#why am i premed i need a job where i get paid to draw my pookies all day
udonli · 6 months
poorly drawn piastri (the sequel); now with 100% more organic chemistry.
i’ll never stop thinking abt that karaoke video,,,, oscar heart-eyes piastri u will always be famous
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Forever Beloved
Disclaimer: AMC is owned by ABC/Disney.
Author's Note: I have been on the AMC fanfiction fandom. There is only one story for Maria and none for Edmund or Edmund/Maria pairing? Seriously? I thought it was time for one. Thanks to LilMisFit5290 for inspiring this one shot! Which couple name for Maria and Edmund do you like EdMaria, MarEdmund, Edaria?
A/N 2: This will be AU. I know life isn't fair with the way their pairing ended, but hey, I can reimagine it, right? Also, since it was not mentioned where Maria goes to college, I will assume she attended college at Texas State University at San Marcos. When Maria and Edmund were dating on-screen, she had mentioned her grandmother lived with her family growing up, so I am going with the flow.
Premise: What if she failed romance with Del that dashing Edmund comes to town where she is attending college? Will sparks fly then?
Spring 1987
The last several months had been tough for nineteen-year-old Maria Santos. While her studies towards her biology major were going well, social life was going well; just not her love life. She couldn't help it; she was wanted to create a relationship that was like that of her parents, loving and caring that was filled with children, lots of children. The problem was the guy she thought was the love of her life, Del Henry, had gotten her pregnant and not long after she had miscarried. To make matters worse, he smashed her heart pieces when he dumped her. She cried about it and was comforted by her roommates. But she didn't allow herself to wallow for too long. So, Maria swore off dating for a while, but fate had other plans. One fateful spring day and near the end of her sophomore year, she had gone to meet up with her friends and roommates, Kimberly Edwards and Colleen Miller, for lunch before studying for her finals.
As reached the lecture hall where English, Creative Writing, and Journalism were taught, she heard the lecturer's deep voice. She had heard about the lecturer, Edmund Grey wasn't even thirty. Yet he was already a well-traveled correspondent who has covered everything from wars to treaty signings and everything in between. Not only that, he already had a Pulitzer Prize to his name. Two of her friends and roommates were had been saying how handsome he was. Since she hadn't seen him yet, she wasn't sure what to think. For the time being, took their word for it.
Entering the lecture hall, Maria saw the guest lecturer. She fanned herself when she saw him; he was so handsome. His draw made him all the more appealing. He is so easy on the eyes. Wait, did you forget Maria, you know what happened with your last boyfriend. You really want to go through it again?
Nevertheless, he was so handsome, now she was torn. She had completely zoned out that she hadn't noticed that the class had ended and her friend Kimberly had walked up to her was calling to her. "Earth to Maria, earth to Maria, are you okay?"
Maria shook her head and said, "Yeah, I am fine."
Kimberly, however, was not easily persuaded. She saw where Maria's gaze landed on. She smiled. Maria deserved the best after what the jerk did to her. Kimberly had wanted to him a piece of her mind, but Maria had talked her out of it.
Kimberly said, "Come on, I will introduce you to him."
Maria said, "No, no, you know student-teacher relationships are frowned upon."
Kimberly replied, "Come on, relax, will you? You're not his student, so it shouldn't be a problem."
Without getting a chance to say anything, Kimberly led Maria to the front. After he and the other student finished talking, Kimberly spoke up, "Mr. Grey, I would like you to meet my best friend and roommate, Maria Santos."
When Edmund looked up and saw Maria, he was dumbstruck. There stood the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life. Of course, he has seen his fair share of beautiful women as he traveled here and abroad, but the young woman with long chocolate brown hair standing him smiling a bright smile takes the cake.
Kimberly noticed the stares between the two. She knew that had something significant to get her friend this speechless and said, "Well, I guess I will let you two be. I will just go to lunch with Colleen and see you later for our study session, right?"
Maria got out of her daydream and only nodded her head before turning back to stare.
Before long, the hall was empty but not for long before the next class filed in. Edmund broke the silence and said, "Ms. Santos, why don't we go to lunch, and it will be my treat. From there, we can get to know each other if you like."
