#why am i attracted to roddy manhandling jimmy
dandalionbold · 5 months
Calling your attention to October 18, 1986, Philadelphia Spectrum. Jimmy agrees to be interviewed on Piper's Pit only when Roddy offers to be tied up. A+ homoerotic premise fellas.
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Jimmy decides he can do anything he wants now! And what he wants is to annoy Roddy to death. But of course, Jimmy just *has* to push it too far. Our little gerbil man strips down to his onesie and starts slapping Roddy in the face O_O
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It goes.. about as well as you'd expect lmao
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It's actually a pretty long segment, but for me the most important takeaway is the last thirty seconds of mayhem (and surprisingly ripped little dude arms). Leaving this at your doorstep with a little box of chocolates!
I have watched that match (more times than I should admit- but stop it right before Ace BREAKS MY HEART *ahem*) but I keep getting distracted by giffing other things so I havent had a chance to do these ones yet and AHHHHH thank you omfg 😭😭😭💖💖💖
Stumbling upon it the first time I was goddamn howling. Like. Buddy. Baby. Friendo. This. This is not a good idea. But also... *Fans self* 🥵
And Roddy's FACE the entire time and his "you sure you know how to tie rope -_-"
The entire segment is perfect. I cannOT.
*takes the chocolate and the jimblys and curls up in it like a dragon in its hoard*
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