#why are 'girl' movies so connected to branding and IP
avatar-state-kate · 11 months
No that Barbie gendered criticsm post was in specific reference to a post where someone accused people—critical of the Barbie movie for being a commercial/just Not being indie arthaus groundbreaking cinema—of being misogynistic because “no one does this for transformers or marvel” (which seems misogynistic as well. Comic books aren’t “for boys” dolls aren’t “for girls” but the way these products are being marketed to us as freethinking adults is perhaps something we should question)
Oh, I got that, my tags were more in reference to the "consumerism seems girl-coded and military propaganda boy-coded" bit. That joke format implies that people are projecting gendered stereotypes onto something, except the idea of their being a gender link to these properties is by design - Barbie is being marketed to women and girls, and the cultural idea of what women and girls do/should like and Marvel is marketed to the cultural idea of what men and boys do/should like.
I'm not disagreeing with OP of that post, I'm disagreeing with the idea that there is no gendered level, especially with what is being marketed - consumerism is much more aggressively marketed to women ("women be shopping", the pink tax, women as responsible for household shopping etc.) and the military is marketed more to men. I think this level of analysis is being ignored in favour of calling anyone excited for the Barbie movie stupid for not knowing it's an ad. Which that's a case-by-base basis, definitely most people are going in uncritical but that's true of most media so I wouldn't call anyone out here for being especially stupid.
But yeah, people have always pointed out that toy brand shows are just ads, and we have been complaining about the military-industrial complex in film, but also with everything when its a "girl" (and like again this is marketing, I never liked barbie or girl toys as a child so like my girlhood isn't being represented here, and maybe the idea that brands get to decide what girlhood and boyhood is is a more interesting discussion) property the analysis gets weird - like you have good faith criticism and then people being much more aggressive then the conversation might need.
Like the movie hasn't come out yet and we have already gone from the over-praising the thing to backlash/hatred of the thing - again both phases have genuine and reasonable arguments to them - be excited for a movie with practical sets in a CGI cinema landscape, to see some of our biggest stars together, to see a movie that looks fun- be critical of a film that is a 2-hour long commercial for a doll brand, be critical of a film that supports rampant consumerism and the beauty industry - but the intensity is...a lot already, again for a movie we haven't actually seen yet
TLDR: I don't think it is sexist to critique this movie, or the existence of criticism or a backlash is wholly sexist, however, like with most things parsing out where the genuine feelings stop and sexism ramps them up is an impossible thing to parse. I can believe this while also feeling like anyone trying to say there is no gender element is wrong - like it's Barbie, a toy that even girls who don't play with Barbie are told is representative of their childhoods - like gender analysis is called for but just maybe not the one that is happening.
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revchainsaw · 3 years
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Bumblebee (2018)
Good Evening worshippers, and welcome! Today the Cult of Cult goes a little more mainstream than usual. It's been a while since i've tackled a big Hollywood superhero film. But I do believe that these sorts of films will be remembered fondly my small groups of people in the future, especially the smaller films that are being overshadowed by the big bad MCU, films like 2018s Bumblebee.
The Messsage
Bumblebee was originally released as a prequel to the Transformers franchise that had started all the way back in 2007. However, reboots had really hit the market as a way to breath new life into struggling franchises, and the Transformers series had already gone to just about every absurd extreme you could imagine. No changes were made to the movie as it was released, but with it's more childish and heartfelt tone, and a new aesthetic that was softer, smoother, and all around just generally more pleasing to the eye, I think it was a wise choice to rebrand Bumblebee as a new beginning.
Our story is of two friends from two very different worlds and how they came together. Our first character is Bumblebee, then known as B- number sign/it doesn't really matter. Not yet Bumblebee is a soldier set with securing a safe location for the Autobots to regroup and make their home as they suffer a pretty serious defeat on cybertron at the hands of the tyrannical Decepticons. Optimus Prime, here again voiced by Peter Cullen and looking so much more like himself, assigns this task to Bumblebee promising him that they will meet him there when the time comes. Then Optimus fucks off for the rest of the run time making way for our little hero.
Bumblebee lands on Earth and is immediately set upon by John Cena and his military goon squad. It probably would have been wise for Bumblebee to avoid John Cena but in his defense, he couldn't see him. Hardy har har. In his attempt to flee his voice box is damaged, he seeks sanctuary by taking the form of a run down little VW bug, and suffers from amnesia.
Then we have Charlie. Charlie is not like other girls. She likes cars, all the retro music, which wasn't retro when the movie takes place, so I'm supposed to just think she's a rocker but it kinda seems like she'll listen to just about anything. I think in 2018 liking Motorhead and The Smiths (who are used ad nauseum in this movie) is perfectly common, but I feel like in the 80s that was a much different and much older attitude to take.
Anyway Charlie's poor family lives in a super fucking nice house and are poor because the dialogue keeps insisting they are so it must be true despite all the shit they have that actually poor people would sell blood and teeth to attain, but hell, this is Hollywood and Hollywood poor is like regular people upper middle class. Charlies family is so poor that instead of giving her a one time graduation/birthday present to buy a part for a car she already has, they just give her a moped, She also spends all her time at a pull apart where the manager (who might be her uncle that wasn't super clear) is willing to just give her a Volkswagen so I don't understand why she didn't already have the project car up and running. Whatever, it's a plot contrivance. All you need to know is that Charlie is tenacious and hard around the edges cuz her dad is dead and she's not yet mature enough to process that in a healthy way. Maybe her character arch will teach her to let others in, we'll have to find out.
There's also a wacky nerd named Memo, and some bad guys, and John Cena. They are all also pretty archetypal and contrived and don't really do anything of note that isn't just filling a beat that this kind of movie needs to walk. Charlie starts Bumblebee up, discovers he's a robot and the two begin to bond. Charlie learns to make a friend, and bumblebee is learning about himself. They get into hijinks and get revenge on a bully girl who makes Regina George look like a saint, she pretty much only picks on Charlie exclusively for having a dead dad.
The moment Bumblebee is woken back up, some technology goof em up that both he and Charlie are unaware of brings two Decepticon baddies into the picture. I don't remember their names, but since I love The Venture Brothers let's say they can be "Jet Boy and Jet Girl". Jet Boy and Jet Girl are sometimes cars, sometimes various flying military vehicles, and they make friends with the deep state and plan to get all the adrenochrome from all the orphans, or just to go find Bumblebee and beat his ass good cuz their bad guys. Let me tell y'all though, Jet Boy and Jet Girl are so bad that they don't even care that the government is listening when they reveal that they are planning on bringing a Decepticon Invasion and after they rough up Bumblebee real good they are going to destroy all life on this planet. So they start by killing a military scientist.