Maria couldn't hold it back! She let out a quiet squeal. Here was the most handsome, debonair man who was interested in her. He helped her forget all about Del.
Whoa, Maria, don't go there! Not unless you want to ruin a good thing!
Coming out of her trance, she agreed, and they headed out. Instead of going to diners on campus, Maria took them to get good old-fashioned tacos. It was the next best thing when she wasn't home to have her mother's cooking. As they ate, they talked and got to know each other. Edmund learned that she was PreMed and working towards becoming a neurologist. Edmund learned that she had four younger siblings, the youngest being three years old. Maria found out that Edmund was an only child and had a sad childhood. He left home when he turned eighteen and already had seven years under his belt as a traveling journalist.
Edmund made a bold move. Taking her hand and asked, "Maria, I really like you and want to see you again. But I also know the rules about dating students, so how about when you finish your exams maybe I can take you on an actual date?"
This time Maria squealed louder. This was a dream come true. True, she was still cautious after the last relationship, but she knew this could be the real deal for her. She took a leap of faith and exchanged contact information with Edmund.
After he paid for lunch, he walked back to campus. Edmund kept his promise and let Maria finish her exams and the semester before contacting her. Edmund took her out on a date with the school year over, came by to help her pack, and gave her a ride home.
As Kimberly and Colleen watched as Edmund drove off, Colleen commented, "You did good Kimberly. Maria will be off the market for good."
Kimberly nodded, "Yep, for sure!"
A few hours later, they arrived in San Antonio, he had dropped her off, and after planning for their first official date, he went off to find an apartment for the short term and work. Now for work, he could find a temporary job at a newspaper or magazine office. With his resume, he landed an appointment with the in no time. When Maria wasn't volunteering at the local clinic or helping at home and Edmund wasn't busy working at the newspaper, they spent time with each other. They did everything together, including baseball games and roller skating.
One day Edmund had come by taking her out to a new movie that was coming out. However, when he arrived and knocked on the door, and the door opened, he saw that Maria looked frazzled with a squirmy little girl in her arms. When she saw Edmund, she gasped. "Edmund, I am so sorry that I didn't call you. At the last minute, my father had to work extra hours, and my mother had a big special sewing project she has to work on. She needed me to watch over my siblings for the tonight."
Edmund smiled. He loved kids, and now that he had seen with Maria with one of her siblings and how gentle she was, he knew she would be the one.
Edmund replied, "No, no, Maria, don't worry about it. Do you need help?"
Putting four-year-old Rosa down but holding on to her hand, Maria said, "No, I couldn't ask you to spend your evening watching two of my siblings with me."
Edmund calmed her down by saying, "No problems, my love. I love kids remember?"
Maria said with a smile, "Okay, if you want to, but I warn you, my siblings, while they can smile angelically, they can also be a handful. Especially Rosa here."
Looking at Rosa, she crouched down and said, "Rosie, can you say hi to my friend Edmund?"
Rosa stopped fidgeting when she saw someone new. Hiding her face in her big sister's shoulder but peeking her head and said, "Hello Ed, Ed…."
Edmund crouched down to the little girl's height and, with a smile, said, "Nice to meet you, Rosa. You can call me Eddie if that makes it easier for you."
With a little more confidence, Rosa said, "Hello, Eddie."
Edmund soon met eight-year-old Anita, and following a few hours of fun with the two younger kids, helped put them to bed. Later that night met the two teenagers, seventeen-year-old spitfire Julia and fourteen-year-old trying to act macho Mateo. They were wary at first. However, it didn't take the two teens to warm to Edmund.
Later that night, they spent time together. Maria had seen how good he was with kids when he helped put Rosa to bed when she was cheeky and a handful. For that, she loved him even more. They were so absorbed in the kissing they didn't hear the door open and close. It was only when they heard a gasp and Isabella yelling, "Maria!"
With Hector saying, "What is the meaning of this? Who is the man you are kissing?"
