. But for real, he seem cool?”
“Yeah, he might be alright. We’ll see.”
“You ain't ever too excited,”
“Cause why would I be?”
“Cause this could be different, Zora Jean.”
“I told you to stop calling me that, and if it's different, then my excitement will show. I mean, he has my number. What else you want from me??” She huffs, placing the blunt back between her lips.
“Alright, I'll quit before you start yellin’,” Nique sighs.
“I'm two seconds from heading your way and kickin’ ass, Nique. Ain't nobody yellin’.”
“Put your guns away, jeez. I hope his fine ass makes you eat your words.”
Me too.
“Like I said, we'll see! But I gotta go, Shaun got me covering her shift in the morning.”
“When you gon leave that place in the dust, chile?” Nique asks, referring to The Pub, a family-owned restaurant with its own list of problems.
“Nique, please. We talk about this all the time. The pay is great and my boss loves me. Her dickhead of a son is the least of my worries, cause if he don't back up off me, he'll meet my pretty little taser. It's juiced up at all times.” She smiles, ashing her blunt in the red, heart-shaped tray.
“I wish I would put up with some shit like that.”
“What you suggest I do? Ain't nobody hiring right now.”
“I could get you a spot here at my office!”
“As much as I appreciate that, I couldn't be in no office. Sitting still for too long makes me antsy and you know this.”
“Yeah, you right.” She laughs. “Well, have a wonderful day at work, hopefully you won't have to shank nobody.”
“Thanks, Nique Nique. You have a wonderful day, as well!”
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
Pulling into the parking lot a little before ten-thirty, Zora takes the extra time to gear herself up for her six-hour shift.
She dryly blinks at her screen, her thumb steady scrolling and stopping, and scrolling again through twitter, tiktok and the like.
The sound of her ringtone jolts her slightly, as she stares at the top of her screen, Leon's name making the left corner of her mouth lift.
Letting it ring for a beat, she answers and watches his face come into view.
Damn, he was fine.
“Good morning.”
“You're bold for wanting to see my face this early, but I'll let it slide.” She laughs, making him do the same.
“I had to take a chance. Who wouldn't wanna see such beauty, first thing in the morning?”
She hums, fondly shaking her head.
“I see you also follow directions.”
“Of course! I told you no worries, right?”
“Mhm, you did.” She nods; the hint of a smirk still ghosts on her lips.
“You heading into work or?” He asks, referring to the jacket with her job’s logo on it.
“Yeah, I've got like twenty minutes before I head in.”
“Gotcha,” he squints. “The pub… a bar?”
“There's a bar inside, but it's more of a restaurant.”
“Oh cool, I gotta check it out. Good food? Be honest.”
She smiles, nodding her head. “The best. We've got these cheesy potato bites that are to die for. Same with the wings, those are my favorite.”
“Sounds good. I might swing by on my lunch break.”
“Where you work at?”
“A warehouse out in Midland. It's a bust, but it pays great.”
“Yeah, I know how that goes.”
“The life, amiright?”
She chuckles, giving him another nod.
“Well, maybe I'll see you later.”
“What time are you out?”
“You'll see me later.” He flashes that smile, making her sigh.
“Alright, til then,” she smirks, waving him bye.
“Til then,” he responds, returning the gesture before they hang up.
Another ten more minutes of aimlessly scrolling, she's heading into her beloved job, being immediately greeted by her boss and pulled to the side.
“Zora, dear! Good morning. I'm so glad you're here with me this morning.”
“Of course, Linda. You know I love to help out.”
“Yes, such the sweetie pie. I know Shaun appreciated it, too.”
“Yes, she definitely needed a day off after the way her week started off.”
“I know, but don't worry, those rednecks aren't welcome back in here.”
“Now, all I really need you to do is ring ‘em out, we got the rest.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, no worries. The cooks are good, my boys are gonna be out on the floor, running the food so just stand here and look pretty, kay?” She requests, making Zora laugh.