John Cena is after Bumblebee and he's homies with Jet Boy and Jet Girl until the military scientist butt dials him and he hears the evil plan. John Cena goes from heel to face and helps Bumblebee and Charlie save the day. It's a giant CG clusterfuck climax a la any superhero film in the last 10 years and I basically stopped watching. BumbleBee pulls a Hellraiser on Jet Boy, and then he hits Jet Girl with a freaking boat. Charlie uses her diving skills do dive down and save him, but he's a Giant Robot and he was okay and it was literally pointless for her to to except as a way to show that her character has completed her arch by doing the thing that was representative of her connection with her lost father.
Bumblebee turns into the Camaro from the first movie, meets up with Optimus prime, and the stage is set for this prequel to squeeze more prequels out. So it wasn't very creative, but was it bad? Let's find out.
Please Stand to receive the Benediction.
Best Aspect: Transform the Franchise
Bumblebee was directed by Travis Knight of Laika fame and it shows. This movie marks a stylistic change in the transformers franchise, as in it doesn't look like utter dog shit, but it also represents in many ways a tonal shift. It does hold on to a lot of gross sleaze that has unfortunately been forcibly jammed into the DNA of the franchise but it also attempts to be a more heartfelt entry. The characters of Bumblebee might all be sort of a waste of time, but at least they are doing something with emotions, even if the emotions of the characters are only explored as deeply as a children's cartoon I'm glad they are there. In the previous installments the only thing the characters did between running from action piece to seizure inducing action piece was drool over underage girls like a bunch of chimpanzees at the facility where they test experimental E.D. meds. It was nice to see that at least somewhat tampered. This transformers movie feels more like it's for kids and young teenagers, and strangely that more friendly tone makes for a much less juvenile product.
Worst Aspect: Remember I Love the 80s from the 2000s
I hope you really like Stranger Things. I do, but because Stranger Things was so successful it' s going to be everywhere. Not true Stranger Things just 80s nostalgia porn. This 80s nostalgia is going to be forced on you whether you like it or not, and it's not going to be fun. It's gonna be in your shows, in your music, in your Sunday like Bacon in 2010. It's that or Marvel Franchise Brand Whedonisms. Bumblebee is that brave movie that says, "Why not both?" It would seem fitting that a property as quintessentially 80s as Transformers should feel completely comfortable doing a period piece set in the 80's but it's so fucking half hearted it's depressing. It wasn't done to appreciate the roots of the IP, it was done to cash in on a trend and it feels it. All they did was throw up a date and insufferably force an 80s soundtrack down your throat as if that was enough to convince you that this movie needed to be set during this time. Other than that you could have told me this film was set in 2007 and I couldn't tell you any different.
Best Character: Charlie's an Angel
I liked Charlie. Sure her Arc is predictable, her taste is dumb, and she isn't exactly a master of her own destiny to any degree. But at least she is a woman in a transformers movie who's got something going on. Sure she's defined entirely by grief, but that sure is better than pretending that being able to work on cars is a feminist character trait instead of a weird fetish thing. They certainly do that thing with Charlie, but at least it's not the only thing they throw at the wall. Bumblebee is by no means out of the woods in this department, but it garners a lot of goodwill for trying. Like a racist uncle who just started his journey out of ignorance, but hasn't yet realized he has to stop asking mortifying questions to the barista at Starbucks. Okay, maybe that's an extreme metaphor. I'm saying that perhaps Charlie is not a great character but she's a great character for a Transfomers movie.
Worst Character: It's JOOOOHHHNNNN CEEEENA!!!!
Why is John Cena in this movie? I don't hate the guy, but his character seems pointless. You could remove him from the movie completely and replace him with any one of the random military goons at any point and it changes nothing. What was with that dumb salute at the end? It seems like they put him in this movie in post and it was just to pump up cast list. I wish he was given anything to work with. I can't remember his characters name, and it's not like John Cena did a bad job, I was just annoyed every time they kept giving him hero shots. I felt like I was watching a trailer for a different movie.
Best Actor: Optimal Primo!
Every time Peter Cullen speaks I want to listen. There's a reason they haven't had Chris Pratt or somebody with a bigger name come in and take over the role at this point. He's why the audience keep coming back. Peter Cullen IS Optimus Prime, and there's no changing that. He also wins twice. He's the best actor in the movie AND he's barely in the movie. Good call Peter.
Worst Actor: Mean Girls 2, Meaner and Girlier
I don't want to be cruel so I'm not going to go into to much detail, but there's an actress in this film who's performance is so mustache twirlingly evil and stupid that it ruined my suspension of disbelief when i knew going in that i was about to endure a 2 hour toy commercial about robots that turn into cars. Beldar Conehead was a more convincing human being than Tina.
Best Effect: Goo Be Gone
I really appreciated when the bad guys shot the government nerd into a blast of snot. That was pretty fun for me. Best part of the movie hands down.
Worst Effect: Live Action?
Bumblebee is a cartoon. It's a great looking cartoon but it doesn't sell itself that way. If we were doing a Roger Rabbit thing I'd have no gripes. However, I think CG is just getting worse. I'm criticizing this and it's still lightyears better than the previous entry's on the franchise. No transformation or fight sequence in Bumble Bee had me straining to make sense of what I was looking at. I think it was a great idea to start using some basic shapes and outlines to these characters, and return somewhat to their 80s designs. But at certain points, especially when there were no humans in the shot, i was pretty convinced I was watching Clone Wars. There may not be anyway around this, as the Transformers concept might not be able to be pulled off in any more effective manner. It's a minor gripe, but I just didn't think it looked like anything other than a very expensive cartoon, and in this franchise that's a compliment, because it least it looked like SOMETHING!
Best Scene: Space Opera
I am not a Transformers fan. I missed the boat on the cartoon as a kid. I would sometimes catch it at friends houses but I was more into Batman, Star Wars, and Ninja Turtles. By the time I came onto the scene the world had moved on to Beast Wars. I did one day arbitrarily decide that my favorite Transformer was Sound Wave. He looked great in this. I am a big fan of the return to form with a lot of the character designs in this. They really did keep the things that worked from the other adaptations, and they are steadily removing the things that didn't. For this reason, the scenes on Cybertron, particularly the battle with Soundwave (i prefer for personal reasons) looked great and were exciting to watch. I remember thinking Cybertron used to look like a Marilyn Manson shot a music video from inside to dumpster. This is so much better.
Worst Scene: Blocking the Box
There's a scene in Bumblebee where Charlie's family decides the best way to save their daughter was to cause a pile up of vehicles in an intersection, and it's pure contrived writing that saved any character in that sequence from being killed in a horrific traffic accident. It was stupid, played for laughs, and it wasn't exciting as much as it was anxiety inducing. I also thought that there was no reason the covert military group covering up extraterrestrial life wouldn't just disappear this family of fucking morons in their little piece of shit car. The logic of the scene was just so childish like, "No they won't hit me, I'm a good person."
