#why am i actually closse to crying while listening to it?????????
shobolanya · 1 year
I'm listening to Till's new songs and here are my first impressions
From Nass I really like the beginning, Till's voice is gorgeous there, I like how the singing increases, the guitars are awesome too, and I like how sometimes Till sings certain words, in this case "Nass", not sure how to feel about the autotune, but on Zeit I liked it (after readind the lyrics which i didn't do properly yet)
Lecker has a sound I really like, as someone who enjoys harsh vocals I love this and I like the parts with the clean(?) voice in contrast with the harsher one, no comment on the lyrics
I like Schweiss the most I think after the first listen but mostly because of the chorus that has one of the most beautiful melodies I ever heard in my life, reminds me a bit of Blut also the keyboard is cute (lmao idk)
I'll listen to them again and maybe I'll write more about them, overall I like them!
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