Maria and Edmund jumped apart like they were teenagers caught doing something naughty. Maria got off the couch, went to give her father a hug, and said, "Sorry, Papa. But this the Edmund Grey I told you and Mama about. You know the Pulitzer Prize journalist."
Maria looked at her parents and then at Edmund. She said to him, "Edmund, I would like you to meet my parents, Hector and Isabella Santos."
Edmund went over and offered his hand to shake and said, "It is nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Santos."
The stern looks on their faces didn't stay for long. Hector smiled and came over instead of nearly wanting to clobber Edmund for snogging his perfect eldest daughter and instead shook Edmund's hand. It didn't take long for Isabella to respond with a hug. Maria smiled. No guy had ever gotten approval that quickly. The one time she had a male classmate over for a project, her parents watched them or more, the guy like a hawk. As time went on, even her Grandmother Estella took a liking to Edmund.
As the summer progressed, their love grew, and she felt like the luckiest girl ever. Edmund made all the college guys look so immature as he was more worldly and debonair. One night after seeing the new movie that came out, Roxanne went back to his place for dinner in the local movie theater. Knowing that he could cook was a big plus. She remembered the day when she was at his home for lunch, he had made her a mean huevos ranchero. From that time on, she had fallen deeply in love with Edmund.
Of course, being an award-winning traveling war correspondent would require him to know how to cook. During one meal, he began talking about one person, in particular, a Peggy Moody. She was the one who taught him to cook when he was young. Edmund said to Maria, "One day, you will meet Peggy, and you will love her."
Maria said, "I am looking forward to that day!"
After dinner found the lovebirds on the couch alternating in snuggling and cuddling with a passionate make-out session. During one particular heated make-out session, she was sitting in his lap, and he let his hands roam her body. While she enjoyed the sensations when she felt him toying with her shirt, she broke the kiss.
Looking deep into her eyes, Edmund asked, "What is wrong, baby?"
Maria bit her lip and asked, "Um, you know I love you, right?"
Edmund asked, "You're not ready for sexual activity aspect of the physical intimacy?"
Maria takes a deep breath and tells him why she didn't want to jump into bed with him yet. She told him of how Del Henry betrayed her. When she was finished with her story, Edmund was steaming mad. How could a guy like him take advantage of someone sweet and smart? He was so angry, he said, "If I ever saw this Del guy I would like ring his neck."
Maria sighed. She loved that he was protective. Giving him a sultry kiss on the lips, she told her beloved, "Edmund, honey, you're so sweet, but your hard-earned career isn't worth trading for a jail cell."
Though still steaming, Edmund nodded and cooled down. For now, they settled for making out on the couch and hand-holding. Edmund was more than patient with Maria about getting her in bed. Soon summer drew to an end. They knew it as Edmund's profession required him to be at the frontlines to report on the news that was happening, and their time together had come to an end. But that didn't' help ease the pain of the breakup any easier.
On their last day together, Edmund had a plan to romance her like no other. What he didn't know was that he was in for a surprise himself. First, he picked her up from her home. After she hugged them goodbye and thanked the Santos family for their hospitality, Edmund drove Maria back to San Marcos. Once they arrived, they went grocery shopping before heading to her apartment. Maria said they would have the place to themselves, and they did. Maria explained that her sorority was new and selective, so they were still small. Because of that, they didn't have enough members yet to have a house, so she and two of her sorority sisters, Kimberley and Colleen, shared an apartment.
After he helped her bring up her stuff and helped her unpack some things, Edmund said, "Maria, my love, why don't you go and take a bath and relax while I make dinner for us?"
Maria sighed; she was a lucky woman to be with a man who had many talents. So, after she got him set up, she took a relaxing herbal soak. After putting on moisturizing lotion, she dressed in a casual outfit, a very casual outfit. Tonight would be the night that she would sleep with Edmund. Even though they would be splitting up soon (or so she thought), she wanted to give him a part of her.
Maria walked into the dining room. She sauntered in enticing two-piece lingerie that not hugged her in the right places; it also elongated her legs. Right then, Edmund finished dinner and lifted his head and nearly dropped what he had made. He leaned on the counter for support.