Bumblebee may be remembered fondly in a decade. I think especially if the Transformers franchise were to end here. It didn't get the publicity of the other films, and that really is a shame. For my money, this was the best Transformers movie so far. I was very tempted to give Bumblebee a C, it does just enough to right what was wrong from the other movies to make me appreciate all that work. This movie has heart, and if you are at all into Transformers then l think you should see it. It's still pretty stupid, and pretty basic. It's not offering anything new to the genre, and it feels like a commercial for more movies. I really wish we could just get movies that want to tell a story. I thought it over and decided that it wasn't fair not to grade Bumblebee on it's own merits. Bumblebee is substantially better than the films that preceded it, but that's not saying a lot, when the films that preceded it are joyless exercises in self abuse.
Overall Grade: D
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cruelfeline · 4 years
I mean at the end of the day angsty teenagers and young girls are the target audience of this show. That's what they went for and that's who they targeted. We're just lucky as adults it was so well written that we were able to enjoy the other elements as well as we did. But at the end of the day it wasn't for us nor was it intended to be.
Which is why I don't think Catradora is a weakness i think it's just some fans gotta realize that's not what this show was gonna be and learning to come to peace with it. So yeah, it is the Catradora show, the title is just that because this is still a classic IP and your still stuck with using some of the classic lore for branding reasons. But at the end of the day, we gotta recognize what the show is and not want we want it to be.
I mean remember they made more or less the entire show with a certain demographic in mind and trust me...We weren't that demographic. They only way that would have changed had they waited each seasons and recalibrated accordingly. If anything Fan reaction to She-Ra will only effect it if they make a movie and or Spin-Off show since now creators will know what people connected to and didn't. Because trust me they know now...They know.
She-Ra isn't this deep lore kinda show, at the end of the day it's essentially a funny action comedy with a lesbian romance and goofy characters. That's it...That's the show. It was made with love and really good themes and writing, but I feel like some fans want it to be something completely different. It's okay if you don't like it, but that's fine, but I think some fans gotta come to terms to what this show is and judge it by it's own terms here.
Oh, I don’t know that I agree with all that. I mean, I agree with the fact that SPoP isn’t necessarily designed to be that deep, and that... well, actually, I’m not sure that I really agree about the target demographic. I feel like the target demographic is a bit nebulous. There’s something for everyone, y’know? Especially since the creators likely knew that a not-insignificant portion of their viewers would be those who watched the original She-Ra, all of which are adults now.
I do think that, while we can recognize what the show is vs. what we wished it was, we are all perfectly within our rights to criticize aspects of it that we feel could have been better.
And, y’know, while I personally come at this sort of thing from a Hordak-focused perspective (because that is my fandom-purpose), the Catradora focus doesn’t just take away from that aspect of the show. It takes away from the satisfactory completion of the abuse narrative. It takes away from other character arcs (Glimmer’s grief over her mum, anyone?). 
Furthermore, painting that show as a “funny action comedy” is... well. It’s that, but it also heavily involves themes of child abuse, religious trauma, abuse cycles, personal agency, and many others. Minimizing these things to then focus on the lesbian romance and “goofy characters”... well, to me, that’s the weakness: the fact that these very interesting aspects of the show, many of which are talked about by not just the fandom, but by the staff, are left unexplored because Catradora needs All the Screentime.
*shrug* But to each their own. If one wishes to enjoy it as it is without critiquing, then by all means! However, there are some of us that do like to discuss various aspects that we feel could have been made more meaningful and interesting, if only so we can do it ourselves in fanfic!
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takerfoxx · 4 years
Magia Record, Season 1, Episode 1, First Impressions!
So, the long-awaited spinoff to my favorite anime has arrived. Magia Record, adapted from the mobile RPG, the first proper Puella Magia animation since The Rebellion Story.
Now, let’s just get this out in the open: I have kind of a weirdly complicated relationship with Magia Record. On the one hand, though I’ve never begrudged its existence, I just wasn’t interested in playing it. Those hero pull RPG’s have never been my thing, and I try to avoid purposefully addictive games...so they wouldn’t take time away from the addicting games I already have. Besides, it centered around a new group of characters that I didn’t know or care about, didn’t seem to have anything to do with the plot I really wanted to see continue, and seemed to be taking place in a previous timeloop or something. And after getting burned in Oriko Magica and A Different story, I wasn’t in the mood for stories that could just end in another Homura reset. Plus, there was a period where people kept trying to get me to play it despite me being openly disinterested that only made me stubbornly refuse to play it. So when it got a stage musical (what?) and later a full-on anime adaptation (what?!) when Rebellion was still hanging unfollowed on and that Concept Movie thing never going anywhere, well, it made me just a little salty. Not even the promise of the OG squad in supporting roles wasn’t enough to get me excited.
But on the other hand, once I got that out of my system and had some time to think about it, I realized that I was looking at it all wrong. Sure, Magia Record might not be the Puella Magi content I was hoping for, but its existence and continued popularity was nothing but a positive. By getting a foot in that very popular brand of game market, it ensured the franchise’s continued popularity, pouring money and attention into the IP. And studios capitalizing on its popularity with a bunch of different adaptations would only fuel interest in an actual Rebellion follow-up. So this was a good thing. I mean, Gen’s apparently burnt out on the franchise and SHAFT has had a ton of internal issues, so keep things going however you can, right? Play that long game. 
And when the trailer finally dropped, it did get my interest. It seemed to be adhering to the original show’s creepy, surreal tone, which was definitely a plus, and a few of the images looked really cool.
And now the first episode is here, so I can finally enjoy the Magia Record story without needing to play the game.
So let’s go! Spoiler time.
All right, so here’s everything about Magia Record I already knew from picking up details here and there. First, it stars a girl named Iroha, who’s...well, I don’t want to say Diet Madoka, but it’s clear that she’s supposed to be reminiscent of Madoka with her design and demeanor. Anyway, unlike Madoka, Iroha is already a magical girl and has been for a little while, enough to know the score, at least as much as the Incubators want her to know. And her sister is apparently missing, so it’s her goal to find her. And there’s this city of magical girls which have their own society (which, okay, is a really cool concept), and a bite-sized Kyubey is running around for some reason. Also, the outfits are a bit racier than the ones we’ve seen already. Midriffs galore!
So, I do like that it just takes the idea that Iroha’s already made a contract and just runs with it. There’s very little in the way of explanations, it just assumes that you’ve seen the original show and jumps right into things, which I definitely appreciate. I mean, there’s a bunch of girls doing sort of a Greek Chorus, talking over the action and kind of explaining things to each other, but that’s about the extent of the catch-up. And the resulting ambiance is delightfully weird.
That’s something I really noticed, in that the whole feel of this episode was actually more in line with the first half of The Rebellion Story than it was with the original series. Like, not quite as weird, but weirder than the show, sitting kind of in between with what I can only describe as casual surrealism. The camera just lingers in things that we would find weird but none of the characters so much as notice. Whether that is a sign that this world is still more different than ours than we’ve been led to believe or that we are in Homucifer’s new world remains to be seen. Regardless, there’s an air of dreamlike melancholy that hangs over the whole thing.
