#why am I posting this at fuckin 6:47am
emuchipmunk · 11 months
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John Tavares x Castles Crumbling - Taylor Swift & Hayley Williams
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pirate-kid2k19-blog · 5 years
Dumb thoughts and images that come to mind when i try to sleep after a near overdose on caffiene
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Putting that in bc its a big mood right now
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My brain @ sleep
Yall theres motorcycles oyu at 5:25am i-
I wish my friends were up and that it was like 3pm and i slept but that sounds like a dream world-
Smoke or Fire's song called 1968 both intensifies my existential crisis and helps it feel better at the same time.
If history doesnt repeat itself, why do we have blonde ass toupe wearin hitler as the us president??
"Im in a position thats so uncomfortable its comfortable." - some random dude on youtube like 3 years ago
Im not saying its impossible for an insomniac to fall asleep after 5am, im just saying its impossible for me to do so.
If ive got nothing to do today im gonna listen to music, draw, and nap all day. Those make me happy.
I say that last sentence knowing full well imma be up at 3am runnin to the medicine cabinet to down a bottle of melatonin.
Seriously though im either gonna draw, listen to music, or hopefully ill be able to nap but idk. If i cant nap i'll likely just be talkin to my like,,, 3 friends i think it is that i have left.
So here's my outfit plan if i have to go anywhere:
Hollywood undead shirt (desperate measures or V whichever i find) or my reel big fish shirt and a hawaiian shirt over it
Black or baggy camo jeans (cutoff jean shorts if its hot enough)
Whatever shoes i can find to slip on prolly my slide on vans
My camo hat that i almost always wear lol or my dogtooth print old man hat that works with a rude boy outfit well even tho i originally got it because some sweet old lady at the thrift store reccommended it to me because she thought id like it (shes not gonna see this but i did like it i did buy it and i do wear it)
Energy drink can lmao
Who needs a backpack or anything like that when my eyebags can hold all my shit :)
Black or checkered belt
So like,,,, its 5:38am and im still wide awake lol
I'll be fine tho guys normally i pull an all nighter friday night or am up super late, am up all day saturday til like 1-3am then i go to sleep and sleep for like 12-15 hours on sunday, and have a normal sleep schedule (i count it as normal because i still get enough sleep) monday-thursday. I guess im a normal person because like,,,im so like,,,chill during the week then i have like a crazy fuckin weekend that leaves me sleeping all day sunday. Either this is normal fr or normal on tumblr. Idk.
I wanna watch a candle flame buuut im not gonna get up bc i think my granddad is awake and he'll hear me walking around and come tell me to sleep. Though, i do tell him if its past 6am that i woke up at 6, had to use the bathroom, and couldnt go back to sleep after, but its only 5:43. Time to watch candleflame gifs lol
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I love that one because it doesnt have any sort of like eerie vibe its literally just 2 lit candles and i love it.
So heres 5 of my current favorite reaction images rn plus a bonus cursed image:
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Btw this post will go on til my clock hits 6:00am lol msybe before maybe after hut around that time.
Time check:5:47am, my left arm is asleep like the rest of me zhould be but i kinda layed on it for like a solid 2 hours and 48 minutes.
I wonder what long stiletto acrylic nails would look like on toes. Will google it now but if nothing pops up im photoshopping it when i get my phone bc that would be super cursed
High thoughts but the high is sleep deprivation will be the theme of my next blog.
Yo what if it was normal to put acrylic nails on ur toes instead of ur fingers
If we're in a simulation, we wont know until the world ends and we all get minecraft hard mode game over screens.
What if ehen you got ran over irl the last thing you see is your vision goes black and white and red text appears. "Wasted."
I might convert my most unused blog into a blog for sleep deprived and shower thoughts, seeing as literally almost wvery day i put my phone in a ziploc bag snd take it into the shower
I kinda feel calm now. Like...if i felt this calm 2 hours ago i wouldve been dead asleep lmao.
My right finger hurts from how i gotta hold this tablet lmao.
Me: i kinda wanna like,,,just kinda draw but idk what to draw and ive had art block for a few months now...*talks about art block*
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