“Gotcha boss lady.”
As soon as she walks to the back, it's as if Cory sniffed her out and made a beeline towards her, disregarding her don't-fuck-with-me expression.
“Sup, beautiful. I thought I heard an angel's voice in here.”
“You layin’ it on like molasses, and it's making me itch. Go away.” She says, her expression unmoved.
“Oh come on, Zora. I just be tryna–“
“-get on my nerves, yes. I know. Go find a table to wipe down and leave me alone.” She glares at him now, and he backs away.
Once he's outta sight again, she sighs and rolls her neck, shaking his sliminess away.
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
A few hours, many to-go boxes and a small meltdown later, Zora was finally on her break, munching on those potato bites she raved about earlier.
She was back to scrolling on her phone, silently laughing at the tweets that got more and more bizarre as she went.
The chimes on the door continued to go off as people came and went, but once that woodsy scent flowed through the air, coupled with that deep voice, she'd turned her head before she could stop herself.
There he was in his lanky glory. A toboggan covering his hair, his thick sweatshirt still showing off those cut arms from all the heavy lifting he does, and the polite smile he flashes at her coworker makes her weak in the knees from where she's sitting.
He'd ordered what she suggested, and she doesn't know why, but it made her smile. She turned back to her phone, knowing how mortified she'd be if he caught her stare.
He'd seen her when he first walked in, unbeknownst to her.
Her head was buried in her phone and he got a chance to glance at her once more, unable to get over how beautiful she was to him.
Her hair was still up in a bun like earlier, the gloomy day wasn't taking away from her natural glow at all.
He'd really convince someone that she was a goddess, if he had the time.
After grabbing the to-go bag from the bar, he headed in her direction, giving her a warm smile as she looked his way.
“Hey, Leon.”
“Hey, Zora. Mind if I join you?”
“Course not, have a seat.” She offers, secretly loving the way his scent wafted over her as he did so.
“How's your day been?” He asks, tearing into the double-knotted bag for his food.
“Sorry about the knots, Claire kills me.” She snorts. “But it's been chill, still ready to clock out and curl up on my couch. How about yours?”
“I'm just about ready to do the same. I lifted a box full of glass lanterns and the bottom fell out.” He sighs, making her gasp.
“Really?? I know that was a bitch to clean up!”
“You shoulda seen it. I mean, glass everywhere. It took me about an hour or so, so I'm definitely ready to turn in for the day.”
“Nobody helped you?”
He shakes his head. “I prefer to work alone, most of the time. People like to unnecessarily make things more complicated than they have to be sometimes, so I'd rather do it myself.”
“Huh, you sound like me.”
He smirks, finally opening the styrofoam container. His eyes widen as the golden, cheesy bites stare him in the face.
“Wow, these look so good!”
“Eat one,” she laughs, popping another in her mouth.
Obliging, he grabs one off the top of the pile and bites into it, his eyes briefly closing. The cheese pull was excellent.
“Good, yeah?”
“Hell yeah,” he says with a hand over his mouth. “There's bacon in these, too??”
She laughs all over again, nodding her head.
“Magical, aren't they??”
Dipping them in the chipotle ranch, he wholeheartedly agrees, pulling another one apart.
Like a creep, Cory was watching their interaction play out and he was seething, wondering why a girl like Zora didn't wanna be bothered with him, but yet here she was, giggling up a storm with some man.
“There's this kid when I walked in the door, started mean muggin’ me. Like he knew who I was or something.” He cracks, making her shake her head.
“About your height, curly hair, looks like a douche?” She asks to clarify.
“Yup,” he nods. “Who is that?”
“Cory. He thinks we're meant to be together or whatever bullshit he tries to spin. I'm sure he's around the corner, scoping us out, right now.” She rolls her eyes.
“Need me to handle that for you?”
“I got a taser with his name on it, and a kitchen knife if that don't work,” she sighs.
“I couldn't ask you to do that, Leon.” She shakes her head.