Something that was very interesting is that while, yes, Iroha does have a missing sister, she apparently lost her memories of not only her, but whatever her original wish had been in the first place, pointing to a connection between the two. Not even her Kyubey (and it’s finally established that all Incubators are called Kyubey, and they really do have a hivemind, which divorces Resonance Days even further from canon) knows what’s up, as he doesn’t remember either.
But as she’s trying to piece together why she can’t remember her wish or what these dreams of a shadow girl mean (it’s her forgotten sister, duh), she still has to carry on her normal life, which now includes going to a boarding school. And I’m just gonna say it: her teacher is hot! Don’t lie, you all saw it too. And naturally, her Puella Magi problems are interfering with her schoolwork. 
Meanwhile, while defending a train from a cool looking salamander witch, she meets and befriends another magical girl named Kuroe, who’s been having major buyer’s regret, seeing how her wish was to go out with a boy that she had a crush on and with whom she has since broken up with. It really goes to show how exploitative the Incubator system is, as that is the sort of witch a lot of kids that age would make. Don’t make contracts with minors, you fuck! But anyway, apparently several magical girls have been having a dream about a little girl calling them to a city called Kamihama (insert Dragon Ball Z joke here), where they would be “saved,” whatever that means. 
Anyway, the two of them are later attacked by the same witch while again on the train, as it seems it was holding a grudge against them and was waiting to set a trap. It also confirms that witch labyrinths can be ambulatory, as it straight up traps them in it and flies through the air, preventing them from killing it as they don’t want to go splat.
It takes them for a rough landing, and then something happens that was perhaps the first thing to make me think, “Okay, now that is cool!” Another witch shows up, this one a sort of pastry walrus, forcing the two labyrinths to merge. But instead of combining into a Walpurgisnacht, the second witch straight up rips the first one in half! And it is metal as fuck!
But then a new magical girl shows up to kill the cookie walrus, saving the pair. And apparently they’ve been dumped in Kamihama itself, and it’s not the safe place it’s made out to be, and our new friend has already claimed part of it as her territory and she’s getting pissed about all the other magical girls getting called there, as it means more competition for her. But she cuts our two leads some slack and even gives them the grief seeds, provided that they fuck off.
And later, Iroha finally has her own Kamihama dream, where she sees multiple magical girls being called to the city, and in that dream she finally remembers her sister’s name (Ui), and her wish (for Ui to be cured of some illness), causing her to wake up.
So, that’s our first episode. What did I think? Well, I liked it! I enjoyed the slow pace, I liked how it just let us sit there and soak up the weird at various stages, I’m interested in the plot and want to see where it goes. And even if they won’t be leads or continue their main storyline, I am hoping that the OG squad show up as they did in the game.
If there was one thing that didn’t really work for me, it’s that they kind of recycled the original series’ soundtrack instead of making something new. I get that they want to lean into nostalgia for people like, well, me, and it certainly fits the mood, but I wonder if they should have worked harder to establish their own identity. But that’s a minor quibble at best, barely a nitpick. 
So yeah, I’m on board. Let’s see where this goes.
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stone-man-warrior · 3 years
February 9, 2021: 1:50 pm:
Trump impeachment trial, in a nutshell:
(Hollywood Suspense Comedy Presentation)
2:00 pm:
2:14 pm:
How many emergency vehicles do you count at this circus of media distraction?
Do you know what really goes on at Inland Regional Center?
I do.
Inland Regional Center is a clearing house where kidnapped US Citizens are processed AFTER the forced experimental surgeries are performed on them. It’s a place where SAG members call on for information about their “Partner” pet people they order, people... citizens, surgically altered to exacting specifications of the SAG actor, musician, clown, magician who orders one as a pet.
I once saw a “Partner”, one called “The Magic 8 Ball” who was a very knowledgeable young lady, her legs and arms amputated, hands re-attached at the shoulder, and she had breasts all around her whole body, I estimate she had 72 breasts attached to her body.
There are “Voyeur” websites, where they claim that regular people have made cameras in their homes available for view online, and those are the places where snuff movies are done live, and, where sex acts with a “Partner” are also performed live. The video feed is masked with a variety of false IP routing such that it would take hours or days to trace the source physical address, Google is able to arrange that kind of routing services for live snuff movies. I saw that “Magic 8 Ball” girl at a Voyeur website and in person in Oregon.
This Inland Regional Center is one of many places where arrangements for production and distribution of such kidnapped victims is done.
That is why so many “Emergency Response Vehicles” showed up there. I suspect some investigative persons, or maybe a curious citizen happened to go in there, without being prepared for reality.
This same kind of activity happened at least twice at Inland Regional Center, almost exactly the same way each time.
That place is located at a Gypsum Mine. There is a road that goes around the small mountain where the Gypsum Mine is at, and those who drive on that road, are captured and taken to Inland Regional Center.
When news about Gavin newsome happens, sometimes it’s really news about that Gypsum Mine, and by extension, is news about Inland Regional Center.
Gavin is in the news at @ Psaki WH Spox @PressSec Twitter account today.
There must be some Drywall on the loose.
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3:55 pm:
A personal anecdote about an enlightening experience I encountered in around 2003 or so:
I received a call from someone claiming to be my father, it sounded like him, so, I listened as he told me I had won a contest, a small pop-up tent trailer is what was said I had won. I didn‘t enter any such contest, so, it was weird. But, after many repeated calls, to say I needed to go pick up this trailer, after about three or four months, I decided to go get the Quest brand, small, pop-up tent trailer that he insisted I had won, and had been stored at some persons house, who needed it moved away, so, I was pressured in a few different ways to go get this small pop-up tent trailer.
It was in California, nearby Hollywood, I had to drive to Southern California to get the thing.
I decided to make an adventure out of it, I had a girlfriend at the time, and we went to California to find the pop-up tent trailer. It was being stored at the home of a man by the name of Harry Stark, so, we went there.
On the way, I stopped at some of my old friends homes, it was weird, everyone seemed nervous.
My girlfriend and I went to a place called Vintage King Audio on Sunset Blvd, to look at what music equipment they might have that I might want. Out front of Vintage King Audio was a gal with a baby stroller, who was freaking out about the baby, who was not in the baby stroller, she was going into the nearby stores, and looking inside of all of the cars parked there to find the baby.
I asked her what was wrong, she said her baby is gone, and proceeded to keep looking for the baby.
I went into Vintage King Audio, there is or was a glass wall divider between two parts of the store, and in there was someone beating the living daylight out of a small infant baby.
I looked around, in all of the other small places there are there, a speaker showroom, and a microphone show room area, and noticed that there is nothing in Vintage King Audio that a regular musician can afford, a small patch cable costs about $50 at VKA, so, I left, and called the police about the man beating the baby to death inside the store.
We picked up the trailer, and headed for Santa Monica Pier, to park and get some rest, but that did not work, there were people who came and parked right next to us, in a parking lot that was completely empty, hundreds of available parking spots, and these assholes all wanted to park right next to us where we trying to take a nap after driving for twelve hours and picking up that trailer. When we left Harry Stark’s house, there was a young boy inside my van as we left, I have no idea where he came from, or why he was inside my van. It was weird, so, I asked what he is doing in the van, he said a bunch of things that did not make sense at the time, but they do now. He said he wanted to go home, and begged me not to call the police, so, I took him where he wanted to go, and dropped him off, he was scared, about ten years old.