He thought Maria looked so sexy. When they were in San Antonio, he had tried to be the perfect gentleman and not stare at her, now he could do sp without shame.
She walked to the kitchen, wound her arms around his waist, stood a little on her tiptoe, and was kissing his neck. Edmund tried his best not just abandon dinner and just take her right then and there. Edmund knew she was giving signals that she was ready.
During dinner, she began to play footsie with him, alternating with flirting. The way that Maria was acting was driving Edmund crazy and antsy and wanting her more and more. Now, all Edmund wanted to do was to forget dinner and ravish her.
They quickly finished dinner, stored the leftovers, had the dishes washed, and put away. Maria took his hand and led him to her room. Once the door was closed, she gazed into his eyes as he did with her. Both saw smoldering lust burning in their eyes from dark brown to raven black. She had placed her hands on his face, pulled him down for a kiss, and Edmund responded, and the kiss turned fiery in no time flat.
He let his lips roam her cheek, jawline, neck, and shoulders. As his lips meandered, Maria sighed contentedly and ran her fingers through his thick curls. Not wanting to wait for more kisses from his soft lips, she pulled his head upwards and connected in a steamy lip-lock.
As they continued kissing, she walked him towards the bed. Right, when they reached the side of the bed, they broke the kiss, and Edmund sat down. He scooted towards and soon was leaning against the headboard. As they held their gazes, she helped him out his shirt by undoing the buttons. When it was opened, she pushed it off and saw that he had the right amount of hair; not a hairy like a Neanderthal or bare-chested like her ex.
Maria let her hands roam his muscular chest. Feeling her fingernails on his skin felt like a trail of fire for Edmund. As she continued hands continued walking his chest, she kissed all the skin she touched Edmund withered under her. Tonight, he had wanted to make it about her, but now he was under her spell. He couldn't take it anymore. He placed his hands on her face and pulled her in, and sweetly kissed her and let his hands roamed down her clothed body.
Parting lips, Edmund whispered, "It's time, baby."
He helped her out of her top and saw that she had no bra on. He felt his breath hitch. Here was a sexy Spanish beauty sitting in his lap, topless. Edmund preferred women who had curves, and Maria definitely had curves; she was perfect. So perfect that Edmund instantly felt like it was hot in the room. All he could get out was, "Wow!"
Maria was beginning to feel a little shy and had covered up her chest when Edmund placed his hands on hers moving them. He covered them with his own hands and began by gently massaging her chest. The heavy fullness of her chest fit in his hands. Maria moaned salaciously as he continued his loving touches. He leaned in said, "Maria, you are so sexy."
Maria whispered to him and exclaimed, "I love you, Edmund, take me now!"
Before long, he had wound his arms around her and pulled her down as he slid down, and they laid on the bed itself. He paid attention to all parts of her body and what touches would make her moan with pleasure and had her withering under him. She was now ruined for all other guys. She was his forever.
A few hours later, Edmund and Maria were awake and laid in peaceful quiet. Maria was relishing how her first time with Edmund was more affectionate than Del. Del like it rough and was all about him. At the same time, Edmund likes to be a little bit of both gentle and rough. Edmund, on the other hand, was thinking of one thing. Now that he has spent a special night with Maria, he didn't want to leave her and leave it to chance for them to meet up again. He knew that someone of her beauty and intelligence, any guy, would be lucky to be with her, and he would be an idiot to let her go. When Maria stirred, Edmund kissed her forehead. Maria smiled and looked up at her beau.
With soulful eyes, Edmund leaned down, kissed her, and said, "Maria, I was thinking instead of us parting and meeting if our paths crossed later on. How about we stay together and see where it takes us?"
Maria looked perplexed and asked, "What your writing career? I don't want you to pull the plug on your success just by waiting while I work towards my medical degree."
Edmund smiled and replied, "Don't you worry, I just know we will make it work."
She didn't know was that Edmund had signed a contract with the San Antonio Express as a war correspondent and come back to rest and work as an editor on the side. Maria couldn't believe it. She was going to be with Edmund longer, possibly forever. After another round of lovemaking, there were up and getting ready, eating breakfast, and relishing what little time they had left. He wouldn't be able to visit until either Thanksgiving or Winter Break.