“You didn't ask, I offered.” He quips.
“Ooh, you got me there.”
“I'm just saying, you don't have to deal with that bullshit and I can take it off your hands.”
“Don't kill him, please.”
He scoffs. “I'm too pretty to be in prison, girl.”
She lets out a hearty chuckle, thanking god water was within her reach.
“Plus, if I lay him out, he won't mess with you again.” He blinks.
“One good left hook, huh?”
“That's my good hand too, girl. How'd you know?”
“I'm good like that.” She flashes him a smile of her own, catching him for two seconds too long.
The way his tongue swipes over his bottom lip, making them look even more kissable, has her crossing one leg over the other.
The alarm on her phone goes off, making her sigh heavily.
“My break is over, unfortunately.”
“Damn, and I was just startin’ to like you.” He cracks, shaking his head as she stands up.
“Ima have Cory kick you out, how bout that.” She cracks back.
“Working with the predator? How low can you go.”
“To hell.” She blinks.
He stands from the table as well, easily towering over her five-three frame. Her gaze shifts above her glasses again, but she can see everything she needs to.
Adjusting them on the bridge of her nose anyway, she tugs on her jeans and slides her phone into her jacket pocket.
“Thanks for coming in and killing time with me.”
“No problem. I had to check it out, and after eating these babies,” he taps the box, “I'll definitely be back.”
“Next ones are on me.”
“You don't have to do that.”
“I know, that's why I offered to do it.” She mocks his earlier sentiment.
“You got me there.”
They share another laugh, stalling for another fifteen seconds.
“Would it be inappropriate if I wanted a hug?” He asks, not missing how fast she shook her head.
Engulfing her in his warm embrace, she giggles as he rocks side to side before letting go.
“You smell good. What is that?”
“One of them Armani fragrances. It's expensive as hell, but if it attracts a beauty like you, I'll keep it on me.” He winks.
“You are too much.” She says, fondly shaking her head.
“That a bad thing?”
“Not in your case, no.”
“Good to know.” He says, before rebagging his food. “It's always a pleasure, miss Zora.”
“See ya later, Leon.”
They reluctantly part ways, but not before he catches eyes with the freckle-faced bonehead that is Cory, glaring at him something awful on his way out.
“The fuck was that?” He cluelessly asks.
“A warning.” She mumbles, heading to the back with her empty dish.
Ch 3
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tickingdial · 1 year
continued from here
She's familiar with this type of feeling. Clearly, she managed to catch the mage off-guard in some form, and pissed her off enough to have to give a warning..
If there was one thing the Phantom Drifter was known for though, it was making sure that she wasn't gonna lose a bounty until she got knocked un-fucking-conscious.
So, she seems to stop where she is, arms falling hidden under her poncho for a moment as she seemed to think, before.. the sound of a chk-chk rang through the air, and she whipped out a SHOTGUN charged with her epithet to get past the melting, now that she was mid-range.
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Result: 2d20kl1 (11, 14) Total: 11
Thankfully, she doesn't break her hand, as the loud BANG rings out into the air, and the blast goes off without a hitch! Minus the -2 from firing.
Poor bastard doesn't even know what she's in for.
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tickingdial · 1 year
..Zora chills out for a moment, watching the sun go by, grilling up a small steak after she bagged an entire set from a dumb inscribed.
Whistling can be heard as she relaxes..
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And as pepper catches in her nose..
"Ahh.. ahh.."
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Silence goes for a second as she wonders what feels different.
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tickingdial · 2 years
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moony may no longer have a blog but she’s looking directly at you in spirit
"She wanna look at me, she can rise outta that gawd damn grave 'erself! Ah'm supplanted right 'ere, lookin' back at 'er ugly face."
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tickingdial · 2 years
(RP request ask. Will reblog from my multimuse.)
A beautiful sunlit day in Redwood, Zora's stomping grounds.
But something felt a little bit wrong.