On the way to the Pier, after calling the Los Angeles 911 about the baby at VKA, on Sunset, there was a road block of about 30 police cars, and some motorcycle police nearby Pacific Palisades. We had to wait while Kobi Briant and a whole bunch of Basketball stars and movie stars in big black limousines exited that neighborhood in Pacific Palisades.
And that’s what happened.
I don‘t have a conclusion.
Lot’s more happened that few days in California, all of it was very strange.
4:36 pm:
This below is Boris Johnson trying to reach a terror soldier by the name of Clyde Baum of 333 Jackpine Dr.
If you think you know more about this than I do, then you can read the face value, and be entertained.
Otherwise, trust me, it’s about Clyde, and by extension, is about Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles, specifically the one in Grants Pass on Beacon Dr., and, the underground facility that exists there under the adjacent Cartwright’s Sandwich Shop, and that will lead to Cartwright’s Meat Butcher Shop at the end of Union Ave. and that leads to JD’s Sports Bar (also is widely featured in coded news on Twitter today) and that will lead to Asante Health Three Rivers Medical Center, and that leads to Oregon Health Science University Hospital, Doernbecker Children’s Hospital, Shriner’s Children‘s Hospital, and the Veteran‘s Administration Hospital, all of which are at the OHSU campus.
All of that, is of concern to Boris Johnson, and he needs to reach Clyde Baum, so he can find out why Janice “Jay-Bob” Freeberg, General of the Terror Air Force, is not answering her secret communication devices that are connected to Boris Johnson‘s office, Trudeau’s Office, Eastwood Guitars Office, and Windsor Castle and the House of Lords.
(this is dangerous stuff to say, I have no help, there are no US Public Safety, so, please send some help. You need to send US Military if any are left alive, there are no more US national Guard, all were killed and replaced with Canadians and Screen Actor Guild members.)
Besides the specifics of Clyde Baum, there is that layout arrangement that is being used broadly on Twitter and in the Google Gmail. The layout detail of two separate paragraphs is a recent addition to tweets made by leading terror operatives on Twitter. See that Boris uses two fairly equal paragraphs, and he points out two other fairly equal sized paragraphs. That, means “Equestrian”, and that means “Two-Horse Power”, and that could be “Briggs & Stratton“ or “Tecumsa”, four stroke two-horse power motors. That means “Royal Canadian Mounted Police”. So again, if you think you know more about real terror on global level than I do, then go ahead and be entertained at the Show where the fake impeachment trial was put there for your viewing enjoyment while this other communication and activity is taking place.
I suspect the Tweet is also directed at Monroe, and Chapman terror cells.
“Have a nice day, welcome to Jamaica”
I suspect by the end of tomorrow, there will be much about RocketDyne in Simi Valley, and Raytheon in Colorado, possibly some nasa news, but Simi Valley and Raytheon Colorado is more important.
Twitter MUST be taken offline right now, there is no other way to slow the advance of the Global Domination being waged by Britain/SAG/Vatican forces with a trained army from Canada to take over USA. nitrous oxide is their main offensive weapon, Medazolam mixed in is of higher command level uses, a variety of “boutique” airborne gasses that produce immediate symptoms that prevent people from defending themselves.
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5:13 pm:
Additionally, there is some set-up work being done with Joe Bonamassa news in the email promotions.
The set-up is for other communication shell language for some time in the near future to be used by Twitter news media.
“Datsun 210″ is the shell.
So, some things to consider are Pearl Harbor, Japan, and Zero’s, fake ones fitted with Mercedes Benz of Rolls Royce motors, I forget which ones were used.
Also, consider the shape of the Datsun 210, the old ones are sought after, are square, boxy looking little cars, are very cool. That is going to lead to the 1959 - 1961 Ford Thunderbird, is called a “Box Bird” by enthusiasts. That will take you to the 1960′s era Lincoln Continental, JFK assassination, and to Main Street USA at Disneyland where Micheal Eisner has a secret office inside of the Gettysberg Address Lincoln attraction there, and that place is a place where experimental surgery victims are tested, and observed.
The Datsun 210 Comm shell is also a B-210 shell. That is going to lead to the band “B-52′s” and a song called “Planet Claire”, where Claire drives a Plymouth Satellite. That is going to be a complicated mess that makes everything else seem simple if it reaches the Planet Clair level of communications, where the satellites are Boeing 737 or other airplanes filled with Mustard Gas and flying around dropping large loads of poison gasses on the populations of the targeted parts of the world. The “B-52″ part is also leading to Josephine County Sheriff’s office building, the way it was originally built before it exploded, twice... there are no records of any explosions having taken place there, but, the whole building exploded, twice over the past 12 - 15 years or so.
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I designed that building in around 1998 - 2001 while held captive by the terror army, they wanted maximum windows, so, I gave them windows, and hid a B-2 Bomber in the design so that I could maybe get some help. The wing of a B-2 Bomber should fit real good when over-layed on top of that Josephine County Sheriff Office building.
Since then, the building has exploded twice, been rebuilt differently. That is the current Google Map view, is not the same as what exists there today. There is a great big County Jail attached to that now, is an extermination center.
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The Joe Bonamassa email today, is setting up a comm shell language to use at a later time. The shell language will be complex, based on a simple little Japanese car, one that is very boxy, and square looking, and is a desirable little car to have.
That Datsun 210 is going to also lead to the Volkswagen Type III notchback for even more secret communication shell language to use as a basis.
5:54 pm:
---------------------------------------------------------------- Ohio =====================================
Ohio -----------------------------------------------------------------
They are Hot Rods, get in and drive them.
T-Bucket Roadsters
PS: You have to do math in order to turn a Datsun into a Type III.
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6:09 pm:
Los Angeles Times Twitter Verified Account is calling for some Damage Control Distraction nbc/Universal/Comcast style, with big guns.
Pete Santilli will be here shortly. He carries a Pocket Constitution, and hands them out to anyone who wants one. Hardly anyone cares about the US Constitution enough to save it, enough to read it, enough to know that without some kind of structure where people are guaranteed some freedom, while being held accountable for their actions should those actions harm others ... without a constitution of agreed rules, then everyone will be held in captivity, where there are no rules.
Absence of Freedom is the presence of captivity.
The SAG terror cells have it worked out where if someone mentions the US Constitution, that must mean that those people are terrorists, and a constitutional statement is deemed as automatically associated with some kind of anti-USA militia. They have it worked out where the media is in control, and media representatives from nbc/Universal/Comcast are able to take possession of a obscure US Park refuge, while making that look huge, but in contrast to reality, that is small potatoes.
The bastards took over most or all of the US Military and national Guard bases, and filled them up with Canadian impostors playing role of US military personnel, and Screen Actor Guild Actors playing role of the commanding officers at the hijacked bases on the west coast.