Unbeknownst to her, Edmund a surprise up his sleeve. He took out a ring box and handed it to her. Surprised, she put down her fork, picked up the box, and when she saw the ring, she gasped. It was a gorgeous Solitaire Round Diamond Infinity Promise Ring.
Breaking the quiet, Edmund took her hand and said, "Maria, baby, I give you this ring as a promise that one day we will make a reality."
Not knowing what else to do, she jumped up from her chair and threw a hug around him. She could only say, "I love you, Edmund, more than you will ever know."
After breakfast ended, she helped Edmund get his items to his car. After a long embrace and lingering kisses, Edmund was off to catch his flight to Washington DC to cover the US and USSR talks.
After he was out of sight, she sighed and went back up to her apartment to clean. She managed to and had to sit down and stare at her ring and daydream about Edmund. She was so deep in her fantasy that she didn't hear the front door open, and Kimberly and Colleen come in. When they saw Maria in her own world, Kimberly said, "Uh-oh, either Maria is in a good mood or foul mood."
Colleen said, "If she was in a foul mood, she would be in her room already studying."
They gently approached, and Colleen asked almost timidly, "Um Maria?"
Maria shook her head and then looked at her two roommates, and then a dreamy smile appeared on her face. The two of them instantly knew something good happened. They chatted and caught up on what they had been doing since their last call and when Maria had told them the 'plan' for them to split up. Then Maria brought out her left hand and showed her roommates. When they saw Colleen and Kimberly let out high-pitched squeals and pulled Maria into a monstrous hug.
Calming down after Kimberly asked, "So are you and Edmund engaged?"
Smiling, Maria replied, "Not quite. But he promised me that one day he would make it a reality."
Colleen added, "Oh girl, I am so happy for you! You deserve the best!"
During her junior and senior years, Maria spent her time with Edmund when he was home while maintaining her studies. A few weeks before Maria's college commencement, he went to visit Hector and Isabella. He only one mission on his mind, ask for the blessing and parents from the parents.
Feeling the ring box cut into him, Edmund knocked on the door to the Santos house. Soon he was ushered in, and Edmund began, "Mr. and Mrs. Santos, as you know, I have fallen so deeply in love with Maria that I don't ever want to live without them in my life. I'm ready to ask Maria to marry me."
Isabella was as impressed as Hector was. Their darling Maria knew what to look for in a man. Plus, Edmund was an award-winning writer, a Pulitzer Prize no less.
Before Hector could speak, Isabella asked, "May I see the ring?"
Edmund pulled out the ring box and set it on the table. Isabella picked up the ring box, opened, and gasped. In it was a ring with a pear-shaped diamond in the middle surrounded by two round diamonds.
Isabelle said, "You have a great taste in jewelry Edmund."
Edmund replied, "Thank you, Mrs. Santos. I have my mother to thank."
Isabella added, "Uh-uh, you shall now call us mama and papa, because..."
Hector added, "I am happy to see our Maria is going to marry the right man. You, Edmund, have our blessing."
Edmund grinned. All he had to do now to plan the proposal and to pull it off. Now he knew he needed to talk to the Dean of the Department of Biology and the Chancellor himself to put his plan to propose at the graduation ceremony a reality.
When graduation came along, commencement itself was a grand affair. The entire Santos family, along with Grandmother Estella, was in attendance. It was a big day for the family; Maria was the first to graduate from college.
As the name was being announced, each graduate came up to get their diploma. Cheers and applause followed as each graduate walked off stage. That was until Maria came on the scene. Just as she got her diploma and shook hands with the Dean, with her father taking photos of the momentous day of the Santos family. However, they knew something that Maria didn't know was about to get another surprise, a big one.
The Chancellor of the College, Dean Anderson, walked over to the podium and began talking. "Attention, Ladies and Gentlemen and fellow graduates, may I please have your attention."