Against the wall of a building, a small girl rested next to someone vaguely familiar... she was definitely small, at 5'2, at least, compared to her observer. The brown haired girl cringed in the harsh light of the midday sun, prompting the person next to her to hand her a pair of sunglasses. The burgundy redhead sighed, then spoke.
"You wanted to meet Zora, right?" The girl nodded, wiping her eyes. "Mhm... Well, anyway, is she gonna be here, Myrtle? I don't know this place well... there just haven't been enough reports for me to scan through on the internet." "You'll find her, Lizzie... though I really don't think this version of her will be..." The burgundy redhead gulped. "...like the one from my timeline." "My namesake will keep us safe. She wouldn't have granted my request otherwise. Besides, don't forget your Epithet, Myrtle." The glare in the girl's eyes made them flinch.
"...she wouldn't..." The girl trailed off. "...I doubt it, but it's always better to be safe than sorry."
"Zora Salazar... I wonder what this version of her will be like. If she's anything like the one you know, Myrtle... she might keep my attention."
Well, wasn't this an interesting situation in some amount? It was something that clearly, was very much different in the usual woods of trotting, and a visit to Redwood Run after a day of hunting doesn't commonly lead to a suspicious party that's ended up stumbling into what someone might call her town. Who is she, if not curious even a little, to investigate a bit?
The sundrifter stays within at least eyesight of the strange new person, knowing that she isn't on a bounty list anywhere (as far as she knew), and knowing that means she could at least get the drop on scaring someone post-October. Get a small spook, a laugh, it'd be as simple as that, wouldn't it?
Yeah. It'd be as simple as that. Zora's hand is held upwards gently, and orange sundials begin to tick, tick, tick through the air. The trees themselves seemed to change, from their growing state of decay for the upcoming winter, to the sudden bright orange that one may associate with her kind in the multiverse. A mark that she is watching, and she wants to watch them squirm for a moment.
This'll be fun to watch at least.
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tickingdial · 1 year
↬ Reflection: The muse becomes extremely physically fragile for the duration of whatever fight, scuffle, etc. she may or may not currently find herself in!
Zora gets herself off of the ground as she feels the anonymous magic flow over her once again - a familiar yet, welcome feeling occasionally when the last few times they came around did anything.
However.. she swiftly realizes the effect when she lands on her feet.
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Zora will now be physically fragile until the end of the next Fight, physical event, or major activity she faces - which might be a while unless Devora gets to writing!
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tickingdial · 1 year
One thing I’ve always been curious about: why does Zora fancy guns the way she does? I get its probably at least part of the whole Cowboy thing, but I imagine there’s something deeper than that, too, right?
"Well - it's a little story of mine, I guess."
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She sets up herself onto a nearby log, covering herself in her poncho as she obscures her face enough with her hat to allow her tattoos to glow, as if for emphasis, or doing that mysterious narrator type of deal.
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"I, or least this version o' me 'pparently, am a gunsmith kinda. Been alive for a good while, yet I look real young, yeah?"
She trudges through her memory. The closest thing she has to our world's 20s, back in the age of grooves and simple swings.
"Forgot 'ow old I even am, but I remember back then clear. Watchin' a lot of them westerns, gettin' kinda.. attached at the time. This is when I was real young, parents still.. kickin', y'know? They'd take me on trips, see what kinda history from that lil' slice of time they could get me."
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The flashes of the crowded streets, the visits to the sites with her parents.. remembering that description of a golden-clad gun, found in an old diary that they managed to get out of somewhere. Something that'd later inspire her, and she kept that diary very close to her heart, especially after their passing.
"After they passed n'.. Naven found me long time later prowlin' the wounds, after I got my epithet.. he helped me make that gun. Turns out he, pretty conveniently, passed by someone that knew what it looked like."
A smile creeps up onto her lips.
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"Got to make it durin' a time of comfort, n' I made two just to be sure I was always gonna see 'em on each side. Sunup, and Sundown I called 'em."