They did that, then presented Malheur wildlife refuge take over by a bunch of farmers, and everyone believed it, because they saw it on TV news.
Nancy Sinatra must have received a memo from Ann Wilson and Roger Waters who are at Kauai Ranch running things from the most beautiful place in USA, the Island of Kauai. They are totally protected from surprises there, while they destroy the continental USA in league with Britain and Vatican.
The Fat Lady on the Island, is doing some singing, and LA Times has been selected to run the Distraction Play.
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6:37 pm:
This is what really happened with the Pete Santilli Show in Harney County Oregon:
Someone, maybe it was me, contacted FBI at FBI.Tips.Gov, to report mass murder and terror take over happening in Oregon.
FBI officials did not pay attention to the details that were presented, which include that all of the public safety and Oregon government have been taken over and are occupied by leaders of a vast terror army, so, the FBI, foolishly contacted those Oregon public safety officials to ask them very politely if they are terrorists who took over, and asked them permission to come and have look around. So, of course, those terror operatives simply gave the fools at FBI.Tips.Gov something to have a look at, and rolled out the Malheur Wildlife Refuge Occupation, claiming that the person who reported the state takeover was mistaken, and was scared to say that the problem is in Harney County, where that persons girlfriend lived at the time, Emily Periman, AKA: Emily Smith. So, a bunch of FBI fools went to Harney County Oregon, where a big giant circus performance of thousands of entertainers from Universal Studios Theme Park showed up to give the FBI fools something to look at, while luring all of them into traps, where they were all killed and replaced with actors from Screen Actor Guild, and some Royal Canadian Mounted Police were tossed into the mix as the muscle behind the extravaganza.
That is the short explanation of reality.
All the fools had to do, is read the information that was presented to them, and behave in such a way as the information handed to them warranted.
Instead of reading and understanding the circumstance, the fools were all killed and replaced, because they insist on being fooled all of the time, cannot read, don‘t understand real terrorism, they love Betty White and Tom Hanks too much, and cannot see that those two are only a tiny little part of a much more gigantic threat to the USA and the Freedom the citizens once knew.
now, we are all fucked, there is Corona Virus, and if anyone does not pass the COVID test, to agree to become a terror soldier, they are all killed.
All because when the FBI had the chance to stop all of that many years ago, they trusted the terror army more than they trusted the victims of the terrorism.
USA national security are disabled, they are not able to do their jobs due to a mental condition that prevents them from seeing what has been happening in front of them, and is even presented on network television for them to see.
Disabled, utterly and completely useless due to mental conditions, are a danger to themselves and those around them. In that way, our US national security is in league with, and assists the terror army to take over USA, kill and replace the population, and in fact kill and replace the national security personnel and their extended families, and they still won‘t do their jobs.
7:31 pm:
The terror army are pirates.
The whole premise of the Christian religion is front for piracy from Day One, literally, since day one.
They collect souls. They hunt for “Jesus”, as many Jesus’ as is possible, they need the Jesus’ to power the boat to advance the terror, towards Global Domination Under the Cross.
The “Cross” is the mast of the pirate ship where all of the Jesus’ are nailed to, to catch wind, to move the boat forward, to collect more Jesus’, to nail to the mast, to catch wind, to move the boat forward... etc, forever...
This tweet below, is British way of saying to protect the boat.
The way the symbolism works, is that the spent, used up Jesus’, are placed all around the boat, as a shield from incoming cannon fire on the high seas. It’s a shell of language that has been used for centuries, that the spent Jesus’ are to protect the boat by taking the incoming rounds. Like Balistic Gel, they absorb any kind of retaliation to the advance of the Christian Pirate Ship.
So, it’s all symbolic as presented there on Twitter from BBC news, however, the communication reads that the “Spent Jesus” are to protect the boat, so, that could be a call to make a Schul Schut, one that produces dead victims in a news story, one that draws national or global attention, so that all eyes will be focused on one very small, highly controlled situation as a distractible measure while other damage control is rolled out at the source of the problem the pirates are experiencing.
How many ways can symbolic human cladding around a pirate ship be turned into a reality?
I don‘t know, the possibilities are endless. What we all know is that the same formulas for distractions have been used for many decades, the Schul Schut formula works good for drawing attention, it comes out of the blue, is not expected, and always seems to produce a situation where there is an anniversary every year afterwords of the tragic events that take place. All you have to do to see every last anniversary of tragedy ever, is scroll down the POTUS Twitter account, or scroll down the US State Department Twitter account, and there you will find all of the different kinds of special Schul Schut style tragedy that ever occurred, because those offices love to celebrate their achievements, and they do so by attending ceremonial remembrance day events. Anything from airplane crashes, to dam failure, to mall shooting is celebrated at annual remembrance day events by POTUS and State Department, UN security council also participates.
So, in order to anticipate what Boris Johnson, House of Lords, Windsor Castle, and the Vatican have in mind with that Greenfeild Tower Cladding to protect the Christian Pirate Ship, currently is the Eleanor Rigby captained by Boris Johnson, and the Flying V captained by “The Jim Dunlop”, we need to study what has already happened before. If they are in a hurry, if they are pressured, it will be a pre-packaged event, one that has already proven successful, and is easy and quick to deploy.
For terror comm purpose that advance the Global Domination, as you read here already I am confidant, the Eleanor Rigby is a submarine of a pirate ship, has characteristics of that of a submarine, “stealth from below” in every way, including that nitrous gas is released quietly from rectally holstered tanks by terror soldiers.
Also, the “Flying V” seems to be a “Ghost Ship” for communication purposes. My read about that can be best described with idea that a police officer is warranted to commandeer any vehicle if the need for the vehicle arises in an emergency. So, the “Flying V” is any and all vehicles, as needed, is the way it looks to me so far.
They are specifying cash. That = C + Ash = Big Fucking Fire.
There are more than one kind of fire. I am concerned about the set-up that has already shown to exist for a fire at my house, clues towards that end have been developing for a number of weeks now, as a warning, because they know I can read their language.
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More about “Commandeer” of a vehicle, airplanes included:
Look at Malhuer Wildlife Refuge news stories, there are instances in the news when people who looked like US national Guard made some road blocks to the area, residents who lived near there were told to get out of their cars, then, the person who appeared as a US Guard serviceman got into the car, only to drive the car about one hundred feet forward, then get out to let the car owner have the car back, and leave to go back into the neighborhood they lived.
Of course that was all bullshit at it’s face value, what it really was is instructions to terror soldiers to take advantage of the situation presented by the fools at FBI who insisted on looking at something, and subsequently were provided with that circus for them to observe. The terror soldiers were instructed to simply get some military uniforms from the Army-navy surplus store, and barrow some traffic cones from ODOT to set up some fake road blocks, to “Commandeer” some access to the housing in Harney County, take victims, gain more votes for the SAG shills on the ballots. The video parts were just instructional, we were not presented with a view of what the outcome of those instructions were for.
none of the Oregon State Police at that fiasco were real police, they were RCMP and Screen Actor Guild actors.