The graduates and their families settled down, wondering what is going on. Once it was quiet, Dean Anderson said, "Now I know that most of you graduates are ready to get out of here but will Ms. Maria Santos, please come up back on stage for an extraordinary gift."
Maria raised one as an eyebrow and looked over at her best friends, Kimberly Edwards and Colleen Miller. They managed to look just as confused when they knew what was about to happen. Maria had her friends hold her diploma and then made her way to the stage.
Edmund, who was hidden from view, watched as she made her way on the stage and when he saw that she had reached the podium. He had concocted a reason why he couldn't make that he had a story he had to cover and wasn't going to make it back in time. When in reality, this was the way he could come in unseen.
Maria was on stage, and standing next to the Dean continued. "Ms. Santos has achieved many great things during her four years here. She is not only the first in her family to graduate from college, but Maria has also worked hard to earn a 4.0 GPA. Therefore, she graduated Summa Cum Laude. You all also know that she would be starting medical school in the fall. But that is not why I called her up here, for she has a special present."
Hearing his cue word "present," Edmund made his way out from his hiding place with a bouquet of red roses and on to the stage. When Maria saw him, she gasped. She thought he wouldn't make it; he had said he couldn't get a flight back in time. She was going to get him for that later. She then ran to him and hugged him, bringing about cheers and applause. Once it quieted. Getting the microphone from the Dean and began, "First, I want to thank the Dean and Chancellor for allowing me to do this."
Turning to the love of his life, he said, Maria, my darling, I love you. Your family and I are so proud of you. Today that you have worked hard and are reaching your goals and continue to set new goals and achieve them."
Edmund paused for a minute while wiping away the mists that were already forming in Maria's eyes and then said, "I have loved you from the first day that I met you. As time went on, I loved you more and more. Maria, do you remember when I gave you this promise ring?"
Maria smiled and slowly nodded, and Edmund continues, "Well, it is time to make that promise a reality."
Maria's eyes widened when Edmund momentarily let go of her hands. He then pulls out a small velvet ring box, which causes the audience to buzz with sudden excitement. He opened the box as he got down on one knee and causing Maria to let out an audible gasp. He continued, "Miss Maria Santos, I cannot imagine living the rest of my life without you. Will do the honors in becoming my wife, will you marry me?"
Completely caught off guard, Maria took a few minutes to recover from the sudden shock to her system. When Maria saw Edmund get down on one knee, she took a step backward and let out an audible gasp. Seeing the love of her life on one knee made the proposal all the more real. Her boyfriend of three years, the guy who she has been in love with since their first meeting and had helped her completely heal her broken heart, had asked her the most crucial question.
She then answered as loud as she could because she wanted everyone to hear her answer, "Yes, a definite yes; Edmund Grey, I will marry you!"
Her fellow graduates and the commencement crowd all cheered deafeningly after Maria gave her response while Edmund removed the promise ring but instantly slid a one-carat pear-shaped diamond-accented 14K Yellow gold ring on her finger and got up and gave
Maria an amorous hug and a sweet kiss and then spins her around.
After the commencement ended, Maria got congratulations from all around: her sorority sisters and other former classmates. Kimberly and Collen surrounded her with a monstrous hug, and Kimberly saying, "Congratulations, girl! I am so happy for you!"
Right then Kimberly said, "I want to see the ring!"
Maria obliged. When Kimberly saw the ring she exclaimed, "Wow! That is huge!" said Kimberly when she saw the diamond.
"Yeah, no kidding!" commented Colleen and Kimberly at the same time, causing all of them to let out a burst of laughter.
Maria grinned broadly when she suddenly asked, "Colleen and Kimberly, I have something I want to ask you."
Her two friends looked, Maria attentively waiting for her to continue. Maria looked at them and said, "Kimberly and Collen, you two have been my closest friends since the start of college. I would like you and Colleen to be my bridesmaids."
Kimberly was caught off guard when Maria asked her. When she got her voice back, she replied, "Of course, girl I would be so honored, thank you."
Maria turned to Julia and asked, "Jules will be my maid of honor?"