Her expression swiftly caves.. darkens, in anger.
"It's why I still wanna rip through that damned lil' RAT for breakin' one."
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tickingdial · 1 year
🖤 Curse!
There is no magic. Just a single bar of soap. Enjoy!
Well, considering the last little deal with this ask blog was that she got the illusion of her gun broken, she just.. looks at the bar of soap for a minute, blinks twice.
And chomps it. "Thanks 'fer th' snack at least."
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tickingdial · 1 year
☆ Fake Loot!
I'll be cruel today. Remember that gun of hers that Ramsey broke? Here's a supposed copy of it. Only, once again, it's made of that same fool's gold he tricked her with once before.
Better yet, it'll last until the moment she tries to fire it.
Overlooking the gun that she just found off the ground, or at least what she thought was just a simple gun.. Zora has her eyes intrigued after realizing what the design on it was.
"Nah.. nah, no way, right??"
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It can't have been what she thought - her dear original Sundown! It was finally back to her after that rat broke the damn thing! She held it high to the sky, letting herself glisten in its shine for just a moment, before her finger hovered to the trigger.
Held aloft to the sky, as she forces the sun to high noon.. she fires.
And it all falls apart.
She pauses, her hand still held aloft as the parts came undone and the trick was revealed to her finally. For a moment, a tinge on her eye of a tear..
Before the loud, deafening scream of the sun. "SON OF A BITCH-"
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tickingdial · 5 months
.. A girl can think, y'know?
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About the people that she's missing, about the people that aren't here anymore.
Years have passed. None of 'em are 'round or even really saying hi anymore, if they even were able to. She could swear Moony's basically in the shadows permanently, she doesn't know where Horizon is, Aurora got locked off somewhere.
..She misses her crew.
The sound of a flute echoes through the winds of the resort she's gotten herself to.
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tickingdial · 5 months
💖Blessing!: Give my muse a magical bonus of any kind
Your next shot––regardless of what you're shooting or where you're aiming––is GUARANTEED to hit, no matter how impossible it is.
..Alright, she can be fancy with this one.
She loads in her revolver, spinning the cylinder before glancing to a bottle that she set up a distance away from her - various little props and corners set up to do this stupid trick.
Before, as she shoots, she swung her arm - causing the bullet to curve and ping around in a wonderful rube goldberg chain of ricocheting and pinging around.
And she aims a finger gun, waiting for it to hit before..
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tickingdial · 5 months
✚ Quest!: Climb the tallest redwood tree you can find
. . .
She is fucking high up there.
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tickingdial · 5 months
Ooooh, vacation time for Sunny!! Hope you have a good time!!
"Oh, you already betcha!" She has her full arsenal with her, and seems to be.. mid-chase? With a familiar rat even, aiming one of her revolvers.
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tickingdial · 5 months
15. Your muse just got good news! How do they celebrate?
Zora wakes up in her treehouse finally. It's been.. damn near days since she's gotten any kinda action, or word from the local multiverse, or.. anything at all, really? She's tired, though. Tired, tired, tired - the clank of her poncho being put on and her walking can soon be heard as she hopped down from the high floors of her wooden abode.
Landing in front of her P.O. box, she decides to look through it. Some.. type of letter, today - first one she's gotten in a while, same for the greyfaces or people just beaming asks into her mind.
Cracking it open, there seemed to be an invite.. to one Wuhu Island. Though, she damn well knew that was a Video Game Location, this was Zora Salazar, nicknamed Sunny by her multiversal cohorts. Would that really stop her?
"..n' if I'm gettin' this.. so's that rat."
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A grin comes onto her face, before she took out her blade. It seems to fizzle, turn into a gradient before - CUT!
Result: 1d20 (11)
Total: 11
The one time usage she got for this to go somewhere, seeing the expansive tropical island. A beautiful place to hang out, chill.
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Before she hops into the rift, it shutting behind her.
Zora has now changed locations. Asks are still open.
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