That one guy that was shown to have been shot and killed after crashing the car in the snow, is still alive. He was not killed, it was an act, and that guy showed up in Grants Pass in the weeks that followed the event where they said he was dead. That makes for a handy situation, where the dead guy, is not dead, and can be anywhere, and be anyone, doing any kind of thing, while everyone assumes he was killed.
The situation when that one guy was shown to have been killed is like this:
He wants to go talk to the Sheriff, is on the way, has an appointment to see the Sheriff.
Everyone in Oregon is either a slave terror operative, or is a Canadian terror soldier who controls the slave operatives.
The message presented in the news broadcast effectively tells all of the slave operatives not to even think about approaching the FBI who were there to try to warn them, or to try to get some help from them.
“Don‘t make any appointments to talk with any law enforcement or public safety persons that you may be tempted to try to contact, it will work out bad for you.”
That is the message told on the news to millions of slave operative “COVID Compliant Equivalent” slave people in Oregon.
The BBC Tweet is a personal threat of a fire at my house. They know I can read what they wrote, they set up that Tweet with actual “Bill Increase” in my “Farmers Insurance” property insurance, which is under terror occupation and control, and was increased more than any other previous increase in premium this past month.
It went up by only about twenty dollars, but, that is a big monthly increase, and is one that is a ‘1020″ at my house.
Fucking limeys, they will make for good anchors, and some might be used as ballast to right the USA ship.
9:23 pm:
Local Conditions:
30 degrees, clear skies, absence of wind. Feels much colder than the thermometer indicates.
There are people at Strong’s terror cell working with Chartrand’s terror cell waiting for me to step out onto the roadway area to check my mailbox to shoot, set me up for some crime, or try to run me over.
There is increased activity showing at Myers 560 nbc/Universal/Comcast/Kroger Foods (Fred Meyer) terror cell.
I declined the invitation.
There is a airborne gas deployed in my driveway that makes immediate double vision, blurry vision, has no odor that I can determine.
As I  reported here before, the terror army roped me into replacing my thermostat that operates my forced air heating unit from a bi-metal one that was good, to a digital one that claimed better efficiency and more functionality, was a big mistake to allow that to happen, and they took away the original thermostat. This one is a Honeywell Thermostat, has hidden remote control operation such that a terror soldier who has the correct iPhone App can operate features of the heating and air conditioning system. They have been changing the way the heating unit components work all winter and the winters of the past since the thing was installed. The hidden remote control functionality is far more intricate than I had previously mentioned. So far, I can see that the outdoor compressor unit control is very component oriented, they are able to not only control the operation of the unit, but the individual parts of the operation of the unit are being controlled with the hidden remote operation from the Honeywell thermostat. There are some copper tubes that are around the perimeter of that compressor, in the past when the thing worked correctly, I could see that there are at least two individual circuits of freeon flow that runs through those copper tubes for doing things like preventing ice buildup around the fins of the unit, so, now I can see that those individual copper tube freeon circuits are being controlled individually with use of the hidden remote functionality. All winter long, none of those circuits of freeon flow have been working, and the thing has been caked with solid ice, while terror soldiers are spraying water onto the thing while I am inside the house to make more ice build up around it. Today and yesterday, that cake of ice has been melted away only at the highest loop of copper tubes where the freeon goes around to melt the ice. The rest of the unit is all caked with ice, even though I used a water hose to melt all of the ice away last week, the ice all returned within a day. now, the top level of copper is melted, while the other parts below are still caked with ice. So, I know the system would work if the thermostat was not being used to control intricate individual parts of the mechanics of the the thing, I can hear the thermostat being changed, it makes clicking sounds when someone is using the hidden remote frequency to change the individual operational components. I have seen that the temperature reading of the inside of the house changes as much as five degrees within a second when I hear the thing making the clicking sounds, and have a look at what the thermostat is saying.
There are numerous electronic gadgets being used to spy on me, and to make life more miserable than it already is.
There is no help anywhere around here. no signs of any help. There is more than an absence of helpful people, as the situation is that there is a Vacuum of helpful people.
Also notable is two incoming phone calls from this number:
541-566-4203 at 10:21 am and again at 2:44 pm,
541-403-9415 called 2-3-2021 at 8:40 am
Other than those two incoming calls the only other calls or texts this month have been from Pain Specialists of Southern Oregon who have sent numerous texts, emails, and incoming phone calls to a point of harassment and the information presented in the text is the appointment day and time, and the email they send always puts my name, appointment day and time right there on the title of the email. It’s not exactly private.
I also received numerous incoming calls from Walgreen‘s pharmacy, though I asked them to take me off of the phone reminder system, and I have no business with them at the time the calls and texts come in.
Walgreen‘s is run by Ann Wilson’s personal assistant terror cell members, and that, like all of the information here on this account, is part of real terrorism that includes mass murder of Medicare beneficiaries. no one is interested because she sings really good.
To get away with mass murder in USA, take some singing lessons, or, just wing it, and start belting out a tune, then, you can kill all of the old people your heart desires.
11:06 pm:
This below is command orders to have Janice “Jay-Bob” Freeberg’s personal Pixel Suit electronic camouflage suit given to someone else who it will fit. They are usually custom tailored per each terror soldiers measurements, however there are some around that Mike Pence brought last year that are not custom tailored, are some other sizing arrangement.
Jay Freeberg’s nitrous oxide tank ignited last night, she or whoever has been portraying Janice Freeberg is presumed to have died when her nitrous tank ignited by my Bic Lighter near the mailboxes last night. I was able to see the flame of the lighter catch the cloud of gas she left behind and chase after her as she drove away to her gate. The tank exploded with a loud Pop! and a bright flash of light. The words: “C’est Chaud! were shouted just a second prior to the Pop! sound and the flash of light that occurred when she burst into bits inside of her car at her garage while I observed from the mailbox area on Jackpine in front of my house.
There was also talk of Jay Freeberg having “Burst” (is a technical terror term, nsa should write that one down, that one is useful) by the current Deb Monroe who was speaking to some others who responded to Deb from the Strong terror cell at 3747 Russell Road.
So, I witnessed the explosion, heard the “C’est Chaud” (That’s Hot! in French) and saw the flash, then heard from two sources that “Jay-Bob Burst”.
I suspect Janice Freeberg is dead based on that.
ABC news says her Pixel Suit should be passed on to someone who it will fit.
It’s a “Smart Suit”, in case you need a head start to read the terror comm on Twitter, where terror orders are made daily, hourly, by the minute for killing and replacing US Citizens nation wide without any resistance from anywhere since before Twitter was made publicly available in 2009 when Beta Twitter was rolled out as a command center for killing off the remaining Oregon population.
There are no US public safety personel, so, it’s up to the citizens to decide if they are going to continue to allow Twitter and Google and news media kill everyone.