Julia's eyes bugged out she heard Maria's request. Julia was the one who manages to say something after. "Oh, sis, I am honored to be a part of your bridal party to stand next to you on your special day."
Maria felt a tug on her graduation gown and heard a little voice call out, “What about me sissy?”
Maria looked down and smiled at her baby sister Rosa who asked with an adorable smile on sweet face. Maria kneeled down to Rosa’s level. She picked Rosa up and as tickled her she said in a funny voice, “You my baby sissy will be my beautiful flower girl.”
After giggle, Rosa replied, “Yay!”
After the graduation celebration held in her, Kimberly, and Colleen's honor, the two love birds are left for alone time.
As they contentedly snuggled on the couch for a while, Maria spoke up. "Edmund sweetie, I think we need to pick we are going to pick a date so we can get the planning started and don't worry, you will have your say in the planning process. I promise."
Edmund looked at his stunning fiancée and said, "Okay, do you have a date in mind?"
Maria pondered and said, "Well, you know the next step for me is the police academy, and I think we should get married sometime before the end of this year."
Edmund asked, "Hmmm, how about the thirty-first of December? I know how much your mom loves to prepare for Thanksgiving and Christmas. This way, we have time to plan and time for her to prepare for the feast."
Maria looked at Edmund and saw nothing but love and compassion in his eyes. "I love the day you picked. So, the thirty-first of December, it is. And this way, we can have two weeks to ourselves and still make back in time for our first Christmas Eve and Day as a married couple."
With that, their initial plans for their wedding were made. They both look forward to the start of their impending marriage and new chapter in their lives. They know that they would be together forever, no matter what.
Epilogue: Fifty Years Later, December 2039
Their time together had flown by in an instant. After Maria finished med school, she had been hired at Pine Valley Hosptial by Doctor Joe Martin, who was then the current Chief of Staff. There had bumps in the road, many, many bumps, infertility, the adoption, and finally having a baby only to be thought dead but returned alive. The most painful was how Edmund thought Maria was killed when she was wedged on the part of a plane that fell over a cliff. Years later, he had married Brooke English only for an amnesiac Maria to return. After her memory fully returned, they continued to stick together. This was especially true after Edmund was shot. Maria was with him every step of the way. After a near-fatal blow to the head that almost caused Edmund his life, they decided it was time to leave Pine Valley. They moved to California, joining the rest of the family, including Haley, Mateo, Enzo, Isabella, and Rosa.
Now they were in Las Vegas, celebrating their fiftieth wedding anniversary. Edmund was now eight-two, and Maria was seventy-two. While Edmund had all white hair, Maria was still as stunning as the first day he met her. Edmund supports himself with a cane while holding his wife's hand as they stand at the altar.
When it came time, Edmund recited his vow. "Baby, I had promised you before when first got married that we are here renewing our vows in Vegas and here are in front of our kids and grandkids renewing our love. Fifty-five years ago, I first set eyes on you in that lecture hall at Texas State University at San Marcos. I felt something ignited in me. I knew I need to get to know that beautiful young woman. While we were together for one summer, it was the best time of my life.
During our marriage, we have had many ups and downs. I know you were hurting from a breakup; I was there for you. We struggled to have our family, but then came Sammy and Maddie. When I thought I lost you the first time, I thought I couldn't make through, but with our kids and family and friends, I made it."
Looking at their children and grandkids, and he said, "Sammy and Maddie, you along with our grandchildren Jenna, Isabella, Joshua, and Hector are the lights in our lives."
Looking at Maria and said, "My love for you has grown exponentially and will continue to grow forever and always. Where we go. I hope that we can continue our travels."
Maria choked up and began her vow. "Wow, Edmund. You said everything I planned on saying. I will keep mine short. I was unsure when we first met if I was ready to start dating again, especially after my heartbreak. You helped me heal my broken heart. You were the consummate man who was loving and gentle with me and didn't push. Well, we did have our challenges we overcame it and became stronger. With our kids and grandkids here, I promise to be with you for all of eternity."
Indeed, their meeting had led them to be forever beloved.
A/N 3: Thanks for reading Forever Beloved. Reviews are appreciated!
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