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Here is the source of the orders to pass along Janice Freeberg’s Pixel Suit. I suspect it is one of the one’s that Mike Pence brought with him when he and Karen Pence and Mike Pompeo came to kill me last year. They brought many Pixel Suits, ones that are not custom fitted per each terror soldier, but rather are like “Large”, “Medium” and “Small” sizing of electronic wearable video screen fabric that makes the wearing as invisible as can be immagined, and they are operated by multiple iPhones that are integral to the Pixel Suits. The latest ones require an individual iPhone per each arm, each leg, front torso, back torso, and one additional iPhone as a main operation unit that ties them all together as a single unit for controlling the features of the Pixel Suits.
In the past, the older ones require seven iPhones to operate one Pixel Suit, those ones were grey in color when not turned on, and had a fish scale or lizard skin appearance to them when not in use. The latest ones are smooth and black in color when not in use and are turned off.
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notice that they are standing on a Walmart Air Ya Rug (area rug).
Walmart Sun Shine Flower Logo, a gold one, not the rainbow kind.
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
E3’s ceaselessly franchises and Elon Musk’s submersible Tesla – TechCrunch
http://tinyurl.com/y4u3sgf9 Hey, weekend readers. That is Week-in-Evaluate the place I get hopped up on caffeine and provides a heavy quantity of study on one story whereas scouring the remainder of the tons of of tales that emerged on TechCrunch this week to floor my favorites to your studying pleasure. Final week, I railed on Google’s new Stadia game streaming platform. The injection of competitors into the drained PlayStation/Xbox gaming rivalry is actually welcome, however Google is making such a concerted play into a good area of interest that it’s laborious to think about them following via. I bought some nice emails and DMs with a whole lot of good back-and-forth, most notably declaring that I didn’t give Google credit score for a few of the particulars they did give on multi-player, I additionally bought some much less useful responses, however hey, I assume I’m the one which requested for the suggestions. On that observe, take a look at my comparison of Stadia with Microsoft’s new xCloud service that they revealed this week. Alright, onto new issues. Really, let’s dig into my week on the E3 gaming expo. I swear this isn’t solely a gaming publication, however let’s speak ceaselessly franchises… I spent the previous few days on the present flooring of the convention testing what the most recent and best gaming developments had been, what I noticed appeared fairly acquainted although. Entrenched franchises are a particular form of pressure within the gaming trade. Strolling round it was wild how so many of those studios are coasting off of 20 or 30-year-old characters and storylines. Sega had an enormous sales space this 12 months exhibiting off some reskinned Sonic the Hedgehog shit. Watching the Sq. Enix keynote was a particular form of hell, I admittedly should not have a really non secular connection to the studio, however their bulletins had been all associated to reboots, rehashes or remasters. Nintendo, which I dearly love, dug into the success of Breath of the Wild by promising a direct sequel for the title, one thing that’s a bit uncommon for the Zelda collection, Jesus, even Animal Crossing is almost a 20-year franchise at this level! Each giant sales space dragged avid gamers’ consideration to one thing spinoff. This clearly isn’t some kind of breaking information, however because the years stretch on from the gaming trade’s conception, it’s fascinating to see how the founding franchises are holding their shine. What’s fascinating is how this impacts the growth and bust life cycles of recreation studios and big publishers. Whereas bigger film studios have to continually be vetting new tentpole franchises, as soon as recreation studios discover a hit they be a part of this membership of mainstays the place the marks of success turn out to be extra depending on artistic execution slightly than creativity itself. This could make life fairly worthwhile for studios like Rovio that strike gold and may spend a decade milking their former glory and fading out, nevertheless it’s nonetheless fascinating. It additionally makes the introduction of recent IP such a nerve-racking, excessive stakes course of. You have a look at somebody like Hideo Kojima and the excitement Sony has been attempting to construct round Demise Stranding and also you simply understand how insanely advanced it’s to craft a success with nothing however advertising and marketing and speaking head hype. Phrase of mouth and community results construct these franchises over time, however there’s a lot invested beforehand and for brand new IP, it’s laborious to ensure a winner. Why does Toy Story fade after just a few movies however a singular piece of gaming IP can suck tons of of hours out of a gamer’s life over a number of releases? I’d think about having the ability to maintain a job within the development of a personality fosters a more in-depth bond with the consumer, gameplay could be dozens of hours lengthy however as a rule the storyline is fairly straight-forward main you to fill within the blanks, which could be highly effective. Video games are essentially extra than simply tales. However then, as I walked round and watched gameplay and cinematic trailers, I used to be left with the takeaway that a lot of the dialogue in a few of these video games is rubbish. When are the writers behind the “golden age of TV” going to trickle down into crafting a few of these single-player campaigns? However then are extra wealthy and rewarding storylines going to trigger these franchises to have shorter shelf lives as a result of we’ll get to know the characters too nicely? I don’t actually know, when you work within the video games trade I’d love to select your mind. Ship me suggestionson Twitter @lucasmtny or e [email protected] On to the remainder of the week’s information. (Photograph by Steve Jennings/Getty Pictures for TechCrunch) Tendencies of the week Listed below are just a few massive information gadgets from massive corporations, with inexperienced hyperlinks to all of the candy, candy added context. Salesforce buys TableauMarc Benioff is understood to sign Salesforce’s future through its M&A, so the corporate’s largest acquisition to this point might be value taking a more in-depth have a look at. Read why Salesforce is spending $15.7 billion on Seattle-based Tableau. Samsung will get able to re-release its Foldy telephoneThe Galaxy Fold has had a fairly raucous life within the press and it hasn’t even efficiently been launched but. Read more about its coming launch. Musk’s Tesla submarineIt wouldn’t be a Tesla shareholder assembly if some weird headlines didn’t floor. Apparently Musk claims that the corporate has car designs for a submersible Tesla primarily based on the aquatic automotive from the James Bond film. Musk stated it’s technically potential to make a functioning model, however added, “I feel the marketplace for this may be small — small, however enthusiastic.” Learn extra here. GAFA Gaffes How did the highest tech corporations screw up this week? This clearly wants its personal part, so as of awfulness: YouTube CEO serves up an “apology”:[YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki addresses hate speech controversy] Deepf**ked:[Facebook will not remove deepfakes of Mark Zuckerberg and others from Instagram] Further Crunch Our premium subscription service had one other week of fascinating deep dives. TechCrunch’s Sarah Buhr chatted with some enterprise capitalists which might be investing in feminine fertility startups and tried to unravel what alerts they seek for. “…Long run, girls’s well being has a particular curiosity: a brand new understanding of ladies’s reproductive well being will generate novel insights into different domains, together with longevity…” Listed below are a few of our different high reads this week for premium subscribers. This week TechCrunch writers talked a bit the way forward for automotive possession, and whether or not folks elevating enterprise capital ought to even hassle coping with associates on the corporations… Need to learn some of these items, however haven’t signed up? We’ve got a deal going the place you may join $2 and get two months of Further Crunch. Source link
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